My Best Friend Brent

Published on Jun 21, 2023


DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story that involves two consensual male minors having unprotected sex. If this offends you in any way then please turn back now. If you are not permitted by your state law to read sexual material of this nature, then turn back now. If not, then enjoy the story.

My Best Friend Brent

Chapter 2

I awoke the next morning to find myself still lying on Brent's chest, rising and falling slowly to Brent's heaving breathing. I felt so content and so perfect at that moment, I was hoping that Brent would want to do this as often as possible.

"Good morning," I heard from an awakening Brent. He had a large goofy smile on his face and I couldn't help but give him a sweet, lingering kiss. This kiss was short however, after we both noticed how horrible our breath was.

"Dude, your breath is harsh," I said to Brent.

"Ditto to you shitbreath!" We both chuckled and went off to the bathroom to brush our teeth. We entered his bathroom that was connected to his bedroom, and stood side by side at the sink, brushing our teeth. I playfully nudged him as I looked at his beautiful face in the mirror.

He spat into the sink, rinsed his mouth, and flashed me a smile. "We have to talk today. It's Saturday so maybe we can go over to the park or something."

"Sure," I said as I spat into the sink and rinsed out my mouth. I then pulled him by his left arm into a powerfully intense kiss. I pushed him against the sink whilst sending my tongue throughout his mouth for a thorough exploration. He pulled his mouth away from mine and I ground my hard cock into his hardening one. A look of shock and amusement appeared on his beautiful face as I simply giggled.

"You know Sal, you`re the only guy I could ever describe as being beautiful," he said to me as I stared into those beautifully hypnotic eyes. Due to the unexpectedness and flattery of this statement, I blushed a great deal . "Aww, did I make Sally Wally blushy wushy!" That only made me blush even more, but to get him back I picked him up and sat his naked bottom in the wet sink.

"AHH!! SHIT THAT'S COLD!" was all I heard as I rushed out of the bathroom to escape his revenge.

But of course my actions were futile, and I was met with a tackle while bending over to pick up my clothes. We wrestled for a good five minutes. And by wrestle, I mean he kept on pinning me over and over seeing as how he's on the school varsity wrestling team....damn jock.

We both gave up, and he layed on my back with his head in the nook of my shoulder and his hard dick in the cleft of my ass. I couldn't help but to rise my ass and feel his wonderful cock slide through my crack.

"Woah there buddy," Brent said, while rising himself to sit on the floor next to me.

"Oh come on? Like you didn't know I was going to do that." I giggled and saw him shake his head and laugh while he got up and went to his dresser. I also went to his dresser, seeing as how all my other clothes were back home. I picked out some khaki shorts, an Abercrombie tee, and of course some ck boxer briefs; while Brent picked out a white tee, gym shorts, and some plaid boxers. I told him he could take the first shower, and watched him as his bubble but swayed as he went into the bathroom and shut the door.

While Brent was in the bathroom I decided to go on his computer and check to see if he really was as straight as he said. Knowing Brent isn't the kind of guy to clear his History on his web browser, I checked. To my disappointment, every single porn site he visited was straight: "Buxom Babes", "Loose Lesbians", "Sexy Sluts", and all that crap. I began thinking; Why had Brent kissed me? Why were were making out so passionately if he's straight? What did he mean by saying he would do anything for me? Does he want to be more than friends? An array of questions popped in my head and before I knew it, Brent was out of the shower and telling me to take mine.

After my shower, we went downstairs and were met with Brent's mother fixing a hot breakfast.

I've always seen Mrs. Donovan as a sort of second mother or something. She's always very inviting toward me and treats me as if I were her own son. She often comments on how Brent and I seem like brothers.

"Hey boys. Sounded like you guys were fighting last night? Is everything ok?" I began to blush profusely, and checked her face for any signs that she knew what really happened last night?

When it became clear she had no clue what we were doing, I said "Oh no. We were just doing a bit of wrestling. Sorry if we woke you Mrs. D."

"Oh, no problem Sal. So, what do you boys have on the agenda today?" she said as she handed us plates of bacon and pancakes.

Brent and I sat down, and while he was stuffing his face of pancakes, he responded with this. "Oh nothing much. Probably go down to the park, fool around a bit, you know." And he put a slight emphasis on `fool around' and winked at me as he said it. Was this flirtation? Or teasing?

After breakfast we decided to go off to the park. His house was pretty close to it, so it would just be a 5 minute walk.

As we were walking side by side, I decided to be a little courageous, and slid my fingers through his to hold his hand.

