
By Richard Stuffer

Published on Jul 12, 2017


MWM Pt 2 Married White Male -- learning something totally new.

This story is based partially on fact. It is a story of erotic chat and video between two adult males.

For comments or suggestions: Thanks.

The email was from the guy with the nip clamps and dickrod videos. He stated that he added me to his yahoo and skype and he was online in both now. If I contacted him in the next few minutes, we could chat in either program. I immediately replied and stated I would contact him in Skype and hoped to chat with him.

I opened my Skype program. I sent an IM to him and waited for him to reply. In just a few seeonds, he replied that he was online and ready to chat and.....whatever, if I wanted. I replied that "Yes" I wanted to watch him online as he played but wasn't sure I could cam in return. He said no problem and I accepted his video call. ̇We both had audio so we could talk rather than type.

We exchanged a few pleasantries and told our names. His name was Doug. We both said that we were glad to meet each other and went on from there.

Doug's cam showed him from the neck down, shirtless, with boxer shorts sitting on his sofa. The dialogue went like this:

Doug: "So you saw my vids and liked what you saw, huh Mike?"

Me: "Oh yeah, Doug. I'd never seen anything like what you did in your vids before."

Doug: "Well, I am not surprised. I've been doing my type of play for years and rarely find another guy on cam or in vids doing the same type of play. For years, I'd felt like I was the only one playing the way I did. I've only known of the site for a few months and soon started posting vids and pics of myself hoping to get some comments. The few comments I got were very short like, "Hot, man!" ; or "Oh man, that's sick!" ; or , "Man, doesn't that hurt?!", or "Why do you do that?" Mike, your comments were the first to state that although you'd never seen anything like it and were squeamish at first, my audio told you just how good it made me feel."

Me: "Yeah, I couldn't believe it! When I saw those nipple clips on your nips I cringed at first. I like to fondle my nips when I jerk. Sometimes squeeze and pinch them a bit. Nip play seems to make me hotter when I jerk, but I've never done anything to my nips like what you do to yours. "

Doug was fondling his crotch through his shorts and running his other hand over his chest stopping at his nipples and playing with them a bit as we chatted. My cock was slowing hardening, lengthening and thickening as we continued this chat which I found tremendously exciting.

Doug: "Well, I've always appreciated my nips. Always played with them when I jerk. At first, just gently then more aggressively as time went on. Then I happened across a guy on a cam site 'live' who was playing with his nips. He had one-way audio, so I could hear him as he played. He was the first guy I'd ever seen with nip clips. He was saying how he loved the feeling of clips on his nips and how they made him hotter. I watched as he really gave his nips a workout with those clips. I loved watching it!"

Me: "That's how I felt when I saw your vid! I'd seen guys put cups on their nips and play with them but I'd never seen a chained set of clips on a guy before! I was fascinated and couldn't stop watching your vid as you played with your nip clips. The audio made it so much hotter because I could hear how good it made you feel."

Doug: "I've had some people comment that I must be into BDSM or a masochist or a slave who wants someone to inflict pain on me. That's not the case at all!. I do like some pain because the pain seems to intensify the pleasure. Maybe I am what they say, but I don't think so."

Me: "Since I discovered the cam sites and mens cams, I've found that people (men) can find all different ways to please themselves sexually. At first, I would shy away from those pics or vids that looked too 'kinky' to me because my first reaction was squeamishness. But the pleasure I heard from you as you played made me think differently. If it feels good to you, then go for it! "

Doug: "Oh, it feels very good to me, Mike! In fact, it feels fantastic! I love doing it and can't imagine solo sex any other way. Anytime I get horny, I just whip out my 'toys" and have a grand old time pleasuring myself to my heart's content! I love it! I really, really love playing the way I do!"

Me: "I can tell!. Your cock was rock hard, your balls were big and tight, and you loved tugging that chain to pull your nips in your video! A year ago, I wouldn't believe I'd be doing what I am doing now on the net. Watching men play with themselves and work their cocks and balls on cam makes my cock rise and harden so fast! I feel almost like a teenager again....with the passion that the mens cam ignite in my libido."

Doug: "Glad to hear that, Mike. Glad to hear that I can be a part of igniting your libido and making you 'hot to trot', as they say. It's a real compliment to me that you enjoy my stuff so much. Tell me more about how you discovered that you like men and watching them, Mike."

Me: "Well, the only other time I'd done anything remotely 'gay' was in my teens. You know, circle-jerk stuff, out of sexual curiosity. A few of us guys would find a quiet place and take out our cocks and just stroke them in front of each other. It was just something to do, It was more a 'naughty and secret' thing to do than sexual at the time. All of us had been jerking off privately for some time, as teenagers do, but this was a bit different. It had more of a 'let's keep this secret' kind of feel to it. A few of the guys would stroke until they came, but not all of us. We just enjoyed this secret play together. None of us ever touched another. This went on for a year or two until it slowly seemed to die out. Ever since that time, I'd never seen another man's cock in the same and stroking. I'd catch glimpses of some guys cocks in the restroom and they mine but it never went beyond that and I never thought that it would or could. It was just brief private moments at the urinal where men could sometimes sneak a peek at another guy's cock without inviting trouble. Seems like men like to do that but very covertly and briefly and are content with that as part of life, I guess."

