My Best Bud

By Shane S.

Published on Feb 26, 2020



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The boys were a mess, cum dripping all over. We were a mess too. TJ's load had erupted all over his chest and stomach and was now making a glue that held us together. I started to get up and went in for a kiss. I made it off the couch looking down at a messy TJ and then looked at myself.

"Let's hit the hot tub," T said. "We all can't fit in the shower."

"It would be fun to try," Marc laughed.

We weren't in the hot tub for too long when the moms showed up, T's and mine, that is. That could have been interesting, had their arrival happened about ten minutes earlier.

"Hey boys!" We heard TJ and JT's mom yell out from the kitchen. "We'll have some lunch around one."

The moms came out onto the back deck.

"Are you guys going to stay here for your last week of the summer?" my mom asked.

"I think so," Gregg shot back.

We all looked at each other with grins. It will be fun, was my thought. My brother and Nate turned to each other. They had this evil grin going on and then laughed.

As my mom walked back into the kitchen, "The straight boys just want to have an orgy," came from Marc, just loud enough for us to hear over the noise of the hot tub.

Four of us now looking at my brother, and his friend just nodded and laughed.

"Yeah, you would like that," Nate snapped.

"And you wouldn't?" JT said, giving him a look.

We all laughed again, including Nate.

The rest of the day was fun. The moms kept us fed all afternoon and my dad showed up around four o'clock with a cooler full of T-bone steaks. TJ and JT's dad showed up too. We were inside then, four at a time taking turns playing Just Dance on the Xbox. TJ's dad asked Nate if we should invite his parents over for dinner. Marc's would be here in a while.

Nate's parents joined us for a really good dinner. We played some volleyball on the beach and had a great evening. When Nate and Marc's parents left, mine and T's hit the hot tub. Sometimes I wonder if they have as much fun as their sons do together.

We spent the rest of the week there at the beach house. Nate's parents were cool with it, especially after coming over and having dinner and a good evening with all of us. Our parents were in and out through the week too, bringing food and checking in on things. Marc's parents even showed up one afternoon. So, as far as our sexual adventures went, we kept that pretty much to the bedrooms at night. We were all caught at some point trying to listen in on each other. It was fun.

I think it was Thursday night when it happened, "The Orgy." Yeah, it was Thursday; we knew it wouldn't be just us guys here after that night. Friday afternoon all our parents were there and mine and TJ's stayed the rest of our last weekend there.

It was new to me, new to all of us, other than the little bit of playing that had happened in the hot tub and the touching we did around the house. This was new, and truthfully, I was hesitant about it all when it started. I sensed Nate was feeling the same.

We had been on the beach most of the afternoon and evening. Then it was in the hot tub after the Sun went down. I don't remember what we were talking about when we first got in, we were just relaxing. We knew our summer was over, our last weekend all living here together Was just a couple of days away. There had been a little touchy-feely going on, all very visible when the bubbles had stopped some time ago, and we were sitting soaking in the still water. All of our eyes roaming, looking at one grinning face to the next, and down below the waterline too, following skin and happy trails to hands playing, touching, and pulling. We were all hard and we all knew what was on our minds.

After a significant pruning level was achieved, we decided to get out of the hot tub. I grabbed a towel, dried off, and wrapped it around my hips. My dick was very hard and sticking straight out. The towel wasn't going to hide anything, not that I was trying to hide anything. Looking the guys over as they finished drying off, I watched as their towels ended up over their shoulders, all of their poles sticking straight out too and showing off some nice bubble butts parading into the living room. I followed the pack, now with my towel around my neck.

The living room was only lit by the light coming from the spotlight above the kitchen sink and the bright moonlight breaking through the glass of large windows looking out onto the deck and the beach and water beyond that. Our eyes were roaming again. We looked at one another, panning from one face to another, looking into the other's eyes, this time looking for something. Maybe the brief stares were asking silent questions. "What do we do now," or "what is going to happen now," or "do we all want something, the same thing?" TJ looked at me and smiled. His look calmed my anxiousness. He gave his boner a quick tug before grabbing the remote. The screen on the remote lit up and after a few taps, music filled the room breaking the silence. It was BPM, Sirius 51, nice to move to.

After a little moving, to the music and hands to dicks that weren't our own, and as we watched each other too, I was trying to figure out what was really going to happen. Marc, of course, made the first move. I watched him as he was looking my brother up and down. It was obvious he wanted my brother, even without seeing him tugging on his hard prick as he took in the backside view of Gregg dancing close to Nate. Marc turned his head slightly toward his boyfriend who was watching all this too, and stroking himself. When their eyes met I could almost hear the silent conversation. An eyebrow on Marc lifted slightly and JT gave a nod. I knew what was going to happen before Marc even made his move closer to my brother.

