My Boyfriend the Sex Demon

By Nell Bas

Published on Feb 24, 2013


Happy reading!

My boyfriend the sex demon

Chapter 7


`SWEETHEART LETS go already.'

I've been dating Heather for nearly three weeks now and I'm still to get use to her dawdling. She hasn't moved in with me as such, but we seemed to be spending more time at my apartment that hers.

I glanced at my wrist watch. Ten minutes past eight. We'll be late if we don't get moving soon.

We were going out to the movies with Zackary and his boyfriend "the Phoenix". It was a double date. Zackary planned it. I wasn't keen of the idea; yet, I did want to put a face to the name I'd been constantly hearing about for the past weeks. Besides, Heather was on my case to go as well. For some reason she likes Zack.

`One more minute, I have to put on my earrings.'


That was it. `If you don't get your cute butt through that door in two seconds I'm going without you,' I yelled.

`Jeez! You're so impatient,' she said coming out of the bedroom still stringing on an earring.

I stood staring at her. God she was beautiful! I got an instant boner. Her dark hair was hanging loosely around her lovely round face and her thick red lips looked so inviting. And I loved the dress she was wearing. Tight like spandex, it revealed every curved of her perfectly slender figure.

I was in love. Well, I thought I was that is. I wasn't sure of what I feel for her is really love. You see, when I'm with her it felt right. She was attractive, out-going, opinioned, my kind of woman. Yet, there was something missing. How could I say this? The spark was there but there wasn't any tingling feeling that goes with it. I can't be sure for I don't have any past experience to compare. Before Heather, I was all about satisfying my lust for sex. The love thing is new to me.

Here hold this.' She handed me her handbag and straighten her dress. Then she opened her arms and spun on her heel. How do I look?'

`Exquisite. Can we get a move on now?'

`That's it! Exquisite! Men! You're null at complimenting women.' She yanked her handbag from my grasp, pouted, and swayed pass me out the door.

I gaped at her as she passed. What did I say?

On the way to the movie theatre, Heather warmed up to me again. We talked about some trivial stuff that I found mind-numbing. At one point I stopped listening and kept my eyes on the road, until she nudged me that was.

`What?' I said.

`Have you met Zack's date before?'

`No. He talked about him a lot but I haven't met the guy.'

Oh!' She said as if she was disappointed. I wonder what they would be like. I mean, I've never been on a double date with a gay couple before, let alone had any gay friends.'

I really didn't have anything to say to that. So I remained quiet.

`I wonder which one of them is the batter and which one is the getter.'

The car swayed on the asphalt as my hands slipped off the steering wheel. Fortunately, I got it straighten right away.

Heather giggled.

I glanced at her before returning my concentration to the road.

A pregnant minute passed before I found my voice again.

Just so you know, it's pitcher and catcher' or `giver and receiver', not batter and getter. And I don't know. I never asked.'

`Why not? Zack is your best friend. He would have told you if you asked him.'

Again I didn't reply. I didn't even want to think about it.

The car went silent again. Heather wasn't satisfied because she was twitching. She does this a lot when she was angry, nervous and damned curious. Why am I noticing such detail? I'm so fuck! Is this how it's going to be once we're fully committed?

I shivered at the thought.

`I know this is going to sound weird but I have to know. Uh ... have Zack ever ... make a pass at you or something?'

Again, I almost lost control of the car. Shit!

`What kind of question is this?'

`Just answer me. You're friends with a gay guy. Have you even done some experimenting together or something?'

`For God sake Heather, NO. Zack and I never did anything of the sort. Stop asking dumb questions.'

That was not entirely true. He and I did have some circle jerk sessions when we were twelve or thirteen but it never went further than that. Besides, it was before I discovered my best friend was gay. I omitted that part though.

She was poised to say something else but right then I pulled into the movie theatre's parking lot.

`We're here.'

I parked the car and, my girlfriend and I started our way towards the entrance. Two beautiful girls passed by us and giggled. I almost turned to check out their racks. Thanks god I didn't because Heather was staring at me with a strange expression on her face. She released my hand she was gripping only to embrace and cling to the whole arms. Women!

Heather saw Zack and his boy first. She waved at them. I saw Zack waved back. The two were now climbing down the steps to meet us.

`Heather, so good to see you,' Zack said kissing her on the cheeks. He then gave me a half-hug. When he pulled away he had a radiant smile.

`Guys, I want you to meet Phoenix, my boyfriend.' He said wrapping an arm around the other dude's shoulder.

Phoenix was shorter than I expected. I would say 5'9" and he was cute. He had a semi Latin-Mediterranean look going on; dark, curly, thick hair, bushy eyebrows and a golden complexion.

His hazel brown eyes fixated on me as he pushed a hand in my direction. I hesitated before I finally took it and gave it a firm shake. Huh! He had a strong grip for someone his size.

`Nice to finally meet you at last, I've heard so much about you,' he said. And I almost came right there. He has a siren's voice. Nothing bad, but it draws you in that I doubt if he'd never use it to his advantage.

`Nice to meet you too,' I said.

Zack stared at us with a big smile. He was happy and I was glad for him.

Heather nudged me. Ow!

Before I had a chance to introduce her, Phoenix took her right hand and dropped a kiss on it.

`You, lovely lady must be Heather. Love you dress and the hair by the way. It makes you look exquisite.'

Heather giggled shyly. `Thank you. You're so kind.'

Why can he say exquisite and I can't?

`The movie we're going to see starts in thirty minutes. Let's get something to eat while we wait,' Zack said.

We went into a cafe nearby.

A waiter showed us to our table. After Heather, Zack and I had placed our order, Zack, not paying attention to his boyfriend, began conversing with Heather. I on the other hand was watching Phoenix intently.

