My Boy Barry and the Slave

By Ryan Jones

Published on Aug 12, 2020


The story you are about to read is a total fabrication. Perhaps some of the names are real but that's because there are only so many names in the world! For those that read this, if you like it (or have some suggestions or complaints) feel free to email me. My email address is: Like most authors on here and in the outside mainstream world, feedback is important to us. If we don't hear from people, we can't improve!

Hope you all get some enjoyment out of this. This is a sequel to the "Jimmy and the Triplets" story posted a few days ago in the Adult/Youth section. It has, as the main characters, Barry who is one of the triplets and who is Ron's boy, Ron who is the older guy in the relationship and a slave Ron had who suddenly reappears. It's set 3 years after the original story. Please let me know what you think about it. If you like any of the Nifty stories, and can afford it then send it in and help sustain Nifty with your donations!

My Boy Barry and the Slave

Hello readers, this is just a short story, about my boy Barry. He's one of the triplets, they were featured in a recent story on Nifty in the Adult/Youth section called Jimmy and the Triplets. When I met Barry, he was 10 and, over a very short period of time, less than a week, he submitted to me, it was his choice, I really didn't have anything to do with it. He was the only one of his brothers who did that, my relationship to each them is entirely different but those could be a different story.

This story begins on the day before Barry's 13th birthday on June 4th, 1982. It's a Friday, the last day of school was yesterday so the sexual activity around the house will pick up quite a bit as we get back in the rhythm of having each other all the time.

Let's describe Barry for you. As I said, today he's still 12 years old, tomorrow he'll be a teenager. He's 5'3" tall, about 105lbs. He's got long blond hair, down past his shoulders, that was an order of mine since I love long hair on a boy and blue eyes. It makes it easier to control him when you can wrap your hands in his hair and just hold him tight. He had pubic hair, that had to go obviously. As did his armpit hair once one dared grow. His dick is just under 5" cut, thin of course, he hasn't started to fill out any yet. He started having wet cums just a few months ago, in the beginning they were just clear, now they are totally white. And totally tasty. Not quantity yet, but quality for sure.

I'm Ron, I'm 31 years old. I am 6' 160lbs, shaggy brown hair, blue eyes. My dick is 7" cut, I suppose average thickness.

That first story I related to you, about me, the older 17 year old brother and the 10 year old triplets, started Barry's journey into submission. It wasn't really planned on my part, it was what lived in his soul and it called to me. Over the next few months we spent a lot of time together, making sure the experience was what we both wanted. I think some people have the whole slave/master thing just a bit wrong. While it's Barry who does whatever I tell him, or takes whatever I do to him, I'm controlled in a way also. I need to be able to use him properly, to meet his needs as well. I suppose if you were just in a S/M relationship without love, it would be easier but I love him dearly so it can't just be about me. He's convinced me that being my boy is what makes him happy so I'm glad to do it.

Honestly, it's a huge turnon, I can quite literally do anything to him, with him, have him used by the the others. Anything and he always just does what I tell him. So far he hasn't required physical punishment, I'm not going to offer it. I love him too much to hurt him without purpose, should he ever ask me then I'll have to decide. I usually talk things over with Jimmy, that's Barry's older brother and my "big" boyfriend. He's been watching the progress of the relationship, in the beginning he couldn't understand it but I had him go talk to Barry privately and since then he's more comfortable with how it's been going.

So, I suppose that's enough background. I guess now it's just time to let you all in, as voyeurs, while I start my day.

Even though I've been living with Jimmy, Barry, Ronny and Charlie now for 2 years I still can't quite get the hang of laying in bed until 9am. I know, it's the first day of school summer vacation but I'm still waking up at 730am, like I do every morning. Like 99% of those mornings, I'm waking up with a piss hardon. I stretched out in the bed, then carefully got out so I didn't wake Jimmy. As I walked towards the bathroom I saw Barry, waiting for me. I had given him a vibrating alarm so it wouldn't wake up his brothers. He gets up at 715am, cleans himself out and is ready for me when I get up. He was naked and hard and, as I walked in the bathroom he went down to his knees, head facing the floor.

"Good morning sir" he said in his still unbroken voice.

"Good morning Barry, how did you sleep last night?" and as I said this I rubbed his head, feeling his long hair against my palm.

"It was a great night sir, I dreamed about you"

"Oh?" This was something new, I hadn't heard this before.

"Yes sir, I woke up tingling. I hope it happens every night" and he looked up at me with a grin.

"So Barry, what should we do this morning?"

"Whatever you want sir, that's what I want too"

I walked past the boy and stopped outside the shower. "Why isn't the shower ready for me?" and, as he heard my tone, the boy jumped up and started it going. He kept testing the water temperature until he had it just the way I liked it, then I walked in and stood there, looking at him.

He jumped in the shower with me, staring at my hard dick. Barry always wanted my dick but I could tell when he really needed it. He had this little tell (that's a poker term) that I picked up on over a year ago. It wasn't something really obvious, I'm not sure he knows he's doing it but when he really needs some dick his mouth is always open just a bit and you can see the tip of his tongue, still inside his mouth but right there almost poking out. It wasn't that way this morning so he could do without the face fuck. I just stared at the boy and, watching my eyes, he stood in front of me. Then, never breaking eye contact with me he went down on his knees in front of me in the shower. He bent his head down, facing the shower floor and waited. I was waiting also, for the running water to get rid of my hardon enough so I could piss. I felt it finally start and I pissed on the boy's head, the color of my strong morning piss and the color of his blond hair looked good together, almost matching.

"Lift your head up boy" I said, in a strong voice and Barry slowly raised his head. Now I was pissing on his face, starting on his forehead, I did avoid pissing directly in his eyes but I hit both cheeks. He didn't open his mouth, I hadn't told him he was allowed to and he just waited. I know he wanted to drink some of it, some days he drank all of it, some days though I didn't give him any of it. If I missed a day letting him drink some it made him almost beg me for it the next day. I pissed on his now pubescent dick, he's been hard since I first saw him and he stays hard all the time I'm using him. As my piss hit his dick it seemed to get harder, to stand up even more.

"Do you deserve it?" I asked, pissing on Barry's chest.

"That's for you to decide sir" he said, savoring the drops of my piss that have managed to run into his mouth. He hasn't stuck his tongue out to catch any, he knows better but if it just happened to get in his mouth by accident, well he couldn't really help it, could he? He gave me the right answer so, I decided to reward him.

"Open" I said and his mouth gaped open. I think all the sex we've had, since he was 10, has stretched his mouth. Luckily he sucks so well that it's tight around my dick. I laid my dick on his tongue. "Don't swallow, I want to rinse your mouth out first" and I just let loose. The boy gagged at the power of my stream against the back of his throat but he remained in place, like he was nailed to the floor. I pissed about 20 seconds this way, his eyes were wide open, staring at me while the piss gushed out of his little mouth. "Now, you can have the rest" and I swear his eyes danced in happiness. His lips closed around my dick and I pissed slowly, so he could easily drink it down. I still had quite a bit left, by the end I could see him struggling just a little. I hadn't stopped pissing in his mouth and he hadn't really managed to get a deep breath in over a minute but he made it to the end. I squeezed out the last little bit and as he finished swallowing I took my dick out of his mouth, picked the boy up from the floor and crushed him to me, kissing him hard. I could taste myself in his mouth as my tongue darted to the back of his throat. "I love you Barry" and I felt him just melt into me. I swear it feels so good, his body has always felt like it fit mine. I can feel him, from his lips on mine, his hard dick on my stomach, my dick under his ass.

I let him slowly back to the shower floor, not taking a chance on him slipping. "Would you like to wash me this morning?" and I smiled at him. He had done so well today, I thought he deserved a reward. This was a treat he loved, he could touch every part of me. He grinned and shook his head yes and took the soap and a washcloth. He washed my face first, then rinsed me off so I could watch him serve me. He cut the water off while he soaped me up, I had a lather on the front of me from my neck to my toes. I loved the way the boy's hands felt on me, so soft, delicate. Then he went behind me and, before using the soap, got down on his knees. He leaned in and sniffed my ass and moaned. The only time there's really much of a smell to me is mornings, my ass does get pretty raunchy overnight. He slowly pulled my cheeks apart and started to clean my ass with his tongue.

I could hear his tongue, the rasping noise as he licked me. His tongue started out pretty dry but the tastes and smells of my ass made his mouth water and before long he was slurping at my hole, sticking his tongue inside me, making sure I was cleaned out. I flexed my hole open to help him get his tongue in even deeper, it felt so good inside me. For just a split second I was tempted to sit on his face but I really wanted to get some breakfast soon. He continued for a couple of minutes, then I reached behind me, grabbed him by his long hair and pulled him away from my ass. He got back to his task, soaping my back from top to bottom, then took the shampoo and washed my hair. I didn't have to bend down as much as I first had to, he had grown almost a foot since we first met. I loved his fingers just massaging my scalp. He turned the water on, took the shower nozzle and rinsed me off, making sure there was no soap residue. He knew from personal experience that soap doesn't taste good.

Then it was my turn to wash my boy, something that gave me great pleasure. I washed Barry's hair first, I pressed his face to my chest and heard him humming around my nipple as I softly washed his long blond hair. I went ahead and did his face also, then rinsed that part of him off so he could watch the rest. I started to wash my boy completely now, his dick was still rock hard, he never loses his erection when he's with me, unless I've made him cum a couple of times, then he might go soft. I knew he could cum any time so I was careful to wash his dick quickly, then his nuts and down his legs. I turned him around and there was his pretty ass.

Every time I see it I want to fuck it hard. It's grown some also from the 10 year old ass but it's still a boy's ass, not a teenager. I washed all around it, then pushed him and he bent over in front of me. I took a finger and stuck it inside him and the boy moaned, then pulled out and stuck two fingers in him. Pulled out again, the boy went up on his tiptoes as I added a third finger, all three barely soaped up. I fucked his hole with all three fingers for about 20 seconds, then got the shower nozzle and filled his ass up with water. I tapped him on the ass and he pushed it out, I filled him up again, pushed out, I must be weird, it was so cool to watch that I did it a third time. I cut off the water and he took a towel, I held out my hand and he gave it to me, then he got one for himself.

Sometimes I let the boy dry me but only if I plan on doing something sexual with him, his hands make me instantly hard. This morning I wasn't going to do anything sexual, well not exactly. I guess it depends on your perception of sexual. Once we were dry we went in the kitchen and looked around for what we both wanted for breakfast.

Barry was still hard as we just walked around in the kitchen. "Are you full this morning Barry?" I asked the boy.

"Yes sir, I did as you told me"

"Excellent, it will make a good dessert after breakfast."

Nobody else gets up this early unless I wake them with my dick, or mouth. So after breakfast we went back in the living room and sat on the couch and pulled Barry in front of me.

