My Best Friend Marcus

By John Felton

Published on Sep 29, 2023


It was a Friday in the heat of a June summer in Georgia. I was getting off work and had the whole weekend free. I was excited to be finished with the projects that had consumed my mind and elevated my stress over the past month.

I was ready for a quiet evening at home in my apartment. My roommate is also my best friend, Marcus. We met when we were assigned as roommates our freshmen year in college, and our friendship grew throughout our college years. When we both received job offers at the same company, we decided to get an apartment together and share housing costs. Marcus was that friend that I could just be myself around, even though we seemed like opposites in almost every way.

I grew up in a small town, and was a skinny band nerd. Marcus was a big city kid who probably started working out as a toddler. He had athletic ability to spare, and his body was perfect. He had been a good influence on me, as he taught me how to workout while we were in college. I never was able to pack on major muscle, but I was able to stay lean by working out. I came from a conservative white family, Marcus was black and never knew his father. His mom worked hard to provide for he and his sister as they were growing up.

All of the differences that existed between us never seemed to matter, though. We just fell into an easy friendship. We found the same things funny. We both liked an eclectic mix of music and movies, and often found common ground there. This particular weekend, we had planned to chill at the apartment, drink, and watch movies.

I picked up some takeout on the way home from work. Marcus had been able to leave a little earlier than I did, so he was in charge of picking up the beer on his way home. When I got home, we broke out a beer each and ate dinner. I then went to shower and just unwind from the day of work so I could relzx We then met in the living room to keep drinking and start watching movies.

We picked something on Netflix, but pretty quickly got bored with it. The movie stayed on, but we were talking more than watching. We were also getting pretty buzzed as we had kept drinking. One of the games that we liked to play was to dare each other to do stuff. As we were goofing around, Marcus suddenly asks if I?d ever played chicken when I was younger. I had grown up pretty sheltered, so I answered that I had not and asked him what it was. He said that one person would dare the other to do something considered taboo, and then the other person had to see how close they would come to do the thing before they chickened out. In my buzzed state, I laughed and said ?That sounds fun.?

He said, ?Great, I?ll go first. I dare you to sniff my pits.?

?Dude, that?s gross!? I laughed. ?Are you a chicken?? he asked, laughing himself. ?Nope,? I answered.

We were sitting on the couch, not really close, but close enough so I leaned over toward him. Getting closer to his armpit. My alcohol dazed brain thought about how funny this whole thing was. I was not a really touchy person during normal times, but didn?t seem bothered by being near him at this point in the evening. I kept inching my face closer, smiling up at him proving I wasn?t a chicken. Finally, my face went under his arm and I inhaled. He smelled mostly of deodorant, and I pulled back and smiled. ?Your turn,? I said.

?What?s the dare?? he asked. I thought for a second, unsure of what to do. I had never played this game before and I didn?t really know what was too taboo to suggest. While I was contemplating, he said, ?A friend once dared me to kiss him, and I had to chicken out.? I said, ?Ok, since I know that will help me win this game, I dare you to kiss me.?

He smiled, and then stood up. Marcus grabbed my hand and pulled me up to stand in front of him. Marcus was 6?2 to my 5?11, and so I was looking up slightly at him. He moved a step closer to me so that we were standing face to face and then slowly began inching his face closer. I kept expecting him to chicken out, and he kept inching closer. It was when he tilted his head slightly so that our noses wouldn?t bump into each other that I first began to realize he was actually going to kiss me.

When his lips touched mine, I didn?t know what to do. I couldn?t believe that he was kissing me. He pressed in and opened his lips slightly, and his tongue touched my lips. I felt his hand slide around my waist onto my back and pull me into him as he pressed his mouth more firmly on mine. What shocked me most, however, is that I found my lips opening, my mouth moving, and that I was kissing him back. With that drunken realization, I put my hands on his check to push him back from me.

He stepped back and just stared at me. ?What the hell was that?? I asked.

?I?m not sure? he said. ?I just decided to go for it. I couldn?t chicken out, I didn?t want to lose. You?re my best friend, and I just figured it wouldn?t be weird to kiss someone I cared about, so I went for it. Now it?s my turn to pick the dare: I dare you to kiss me this time.?

