My Best Friend Brent

Published on Aug 9, 2023


DISCLAIMER: You know the drill. Don't read this if you shouldn't be. If your state doesn't allow it...then don't read it. If you're underage....then don't read it. Otherwise...ENJOY!

Chapter 5

Brent is my boyfriend. Brent is my boyfriend. BRENT is MY boyfriend. No matter how many times I say it, a huge smile appears on my face. While I still can't stomach the attention, I love being held in Brent's arms, and just being loved by him. It's been a week since Brent and I got together, and it seemed like we couldn't get enough of each other. Hanging out like we always did and playing video games, but now in addition to that is making out, fucking, and cuddling.

But since I'd been spending so much time with Brent, I hardly had anytime with Joanna, my best friend. So we got together on Friday after school, and decided to just `chillax', as she calls it, at her house.

We were both in her car, as she was driving to her house, and it just felt so wonderful to hangout with her again. Granted we've been talking on the phone a lot, but nothing beats hanging out with Joanna.

"AHH! Sal I miss you SOO fucking much. LOVELOVELOVE!" she said as we both laughed loudly. She can be really crazy and loud...but in a good way.

"I KNOW! Me too. But Jesus fucking Christ I'm Brent's boyfriend!" I said as I was practically jumping in my seat.

"EXCITING! It's so cool. Even though he's been keeping my Sally Pally away from me, at least its for a good reason. ...aka hot gay sex. Hahaha." Oh yeah, and by the way, she's one of those chicks that loves to watch gay porn and fuck her boyfriends with those dildo straps....Yeah, she's quite peculiar.

"You know it sistah," I said as I snapped my fingers. "So what's on the agenda for today?"

" house, maybe we'll go to the thrift store, then maybe some American Eagle or Urban Outfitters."

" The favorite American pasttime," I said as we both chuckled.

When we finally got to her house, we went around her house and through her backyard fence, to get ready for tanning in the sun.

"So Sal, what's this I hear about Brad Walker?" she said as she peeled off her shirt, revealing a pink Victoria's Secret top, since we had planned this tanning yesterday.

"Uh...what do you mean?" I replied, attempting to fake oblivion as I stripped down to my boxer briefs. But how had she heard about Brad Walker? The super cute strawberry blonde that got Brent very riled up after the little debacle at the ice cream shop.

"Oh come off it, I knew there must've been something special about him, when you talked about seeing him at the ice cream shop. There seems to be more about him than you're letting on," she said as she took off her pants to reveal her pink Victoria's Secret panties, to put on some tanning lotion, and tossed the bottle to me.

As I caught the bottle I said, "Well...he's hot, and he's a new kid...and we kinda flirted right in front of Brent?"

"Woah buddy! What do you mean kind of', and in front of your boyfriend? Are idiot?" Joanna sure was sweet' with her words....

"Well...I mean, I didn't really know I was flirting. It was just me being me, and...I got obviously uncomfortable and flustered...and I guess he noticed and he got that way too...while Brent just got royally pissed," I said with a laugh.

"Well duh, wouldn't you if it was Brent flirting with some chick? do you feel about Brad?" she said as we both laid down on the lawn chairs.

I was kind of taken aback by her question. "What do you mean how do I feel about him? I CAN'T feel about him...I'm with Brent, the man of my dreams. The jock with the cock," and we both laughed at that.

"Hey...just because you're with someone, doesn't mean you can't talk about other people with your friends."

And as much as I didn't like it, she made perfect sense. Damn her and her always being right... "Ok, well...yea I guess I kinda like Brad...he looks beyond cute...and is really adorably shy."

"YOU SLUT! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO BRENT!" she said in a tone that automatically told me she was joking.

"AGH! I HATE YOU JOANNA!" I said as I laughed, and playfully punched her in the shoulder.

"Well...have you talked to Brad at all? Since the awkwardness.... And is Brent at all worried about you and Brad?"

"Well...actually...yeah. Brad found my live journal, and commented, and we've commented back and forth, and exchanged AIM screen names...we've only talked on AIM once though. And I ended it because I kind of felt like it was cheating. And as for Brent worried about Brad at all, YES!! OH MY GOD YES! It's kind of annoying since every time we see Brad in school, Brent gets annoyed and hurries in the opposite direction to stop any possible conversation. Haha.."

