My Angel


Published on Sep 22, 2001


Hi everyone!! Well, i'm back with a new chapter! Thanx to everyone who has emailed me about the story, everyone seems to like it!

Also thanx to Jim for editing for me!

I know it has been over a week since the tragedy in NYC, but i just wanted to send my deepest sympathies to all those who were affected by the events. It is a terrifying thing that in this day and age such violence is still seen by some as the answer to the worlds problems. Let us hope that this disaterous event and massive loss of life is something future generations never have to see.

And now on with the story.

Disclaimer: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of O-Town or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with homosexual content.

Previously on "My Angel "

"Cool, but I think we should slow down a little." Dan took Ashley's hand in his own and intertwined their fingers. "I need some time to think this all through. Besides, we've got a lot of other stuff to talk about like what to tell the guys."

"I can live with that for now," Ashley said and tightened his grip on Dan's hand. They both smiled, happy that now neither of them were alone, happier than either had been in a long time.

And now... the continuation...

"My Angel" Part 3:

By PJ.

"So, now what do we do?" Dan asked, utterly perplexed by the situation. Here he was, sitting on the bed of his friend, and long-time crush. Now he and Ashley were out to each other.

"Uummm, I don't know!" Ashley laughed. "I mean it feels weird, do you wanna talk some more?"

"Ok, `bout what?"

"Ok, hot guys. Who floats your boat... except me of course!" Ashley giggled. He felt so free and carefree like he could shout to the world he was gay, and still have enough breath left to sing through their whole album.

"Oh well, I... uh, I don't know really." Dan fidgeted a little, obviously uncomfortable with the situation.

"Dan, it's ok. I mean, it's a little strange for me to talk about it too."

"No, its not that, its just that... well, I tried so hard to bury these feelings that its odd to talk about them so openly."

Ashley nodded, because he completely understood. "S'ok, Danny I understand." Dan giggled and smiled widely. "What'd I do?"

"Well, you called me Danny," Dan said in a quiet voice. "Its just kinda cute, is all. I like it," Dan replied and blushed too.

"Oh, ok, it just seemed to fit." Ashley looked away a little.

"Ashley Parker Angel, you are a such a flirt you know that?"

"Hey! Oh, who cares, no point in arguing is there?!" Ashley laughed out loud. Dan just laughed, shook his head and sighed.

"Men," they both said and began to giggle uncontrollably.

"Well its kinda late, I think I'm gonna turn in now," Dan said.

"Oh," Ashley said, clearly disappointed.

"I'll be right next door if you need me, ok? Besides, I'm soooo tired and I wanna make the most of our day off tomorrow."

"What are we doing then?"

"I'm not sure. The guys wanted to go shopping and then perhaps out to a movie again. You wanna go?"

"Will you be there?"

"I was gonna stay home and work on some stuff for the group"

"Ok, well maybe I'll stay home too," Ashley said with an obvious flirt to his tone.

"If you DO stay home, Mr. Angel, remember what I said: slow, ok?"

"Yes, Mr. Miller. I shall be the perfect gentleman, of course," Ashley jokingly threw back.

Dan smiled. "G'night"

"Night Dan, oh and Dan? Thanks for everything."

"No probs, dude. Do u wanna talk about this some more tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I really need to sort it all out. I'm still a little confused and I'd like you to help me, if you don't mind that is."

"Well, only if you help me! I'm just as confused and scared, its just I try to hide it. I really need your help, Ash. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't there for me."

Ashley smiled. He had at last found what he was looking for since he first realized he was gay. Someone who understood, and would talk to him about everything he kept to himself. Now he was needed in the same capacity and it made him feel special. Ashley hugged Dan tightly as if he were the most precious item in the world to him.

"Thanks, Danny, night."

Dan returned the hug equally tightly and got up from the bed. He walked to the door, then turned to smile at Ashley before going to his room.

Ashley fell back onto his bed and tried again to process all that had happened to him that night. What an emotional roller coaster he had been on. Trying to kill himself, coming out to Dan, thinking Dan had rejected him, finding out that Dan was also gay and then finding out that they both kinda liked each other. Deciding he needed sleep most of all, Ashley turned off the light. He fell into a deep sleep, the events of the day turning into a running dream as his unconscious mind began to process everything.

In Dans' room, a similar sequence of events happened. He ran through everything in his mind. One thing plagued his thoughts however, Jacob. He kept thinking of a conversation the two had almost a year ago when they were discussing girls. Dan had asked what Jacob thought about gay guys. Jacob's response was something that had haunted him ever since: "They're all fucking sick, if I ever find out any of my friends are gay I'll just dump em. They all disgust me."

Dan remembered the look of pure hatred on Jacobs face and it struck terror into his soul. He knew Jacob could never understand and it worried the hell out of him. Dan continued his thoughts wondering what would happen if he and Ash told the other guys about their sexual preferences. It made him uncomfortable to think that such a silly matter as to whom they wanted to sleep with could change a friendship.

