Music Shatters Ice

By NAU Representative

Published on Jan 13, 2002


Well I decided after yesterday's loss to Univ. of Nebr. Omaha that I would put out Part 9 immediately after Part 8. We're off for two weeks but to our next opponents: St. Cloud, we're coming for you. I experimented a little with Part 9 in that I split it apart and made two parts out of it. I'm withholding Part 10 for a short while, at least until I finish Part 11. Well I put more effort into this Part than usual so...enjoy, comments are welcome.


DISCLAIMER: Remember this story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. And if you are underage go somewhere else, this is not for you and you should wait a few years.

Music Shatters Ice

Music Shatters Ice - Part 9 - Baked Alaska

I awoke groggily into a still dark world. Apparently there had been clouds that had come in during the night and have blocked out the sun. At least that's my explanation when I looked out the window. Feeling the window pane, it was cold, very cold. Just a touch on the pane sent me jumping back into the bed and under the covers, back to the warmth.

"No cold's going to get me in here."

I just loved the warmth of fuzzy soft blankets wrapped around myself like a cocoon.

As I lay my head back down on the pillow to sleep a few more hours before practice, I heard a slight clicking sound. I thought perhaps it was the wood creaking in the roof or walls like the contraction and expansion that usually happens. But as I waited a few seconds, I heard it again, another clicking sound, but this time it sounded as if the doorknob was turned. Moments later I heard the door slam shut.

Now I was positive that I had locked the door. The only other people that had a key to the house were Zelda and Terry. I know Terry was probably either at class or at his house. He normally doesn't come by in the mornings. And Zelda, lord only knows where she is.

Getting up, I ravelled the blankets off of me, grabbed some shorts and began my journey to the front door. But it was not to be as I reached the bedroom door, turned the knob and felt a gust of wind with a loud slam of pain against my head.

"Yeow!" I shouted. I could only thank god that I had hollow interior doors, so the pain sent through me would be gone quickly.

But as it hit I staggered back against the wall, wondering who had opened it. I quickly got my answer as through blurred vision I saw someone that looked familiar. Next I saw a bundle of energy, afterwards I saw someone who I didn't know at all. And here I was dressed just in shorts.

Retaining my balance I regained my full composure and hugged my boyfriend. He hugged me back, while picking me up a little and kissed me full blown on the lips in front of this stranger. I thought if James knew she was there than there was no threat.

He put me back down and went behind me to hold onto my waist. Justin came over to me next and gave me a short but caring hug.

"And who is this?" I asked of this youthful girl.

"This is Pink." James whispered into my ear.

"Well Pink, I'm glad to meet you." I said extending my hand.

She instantly shook it and gave a small smile.

"Now," I said as we made our way to the living room, "how did everyone get into my house?"

"That was Pink's doing." James said.

"Oh really? How?"

"I used several instruments of the trade of breaking and entering." She said.

"Very interesting. Maybe your skills could come in handy." I said thinking towards the future.

"Really? Most people when I tell them what I did, they freak out and get angry." Pink said with hand gestures.

Standing next to the couch I continued to question them.

"So did you just get in?"

"Yeah, we took a taxi here." Justin said.

"What are you going to do today?" James asked.

"I am going to go to practice an announce my takeover." I said smiling.

"Oh that's right!" Justin said.

"And have you made your final decision?" I asked James with a smile playing on my lips.

"Yes. I'll go with you anywhere." James said and settled in with a nice succulent kiss on the lips, lingering long enough to wrap his arms around my waist and draw me into a nice melting hug. Which I did. I literally melted into his arms as I kissed him back and ran my hands up his back enciting a moan.

"But he is not going alone." Justin said jumping on the couch just as I had sat down.

"That's right, he is going to need to be escorted around." Pink added.

"Chapperones, eh?" I said looking between the two. "Shouldn't be too hard to lose the both of you."

"We'll have plenty of alone time." James said looking at me and giggling.

Time had quickly passed as it was now Wednesday. Our flight was tonight and we'd get to Alaska by tomorrow morning, hopefully.

Looking around I saw several guys on the ice shooting around right after practice. James was right behind me on the bench sitting next to Justin and Pink. Over the past days, the guys have become used to them. Although they still don't know about my relationship with James.

Terry came over with a smile on his face.

"So I hear you are coming with us?" He said looking at James. "Are you looking forward to having some fun?"

Pink just stared at Terry.

"What do you mean by that?" She blurted out.

