Muscles and Sweat

By Vincent Hadley

Published on Apr 9, 2001


This is a fictional story of male to male adult experiences. If you are under the age of 18 or do not like male/male stories of explicit sex, then do not read this.

If you like this story and have constructive advice or comments then feel free to email me at I welcome your comments/suggestions.

As this is fiction, STD's do not exist so there is no need for the characters to practice safe sex. However, in the real world, there are diseases which can kill you so PLAY SAFE!


Vince ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MUSCLES AND SWEAT


From his bedroom window, Ben watched his neighbor washing his truck. Ever since he moved in two months ago, Ben has lusted for him. Lusted for those arms which where heavily muscled; biceps as big as Ben's. Lusted for that chest which looked to have been sculptured; coated with dark black hair. Lusted to have those tree-trunk legs wrap around him as he impaled the man with his big dick. Ben watched closely as the man, wearing only cut off jeans, bent and stretched, his muscles gleaming with sweat. Ben imagined how those muscles could feel in his hand. He reached under his shirt and felt his own body. Spying on his neighbor made Ben feel dirty but he couldn't stop watching. He reached for his binoculars and held them to his face. Ben focused in on the man's butt and thighs. MMmmm Ben said under his breath fully aware of the erection sprouting in his own pants. Ben rubbed his dick through the cloth never taking his eyes from the scene in the binoculars. The man's wife and kids came bounding out of the house. She kissed him goodbye in such a way as to not get any of her husband's sweat on her. "Stupid woman." Ben said aloud to no one. He watched as the wife and kids drove off. "He can get sweat on me any day."

He jumped up, tossing the binoculars on the bed. "I'll give him something to look at." Ben rummaged around in his dresser. He found a pair of cut-offs and laid them on the bed. He stripped his shirt off then took his pants off. Briefly debated on whether or not to keep his underwear. "Fuck it." Ben said as he pushed them down to his ankles and stepped out of them. His semi-erect cock stood out from his body. Ben pulled on the shorts and stuffed his dick into them being careful not to catch the zipper on it. Just before leaving, he took a few seconds to admire his body in the mirror. Ben thought his 6'3" frame held his 225 lbs of 22 year old footballer muscles perfectly, "Nice," he said and bounded out of the house.

Ben was practically running as he pulled his lawnmower out of the garage. He cranked it up and headed for the front lawn. He quickly worked his way to where his lawn met his neighbor's enjoying the feel of the sun on his naked back and chest. As he approached, the man looked up and waved. "Hi Nick!" Ben yelled over the roar of the mower. "Like what you see?" he added but not loud enough for Nick to hear him. Ben continued to mow and as he did so, he again fantasized about Nick. He wondered what it would be like to run his hands over the man's well- developed chest. He envisioned rubbing his face into Nick's hairy pecs, smelling his manscent as his lips sucked on those large, lucious nipples. Ben felt his erection returning and didn't give a fuck. Hell, he wanted Nick to see his bulge.

Ben made his way around the lawn, keeping an eye on Nick. He thought about Nick looking at his body. He felt his erection at its full 8" mast. He glanced down his taught stomach and saw the head pressed into his lower stomach. It was barely covered, nestled in his treasure trail which spread in a wide arc from his navel before thinning out. Ben liked the way it looked, with the piss slit leaking precum to mix with his sweat.

Minutes ticked by as Ben mowed and Nick cleaned. Soon, Ben saw that Nick was finished and had begun to clear the yard. He saw Nick make his way to the garage carrying the water hose. Ben finished mowing and turned the mower off. He was covered in sweat. Next, he saw Nick coming his way, with two beers.

"Ben, how about a cold beer?" Nick asked.

"Sounds good." Ben replied taking the beer. "Thanks Nick." Ben could see rivulets of sweat running down Nick's chest and tight abs. He opened his beer and drank.

"Sure is a hot one, huh?"


"But it feels good to get out and sweat a bit."

"I know what you mean," Ben replied.

"You play football for the college, right? Fullback?" Nick asked.

"Yes, how did you know?" Ben guzzled the remains of his beer down with a few gulps.

"Myself and the guys have watched a few games."

"Oh I see." Ben was trying to think of something more to say. Wanna fuck came to mind but he quickly dismissed that with a wry smile. "Let me know next time, I can get some tickets for ya."

"Cool, yeah, I'll do that." Nick paused. He too, drank the rest of his beer and tossed the empty can into a nearby trash can. He looked at Ben and Ben returned his gaze. "With that body, I bet you get plenty of pussy, huh?"

Ben has heard that line before. He tossed his empty can away and replied with his usual answer. "Girls dont interest me," he said. "Guys do."

Nick paused. "Oh really?"


"What kind of guys?"

Ben looked straight into Nick's eyes. This is it, Ben thought. Go for it. "Guys in cut-offs, sweating as they wash trucks and stuff." Ben felt that usual flutter in his stomach. The flutter he feels when he is hitting on a guy, waiting to hear the right response.

"Oh really," Nick said again. He took a step closer to Ben.

"Want to come inside? I was just about to work out." Ben asked. Ben saw Nick look around as if checking to see if anyone was watching. He slowly turned to head inside.

"Sure, why not?" Nick finally said.

Ben led Nick inside his house. As they entered, Ben felt Nick's hand on his shoulder. Ben turned and shut the door as Nick wrapped his muscled arms around him. Nick buried his face into Ben's neck and began to kiss him there. Ben knees almost buckled. He was awestruck. An hour ago he was lusting for this man. And now, the man had his face in Ben's neck, kissing him. Life is strange.

"Damn! You got a tight body," Nick said as he ran his hands down Ben's chest and stomach.

