Multiplex Sex

By S H

Published on Nov 20, 2023


[As much as I'd like to say otherwise, this story is entirely fictitious. If this offends you or if you are not of legal age to read this story, then please do not read any further. This story contains possibly graphic descriptions of consensual sex and masturbatory fantasies between males. None of this is based on any living person and any similarity to my actual job at a movie theatre is completely coincidental. Really, I mean that.]

Chapter 9 --

"Can you boys tell me why you're not at school," the cop in the passenger seat asked leaning out of the window of his patrol car. I kept my back to the car not wanting them to see my face.

"Sorry officer, we're just running really late today and we're heading in," Craig said stepping towards the car.

"Uh-huh." He looked away from Craig and up towards me. "Son, you want to turn around and look at me." I turned around, still brushing the tears off my face. "You alright?"

"Yeah," I sniffled. "I'm fine."

"His grandfather died yesterday," Craig said out of nowhere. "He's still trying to pull himself together before we head inside." Craig was lying for me, that is so sexy.

"I'm sorry son, you guys head inside when you're ready now," he said as he pointed at Craig. The car rolled forward then pulled off down the road. Craig walked back towards me and I hugged him again, harder this time.

"Thank you, you didn't have to do that."

"I had to say something to the guy," he said as he hugged me and ran his fingers through my hair. I became a little limp in his arms. "So what happened? Why all this drama?" He took my hand and led me around the school building and into the baseball field. There was a tree by the third-baseline Craig sat me down behind. You couldn't see it from the school buildings and nobody was out on the field yet. I explained what had happened, how I was outed by Shannon.

"That gossiping whore."

"My thoughts exactly," I said. Craig was leaning up with his back against the tree, his arm around my neck and down my chest. I held his arm and leaned my head against his. I had gone from wanting to crawl into a hole and die to feeling safer than ever. Craig put his foot over mine and we played a mini game of footsie as we talked. "I don't know what to do."

"I know what you do," he said and I perked up. I leaned my head back a bit to see his face as he spoke. "You have to go back to school tomorrow as if nothing happened. If someone calls you a fag you ignore them. Don't curse them out, don't flinch. If you're not hurt by it they'll move on to whoever is weaker. You know you're right and they're wrong. You know you'll go onto college, get a degree, get a great job while they still struggle to get that assistant supervisory position at Wal-Mart. You know you're taking the high road and can say you're a better guy because of it."

"And how do you know that's the right thing to do?" He took my hand into his.

"My uncle Colin is gay too, and this was the same advice he gave me. And because I've watched people do it at my own school. I'm going to try it myself any day now," he said squeezing my hand.

"You are? When?"

"Prom night. I'm going to take a boy," he said as my heart began to beat a bit faster. He's either going to ask me to go or tell me about someone else. This day will get a whole lot worse if it's the latter.

"Oh," I said and paused. "Who," I asked as if I didn't already know. Or hoped I knew.

"I was gonna ask this guy Chad tonight when I took him home from work. But I dunno, I may just ask him now." I turned around and kissed him. Soft and tender at first, we closed out eyes and breathed in deeply. I brought my hand up behind his head and brushed my fingers in his hair. Out mouths gaped open a bit and his tongue slowly entered my mouth and met my tongue. We kept kissing each other, I would push him back with my head and he would respond a second later. Our mouths parted for a second and we opened our eyes. He chuckled then put his hand on my chest and starting to push me back until I was lying on the ground with him kneeling over me. I laughed, he just smiled, then moved in to kiss me again.

He kissed me from above while I put my hand around his neck and behind his head again. He stopped kissing me on the mouth and moved around my face and down my neck. I gasped as quietly as I could and tried to pull him down so he would lie on top of me. I soon found that I was pulling myself up to him and soon found my lips back on his, his tongue swirling back in my mouth. I was hard as a rock and wanted nothing more just to feel our two cocks push against each other's through our pants, but Craig would not budge and would not lie on me. It was driving me wild. I imitated him and began kissing him around his neck while he quietly moaned. We kept this up for a few minutes before the bell tolled off in the distance.

I thumped my head back on the ground and we opened our eyes. He laughed and rolled onto his back next to me. "Class is over, it's lunch period now." I could hear kids off in the distance as they started outside for their lunch.

"So what now," I asked.

"I dunno, I'd just be happy to lie here and talk `til it's time for work."

And that's exactly what we did. No kids ventured to the field as we just laid there under that tree and talked about everything for a few hours, holding hands the entire time. About the prom that coming weekend, how we'd get matching tuxes. How we'd come in (and out) together. We both agreed we weren't ready to tell our folks yet and we both constructed plans to get around it. We decided to become each other's support group, being there for each other. I had already been outed that morning, and he was there for me. I'd be right there when it was his turn. I had completely forgotten about the crap at school and the shit-storm brewing at home.

[More to come, as always. Please send comments to Also e-mail me if you'd like to be notified each time a new chapter goes out.]

Next: Chapter 10

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