"Let me check and see if you're full" and the boy inched closer to me. I took his nuts in my hand, not so little now. Still perfectly smooth, hairs haven't dared to come near his nuts yet, I'd bite them off. His pubic area was smooth as a baby's butt, I made sure he kept himself that way. He doesn't need pubes, he's my boy. I rolled his nuts in my fingers and Barry moaned. He was telling the truth, his nuts felt fuller than usual. I didn't let him cum yesterday, I edged him and edged him, fucked him, had him suck my dick, he was so horny he was almost dancing on his toes.

His dick was as hard as it could get, you could see it move just a little with each of his heart beats.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, sir"

I held his nuts tight in my hand. I wasn't squeezing then or anything but I wanted to feel them filling my hand. Besides, it makes my control over him even more complete. It's not like he would dare to displease me with his nuts so exposed. Now, to see how his training is progressing. I pulled him all the way to me and put his dick in my mouth. I didn't suck on it, just tightened my lips around it and waited a little while. I took it out, looked at Barry.

"Cum Barry, now" I ordered him and by the time I got his dick back in my mouth he was shooting. His last day of 12 year old sperm shot in my mouth, three good sized shots. I still wasn't sucking the boy, just had his dick in my mouth, getting his cum. The boy tasted fantastic, I had eaten a sugary cereal for breakfast, his sperm was far sweeter to my taste buds. I kept his load in my mouth, just pulled off and his dick popped out. He wasn't quite as hard now although he wasn't going to go soft either. A 12 year old's dick doesn't seem to have an off switch, if you keep going until he runs out of juice, then it's like he's 10 again, he can just orgasm over and over.

I swallowed his cum pulled him down on my lap and kissed him, letting him run his tongue around my mouth, getting a little taste of himself. His brothers were up earlier today, all three of them had dentist cleaning appointments. Barry had to go the week after, he was being checked to make sure his bite was correctly aligned, along with cleaning. So Jimmy, Ronny and Charlie all wandered in. There were kisses all around, then they ate breakfast, showered and tried to make up for any lost time by brushing their teeth extra hard. It was funny, as a kid I always did the same exact thing. Then by 10am they were off and Barry and I were alone in the house.

We just generally chatted while watching cartoons and Barry looked up at me. He was going to say something but there was a knock on the front door. We were both naked still, nobody in this house dresses unless they're going outside. I took a look through the peephole and saw two Mormon missionary boys, this was the early 1980's, the Mormons hadn't yet accepted people who weren't white. The boys were cute, all the Mormon boys seemed cute but as I looked more I saw the one on the left looked familiar.

.......... Interlude from four years ago, before I met Jimmy and the triplets.....

His hair wasn't the same but he was a boy from 4 years ago. He came up to me at a gay event, we talked a little while and found out we lived near each other. The more we talked I saw the boy's eyes get more interested. He was cute so I got interested too. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a collar, with a chain attached. He put the collar on, then handed me the chain.

The memories were just flooding in now.

I looked at this kid questioningly as he put on the collar and handed me the leash. "I belong to you, do anything to me or with me that you desire." he said, starting in a soft voice but by the end it was stronger, with more intensity and meaning to him. Now this boy and I had just met, he was barely 15 years old and I had exactly zero experience with this type of scene. I had read some gay erotica at the bookstore that dealt with this, I had done acting in high school and college, it seemed like a lark, surely he wasn't really serious anyway. The kid was 5'4" and maybe 100lbs. Skinny as hell, pretty as hell too. Blond hair over his ears, blue eyes. The exact same shade of blue as mine.

"On your knees" I ordered the kid, staring in his eyes and he immediately obeyed. He turned his face to the ground. I picked up his chin and stared at him. "If you do become my slave I'm going to hurt you, I'm going to use you. I'll sell your little ass to anyone with the money to pay for it. Last chance to back out" and I handed the kid his chain back. I thought that would see the end of it, I was as harsh as I could think of being. Maybe some adult who's been in the scene for years could accept what I said, surely not some young teenager. He didn't hesitate though, he handed me the chain back. Now, what the fuck do I do?

You can see the difference here, right? I mean I loved Barry before he came up with this slave thing. I hadn't even gotten this kid's name yet. I had zero emotional investment, what I did have was frustration, one of the drug deals I was supposed to handle had gone up in smoke. While it didn't cost me any money that I had, I would have made $25k for a weekend's drive. So he caught me in a bad mood, pissed off some. Now he's offering himself to me. We were in Dupont Circle in DC, very public. Because of the gay event the people around were probably mostly gay, there was a lot of PDA and I saw people watching the interplay between me and the kid. I yanked the chain and pulled the kid's face into my crotch. "Smell me bitch" I sneered at him and I felt him sniff hard, over and over. "Feel that dick?" and he nodded. "I'm gonna fuck you until you scream later. Are you a worn out whore? How many others have been in your cunt?"

"Nobody sir" the kid answered, in a soft voice.

"A virgin? Bullshit"

"I would never dare lie to you sir" he said, voice quavering.

"Show me" I said and he looked up at me with a question in his eyes "Stand up, turn around, pull your pants down, bend over, spread your cheeks, show me your hole. I'll be able to tell if you've had dicks up there"

The boy stood quickly up, turned his back to me. We were in the park with hundreds of others around us and now even more of them were watching the two of us, although none were in touching range. He pulled his pants to his knees and did as I ordered him. He wasn't lying, that hole had been untouched. It didn't even look like he'd ever put a finger in it, let alone someone's dick. I heard someone whistle in our direction.

"Pants up quick, unless you want to get gangbanged right here" and he pulled them up as fast as he could. As he was snapping them shut I looked at his crotch and the kid was hard, this was all turning him on. That pissed me off too. I had come here to find some cute guy to have sex with, to take my mind off things, now this is offered to me. I started to walk around, holding his chain. Let's show him to people, see what reactions they have. The boy was walking almost beside me.

"Hey there, who's your slave?" someone asked from beside me and I looked over.

"No idea, I didn't ask it's name, does it matter" I responded and the man came over and gave me a high five. He was one of those leather dudes, probably a fucking queen in bed, dress up play actors usually are.

"How long you had it?"

"About 30 minutes"

"Wanna sell it?" the man asked and I heard the kid softly murmuring something next to me.

"Nah, not now. It's still got that new slut smell on it" and I laughed and kept walking.

"Thank you sir" the boy whispered.

"For what?" I asked.

"For keeping me sir"

"Come on, I'm taking you home. I'm going to have some fun" and I saw the boy's dick actually quiver in his pants.

So off we went, back to my car, then my house. He followed me into the front door and stood there. I turned and looked at him.

"I have some rules. Number one rule, any time you're in private with me, you strip naked. Two, you never tell me no. Three, you never take off that collar, even when you're not with me. That's all you need to know" and the boy stripped like his clothes were on fire.

Now I saw the boy's dick, finally. A little over 5" and cut. Some shininess to it, he's got precum already, this is exciting the hell out of him. Really nice looking, perfectly proportioned. His body was nice also, skinny yes but you couldn't see his ribs at least. He had some abs but his arms showed no tone. His legs had a bit of hair on them, as well as pubes and armpits. "Rule four, get rid of all your body hair, pubes, underarms, legs, anywhere but head, got it" and he nodded. "One hair and I'll beat your ass"

"Turn around" I said and the boy slowly turned, his ass facing me. He had a really great bubble butt, I mean it was so nice. I looked him up and down, he had some freckles near his shoulders but once you got past that he had no moles, or blemishs. Just perfect skin. My dick was as hard as it could get, I wanted to fuck that virgin ass, I wanted to hear him scream as I broke his cherry. Fuck, not broke it, destroyed it. I unhooked the chain from the collar and hung it by the door on a hook.

"Tell me your name boy"

"I'm Billy sir" he answered.

"I'm Ron but sir, or master, is best."

"Yes, master" and that word made his dick quiver in midair. I saw a drop of precum appear.

"Take my clothes off, slowly."

The boy started with my shirt, I just had on a polo shirt. As he pulled it off I saw him look at my chest, my belly. He started to go to his knees.

"Stop" and he halted immediately. "When you uncover me, kiss every part you see." and the boy stood up and kissed my body, from my neck, down to my nipples, my stomach. I felt his tongue licking me, leaving a saliva trail all over me. As he licked me I had a thought, let's test his resolve. I grabbed him by the hair. "Lick my pits" and he never hesitated, while I didn't really stink, it was feeling his little tongue licking me completely that turned me on. I pushed him down and he got on his knees and reached for my Converse sneakers. He untied them and took them off, then my socks. I felt him kiss the arch of my foot, each toe. The sole of my foot. I didn't have any foot odor, too bad, it would have been another good test. Now his hands were at my pants. My dick was hard, the pants looked like they were ready to explode. He unsnapped and unzipped them, the pulled them down. He lifted each foot and took the pants off, then kissed each leg, my knee and ran his tongue up the inside of my thighs. He stared for a moment at my underwear, this was exciting as hell to me and my dick was leaking like a seal had broken. My underwear were wet on the left side, where my dick pointed.

He reached up and slowly, reverently, took my underwear down, making sure my dick wasn't caught in the fabric. My dick fell out and slapped wetly against his cheek, precum splattering all over his nose. He took the underwear off and leaned in and kissed my nuts, each one seperately. Then he kissed my dick, from the base, to the tip, each inch was kissed. It all felt like he was teasing me, even though he was only doing what I told him to do.

"Upstairs, first door on the left." and the boy scurried up the steps. The first door on the left was the bathroom and he stopped just inside. "I'm going to fuck you. When I'm done, you're gonna suck my dick clean. If you're full of shit, tell me because I don't want to see you eating shit"

"Sir, master, I don't know if I am. I'm sorry"

"Did you shit this morning?" and he nodded no.

"Okay, this time I'm going to make sure you're clean. From now on, when you come to me, you clean yourself out first. Understood?"

"Yes master" so I got down the enema kit and cleaned the kid out. Took me 4 times before he was clean. I'm glad I did it, he was so full I probably would have literally fucked the shit out of him, all over my bedclothes. My dick wasn't hard anymore, I had been concentrating on other things, I realized that I had to piss like crazy.

"Boy, go ahead and piss" and he emptied himself.

"I have to piss" I told the kid. I wondered how he would interpret that remark. He got on his knees and came to me, then softly took my dick and aimed it at the toilet. I let loose, I really had to go. I saw him watching my dick, my piss and I stopped before I was completely done. "Clean me off" and the boy took my soft dick in his mouth. I held his head tight to my crotch and started to piss in his mouth, slowly. I didn't want it going all over my bathroom. The boy gagged at the taste of it. "Swallow it, if you mess up my bathroom I'm going to beat the fuck out of you" and the words made him just accept it and I felt him swallow. I kept going slowly, he had another couple of swallows, then I was done.

"Good job boy" I said, patting his head. He looked up at me, his eyes were full of tears but also satisfaction because of my praise.