Phoenix who was sitting close to the waiter placed a hand on the guy's arm. The instant he did the waiter eyes clouded and his demeanor changes somewhat. He became more complaisant. He leaned closer to Phoenix.

`What about you, sir? What do I get you?'

`I am hungry but I'm afraid I can't stomach this kind of food. I'll eat later but for now just bring me a glass of sparkling water.'

The waiter swooned and merrily went back to his duties.

Noticing I was staring, Phoenix met my gaze and smiled. Did I see right? Did he just flirt with the waiter in front of me? That guy has some serious issues. And Zack had no clue he was dating a slut. Right then and there, I loathed the guy. He smelled like trouble. He wasn't the kind of man I would want Zack to be with.

He continued to stare at me and I did the same. He must have figured out what I just saw because now his smile was gone.

Unexpectedly, he frowned and his eyes turn yellow and reptile-like. What the fuck! I almost jumped out of my skin. Then I blinked and when I looked again, his eyes were back to normal.

Did I really see what I saw? I started doubting myself. Maybe I was so revolted with him that I was imagining things. Either way, something was off with the guy. I could feel it.

Suddenly, something brushed against my leg and pricked me on the calf. I hissed. There wasn't any pain but I felt lightheaded.

Is there something wrong honey?' Heather said, you look so pale. Are you feeling okay?'

`Nothing sweetheart, I'm just tired that's all.'

I stared at Phoenix again.


SHIT! That guy doesn't like me much. I could literally savor his emotions. And he knows something about me too. Not for long though, because with the dose of venom I just delivered, he wouldn't remember a thing within the hour. I sighed.

I half-listened to Zack and the woman and wondered how long we'll be here. I needed to feed. The measly fuck Zack gave me before we came here wasn't enough to sustain me through the night. Great Uncle! It's that what my life would be like if I get attached to one human for the rest of my life. Well, for the rest of his life because I'm sure to outlive him.

I looked over at Zack. He was all smiles and happy. I was falling for this guy. I love his charisma and joy of life. I wish I could be more like him but I know it would be impossible because of my nature. I would be deluding myself if I did. Despite that, I was so grateful I found him.

The scent of hormones in the air drew my attention elsewhere. It tickled my nose. I looked around. At this hour the cafe was teeming with couples. Their mannerisms, laughter and sexual appeals were teasing my hanger that I had to grit my teeth in order to maintain some kind of control over it. I got to find myself a snack before we go into the theatre.

I spotted the waiter by the bar. He was by far the easiest prey. Earlier he almost came in his pants from our closeness. Yeah. He would do.

`Excuse me you guys. I have to go to use the restroom.'

`Go right ahead hon,' Zack replied. Jimmy on the other hand stared at me again. This guy is going to be trouble, I though. Fortunately, right now I didn't care.

I got up and walked towards the bar where the waiter was.

Excuse me.' He turned and smiled at me. Do you mind telling me where your restroom is?'

`It's right over there at the end.'

I pretended to look. `Sorry but I'm don't see it. Could you escort me? Please. I'm so terrible with direction.'

I winked at him. He laughed. It was so easy.

One second.' He gave a short laugh. Gwen do you mind covering my tables for a minute.'

The waitress next to him said okay and he said thanks.

Leading the way I couldn't help but watched his cute butt in front of me.

The entrance to the restroom was dark and only the luminous sign of a male figure could be seen. I walked up to the waiter and touched him again. I then released my pheromones. It took effect immediately for his smile grew broader and he looked giddy. This is going to be easy.

`Come in with me,' I said.

He looked towards the bar. `I can't I have to work.'

I rubbed his forearms. `Arh, surely you can take a few minutes to play with me.'

He eyes went wide and he started to salivate. Yeah, he wanted me.

I pulled him through the door and he let himself be led. As soon as the door closes behind us, I jumped him. I planted a hefty kiss on his lips and he moaned. Meanwhile I started feeling him all over.

As the kiss deepened, his arms came up and wrapped me around my waist. His other limb was up too. I could feel it pressing against my thigh.

With great effort I pulled myself free from him. I laughed. `I want more.'

I pulled him into a cubicle and shut the door. I then drew down his trousers. His hard dick smacked me in the face as I went down. He laughed and I did too.

`Sit!' He obeyed by sitting down on the toilet.

Quickly I wedged the hem of my t-shirt behind my neck and discarded my pants. I straddled him. He grabbed my waist and I impaled myself on his prick.

That felt so good.

Without further ado, I started ridding the shit out of him. He moaned, granted and sang. Soon I was bathing in sexual energy. I hungrily took it all in. I rode him with gusto. I was so hungry, always hungry.

Too soon he came. He was panting while trying to laugh. I joined in.

`I wish we could go for another round but my boyfriend is waiting for me out there.'

Just I as quickly as I got naked, I got dressed. I was out the door before the waiter could say anything. He couldn't move. I've drained him but at least he had a happy smile on his face.

Uncle, I love fast food. They taste so good.

As it turned out, the double date turned into a single. After the dose of venom I gave Jimmy, he wasn't feeling very well. Heather said she was bringing him home. I can't say I was happy to see them go because I had plans for him. With my venom in him he could have been my second fast food.

The movie was a love story and quite boring. At least Zack let me blew him while he was watching.

`I'm sorry Jimmy had to leave,' he said as we were heading for the car.

`That's okay. We could catch up another day.'

`Did you like him?'

Not by much but instead I said, `he was okay.'

He smiled. Uncle! I loved his smile.

Just as I was getting in the car I caught a familiar scent.



End of chapter 7

Next: Chapter 8

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