My 48 hours in the projects.

By moc.liamtoh@8deknoz

Published on Mar 21, 2001





Those who read my other story on nifty will know of one of the references I make to a certain person. I would like to tell you he was my lover in real life and in tribute to him and fond memories of him I wrote "man in the park" & this story also. He truely was my 1st ever true love.

..God bless him. One day we will meet again. If you find the thought of inter- relationships or lucid randome sex encounters a strain/problem then please feel free to leave at this point, but from the mail I have received it seems im not alone with my passions. please enjoy this story. steve.

After keeping contact with jonothon while I made plans to move to the NYC area our love grew into a comfortable obsession, we would write daily and call atleast each once a week. As the days counted down to me returning to NY my heart started to flutter more eachtime someone would ask about it. My dream of life in New York was finally becoming reality. I was to leave on the day after Christmas day and meant the usual family dinner at my family house in the south of England and then travel up to the airport early the next day.

The day arrived.

The flight like always was so boring and the people were just as boring, a flight with just women in there nasty red outfits giving out nuts then lunch then snacks as we had a hour to touch down. Flying over Long island the clouds parted as we taxied down to JFK. claps sounded (in the American way) as the wheels hit the runway and we had arrived. My heart raced as I did the usual question /answers at customs and got my enormous case and headed for the arrival lounge. Anyone would think you were famous the way you walk through a open exit in to the throws of hundreds of waiting friends/strangers/family folk Now I know how the Beatles felt when they arrived in the States the 1st I could hear the soft voice of jonothon as I reached the masses and he was crying tears of joy as I dropped the case and we hugged and kissed for the longest. It seemed that we were alone and no one was around as our worlds merged and we forgot everyone else there. Finally breaking for air we went out and got a yellow cab.

We were going to stay at his family home in Brooklyn, this wasn't something I was looking forward because he lived in a rough area and I was probably going to be the only white face in the crowd, but I knew it was only going to be a few days as he had found a apartment for us to rent over in queens. All I had to do was pay the deposit and it was ours asap. Jononthon told the driver where we were going and we sat hand in hand as we drove nearer to his home. the streets soon became more slummish and I saw more industrial buildings, (its funny cause the nearer we got the grayer the sky got). We drove in to his area and my heart sank as I saw where he lived, damn this was hell I thought as we climbed out and took the elevator to his top floor apartment where he lived with his two brothers and his mother. We were greeted by his mom as we went in , she was a pretty women and quite young looking, she had a southern accent and it made me feel so welcome as she started to talk. Jonothons older brother was at work and his yunger brother was out , and in her words she said " he'll be up to no damn good asyu'll" we all laughed and jonothon tookme back to his room , it was basic and sparse. He locked the door and we fell on the bed and got straight to the one thing we both wanted so bad, kissing and caressing we were soon nakid on his bed our hands and mouths were everywhere as we introduced eachother to the bodies we had missed so much. we must of been at it for ages before he fingered my butt hole and slide In me fast and hungry....pumping like I remembered he liked to. he had my legs up over his shoulders fucking me hard and fast.....damn I missed this so much, he had his tongue deep in my mouth as he pumped in and out my hungry hole. We were back together and the electric was still there. I could tell from the way he breathed as we kissed he was going to soon blast I tried to stop our passionate kissing to tell him I wanted to drink his first load but it was to late he panted as he let loose and pumped me full deep in my ass. We carried on kissing as his dick softened and slide out with most of his juices. We lay together on the bed and he pulled the sheet under us over us and drifted off to sleep.

Knock Knock........ his mom.. " Jonothon....steve!"


his mom again.. "jonothon y'll its mom.dinners on the table son!"

Jonothon and I stirred and got dressed and walked to the lounge where I expected a small dinner, but in true southern homestead style there was corn bread, broiled chicken, sweet potatoes and other stuff too. We sat as the front door opened and in walked this big blk guy he musta of been atleast 260lbs, he came over and shook my hand telling me he was elfonz, he threw his big jacket on the couch and sat next to me and without a word started to help himself to the feast on the table, jonothon just laughed at his actions. his mom.."oh lord....i dunno where that boy jay be at!"