" me it sounds like you have a perfectly normal jealous boyfriend. CONGRATULATIONS!" Joanna said as she gave me an applause.

"Thank you, thank you," I said with a laugh. "But I do feel sorry for Brad, because he doesn't have any friends. And since that whole Alex teasing me and Brent thing, he hasn't been hanging around with them. So, he's been alone. I think I'll talk to Brent maybe about hanging out with Brent, or at least letting me hang out with him."

"Letting? Don't be a bitch Sal." And at that I called her a slut. "Hey, I'm just saying. You don't need permission to hang out with someone. You're both the men in this relationship....even if he IS the manlier one." I gave a sarcastic chuckle, and we laid in the sun in comfortable silence, to finish our tans.

The rest of the night was a blast, and we hung out and shopped and just enjoyed each other's company. The next day was Saturday, and a day I planned on spending all with Brent. I woke up early at about 6 AM so I could surprise him, and grabbed my bike and rode over to his house. When I arrived, I parked my bike on the side of the house, and went through the front door, which I knew would be unlocked; besides, I'm always welcome to enter. I smelled the familiar smell of bacon, and knew Mrs. Donovan must be making breakfast. I walked into the kitchen, and Mrs. Donovan looked surprised but pleased to see me.

"Sal! Nice to see you!" She said as she rushed over to give me a hug. Brent's parents had become quite comfortable, and even happy to the idea of Brent and I being boyfriends. They knew how much we loved each other, and thought it a perfect match.

"Do you want to bring some breakfast up to Brent? I just finished, and it'd be quite the sweet gesture," she said as she pointed out the plate of a stack of 4 LARGE pancakes, bacon, and eggs. My mouth was watering and I asked, "Do you think I can maybe bring up two plates?" I said as we both laughed.

"Of course sweety." And then she got out a tray, placed two plates of breakfast and a pitcher of orange juice with two empty glasses, and sent me up. I must admit, it was an extremely hard challenge to balance the heavy tray and not drop anything, but I managed it. As I entered Brent's room, I was greeted with the perfect vision of Brent lying on his back, completely naked, except for a strip of bedsheet that covered up his crotch and right leg. I almost dropped the tray right then.

I set down the tray on the desk right next to his bed, and decided to wake him up in a happy mood, which could be hard since it was 6:17 in the morning.

I lied down next to him, moved the blanket off his crotch, and placed my hand on his soft package, and started massaging away. As I rubbed his huge package, Brent started to squirm and a smile appeared on his face. I just admired his beautiful face, and thought he looked even cuter with his hair in disarray in the morning, and his 5 o'clock shadow. The more I rubbed him, the more he started to move in his bed, and it seemed like he would wake soon.

"O...Jessica....that's it...rub that cock..." ....WHAT THE FUCK!!! Needless to say, I immediately stopped, and Brent seemed to begin to wake up. Jessica was this slut from school, that I hated for the mere fact that she flirted with Brent a LOT.

As he rubbed his eyes, and stretched his arms, he looked at me, and said "Hey beautiful." I didn't respond, and he looked down to see he was naked, and a big smile appeared on his face, and he said "Was someone looking for some meat for breakfast?" he said as he grabbed my hand and rubbed it on his cock. I immediately pulled away, and said "No. Why don't you ask Jessica? I'm sure you'd want her to."

He started to blush and he groggily said, "What are you talking about?"

"OH! I just mean that I wanted to wake you up chipper with a `little rubdown' and it seemed that you were thinking of JESSICA!" I said extremely bitter.

"umm...really?" he said uncomfortably.

"Oh yeah! I thought you told me...what was it...that since you've been with me I've been all that's on your mind? And when u jack think of me...and that I'm in all your fantasies....OH! And don't forget that you said you had no interest in Jessica whatsoever. you think of her when we fuck too?" At this point I was boiling mad.