The sexual tension was thick in my mind, and in the room, as I considered his dare. I knew he would kiss me back. Neither of us were dating anyone at the moment, and between the lack of sex, the beer, and the work stress, we both needed sexual release. I knew that if I kissed him, it would lead to more. All of that was going through my mind as I found my face drawing nearer to him, meeting his dare, refusing to be a chicken. I looked in his eyes, then looked down at his lips. They were parted slightly, wet looking, and ready for me. I reached my hand up behind his head, drew him closer to me, closed the distance between us, closed my eyes, and met him in a kiss.

While I had initiated this contact, he very quicky took control. His hands gripped each side of my face as he pressed his tongue between my lips and into my mouth. Within seconds we were making out. He moved my arms to his shoulders so that I was reaching up around his neck, and his hands slid down my back and cupped my ass while we were kissing. I had a sudden, fleeting thought, that he was kissing me like I was his woman. In what I guess was my drunken state, that felt right. He was much more muscular, and thereby more masculine than I was. I was smaller and shorter than him. It just made sense at the time that he would take the lead.

We kept making out as these thoughts were surging in my brain. Then I felt his hands slide back up, but under my t-shirt. As his hands slid up my bare skin, he slid my shirt up, and pulling back for a moment, he pulled the shirt over my head and off. Before I could protest or ask what was happening, he dove back onto my mouth and overwhelmed me with a kiss. The feel of his hands on my skin was lighting fires I didn?t know could be lit by another man, much less the man who had been my best friend for several years now. I had always known that Marcus was considered attractive by the women we knew. I suddenly thought how lucky I was that this hot guy was into me.

As his hands roamed over my back, they slid down to my waist, and then around front. He deftly unfastened the button on my shorts, lowered the zipper, and I felt them fall to the floor. I had forgotten until this moment that when I got home I and changed, I had decided to free ball that evening. My best friend, who I was currently kissing, had gotten me naked, and I discovered at this same moment that to my horror I was harder than I had ever been. His hands went into overdrive as he groped my boner, my balls. His other hand, still behind me, slid down my butt into my crack and felt for my hole. I have never felt anything like that feeling, as he touched me in a place where I had never been touched before. I felt both safe and vulnerable. Safely being held by my best friend, vulnerable and naked before a fully clothed muscular black man playing with my ass.

Marcus didn?t let me be the only one naked for long. He pulled away long enough to shed his clothes, then moved his body back onto mine. As our naked skin touched for the first time, I melted against him. It felt so great to feel his skin on me, and I was captivated with the contract between his dark skin and my pale skin. I felt his cock against my own as he ground his body against me and resumed making out. It felt big. I tentatively reached down and touched his cock. I couldn?t wrap my hand completely around it, and it was hard. He was as turned on as I was by this sudden leap into a new dimension of our relationship.

He pulled back with my hand on his cock, and said, ?Come on.? He grabbed my hand and began walking back toward his bedroom. It was the most surreal moment of my life, to be led by my best friend and roommate to his bedroom, just as I had witnessed him leading the women he brought home in the past. He was taking me to bed, to his bed. He was taking me to bed to have sex with me. I was amazed that I found myself wanting that to happen.

When we got to his bed, he pulled me around in front of him and drew me in for another kiss. As we made out he began to press me backwards so that I was leaning back onto the bed. He maneuvered me to lay back on the bed as he came down on top of me. After I was laying back, he stood back up and told me to move further up. I moved up to where my head was on the pillow and watched him climb on the bed. The sensation of watching him crawl over me, the look of lust in his eyes, while being surrounded by the scent of him in his bed was striking. Though I knew that the alcohol was playing a part in this happening, I was also present and aware that I wanted him to want me. I wanted him to be seducing me.

Marcus moved up so that he was atop me and began kissing me again. It was a new sensation, to feel another man, his muscles taught, on top of me. Even more, it was a new sensation to feel myself surrendering to him. He moved his hips so that he was between my legs, then moved his legs under mine so that my legs opened and I wrapped them around his waist. I had the thought that I had done the same thing to the girls I had dated when we were in this position. He again was treating me like one of his women. For my part, I was receiving his seduction. My arms were around his back, touching and feeling him everywhere I could. His cock brushed under my balls and touched that area just above my hole. Fireworks went off everywhere, but then fear consumed me and I put my hands on his chest and pushed him up.

