Mr Black Sings a Sad Song

By moc.loa@nootacceMneerG

Published on Nov 27, 2004


This story is purely fictional. If you are not over the age of 18 or are opposed to this type of material please Do Not Read It. Also this story belongs to Green and reproductions without permission are not allowed.

Hi this is my story Mr. Black Sings A Sad Song. Please tell me what you think. Email me

I would like to thank George Z for editing this story.

Mr Black Sings A Sad Song By: Green

Chapter 2

I was ready. I heard the footsteps coming. The tension intensified as he got closer. "Brian!" He called. Oh did I remember the anger in that voice. I looked away from the window as he walked into my room. Tim looked ready to shit his pants. "Brian!"

I saw a flash of anger on his face when I didn't answer him. He walked closer to me. "You know I will not call you a third time. I expect an answer when I call you. Are we clear Brian?" He said as he grabbed my arm.

"Listen I don't need to do shit and you grab me like that again I will punch you across the face. I don't give a shit who you are." I saw the anger seep from him like lava from a volcano. Tim looked at me with fear.

"Young man you are a part of this family. I expect you to act as such."

"What? You expect me to act like an asshole. I don't owe this family shit. I'm not here because I want to be and I ain't going to pretend just for your sake," I yelled. that seemed to get him down right furious. He turned around and walked out of the room.

"Oh my god," Said Tim. "I've never seen him that furious in my life. Not even when I told him I was quitting football."

One thing I hated was being touched. I had gone through a lot when I lived on the street. It was the one thing that brought me over the edge. If that old fart wanted a fight I was ready to give it to him.

We made our way downstairs. My parents were getting ready to go to church. My grandfather was yelling at my mother. Kim and Kelly were having a conversation with my grandmother. Dad looked at me. "Brian!" yelled my grandmother. "Oh Brian." She said as she made her way towards me. She hugged me. I let her do it but I wasn't really ready to reciprocate. "Oh my have you grown. And that hair it looks good on you," She said to my surprise.

"You like My hair?" I asked.

"Yeah it's you."

"But Grandpa," I started to say but she cut me off.

"Don't worry about him. He can't expect you all to be him. Besides how would I tell you guys apart. You are almost Tim's copy. Oh dear but you are going to need to change that shirt. We are going to church honey."

I changed into a nice white shirt I found In the closet. "That looks nice on you," said Lisa. "Mom asked me to tell you to grab one of the jackets she got you." I looked in the closet and picked out a black jacket.

"I cant believe everyone still goes to church."

"Well at this point it's just a matter of habit. Mom and Dad want to present you at our new church."

"What? "

"Hey we all had to do it."

"Yeah but that is where you and me differ. Come on let's get tortured."

The church was one of those fancy new age looking churches with the huge windows.  It was huge. There was a bunch of people outside greeting each other as we pulled up.

"Here goes nothing," I said to Tim as we got out of his car.

Grandpa was still fuming. Grandma just smiled at me. I couldn't believe how nice she was being to me. I made a mental note to ask her why later. I heard Grandpa make a comment about my hair. I gave him a nasty look that made him back off a little. I knew he just didn't want to make a scene at church. I was going to get it later.

Mom and dad introduced me to an endless amount of people. Everyone of them was a copy of our family minus me off course. My grandfather forced a smile as they greeted me. I could really care less who these people where. I knew I wouldn't remember them anyways.

"Hello pastor Shaw,"said my mother.

"Mrs Black. How are you. I heard you've had good news."

"Oh yes. I would like you to meet my son, Brian."

God was going to strike me because I was totally checking out this guy. He was hot. "Hi, and the prodigal son returns," he said as he extended his hand to me. "Call me Dave." I shook his hand and smiled politely. "I hear that you have a set of pipes on you."

When I was younger I used to sing in the choir at my old church. Every time I sang I felt like I was free. When I was on the street I used to sing for my friends. Especially Brady. He loved my singing.

"Why don't you sing for us today In church?" He asked I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"I don't think he's ready for that just yet," said my father to my relief. "Hello Pastor Shaw."

"Mr. Black how are you? I see the in laws are here to share with us."

"Yes. We are having lunch together after the service. Why don't you join us?"

"Oh I would love that but I have to tend to the teen choir today we have auditions. I would like it if your son Would join us someday."

"Maybe another time I haven't sung in a long time," I said. He seemed satisfied. I really wasn't about to sing to a hundred people I did not know.

The service wasn't as boring as I thought it was going to be. Pastor Shaw spoke effortlessly to the congregation. Everybody listened to him attentively. "He's kinda hot isn't he?" asked Lisa as we left the church.