"Oh what the fuck Sal. It's not like your mister innocent. I bet you think about Brad 24 fucking 7. I wouldn't be surprised if you picture its his cock you suck, when your on mine." I can't believe he would say shit like that. I hadn't thought of Brad sexually AT ALL until yesterday, and even then, I didn't think of what I would do with him!

"NOT AT ALL!! You piece of shit, you just ADMITTED to it. Ugh...enjoy your fucking breakfast," I said as I stomped out of his bedroom. I was so mad at Brent. I can't believe he'd be thinking about Jessica. And he LIED to me about her. Why would he lie? I mean, even I told him I was interested in Brad, but he apparently has something to hide from me? I just kept getting more and more pissed.

As I walked out his front door and around his house to get my bike, Brent ran up behind me in his boxer briefs and grabbed my arm as I reached for my bike with it.

"What the hell do you want? Why don't you just go off and fuck Jessica, since you want to so much," I said as I pulled my arm away from his.

"Oh come on, Sal. You're not being fair," he said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I'M not being fair. YOU'RE the one that's not fair Brent. I mean, I barely talk to Brad and you're all over my ass, and I catch you fantasizing and flat out LYING about Jessica, and I'M the one not being fair? You're so fucking full of it." At this point I couldn't stand to be near him.

"Listen it's just....I mean I knew you'd be pissed at me if I told you I liked her. What's the big deal? It's not like I'm gonna be doing anything. I mean she and I hung out all last night and we didn't do anything." ...I was completely shocked...not just by what he told me, but his nonchalance in doing so.

"...You were with that bitch last night?" I said as I turned to face him with fury in my eyes.

"...umm...yeah?.." he replied as he realized his mistake.

"'re unbelievable. I was going to ASK you today if we could hang out with Brad, you know, the NEW KID in school with absolutely NO friends. I knew how you felt about him, so I know its only FAIR to ask you if we, or at least I could hang out with him. And then you have the AUDACITY to go off with some slut that's always over you, and you KNOW I don't like, whom you even want to fuck?! YOU'RE A BASTARD!" I had never felt as angry with him, as I was at that moment. I felt sad, betrayed, and vengeful all at the same time.

"..I'm so sorry Sal...I'm sorry..." he said as he tried to grab my hands in his own, that is until I snatched them away.

"Yeah...well maybe you should have that of that before you spent time with that slut last know what...I need some time to cool off. I probably won't be as pissed with you later today, as I am now. But right now, I don't want to look at you. I think I might give Brad a ring..." I said with a smug look on my face as I mounted my bike.

"SAL DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE.." he started until I interrupted him.

"Don't you EVER tell me what to do," I told him. And I got on my bike and rode off to my house. I couldn't believe Brent...I honored his wishes to avoid Brad, and he was off, LYING to me and hanging out with the slut that's always flirting with him....I couldn't believe him. As soon as I rode up my driveway, I rode into my garage, dropped my bike, and raced up to my bedroom, hoping that Brad would be online.

When I signed on, I was happy to see his screen name BradlyGladly69 lit up as being online.

SalPal88: HOLA! BradlyGladly69: lol. Hey. I thought you were avoiding me? SalPal88: aww...nope. BradlyGladly69: ^_^ SalPal88: So wucha up to today? BradlyGladly69: ugh...nothing at all. Basically what you do when you know no one. SalPal88: yeah...well do u wanna hang out today?

There was a long 45 second pause before he answered.

BradlyGlady69: umm...sure. Where's Brent? SalPal88: I dunno... I'm not with him all the time y'kno. BradlyGladly69: Coulda fooled me. ;D SalPal88: lol. Well do you think I can come over your house today? Perhaps get the grand tour? Lol BradlyGladly69: lol...sure. My parents would be glad that I'm bringing someone home. BradlyGladly69: ...uh...a friend that is... SalPal88: Yea...I got it. winks So can I come over now? BradlyGladly69: Sure. My here's my address [Address went here] Umm..hold on. I need to take a shower and...put on clothes. Lol. SalPal88: hmm..well you better hope I don't come in when you're naked. ur naked and talking on aim? You're quite the bad boy. BradlyGladly69: lol SalPal88: Seeya soon. BradlyGladly69: GLADLY! Lol.

