Music Shatters Ice

By NAU Representative

Published on Jul 28, 2002


Some people didn't like that I gave everyone a screwball when telling the story about Venus and not telling her whole story and how she corresponds to Jace. Well now that we are in Part 14 it will become clear.


DISCLAIMER: Remember this story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. And if you are underage go somewhere else, this is not for you and you should wait a few years.

Music Shatters Ice

Music Shatters Ice - Part 14 - Twist and Unwind?

Lance was sitting in the hospital waiting room. His mind was still in shock of yesterday's events, Friday's events. Venus had called Justin and told of Jace's problems. It seemed like everything had phased out since he heard. Now that he was closer to Jace his mind was thinking more clearly, but there were still clouds in his judgement.

Lance currently was in thought about how yesterday the call happened and just this past Monday he was speaking with Venus about how Jace wanted them to get along. The words reverberated through his mind.

"...I believe I fell asleep before you explained the part how the two of you got together." "Yeah, I must admit that you did look cute when you were sleeping. I believe it was because your mouth wasn't moving." Venus said ripping a bite out of the drumstick she was holding. "So are you going to tell me already." "Sure, I actually met Jace several times before we became friends. The first was at Joe Louis Arena in Detroit about six years ago. I just happen to be shopping." "Shopping? Don't you mean thieving?" "Well whatever you want to call it. I had my eyes on a pretty little thing called the Conn Smythe Trophy. In fact that's where me and Jace had our first conversation. He told me that it was nice but it was pretty much garbage without the Cup. At that time I had no idea he was referring to the Stanley Cup. All I told him was that it was pretty and it shouldn't be encased in glass. He didn't say anything but moved along. I didn't do anything at the time for there were too many people around." "So that was your first experience?" "Yeah, he seemed nothing special at the time. But I never realized how important he would be to me." "What do you mean?" "It was during our second meeting that I began to see something." "What did you see?" "I saw compassion, ambition, and a small bad boy streak that comes out when absolutely necessary." "Interesting...I know I've seen his compassion. And I think his ambition. But I don't believe I have seen that bad streak." "Yeah well he has it." "So what was that second meeting about?" "The second meeting was in Wyoming, four months later than our first encounter. I was there because I wanted to get a closer look at that little law of Wyoming that gave women the right to vote." "Yeah, I really believe that." "Well I was. I wasn't going to take it." Venus said giving a sly grin. "But anyway, I saw that Jace was there walking through the capital with the governor. That's when he stopped walking and came over to me as well as bringing the governor with him." "That must have been great meeting the governor of Wyoming." "It would have had I not been holding the glass case that was protecting that piece of paper." "Oh no." "I thought I had to do alot of explaining, but Jace interfered." "What do you mean?" "He claimed that I was checking to see if it was preserved correctly as I was an expert in preservation and had formerly worked on the founding documents of this country." "No! Did he buy it? I mean the governor." "The governor had to. He was a friend of Jace's family." "So I think that was a lucky break for you." "Definately. Do you know what those people would have done to me if they found out what I was trying to do?" "I can take a couple of wild guesses." "Before he left to go back talking with the governor, he told me he wanted to see me again. So I gave him my hotel name and room number." "Is that when you and him finally began to talk and find out about each other?" "Not really. I left immediately after seeing him again." "Left to where?" "Texas." "So you just left him there wondering?" "Yes." "Its amazing that you became friends in the first place." "Not really. If we kept meeting like we had been we would just be seeing each other over and over again. Seemed like it was fate that we would end up being friends. But it was that time in particular that made me realize that I owed him something for saving me." "So what did you do?" "What I did came upon our third meeting. Which is the time I fully introduced myself to Jace." "Finally." "Yeah it came in New York City. First let me say that Jace doesn't exactly like New York. From his own words, the people don't take care of their communities. And it so happens that he was jumped. I had no idea that when I went to that city to do some sightseeing that I'd find Jace there. But just after sunset there he was, walking along. I knew that I was there for some reason when I saw that he was attacked." "Was he hurt or have any scars?" "Would you let me finish? I immediately recognized him and it appeared that he couldn't fight back. As I got closer to him I saw that Jace had a cast on his arm, which I later found out was because he had a little bit of hyperextension. But that's not important. I helped him out of his little jam and that's when we actually started sitting down and talking to each other." "How could you help him?" "Remember, I knew a few tricks when I used to run my old town." "Ok." "And since that night in New York, we been in contact off and on." "I truly find it amazing that he risked himself in Wyoming for you." "So do I. But I still say that he knew something all along." "What is that?" "I don't know. He's kept that secret. But I think maybe he sees a little bit of himself in me. That sometime do anything to get what we want sort of thing." "Interesting. You and Jace are close aren't you?" "Like brother and sister." "So what do you think of Jace right now?" "What do you mean?" "He's doing something he loves and says that he feels fantastic just to be able to coach." "Oh well I think its great if he's happy. I mean it is something that he has worked for and he won't let anyone stop him."