I took the boy into the bedroom. "Tell me boy, what have you ever done with another guy?"

"Umm, nothing master. Today was the first time I got nerve enough to go to anything gay."

I turned him over on the bed and looked at his tight asshole. I took my hand and smacked his ass really hard on the left cheek, then on the right. The boy quivered with each slap, I know it hurt him, his ass was turning a nice shade of red and you could clearly see my handprints. I did it again, in a different area, just to see his ass redden there too. The boy wailed as I smacked his ass and that turned me on too. I must not be quite as normal as I thought.

"Please master, I swear I'll be good, I'll do anything" he blubbered.

I stopped after those four hard slaps to his ass. I bet he'd never been hit before in his entire life.

"I am going to fuck you hard. It's going to hurt like hell the first time, maybe the second and third time too. If you feel like yelling, or screaming, go ahead."

"Yes master, thank you master"

Now, how do I want to fuck him. Do I want to watch his face? Do I just do him on his stomach, the least personal way to fuck someone? I rolled him back over on his back. I took a pillow and stuck under his ass, lifting him by his feet. I made sure the angle was right, I wanted to go in him in one hard push. I lubed my dick well and put some on his hole. I thought about sticking a finger in him but fuck it, he wants to be my slave, this is all about my pleasure.

"Hold your legs back" and I placed my dick on his hole and pushed just a little, I barely felt any movement, he was that tight. I stared down in his eyes.

"I FUCKING OWN YOU" I yelled and on the word you I rammed my 7" dick full length up his no longer virgin ass. The boy's eyes opened wide, his mouth opened and his breathing stopped. Then he screamed, loud. I yanked my dick out and he screamed again, I found his hole and shoved back in hard, another scream. I started to fuck him hard now, in and out, just mauling his ass. His screams got softer and, as they did, his dick got harder. I saw this, I couldn't believe it. I was purposely trying to not make him like it and in spite of that, the pain, the possession, they were exciting him. Now it was like I had gone crazy, I just fucked him harder than I'd ever dreamed you could fuck someone and have them live through it. I felt his ass start to move back towards me as I fucked in, then his muscles clenched, firmly holding my dick tight as I pulled out.

I folded the boys knees by his ears, our faces were not even a foot apart. "You got a tight ass, I'm gonna fuck you so much" and I kept on going. Ten minutes, the boy's dick was leaking all over his face, I had him bent over that far. I was fucking his ass almost straight down now, dropping my entire weight on him, making sure my dick got in as far as it could. Twenty minutes now, his ass still gripping me hard.

"Open your mouth" and the boy gaped open. I let some spit drizzle out of my mouth, it stretched out in a long thin line and he caught it in his mouth. We were connected in two ways now. I had to kiss the kid, I let his legs relax some, so I could get to his mouth. I fucked his face like I was fucking his ass. His tongue met mine but only inside his own mouth, he didn't dare try to put his tongue in my mouth. Our kiss kept going, I was drooling more of my spit in his mouth, my tongue rubbing it all over the inside of his cheeks. Thirty minutes, my legs were getting tired, I had to cum in the kid, really make him mine and I felt it, finally. It was such a weird sensation, I swear I could feel the sperm leaving my nuts, traveling through me and getting ready. At last the dam broke. "I'm cumming in your cunt boy" and I shot hard, over and over, each shot delivered with as brutal a thrust as I could make. The boy screamed again and this time, it wasn't a scream of pain. His dick just throbbed in midair and then he shot too, he was covering himself in his own sperm. His sperm smelled so good to me, I reached down and took a little of it on my finger and stuck it in my mouth. He tasted great, just like a boy should.

I was moving slower now, milking out the last of my sperm, enjoying one of the strongest orgasms I'd ever had. I pulled out of his ass and just fell on the bed beside him. I had to sneak a quick look at my dick, there was no blood which relieved me a lot. The boy's legs hit the bed with a dull thud, they might have been asleep, I was holding him tight for a long time. He laid there, breathing hard, covered in his own sperm. I grabbed him by the head and dragged his face to my dick. "Clean my dick off" and the boy's mouth opened and I felt his tongue all over my dick, licking and licking, getting all traces of my sperm, the lube and the taste of his ass. Once he'd completed his task I pulled his face to mine and kissed him.

"Thank you master" he whispered "It was the most awesome thing ever" I had to smile at the kid now. I couldn't keep up the master act 24/7 and I held him tight and we went to sleep.

..... End of interlude..........................

"Barry, you trust me?" and he nodded yes. "Go in the bedroom, get some pants on. Then listen at your door. Don't get alarmed at whatever you hear. When I call you, come out." and he nodded and scurried away.

I opened the door, naked and looked at the two of them. "Get in here bitch" I yelled and my former slave basically jumped inside the house. His body reacted immediately. The other guy followed him, looking at Billy like he was crazy.

"What the heck.." he started and I stared at him.

"Shut the fuck up" and I looked at Billy. He was on his knees in front of me. "Did you forget everything I taught you?" and I looked at his clothed body. Suddenly it registered in his head and he stripped naked and got back on his knees.

"I'm sorry master. I was just so shocked to.."

"You shut the fuck up too" I said, slapping his face hard. "I never released your sorry fucking ass. Why didn't you report to me as soon as you got back in town?"

The other Mormon boy was just in shock, he kept looking at Billy on the floor, naked and in tears with a red hand print on his cheek where I had slapped him.

"Master, I.."

"How long have you been back?" I interrupted.

"About 6 months, my dad was transferred back to DC and we moved back in the old neighborhood"

"You didn't think you owed me the courtesy of telling me?"

"Umm excuse me" the other Mormon said and I looked at him like he might just die if he said another word. "sir" he added.

"Are you related to this cumdump?" I asked the still dressed boy.

"What? Cumdump? I mean no sir, not related." I relaxed a little, the boy was calling me sir, it made me happy inside to see I still had it.

"Have you fucked his ass or face?" and I pointed at Billy, kneeling on the floor.

"No, of course not, I'm.." I stared at him and took a step towards him and the sentence stopped. I'm sure he was going to say he was no fag and that wouldn't have gone too well for him.

"So you'd rather play with your own dick than let this cocksucker take your load?"

I looked down at Billy who was just staring at me, like he'd seen the second coming, or the devil incarnate. I'd take either reaction.

"Lick my nuts" and he crawled forward and started to lick me.

"Jesus Billy, what the hell..." the other one, Elder scumbag or whatever the badge said.

"He's a good nut licker. He's good at licking asses too, aren't you slave?"

"Yes master"

"Do it then, to your friend" and now I waited to see what happened. The boys looked evenly matched in height, weight, body type. They were both gorgeous too. How would my slave handle this?

Billy looked at the other boy, he was still kneeling in front of me. "Come here Jason" but the other guy backed up some. Billy got up and quickly ran to Jason, picked him up and tossed him to the floor. The boy didn't have time to react before Billy had his pants undone and mostly off. Then off came those magic Mormon underwear, now Jason was struggling but Billy was possessed. He tossed him over on his stomach like Jason weighed practically nothing and leaned down, spread the boys cheeks apart and just tried to stick his tongue right up Jason's asshole.

"No, Billy, no. What are you doing?" I guess they don't teach rimming in Mormon sex ed? Billy wasn't listening, he just kept licking and sucking on his friend's ass and Jason got quiet. I knelt down to Jason's face.

"He's good at licking assholes, isn't he?" I said, softly.

"This is so wrong and it's weird but feels good sir"

"Next time you feel his tongue try to push in, you push out a little, like you wanna take a crap, see what happens" and I watched Jason's face as he did as I ordered. His eyes got wider open as Billy's tongue went all the way inside his ass. Jason squealed like a pig and I had to just chuckle a little. "Are you a virgin Jason?" and he nodded, his eyes were crazy. I could see the head of his dick poking out from under him, it was obvious the guy was hard. "How about if we fix that?" and Jason looked at me. His mouth was open, his breath was coming quicker. The more Billy ate his ass, the more he was getting excited.

Almost time, almost. "Barry, come on in" I yelled and the 12 year old came in the room. When he saw the two boys on the floor his eyes got wide. He looked a question at me.

"Later Barry, I'll explain later" I whispered to my boy and he nodded, never taking his eyes off the two on the floor. Jason never noticed a thing, that tongue up his ass had all his attention and Billy couldn't see anything but Jason's ass.

"Suck his dick slave" and Billy pulled his tongue out of Jason's ass. He flipped Jason over and I finally saw the boys dick. It was nice, not quite 7" but thick. Way too much pubic hair though. Before Jason could really react Billy took Jason's dick in his hand, then shoved it in his mouth. He hadn't lost his touch on a dick, he went all the way down on Jason at once. I saw Jason's hands clenching and unclenching. "Where do you wanna cum Jason? In his mouth or do you wanna fuck his ass? He's got a nice tight ass, even though he's been fucked hundreds of times" and I laughed. It was too late though for that choice, Jason's body had already decided to cum in Billy's mouth. I could see Jason's dick get harder and I knew also.

"Don't swallow his cum, slut" I sneered and Billy just nodded and kept sucking.

Jason whined, groaned, tried to pull Billy's head off his dick. "I'm gonna shoot Billy, get your mouth off me" but Billy ignored him and Jason just screeched as he felt himself cum for the first time in his life without using his own hand. His hips moved involuntarily, fucking Billy's mouth, each time in another shot of sperm. In the middle of his orgasm he looked over and saw the kid, watching him and Billy. "Oh it's a kid. Oh no." and Barry grinned and waved at Jason. I had seen Billy glance over, following Jason's eyes and I know he saw the kid standing there, watching him perform.

"Barry, go kneel by Jason, lay your dick on his mouth" I whispered to Barry and he took his pants off and did as I said. I saw Jason just watching him as he scooted up until his 5" hard dick was laying on Jason's mouth.

"Open up Jason, time to suck some boy dick" but Jason shook his head wildly and moaned. "Open your fucking mouth" I said, walking towards him and enunciating each word slowly. Jason looked up at me, my eyes were staring at him. Barry grabbed the 19 year old's head in his 12 year old hands.

"Suck my dick" he told Jason. Jason looked from the kid, to me, to Billy who was still sucking on his dick which hadn't gotten soft. His mouth opened just a little and Barry shoved his dick all the way in, making the guy gag. It wasn't really big enough to gag an adult but it was just poking him differently. It was cool, I could actually almost physically "see" Jason's ability to defy me collapse. His eyes closed and I saw Barry start a little.

"Is he sucking Barry?" and the kid nodded yes.

"Slave, you still got Jason's cum in your mouth" and Billy nodded yes. "Lube your dick with it and fuck Jason"

I could hear Jason mumbling something around Barry's dick as Billy put him on his side. This made it easier for Barry to fuck the guy's face and he had his head tight as he pumped in and out.