"Uh huh. Isn't it a sin to like the pastor like that."

"Wait till you see his son. Oh there he is." She motioned for him to come closer. "He is your new tutor."

The words tall, dark, and handsome came to mind. It was like the younger hotter version of pastor shaw. I was transfixed as he got closer to us. "Hi Lisa," He said as he approached us.

"Hi Tyler. This is my brother Brian."

"Hi," I said.

He smiled and extended his hand towards me. "Hi Brian. I hope you liked the sermon." I nodded. "We have choir auditions today. My father wants us ready for Christmas."

"Oh are you still coming by tonight?" Lisa asked him.

"Yeah I should be by around five. Your father says there is quite a lot of work to cover and we only have a month," He said to me.

"My father wants me to be a sophomore when school starts again after the break. I don't know how he expects to pull that off."

"Don't worry we'll get you in as a sophomore. We just need to work hard at it."

"Brian? Lisa? We're leaving," Yelled my mother.

"Hey we have to go but I will see you tonight."

Lunch was an ordeal. We all sat around the table as my mother and grandmother placed plates of food before us. My grandfather was still glaring at me. He looked like he was having a heart attack. I could only hope.

"Here honey," said my mother as she placed a giant plate of food before me. I looked at the food. I was hungry but the food looked scary. I think I ate better when I was out on the street. Tim had the same look on his face. "I'm going to take you out tomorrow to get some things. I need to get you a cell phone."

"What he needs Is a hair cut," Grandpa added. He was never really a subtle man. I glared at him and I gripped my butter knife.

"James leave the boy alone," said my grandmother. "What he needs is our support now."

"What he needs is a good old fashioned beating," he muttered.

"You touch me and I will take this knife and stab you with it!" I yelled back.

"Brian!" Yelled my father.

I learned one thing in the last couple of years. Never back away from a fight. I had been in numerous fights and I never backed away from one. You had a reputation to keep on the streets. It was the way you survived.

"Listen to me you little shit. I knew you would never amount to much. I saw it in you when nobody else saw it. I'll be damned if I have one of you disgusting," He got out before I cut him off.

"What? Disgusting what. You mean faggot right. You know what? I don't have to answer to you or any of you. I answer to me and just me. I'm not here because I want to be. I'm here because it's either this or juvenile hall. Right now though I think that's a better choice."

He Grabbed my arm. "If you even talk to me that way again I will beat the faggot out of you boy." I punched him across The face.

"I told you not to touch me!" I yelled.

I walked away from the table and threw the knife back. I ran up to the attic and headed up to the roof. When I got there I totally broke down. Why was living with his family an uphill struggle. Kelly came up and sat next to me. "I don't like him either." I kissed her head as I cried.

"Brian I don't want you to leave."

"I won't Kelly. I promise." I didn't know if I could keep that promise.

"We are putting up the Christmas tree tonight. And I want you there."

We were there for a few minutes when I heard yelling coming from the front. "Don't you ever threaten my son. If I ever see you get near him again I will kill you!" It was my father.  I walked over to the railing. "Get out of my house!" My father was yelling at my grandfather.

"Your son is a faggot. You can't let that boy run around like that."

"Get the fuck out," This time it was my mother who yelled. I covered Kelly's ears. "I don't want you to come around here any more dad!" She yelled at grandpa.

"Come on," I said to Kelly. We walked back downstairs. My mother met me halfway down. She had tears in her eyes.

"Brian can I speak with you please?" I nodded. She led me back upstairs. My father came into the room as we sat on my bed. He locked the door. I was expecting the worst. I saw shadows at the bottom of the bathroom door. I knew my siblings where there.

"Brian I know right now things are confusing. I know that you don't want to be here, but that doesn't mean we don't want you here," said my father. "Your mother and I, well we've learned some things. Especially from your two older siblings that we should have learned a long time ago." He sat next to me. "We looked at ourselves and realized that it was our fault. We never really encouraged or treated you the same. We knew you were different and I guess we didn't know how to deal with that. We are ready now. We want you to be here. We want you to be our son. We  know you are a different person now than what you where back then, but we are ready for that," said my mother.

What where they expecting a parent of the year award after their little speech. I stood from the bed and walked over to the window. I wasn't ready for that. I wanted to run so bad. To go back to Brady. He was so far from me right now. He was where I wanted to be.

"Your mother is right we are here for you," said my father as he held my shoulder.

"We just want you to be our son and we don't expect anything more."

