Murder of the Flesh

By Jeff

Published on Feb 2, 2015


This is my first story. I hope you guys enjoy it. I have enjoyed Nifty for a long time, so I thought it was time to give back to the community. I love mysteries, so I thought I would start with one. Please continue to support Nifty financially.

This story is completely fictional. The characters in this story do not represent any real living person.

A Dirk Stetson Mystery Murder of the Flesh


Welham College is shut down for the evening. The faculty and students have just completed another school year. Everyone has been preparing for graduation for the following day. Everything is already set to go. The school is just down tight. The only source of life is coming from the dining hall where the graduating class is enjoying one last night of festivities before moving on for their future.

Only two seniors are missing, Zachary Fitzgerald and Peter Malloy. They wanted to do something a little different, and they wanted privacy.

It's really Zachary's fault. He knew how much of a romantic his boyfriend, Peter is, so he wanted to do something romantic for him.

They have been dating since their sophomore year in college. Their relationship actually came to be by accident. Peter excels in almost anything he does. His major is journalism, and his professor has complimented him on how well he writes and delivers a speech, but other professors outside of the department praise him as well.

Peter was asked to tutor students with math and English. He and Zachary had a few classes together, but he never felt he caught Zachary's eyes. He knew everything he could about Zachary, because he is famous at the college. Zachary helped the baseball team win the championship their senior year, and he won the award for most valuable player, beating out Troy Gardner, who was pissed.

One evening while Peter was preparing to leave from his tutoring session, Zachary walks in and asks for help. He had a math test the following day, and he was having trouble figuring out some of the problems, so he thought some tutoring would help.

There are not many causes for Peter to stumble over words, but Zachary is one of them. Peter's heart started pounding; his blood pressure rose; his face became flushed; he couldn't speak. He never thought he would be this close to Zachary. They spent most of the evening talking more about themselves than math. They discovered they had a lot in common, especially being gay and dealing with homophobia.

Peter would continue to help Zachary with his education, and an attraction started to grow between them. Zachary wasn't sure of his feelings, but he knew Peter had fallen easily in love with him, so he wanted to be careful; Zachary wasn't looking for a commitment. Zachary doesn't let anyone inside his personal life that was until he met Peter.

One evening Peter was walking back to the dorm rooms from his tutoring session; this was a Friday night of all nights. He was almost inside his room when Troy Gardner and some of his teammates spotted him. They started to ridicule him and attempted to insult him because of his homosexuality; he never mind hiding it from anyone.

Peter had enough and he told Troy the only reason he hates gay people is because he is secretly wishing he could suck his cock. Well, that did it! Troy without thinking punched him in the face and in the stomach. He pushed Peter into his dorm room; his teammates remained outside as bodyguards. Troy continued to punch and kick him; he wasn't letting up. He wanted to make Peter hurt tonight. Peter tried to defend himself, but he just didn't have the demeanor. Troy grabbed him by the throat and was about to choke him when Zachary came up from behind him and threw him off. Zachary started to beat the hell out of Troy; he just let his anger take over left his black and blue, but no one ever said a word. Zachary told them all he would kill them if they hurt him again.

Zachary took care of Peter that evening. He held him in his arms all night protecting him. It was this evening when he realized how much he loved Peter, and he was willing to surrender his heart over to him, but he still wasn't sure about commitment, because he was being groomed to follow in his father's footsteps as a Senator for the state of Georgia, and he wasn't sure how his parents would react.

As time passed, they fell in love and grew closer to each other. Zachary finally told his parents, which upset them, more his mom than his dad. Like many, they raised him in the church with certain Christian ideas, but his mom couldn't deal with his lifestyle, but his dad refused to abandon him, so his parents got a divorce.

They became the college couple. People were amazed how they seem to just fit and were happy for them, but there were some who wanted their relationship to fail.

Cynthia Anderson is Peter's best friend. She doesn't like Zachary; she thinks Zachary is using him, so she tried to break them up on several occasions, but Peter wouldn't have anything to do with it. He was in love. He knew what his heart wanted, and this wasn't about sex. Zachary can be selfish and arrogant, but he's willing to give Peter whatever he wants except for a commitment.

The night of the graduation party, Zachary wanted to do something special, so he escorts a blindfolded Peter across campus. "Where are we going, Zachary?" asks Peter.

"Don't worry about it," says Zachary. "Trust me."

"I do trust you, but you know how much I hate surprises," says Peter. "Where are you taking me?"