"Oh come on, they both know what I'm talking about." He said slyly.

"Terry!" I shouted at him.

"So answer my question already." Terry said.

"Yes I am coming with all of you, and so is Justin and Pink." James said.

"Do you know if Chris is coming? We have some business to take care of." Terry said leaning on the benchgate.

"I'll know he'll try. After all he really seems to like you alot." James said but was interrupted by Pink.

"Ok ok ok Terry knows that James and Jace are together right?" She asked.

"Right." We all said in unison.

"But is Terry somehow apart of this as well?"

"Yep, I'm dating Chris."

"This just gets more interesting." Pink said and went wandering off.

"So what are we going to be doing during game time?" Justin asked.

"Well..." I thought for a few seconds, "I could use some help." I said with an evil glimmer in my eye.

"What do you mean?" James asked.

"I mean since I will have to take the place of Coach on the bench, I will need Dean there on the bench with me. And since he will be there, we will need a couple of new managers."

"Us?" Justin asked.

"Yes the both of you. You will perform the duties that Dean would normally, if Coach was still here."

James walked up to me and slowly started to trace his finger around my lips. I opened them just a little to see what he would do. He took it off and replaced his finger with his lips which he lightly pressed against my own.

"Does that mean I'll be slaving away with gear while you are having fun?" He whispered.

"Um well, I suppose that Justin could pick up the slack a little." I said wrapping my arms around James' back and feeling up his lower back.

He responded by moving his hands further down my back and eventually into my pants.

"I suppose we can finish this elsewhere." I said as I began to drag James away with me. I was quickly stopped by Pink.

"Nuh Uh. Not now, we have a flight to catch tonight and I don't want you two to sleep through it."

"But we haven't done anything before." James said.

"C'mon let's get out of here. Everyone still needs to pack." Justin said.

"We are already packed." James countered.

"I'm referring to Terry and Jace."


"Alright let's go already." Justin said keeping us seperated while Terry went to go change.

Eventually we all left with Justin still keeping us apart.

The plane flight was as always an interesting show. A game we played back and forth with the flight attendants where it would be decided whose will is stronger, the entire team's or the attendants.

We all sat in the same general area so talking was not a problem. In particular, I sat next to James, Pink sat infront of James, Justin next to Pink, and Terry sat behind me. Beside Terry, Davis was sitting or rather sleeping. He never liked to be awake on flights. He always claimed they were boring.

"James would you stop gripping my hand so tight." I whispered.

"Sorry, but I always hate long flights. I always get to thinking how these giant metal birds can stay in the air when they weight so much."

"James stop it!" I scolded. "If it unnerves you, stop talking about it."

He remained silent but took my hand and put it in his lap. I looked behind me briefly to see Terry's head in his hands looking out the window.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked him waiting for his blue eyes to meet up with mine.

They glimmered sullenly when he responed.

"Chris. I'm wondering why he didn't come on this trip. If Lance, Justin, and Pink made it why didn't he. He knows I would have liked for him to be here with me."

I turned back around and looked at James. Just with a face he was questioning my thoughts.

"James what do you know about Chris not coming to be with Terry?"

"Nothing, why?"

"Well I was just wondering if you were holding out any information from me."

"If I knew I'd tell you, but this time I know nothing."

"Oh alright."

"Hey Terry." I said as I turned back around.


"Maybe when we get into our rooms, you can call Chris up and see what was keeping him."

"Nah, I'll just let him be and see if he calls." Terry said and sulked deeper into his seat.

I returned back to James.

"You are going to call up Chris when we arrive and tell him to call Terry. He's in no condition to play."

"You're kidding I thought they play through pain and injury."

"Yes but psychological effects can sometimes make a game go completely awry for a player. And I don't want to see that happen to Terry."

"I'll see what I can do."


After thirty minutes of flying I noticed that James was still not calming down. I reached around to talk to Terry.

"Hey Terry."


"You wouldn't happen to have those knockout pills on you?"

"Yeah I have them right in my pocket." Terry responded as he went to dig and find them.

He looked in his right pocket, left pocket and came up empty both times. With a quick flash of thought, Terry reached down and went into Davis' right coat pocket. From there he retreived a small bottle and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I said as I opened the bottle.

"Now take one of these and you will be fine."

"What is it?" James asked.

"These are sleeping pills." I said shaking the bottle.

"Will it work?"

"Yes and how fast your heart is beating," I said while feeling his heart pulsing, " it should not take that long to put you out."