Lance was woken from his thoughts by someone poking him in his ribs.

"What?!" Lance blurted out.

JC immediately covered Lance's mouth.

"Where the hell you think you're at?" JC whispered loudly at him. "We're in a hospital so keep it down."

"Oh yeah, sorry. I was just thinking about Venus. We've been talking it seems all this week, but since Thursday night I have not heard anything from her."

"Do you think she was at the game?" JC questioned, thinking perhaps that maybe she had seen everything.

"I don't know. But she must have heard about it."

"The way that this story has been passed around she should have."

Lance was starting to get edgy. He wanted to go see Jace, but the nurses told him that the doctor was currently running tests on him.

"Do you think the doctor is done yet?"

"I don't know I haven't asked in a while."

"Well I'm going to ask again."

Lance got up and left the waiting room area. Down the hall he travelled to the nurse's station.

"Excuse me." Lance said.

"Can you hold on a sec?" The lady in white said from behind her counter.


She finished writing down something and shoved it into a medical record.

"Sorry about that, I had to write something down before I forgot about it."

"I understand."

"So what was it that you needed?"

"I wanted to ask if the doctor was finished with his testing of Jace?"

"Jace?" The nurse asked?

"Jace Taylor?" Lance repeated fully this time.

"Ah yes. Let me make a call and find out."

She picked up the phone and dialed four numbers.

"Yes doctor, I have a guest here wanting to know if you are done with your patient."

She listened to the answer while Lance could only hear mumbling.

She then hung up and looked at Lance.

"The doctor says that you are free to go in. He has just finished up."

"Thank you nurse."

Lance departed the area and looked for Jace's room number.

Hall after hall he finally found it. So far the only one to actually be in the room was Zelda and she had left some time ago. Lance was startled by the sudden opening of the door and the doctor coming out.

"He's not awake yet, but go on in. Just try not to overemphasize his injuries."

"Sure thing doctor."

Lance walked in and saw just what the doctor said. Jace was infact asleep. He felt just an urge feel up Jace, but thought better against it. He sat down on the blue sofa like chair and just looked at him for a while before speaking.

~Its really amazing, you know Jace. Even when you are not physically on the ice, you still manage to find a way to injure yourself. I don't know whether that's good or bad. I mean its bad in that you got injured, but good that you're outgoing enough to actually have someone want to attack you in this sort of situation. I shows you have compassion in what you do. I feel for someone to have compassion like that they must really love their job.~

Lance stopped mentally talking when he saw Jace start to move and groan with every turn.

At first he was unsure whether Jace was awake or just having pains while sleeping. He waited a few more moments to get more information. Leaning over, he saw that Jace's eyes were starting to open

"Hey Jace. Its nice to see that you're awake."

Jace looked pretty messed up, bandages were covering his shoulder, parts of his face, and were just making him look like he had been abused. Jace looked at Lance with the one eye that was not covered with a bandage from the facial bandages.

The eye looked at Lance lazily, while Lance managed to give a small smile. Jace then turned his head and looked away.

"I don't understand what's wrong? Are you ashamed to look at me? I don't think you did anything wrong? Are you blaming me for not being here yesterday? If so I'm sorry, but I don't think that's it. Why don't you tell me what is wrong?"