Dan slowly drifted off into a dreamless sleep, but deep down he knew there was a storm brewing, one that could not be avoided.

Morning broke in the O-Town house. At 9am Ashley's' alarm went off. He murmured from the covers of his bed and mashed the alarm clock with his right fist until it stopped. Five minutes later the alarm sounded again.

"God Damn it!! Won't someone invent an alarm clock without a sleeper mode?!

I just wanna sleep, ok?" He mumbled into his pillow, again hitting the alarm clock until it stopped. He tried to get back to sleep, but the shock of the alarm had pumped so much adrenalin into his blood stream he couldn't sleep. With an annoyed grunt, he got out of bed and dressed himself in clean boxers and a tight wifebeater he found in his dresser.

Going downstairs to the living room, he saw the three late-nighters sprawled out on the floor. He chuckled to himself at their positions; they were going to be regretting that binge after they woke up with bad backs. Ashley went into the kitchen to fix some breakfast. He picked out some "Capt'n Crunch" and poured it into a bowl of milk then went back to the living room to put on some cartoons.

`Hell, it's MY day off, and I haven't sat down to watch cartoons in ages,' he justified to himself.

"Oooo, Ohhhh, my head," Erik complained as he woke up after hearing the TV.

"That'll teach you to drink, won't it, Erik?"

"Sorry, MOM," Erik rebuffed. "I'm gonna take a shower." Ashley chuckled. He didn't much like drinking because of the nasty after-effects.

Jacob and Trevor soon joined the land of the living. They rose from their places, trying to stretch out the aches of falling asleep in an awkward position.

"Owl! My back!" Jacob exclaimed. "Hasn't felt this bad since I fell asleep on the floor after my birthday party and accidentally slept on 12 party-poppers."

Trevor said nothing, just mumbled and went in the direction of the door. Still half asleep, he bumped into the doorframe and tripped over his own feet before making it safely to the hallway.

"Oh they grow up so quickly!" Ashley joked. "Damn, no one around to hear my comic stylings. Typical." He finished his cereal and went to the kitchen to wash up.

Dan woke to the sounds of groaning coming from the stairs. He got up, dressed only in his boxers and exited his room. He saw Erik going to the bathroom.

"Hey, Erik!" Dan said perkily, just to be annoying. Erik just grumbled and gave him the finger. Dan laughed and went downstairs, passing Trevor and Jacob who were looking very the worse for wear. He went to the kitchen and saw Ashley bent over the sink washing up his bowl.

`Nice ass,' Dan thought. He studied it for a moment before speaking.

"Mornin', Ash." As Dan spoke Ashley turned quickly.

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph!! Scare the shit outta me, why don'tcha?" Ashley babbled obviously taken by surprise by Dan standing there.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Dan smiled, and then noticed that Ashley was looking at his bare chest. "Umm, Ash, I'm up HERE," he said pointing to his eyes.

"Oh, sorry, I just kinda..." Ashley was lost for words and a little embarrassed.

"...kinda like what you see? Judging by the state of your boxers, I think so," Dan finished off the sentence. Ashley looked at his boxers and saw the obvious tent there then went the brightest shade of red Dan had seen in a man.

"Oh, Ash, you're so sweet when you blush." That made Ashley blush even harder. "So what are we up to today then?"

"First, I put on some pants and you stop flaunting yourself and put on a shirt, you whore!"

"Ooooh, I am too much for you to handle then?" Dan laughed.

"Dan, I'm still trying to get used to this whole thing. Can we just play it down a little, please?" Ashley asked, a tad uncomfortable with the situation.

"Sorry, Ash, I didn't mean to scare you. I was just trying to make us a bit happier is all."

Ashley nodded and smiled. "So we gonna hang out, just the two of us?" Ashley changed the subject.

"Sure, I think we have some stuff to talk about."

"Yeah," Ashley said.

Just then Trevor walked into the kitchen. "Hey guys, anything good for breakfast?"

"Oh, I was about to make pancakes, you want some?"

"Yes!! Oh god yes!"

"Ok, then, you can help me make em."

So Dan and Trevor went about the task of making pancakes. Erik and Jacob walked in and began to complain about their hangovers, but were soon silenced when Dan shoved a plate of pancakes under their noses. They ate, washed up and finally all five of them sat around the kitchen table chatting.

"Ok, so we still on for a day out then?" Erik asked, very excited that he was going out, just like a two year old.

"Yup, Trevor and I wanna go scope out the new bowl-o-rama. You wanna come with, Ash? Dan?"

Dan and Ashley exchanged a quick but noticeable glance. Dan spoke first. "I'm gonna stay and work on the schedule for next week, and also top up my tan in the garden."

"I think I'll stay and chill, too. I wanna finish the new song I'm working on," Ashley said matter-of-factly.