He gave in, took the pill and eagerly swallowed.

By his fast pulse rate and the speed by which the blood was travelling through his system, he would be fast asleep in a matter of minutes. I just had to keep talking to him to keep his mind off of it.

"How do you feel?"

"Ok a little."

"Do you have any questions you want to ask me?

"Questions?" James asked wondering.

"About Alaska-Anchorage?"

"Oh. Oh yeah. What are they like?"

"How about I tell you about the place first since you never asked earlier?

"Sure." He said as his speech started to slow down.

"Ok, Alaska-Anchorage is centered in the Southern part of the state. They play at Sullivan Arena and currently you'll be happy to know that the temperature is at -10 degrees, with a windchill of -19." I said smiling.

Looking over at him more deeply I could see that he was sleeping with a small smile on his face. As precious as it was I knew that I needed my sleep as well since we were going to have practice a little after unpacking at the hotel. And with this time difference it could really throw us off.

I woke up about a few minutes before touching down and I could see the land reaching up to grab us. Looking around in the cabin, I could see that everyone else around us was asleep and had their shades closed to keep the darkness in.

Beside me was my wonderful boyfriend. Someone who I thought would never come into my life. Someone who I thought didn't exist. But luckily enough for me, he does exist and did come into my life.

Although he was still in his dreamscape, I began to whisper to him, "Good morning beautiful, how was your sleep. Mine was wonderful with you by my side. When I look at you, you never see the joy that I carry within my heart for you." I closed my eyes to think about when I first met him. It truly was a dream come true.

Peeking at him once again, "I opened my eyes to see your sweet face. C'mere James." I said leaning into him and stroking his cheek.

To my surprise he leaned in and I gently kissed him on the lips to welcome him into the world of consciousness as well as Alaska.

"And how long exactly have you been awake?" I said slightly blushing.

"Long enough to enjoy a kiss that would breathe life back into a cemetary." He said looking at me with tired eyes and pleading eyes that looked like they were about to well up with tears.

I knew at that moment that he must have heard something that I said, but wasn't telling me.

A thump resounded below us. We landed. Everyone around us was starting to wake up and get their senses back. Rubbing their eyes, the rest of the passengers started to smile and look appreciative that we had reached our destination.

Eventually we rolled to a stop and everyone began to deplane. We were no different; we grabbed our stuff and got off and headed towards the baggage claim. The rest of the team was there waiting, grabbing their gear, and talking.

Thirty minutes had passed when we finally had all of our gear and equipment. James and Justin were carrying one box, several players had the other, and I was with Pink toting our sticks.

We headed to the hotel in a ugly cheap rented bus. On the way to the hotel, the only thing that interested Pink, Justin, and James was the scenery around them. Conversation was not enough for them so instead I turned my attention to Dean.

"Dean we will have to discuss a few things tonight about several plays we need to set up. I want your opinion on them." I said when he took a seat across the isle from me.

"But wouldn't you rather speak to the other players about this?"

"No for I need an objective point of view and I cannot get that from them."

"What about Justin, Lance, or Pink?"

"No they are still naive about everything. Maybe later if they learn fast enough."

"Alright I'll be at your room later on to review the plays. Now if you excuse me I have a couple of guys to get my revenge on."

Dean left quickly and I soon started to hear shouting in the back. But quickly enough we arrived at the Downtown Marriott Inn.

"Guys we're here at the hotel, everyone unload your personal stuff and back on the bus in ten minutes!" I shouted.

In a flash everyone had thrashed off the bus ran into the hotel, grabbed their keys, found their rooms, dropped their stuff off, and ran back to the bus.

While they were doing their stuff, I or shall I say James and me were doing our own. We got off the bus and lugged our extra clothing to the room. On the way James started talking again.

"So I'm getting to stay with you?"

"Yep, but if you want to change, I'm sure that none of the other guys will mind rooming with you."

"No I'm fine just where I am."

We entered the room and I closed the door and dropped the bags. Immediately I was assulted by James. He smashed me up against the door and was breathing heavily against me.

"You know I've been waiting quite a while to get to you." He said as I felt his hot breath all over my neck.

I felt like an animal about to be eaten alive.

"I hate to break the bad news to you, but you're going to have to wait a little bit longer. We have practice to get to."

James groaned, but still held me up against the door.

"I may not have the time to do what I want, but I still have the time to hold me over." He said and planted a deep kiss on my lips.