I looked over at her and smiled and guessed she was talking about jonothons little brother. I realised that from looking at how beautiful and soft skinned jonothon my black love was and how dark and so-unlike elfonz was, they must of had different dads. Well after the feast and small talk I was so tired I needed to sleep, me and jonothon headed back to the bed room and layed kissing, I must of fallen asleep cause I work it was dark and I could head the sound of someone pissing in the toilet bowl in the bathroom, which was right by jonothon's bedroom. It made me wanna go to. I slid out the bed and opened the door starkers and bumped straight into a person I didn't reconise.... I hide my privates and gasp as he laughed so loud I thought the whole would wake.... jay.." y'll musta be steve from good ole jay yo!"

with out thinking I held mt hand and he got a veiw of my dick yet again.....blushing.... me .. "oh shit sorry man!...yea im sorry man!" jay.." see its not true all white dudes got small dicks!" and laughed as he walked down the hallway to the lounge.. I rushed in the bathroom and shut the door and took a deep breathe then proceeded to piss. I counted 10 sec in my head and then unlocked the door and peeped out the coast was clear and as I went to push mine and jonothons door open, jay popped his round the wall at end of hallway, nodded looking me and down ... jay.."sweet dreams dude!" I could hear him laughing as I went back in the room and slid beside jonothon again, he stirred and smiled.

jonothon.. " hey my beautiful sexy man!" me.. "I just met jay in the hall way" .. he could I was bright red and laughed at me. I snuggled up with my back to him and he wrapped a arm around me and I felt his rising dick at my butt, he shuffled around and guided it at my butthole and it slid in deep and we fucked again slowly and quietly, it was hard to not moan and yell out as it stang a bit on entry. we rocked and he fucked and soon was cumming again in me. We fell asleep till I was woken by the alarm going off at Jonothon climbed over me and disapeared in the bathroom and seemed to be gone ages when he reapeared with a wet towel round his waist. He kneeld beside the bed and reached in and took my dick in his mouth and sucked on me, arousing me real fast as he eat and licked his was alone and over my 7"uncut dick. I was moaning as he really started to slurp on me.i thought i'd wake the house and held in my moans letting him eat away... I started to breathe faster he knew I was near and sucked me faster, taking it all in deep as he chewed and slurped on it. damn I flooded his warm sexy mouth and could hear him gulping as he drank my juices deep in to his throat and swallowed my load. He held my dick as he licked the sides and holding back the hood he licked the head and slit making sure he got all his breakfast totally. Letting go he climbed up and feed me his now hard dick and I bobed on it slurping and sucking every damn inch till all 9" of his blk dick was in my mouth I bite at the base so he knew I was right down at the base he gasped and he shoot a moderate load of thick cum down the back of my throat, holding me deep on him he murmurred and moaned. We kissed and he told me he had to be leaving for his job in 10 mins and will be back about 7-ish tonight, my heart sank as he said it.

Kissing me as he left out he turned back ..... jonothon.. " by the way steve sexy...if you want a ciggy please smoking out in the not leave this floor" me.. "ok .so I cant smoke in the house!?!" jonothon.. " nope .house rule..remeber you will be safe as long as you stay on our floor hallway ok!"

...he smiled and I heard the front door close. I fell back to sleep and it was almost 12 midday when I walked to the bathroom (in my undies this time!). I showered and wrapped the towel around my waist and walked down the hall to the lounge and kitchen area, there was a make shift bed against the window and the apartment was silent, I noticed there was coffe made and poured myself a cup and sat on the couch and turned on the box to see the news, I thought I was home alone when jay's head popped out of the sheets on the makeshift bed.. jay.. " hey steve dude.mornin!"

I jumped in my skin..... me .. "shit!..sorry I thought I was alone!" jay.. " nah dude im here.jonothon told me to stick around in case you needed anything from the store" me .. " thats nice jay.but I got ciggys .so im fine thanks" jay.. " ok worries"

I watched the news as jay laid there half sleeping. I kept letting my eyes drift over to his direction, each time he caught my stare and smiled a big smile.just like jonothon's. I could feel my dick stirring and all embarrassed I made a excuse to go back in the bed room. I decided to dress and step outside and have a ciggy, my dick was almost hard in my jeans as I left the room at the point jay was going in the bathroom..this time he was nude with a towel over his shoulder. jay..."its my turn I guess dude!" he really laughed as he shut the door behind him. me.. " hey going to the outside hallway to have a ciggy..ok?"

The bathroom door opened fast as he stood there butt nakid... jay.." dont go to far dude..stay on our floor ok!?!" me .. " yea jonothon told me.thanx!"

Putting the door on the latch I stood halfway down the hallway and lit up, my thoughts of seeing jay so kewl with me seeing his nakid boy body made my dick swell in my jeans, as the point I adjusted my dick by putting my hand down the front of my jeans a door opened and in walked a light skinned black guy with a mop and bucket. He stopped looked straight at where my hands was in my pants and then my face and muttered something in spanish. I nearly jumped out my skin again as I quickly took my hand out and now even I could see my length hard and bulging in my jeans, I turned and looked out the window, my heart beating fast as I carried on smoking. The guy must of been the janitor as he mopped the floor and motioned me to side step so he could mop the floor where I stood.. janitor.. "yo it'll be better if ya stand on the stairwell and smoke man.that way the floor can dry clean!"