When Marc's hardon touched Gregg's side, Nate took notice and gave my little bro a big grinning glance. Gregg smiled back and his hand went to his side to find Marc's rod. His hand covered it, pressing it into his hip. Marc humped into my brother and it was as if someone had turned up the heat in the room. I realized the heat was in me. Not even touching my own dick, it was really hard now and throbbing like it was dancing to the music. When Gregg moved his hand up his side you could see Marc's thick tube leaking and leaving a nice shiny coat on my brother's tanned skin. Marc brought his own hand to his hardon, pushing it into Gregg's side, then, with two fingers, he squeezed himself at the base and pulled his seven inches back between those two fingers like it was an empty tube of toothpaste. His clear pre, there was so much, he had a little shot squirt out. I almost thought he was coming. Then its slime oozed out and he rubbed it all over his head and down the shaft. Marc twisted his hips and the head of his thick cock disappeared in the valley of my brother's sexy bubble-butt. I watched my sexy brother bend just slightly and push back just enough to notice his movement. He wanted it. He wanted Marc's thick heat, to feel it penetrate his hole, and feel him pushing his thickness deeper, stretching his tight hole to open up more than I imagine it ever has.

Closing my eyes, only for an instant, as my mind was playing out this fantasy of my brother's hole being penetrated by his friends, and hell, maybe some of mine, I realized I was now going to town on my own hardon. I had to look down at my own hand wrapped around my hard, throbbing, hurting cock to really know what I was doing. I wanted, no, I needed to cum. I didn't want to this early in the show, or what I hoped would be a show. I thought about TJ in that instant too. Was he turned on by this? What am I thinking? Of course he's turned on by this. And it was like he was hearing my thoughts, I felt his hand on my right hip and his harness bump my left. His left hand found my neck, and his lips were on my shoulder and made their way up to the other side of my neck. The hand that was just on my hip was now feeling my sack. His fingertips were touching me lightly and moving my balls around. Fuck, this felt good.

Not a second later, my eyes opened and focused on my brother's ass and Mark's rod lodged in between my bro's tight cheeks. When he pushed back another time, it signed the invitation. One of Marc's hands came up and he spit into it. The hand disappeared and we were all watching, knowing that he was going to take my brother.

Marc pushed up as my little brother pushed back and I watched as Marc's thick pole disappeared into the tight, muscled mounds of Gregg's ass. Gregg bent over further, his hands gripping Nate's sides for support. My brother saw what he wanted now, right in front of his face. He opened his mouth and his tongue popped out touching Nate's nob and taking in the drop of sweetness that had formed there. His tongue went back to work quickly, lapping and licking at Nate's dick. Nate let go of himself, putting both hands around my brother's head. Gregg's mouth opened more as he pulled Nate into him. Nate's head fell back and he started fucking my brother's face. This really turned Marc on. He picked up his pace and was now slamming into Gregg's ass hard and fast.

The noise from all of the moans and groans, and even an occasional whimper, really heated up the room. TJ's cock was trying to push its way inside me now, but it just wasn't working. His little brother was obviously watching this, as he came out of nowhere with a handful of lube. I stood up and turned my head to watch JT's hand wrapped around his big brother's dick. "Fuck, that's hot," is the thought that hit me. Then I said it out loud. JT pushed into me, coaxing me to bend over. I could feel TJ's cock at my hole. It slid in with ease. It surprised me as his head popped through and I felt an electric feeling and no pain at all. I moaned. At some point, my eyes had closed. They opened up in a flash when I felt a warm wet mouth close around the head of my dick. I saw TJ's little brother under me, on his knees, with his mouth on my dick, and his eyes looking up at me. My right hand let go of my cock, and I took both my hands and put them on JT's shoulders. His body moved into me, his mouth taking in more of me. He kept the suction up too, as his tongue went crazy on the head of my dick. "Damn, where did you learn all of this?" I asked out loud, not even thinking that TJ and I knew what to do instinctively. Shit, I guess it's true that guys just know how to do it, and we're damned good at it! Oh, fuck, is he good at it! The guys in this family can really suck dick! His lips were now moving up and down on my shaft. Damn, he was taking almost all of it in. I could feel the head of my cock pushing into the back of his throat. The feelings shooting through my body in both directions, fuck, they had me so on edge. I felt like I was on a high, almost like I was watching this happen, seeing it from every direction, but at the same time, being the center of it all, feeling everything; TJ, pounding into me now, and his little brother, JT, swallowing my cock at the same time. I'm so close to cumming now. I start moaning.