Jace turned around keeping his head on his pillow, but managing to still get a look at Lance. He reached out and grabbed Lance's hand that was fidgiting with the bedsheet. Gently, Jace stroked the hand, moreso following the veins ontop of the hand. Feeling it as it were brail and read along the lines until he came to the wrist before starting back down towards the fingers. Jace interlocked his fingers with Lance's and just held them.

Jace seemed to be partially out of it for Lance could feel the grip in Jace's fingers at times be strong and then turnaround and be limp.

"I wish you would talk to me. It would help me to know how much or how many things your thinking about." Lance said, "Do you even know when you'll get out? I mean they shouldn't keep you in here for a long while?"

"James," Jace managed to speak out silently, "if you take the time to listen, really listen, you'll hear my words without me speaking. James you need to listen more with your eyes instead of your ears."

Jace sat up a litte bit before speaking again, "As far as keeping me here, I don't know, but with these," he said pointing to the annoying bandages, "quite possibly tommorrow late night or day after."

"And you're coaching?"

Jace rolled his eye, "I think that will have to be put on the shelf for at least two weeks."

"Two weeks? Why?"

"Because I don't think I'd be an efficient coach or an effective one at that, especially with only part of my senses intact. After all I'm still not aware of what this concussion has done to me, so I, at least for the next two weeks want some mental healing just to make sure."

"I understand, but what about the team?"

"What about them?"

"Do you think they can operate without you?"

"Of course they still have their head coach."

"What about you?"


"What are you going to do in those two weeks?"

"Trust me, I'm sure that I will find something to keep me occupied. How long are you planning on staying here."

"Not sure yet. But I think my earlier plans are about to change."

"What were your earlier plans?"

"Earlier plans were just to check up on you and then take off. You know make sure nothing serious happened."

"Don't worry, I'm tough enough to handle something small like this."

"Yeah I know you are. If you were strong enough to handle our first meeting then I'm sure your strong enough to handle this. Oh I haven't been able to tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"I have been talking recently to Venus and have gotten to know her better."

"Oh really what do you think? Anything that sparks your interest?"

"I'll tell you this, she is truly one of a kind. I never knew you had such a history with her."

"Yes, in a short time, we have become dual forces if you will."

"The last I heard from her was before this happened, I'm not sure if she heard about it yet."

"Trust me she has."

"How do you know?"

"Venus has a way of keeping tabs on me even when I don't know about it. But I wouldn't worry about her, when she's ready to talk she'll either call you or me."

"Geeze you look sleepy."

"What can you expect when they have pumped me full of drugs to get all their information."

"Jace you wouldn't mind if I headed out for a few minutes. I want to go check on a few things, I promise I'll be back real soon."

"Sure go ahead, I'll be here when you get back."

Lance left Jace's room and headed out of the hospital.

Lance walked quickly and reached the office of Coach Roberts. He knocked. There was no answer. He took out his cell phone and called up Zelda.

"Zelda, hey do you happen to have Coach Roberts home phone number?"

"Yeah, why do you need it?"

"Let's just say it'll take a lot more to keep Jace out of action."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you later. I just need the number to Roberts."

"Sure thing."

A few minutes later Lance was on the phone with Coach Roberts.

"Hello Coach Roberts. This is Lance Bass, I'm a friend of Jace Taylor. Zelda gave me your phone number."

"Yes what may I do for you?"

"I would like to speak to you privately about Jace. Its very important."

"Well we are on the phone."

"I was referring more of a face to face discussion."

"How about I meet you at the arena tomorrow before practice? You know when practice is?"

"Yes I do."

"Alright I'll talk to you then."

"Thank you."

Lance hung up and went back to the hospital. He was glad that Jace had an automatic drive, he didn't think he could deal with a stickshift.

Lance arrived to see JC and Joey talking with Chris, actually arguing.

"What's going on guys? What's wrong?" Lance asked as he came near.

"We we're thinking." JC started.

"We're going to leave." Joey finished.

"We? Who's we?" Lance asked.

"Me, Joey, Chris and Justin. Although you can stay if you want." JC said.

"Wait a minute. I'm not leaving. I have no reason to leave." Chris said.

"Fine you want to stay ok. I'm not going to pressure you in going." JC stated.

"What about Justin?" Lance asked.

"Not sure. He hasn't confirmed one way or another." Joey added in.