SalPal88 signs off

To be honest, I was getting revenge. Flirting with Brad and meeting up with him, I don't know exactly what I wanted out of it, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was revenge.

Before I stepped out of the house, I called Brent on my cell.

When he picked up, I started speaking automatically. "Well I'm on my way to Brad's right now. Just thought I should let you know, in case you were planning on coming over. Because I might be over his house, for a LOOONG time," I was hoping to elicit some sort of reaction from him.

"Really...what a coincidence, because Jessica just called me, and her parents are out of town. She wants me to come over. I wonder what she has planned?" I was so pissed.

"Are you gonna fuck her?!" I yelled.

"Oh of course not...but there's a lot more to do than fucking...I mean, kissing doesn't count does it?" How dare he think he can be vengeful to me?! All of this is his fault!

"...What the fuck is wrong with you. You don't have ANY RIGHT to be this way with know what, I really hope Brad has it for me...'cause I'm gonna do whatever the fuck he wants me to." And at that I hung up with him. I didn't really mean what I said, but I was so pissed at Brent, I'd say anything to get him mad at me. As I stepped out of the house, and approached my bike, Brent's specific ringer went off on my phone, and I ignored it, and rode off for Brad's house.

His house was only a couple neighborhoods away, so I was there pretty quickly.

I was pretty sweaty from riding in the hot sun so much that morning, so I lifted up my shirt and wiped my forehead of sweat, exposing my chest and abs after I had rung the doorbell, and Brad opened the door in just a towel and soaking wet. I quickly dropped my shirt, and awkwardly said "Hey.." and laughed as I saw him blush and cover up his crotch, which I'm guessing was hardening.

"Umm...come on in. I still need to change so, you can wait in the family room," as he pointed to the room to the left of us.

"You mean I don't get to see your room?" I said slightly flirtatiously.

"Well, you can come up if you want," he said as he turned away to cover his blushing cheeks.

As we went up the stairs, I was noticing that the towel was slowly sliding itself down Brad's hips, revealing a small bit of crack, much to my delight. When we entered his room, I wasn't surprised to see that it didn't have much decoration, seeing as how he had just moved in. There was a laptop on a computer desk with school books laid out, a Playstation 2 and 24 inch tv on the floor. The walls were blank, except for a poster of the band Taking Back Sunday. After about 10 seconds of examining his room, Brad cleared his throat and awkwardly announced that he'd be changing in his bathroom connected to his bedroom. When he closed his bathroom door, I decided to wait on his bed, and laid down. While adjusting my head, I felt an uncomfortable structure under the pillow. I reached to pull it out, and was met with what looked like a journal of some sort. Now I could say that I was honorable and didn't open it up, but that's just not being truthful. I guarantee that the majority of the people reading this would admit to wanting to read what was inside, and that's just what I did. I opened it up to the last page written on and read this:

"ugh, I don't know what I'm doing at this school. It's fine, but I feel so out of place. Moving to a new place in my JUNIOR YEAR is the worst idea my parents have EVER had. And to top it off, the one person that I actually like to see here, his BOYFRIEND doesn't like me. But I really do hope to make friends with him. Plus he's really cute. Lol. And he's coming over today! Exciting. So, I'm off to take a shower, and maybe rub one out so I don't get hard in front of him. That'd be embarrassing. Lol"

I couldn't help but blush at reading how he felt about me, and I quickly tucked the book back under his pillow as I could hear Brad opening the bathroom door.

He came in looking like a true beauty, dressed in a small wine-colored tee and tight fitting blue jeans. His strawberry blonde hair was striking as he had straight, slightly wild hair with a huge bang that almost completely covered his left eye.

He seemed uncomfortable as he noticed me lying on his bed, "So umm...what do you want to do?" he said as he averted his eyes from me.

"Hmm...not sure. What games do you have?" I asked as I pointed to his PS2.

This seemed to lessen the tension automatically as he quickly responded, "Lots! I love PS2. I have Grand Theft Auto 3, Grand Theft Auto Vice City, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, Spiderman, Spiderman 2, Dance Dance Revolution, X-Men, Final Fantasy X and X-2 and XI, and just....well...a lot," he said as we both chuckled.