JT's mouth left my cock and I turned away from the Marc, Gregg, and Nate scene to watch him turn and with his hands on the floor he lifted his ass up to my cock. He wanted my cock inside him. I didn't think about anything but pushing into him in time to shoot my load. I had this need, a desire so strong, to be deep inside my boyfriend's little brother. I felt like I would blow my load any second. I grabbed my cock, moved it around in the crevice of his little bubble butt, and I felt it find his hole. I pushed in, thinking, "fuck, don't cum – fuck, this is so hot – fuck, this is too much." TJ's felt my move and I looked to see his hands move from my hips to his brother's and he pulled him up, pulling his tight hole further onto my dick. His heat was felt as more and more of my rock hard shaft sunk further and further into him. He was tight, even in the space after the squeeze of the small opening. It felt like a tight, hot, wet, soapy, sponge was swallowing my rod. The electric sparks were firing off like fireworks inside me. The pleasure was building up so much, and so was the pressure. I was going to explode. TJ was there too. He was pushing deep into me.

Then I felt it. JT's insides squeezed my cock and his hole tightened so tight around the base of my cock when I pushed deep in him as my cum exploded, shooting out the end of my cock. I couldn't count how many shots I fired deep inside him. Feeling TJ's hardness throb inside me as he shot off too, made my dick jerk and spit more. It was incredible. Our noise was almost downing out the loud orgasmic sounds coming from the threesome just a few feet away. As soon as I turned towards the loud grunts I saw Nate shooting all over the hardwood floor as my brother held on tight to him after just pushing his load deep in him. Marc was spent too, jerking in spasms as he finished emptying his sperm in my brother.

I think we all fell to the floor at the same time. My legs were weak and my dick was still hard when it pulled out of JT. My brother made his way to me and took my slimy stick in his mouth. He licked the cum and juice off and started sucking me. It felt good. JT moved around to his brother and I watched him repeat what my brother had done. TJ grabbed his brother's head and moaned. I moaned then too, and turned to watch Marc's dick disappear into Nate's mouth. It was crazy, but watching the two brothers together, and me well aware that my own brother was sucking my cock, got me good. It was so fucking hot! I was getting close already, after just blowing a huge load, and so quick too. Fucking incredible. I grabbed my brother's head, caressing it, rubbing it. This was turning sensual and not just a horny lust. I loved my little bro before, but this changed the feelings into something different. I looked over to TJ and his brother. I saw TJ running his fingers through his brother's hair and it was like I could feel it too. I stared massaging my brother's head and his suction went to a new level. I looked down on him, watching him stroke himself for seconds then stop, wait a few seconds and repeat. He soon stopped this, and both his hands were finding my skin and he was touching and rubbing me anywhere he could reach. His touch ended soon and both hands found their place. One was at my hole, still well lubed. His other hand went to my sack. The touch was incredible. His hand was warm and his touch was gentle, holding my balls as his fingers began to play. A finger or two on his other hand started to play too. They tapped and gently pushed at my hole. Until, one slid in. Then two pushed through and rubbed that spot. Just a few brushes and pushes and I held his head and shot a good load into his mouth. He kept sucking and swallowing. Somehow my thoughts went to, "why didn't I know you could give head like this years ago?"

"Shit, bro! Man, that was good!" I said to him, as he slid up next to me. He pressed his lips to mine and they opened. His tongue was immediately in my mouth and I could taste myself on him. My tongue played with his, and we made out until we had to stop for more air. I leaned my head into his and I whispered to him, "I love you bro, I love you so much."

"I love you too," and I had a tear or two forming. "I was praying all of this wouldn't change us," he said to me.

"I think it has," and I paused just a few seconds, "but it is a wonderful change. The love got deeper," I finished.

"It wasn't just love that got deeper," he smirked. I slapped him, and then kissed him.

It hit me then how much I would miss him when I take off to Stanford. I looked to TJ hoping to take my mind away from this. He was in an embrace with his brother too. It was sweet to see, and yes, sexy too.

The other boys had recovered too and were now standing over us. I was a little in a daze, I guess. I don't know if this was a cheer crowd, an oo-and-ah session, or they were trying to get us up or join. Finally, Marc spoke out, "Wow, that was... yeah."

Nate finished it, "fucking hot!" We all agreed.