It was so deep I lost my will power to stand and when he released me, I slid down the door.

"Wow!" Was the only thing I was able to get out of my mouth.

"I thought you said we had practice to get to?" James said smiling.

I pulled myself back up, grabbed James and headed out, "Come on."

Practice was boring as to be expected and quick as well. The only reason for having it was to get the team used to the ice. Not really a time for making them try out plays. We had just stopped at a local fast food place, a local Burger King, and bought thirty-five hamburgers. Everyone had taken their meals and we had just arrived at our hotel. It was two thirty in the afternoon, perfect for getting everyone relaxed and getting rid of that terrible jet lag.

Finally James and myself got back into our room. I headed towards my bed and took off my shoes and coat. I shook the ice crystals off of it and chucked it aside. I jumped on my bed and laid down. I closed my eyes and savored the feeling of what relaxation was like.

I felt my bed suddenly begin to move. There was someone on my bed. Then I finally felt a weight press upon me.

"Ug." I let out at the unexpected feeling. "I see someone's eager."

"I am." He said putting his arms behind my back and resting his head on my chest.

"Aren't you tired from the flying?" I asked expecting him to be like Justin, a bundle of energy.

"Actually yes I am, that's why I'm just going to cuddle up next to you until I fall asleep."

"You sleep, while everyone else studies, does homework, watches tv or does whatever makes them relax." I said while stroking James' hair back and watching it spring up.

James snuggled up next to me, but I was not ready to take a nap.

"James can you get up for a second."

"Sure why?"

"I need to grab something."

He lifted up a little and I reached over and pulled something out of my bag. It peaked James interest to know what it was, so I raised it up to show him.

"Its only a book." I said watching his interest die down.

"Really what book is it?"

"Richard the third."

"Never heard of it."

"You should have. Its a classic."

He snuggled up next to me once again, "Maybe I'll read it later."

"Alright, you just try to rest."

He did and I read.

For three hours I read and reread through parts I didn't understand. Going over the pages a third time I understood and began enjoying myself. Well, enjoying the book. I was already enjoying myself with James next to me.

My eyes eventually had enough and I put down the book and closed my eyes. I didn't feel tired but I had trouble keeping my eyes open.

I woke up to hear banging on my door. Normally on away trips I leave the hotel room door open so that the guys can come in if they need me.

"Come in." I said groggily not really paying any attention. James on the other hand didn't wake up but just clenched tighter and rubbed his head back and forth against my chest.

"Hey Jace I coming for the plays you wanted to talk about." Dean said as he was coming into the room. His mouth immediately dropped as he saw that I was laying down in bed, but was not alone.

I couldn't quite figure out what was wrong with him as I continued to rub James' back.

"Am I interrupting?" Dean asked.

"No why do you ask?" I said casually.

"Because it seems..."

Finally it dawned on me what he was talking about. I jumped out of the bed so fast and started straightening out my clothes to look presentable. James on the other hand fell off the bed as I got up. He fell and hit his head on the nightstand then continued and eventually hit the carpet.

"Ouch!" He screamed out.

"Lance are you alright?" Dean asked rushing over to his side.

I was still in shock at what happened and didn't realize James was on the floor.

"Oh my God, James, are you alright? I'm sorry." I said as I jumped back over the bed and lifted him up.

Dean leaned back a little, "So are you two like a couple?" he calmly asked.

"Yeah. Although I don't know any guy who drops his boyfriend on the ground." I said rubbing James, where he hit his head.

Interestingly enough, James reached up for me and grabbed onto me more as I set him in the bed, still not even realizing who was in the room with us.

"Um James, we have company."

"Company? Tell Terry to come back later."

"Its not Terry." Dean said speaking up. I could tell he was now thinking about why Terry's name was mentioned.

James' eyes bolted up and looked Dean right in the face. Dean just looked away blushing.

"I apologize. I didn't mean to interrupt anything."

"No its alright come and sit on the other bed and we'll go over the plays. James, you want me to get you any ice?"

"No I'll be fine. I think I'll go off and find Terry and let you discuss your game plans.

As James left the room, Dean and I got down to business. Alaska-Anchorage was not scheduled to do too well in the conference, but anytime you hear that, you have to work harder so you aren't upset.

"Dean my power-play plans were excellent against North Dakota. Do you think I should adjust them?"

"Yes just a little. One of my friends has given me some information on the team. Let's see what we can do with it."