This was like a cool porn scene, I saw Billy move forward, his hands at Jason's hole. I heard a loud squeal, Billy had shoved a sperm covered finger up Jason's about to be devirginized hole. He put his dick up to Jason's hole and pushed in, hard and fast, until he was buried all the way inside his friend. This time I heard a scream from around Barry's dick. Billy grabbed Jason's hips and just started to pound Jason, pushing his body forward a little with each thrust.

"Don't cum Barry" I told the boy and he nodded, eyes closed, thrilled at fucking a new mouth. Barry could be a macho little boy, when he wasn't with me. Or even with me, if I told him to. He was going all out now, he'd never fucked anyone's face except those of us in the house, this was his first new mouth, he was pounding the fuck out of it and it was turning the kid on. After another minute Barry yanked his dick out of Jason's mouth, I loved to hear that popping sound, it meant Jason was sucking on my boy's dick, not just letting Barry fuck his face. I heard the noises as Billy's dick fucked Jason's ass, he had used the whole load as lube and it was a slurping kind of sound.

"Cum in his ass slave" and Billy's former training took hold and he came immediately. He was pouring sperm in Jason's ass, you could tell by the way his body shook. Jason was just moaning, he was so cute, his lips shiny from the friction of Barry's dick and I saw his eyes open again as he felt Billy's sperm shoot in his ass. "Pull out slave, I think Jason wants to suck your dick clean"

Jason was just mumbling under his breath "please no, please no, please no" and I took a look at Billy's dick. Jason wasn't so clean inside. I had to relent, some things are too much even for me, this was one of them.

"Okay, never mind on that Jason. Looks like he fucked the shit out of you" and Barry and I both laughed. "Go get in the shower, both of you." and they finished stripping and walked to the bathroom, Jason moving more gingerly, his well fucked ass made him look like he was limping. I motioned Barry to walk with me "We're gonna piss on them in the shower, maybe make them drink some" I whispered and he giggled.

Billy must have shot a massive load in Jason, you could see sperm just dripping down his leg. The two of them got to the shower and started to turn on the water.

"Hold on, get on your knees, both of you" I barked and Billy obeyed instantly. His body reacted before his mind finished hearing it. Jason was slower but then he too was on his knees. Barry and I stood in front of the two 19 year olds. "Open your mouths" and Jason did as he stared at Billy. I started to piss and hit Billy right in his open mouth.

"Yes master, yes. Thank you" he almost chanted the sound almost gargling around the piss. He knew better than to swallow any yet, not until I gave him permission. Even with everything else that had happened, this made Jason's mouth fall farther open, seeing Billy thanking me for pissing in his mouth and Barry, seizing the opportunity, let loose and hit Jason dead center in the mouth. The boy wasn't even looking at Barry, didn't expect it and it was choking him. He leaned down, trying to clear his throat and Barry pissed right on his head.

"Swallow slave" I ordered and I kept pissing in his mouth. He was drinking as fast as he could but I wasn't slowing down, it was running down his face.

"Jason, you better swallow some of my boy's piss" and it was so cool to see him just give up again. He looked back up, piss dripping from his hair, over his face and he opened his mouth and let the 12 year old piss right in it. It was just running out of his mouth but I saw him convulsively swallow, then again. "Let's switch Barry" I said and he grinned at me.

"Just put your dick in the slave's mouth and he'll drink every drop" I told Barry and, hearing this, Billy opened up to let Barry's dick in, then just closed his lips and tried to keep up as the kid pissed as fast as he could. I went over to Jason and looked at him "Open up and swallow" and I pissed slower and watched him drink a bunch of my piss. Then I stopped and pissed on Jason's dick and it got hard. I laughed out loud.

"You little fucking slut, look at your dick. I piss on it and you get hard. You fucking love this" I sneered. Jason shook his head no but when he looked at his dick he just sighed again.

Finally both Barry and I were done. Neither of us had cum but sometimes pissing is almost as good, this time it might have been better. "Shower good, you don't want to knock on the next house smelling like piss and cum. Slave, make sure you use your fingers, get his ass clean so he's not leaking" and they stood up together.

Barry and I walked back in the living room, gathering up all the dropped clothes, finding where the shoes had been tossed to. "I love you Barry" and I kissed him hard.

"I love you sir" he said, kissing me back.

"We'll talk about this once they're gone" and he and I sat on the couch, waiting for Jason and Billy. They were in there for 25 minutes, I guess Billy was doing a good job cleaning Jason's ass out. Then I heard the water stop and, a few minutes later, both of them came out, all nice and dry.

"Get dressed and listen, both of you. Slave, you live here again right?" and Billy nodded "Jason, you're on missionary?" and he nodded. "How long are you here Jason?"

"This was only my second day. I'm here for 88 more days"

"I want a phone number to reach you Jason. If I call, you better come to wherever I tell you and this time, clean your fucking ass out. Slave will tell you how to do it" Jason watched me but shook his head no. "Do you want me to have Barry tell people you sucked his dick?" Jason looked at me again, once again you could see the air go out of him and he shook his head no. "Don't worry, I'm not going to call you every day, I have a boyfriend, so does Barry. Oh and get rid of the body hair too, it's fucking disgusting. Slave will help."

"Slave, leave your number. You know what to do. Oh and clean yourself up, I see hair on your legs, your pubes, your armpits. I'm going to punish you for that the next time." and Billy nodded yes.

As they turned to leave I stopped Billy and pushed him to his knees. I stared down at him "I'm going to give you a final choice. Do you want me to release you? Never to see me again?"

Billy looked at me and, even before he answered out loud, I saw his eyes. "No master, please, no" and I patted him on the head and, with that, the door closed and Barry and I were alone again.

"It's almost lunch time, do you want me to tell you now or wait for your brothers so I can tell you all at the same time?" I asked Barry.

"You may as well wait sir, I'm sure the others will want to know also." he responded.

"Let's go wash our dicks off. I don't want to taste that boy's saliva on you." and Barry ran to the bathroom with me. By the time we came back his brothers had come home, with subs for lunch. They had all done great at the dentists. I figured as much, the hygiene around here was perfect, I think it was that way before I arrived, it's certainly been that way since I've been here. After we ate lunch I told everyone to go undress, then come back, that I had something to talk with them about.

"Today a part of my past appeared, right at your front door. You know the type of relationship that Barry and I have?" and all the brothers nodded. "Well, there's a reason why it's remained the way it has, why it hasn't gotten more intense, like a real slave/master relationship. Before I met you guys, the 4 people I love more than anything in the world, I had a slave boy. Not like Barry though" I said quickly and then I related the whole pickup and first scene story that I wrote out above. "He was just a piece of meat to me, he didn't take the time to know me, let me know him. I felt nothing towards him so I used him, I let others use him. I even sent him to parties to be fucked over and over for money."

"Anyway, he left town about 4 months before I met Jimmy at the dance, his dad got transferred at work and I thought he was gone forever. It was a relief in a way. However today two Mormon boys knocked on the door and one of them was my slave. Notice that I still said my slave, I hadn't released him when he left town so he still belonged to me. When I saw him I got really pissed off, that he would come back to town and not tell me."

"Can you guys follow along so far? Any questions up to now?" All the boys nodded no. I had their total attention, they weren't taking their eyes off me.

"Well, I may have overreacted just a little but when I yelled at him he knew the voice, he saw me, he knew it was me. He immediately went into slave mode, as if he'd never left. His Mormon buddy, for some reason, pissed me off just by being there so I forced my slave to eat out his ass, suck his dick, then fuck him. I had sent Barry away to start, once I got them going he came back in and I made the second Mormon guy suck Barry's dick while he was getting fucked. Then both of us pissed on them in the shower, made them drink us. I told them they were both on call, whenever I wanted them."

"Why did you do that?" Jimmy asked. "We don't need more people."

"You're right, we don't need more people. These two aren't people, these two are slaves. They don't really count. If you guys don't want them here, that's fine. I'll go by whatever you decide. I don't want them here on any regular basis either. You guys and I have pretty much explored the more normal things that guys do together. Haven't you ever heard of anything you'd like to do to someone but you don't want to do it someone you love?"

I saw some thoughtful looks now. "I wanna stick my whole hand in someone's ass" Charlie said, giggling "but not any of you guys. Can I do that to them?"

"Sure. My slave got fisted, that's what it's called, by grown men when he was 15."

"Can I spank them?" Ronny asked.

"Yeah, you can do that. Be creative in your thoughts, maybe write it all down. Just try not to do any permanent damage. At least not until we are tired of them"

"Sounds like those two want it" Jimmy said, looking at Charlie and Ronny. "I say yes also. I kinda want to fuck someone's throat until they pass out" and he laughed.

"Okay, here's what we'll do. We'll pick a day, then have my original slave over first. He's trained so he would never resist anything I tell him. We can use him to train the second one, that one's only here for 3 months. Now, enough about them. Everyone come kiss me, I missed you all" and we started moving together. I wish I'd had a video camera, to take a movie of us all. We would kiss and move, kiss and move, we were beside, under, on top of everyone else. It was like one of those pics you see of all the baby snakes crawling around in a pile.

I took Barry aside to talk to him seperately. "You can see why I can't let you be like the slave right?"

"Yes sir, I love what we have, it makes me feel so good inside, to be yours. I don't need more" he responded.

"I love you so much Barry. I'll tell you what, since today's been so weird, I'll allow you to do whatever you want, as a present from me to you"

"Thank you sir."

About a week later the boys all decided to have Billy over. I called him up, told him to be at the house at 830am and be prepared to stay until we're done with him. I talked with him about Jason, how he was handling what happened. He told me that Jason had been to his house twice so far, that he showed him how to clean himself out, helped him shave off his body hair. Taught him how to suck a dick, eat ass, drink piss, fuck and get fucked. He hadn't tried him out on pain yet, hadn't beaten Jason, or let Jason beat on him. I didn't bother to tell him there were 5 of us at the house, all he knew was Barry and I. That would be a pleasant surprise for him, he loved to get used. I wanted him there 30 minutes early, so the boys could all piss on him first thing. Oh and the last thing, I told him to wear a belt. He knew what that meant, I was going to beat him with it. I am sure he knew I wasn't going to forget what he had done. I went home and got a few more items, a chastity cage, a large paddle, some smaller whips, all things I hadn't even seen in 4 years, and I brought them back.

It was funny, I showed the boys the chastity cage, asked them if they had any idea what it was and nobody knew. "Come here Barry" I said and the boy stood in front of me. He didn't know what it was either until I fitted it around his genitals. Then it dawned on him. I kissed him hard, played with his nipples, that always made him get hard right away. He started moaning and I saw his dick swell a little but then if filled the cage and the pain put an end to his hardon.