Maybe they were trying, but was I ready to give up just yet? No I was not. I don't melt that easily they had to prove it to me. I smiled at them and gave my father a hug. My mother joined in after. "You guys can come in now," I yelled. Tim, Lisa, Kim and Kelly came bursting in from the bathroom.

"Can I talk to you?" Tim asked my parents.

"Come on let's go finish eating," I said to Kim and Kelly. Lisa followed.

"Oh you should have seen it. Dad was so pissed. I thought he was going to really kill Grandpa," said Lisa as we reached the dining room. "I'm so glad you are here. I believe you are the first to stand up to him."

"Well he deserved it. I told you I was ready for him and if he wanted to mess with me he had another thing coming."

I was surprised to see that my grand mother was still there. She smiled at us as we sat around the table. "Well children that was rough," She said.

"I'm sorry," I said shyly.

She smiled and handed me a plate. "Don't you worry. Grandpa just needs to realize that this family is not his personal army. I lived through thirty six years of that I'm not under his control anymore."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We divorced last year Brian. I couldn't be happier." I smiled and sat next to her.

"Now boy I expect you to fill me in on what's hip. I want to find myself a new man," I almost choked with laughter. Lisa and My grandmother joined also laughed.

We ate in silence as we waited for my parents to finish. "How long do you think it's going to take?" Asked Kim.

"I don't know." I answered as she played with her mashed potatoes.

The door bell rang. "That must be Tyler." Said Lisa as she stood up to get the door bell. I came up behind her.  "Hi Tyler," she said as she opened the door.

"Hey Lisa," he said. "Hello Brian, I'm actually here to apologize. I can't stay tonight. It's just that my dad needs help. I'm sorry."

"It's Okay Tyler," I said.

"Hey why don't you come with me? I'll have you back before late."

"Uh I don't know my parent's."

"He'll go," said Lisa. "I'll tell mom and dad see ya," She said pushing me out the door.

We drove back to the church. He seemed nervous about something. He kept looking at me and then away. "Are you okay?" I asked. He looked away uncomfortably.

"Yeah I'm just stressing over the choir. We don't have a good lead yet and all those that audition are good but not enough to carry the choir."

"And you were hoping I'd audition."

"Uh no, I mean yes but only if you want to I'm not going to force you."

I was really hesitant to do it but it meant that I could spend more time with him. "I'll do it Tyler."

"Really? Thanks Brian I really appreciate that."

He showed me three songs I chose Adeste Fideles. "That's a beautiful song. Are you sure you can sing that?" He asked as I stepped up to the stage. Pastor Shaw came and stood next to him. I began to sing.

"O come, all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant, O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem."

"Ive heard enough, You are my new lead," Said Pastor Shaw. "That was beautifully sung."

"But I only sang the first verse."

"I don't need to hear any more. You are the best that's come here all day. Right Tyler?" Tyler nodded and he smiled. "Don't worry about it you will be great."

"Come on let's try these other song," Said Tyler. I sang the rest of the songs. Pastor shaw chose which ones he would let me sing alone. Christmas mass was three weeks away. I was going to open the show with Adeste Fideles then I would sing Little drummer boy. My last song Was the carol of the bells I was going to sing with the Female Lead and the rest of the Choir would back us off.

"I'm so glad you joined us. I don't know what I would have done if it wasn't for you," Said Connor. "Here I was supposed to tutor you and you end up saving our asses."

"It's OK I just feel like a hypocrite."


"Well I'm not what you would call an avid Church fan."

"Neither am I. I respect that my father is a pastor and I support him. I know that he believes In his religion, but he respects me and my choices."

"Well I think I fall under a separate category than you do."

He seemed to ponder that for a moment and the realizing what I meant he looked at me. I wasn't going to Lie to anyone. If they had a problem they could just keep it to themselves.

"You're gay?"

"Yes Tyler. I am gay. If you have a problem let me know and I can get a new tutor."

"Brian why would I have a problem?" he said as he showed me his pride color bracelet. "I just wouldn't spread that too far here. It could be dangerous."

"Wow does your father know?"

"No I haven't been able to tell him. I don't want to be a disappointment to him."

"I don't like hiding the fact that I'm gay," I said.

"Being the pastor's son it's hard not too."

"I can understand that."

"Come on I'll take you home," Tyler said as he handed me copies of the music I was going to sing.

It was dark out when I got home. I walked inside my grandma was watching cartoons with Kim and Kelly. My father was  making dinner and my mom was bringing cardboard boxes that I assumed where the Christmas decorations. "Hi Brian," said Lisa as she came own the stairs. "Go get ready we have a certain someone to meet tonight."


