My Boyfriends Best Friend

By Rory Mathers

Published on Nov 7, 2018


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I'm running out of breath, but I love the way this feels. My lips on his and our tongues swirling around each other's. I savor the taste of his mouth and push myself forward, closer to his warm body. He flinches and stumbles back causing me to pull away from our kiss. I'm both hurt and embarrassed since I was the one that made the move and he rejected it. He sees the expression on my face and then pushes his body against mine, but this time he gets a lot closer. I lose balance and tumble backwards onto the bed. He moves forward as I fall and quickly gets on top of my body, placing all his weight on me, which turns me on even more. His body feels a lot warmer and my hands reach for his shirt. I begin to unbutton it and when I finish, I feel his body as we make out. I leave the shirt on just because I think he looks sexier with it open. I run my hands down from his pecs to his abs, and I can't help but notice how hard his muscles are and how warm his skin is. I stop for a second to take off my own shirt and go back to kissing him.

He begins to kiss my neck and I moan quietly. I can tell he's trying really hard to please me, but he's also nervous. He gets off of me and awkwardly takes off his pants. I do the same. I try to take off his shirt and pull one of the sleeves over his shoulder before he grabs my wrist and pushes it against the couch. He kisses me more forcefully to the point that I feel my lips are bruising, but I know he's only doing this so that I won't take off his shirt. I have a feeling that he's not ready to do this and I test this theory by trying to pull down his boxers. As soon as my fingers pull on the waistband he jumps off of me and falls onto the floor. I sigh.

"You're not ready for this," I state, looking up at the ceiling. Mason, my boyfriend, gets up slowly and sits on the opposite end of the bed.

"I'm sorry Caleb, but I'm not," he admits.

"It's okay," I tell him as I sit up, "I don't want to pressure you."

"I just feel really nervous about it, but I want you to know that I really do love you."

I sit next to him and our faces are really close to each other when I say, "I know you do. And it's fine. I can keep waiting."

I kiss him softly without tongue and pull away slowly. I try to determine if I really mean what I say. Having sex is something I really want to do, and I don't want to pressure Mason, but he just hasn't wanted to go that far. I don't really understand why he's so nervous about it since it's obvious that when we do it, I'm the one who's going to be in pain. Mason's the more dominant one in the relationship since he's very protective of me, he's taller, he's more built, and it's something we've even talked about.

"I should go home," he murmurs as he sits up. I can tell by the look on his face that he's embarrassed, and I feel bad.

"You can stay here if you want," I offer. "You know Dan doesn't mind."

"You sure?" he asks, looking back.

"Yeah, besides you shouldn't walk all the way to your house at this time, it's almost midnight. I'll just check with Dan to make sure it's okay," I say before I get off the bed. I tell him he can lay back down and when I leave the room, I see a smile on his face. I'm pretty sure he was afraid that I was mad because he didn't want to sleep with me, which I'm not. I'm just confused.

I walk down the hallway to my brother's room. When I open the door, I see him grading papers on his bed. My brother's a teacher at the school I go to and I've been living with him since our parents died two years ago. Dan was my only sibling and he had no commitments besides his job when our parents died so he took me in and he was pretty eager to since he lived alone. He's still young and good looking since he's 28 and only twelve years older than me, but he's still single. He's gone on dates, but nothing's ever gotten too serious.

He looks up at me and says, "Hey, what's up?"

"Is it alright if Mason stays over?" I ask.

He notices that I'm only wearing my boxers and he says, "Yeah, just... Be safe and keep it down."

I smile and say, "I'll try but you already how Mason is such an animal." He lets out a small laugh since he knows that Mason is still nervous about having sex. I tell him almost everything, and he actually listens to me and gives pretty good advice.

I walk back to my room and see Mason dozing off, but he sits up when he sees me walk in.

"I told you he'd be fine with it," I lay down next to him, "Do you need to call your dad to let him know where you'll be?"

"Nah," he says after he lays back down. Mason's dad hardly cares about where he is half the time, which is why I prefer he stay here with someone who misses him whenever he's not near. I hate that his dad ignores him, but it leaves me more time to spend with him.

I lay down facing him and I run my hand through his brown, wavy hair. He smiles before closing his eyes and I can't help but think about how handsome he is. I want him in every way possible, and it kills me that he doesn't want to go there yet.

"Mason," I mutter, almost hoping he won't answer.