"This is a chastity cage. It keeps someone from getting hard, having an orgasm, until you unlock it and remove it." Ronny, Charlie and Jimmy had to come get a closer look. They saw how it held Barry, poked at his mostly soft dick and would see it enlarge, only to get painful and stop."I've thought about this and you Barry but you've always obeyed me about having orgasms. So it's not necessary. Besides, sometimes I just need to play with your dick!" and I laughed, so did everyone else. I uncaged Barry and put it off to the side.

"Are you going to use on the slave?" Jimmy asked.

"I haven't decided, it depends on how good he is while he's here."

"What are the paddles and whips for?" Charlie asked.

"Well, this may be hard to understand, you might have to just take my word for it. Even if I explain it, you might not understand but here goes. The slave disrespected me, his master. Not only did he not report being back in town to me but he allowed hair to grow on his body. In addition, he wasn't wearing his collar. In the type of relationship that he and I have, I am required to punish him. Not like I do here, playfully spanking you a little, I have to hurt him."

"Why is that?" Jimmy asked.

"So he feels safe. The worst thing to someone who truly wishes to be your slave is for you to seemingly not care what he does. For example, let's say Barry just ignored me if I told him to do something, if I didn't react what would you think Barry?"

"I'd think you didn't love me if you didn't make me show you respect sir" he answered.

"Exactly. So this whole deal with the slave goes far beyond the normal misbehavior. If it were just him and me I'd probably beat him until he couldn't even move. With a whip, a belt, my fists and anything else I could find. Because you guys are here I'm not going to go that hard on him but when I get done he'll know never to fuck with me again. Any of you that want to help me punish him can be there."

The day for the Billy finally arrived. Everyone was hyper the night before, talking about what they were going to do to him. I wondered if they were really going to do the things they said. I did buy some items to help out, I'll introduce them into this if the boys follow through. I got up at 730am and my boy was waiting in the bathroom for me.

"I love you Barry" I said, seeing him hard and waiting.

"I love you sir" he said, going to his knees in front of me. I saw his mouth open just a bit, tongue showing.

I grabbed him by the head and raised his head. "Open" and the boy's mouth gaped. I shoved my dick in balls deep, feeling the still tight throat of the 13 year old on that last inch of my dick. I fucked his face hard for 30 seconds, pulled out and he gasped for air. As he calmed down I shoved my dick back and fucked his face longer, almost a minute. He couldn't breathe, I was moving too hard, too fast. I ripped my dick out of his throat again and he was choking for air in front of me. He raised his head and opened his mouth again, once again I fucked his face hard, 90 seconds this time. He was starting to go limp, sagging as the lack of air really hit him. This time I more slowly pulled my dick from his throat and felt him breathe around my dick, still in his mouth. His tongue licked me softly, lovingly. I pulled my dick out and looked at him.

"Thank you sir" he said, a bit hoarsely from the abuse.

"Good job boy" I said, running my fingers through his hair. "Get the shower ready"

I let the boy clean my ass with his tongue as usual, I could never deny him that pleasure, then I pissed all over him, front and back. No drinking today, maybe tomorrow. We washed each other at the same time, his hard 5" dick felt so good in my hands, his nuts, slippery from the soap, just two fingers up his ass today, he had to be clean. It didn't take us long before we were done and eating breakfast.

"Are you ready? I want you with me at all times today" I told Barry.

"Yes sir, I think I am ready, as long as you are there to guide me"

I went to the couch, I wanted to try something new. He would cum from my voice telling him, I wondered if he could cum with a hand signal. I wanted to keep his dick in my mouth so I could totally feel it prepare to shoot, then shoot his tasty sperm for me. I stood him in front of me, his dick right in front of my face.

"I want you to watch my hand today boy. I am going to count down from 5 to 1 with fingers. When I get to 1, you cum. Understand?"

"Yes sir"

I took his dick all the way in my mouth, my lips were on his bare pubic region, the softness of it against my lips. I wasn't sucking, I wasn't going to assist him in his orgasm, he had to do it when I wanted. I held up 5 fingers, then slowly worked my way until it was a fist. It took two seconds after that for him to shoot, the same three shots as every morning. I want him to make more, I wonder if I ordered him to produce more sperm, would it work? I kept my lips tight and pulled off, swallowing his morning load. The boy was trembling, I took him in my arms and sat him in my lap, my arms enveloping him and I kissed his lips.

"Good job Barry, two seconds late though but that's good for the first time"

"Sorry sir, I'll be on time tomorrow"

I smiled at him and he and I laughed. I handed Barry the note I had written, detailing any extra punishment for Billy.

One stripe for each area with hair on his body except head. Even one hair. One stripe for each black mark someone gives him.

It was 830am and the doorbell rang, the slave was exactly on time. I opened the door and motioned him in. As soon as he entered he stripped down immediately, handing me the belt as he took it off first, and knelt in front of me. Barry came and stood beside me as he studied him. Thankfully for him he was wearing the collar today, he handed me the chain as soon as he was naked. "Get up" I said, staring at him. It appeared he had done a good job, I couldn't see any pubes, or leg hair.

I looked at Barry. "Examine him, make sure there's no hair on him." I had coached Barry on this, he wasn't to go on his knees to check the slave, he made him raise each leg up so he could run his little hands over every inch of the slave's legs, inside his legs, over his pubic area. Then he rubbed his stomach and chest, making him lift his arms, he ran his hands over the pits. Barry made him stand on a chair and he pulled apart the slave's ass hard, making him whine. He ran his fingers over the inside of his crack, then between the legs, the tops of the thighs.

"Sir" he said, looking at me.

"Yes boy"

"I found a hair. Would you make sure please sir?" I came over and Barry pointed it out to me. There it was, one hair. Somehow whoever shaved him, probably Jason, missed it. Either on purpose to get him in trouble, or more likely, accidentally.

"Why is there a hair slave?"

"I'm sorry master, I thought I had gotten them all"

"Pull it out boy" I said, looking at Barry and I heard a catch in the slave's breath as it was pulled out. It was barely half an inch long. "Feed it to him" I said, pointing to the slave and Barry stuck in as far as he could in the slave's mouth causing him to gag as his fingers went into his throat.

"That's one stripe slave. All your punishment will happen at the end of the day. Try to be good if you wish to walk out of here intact."

"Yes master" he said, lowering his eyes.

"Let's get you to the shower" and he followed Barry, who followed me, to the main bathroom shower. I looked at Barry, "Make sure he's ready" and Barry spun the slave around and forced him to bend over, then stuck three fingers up the slave's ass. He rose on his toes but made no sound as his hole was invaded.

"He's lubed up sir" then he stuck his fingers in the slaves mouth and got them cleaned off.

I patted the slave on the head. "On your knees now" and I blindfolded him.

"Don't move. We'll be back" and we left him in there alone, to think about what might happen.

Barry and I woke up Jimmy, then the three of us woke up Ronny and Charlie.

"Are you all ready?" and Jimmy, Ronny and Charlie nodded yes. "Let's go then" and we all went in the bathroom. Their eyes got wide when they saw the guy blindfolded in the shower. I had told them earlier no talking to start, not until we had finished the pissing part of things. I had told them just how cute he was, the boys were seeing it for themselves now. They'd have no trouble being excited enough by his body to do what they wanted.

"Hello slave, are you ready?" I asked it.

"Yes master"

"How much piss can you drink I wonder?"

The slave didn't speak, it wasn't a question aimed at it. "Well slave? Answer?"

"Master, I don't know. I will do my best to drink all you wish me to drink"

"Good answer. Drink all of his" and I pushed Ronny to the slave's mouth. As his lips closed Ronny started to piss and the slave swallowed as fast as he could. He lost some of it, Ronny wasn't going as slow as he should, couldn't really blame the slave for it. After a minute Ronny was done and pulled his dick out of the slave's mouth.

"Thank you for your piss" it said but Ronny was silent.

Charlie walked up and the slave felt another small dick piss him full, he drank every single drop of Charlie's piss, it was all Charlie could do to finish, his 5" dick was getting hard by the end.

"Thank you for your piss" once again no response.

Then it was Jimmy's turn. I'm sure he knew that wasn't my dick, it wasn't big enough. Jimmy pissed as hard as he could, the slave drank fast but it was all over him. He was choking at the end as Jimmy pulled his dick out. I slapped the slave's face hard because his thank you was late in coming. "What do you say?"

"Thank you for your piss" it said, choking the words out.

Everyone left the bathroom and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. I took the blindfold off the slave and he blinked his eyes.

"So far you've been adequate. Try to do better, don't fucking embarass me" I said, staring down at him.

"I'm sorry master, I swear I'll do better" it said, lowering it's head.

"My boy and I are leaving, I want you to puke up the piss after we're gone, wash yourself good, relube and then go to the bedroom at the end of the hall to your right. I'll be there soon."

"Yes master"

Barry and I left quickly, puking sounds would make me want to do the same. I'm not that kinky. We went into the kitchen, everyone seemed animated this morning. We had out usual round of kisses and I sat with them while they ate. "Well, what do you guys think so far?"

"That was hot" Jimmy said and Charlie and Ronny nodded agreement. "He's really cute too"

"It's going to be in the bedroom when we're ready. Let's all fuck it awhile, don't cum in it though. Just pull out and let the next one fuck. Don't leave his worthless hole empty for the next hour or so." and they all grinned at me. We all got together and went down the hall and I led them into Jimmy's bedroom, where the slave was waiting, kneeling on the floor, his head down.

"Slave, look up" and his eyes widened as he saw all the boys.

"These boys want to play with you. Treat any request or demand from them as if I said it, understand?"

"Yes master, I understand" and as he looked at everyone his dick got hard.

"Get up on the bed, on your stomach" Charlie said and it scrambled to obey. Charlie took two pillows and stuck it under the slave's midsection. "Spread your cheeks, show me your hole" and Charlie moaned as he saw the hole. I had to get a quick look, I hadn't seen that hole in over four years, it had tightened up since he left me, I guess he wasn't getting fucked as much. Charlie was going to lube his dick but I shook my head no so he just shuffled forward and rammed in all the way. Charlie just started fucking as fast as his 13 year old ass could push that dick in and out. It reminded me of the way he used to fuck your mouth and I smiled at the memory.

Even though Charlie was just 5" the slave felt every inch of that dick. I didn't know it at the time but the last time he got fucked was before he left me, so for four years no dick had penetrated that ass, well except when he was teaching Jason to fuck once. He started to moan as Charlie took his pleasure. I pulled Barry to the slaves front "Get in position so the slave can eat your ass out" and Barry moved to obey. I yanked the slave up by his hair so my boy could more easily get into position.

"Pull his cheeks apart, eat his ass. Make him happy or I'll beat you" and the slave did as ordered. I heard him slurping at Barry's hole, he had his cheeks open enough that his tongue was going in and out of my boy's hole, he was tasting 13 year old ass for the first time I bet. "You like that 13 year old ass, don't you?" and slave shook his head yes.

"How's he doing boy?" I asked, kissing Barry gently.