He began to protest and pull his hands away. "Please Brent, there's no one around since it's so early in the morning and I just want to touch you. Please?" I said very pleadingly.

"Uhh....okay. But we're going to talk about this when we get to the park." Brent kept sounding more and more opposed to a romantic relationship with me. As we walked into the park and Brent pulled his hand away from me, a silent flood of tears escaped from my eyes. It was only when we sat under a far off tree that Brent noticed my tear-struck face.

"Sal. Oh Sal, I'm sorry. Listen this is what we're here to talk about." His words didn't stop my crying and I began to feel like such a pussy, having him see me cry so much, so I turned away. "Sal? Sal please don't be like that. I'm really sorry." He then pulled the back of my body against his wide open legs as he was resting against the tree, and wrapped his arms around me. "Is this better Sal?"

Actually, it was. "Yea," I said as I sniffed.

"Okay Sal. Last night," he paused for a moment. "I'm not so sure if it wasn't a mistake." I think he knew I might start crying so he pulled me tighter against him. "I'm not saying it wasn't incredible, but....I don't really know what I'm trying to say. I love you more than anyone in the world, and I think you know that. You also know that I'm not gay and wouldn't ever see myself as doing anything with a man." He laughed. "Well that is until last night." I then giggled a little, but then realized he was telling me that the love I showed him last night was a mistake and began to feel extremely depressed. "Well while I'm not gay, and could never see myself as being with a man, and I still don't know how to feel about what we did last night; I know that my love for you goes beyond the fact that you're a man and I know that I trust you wholeheartedly. I would be willing to try anything with you, and if you want a relationship....well then that is something I'd like to try."

I was overcome with joy and couldn't help than to turn around immediately and quickly show Brent my beaming face and give him a very quick kiss on the cheek. But in my joy, I accidentally kneed Brent in the crotch while turning around. It was only after the kiss I realized Brent holding his groin in pain with a look of terror upon his face.

I giggled slightly. "Sorry Brent." I laughed some more, before I removed his hand and replaced it with my own to massage his crotch. "Is that better?"

Brent's face was a mix of pain and pleasure. "Oh...yea. But you better stop," he said as he pulled my hand away. "It is a public place after all."

I blushed and said, "Yeah. you really want to be my boyfriend."

Brent winced a bit at that. Perhaps putting the name `boyfriend' on it made it very real for him. "Yeah....your...boyfriend." He began to think about this. "It sounds so..." I was preparing myself for a response I would not want to hear until he said "perfect." Then he kissed me and we began to make out. After about ten minutes, we realized we weren't alone anymore in the park, and there were people beginning to swarm in the distance. It wouldn't be long before they came over to our side.

"Let's go over to my house. My parents are probably wondering where the hell I am by now." We stood, and I had a surge of sexual energy as I saw Brent's shirt rise above his shorts revealing his soft pleasure trail. I immediately reached to his crotch and began to massage his magnificent bulge. I then kissed him passionately and lustfully, while grinding my hardon into his.

"Okay, okay, okay." Brent said as he pulled away. "Calm down buddy, there are kids around." We both laughed at the realization of our setting. "And maybe when we get over to your house, we can talk about how long you've been in LOOOOOOOVE with me." I grunted and punched him softly in the gut.

We went back to his house to get some bikes to ride back over to my house. It was only about 2 neighborhoods over, but it was a 15 minute walk that we did not want to take. While riding behind Brent, I got to see the beautiful mounds of his ass resting on his bike seat, and I just wished I could dive right in between those cheeks. And yes...the idea of sex never escapes my mind.

As we approached my house I remembered that I lied to him last night when I told him he was the only man I've ever felt this way for, and would never be attracted to another man. Should I tell him the truth now that he's my...boyfriend?

We entered my neighborhood, and five houses down the street would be my house. It's a large house with a foyer, bar, entertainment room, a large in ground pool and spa in the backyard, 2 bedrooms, and 4 guest rooms. My mother was a president of a large corporation and my father a very renowned physical fitness trainer, so I suppose my family was in the high end bracket.

We rode up the driveway and into the garage. There we rested our bikes against the wall and entered the house. We were met with my dog Andy, a beautiful Golden Retriever-Lab mix. After petting him for a few minutes, we decided retreat upstairs when we were met with my mother on our way.

"Hey boys," she said as she stepped out of our way. "What's the rush?"

"We have to get started on a project Mom. We have to get down and dirty," I said as I winked at Brent.

Brent stifled a laugh and said "Hi Mrs. Ramirez!...Bye Mrs. Ramirez!" She chuckled at that.