"Well how's about DDR. I've never played it, and would love to embarrass myself. But NOT the dance pad. You don't need to see how uncoordinated I am," I said with a chuckle.

As we were playing, it became pretty obvious that he was a master at the game, playing on Heavy Mode and getting A+'s while I was playing standard mode and got C's.

"Play much?" I said sarcastically, during a hard song we were playing.

"How can you tell?" he said just as sarcastically.

I began to realize I would lose inevitably, again, and decided to distract Brad.

I started to pretend like I was adjusting my balls, and moved them around with my freehand and was almost half groping it, and luckily he noticed and it completely caught his attention, and he began losing as I started to win.

Soon the song was over and I exclaimed, "I win! You lose. What happened Brad?" I asked innocently.

"Uhh...n...nothing." he said as he adjusted himself.

"Haha. So why do you get so awkward sometimes?" I asked.

"Umm...sorry. It's just...I know how your...Brent feels about me. And I don't want to do anything to make you agree with him and think I'm...well I don't even know what he thinks about me."

"Well, if I didn't like you, would I ask to hang out with you today?

"I guess not," he said with a smile. "Okay, well I say we see a movie. I hear Dark Water is really good. Have you seen it?"

I smiled and said, "Nope. Do you like scary movies?" I asked as I stood up.

"Yeah...but just a warning, I get really freaked out by them," he said as we both laughed, and walked out of his room.

The ride to the theatre was pretty cool, I found out that he just moved from New Jersey and because his mother and father are starting a law firm together. And his choice in music I must say, is splendid. He likes the same stuff I like, pure emo/screamo/indie awesomeness. We seemed to have a lot in common, and I was glad to make a friend out of him. The movie theatre we went to, was a small local one used for indie movies, so everyone was off seeing either March of the Penguins or this new French flick that was brought in. So we were the only ones seeing Dark Water at the time. Halfway through the movie, I was really pleased with how scary it was, and I could tell Brad really liked it, while also being really frightened by it. At one really scary/shocking part Brad was really on edge, and it looked like he was about to tear off the arm of his chair. Being the comforting person I am, I grabbed his hand and he looked at me to show how thankful he was. We stayed that way for the rest of the movie, as he was generally paranoid that something scary would happen at any moment. When the credits started, he looked at our hands, and then looked at me with a serious look on his face. He started to slowly bring his face closer to mine, until our lips met. I wasn't sure how to respond, so I let him kiss me. He pulled away after about 5 seconds, and had a face of immediate regret.

"I...I'm sorry. Oh God, I'm so sorry. Please, forgive me. I just....Just don't tell Brent please? And please just forget about it...I don't want to lose you as a friend," he said as he grabbed my hand in a pleading manner.

"It's...It's okay. Don't worry, its no biggie. I mean...I didn't exactly say no. So...let's just continue with our night, eh?" I said with a comforting smile as I brushed some hair out of his eyes....Okay, granted maybe that last thing was mixing signals.

He started blushing and said, "Great! Thanks. Let's go back to my house, I'm sure my mother is making lunch." And as he said that, we walked out of the theatre and for some reason I just knew he'd be a good friend.

The rest of the day was really fun. We hung out at his house, I got introduced to his parents, and we just chilled the whole day. At 7:30, I was about ready to go, as we were just finishing playing Dance Dance Revolution.

"Well, I'm about to head out," I said as I stood up to leave.

He seemed disappointed, but reluctantly said, "Okay, that's cool. I'll walk you out." And we both went downstairs, and outside so I could get my bike. As I pulled out my bike, I turned around to say goodbye. "Well, see ya Brad. Today was pretty awesome." And at that, I opened up my arms for a hug.

He went into my arms, and we had a quick hug. That is until he pushed himself harder against me, and our cocks met and I felt that his was extremely hard as he slowly ground it into my soft one. I pulled back a little, slightly irritated and slightly turned on.

"Woah there Brad. I have a boyfriend...," I said as I slowly pushed him away.