"He's a great ass eater sir"

I was impressed with Charlie. He isn't known for his staying power, if you get three minutes out of him before he cums it's a long fuck. He's been going though now for 10 minutes, at full speed and shows no signs of cumming. Charlie nodded at Ronny who got up on the bed beside him and ripped his dick out of the slave's ass and as he moved away, Ronny took over jamming in all the way. I'm sure it felt like the same dick to the slave, there hadn't been 15 seconds between the dick exchange. Ronny only lasted 8 minutes, then Jimmy took his place. The larger dick made the slave blow air up Barry's ass and the kid squealed against the slave's face.

I pulled Barry away from the slave and heard the suction break, the slave was really sucking hard on my boy's hole. "Almost your turn to fuck him, get ready" and Barry got up on the bed next to Jimmy and just watched as Jimmy fucked the slave as hard as he could. I know he was a little disappointed, not getting noises as he tried to hurt the slave with his dick. I got in front of the slave and lifted its head, then shoved my dick down its throat and just stared at it. I could feel Jimmy fucking it, through little catches in breath it couldn't take, the slave started to sweat as I kept it tight to my groin, cutting off its air. It's eyes pleaded with me for mercy, I saw its lids flutter as it was going under and I just ripped my dick out and slapped its face and it took a deep breath.

"Thank you master"

Jimmy was over 20 minutes now, just fucking the hell out of that slave ass. I got down to it's ear. "He's fucking you good isn't he. Try to disrupt his rhythm, squeeze your ass so tight he can't move" I whispered and Jimmy yelled as my orders were obeyed. I saw Jimmy grab the slave's hips and with an almighty pull he ripped his dick out of the slave's clinging ass. It screamed as the dick felt like it tore it's insides.

I laughed "Did he hurt you with his dick? You must be out of practice" and now Barry was pumping away like he'd never get ass again. Jimmy looked pissed off, he was having a great fuck and the slave spoiled it. Jimmy didn't know I made the slave do it. He came to the front and pushed his dick in the slave's throat and fucked him harder than he was fucking his ass earlier. The slave tried to suck the dick but Jimmy pulled out and stared in its eyes..

"Don't suck, just keep your mouth open so I can fuck your throat dammit" and as the mouth opened wide Jimmy kept fucking the throat harder and harder, holding the slave's head tight.

"Watch it's eyes Jimmy" I said, whispering as soft as I could in his ear. "It's gonna get fucked unconscious if you keep going, you have to stop just after it goes out or the loss of air can be dangerous"

This was something Jimmy had put on his list, he remembered back to our first nights together, when he almost fucked his 10 year old brother's lights out and it excited him, he wanted to do it for real. I saw the slave's eyes flutter and close and it slumped a little forward. Jimmy pulled out immediately and slapped the slave's face and it drew in a deep breath. Barry moaned, all this air play kept making the slave's hole tighten up around his 13 year old dick.

I saw it's eyes come back into focus. "Thank you sir"

"You really need to get into practice. Can't you get all the Mormon boys to fuck you?"

"I will try master"

"You better, I got an entire frat house paying for your ass two days from now" and it moaned as I laughed.

Barry finally couldn't take any more without cumming so he pulled out of the slave's ass and sat back on his knees. I checked my watch.

"Not bad guys, 45 minutes of steady fucking" and I applauded them. "What do you say slave?"

"Thank you all for fucking my ass and face"

"Charlie?" and the boy looked at me "Are you ready for your special event?" and he nodded with a big grin.

I hadn't given the kid any instructions on how to fistfuck an ass. I wanted to see if he could just do it. I did make him put on a latex glove, so his nails wouldn't scrape the slave's hole or insides. I can't sell it's ass if it's damaged and his ass made me a ton of money over the time I've owned it. It's going to make me $400 in two days from the frat boys. Charlie looked at the slave, this brought my memory back to the day where he was trying to figure out how to get my precum, the boy loved puzzles.

"Get on your back slave" he said, slapping it's ass hard. The slave rolled over, it's dick hard. A little precum splattered on Charlie. "You got your juice on me. Did I say you could do that?"

"No sir, I'm sorry sir" and Charlie took the slave's dick in his hand and held it tight. He took the other hand and rubbed the head of the slave's dick, torturing it, cleaning it of the precum. The slave was just moaning and jerking as the boy tortured his dick, then Charlie took his slick hand and rubbed if all over the slave's face.

"Don't wash that off the rest of the day" he told it, then he slapped it's face gently. "Lick my hand clean" and the slave did as ordered.

I was pretty impressed, Charlie was taking over like he'd been using a guy for years. I could see the slave just watching Charlie, trying to anticipate what was going to happen.

"Barry, go sit on it's face again until I get inside" and Barry crawled on it's face, I saw the slave's mouth open as my boy's hole made contact with his lips. "Eat his ass slave until I tell you to stop" and I saw Barry twitch a little as the slave's tongue went all the way inside my boy. This was Barry's thing, he loved anyone eating his ass, he wrote down for the slave to eat him for an hour or more.

"Ronny, Jimmy, take it's legs and fold them back. Slave, reach down and pull your cheeks apart" and everyone was in position. I walked to the slave's ass, his hole was open from the earlier fucking and this spreading. Maybe it wouldn't be all that hard for Charlie, his hand wasn't anywhere near adult sized yet. Charlie put on the gloves and ran his fingers over the slave's hole, sticking two in from either hand. They fit easily, the slave's ass wasn't lubed hardly at all now, all the fucking had evaporated what he put inside himself before coming to the bedroom. I saw Charlie pull on the slave's hole, the two fingers really stretching it out. The slave's body started to twitch, I could barely hear it moan, Barry had all his weight on the slave's face.

Charlie lubed up his gloved right hand, all four fingers, the just rammed them inside the vulnerable hole. I heard a muffled scream and Barry moaned at how it felt, going up his little ass. Charlie was twisting his fingers, rubbing the walls of it's ass, spreading the lube around. It looked so cool to me, watching one of my boyfriends do this, living out a fantasy. Even with all this the slave was still pulling it's own cheeks apart so Charlie had full access to it's hole. Charlie looked at me and grinned, his dick was so hard that the skin looked extra tight. Charlie got more lube and put it all over his hand, to his wrist area. He put his hand back at the slave's even more open hole and stuck the four fingers back in. He seemed to be stuck at what to do next, remember this wasn't the internet days, it's not like he could research how to stick his hand up an ass.

"Fold your thumb to your palm and push, slowly" I whispered and he grinned again and did what I told him. His hand started to disappear into the slave's ass, I saw sweat breaking out on the slave's body and kept looking at the boy's hand. I saw him get past the thickest part and the slave screamed into Barry's ass. Charlie didn't stop, he kept pushing until his entire hand was inside the slave. Now the slave's hole was tight around Charlie's wrist. More sweat on the slave's body but it's dick was even harder. Without any intent Charlie had his fingers on the slave's prostate, moving slightly as he felt the insides of an ass for the first time. Charlie pushed in farther, an inch, two inches and the noises coming from under Barry's ass were continuous.

"Is it still eating your ass Barry?" and he nodded yes, his eyes just dancing. This was his fantasy, a helpless slave forced to just lick his ass until he said stop.

"Slave, can you feel the boy's hand in your ass?" I saw it's head nod yes, as best it could with 100 lbs of 13 year old ass on it's face. "He's gonna get in as far as he can" and it moaned louder.

Charlie looked at me and I nodded at him, smiling. I saw him slowly move inside it's ass, farther. "Make a fist in it Charlie, keep your thumb inside" and the slave almost convulsed at Charlie did what I said. I looked at Charlie's arm, he was in another two inches. "When you feel his ass narrow, that's as far as you can go" and it was two more inches before he hit that spot.

"It got all narrow" Charlie said. "Can I fuck him with my fist and arm?" and I heard the slave moan as he heard the boy ask.

"Sure, go for it. Start slow though and don't take your hand out until you're done." and Charlie started to move. He slowly took his arm out, he had 6" of his arm inside, when he got to the wrist he pushed back in until it got narrow. I heard an almost screeching sound and Barry fell off the slave's face. Slave's tongue was still sticking out, where it had been up my boy's ass. Barry was just shaking, he had come so close to shooting a load, without my permission.

"Slave, you're doing pretty good. I hope Charlie doesn't break your ass"

I could only imagine what was in it's mind. I know I never had any 13 year olds buy the slave so this is a first for it. It's dick was red, there was an entire puddle of precum where it was leaking from the constant prostate abuse that Charlie was accidentally doing. I wonder, should I test it's cum control?

Charlie was building up some speed, he had been in the slave's ass for 15 minutes, he was fucking it's ass hard now, almost punching his insides. I thought maybe it was about time to end it, before damage got serious.

"You wanna cum while you do it Charlie?" and he nodded yes, never taking his eyes off his arm fucking an ass.

"Boy, get over here and suck Charlie off?" and Barry got on his stomach and slid until he could reach his brother's dick. I heard Charlie moan loudly and his other hand went to Barry's head. Now he was fucking both his brother's mouth and the slave's ass hard and fast. It didn't even take a minute before Charlie yelled.

"I'm gonna cum Barry" and he shot hard into his brother's mouth. His whole body shook as he unloaded that built up sperm. His arm was moving slower now, his dick just resting in his brother's mouth. He pulled out of his brother's mouth and Barry sat up, showing the sperm in his mouth to Charlie, to to everyone else. "Go ahead brother, swallow it" and Barry did as ordered. Now that he'd gotten off he wasn't so interested, I saw him start to pull out.

"When your hand gets to his hole stop a second" I told Charlie and he nodded and then was there, waiting. "Slowly but firmly pull your hand out all the way" and as the slave's hole was stretched around the largest part of Charlie's hand it screamed, then Charlie's hand was out. I took a quick look, no blood. So no damage. "You can relax slave" and it took it's hands off and it's legs fell weakly to the bed. I let it relax for a few minutes as I went and kissed each of my guys.

"Having fun so far?" and they nodded. Ronny looked at me questioningly. "Don't worry Ronny, I haven't forgotten what you want to do" and he grinned.

"So slave, now it's punishment time." and it's eyes looked at me, I could see fear in them. "You should thank all the boys, if it was just me and you I'd beat you so bad you wouldn't be able to move" and I saw more fear. "What kind of punishment do you deserve?" and I stared down at it.

"Master, that's not for me to say.." it started but I held up my hand and it shut up.

"Let's go over your actions. First, you took off your collar. Would you say that was a serious act of disrespect?"

"Yes master"

"Then you let body hair grow, serious?"

"Yes master"

"Then, you didn't report to me as soon as you got back to town, serious?"

"Yes master"

"So, which of these was the most serious, slave?" and I stared, waiting for an answer.

"All of them but not reporting to you master was the most serious" it said, choking back a sob.