We entered my room and I shut it and locked it. It wasn't unusual for me to lock my doors while working on homework. Brent immediately raced for the bed and lied on his back against the headboard. I smiled and raced to jump on top of him. After his initial screams and my laughs, I turned around to nestle myself in between his legs and have his arms wrapped around me.

"So Sal, I hear from people you've been in love with a fine young gentleman as myself." He laughed and I pinched him. "Ouch. Touchy, touchy," as he giggled.

"Well actually Brent. I have a little confession to make. And I'm being serious." Brent stopped being so loose and I could feel him tense up. "Well I told you how I've never been attracted to other men before, and you're the first guy I've ever felt feelings for."

" me," he said.

"Well...I'm actually gay. I lied to you Brent and I'm so sorry. It's just at the time I thought you were really mad and were close to hating me, so I tried to make you...not angry?" I began shaking now and could feel the tears welling up inside my eyes.

"So what you're saying're a fag. And you fell for me not because of your love, but because it's the most likely thing that would happen. You fell for the guy you hang out with most..." I began to protest. "No! And that means that I'm the weird one, and that its not normal for me to be with you when I'm a straight it's quite possible I might be a fag too..."

I turned around to look Brent in the eyes. "Brent please! I didn't mean that! Of course you're not weird. And no I didn't fall for you just because you're a guy and I hang out with you a lot. I love you because you're amazing. I know all your strengths, and all your faults and I love every single one. I love everything about you. Inside and out." At that I brushed his cheek softly with my hand as tears streamed from my eyes.

"...I love you too Sal. But what does this mean? Am I gay? Am I bisexual? It's not normal for me to be with you if I'm's just not possible." Brent began to cry and tried to push me away in embarrassment.

"Brent! You don't have to analyze anything right now. I can understand how this might be confusing for you, but just enjoy yourself for the time being. If you want, I can help you through it later today or whenever you want. Okay?" I then returned to my position of laying on my back against Brent's chest and resting in between his legs. "I love you so much Brent, and whatever you think you are. I'll be here beside you and I'll always love you."

"Thank you Sal....I'm sorry I said those things to you. You're not a `fag'. I'm never gonna use that word ever again." He then started twirling his fingers in my hair with one hand, and with his other he reached under my shirt and started massaging my abs. "I don't know what I am. But I do know that I love touching you and exploring your body." Then he started to tweak my left nipple which started a steady stream of moans from me. He then took his other hand, and began to use both hands to tease both of my nipples. My cock almost immediately hardened as I received such pleasure from Brent's hands. He noticed my hardening member, and his hands began to travel down my chest and toward my crotch.

"You don't have to if you don't want to Brent," I said in case he was still having worries about gay sex, though I really wanted him to urge on.

"I want to. Besides, I owe you for last night," he said as he began to unzip my shorts. He then tried to pull them down, so I helped him by raising my ass off the bed. Once my shorts were off, he began to wave his fingers in my pubic hair. "It's so smooth..." he murmured as he traced below and then wrapped his hands around my cock.

"O...Brent," I moaned as he began to pump, agonizingly slow, up and down my 7 inch, uncut, hard cock. "Please...can you suck me Brent? Please suck my cock." As I said this, I was hoping it would turn Brent on as much as it turned me on.

"Haha...Okay babe." He then slipped out from under me as he crawled around to lay in between my legs. His face was only inches away from my cock as he took a big whiff that sent his eyes rolling in ecstasy. Then he took my balls in one hand and began to massage them softly, as he took his other hand and grabbed the base of my cock. I was shuddering in the anticipation of having my first blowjob. As his tongue first touched the head of my cock, waves of pleasure were sent throughout my body. I instinctively thrust my pelvis in the air. Brent dodged it, and then proceeded to lick up and down my shaft, while playing with my foreskin.

"It tastes pretty good," Brent said for a moment as he pulled away from my cock. He then continued to massage my foresking back and forth off the head while he licked on the sides of my cock. Then he pushed my foreskin behind my head and took my cock in his mouth. I moaned loudly as he took me all the way in his mouth and down his throat so his nose was nestled in my pubes. It seemed he was one of the blessed few to have no gag reflex. I began to push up slowly to match each of his head thrusts. He was sucking masterfully on my cock. I was in ecstasy and moaning constantly. He had a wonderful suction around my cock that he maintained while sucking, and each time my cock was almost out of his mouth, he used his tongue to tease my cockhead. It wasn't long before I could feel my orgasm about to burst.