"I...I'm sorry. I just....I'm sorry...I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he said hysterically as he began to tear up.

I didn't really know what to do to comfort him. "Hey...its okay. No biggie. I understand." I said, as I gave him another quick hug. At this point, I just wanted to go and see Brent.

As I was riding my bike, it started pouring rain, and I didn't care. At that moment, I knew I had to see Brent, the man I love.

When I reached his house, I was completely soaked, and drenched in water. I dropped my bike at the bottom of his driveway, and raced toward his door. I knocked on the door, panting and shivering.

He came to the door, dressed in a t-shirt, and gym shorts, looking completely in awe as he saw me.

"Jesus Sal! Come in, come in!" He said as he motioned me inside.

I noticed I was soaking his floor. "O God, I'm so sorry!" as I looked down at the floor and tried to stay as still as possible.

He just laughed and said, "It's cool dude. Come on look ridiculous," and he laughed.

When I entered his room, Brent went to his dresser drawer, and threw me some pj's and a white tee. "Here, put these on," he said as he threw them to me.

"Okay, but I want to tell you something," I said as I pulled off my shirt which seemed to be glued onto me.

"Shoot, babe," he said as he dropped onto his bed, and leaned on his back with his elbows propping himself up.

It irked me that Brent was so cavalier, knowing that I spent the whole day with Brad. "Okay," I said reluctantly, "Brad kissed me today." I told him as I managed to pull my pants off.

"...and?" he said, not looking too shook up.

"Well...he kissed me. But I told him we shouldn't, and we just spent the day together. And he's really cool, and btw we should probably hang out with him. I think you'd like him," I said as Brent managed a `pfft.' "And when I was about to leave, we hugged, and he kinda ground his cock into mine," I told him. "Of course, I stopped him. And...yeah....Well do you have anything to say....just stop SITTING THERE!!" I yelled getting annoyed at his careless attitude.

"Well Sal," he said as he grabbed a towel next to his bed and walked toward me, " I knew you weren't going to do anything." He started to dry my chest slowly with the towel. "While I knew you were attempting, successfully I might add, to make me jealous. There's no way you'd REALLY do anything." And he was now drying my face and hair.

"What makes you think that? You really pissed me off today, and you were wrong and I had right to do something with Brad," I told him angrily as he was drying my arms.

"Yeah, I was wrong. And I'm sorry...but even with that. You'd never cheat on me. You love me too much," he said as I suddenly noticed he was drying my underwear covered cock quite thoroughly.

A soft moan escaped my lips, but I remembered Jessica. "Wait. What did you do with Jessica today?" I asked as I pulled his hand off my cock.

"Not much," he said as he dove his face into the nook of my neck, and started giving me what I'm sure would be a massive hickey the next day.

"What do you...mean not much," I said as I was getting horny, but still wanted to know what he did.

"Well she kissed me, and rubbed my cock a little," he said.

".....AND?!?!" I said, not nearly as nonchalant as Brent was.

"Well that's it. I didn't do shit....I mean....the kiss I didn't really take part in, and that was just for like 4 seconds or something. And the cock rubbing...well I didn't stop that automatically...I let her do that for like 30 seconds, before I stopped her."

I wasn't really angry at Brent, because he WAS being honest, and he stopped her after all....

"Okay.." I said as I ground my cock into his hand. "But there has to be a punishment for your actions," I said playfully.

"Oh really? What's that?" he said as he backed away with a raised eyebrow and grin.

"Hmm...let`s be a little rough tonight," I told him.

"...Say what?" Brent said confused.

"I mean like...we haven't done anything kinky really....let's just do it for fun. Let`s be rough and hard and intense tonight," I told him. It's always been a fantasy to have a cock rubbed in my face real hard, and to do it vice versa.


"okay...get on your knees," I told him.

My cock still wasn't all that hard yet. So I wanted to rub it on his face while it was soft, till it was hard. I pulled off my underwear quickly and when he was on his knees, I quickly shoved my cock onto his face. He started moaning, and I did too. I ground myself all over his face, over his lips, nose, eyelids, everywhere. When I started to get hard, I rammed my cock in his mouth. He started to gag, and that turned me on so much, since Brent never gags.