"I really should just sell your ass but I'm not. I'm going to teach you never to do anything like this again, if I have to beat you every fucking day"

"Yes master, thank you master"

I looked around at the boys. "Do any of you wish to give him a black mark?"

"He ruined my fucking when he decided to just grab my dick with his ass. So yeah I do"

The slave looked at Jimmy "I'm sorry sir, please punish me"

"On your stomach slave" I barked and I handed Jimmy the belt.

"Do it right at the top of his ass cheeks" I told Jimmy.

Jimmy looked at me. Now that he'd said it, he wasn't so sure. Jimmy was the most gentle boy I'd ever met. Never stepped on even an ant, if he saw it. He wouldn't even playfully spank a brother.

I leaned in to Jimmy's ear. "You have to do it, remember my talk earlier. Once you said what you did, it's your responsibility."

"I don't want to hurt him though" and I swear it looked like he might just cry. Now he saw a boy his own age there, not a slave.

"Come here baby" and I hugged him tight. "Just this once I'll let it go, mainly because it was me that made he slave ruin your fucking. He tightened up at my order" and I kissed him.

"You'd have let me beat him even though it's your fault?"

"Of course. I'm its master, it's a slave." and I kissed him again. "I think you should go, you won't want to see what's going to happen." and Jimmy nodded and left quickly.

"Any of the rest of you want to leave before we start?" but the triplets all shook their heads no. "Let's start with the simplest thing. One stripe for having a hair on it's body."

Ronny perked up and looked at me "Can I do it?"

"Sure, let's practice first though." I took the belt and swung it at the bed, beside the slave. He could hear the sound of it as it smacked the bed hard. "You do it, as hard as I just did Ronny" and Ronny took the belt. He swung like a crazy person, way too hard and I laughed. "Ronny, if you hit it that hard there's going to be blood everywhere. You want to leave a mark, not make it bleed."

After a few more practice swings I pointed out to Ronny exactly where to hit it, so that stripe would get rubbed by its pants every time it moved.

"Don't you move or make a sound slave" I hissed and then Ronny hit it, exactly where I had pointed. The slave's body shook just a little but it didn't move. Ronny did a great job, you could clearly see the outline of the belt on that fair skin. "Well done Ronny!" and I kissed him. "What do you say slave?"

"Thank you sir" it said and it's breath hissed as Ronny felt the mark, rubbing his fingers on the edges, causing the slave more pain. "Ronny, did you want to spank it now?" and he nodded eagerly.

"Tell it what to do Ronny" I said, prodding him to start.

"Get over my knees slave" and I helped get him in position. It was cool looking, a grown man trying to lay over a 13 year old's lap. He could barely fit. Now the slave's ass was right there, easy pickings for Ronny. He looked up at me "Can I let him make noise?" and I nodded. "Slave, if you have to yell you can" and it nodded. Ronny rubbed his little hands over the slave's ass.

It really had a nice ass, all those times I fucked it, spanked it. It's so pretty. I saw Ronny raise his hand up and smack that ass hard, then he smacked the other side. Each time he rubbed it a little, then smacked it again and again. The slave just make a grunting sound as the kid beat his ass. The problem here was that Ronny didn't really know how to spank someone seriously, he was almost hurting himself as much as he did the slave. I went around Ronny to where the slave could see me but Ronny couldn't and I pantomimed to it to scream when Ronny hit it. I saw his dick get harder each time the slave screamed and he finished with a flourish of slaps and pushed the slave off to the floor.

"Thank you sir for spanking me" and Ronny nodded at it, with a smile.

I dragged the slave's nonresisting body into position until his legs were off the bed, resting on the floor, his ass in perfect position to be beaten. I picked up the paddle "Who wants to go first?" and everyone raised their hands. I just laughed and handed the paddle to Ronny. "Slave, you can scream and yell if it hurts" I told it. Ronny looked at the slave, laying there helpless, waiting for the punishment to start. "This is for my boyfriend" he yelled and Ronny did almost a baseball swing and smacked the slaves ass and as it screamed the boy's dick got hard. He hit it on the other cheek and got another scream. Those screams were real, Ronny had put some force behind the paddle. He grinned and then handed the paddle to Charlie.

"Don't you ever disrespect my boyfriend again" Charlie yelled and he smacked that ass twice more, even harder. With four of these shots it's ass had turned a deep red color, this paddle was designed to hurt, with little holes in it.

"Thank you sir for instructing me" the slave said, when it could speak again.

Barry took the paddle and he leaned down to the slave's ear and I saw his hand go under the slave and squeeze its nuts tight. "I'll crush your fucking nuts to pulp if you screw up again. My man deserves better" he whispered, so soft that nobody but the slave heard. He let go of the nuts, stood up and flexed and then Barry hit him four times so hard that the slave's feet left the ground, and it screamed harder with each strike.

"Thank you sir, I swear I'll never disrespect master again" I had been standing to the side, watching the slaves face as the triplets beat it and I saw raw naked terror after Barry whispered in it's ear. Whatever the boy said, it put the fear in the slave. I was proud of Barry.

"Are you boys done with the paddle?" and they nodded. The slave's face was covered in tears, it's ass was totally purpled from the blows.

"Stand up slave" and it managed to get up, unsteady on it's feet. "Be glad it was my boyfriends that did this and not me. You got off very lightly for all you did to me. Remember I showed you mercy."

"Thank you master" and it went to it's knees and kissed my feet.

"You boys leave, I need to talk to the slave alone. Don't worry, I'm not going to hit it without you being here." and they all left, Barry closing the door behind them.

"Come here" I said, holding my arms out and it jumped up and ran into them. I held him tight and looked at him. His eyes were still red from the tears, his face sticky from the precum Charlie rubbed on it. "Hold me too" I said and I felt his arms go around me and he shook again as he cried. "Billy" I said and he looked in my eyes in wonder because I used his name "you did a good job today." and I saw another tear go down his cheek. "I had to punish you, to get it out of the way."

"I know master" he said "I'm really sorry, I swear I'll never do anything again to make you dissatisfied with me"

"I hope not Billy" and I leaned down and kissed him, letting my tongue go in his mouth. He wasn't kissing me back, he was submissive, as he should be until told otherwise. "Billy" and he looked at me "you may kiss me back this time" and he cried as he kissed me. His tongue felt good in my mouth, I remembered how it felt, the times I rewarded him. After a minute I broke off the kiss and looked at him once again. "Make me proud when you go to the frat house"

He grinned at me "I will master, I swear" and I knew he would. He loved dick in him, mouth, ass, wherever. Even if we had been lovers I would still have sold his ass, there's no way one person could give him enough dick to keep him satisfied.

"You can cum with them, if they are good enough to make you cum." I said and he smiled.

"Thank you master, thank you for everything, especially for punishing me."

I gave him one last kiss.

"Okay, enough! Get out. I'll call you later, tell you which frat house to go to. There's 15 guys there, they can use your mouth and ass all they want for three hours. Drop my money off in the mail slot when you're done" and Billy got dressed, gingerly pulling his pants up over that bruised ass and that one belt stripe. Then he was gone.

Jimmy was silent when I came out, the boys were just laughing at how the slave's ass looked after beating it. I could see he was upset so I grabbed him up and took him into the other room. "I know that hurt you baby, to hear that" I said, kissing him gently.

He kissed me back "Yeah" he said softly "and my brothers seemed to like you doing it"

"I didn't do it, they all did it. I think they were as pissed off as I was with what the slave had done." Jimmy looked a little shocked.

"The boys made him scream like that?" and I nodded yes.

"Barry whispered something to the slave that scared it so bad I thought it was going to piss the bed, then hit it four times as hard as I would have. I'm never going to ask what he said, I think it insulted him more than the rest of you because of the relationship Barry and I have. Maybe he thought that I'd trust him less because of the dumbass slave." and I chuckled.

Anyway, finally Jimmy was calm again and we went back out and even he got into it, as the boys demonstrated how they swung the paddle.

I had spent most of the later afternoon with Ronny but I thought maybe Barry needed more attention, it had been a rough day mentally for the boy. I asked Jimmy if we could use his bed, he kissed us both and went to the living room. He would sleep in the triplets room tonight so I could enjoy Barry more.

"Lay on the bed boy, on your back" and he did as I ordered. I got over him and settled my ass over his mouth. I wasn't as smelly as he'd like but it had been all day, I had managed to sweat some, there was dried sweat and his brother's dried saliva on my ass. I heard him sniff as he guided me into position and, as soon as I was on his mouth, his tongue came out and licked me. I felt his hand pull me a little so I rested more weight on the boy's face, this opened my ass up more and I felt his tongue inside me. Damn he was good at this, he was doing his tongue swirl again, where he licked my ass on the inside in a circle, around and around, making sure nobody's taste or smell was there except his own. The way the boy ate my ass, it showed me how much he loved me. I'm not sure he'd ever stop but I wanted something else.

I rose up off his face, feeling that last lick of his tongue as he stuck it out as far as he could. "Suck my dick" I growled and the boy scurried down my body, then took my dick in his mouth and licked it all around before taking it into his throat. His lips on my pubes, I felt so good. Up, down, the boy's mouth, lips, tongue made love to my dick. I wasn't close to cumming, this just felt right. Barry sucked my dick every single day, sometimes for hours. He's so good at it, he loves sucking all dicks as his brothers can attest to but he really loves mine the most. I think it's because I produce the most precum, you can see him just spread it around inside his mouth, coating his cheeks, his teeth, the top of his mouth. 10 minutes passed and he would keep varying his sucking motions, his speed, tightness of his mouth. I pulled his head off and smiled at the boy and he smiled back at me.

"My nuts need cleaning" and he moved down as soon as I said it, licking me, taking each nut in his mouth and massaging it with his tongue, cleaning it good. After he finished I decided to change things up. I pulled him up and kissed him hard, running my finger around his hole. I felt him moan into my mouth and he pressed back against my finger, the tip slipping inside his hole.

"No, not yet boy" I said, slipping my finger out of him. I felt him groan in frustration. I licked down his body from his lips and got to his hard dick. It was so hot looking, so hard that it wasn't even touching his stomach, it was suspended in air and I swooped down and sucked him in all the way. I hadn't told him he could move, he just lay there and I started to suck his dick hard. He wasn't long enough to get to my throat but it felt so good as I took his length in my mouth over and over. I could feel him tensing, trying to hold back as the sensations were getting too strong.

"Don't you cum boy" I said, taking my mouth off him just a moment, then back to my blowjob. I wanted to see if he could hold off and I sucked him like I wanted him to shoot my mouth full of his 13 year old sperm. Two minutes, the boy was sweating from trying to control his orgasm. I felt his dick get hard as steel, then back to just hard, each time I'd suck so hard I'd lift his midsection off the bed. Five minutes, I heard his breathing changing, he was moaning continuously now, I think I even tasted some precum as I continued to fuck my mouth with his 5" dick. I was so into sucking him I almost forgot I was trying to test him, I looked up at the clock and it had been 10 minutes. I looked at the boy's face and there were tears running down his cheeks, he was making a total effort to prevent orgasm and it was wracking his little body.

