Multiplex Sex

By S H

Published on Mar 12, 2023


[As much as I'd like to say otherwise, this story is entirely fictitious. If this offends you or if you are not of legal age to read this story, then please do not read any further. This story contains possibly graphic descriptions of consensual sex and masturbatory fantasies between males. None of this is based on any living person and any similarity to my actual job at a movie theatre is completely coincidental. Really, I mean that.]

Chapter 12 -

So I did what I thought I should have done at that moment. I grabbed a piece of butter, slathered it all over the roll, and took a big healthy bite. "Thanks for the roll, you prick!"

"Well played," Heath said taking a bite of his cheesecake. "Take no shit." We all smiled and finished up our desserts, which tasted...well...catered. I've gone over this haven't I?

Tables were emptying as couples made their way to the dance floor after eating, but we stayed where we were. "I think we should go dance now, you promised me we would," Jeni said as she tugged on Heath's sleeve. Heath just rolled his eyes and removed the napkin from his lap.

"If you insist. You two coming?"

"You want to," Craig turned to me and asked. "I'd really like it."

"I'm, um, not the biggest fan of dancing. Let alone this music. I end up looking like I'm having a seizure out there." Craig's eyes got more and more like a puppy dog as I went on. It was killing me. "But, I'll give it a shot I guess. Only for you though." His face lit up as he grabbed me by the hand and started to lead me to the dance floor, Heath and Jeni followed close behind. The small dance floor in the center of the room was packed with one throbbing mass of overdressed teens sweating and generally having a good time. Heath and Jeni sort of joined the crowd through osmosis. I looked over at Craig and squeezed his hand. "Time to dive in, I guess," I said as he started to lead me to the edge of the dance floor.

"No fucking way," said some random idiot blocking Craig from entering. "You're not dancing here, you're not welcome." Craig let it roll of his back and we walked to another side of the dance floor but got stopped again. On all four sides some jackass stood in our way and prevented us from dancing. I was both relieved and infuriated. We ended back at our original point of entry and tried again. "What the fuck did I just tell you?"

"I really don't care," Craig said as he pushed forward into the throng of people. Before he could place both his feet on the polished wooden floor he was shoved backwards and onto the carpet. "Unbelievable!"

"Just forget it, we don't have to dance," I said trying to pull him away from the dance floor.

"We don't have to, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be allowed to," he said while scanning the room for some other option. "There," he said pointing to the balconies wrapping around the room. There were a few kids dancing up there and plenty of room for more. Before I could protest I was being led like a kid on one of those leashes up the stairs to the balconies. Kind of stumbling along looking around for someone to help me out or at least show some pity. We found one of the empty balconies off to the side and, after taking a second to collect ourselves, began to dance. Of course, I looked like someone having an epileptic seizure, but that probably wasn't why people on the floor were pointing.

Craig, of course, was an excellent dancer. Not to mention extremely hot while doing so. I spotted Heath and Jeni in the middle of the dance floor having a blast and waved, they waved back. I was having a damn good time despite some of what happened. If the prom was just the four of us it would be a stellar evening.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen. The votes have been counted and your student body president is ready to present the king and queen of this year's prom." Craig and I stopped dancing and watched the proceedings like everyone else. They did if a bit differently than I had imagined. They announced a separate king and queen for their prom. So the king would be crowned, then a queen, and each would enjoy the first slow dance of the evening with their respective dates. The more winners the better I guess, a tactic most likely devised by some overly vocal mom on the PTA.

Sadly, Heath wasn't crowned prom king, like Craig and I had hoped. Instead it was just some popular guy and his big breasted, blonde, bimbo date. He got his crown, she jumped up and down, they kissed, and moved to the side. Since we both didn't care about women, so to speak, we thought we would walk back down to our table while the queen was crowned and the big first dance happened.

"And now it's time to crown the queen of this year's senior prom," the valedictorian-looking student body president droned on, fishing open the envelope. "And, by popular demand, the winner this year is Craig...what? Craig is a guy, what's going on," he tried to ask as the crowd burst into laughter. Craig froze in his tracks and practically crushed all the bones in my hand into a fine powder. Even with all the "fuck `em all" talk he had spouted tonight, I don't think he was ready for something of this caliber. I was more than a bit nervous as well, and overwhelmed. But since I didn't know any of these idiots I started to step forward and Craig quickly pulled me back.

"What the hell are you doing," he asked with a complete look of terror on his face. "You want to walk up there?"

"What have you been saying all night? For the past few weeks? Who gives a flying fuck what they think! They can accept, or they can shove it. Right?" Before I could pressure him for an answer again he was leading me up the stairs to the stage. A spotlight beamed on us and we squinted trying to find our way to the center of the stage. Eventually the laughter died down and there was nothing but stone cold silence.

"Well, what're you waiting for? Crown me, apparently I'm prom queen," he said with a tone that was a mixture of pure anger and pride.

"Are you sure man? You want this," the student body president whispered with his hand covering the microphone.

"Yup, crown me." The president shook his head and then gently placed the little plastic tiara on Craig's head, I smiled. All in all, it was so cute. Craig turned to me and held his hand out, which I promptly put my hand into. Instead of leading me down the stairs for our dance he pulled me forward, into his arms, and kissed me. A big, full kiss right on the lips, filled with more passion then the likes these kids had ever seen. You could hear a few gasps break out around the room and from the balconies, then one person clapping. Once Craig removed his lips from mine we both brought our hands to our eyes to see through the spotlight at who was applauding. Heath was in the middle of the floor, applauding us. Then Jeni joined in, and a handful of others. Some chaperones clapped, the photo guy clapped, and that was all. The rest stared on in anger, confusion, or just disgust. How dare we enjoy ourselves like this flaunting our sickening faggotry in front of them all. Who the hell do we think we are?

Who the hell do they think they are? Craig led me down to that dance floor, the people separated, and we danced. My dancing fears be damned, this was turning into something too magical to be ruined by low self-esteem. I was smiling far too wide, and enjoying Craig taking the lead with his arm around my waist, pulled close to me, to let anything bother me. I don?t remember what song was playing, even though I could label it ?our song,? and it doesn?t matter. I remember a sea of stunned faces whirling around me as we moved around the dance floor. The song ended, we kissed again, and we headed for the door. From the door to the lobby, from the lobby to the street, from the street to our limo, and in our limo we left for...

"A hotel," I gasped. "I don't know if that's romantic, cheesy, dirty, or all three."

"Let it be all three, who cares," he said unfastening his bow tie. "And we don't have to do anything if we don't want to, I just wanted us have somewhere where we could do what we wanted to...if we wanted to."

If we wanted to? My dick may be seconds away from breaking apart the zipper of my rented pants but...

I don't think I really need to finish that sentence. I just had to wait until we got to our room.

[Another installment complete, more to come. I mean, what else do you expect two gay boys to do on their prom night? Especially a pair of prom queens. Comments? Gripes? Anything at all, send it my way at Also feel free to ask me to add you to the mailing list for new chapters. Also, now matter what a try the formatting of these tends to get all screwed up. If you have any tips for fixing this please let me know!]

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