"Where is Justin?" Lance looked around.

"Last time we saw him he was heading up the hall. He said he wanted to take a walk and would be back soon." Joey said taking a look at his watch.

"I'll go find him." Lance said starting up the hall.

Lance left and walked up and down several of the hospital halls.

~I wonder where he is?~ Lance thought. ~He'll come back down to the waiting room probably later when he's ready.~

He started to feel like he was in some sort of spy movie. Trying not to be caught by the evil people in white.

He came upon Jace's room and opened the door there sitting on the corner of the bed and talking to Jace was Justin.

"I didn't expect you to be here. The other guys were wondering where you were at. They want to know if you are staying or leaving." Lance told Justin.

"I better give them my answer then. I'll be back in a little bit." Justin said to Jace.

Alone Jace and Lance began talking once the door had closed.

"So did you get that business done you wanted to?"

"Not quite, I got the first part of it done. Now I just need to finish it. The rest of it will be completed tomorrow when I have a talk with someone."


"So you never said if you missed me?"


"When I just left?"

"You were gone for only forty minutes."

"You're not answering my question."

"Yes I missed you." With that Lance leaned down and gave Jace a passionate kiss.

"You know you might consider getting those lips insured."


"Because they're too good to let go to waste."

"Oh they're not going to waste for what I have in mind. But its not the only body part I plan on using."

"Really, what do you plan on using?"

"I plan on using my rough agressive side to..."

Lance was rudely interrupted by the door opening and Justin sticking his head in.

"Heya guys. Just wanted to let you know that the others are headed out. They wanted me to send you their best."

"You're not leaving Justin?" Lance asked.

"No I decided to stay here, oh and so did Chris, but he's with JC and Joey getting any information that we think we might need while we're here. I think he wanted to spend some time with Terry."

"So is that all you came in for?" Lance asked.

"No, I wanted to know if I can get the keys to your house Jace?"

"Sure I think Zelda has them, so you can go ask her."

"Ok thanks."

"No problem."

Justin left again, making Lance sigh.

"So now where were we headed?" Lance asked with a dumb goofy grin on his face.

"We're not going anywhere..."

Before Jace could finish his sentence Lance jumped in.

"I could always break you out of this jail. Its not good to hold endangered species."

"Oh please."

"I'll tell you what, let me go get something to drink and then maybe we'll talk to the doctors about what time you get to be released from this cell. I hope its today, but if its not I'll try to persuade them."

"You're not the only one who'll try.."

"I'll be back as soon as I can." Lance said getting up off the bed.

"Ok no rush."

Lance slowly glided out of the room as quietly as he could.

Jace just rolled his eyes at the silent attempt of Lance's humor.

"Now if I could only train him to act like a normal human being."

"So what have you got there?" Jace asked Lance as he came back in the room.

"I've got some nice hot chocolate."

"Sounds good, how about a sip?"

"Sure once you get out of the bed and down to the cafeteria, then you can have a sip."

"Did you go and speak with the doctors?"

"Yes, they said they would release you tomorrow morning on several conditions."

"What are the conditions?"

"First they want any change in your demeanor noted, and if serious call them. Next, they want to release you to Zelda to keep an eye on you."

"I doubt that she will be the only one."

"If you want."

"So what are we going to do now?"

"Right now the doctors want to ask you a few questions about your release."

"What about you?"

"I'm going to go back to your place."


"Remember you came in wearing a suit, I don't think you want to go out wearing the same thing, plus its completely wrinkled and a little ripped. So I figured that I'd go pick you up a change of clothes."

"Well that is a good idea. Plus I think I might do some cleaning up at your place so you don't have to wade through tons of stuff just to get to your bed."

"You know I won't want to sleep all the time."

"Yeah I know, but I just don't want to you to further injure yourself."

Lance gave out a large yawn.

"You know if you're really tired you can just take a nap in that chair. It does recline a little."

"Oh really that sounds good."

"So you can at least stay until the doctors want to speak to me."


Lance took the suggestion and immediately closed his eyes.

"You could have at least waited a few seconds." Jace said picking up Lance's now limp hand.

"My boyfriend the polar bear in hibernation."

~I guess if he can wait so can I.~

Next: Chapter 15

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