I grabbed Brent's head and said "I'm about to blow in your mouth. Eat my cum sweetie. Eat it all." One of my many fantasies was always to have Brent eat my cum. I so wanted him to do this. I could feel my cum traveling fast through my cock, and it was spurt after spurt into his mouth. It came to a total of 5 jets of cum into Brent's waiting mouth. He ate all that was in his mouth, and has some trailing down his cheek, which he quickly scraped with his finger and licked right off. He then gave my head a quick squeeze and licked up the last small gob of cum that came from my head.

Brent raised up and sat on the bed and flashed a smile. "That was pretty fun. And you taste nice Sal."

I was panting and all I managed to say was " was ok," which caused Brent to playfully punch my sides. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Brent...that was amazing. And I know that you may not ever do that to any other guy, but oh man, am I glad that you did it to me."

Brent leaned forward and planted a soft, gentle kiss upon my lips. "I love you Sal," he said as he then laid his body on my own and we took a nap. He lying on my chest, and me basking in the glory of holding my lover in my arms.

We awoke an hour later, me half naked and Brent lying on against my body. We laughed when we discovered that my dick was stuck to the loose material of Brent's shorts. When we became..."detached," I put my underwear and shorts back on and went to check my email on my desk laptop.

Brent went to my TV, sat down in front of it, and turned on my PS2 which had my game of Final Fantasy X in it, which I am STILL at the very last POSSIBLE part and just can't beat the last enemy, named Sin.

"Dude! You're joking if you still haven't beaten Sin yet." His line of insults continued as I replayed lines of "har har" and "Who cares" to shut him up, even though of course it kills me to not be able to beat that damn game...fuck.

While Brent was still insulting me on how easy it is to beat Sin, I checked was checking my latest emails and came upon one labeled in the subject "Gross" from Brent and mine's Alex. What I read horrified me to no end.

Date: Sat, 4 June 2005 12:32 From: Alex < Subject:GROSS

UGH! I saw you and Brent this morning fucking kissing and shit at the park! You fuckin' fag! I always kinda suspected something about you with how you never have girls, but Brent? GROSS! I bet you fucking turned him didn't you, u fuckin' fag. Yea well I'm gonna tell everybody all about ur faggy ass romance. You're gonna fuckin' regret the day you decided to like guys bitch!

I froze for a good 20 seconds after I read that email. I didn't know what to do. I eventually called out "Brent..." in a way that I felt like I couldn't speak. He came over boisterously happy and read the same email I had.

"SHIT! SHIT SHIT SHIT!!! SHIT!! WHAT THE FUCK!!! DAMNIT!!" I couldn't tell if he was mad at the email, me, or both. I guessed he was going to take advantage of being able to say I seduced him wrongfully, and would gang up on me when everyone else did. I could see my whole world falling apart and I didn't want to have to handle it.

I began crying and ran to my bathroom and shut the door. I didn't want to see Brent leave and I certainly didn't want him to see me cry again. Five minutes had passed and I was now certain Brent had left. I heard nothing coming from my room and had heard footsteps going downstairs and a door open. It was at that moment, that I truly wanted to be nonexistent. Not just to be dead, but to have never existed so Brent wouldn't have to deal with the embarrassment from our classmates.

Soon I heard a knock on the door and I raised my head slowly. "Who is it?" I said with a weary voice.

"Who do you think it is?" I heard Brent's voice say. "Open up." I was a mixture of happiness and fear at that moment.

I rose and opened the door to see Brent's solemn face. He then forced a smile it seemed to make me feel better. "Listen Sal. This is pretty much the worst possible thing to happen to either of us at the moment. I mean, this is new to both of us, and now its going to be new to the world as well. I don't want to have to deal with it at all." As he said this I could feel my heart drop to the floor. "But we have to, and there's no one I'd rather go through this with, than you. Just because our friends know about us, doesn't mean I'm going to stop loving you. And now is a time we're going to be able to find out who are true friends are."

His strength was amazing to me. He just exuded confidence and his assurance gave me strength. I could tell that he was my rock and I could depend on him. It was then I realized that we could make it through this together.

He took me into his arms as we rested our heads in each others shoulders and I said "I love you Brent. Tomorrow we'll walk into that school and show them we have nothing to fear."

He squeezed me tighter and said "That's the spirit Sal." He then took his head out of my shoulder to give me a strong, and perfect kiss. He pulled away to say "Tomorrow morning we'll walk into those doors together and see what they have to say about it."

There's Chapter 2. Thank you for all the fan mail! This is my first attempt at a story and I'm surprised so many people enjoy the kind of emotional erotic stories I like! Keep sending me feedback please, I appreciate everything you have to say.

Next: Chapter 3

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