Doug: "Interesting. I went through the same thing at the same time. Maybe circle-jerking is a phase all young, horny men go through as part of growing up. Okay, so tell me how you became addicted to mens cams now."

Me: "Well, my life has always been straight. I am 47 and married with two kids. Our sex life has seemed to become routine. So, once I discovered cam sites I'd thought I'd give it a try. I wanted to find something to ignite a passion in me that I haven't felt in years and hoped the cams would do it. At first, they did! I started with the women's cams, then moved on to the couples' cams. The women's cams were often very teasing but few of the cammers would chat or do all they said they would or follow your requests. I then moved on to the couples' cams feeling that seeing a couple have sex was like being in their bedroom. For a while it was! In time, I noticed that I would concentrate on the men in the couples' cams. I liked seeing his cock plunge into her cunt, or watch her mouth slide on his cock. Slowly, I started to identify with the men...thinking, 'Man, I'd love to be plunging my cock in that cunt, or 'Man, I'd love to be fucking her face and feel her mouth and tongue working on my hot cock', imagining my cock was the cock seen on cam."

Doug: "Mmmm, sounds hot! Tell me more, I want to hear how you got to where you did with the cams"

Doug's cock was hard now and making a big mound in his boxers shorts. That mound and the fondling of his furry chest and nipples as we chatted only added to the excitement of my first live chat with a man about sex and sexplay.

Me: "Okay, But I have to tell you, the sight of you on cam and this chat is making me so hot and horny, Doug."

Doug: "Good! Glad to hear it! I like an appreciative audience. Just tell me what you want to see as long as you continue to tell me about your fondness for mens cams, okay?"

Me: "Sure! I want you to drop your boxers and let me see your hot, thick, stiff cock and those hot, furry balls as I tell you about my cam adventures. I've never done a camchat like this before. Talking back and forth beats the hell out of text chatting and keeps your hands free for more important stuff . Also, I've never felt so free to actually say, rather than type, my feelings about the view on cam. This camchat is a first for me! I love it!"

Doug: "You got it, buddy!"

With that, Doug takes off his boxers completely. His big, stiff cock and balls are close to the cam with his hairy chest and roving hands in the background. My breath caught in my throat as I realized I was actually watching a guy 'live' show me his nakedness! It was like a throwback to the circle-jerk days, only this time the feeling of sexual heat and horniness was incredibly greater! Greater than it had been in years for me. I felt incredibly hot and horny and feverish and as if all the nerves in my body were tingling in unison.

Me: "Man oh man, Doug! You have an incredible body. It makes me so hot. I can't believe that I am so hot for a man's body. I am so glad we are using audio while I watch you. If I had to type and watch you, my typing would be indecipherable gibberish. I wouldn't be able to type words as my eyes are riveted on that hot body that is making me drool from my mouth and my cockhead."

Doug: "Keep viewing, buddy. Keep talking and continue with your story. I am in no hurry and am here for you. Eat me with your eyes, since we can't eat each other for real."

Me: "Oh, man, if only!! Anyway, as I said, I started to identify more with the men in the couples's cams than the couple itself or the woman, herself. I slowly started to notice that my eyes focused on the man's body and body parts. Often, I wished the cam angle were such that we (or I) could get a better look at him: I wanted to see his cock up close, or his balls up close, or his full chest, or his nipples. I'd found that I really wanted to see those parts of his body. Trouble was, the couples' cams always seemed to concentrate on her or closeups of her cunt or mouth as his cock plunged into those openings. So, I started opening some mens' cams along with couples' cams. More often than not, I found my attention going to the mens' cams and forgetting about the couples' cams."

Doug: "Yeah, and.....?"

Me: "Before I knew it, I was looking only at mens' cams. Often, the man would be fully naked. Lying in a bed sideways on cam, or sitting up with spread legs and completely naked. I found I like to see everything from his neck to his knees. Cams that had closeups of cocks and balls would catch my attention, but I always found it hottest when I could see a bare chest with the cock and balls on cam. Some would show their faces with their complete nakedness. When faces were shown, I'd think, 'Man, you do have balls! Showing your complete nakedness and your face on cam for the world to see." Something I'd never done in the few instances I'd ever cammed with a woman or couple."

Doug: "Well, I will show everything from my neck to my knees but won't show my face on public cam, or show my face in my posted videos. I admire those guys who do, but as hedonistic as I am, showing my face on public cam with full nudity is like walking naked in the street, to me. I haven't the nerve to do that."