"Thanks," Ben said, then, "I want to taste your fucking hot nipples." Ben's lips locked on Nick's left nip and Nick arched his back giving Ben full access. Ben's hands grabbed Nick's ass and held those meaty globes as he devoured Nick's nipple, licking and chewing, groaning as the sweat zinged on his tongue. He felt Nick's erection pressing into his stomach and his own rubbing on Nick's leg.

"Fuck, yeah man. Eat those nipples." Nick growled. Ben slurped over to the right nip and ate it out, too. After giving each nipple a good work out, Ben looked up at Nick and they kissed, hard, long and sensual, tongues wrapping around each other as they felt each other's bodies. Ben moved his hands to Nick's pants and pulled on the button and then the zipper, ripping it open. Ben pushed Nick's jeans and underwear down as their tongues fought for control.

Then Nick stepped back. "Do it, Ben! Strip for me, man!" Ben took a step back and stared at Nick. Nick lowered his eyes to Ben's waist as Ben slowly unbuttoned his jeans. Nick stepped out of his clothes and stroked his cock as Ben slowly opened lowered the fly. Nick's eyes filled with lust as Ben's eight inches of footballer cock stood out from his thick bush. "Oh Fuck," Nick whispered then dropped to his knees. Ben grabbed his cock and waved it in front of Nick's face, slapping him on the cheeks which left splatters of precum. Nick groaned.

"You my cock, Nick?"

"Yeah, oh fuck yeah, Ben."

"Take it!" Ben thrusted forward and Nick engulfed the glans. "Ahh yeah." Nick began to suck Ben's cock. He ran his hands up Ben's thighs and then around to his ass, pulling Ben deeper into him. "Yeah, thats it, take it all, fucker!" Ben leaned over and grabbed Nick's shoulders, pulling Nick onto his prick. Nick alternatively sucked and licked on Ben's raging cock. Then he pushed his face into Ben's sweaty bush and licked the hairy root of Ben's dick.

"Fuck, Ben, your scent is driving me wild! Come in my mouth, man! I gotta taste it! I gotta have it all!"

"Wait, I want some, too!" Ben said. Ben pushed Nick down to the floor as he kicked his pants off. Ben then laid down next to Nick. Nick grabbed Ben's waist, pulled him ontop and started licking Ben's nuts. Ben wrapped his hand around Nick's seven incher and started jacking him. "Ahh yeah, suck those sweaty balls, man!" Then Ben took Nick's cock into his mouth and went down on his buddy. Soon, they were in a heavy, sweaty sixty-nine. Ben felt Nick sucking his cock all the way to his nuts as he devoured Nick's own cock. Ben could smell the pungent aroma of Nick as he licked and sucked Nick's prick and nuts.

Soon, Ben felt Nick stiffen and grunt. Nick's cock hardened to its zenith and then...ahhh yeah....large gobs of manjuice spurted from Nick's cock and Ben began to swallow. Ben moved up so just Nick's glans remained in his mouth and swallowed spurt after spurt of hot juice. Next, Nick's dick began to soften and Ben took the entire length back into his mouth and sucked the remaining drops of cum from Nick's balls. Then Ben let Nick's cock drop from his mouth. It laid heavily on Nick's lower stomach and Ben licked it clean.

Next, Ben got up and straddled Nick's body. "Man, Im gonna cum all over

those fine pecs!" Ben said. Ben began to stroke his cock. He rubbed the head on Nick's nipples. "Fuck, Nick! Your hairy chest feels so fucking hot on my dick!"

"Yeah man, love your hot cock on my chest. Shoot that fucker all over me! Do it Ben! Ahhh fuck, what a hot fucking stud!" Ben was stroking his cock and he moved closer to Nick's face. Soon his cock was over Nick's lips and Nick licked Ben's cock. "Cum on my face, Ben! Shoot your hot cum all over me!"

"Ahh fuck! I'm gonna cream! I'm gonna fucking shoot it man! Ahhh fuck!!" Ben grunted like an animal and shot his load. Large ropes of footballer cum shot out of his prick and landed in huge drops on Nick's face. They rolled down his cheeks and landed on the floor. Nick's tongue lashed out to lick the head, swirling around it as Ben shot his remaining load directly down Nick's opened mouth. Breathing hard, Ben sat back and rubbed his cum-coated cockhead all over Nick's quarter sized nipples, leaving cum tracks leading from one nipple to the other on Nick's hairy chest. "Fuck!!!" That was hot!" Ben exclaimed as he smiled at Nick.

Nick was rubbing his face, cleaning the cum from his cheeks and licking his fingers. "Fucking hot, Ben. Man, I knew you would be one hot fuck the first time I saw you."

Ben lowered his face to Nick's. "You too, Nick," he said and kissed him.

"Damn, Ben I gotta get home, soon. The wife will be back soon."

"Yeah sure. I understand." Ben stood up and offered his hand to help Nick up. "Come on, guy, let's get you cleaned up."

A few minutes later, Ben watched as Nick pulled his pants on. "Ben, you said you were a fullback for the team, right?"

"Yeah, thats right, why?"

Nick zipped up his pants and looked at Ben. "I was wondering if you ever thought of being a wide receiver?"

Ben smiled. "Yep, sometimes, sure."

"Are you going to be home tomorrow night? The woman is taking the kids to her folks."

"I think I'm free. Yeah sure."

"Cool, see you then?"

"You betcha!" Ben had moved to Nick and they kissed again. Then Nick left. Ben shut the door and pumped his arm, "YES!"

to be continued....

Vince Comments? Suggestions?

Next: Chapter 2

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