?I can?t do this man!? I said. ?You want to fuck me and I can?t do that. I?m scared it will hurt and I don?t know what I?m doing and I?ve never had anything touch me there. This has been so hot but I just can?t.?

He brought his hand up to the side of my face and caressed my cheek and said, ?You are going to be fine. We can do whatever you are comfortable with. I just wanted to keep being with you.? With that statement, he leaned down, and kissed me again. Then he kissed my neck and began working his way down my torso. He kissed and sucked my nipples, he tongued my belly button, before going further and bringing my cock into his mouth. I couldn?t believe it as I watched my 6 inch cut cock slide between his lips, the lips that had just been devouring my own mouth. The lips of my best friend, my roommate. The feeling of warmth that enveloped my cock was unbelievable. He began sucking and bobbing on it. He then came off of it, only to lick down the underside of my shaft and begin lathering my balls in his spit. He was a master of oral attention. I suddenly realized that I was close to cumming and wasn?t ready for that. I told him I was close and he backed off and worked his way back up. After making out for another minute, he sat up on his knees and moved himself up my torso until I was laying under him and his cockhead was at my lips.

I looked up into his eyes. He smiled and nodded at me as I slowly opened my mouth and he began feeding his cock into me. I had never touched another man, never seen another man hard (other than porn) and now his very hard, and very large endowment was breeching my mouth. He told me to close my lips over the head and suck. I did. I was sucking his cockhead. As I closed my mouth on him he pushed a little more in and began a gentle rocking back and forth. I was sucking my best friends cock. I looked down his shaft and realized there was probably another 8 inches of cock outside of my mouth. Being roommates, I had seen him naked getting out of the shower, and I knew he was big. I had heard the groans and moans of the girls he had brought home. But I had never appreciated what a truly great cock he had until that moment. He was big. He was all man. I again felt so lucky that this man wanted me under him.

I sucked him in that position for a little longer, then he pulled back and laid down beside me, head down near my crotch. He lay on his side, and he reached over and rolled me onto my side so that we could 69. I felt my cock slide into his mouth as his slid into mine. I wrapped my arms around his torso and pulled him in as far as I could. I gagged as his cock touched the entrance to my throat. He pulled back from my cock and said, ?Damn, hearing you gag on my cock is maybe the sexiest sound I?ve ever heard!? I bobbed down hard on him again, gagging yet again as he moaned appreciatively.

He went back to work on my dick, but I also felt his hand on my ass, and his finger, which he had wet with his spit while I was sucking him, began circling my hole, then pressed gently against it and slid in. I couldn?t believe how easily his finger slid into me. I moaned with the feeling, it was unlike anything I?ve ever felt. Sensing that I was enjoying it, he rolled over on his back and rolled me with him so that I was basically sitting just below his face. His finger continued probing as I continued sucking him.

He pulled his finger away, but I immediately felt his hands grab my cheeks. I felt his breath hit my asshole a second before his tongue licked across my hole. In all of my life, I had never felt a pleasure like that first touch of his tongue on my ass. As crazy as this experience was already, I remember, as he was licking my hole, I?m so glad I?m clean (I had showered when I got home from work). Sensing that I was enjoying it, Marcus went to town on my ass. He licked and prodded with his tongue. If he ate pussy half as good as he was eating me, I knew why the women were moaning when he took them to bed. It was incredible.

He evidently didn?t like the angle, because he pulled back, slapped my ass check, and told me to lay back down. He got down between my legs, pushed them back to my chest, and began feasting in earnest. Once he had my legs positioned, he told me to hold them there, and then he used his hands to begin fingering me again as he was rimming me. I realized later that he was pushing spit into me to slick me up, but in the moment I was overwhelmed by the sensations I had never felt. I didn?t? know that my ass was such a sexual spot. I knew that gay guys fucked each other in the butt, but I didn?t know that ass play felt so good.