I started to face fuck him really hard, the hardest I ever have. I could tell Brent liked it too, since he pulled my ass to fuck his mouth harder. I was so turned on, as Brent was pulling my balls really hard, and I knew I was going to blow anytime soon to this intense pleasure.

"I'm gonna cum. Let me cum on your face," I told him, as I wanted to explore another sexual kink.

"Do it babe, cum on my face," he said as I pulled my cock from his mouth and he jacked me furiously, while licking my cock head. I erupted my first volley of cum across his cheek, my second across his lips and nose while also into his mouth, and the third and fourth ones across his closed right eye. When I was done I started rubbing my cock on his cheeks, and mixing the cum over his face, as he licked the cum off my cock.

"Mmmm...that was so good," I told him.

"Oh yeah," he said as he wiped some more cum off his face, and licked it off his finger. "My turn," he said as he shoved me to the floor. "But this time, you're only gonna get my cock ready for your ass. K?" he told me.

"Got it," I said as I opened my mouth preparing for his cock.

"Oh, you want this?" he teased, as he rubbed his cock across my lips, and slapped it on my cheeks.

"Yes," I replied as I was chasing his cock with my mouth.

"All right, here it is," he replied as he shoved it in my mouth. I however, didn't gag as I sucked Brent's cock so many more times than he's sucked mine, I wasn't too shocked by the invasion. And he began face fucking me, and it felt so good and natural as his cock filled my mouth and throat. The pain, and taste felt amazing as he was face fucking me.

He pulled out of my mouth, and pulled me up with his arms and threw me bent over, across the bed. His strength was always so shocking to me. Almost as soon as I was situated, Brent rammed his cock into my ass. I shouted loudly, and Brent told me to be quiet. Brent fucked my ass, savagely and it was painful, but so pleasurable at the same time. Soon, the pain was completely gone, and my eyes were rolling in the back of my head at the intense pleasure of Brent fucking me. It was unlike any time Brent ever had sex with me. He fucked me with pure animal lust, and I wasn't just feeling waves of pleasure, I was feeling a full out tsunami through my body. He told me to stand up, and we stood up, we his cock still in my ass, and he began to fuck me with myself bent over slightly, as we both stood upright. He pulled his arm around to my front, and started jacking me furiously. He pulled my back against his chest, and he started tweaking my nipples, and biting my ear. As he slowly jacket my cock now, it was a great contrast with his ultra-fast fucking. I was nearing orgasm, and told Brent, "Fuck me as hard as you possibly can." And he did just that, and my knees started buckling, as I cummed my second time into Brent's hand. As my anus clamped his cock, he jammed his cock as deep into my hole as possible. I reached under and through my legs, and began fondling his balls which elicited soft moans from him. When he was done cumming, he brought his cum covered hand to his mouth and slurped it clean.

He slowly pulled out of me, and turned me around. We both stared into each other's exhausted faces and our lips met in a tired, and passionate kiss. I dropped on my back onto Brent's bed, and Brent fell ontop of me, as we both laughed.

"You know Sal, I really am sorry about Jessica. You know you're the only person I love, and am so utterly attracted and hot for you. Just because I may like Jessica a little bit, it doesn't mean anything about our relationship. I mean...I went gay for you," he joked, as I pinched him.

"Yeah...I agree completely. I mean, Brad's hot and all. And he's tempting...but he's nothing compared to you," I told him as I brushed his cheek that was resting on my chest.

We soon fell asleep, and I woke up in the middle of the night with my arms wrapped around Brent, who was drooling with a small pool of slobber in the middle of my chest.

"I love you," I whispered as he was sleeping.

"I love you too Sal," he said in his sleep. And at that moment, I knew for an utter fact that the only person he loves, and even dreams about loving is me. I fell back asleep, completely content.

---------------------------- Well there's chapter Chapter 5! Sorry it's been such a long wait, but life has been pretty busy. But here's this chapter, and I hope you guys are happy with it! ^_^ Hopefully, it won't be long for the next chapter to be up!

Next: Chapter 6

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