"We are going to meet Tim's boyfriend."


"Yeah He's going to introduce him to mom and dad then we are going out with him and Tim."

I took a shower and picked out a pair of jeans and a nice shirt."That looks good on you. If I didn't know better I would have thought that you were trying to seduce my boyfriend."


He walked over to the window. "You have such a great view. I can't believe they gave you this room."

"Hey I think I deserve this."

"Hey it's snowing." I walked over to the window. "The lake looks awesome when it snows."

I watched as the flurries fell. It reminded me of Brady. "Brady used to love the snow. He always made snowmen for us." I missed him now more than ever. Tears welled up in my eyes as I noticed a car pull up. "Your Boyfriend is here."

"Hey whenever you want to talk I'm here. I'm going down. I'll see ya in a bit."

I was still thinking of Brady. I met him when the man that kidnapped me left me on the street. I was far away from home In a strange new world. Brady took me under his wing until I had learned to survive. He was everything to me. I cared so much for him that I never called my parents. Even though I could have.

"Brian!" Yelled Lisa. I walked down from the attic  My parents were Giving Connor the third degree as I made it down. Lisa was grinning. Kelly and Kim were still transfixed on the TV they were watching some cartoon about a yellow sponge I haven't seen before.

"Connor? This is Brian,"said Tim I extended my hand to Connor he blushed.

"I'm sorry about the other day. I didn't mean to stare at you," Said Connor I laughed.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you. I just didn't know you," I said as Grandma walked out and introduced herself. He seemed extremely nervous. I pulled Tim aside. "He seems really nice."

"I know I'm so happy. Let's eat. Mom actually let dad cook. This should be interesting to say the least."

For the second time that day we sat at that table as a family. Yet this time it really felt like one. There was no bad feelings or intentions. I was warming up to this family. My parent's were certainly trying. I found a new ally in my grandmother. Soon I would tell them my story. I would tell them about Brady.

"So Connor I hear that you play Soccer for the school," asked my father. Tim just shook his head. Maybe they were being too normal.

"Yeah I'm the goalie," He answered. I'm sure he was wondering what strange world we were from.

"Mom, Dad enough with the third degree," said Tim.

"Hey I'm just making conversation," replied my father as he winked to my mom.

"Hey I have good news," I said hoping they would take it well.

"What's that honey?" asked my mother.

"I'm going to sing with the church choir for Christmas mass."

"Oh dear that's great," Said my grandmother. She stood up and gave me a hug.

"That's is good  news," said my mother. "Do you know what songs you are going to sing?"

I filled them in on the details. My mother offered to get me a vocal coach. My father Called up Pastor Shaw asking him if there was something he could do. After dinner my mother insisted we help set up the Christmas three. I found a glass bulb that had my name etched onto it. "I gave you that when you were seven," Said Grandma as she helped my father hang the lights.

"I remember it. I thought mom had lost it."

"No I just put it away because it was so special and I didn't want you to break it. Mom gave me one just like it when I was a little girl," Said my mother as she brought out another box of ornaments.

"Wow this tree is going to look so good!" Screamed Kelly.

When we were done It looked awesome. My father topped the tree with a big white star that was adorned with lights. It looked really good. Most of the ornaments where white as where the lights.

"Are you ready to go?" asked Lisa.

"Where are we going?" I asked back.

"We are going to a small club I know. It's Karaoke night," I felt like I was going to be ambushed. "It's in the city."

"The City?" I asked. I already had a plan formulating In my mind. Brady was in the city. I had to go see him.

"Yeah you are up for that Right?" Asked  Tim. I nodded. "Okay let's go."

Tim opted to drive again. This time around I sat in the back. Lisa joined me after insisting that Connor should sit in the front. I watched as we approached the city. Brady was In the north of the city. It looked like we were heading in that direction. I needed to see him but I didn't want to ask.

"Where does this boyfriend of yours Reside?" asked Tim.


"Because we are taking you to see him," He said but I couldn't believe it. "Let me know how to get you there and we'll leave you guys alone for a little while then I'll come back for you."

"Yeah We figured you needed him right now," added Lisa. "After then maybe we could meet him."

I gave Tim directions to Where I knew he would be on a Sunday night. He was there on the corner with some other kids. I smiled. I got to see him again. Brady was so close. As I approached I saw something that broke me. He grabbed another boy and kissed him...

A small tear fell from my eye.

Next: Chapter 3

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