Suddenly I just stopped, pulled my mouth off him fast, watched as his dick stood up, waiting for more. It was just throbbing, in beat with the boy's heart. His head was tossing from side to side and I grabbed it and leaned in and kissed him, gently. "You're fantastic Barry, so good, I love you" and he did that melting thing against me, his dick didn't soften but it laid down enough where I could rest my body on top of him, I gave him all my weight and felt his arms come around me.

"I love you more than anything sir" he mumbled into my mouth, my tongue breaking up his words. We kissed awhile and I let the boy cool down.

"What should I do now?" I asked the boy and he just looked at me, his eyes adoring.

"Anything sir, anything you want. I'm yours" he said, strongly, confidently.

"Get my dick really wet, I wanna fuck you without lube. Give me your ass at the same time" I growled and he scrambled in position.

The boy's hole was a lot looser today, the slave has his tongue up it for a long, long time earlier. I just stuck my tongue up him and felt him moan around my dick. His mouth was so juicy, getting my dick dripping with his saliva. I tried to spit in his ass as I held it open. "Sit on me boy, take my dick in your ass" and Barry turned around, reached under him and grabbed my dick and sat down on it in one motion. He squealed as he felt it go all the way inside him, this was his first time with no lube. I had done it once with my lover, Ronny, but Barry's ass felt so tight as I slid in, I could feel the walls of his ass just gripping, letting go, gripping, as my dick went inch by inch inside his 13 year old body.

"Oh sir, it feels so good. It lets me feel you inside me better" Barry moaned as I started to slowly fuck his ass. I didn't take long until I was fucking him harder but I couldn't get enough leverage. I folded the boy to me, his legs beside me, opening his ass more. Now that he was slightly off me I could get more power, fuck him harder. I heard the slurping noises as I pounded him as hard as I could. His mouth was on mine, my arms holding him tight to me, preventing him from moving, from getting away from the brutal fuck I was giving him. The boy wasn't trying to get away, he was moving with me, pressing his ass hard into my thrusting dick, using his ass muscles to massage me with his insides.

Now I felt him drooling into my mouth as he was losing control of his body. All he could feel was my dick, even his tongue had stopped moving. His head was lolling, like it had no support and I squeezed him even tighter, making it hard for him to get a breath and I fucked into him even harder. Each time now you heard the slap as my crotch slammed into his little ass. He gave out another squeal, I felt his body tense up all over and then he went slack. I had fucked his lights out, just from the sensations, not the breathing this time, there was no resistance now inside his ass at all, he was so loose. I felt the sweat drip off his body onto mine and it was all I could do to not keep fucking the passed out boy but I stopped, my dick still all the way inside him still and rubbed his back and face softly.

I felt him twitch a little, then saw his eyes open. They weren't focused yet but that was enough for me, I started to fuck him again, hard and he squealed and moaned. I gave him a particularly hard thrust and he screamed into my mouth, his eyes wide open, staring into mine. "I love you, I love you.." I kept saying it over and over, each word puctuated by a hard fast thrust into the boy.

"I love you sir, fuck me forever" he said, whispering, voice so weak that I could barely hear him. I pulled out and scrambled up, grabbing the boy and putting him on his hands and knees. He could barely hold himself up so I held him with one hand while I shoved my dick back inside him and now I had him with both hands, tight around his waist as I fucked him faster and faster. "Yes, yes" he was just mumbling words, my dick a blur as I tore his ass up. It felt so good to me, I'd never fucked him like this before, never this hard, for this long. His ass though was moving against me, he wasn't just taking it, he was participating. I felt myself suddenly get ready to cum and I ripped my dick out of the boy and he screamed a little. As I let him go he just collapsed on the bed, his ass sticking up at me.

I pulled his cheeks apart and looked at his hole, it was just gaping open, I could see inside the boy's ass. He was all red inside, it looked like it was on fire. I had to just stick my mouth over his hole and stick my whole mouth inside the boy, my tongue slithering out a good 2" in his totally fucked open ass. I heard another squeal, another as I fucked him with my tongue a few times.

I lay beside him, he hadn't moved. His head was on the bed, feet drawn up, ass still up in the air. "How you doing baby boy?"

"I think I'm alive" and he giggled a little "I feel so hot, warm, my whole body is tingling like I've cum 10 times but I haven't cum at all"

"Come here, lay on me, kiss me baby" and I started making out with him. I needed to cum, badly. My balls felt almost sore from all the fucking and stopping.

"Where do you want my sperm?"

"Can I suck it out of you?"

"Yeah, you can. You're the best cocksucker in the whole world boy" and Barry giggled at that.The boy scrambled down my body and picked up my dick and just looked at it. By now it had dried out, except the new precum around the end. He sniffed it and looked at me.

"It smells like my ass and you" and he took me in slowly, his tongue all over my dick, wetting it thoroughly. I doubt if my dick tasted really bad, it was dried saliva, precum and his ass on it, whatever it was he evidently loved the taste of it because he was just constantly licking all around it, cleaning it off. Then once it was wet he took it all the way down and I had to groan, feeling his throat around the end of my dick. No matter how many time this has happened, it's always so exciting. Getting your dick in any throat, even an adult one, is great. Starting these boys out with dick in the throat at age 10 and now, 3 years later with all the experience that Barry has had sucking dick, he's a maestro.

The boy started his slow up and down motion, that little tongue flicking just under the head of my dick each time. Fuck he was so good. I wished I could just leave my dick in his mouth forever but I needed to cum so bad. He had sucked me now for about 10 minutes, never once varying his speed, up, down, in the throat each time with a swallow on the tip of my dick. I didn't need to tell the boy anymore when I was going to cum, he had sucked me enough that he knew all the signals, he even knew the last one, before I was going to shoot and he rose and and just kept the head of my dick in his mouth, lips tight around it as I started to shot. And fuck did I shoot, I had cum twice with my love Ronny earlier but you'd have never known it by the amount I gave my boy.

I couldn't even count the number of times, it's like it all blurred together into one tremendous shot and I saw the boy's cheeks bulge out. He wasn't going to swallow my sperm until he absolutely had to, he just loved to hold it in his mouth until it disappeared into his saliva. He could tell when I was starting to slow up and he slowly took my dick into his throat and let it soak there, giving me untold pleasure as the last of my orgasmic feelings slowly waned. As they did I slowly but firmly pulled out, if I didn't do it firmly enough his suction would just keep me in his mouth, he didn't want my dick to leave. I exited with a popping sound and let my breath out with a whooshing sound. Each time with the boy is so good, it's like his tongue can find every sperm inside me and make it shoot into his mouth.

I would kiss him but I know he's still got a mouthful of my sperm so I just rolled him over and looked at him, his eyes never leaving mine. His dick as hard as a rock, balls drawn up. "That was so good Barry. Now I'm going to suck you and I want you to cum when you're ready and how you want" and he nodded and moaned a little, normally I made him cum when I was ready, this was a treat. I kissed down his stomach and took that hard 5" dick in my mouth and started to suck him. I wished he was long enough to get to my throat but it's cool to feel a smaller dick, just on the back of your tongue. I sucked the boy hard and started to move fast on him, reaching down to grab his nuts and roll them in my fingers. I heard a constant moan from above me, he'd been all day, since that load after breakfast and he was ready to cum again. I felt him start to move, his dick fucking in and out of my mouth. His hands came down to my head and, hearing no complaint or order from me, he started to fuck my face harder and faster. I was moaning now also, I loved having my boy do this to me sometimes, it's great when he will do it without me ordering him to do it.

Telling him to cum the way he wants, feeling him fucking away, it's the best. I just sucked now, my head not moving, letting him control the action and he sped up more. It's a great feeling when your lips start to get hot from the friction of a dick, feeling his hands pull my hair tight to his pubes each time his dick went in all the way, hearing that small slapping sound as he fucked harder and harder. I was just staring at him, his eyes were locked to mine and I saw him suddenly swallow and yell and I felt his dick get like steel and then he shot hard. Once, twice, third time and, tonight, for the first time, he had a fourth shot of sperm for me. His hands had gotten totally tangled in my hair as he fucked my face and I felt him unwinding them from my hair and relaxing to the bed. Once he relaxed all the way I slowly took my mouth off his dick, holding my lips tightly so I didn't lose a single sperm. His tasted so good, well actually all the triplets tasted exactly alike, they had the same diet, the sperm's gotta taste the same. Just the way he gave them to me added to the taste, each boy did it differently.

"I love you so much" Barry said, looking at me and I saw some tears. Not because he was sad but the effort he put in was so great and the emotions so good he couldn't help it.

I swallowed his sperm and pulled him to me and kissed him. "I love you too Barry" and took the sheet and covered us, him laying in front of me, spoon fashion.

The end, probably.

This was my first attempt at this type of a slave/master and authoritarian story. It's not a scene I've ever done for real, never had the urge to do it but I thought I'd attempt to write it and see if I could. Those of you into this kind of thing, let me know what you thought of it. Did it work for you?

Thanks, Ryan

Other stories by me on Nifty - Please check them out. The celebrity stories aren't so great, in my eyes but maybe you like them if you can remember the people involved.

My Boy Barry and the Slave Authoritarian A sequel to the Jimmy and the Triplet story with the addition of a lost slave Ron had returning. Barry is my boy, how will he react to a slave who had disrespected me?

Jimmy and the Triplets Adult/Youth I meet a 17 year old at a dance, take him home and find out he's got triplet 10 year old brothers and the adventures that happen afterwards. This story has Ron in it, he was the main character in the Charlotte 1977 story, this one is set two years after that one.

Leo and His Boys - Incest A dad, his four sons (15,14,12,10) and their much older second cousin who teaches them all about sex.

Greenbelt Farmer's Market Boy Ben - Adult/Youth About a boy at the farmer's market and the first time in bed.

Benjy - Highschool I actually knew Benjy, a story from long ago.

Charlotte 1977 - Adult Youth (My personal favorite) A longish story about a summer spent in Charlotte in 1977 and all the teenage and preteen boys available along with the creation of a new family.

Pretty Boy - Urination A kinda real story from when I was 11 years old and up.

Corey and Eddy - Celebrity Set in Amsterdam, a long story about meeting up with Corey, other boyfriends and a real depiction of the Amsterdam scene during this time.

Sunday At Zach's House - Celebrity A story with the real life actors playing the kids in the Home Improvement show.

KLM Flight 651 - Adult Youth Another story based in real events but just a bit hyperbolized in the sex department!

Ben's Dream - Celebrity Ben Savage and Rider Strong have a good time!

Ethan and River - Celebrity Ethan Hawke and River Phoenix from the Explorers movie timeframe.

Next: Chapter 2

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