"Ok, well it's you who're missing out!" Trevor said excitedly.

"I think we'd better get going. It's already eleven and we wanna make the most of the day," Jacob stated. He, Erik and Trevor left the table and then proceeded to run about the house getting ready to go out. After about ten minutes, they were ready and left. Ashley and Dan were all alone in the big house.

"So we're FINALLY alone then," Dan said.

"Looks like," Ashley responded.

"Well, I feel like a dip in the pool. You up for one too?" Dan asked.


Five minutes later the two boys were in the back yard with only their trunks on, placing their towels on the sun loungers. Both were trying very hard not to look at the other's body. Dan was the first in the pool, making a large splash.

"Hey, you got me all wet! Bastard!" Ashley giggled and wiped the excess water of himself.

"Well, if you intend to swim in the pool, you kinda have to get wet, dumbass!"

Ashley giggled some more and jumped in after Dan. The two swam about for a bit and enjoyed the water. It was a nice sunny day, but it was still quite cold outside. Ashley began to get chilled and got out of the pool. Dan watched as his muscles contracted behind a layer of skin. It was the most beautiful sight he had ever witnessed and he had wanted for some time to touch that beauty. Dan also decided to leave the pool. He didn't much fancy playing all by himself, and it was a little too cold for his liking.

Ashley stood before him, shivering slightly. With the towel around his shoulders, he hugged himself to try and get warm. Dan looked at him and had his breath taken away by the sight. So adorable. Dan then got the idea to rub Ashley's' back with his own towel, hoping to get Ashley to warm up a bit. Ashley smiled at this gesture and stopped shivering.

"Thanks," Ashley said in a small voice. "It think I'd better get out of these." He went back into the house. Dan stood and watched him go, his heart aching. He was falling for Ash... BAD.

Inside the house, Ashley dried off and put on a pair of shorts and the wife beater he was wearing earlier in the morning. He went back downstairs and saw Dan, sleeping by the pool. Ashley studied his figure for a while. He always thought Dan was really cute but never thought it more than a crush because he assumed it could never be anything more. Now all that was different. He looked at the finely developed muscles on Dan's body. The pecs, biceps, and abs, all still shimmering slightly due to the water from the pool. Ashley felt his pulse quicken at the sight.

`Wow,' was all that Ashley could think. He slowly moved closer to the sleeping form in front of him. Sitting on the chair next to Dan, he studied every part of him closely. His hair, all tussled from the pool. His eyes, so bright and full of hope. His nose, perfectly formed. His lips so inviting and sweet. Ashley slowly looked down his firm broad chest and across to the bulging bicep at his arm. Unknowingly he traced the muscle with his finger, eliciting a small moan from Dan.

"Dan, wake up," Ashley spoke softly.

Dan began to stir. "What?"

"You want some lunch?"

"Sure, how about a sandwich or something easy to do?"

"I'm on it. Go get changed and I'll get them ready."

Dan stood as did Ashley and they both entered the house once again. Dan went to change while Ashley began to make a tuna salad sandwich for each of them. Dan came back wearing only a pair of shorts, grabbed his sandwich and sat in the front room. Ashley followed.

"Dan, can we talk now?"

"Course man."

"Ok, so what do we do?"

"I don't really know. I'm still a little confused."

"About what?"

"About my feelings for you." Dan was shocked at what just came out of his mouth.

"Why? Don't you like me?" Ashley looked hurt.

Dan got up and went to his side. "No, I really really like you, but I'm afraid at what will happen to us and the group."

"I feel the same way." Ashley took Dan's hand and intertwined their fingers. "I'm still getting used to this whole gay thing, but I've always known that if I like someone enough I'm NOT gonna let them go."

"You mean?"

Ashley nodded "I mean, Dan, I would like it very much of I could kiss you right now."

Slowly, the two got closer both eagerly anticipating what was to come. They closed their eyes and their lips met. Instantly they felt so right and as if electricity had shot through them. The kiss was tender and new for both of them, and when they parted they looked at each other with nothing but love in their eyes.

"Wow," Dan whispered hoarsely.

"Ditto," Ashley said in a similar voice.

"I've never kissed a guy before, but it felt so right," Dan stated. Ashley began to tear up. "Ash? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, its just I feel so happy. I mean, the first time in months and I feel like I finally am where I'm meant to be, and with whom, too."

Dan pulled Ashley close to him and they shared a second kiss.

"I'll always be here for you Ashley. I love you. I have loved you for the longest time."

"I love you, too, Danny. I was so happy when you were picked to be with us, but I never thought we'd be together."

Dan laughed. "I'm never gonna leave you, my angel." Ashley hugged his man with all his might. Dan returned the hug with equal force. "No one can take me away from you EVER. I have loved you for so long."

"Me, too, Danny. Me, too."


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Next: Chapter 4

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