He motioned to the same door he came through and his face showed he meant what he had said to. Saying nothing I moved and opened the door and stood right by it , remembering what jonothon and jay had told me about staying on the floor only. It was the usual stairwell just concrete and bricks. I rubbed my crotch which was aching now as it was so hard. I lit another ciggy and stubbed the 1st one on the wall. I noticed the stairwells were not kept as clean and there was candy covers and trash scattered, as I looked around I could also see used rubbers thrown on the floor. The door opened and the janitor and his equipment came through the door, he passed and caught my gaze at the rubbers and smiled and walked up the stairwell to what was obviously leading to the next floor, (forgetting I was on staying on the top floor). I stood there smoking away on my own, I couldn't hear anything and I had to piss, so I un bottomed and started to piss against the wall, it was difficult because I was still hard and as the stream stopped I stated to jerk my dick , I peeped around the stairwell door and saw no one, then looked down the stairwell steps again no one, with my dick still out I looked up the stairwell to where the janitor had gone, there he was sat on the top step with his legs sprawled wide with his dick hard and un cut jerking off.

His eyes were closed so at that moment he didn't see me seeing him, I moved back round the section so I was out of view and started to jerk my own uncut dick. I raised my hand to my mouth and spat in it and applied it to my hard dick, as I jerked I could hear it making smacking noises as I jerked the hood over my head. It felt so good as I heard soft moans coming from the upper stairs, I speeded up and the smacks got louder followed by the moans getting louder too, I started to softly moan in unison, the janitor started talking in spanish, I had no clue to what he was saying, but I guessed he getting off big time, I moaned and coughed, he moaned and coughed, I slowly moved to the steps and slid around the corner, he was right there sat on the second to bottom step still legs astride and hand fisted tight as he jerked his dripping hard dick.

His eyes meet mine and I went straight down and started to slurp on his uncut dick, letting my lips roll back the hood as his head of his dick swelled more in my mouth and I firmly slide my lips down the length, he still was talking in spanish as I reached the base and bite it gently, his hands forced me to stay on him fully, he raised his thighs and pumped his dick in and out my held head. I placed my hands at his balls and held them as he rode me deep in my throat. My jaw was aching at the angle I was eating him, but I wanted his dick so bad, though my thoughts were also on seeing jay nakid earlier. He soon was bucking upwards and fucking my mouth, he let go of my head and I pulled off him, he stood and turned me and reached in his back pant pocket and found a ribbed rubber, ripping it open with his teeth he rolled the rubber over his dick and and aimed straight at my butt hole, I was still full off jonothons load as my azz opened and schwelched as he slide right in, he gasped ..I gasped, he rammed his dick in and out hard and fast, I felt every inch as he fucked me, I soon was pushing back to meet his fast thrusts, he was still saying stuff in spanish and made it so hot, he fucked harder and faster, he was like a piston, really fucking me hard then he yelped out load and he thrust 1 big thrust in me and held my waist as he grinded into me.... I couldn't hold myself and shoot my load up the concrete wall in front of me.

He pulled out and pulled off the rubber and flung it on the floor by the door. My azz was ringing it was so sore, he zipped up and patted my shoulder and proceeded up the stairs. I pulled up my jeans and buttoned up and lit a ciggy and as I went to go through it I was met by jay...

jay.."there you are dude !.shit..thought you been abducted!" me.."sorry jay .the janitor wanted to wash the floors so told me to wait here till he finished" jay.."oh that azzhole.. mind him man he is weird freik!" jay.. " say you spare a ciggy dude?"

Little did he know I had just his dick in me. I passed jay a ciggy and we stood at the the door on the stairwell side, I could see my load slowly running down the wall accross from where we were standing, horror started to run over me..shit what if he saw us and tells jonothon.....i would die here in the projects. Jay's eyes darted all over and I knew he must of seen my cum on the walls, and sure enough he did, he turned and smiled.. jay.. "yo this ya scum on the wall dude?"

he laughed as he said though. Jay.. "dont worry dude.many a time I jerked off out here after seeing my aint like I can do it the lounge is it now!"

His eyes looked deep into mine for a answer, I on the other hand didn't know what to say. He laughed again and went and took a closer look.. jay.. " you musta been saving that lot a while dude!"