"Let's make improper use of that hot tub one last time," Marc jeered, grabbed a towel from the pile on the floor, and headed out. We all followed his lead.

I don't know what time we decided to tidy up a bit and head in for the night, but it was late. We all had something to say about what had happened, and all of it was good. It was an experience I will remember forever.

Friday evening came too soon, and parental units started appearing. By Sunday, all of our parents were at the house enjoying the last weekend of our summer break.

After that weekend, I think we were all a little sad. We had all gone our separate ways, really, all of us getting ready for a new school year, TJ and I, a totally new school and away from home. Of course, Nate and Gregg talked every day, that week before school starting back up, if they weren't together. TJ and I were together almost every day too, even shopping with our moms for dorm stuff and clothes. I don't know, it's just that it times, it felt lonely, whatever "it" is.

My brother and I did have a few late-night suck sessions, they were fun. I heard all about TJ and JT's too. Theirs were much more frequent I chalked up to making up for lost time. I jacked off to the last story I heard on the last night we were spending at home with our families. TJ text me, asking if I was in bed. I replied a quick, "Yup... just" and hit send.

Incoming call from TJ. "Hey, sexy."

"You're the sexy one," was my reply.


"Yeah, spose they do. Farmers prob-ly use it for fertilizer." I was being a smartass.

"Shut up! ... So, how was your day?"

"It was good. Fun with the fam, ya' know. How was yours?"

"Oh man, I have to tell you," and I knew it was about some crazy session with his brother. "It happened this evening, I can't believe the little shit."

"What did he do?" I asked, as if he wasn't going to tell me.

"After a nice dinner, we did a few games, and he was giving me this eye all the time."


"I just smiled back. He's so cute."

"I know. You two look alike, you know?"

"Sure, but anyway, after the games we went in to watch a movie. Mom even made popcorn."


"Yeah, and she and dad sat over on the big chair under a blanket. I went for my corner of the couch, and J snuggled up to me with a blanket. We haven't done that in years, I think. Mom made some comment we couldn't hear to dad and they gave us a big smile."


"I was rubbing his back and he had started rubbing my leg under the blanket. It didn't stick to just my leg for long. He was getting me rock hard in my PJ's, man."

"Damn, your parents right there."

"Yeah, it was crazy exciting. He started playing with my dick when it boned up really hard, and he took it out through the fly."

"Shit!" and I was getting excited, again. I just came about 20 minutes ago with my brother.

"I know. He's stroking my cock, right there. It was under a blanket, but if you looked you could see what was going on. A little bit of this and he was moving. He put his head on my lap, his hand still tugging on my pole. Then his head went under the blanket."

"No way!"

"Yes way! And he started licking. Damn, it was hot. Then sucking and taking more and more of it in."


"Damn, it felt so good and the excitement of me getting a blowjob, from my brother, and my parents just a few feet away."

"Holy shit," I breathed out, stroking my hard cock, picturing all of this like a movie.

"Oh man, I'm hard right now thinking about it."

"Yeah," I managed to sigh out, my breathing now that T had to know I was beating it.

"You stroking?" he asked me.

"Yeah, you better too, take care of your hard cock babe."

"Yeah, beat it babe," TJ breathed into his phone for me. "He kept sucking and moving his head on my cock, babe. It felt so good. I had to cum, even with mom and dad right there."

"Fuck yeah, cum babe."

"Fuck yeah. I put my hands on his head to kind of give a warning, I looked down at the covers moving, trying to breathe normal, and I looked over at mom and dad and started shooting. Ah fuck, I'm about to cum."

"Yeah babe, I'm cumming." We both were moaning and shooting. "I made a mess," and I had. It was on my chin, all over my chest and stomach. It started running off my stomach. I grabbed my shirt that was on the floor by my bed.

"Man, that was good. And tomorrow we live together."

"Yes, I can't wait," I said. "I love you."

"I love you too, babe. Good night. Sweet dreams."

"All of you. Night, babe. See you tomorrow," and I ended the call, set my phone on the nightstand, and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the next book in the novel of my life.

Thank you for reading! It keeps us writing!

A special thank you goes out to those of you that came back for the final chapter after way too long of a break.

Let me know if you would like to hear about Shane and TJ's life at college. I have some [are they memories?] for a tale or two there. I love your emails, always!

To keep up with what is going on with me and my stories, read my blog:

If you're new to my story, send your thoughts, comments, and suggestions. They are very much welcomed. Send an email to – I would love to hear from you!

-Shane S. Page | 78

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