My Best Friend Turns on Me

By faggot

Published on Mar 31, 2005


Josh's laugh echoes in my mind as he leaves down the mind races..'Oh my did i end up like this...damn,'re smarter than this', I tried convincing myself. as I lay on the bathroom floor, degraded, piss covered, Charlie appears at the door, naked, towel in front of him. He unties and uncuffs me, telling me "I know you're in love with me and you know that I hold all the cards now, so now, get yer faggot ass up and draw me a nice warm bath, bitch"....i start to protest but immediately Charlie immediately drops down on one knee, aimed directly at my balls, grabs the back of my head by the hair, spits in my face and hisses "Listen up, Bitch...I'm stronger than you, quicker than you, a LOT more of a MAN than you, and you are too hopelessly in love and in lust with me".....He drags me over to the tub...."Now, draw me a nice, relaxing bath, bitch.....and if it feels right, I'll let you bathe me" Defeated and knowing everything he's just said is true, i plug the bathtub drain and begin adjusting the temps on the water flow, ....forgetting everything else that has happened, my mind is only focussed on the last phrase that Charlie (the Man i've secretly dreamed of) said...'i'll let you bathe me'...... The water begins to slowly rise in the keeping my head lowered, hoping this will keep Charlie calm and happy, and that this all may be over soon. But I can't help but notice His feet...long and perfect...i have never been a "foot" person, but His feet were SO perfect....strong, veiny, muscular, lightly haired, long (but not grotesquely0, perfectly shaped toes...................Charlie noticed me staring........."Damn, bitch, you even worship my stinkin feet"...with that, He picks up his left foot and shoves it under my nose..."smell it, u fukkin pig,..................likkit!!"...........the smell is pungeant...i knew he had been to the gym first i turn away, but almost immediately am drawn back....the stench is intoxicating,,,,my tongue darts out...wanting to taste and clean the funk of my Man's feet...swirling my tongue between His toes and sole of His foot. When Charlie realizes i am enjoying the aroma and taste of His foot, He pulls it away and step that foot into the water in the tub and quickly, forcefully KICKS me in the balls with his other foot as he steps all the way into the tub..."look at ya.......u fukkin pathetic, sick fuk....yer all fukkin boned up worshipping my nasty feet"..............i look down and realize i am indeed hard from the experience....i reach down to stroke myself, but am IMMEDIATELY smacked FULL force by Charlie backhand, knocking me flat to the floor.."Listen up, faggotass...yer here for MY pleasure and amusement....not yer'll get off when or if I let washing yer owner". i began washing my God at His feet, lthereing my way up His hairy, runner-type muscled legs...approaching His crotch, He grabs my fungers, bending them painfully backwards, "you don't touch the jewels until you're told u can, fag............understood?"....i nod in submission and continue up His perfect abdomen and chest. As i start to lather up Charlie's perfectly V'd back, Mark pops in the room.."Dude...they answered...they saw the pix, man", Mark excitedly tells Charlie. "And?..." Charlie asks evilly "Here....I printed it's perfect, dude....this fag's OURS now!!!", Mark enthuses. Charlie reads the printed message..."MINE. Mark....I'm just a good friend that go on and get the house ready"..........Mark sulks away. i finished rinsing Charlie off and He gets up and sits on the toilet cover...."start dryin me " He tells i start at His feet drying, He tells me " Seems David & Sean [my and His lover's respectively] recieved an email on their vacation......David says to give you a message....'Fuck Off---it's Over'...somehow, it seems, they got an email showing you giving me a blowjob and now neither of them want anything to do with us.....Hmmmm.....wonder how that coulda happened".....He laughs sadistically.....His foot plants squarely back into my crocth as He grab my hair to face His face....."checkmate, bitch........I own yer faggot ass more obstacles......and now you know that i can ruin yer ass with any kind of pix, emails, or videos I want".........tears well up in my eyes...."Charlie, pleeeease, man....i LOVE David.......dont do this"............SMACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! backhand across my face............."love my fukkin ass..................he was dressing to're a sick fuck with sick desires and I'm the one you LOVE and WORSHIP!!...........I was gonna let you go afetr a week or so while they were down in Florida, but then my little bro, Josh, told me how you're the one that finances all the sports teams at the high school and the college.....seems you got a shitload of money"........KICK!!!!SMACK!!!!SPIT!!!!!SMACK!!!!!!!........"so this is how it's gonna go, pussyboi.......I'm movin in yer house.....yer gonna be my bitch........the twisted shit i told you i was gonna do before?....oh, man, it's gonna be open up, faggot.............I gotta piss................................"

Next: Chapter 5

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