After about 5 more minutes of eating and fingering me, Marcus pulled back, sat up on his knees, held his cock and pressed the head onto my hole. He then looked at me, meeting my eyes. The feeling of being rimmed and fingered, the lust I was feeling for him, the lust in his eyes for me, all came together at that moment and I knew that I needed him to fuck me. I slowly nodded.

He pulled back and spit on my hole again, then pressed again against it. I felt my ass open to him and suddenly his head popped in, combined with a burning pain. ?Ow! Take it out!? I yelled. He stopped moving and began caressing my legs and sides with his hands. The pain in my ass was real. It was uncomfortable and painful, and only his head was in. ?I can?t do this man!? I said. ?I?m sorry, but I just can?t.?

?You can,? he said softly. ?Let?s just wait a minute and see how it feels.? He continued to stay still while rubbing my body. Slowly, the pain eased a bit. Seeing that I was relaxing, he leaned forward slightly inching a little more in. It still hurt, but not as bad. He then pulled back just a little, spit on his cock again, and eased back in, going a little further this time. He continued that rocking motion as more and more of him made it?s way into my ass. When he was about halfway in, he moved so that he was laying on top of me and began to kiss me again. My best friend was putting his dick into me, kissing me, about to fuck me.

As he kissed me, I relaxed into him, and suddenly, without either of us really forcing it, he just slid the rest of the way into me. I felt full, and suddenly out of breath with the invasion. The pain was still there, as I was impossibly (it seemed) stretched to fit him. But the fullness was also pleasurable. He pulled back from our kiss to look and see if I was okay, having just taken him fully. I smilled at him as he said, ?Yeah, baby. That?s it. You?ve opened for me. You?ve given yourself to me. I want to make you feel so good.?

As he called me baby, I again felt like one of his girls. He had seduced me. He had conquered me. He was in me, and then he began moving. His hips began slowly rocking his cock in and out of my ass. His mouth was all over my head, moving from my lips to that spot on the side of my neck, treating me the way I had treated girls I had fucked in the past. The feelings intensified as he sped up the fucking. I still felt pain, and full, and uncomfortable, and unsure of myself, but I also felt fulfilled, and good, and he kept hitting a spot in me that made me see spots. I had lost my erection at the initial pain, but with his kissing and necking and fucking, I felt myself get hard again, and then it was like my body was on fire.

It was like suddenly I couldn?t? get enough of his fucking. It felt fantastic. I felt united with this man that I had loved as a friend. We were one. I had received him into me. It was intense and incredible. Without warning, an orgasm washed over me, and I came on his stomach as he was over me and fucking me, mashing my semen between us. I had never experienced an orgasm so powerful. He fucked me through it, and as my orgasm subsided, his began. He reared up and let loose a combination of a shout and a groan, and I felt his shaft spasming in me, followed by a warmth as he shot his load in me. He later told me that my ass spasming on his cock during my orgasm put him over the edge. He had fucked the cum out of me and I squeezed the cum our of him.

As he came down from his orgasm, still implanted in my ass, he lay on me and started making out with me again. This kiss was slower, more gentle than the passionate kisses of earlier. We were just enjoying the afterglow of this crazy evening.

He finally slipped out and rolled off of me. He lay beside me, and I turned over on my side to look at him. He slipped his arm under my head and I cuddled up to him. ?You ok?? he asked. ?I think so.? I answered. ?I?m not hurting, though my ass is sore. I?m not sure how that just happened, but I also know that I was into it. I guess I will need some time to figure out what I think about it.?

As those words came out of my mouth, I felt awash in a great sense of dread and guilt. What had I just done? I needed to get out of his bed, out of his room. I rolled over and out of the bed and ran out of the room, down to my bedroom. I shut the door, and fell on my bed weeping. What did this mean?

I heard a knock on my door, then heard it open. Marcus said, ?John, are you ok? Can we talk??

I turned to look at him, and was saddened by the look of hurt on his own face. I knew my reaction was hurting him, but I couldn?t deal with all of the thoughts and feelings yet. ?Yes, we can talk, but just not right now. I need a little bit of time to figure out what?s going on. Just give me time.?

?To Be Continued?

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