Me: "I understand completely. I love watching you stroke your hot cock and play with your balls and nipples as we talk. It is so hot, man! I love it! I am so glad I discovered your postings and contacted you, This live camchat has got me so hot! Haven't felt this hot in years! I am glad today's Sunday. My wife and daughter will be out for hours, and my son is probably on his computer playing video games or God knows what! We can talk like this until I hear my wife's car pull into the driveway, which shouldn't be for hours yet."

Doug: "Great, Mike. I am really enjoying our camchat and it really makes me hot to know you find my body so hot. I like that it makes you hot and horny. This is what it's all about...finding something you really enjoy and having the time to enjoy it, So, let's enjoy it for as long as we can!"

Me: "Oh, I am enjoying it! Enjoying every second of this chat and your cam. I have never chatted this long about such hot stuff with anyone before. My cock is hard and stiff and I am not even stroking it. That's how hot this camchat is making me! Man, I haven't felt this hot and horny and hard in a long time! My cock is dripping precum as I watch you play. I am tasting my precum with every drop that leaks out of my head."

Doug: "Great! Can you see how my cockhead is glistening? That is the precum I am leaking. You like it? I leak a lot of precum when I play long and leisurely. Hope you like it!"

Me: "Like it? I love it! Wish I could taste it. Never tasted another cock or another's precum or another's cum, for that matter. Have only tasted my own. I am really hot to taste another cock and precum and cum to see how it compares. Wish I could, darn!"

Doug: "Well, in time that may happen. The way you met me online you may meet others and maybe be able to meet in person and make your fantasy a reality someday."

Me: "The idea of meeting a cammer guy in person after we've chatted is exciting to me. I am not sure, though, that if the opportunity presented itself that I'd be able to follow through and actually meet him. It's sort of a 'Damned if you do, damned if you don't' kind of thing."

Doug: "I can understand that, Mike. The idea of doing something never done before has a lot of appeal and pull. However, when the time comes to realize that deed, that time can sometimes be inhibiting for several reasons: 1- Do you really want to do it? 2- Suppose you do it and it turns out not to be all you thought it would be.....would you feel dirty and degenerate because you did it? 3- The want and urge to do something never done before can somehow weaken now that you have the opportunity to do it. Sort of like the split in the road: should I take the road to realize my fantasy and find out if it as I imagine, ....or should I take the road that doesn't realize my fantasy and leave it just as it attractive, exciting fantasy that cannot be destroyed by a disappointing realization of it. Sort of the 'twixt and between' of a dilemma."

Me: "Man, Doug! You seem to know how I am thinking. That is exactly how I feel! Are you a psychiatrist?"

Doug: "No, Mike, not a psychiatrist but just someone who understands how some people think. Don't forget that with the billions of people inhabiting the world there are very few thoughts and feelings that are truly original or unique to any one person."

Me: "So true, so true, Doug."

Doug: "Anyway, let's get back to the subject at hand. My cock is rock hard from chatting with you and knowing you like what you see on my cam."

Me: "Okay. So, as I said, I've never been with a man. I've been eating my precum for only the past few years, can you believe that? Only in the past few months, as I watched men cum on cam and came with them did I ever taste my own cum. At first, I didn't think much of it. Then, as time went on, and I jerked off to hot vids that made me hotter than I'd been in a long while, did I start eating my cum. Just a few fingerfuls at first. These days, I've come to love my cum and eat all that lands on my body. I have come to love the taste of my own cum."

Doug: "That's good. That's fine. I've been eating my own cum for years now. I love it. It took practice at first to be able to eat it all. Once you orgasm your sexual impetus weakens almost immediately, but I persevered. I don't eat all my cumloads these days, but I do eat most of them. I love the feel and taste of cum in my mouth."

Me: "Yes, I feel the same way. Now, I scoop up all my cum and eat it all, most times. I have come to love the texture and taste of it. Also, when I eat it after all the spurts finish, I get a sort of mini-rush of sexual excitement because I am eating my own ball juice. It seems hot and kinky to me."

Doug: "I know exactly what you mean. I react the same way. It amazes me, though, how few men will taste their own cum! I mean, I am not curious to taste my own piss (although I did only once and it was enough) and would never think of tasting my own shit, could a man who wants his woman to suck his cock and take his load in her mouth insist on that if he's never tasted it himself? Probably, those wives who won't take his load in her mouth know he has never tasted it and won't taste it themselves. After all, if he finds his cum repulsive why wouldn't they? You know what I mean?"

Me: "Yes, I understand what you're saying. For years, I would eat my wife's cunt and swallow her juices. I loved them! She, on the other hand, would suck my cum into her mouth and then spit it out afterwards and rinse her mouth with mouthwash. She said she didn't like the taste or feel of it in her mouth. Now that I know what my cum feels and tastes like, I can understand her reaction. It takes practice to appreciate the taste and feel of a load of cum flooding your mouth. I persevered and now often want to eat every drop of my cum."