Turning he was still smiling, we both stubbed our ciggies on the wall and went back in the house. I went back to the bedroom and soon jay was knocking at my door, he came in wth 2 cups of coffe and and passed me 1... me .. "thank"

we both sat on the bed and he told me about his girlfriend and the problems they had finding somewhere to make out as his mom hated her and her dad hated jay, the story really made feel sorry for him. Then he told me that they usually ended up on the stairwell having sex and that most of the used rubbers I must of seem on the ground was his, he laughed as he said it and i felt my dick again starting to stir up, damn not again. He said again how he cant have privacy to jerk off at night and till I arrived he would wait till everyone was gone to work and he would sit back here in jonothons room and jerk off. He said it in a way that made me feel I was in the way..

me.. "listen jay. dont mind me..if you want me stay in the lounge when you want to jerk off just tell me.ok!" jay.. " you almost caught at it this morin dude...didn't you realise?" me.. "nope I didn't see you till you said something" jay.. "and I was so close dude!"

The words hung in the air as he looked straight at me and my crotched strained in my tight jeans, I broke his stare and said to stop this conversation as I was feeling awkward, with that his eyes darted to my visible bulge, he smiled and motioned me to look down at his also obvious bulging we both smiled he opened his mouth to speak. jay.. " what say we jerk off here and now dude?"

surprised is not the word,he was out his pants before I could answer, dang it went as it sprang upright and hard out his undies. I undid my jeans and let my dick in to view, we watched eachothers as we jerked our own dicks slow and firm. There was no contact and it wasn't long before he was panting and shoot large thick white streams of boy cum onto his upper legs, it spewed out gush after gush, it was like a fountain and it looked whitter against his dark black skin, his eyes were wide open holding his dick halfway up as a last blob of cum slid out the slit, I tensed and my pathetic explosion of cum trickled out the head, I was empty after the janitor. He smiled as he let his dick go and lay on his upper leg, I reached forward and ran a finger along and collected a fingerful of his spend thick cum off his leg as it ran, he shoddered and looked straight in to my eyes as i sucked on my finger in my mouth and swallowed his juice.

jay.. " I think you are going to be fit in well around here dude!" he smiled as he the left room and me sat there wondering what he was talking about.

Jonothon arrived as promise to the apartment around 7-ish, I was tired and so was he, he told his mom we were going to have a early night. As soon as our nakid bodies snuggled up and hit the pillow we were straight to sleep. Love really is to me the best when you are held and snuggled up with the one you love in the warmth of a bed. Of course by the morning light I was woke by his dick sliding in me and we were both joined as he pumped me from the side position.

Off went the alarm again and I fell back to sleep and when I woke my dick hard I put on my undies and walked to the kitchen, again it was just me and jay again, who was right under the mound of sheets on the make shift bed. I walked over and lifted his sheets and could see he was fast asleep. I reached inside and felt my way to his crotch, his dick was soft but soon stirred along with jay, he was a bit startled by me and then smiled.. me.. " I made you coffe" jay.. " thanx."

I stood up and walked to the hall.

me.. " say jay.i'll be back in my room ok!"

I walked back in room removed my undies and laid on the bed nakid and jerking, sure enough in walked jay, cup in hand as he climbed on the bed and lay beside me and started to work his dick up hard. I reached over and helped him get hard and moved down and sucked his lengh in to my mouth, he moaned as I slowly traced his dick along to the balls and then swallowed on the head as I returned to it and went down the lengh, firmly slurping and sucking... jay.. "damn dude my gurl don't do it this good dude"

I sucked and sucked, I wanted to taste that thick cum again and he soon gave me it, it was so thick and tasty as I swallowed it down my throat, his hands brushed over my hair as I licked off every drop. We both made for the shower and both jumped in and let the water carress our bodies... I soaped his back and let my hands run down to his butt cheeks, he rested his head back on my shoulders as I let him lean back on me. My dick was resting at his butt cheeks now as we stayed cluded together under the shower spray. Soon my dick was rising as I humped at his smoouth cheeks. My hands parted his cheeks and let my dick poke at his tight hole and he to my surprise slighly moved to bend and I felt the need to fuck him, with that I guided my soapy dick at his hole and it slid in him, he squeeled out but didn't ask me to stop. I slowly pushed more and more as I felt his tight hole clamp my dick. I was soon gently fucking him as he soaped and jerked his now hard dick fast, we both were moaning and really getting in to it as I let my load splash up his azz, gasping he bucked on me making himself really open on me and then tighten as he shoot another thick load on the shower wall.We washed off and went our differnet ways in the apartment, I was feeling so bad and thinking about jonthona, I sat in the bedroom spell bound jay said he was going out for a while. I pulled him real close and we deep kissed and with that he said all embarrassed he will be back to take me to the real estate office to sort the deposit on the apartment for me and jonothon.

Well me and jay did the real estate I got the viewing and keys, did the necessary and went back to the apartment and waited for jonothon to get home to tell him the news.

hope you liked this story. let me know & thankyou for reading it. I can contacted at

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