"We're almost there," says Zachary. He walks to the building where the chapel is located. It's a known fact that the only place unsecure is the backdoor to the chapel, and anyone who wants to have sex; they can go to the chapel.

Zachary escorts him into the building. Peter listens to his footsteps as he follows Zachary to a room with spiral staircases. They start walking up to the second floor where the chapel is located. Zachary takes him from the back to inside the chapel. He gets behind him and slowly slides his blindfold off. "What do you think?"

Peter looks around to find two lit candles on the communion table, a blanket on the floor in front of the communion table, with a picnic basket on top of the blanket. He loves it! This how he wants to spend the rest of his life with Zachary; he wants it to be a romantic movie. He grabs Zachary's arms around wraps them around him. He looks into Zachary's sexy blue eyes and gives him a kiss. "I love it, and I love you."

They sit down on the blanket. Zachary opens the picnic basket and begins to pull out the food he's prepared. Peter is very particular about the food he eats; he has always been a healthy eater because obesity runs in his family, and he has been very careful, Zachary can eat pretty much anything without gaining weight.

Zachary has planned a healthy date. He pulls out some grapes and strawberries. He pulls out some flavored water which, Peter seems to love.

They begin to enjoy their date together. Peter enjoys any minute he can with Zachary. Zachary takes a strawberry and holds it in his mouth. He moves closer to Peter who takes it in his mouth, and they begin to kiss. They fall on the floor holding each other kissing passionately. Zachary slides his hands over Peter's back sliding his shirt off. He rubs his hands all over his smooth body with both of them getting aroused.

Peter leans up and pulls Zachary's shirt off rubbing his hands over his masculine chest. He begins to suck on his neck leaving a mark then moving down to kiss his chest sliding his tongue over his nipples. Zachary's nipples get really hard, so Peter spends some time sucking and playfully biting them. Zachary rubs his hands over Peter's chest feeling his nipples. He moves his hands down his stomach unzipping his pants sliding his hands inside his pants rubbing his crotch. Peter begins to moan and kisses Zachary's sweet lips more firmly. Zachary slides Peter's pants off along with his briefs and begins to rub his ass. Peter rubs his hard cock against Zachary's bulge, so Zachary unbuttons his pants and slides them off too revealing his hard cock.

Zachary wraps his arms around Peter holding him close to him, and he rolls him over getting on top of him. They rub each other's cocks feeling each other's arousal. Zachary holds Peter's arms over his head and begins to kiss his body. He slides down to his cock and begins to lick his cock and balls; he slides up and down licking his hard cock and sliding his tongue over his balls sliding them in his mouth sucking on them.

Zachary continues to slide his tongue over his cock licking his head. It doesn't take long for Peter's balls to fill up with cum. Peter starts to leak out some precum, so Zachary slides his tongue over head licking every drop. He opens his mouth and slides his cock inside his mouth and begins to suck his hard cock.

Peter rubs his fingers through Zachary's hair moaning feeling his mouth around his hard cock. Peter is feeling a lot of sensations over his body as Zachary gives him a wonderful blowjob. The sensation gets intense as he prepares to cum. Zachary sucks him harder and faster as Peter cums in his mouth. He doesn't stop sucking him as cum pours down Peter's cock.

"Oh my God," exclaims Peter.

Zachary with Peter's cum on his lips moves up to kiss Peter. Peter wraps his arms around him and kisses with all the passion he can give him while spreading his legs. Zachary rubs his hard cock over Peter's cock, and he slides the tip of his head against Peter's ass. Zachary slowly slides his hard cock inside Peter's ass; he slides deeper inside him. Peter begins to moan as he feels Zachary's hard cock inside him. Zachary slides his cock out slide teasing his ass with his head, and he trusts it back inside him.

Zachary leans up and pulls Peter up on his lap. He reaches around him holding him as Peter slides up and down his hard cock. Zachary sucks on his nipples. Peter grabs Zachary's back sliding up and down faster feeling his balls slapping his ass.

Zachary moans louder as he cums deep inside Peter's ass. Peter remains on his cock squeezing his ass taking every drop of cum inside him.

They fall back on the floor kissing and holding each other. Zachary catches his breath. Peter leans on his side rubbing his hand over his body imagining what life will be like with him.

"You're staring," says Zachary.

"I'm sorry," says Peter. "I'm still amazed with my luck."

"What do you mean?" asks Zachary.

"It's amazing how lucky got to be with the hottest guy in the world," says Peter.