Doug: "You mentioned earlier that you'd like to have a real-time encounter with a man. What would you plan to do in that encounter? "

Me: "Well, after getting past introductions and first shyness, I'd like us both to get completely naked. Then I'd like to touch his body and have him touch mine. If the encounter goes the way I'd like it to, I would like for us to suck each other some. I find I am most interested in oral with another man."

Doug: "I have done everything (with few exceptions) in sex with a man. I've done anal and oral, active and passive. I must say, I much prefer oral. I will fuck an ass, which often feels like a snug cunt, but love the feeling of a good, hot, wet mouth working and massaging my cock shaft and balls. If he knows what he's doing, or you can instruct him how to do it to your liking, it feels fantastic and the cum shots are intense when you are ready to shoot. After some very good fellating, the intense orgasm also seems to make me shoot a bigger load."

Me: "Doug, you're saying you've had sex with men?! I thought your vids and pics were just self-gratification. Did I miss something on your profile?"

Doug: "No, you didn't miss anything. I didn't put much on my profile except that I like to play the way I do and like to hear from people who enjoy my pics and vids. As I said, I've only had that profile for a few months and haven't updated it fully yet. Why, does something bother you about what I just said"?

Me: "Bother me? No! Surprise me, yes!! I thought all your man-to-man sex was basically just camsex and pics and vids. You have realized my fantasy...that of having real-time sex with a man!"

Doug: "Not a man, men! I have been having mansex for years. After my divorce years ago I got into the dating scene again. I found I couldn't deal with the hidden agendas or the drama of (straight) mature dating. When I discovered cam sites, I did exactly what you did. Surfed those cams for hours looking for hot women to jerk off to. Found when you chatted with the female cammer, in time, the drama or manipulation would creep into our chats. Did as you did, and drifted to the mens cams and found hot sex without the drama or strings attached. In time, those cammers would chat with the viewers like myself. I was able to make arrangements a few times to meet some guys in person. That is why I know how you feel and said what I did about the dilemma earlier. Knowing that I have sex with men, does that make a difference to you?"

Me: "It surprises me, but now as I think about, it makes this camchat so much hotter. Your cock looks so thick and glistening with you coating it in your leaking precum. Knowing that men have sucked that hot cock makes me hotter. My mind is in a whirl right now and I can't express all that I feel, at the moment."

Doug: "Not surprising! I guess you assumed that all my audio was 'bravado' in the heat of the sexual moment. I have to make more vids and pics and will post more info about myself and my sexual wants and needs and deeds. Maybe then, I will get more comments from viewers. Suffice it to say, that I've had plenty of sexual experience with men and now look exclusively for mansex. Mansex is just that! Men succumbing to their basic needs of fulfilling sexual urges. Many of the men I've met online and in person are just like you and me. They now find themselves seeking some new, hot sexual fulfillment and men meet their needs now. Maybe it is something we've suppressed all these years and after a certain point in life or after a major life upheaval like divorce or spouse death, in time we seek the closeness of men again. That closeness seems to come in the form of sexual intimacy. Also, I think this sexual intimacy does not involve all the emotions of love and such that early, straight life relationships do."

Me: "Doug, again you sound like a psychiatrist and express what I think and feel!"

Doug: "Again, billions of people have to share many of the same thoughts and feelings and yearnings. By the way, are you still enjoying the view of my cock on cam? See how the head and shaft glisten from all the precum I have spread over them? Like the way I play with my nips and massage my balls? "

Me: "Yes, Doug, my eyes are glued to your screen! I love watching you. Love hearing you moan and groan as you play with your hot cock and balls and nipples. Everything I see on your cam makes me hot, My cock is still rock-hard, and has been all this time, without me stroking it. Your cam and this chat have kept me hot and horny this whole time."

Doug: "So, do you want to continue to chat? Now that we're contacts we can send each other off-line messages and make arrangement to meet online in the future. That's what so great about the net and these chat programs. It is a new way to stay in touch, while online or off."

Me: "Yes, I want to keep chatting. I will be free for some time yet and want to continue. This chat and cam is so hot I am loving every minute of it!"

Doug: "Well, I am at your disposal. You can ask me anything. By anything I mean you can ask me any question or ask me to do anything you''d like on cam."

Me: "Oh, really! I'd love to see you play with your toys. I'd love to see you start with the nip clips and comment about what you're doing and how it feels! That would be so hot!"

Doug: "Sure! I was hoping you'd ask! I wasn't sure if you were just too shy to ask. Now that you have asked, you can ask me to do anything you like, within my limits. It'll make me hot to do things that you want to see."

End of part 2.

Next: Chapter 3

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