As we reviewed the information, I realized that Alaska-Anchorage had incredibly weak special teams. This would be a good weakness to exploit, just like their coach who I've heard has been incoherent at times.

"Did you friend say what was the best part of the team?" I asked.

"The best advantage their team has over most teams is that they have the ability to get a fresh line on the ice very quickly. Very dangerous in fact. That and their sneak attacks from when they kill off a penalty."

For another hour and forty-five minutes we talked about offense, defense, special teams, goaltending, and anything else we could see and work around. James came in five minutes before we were done, but didn't say anything. He just watched us and listened.

Once Dean had left, "Have fun?" I asked.

"Yeah, I went and talked to Terry about his and Chris' relationship and how they felt about each other. You should listen to what Terry says and thinks about Chris, really deep and really strong. I just hope you feel the same way about us."

"Maybe deeper." I said smiling.

Getting ready to go to bed, I pulled myself away from James' arms for I heard something outside the window. I stepped out into the miniature patio and looked up. There was a flock of crows cawing as they flapped by. They cawed continuously, and I just stared up. I was glued to the spot. Whenever I saw and heard a crow or crows cawing, I always know that good luck will follow shortly thereafter.

James was now standing next to me, no doubt wondering what had drawn me here. He looked up and was quickly becoming irritated at the sounds the birds were making.

"Oh geeze, how can you stand that awful racket." James said.

"Its not a racket. Its a sign of good luck. Luck is with us. At times like any hockey player, I can be really superstitious, and about crows is one thing I truly believe in."

"Let's go inside." James prodded.

"I'll be there in a second." I replied as continued to look up at them cross the sky.

Time passed quickly and the only personal time that me and James had together was when we were sleeping. But from all the activity we didn't fool around we just slept, long and hard. I knew Friday would be exactly the same, but hopefully we would have more personal time.

Well I can actually say that the first game was fantastic. All the plays that Dean and myself worked on for a while came through. James and Justin did an excellent job as managers. In fact they quite surprised me about how well organized they were

There was one thing that for me overshadowed the entire game and that was before the game even started. It was the singing of the national anthem. Lo and behold who was singing the national anthem. It was Chris Kirkpatrick. When the announcer spoke into the microphone about who was going to be singing it, I knew my mouth dropped open. The crowd could have cared less. But one player, Terry, was shocked. I could tell from when he dropped his stick and didn't pick it up until another one of our players nudged him.

The game as I said went fantastically, most of our goals came from Anchorage's penalties, but that's what you get when you can't get your team under control. I did notice that the guys were playing as if they were just having a fun time. Somehow I think that they knew they were going to win from the beginning. When it was all said and done we won 6 to 3. We cleared out quickly and headed back to the hotel.

Once we got back to the hotel we played a little bit of hotel room roulette. Chris and Terry moved into our room.

"So when were you going to tell me that you were coming up?" Terry asked as they both sat down on the bed.

"Yeah tell us about it." I added in for my own curiosity.

"I'm glad that Justin and Lance can keep a secret." Chris said.

"So you knew about it?" I asked James who had sat down next to me.

"Actually, I didn't know until today. Chris called once he got in at the airport which was about a few hours before the game began." James said recalling.

"Was it a good surprise?" Chris asked.

"Yeah it was..." I was quickly muffled by James as Terry answered.

"It was a wonderful surprise. I don't know if you saw, but I dropped my stick once I saw you."

"Yeah I saw that. Inside I was giddy all over of trying to think what was going through your mind." Chris said leaning into Terry.

"Um Terry you do know that we are alone." I said.

Terry said nothing but leaned in and gave Chris a passionate kiss.

"You know I would like to continue talking, but not right here. I want to soak in the hot tub down the hall." Terry said slinging his arm around Chris' neck.

"Chris you have something to change into?" I asked.


"Well if you want you can go in my bag and get some stuff." I said pointing to my bag.

"Ok, thanks."

Chris went digging in my bag and found a swimsuit and then left following the footsteps of Terry.

"Finally we're all alone." James said pushing me back on the bed. "What do you feel like doing?"

Carefully I pulled him down with me and began to put my hands under his shirt. I brushed my lips against his, drew in a deep breath and dug into him with a deep kiss which could have ripped out his fillings.

"I see what you want." James said after I released him. "You want me."

"No," I said calmly, "I want us."

"I think that can be arranged." He said as I drew him back down to meet my kisses.

Finally a new segment of Jace's and James' relationship.

Any comments?

Next: Chapter 10

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