Zachary looks at him and smiles. Deep down in his heart, he's a helpless romantic even though he wouldn't admit it to Peter. "I'm the one who's luck, Peter. I think you are the hottest guy in the world, and how you put up with my ways, I will never understand."

Peter falls on him and kisses him. "I love you."

Zachary looks into his eyes and says, "I love you too." Peter lays his head on his chest never wanting this night to end, but he knows it won't last forever. "I can't believe college will be over tomorrow."

"I know," says Peter. "Where did the time go? It seemed like yesterday we were scared freshmen."

"I wasn't scared," says Zachary. "I was completely confident."

Peter looks at him and smiles. "If you say so," he says. He begins to stand up allowing Zachary to slap his ass. He begins to look for a towel. "Did you not bring a towel?"

Zachary stands up and grabs him. "We don't need a towel," he says as he kisses him. "Besides, I didn't know we were going to fuck."

"Whatever," says Peter. "Every time we get together, you can't keep your hands off of my hot body."

Zachary smiles and lets him go. He begins to look through the basket. "Where is it?"

"What are you looking for?" asks Peter.

"I got something for you," he says. "We don't have much time tonight. Others would like to use the chapel."

Peter shakes his head. He's amazed with how people use this sacred space. "I do always like gifts."

"Here it is," says Zachary. He pulls out a box wrapped with ribbon. "Here, take it. It's for you . . . for us."

Peter is excited. "What is it?"

"Just open it up," he says.

Peter doesn't waste any time tearing off the ribbing and opening the box. "Oh my God." He looks at Zachary. "What is this?"

"I thought you would be happy," says Zachary.

"I don't understand," says Peter.

Zachary walks to him and pulls out one of the wedding band and slides it on Peter's finger. "I wanted to do this before we graduated. I love you Peter. There is no one else in this world I love more. I want to be married to you. I want to be your spouse." He slides the other ring on his finger. "What do you think?"

Peter looks at the ring on his finger. This is a dream come true, but Zachary's never wanted to commit. "I do, yes, I do." Zachary grabs him and they kiss. "I don't understand. What about your job?"

"I was hoping you would come with me," says Zachary.

"What about your dad?"

"Dad is completely fine with us," he says. "He was really happy over the news. He was the one who helped me pick out the rings." He looks at him waiting for an answer. "What do you say? I want you to come live with me. Dad is letting us stay at his place in D.C."

"I don't know what to say, Zachary," says Peter. "I am in complete shock." He looks at him and realizes there is something he wants to tell him, but he wasn't sure how he would take the news. "How long do we have before we have to give up the chapel?"

Zachary looks at his phone. "We have about twenty more minutes."

Peter quickly puts on his clothes. "I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?"

"I'll be right back." Peter leaves the chapel the same way they came inside.

Zachary begins to clean up the food. He knew they wouldn't have time to eat, so they will finish up in their dorm room. He picks up the blanket and holds it over his body folding it when the main doors to the chapel open surprising him. He holds the blanket close to him not sure who is entering. The only thing he can make out is a dark figure covered in the shadows. As the dark figure walks closer to him, he realizes who it is. "Well, well, well. I'm surprised to see you here." The dark figure doesn't say a word. "Did you get hear the excitement?" He waits for a response but there isn't any, so he drops the blanket revealing his naked body. He rubs his hand over his cock. "Would you like to taste this?" He strokes his cock. "Wait." He walks backwards and sits on the memorial table. He spreads his legs and slides his finger in his boy hole. "Maybe, you would like to fuck this hot boy ass." The dark figure still doesn't answer, so he hops off the table. "If you're just going to sit there, then I will leave."

He continues to clean up the mess when he notices something in the darkness. He tries to make it out and realizes it's a gun.

Peter didn't waste time getting what he wanted. He was accepted at Benson school of journalism in D.C. He didn't know when to reveal this news to Zachary, because he thought he would be mad, but with this revelation, it's a celebration. He rushes back to the chapel. He doesn't waste any time and runs up the back stairs.

Peter enters the chapel saying, "I found it," but he doesn't see Zachary. He looks around and finds the blanket covering up something. "This isn't funny, Zachary. You know I don't like games." Peter walks towards the blanket. "I don't like this." He pulls the blanket back expecting to find Zachary trying to scare him but what he finds is far worse. "Oh my God! Oh my God, no!"

Peter's scream fills the chapel.

Next: Chapter 2

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