"Yeah," he answers tiredly.

"Why didn't you wanna try tonight?"

His eyes snap open, "We did try. And I thought you said you were okay with waiting."

"I am but... I just don't get it. We've talked about how it would go, and it seems like I have more to be afraid of than you."

"I don't know babe. The whole thing just scares me. I want it to be perfect for both of us, and I want you to enjoy it."

"As long as it's with you, that's all I want. Besides, I don't think anyone's first time is perfect."

"Well ours will be. I promise."

"Whatever," I say before turning away and closing my eyes. It's clear this conversation won't go where I want it to. Mason scoots closer to me and starts to drape his arm over my body but I pull away quickly since our talk, as quick as it was, kind of pissed me off.

"Fuck Caleb, do you just want me to go? Obviously, you don't want me here unless we fuck!" he snaps.

"Don't yell, my brother might hear. And no, I don't want you to go," I plead, "I just can't tell if you really like me when you don't even wanna make love to me."

"I'm fucking crazy about you. Why do we need to have sex to prove it?"

"I don't want proof- look just forget it. I don't wanna fight, so just go to sleep."

"Fine," he sighs before turning over. I turn off my lamp and lay back down. This time he doesn't wrap his arm around me.

The next day is Friday and I drive us to school. I usually go with Dan, but he had a meeting this morning and I didn't want to get to school too early. I also had to take Mason to get a change of clothes from his house. Neither of us mention the argument from last night, but we also barely talk.

When we get there, there's about twenty minutes left before school starts so we go to our regular spot, which is just outside the cafeteria. I'm hoping to have some time alone with him, but his friend Dean, is already there when we show up. I used to have a big crush on Dean in middle school, but after I started dating Mason at the beginning of my freshman year, it died down. I still think he's really attractive, but I don't fantasize about him as I used to. I forced myself to stop liking him because he and Mason have been friends since they were young. I had told Mason that I had a crush on Dean but that was before we started dating. Mason never brings it up, but I still feel awkward about it.

Mason puts down his backpack before saying he has to go to the bathroom. My eyes almost widen in fear. I don't want to be alone with Dean. It's not that I hate him, but I don't particularly like him. He's very patronizing and any conversation between us is always awkward. He's sitting on top of the table while going through his phone and I sit at the bench right next to it.

A few minutes pass before he peers over to me and says, "What's up kid?"

"Not much," I reply. His nickname for me is "kid" despite the fact that he's only a year older. I'm really not interested in talking to him. However, he looks at me expectantly like he's waiting for me to continue the conversation.

"How's Bridgette?"


"Bridgette. Aren't you guys dating?"

"Yeah for like a week. It didn't go anywhere" he answers matter-of-factly, as if I should've known. I wasn't too surprised. In the four years I've known him, he's never lasted with a girl longer than a month.

"At least it'll bring up your average," I retort before looking away.

"You're fucking hilarious kid."

I turn back and I'm about to tell him not to call me that again, but Mason shows up. He and Dean immediately start talking and joking around while I sit aside. I feel like a third wheel, but I don't have anywhere to go. I stopped hanging out with my friends when I started dating Mason. It's not like they were upset about me being gay, but what really set them off was that whenever Mason was with me, Dean was too. My friends completely hated Dean and soon things became too awkward, so I stopped hanging out with them.

I always feel like I'm on the outside whenever Dean hangs out with us since they've been friends for so long. Mason is still romantic with me but only when Dean isn't around, and sometimes it's like he completely forgets I'm there. He was so into me at first but it's different now. He doesn't work that hard to get me since I'm already his and I barely have any friends, so I have nowhere else to go. I love him, but I wish he would focus more on me. And after all this time he won't sleep with me and it just makes me wonder whether he's actually into me.

The bell rings, which means everyone has five minutes to get to class. Dean separates from us since his class is in a different building, and Mason and I walk off together. He grabs my hand once Dean is gone and it slightly bothers me that he always waits. We have different classes but they're in the same building. We almost go inside until I look behind us to make sure no one's watching, and I pull him away from the door.

"What?" he says after I let him go.

"Let's just ditch first period. It's only home room and I doubt we're gonna do anything," I suggest.

"What? No. We can't just ditch."

"I just wanna spend time with you. We haven't really gone out in a while."

"I spend almost every night at your house."

"Yeah, but that's not the same. I want to go out on a date. Somewhere special," I say, getting closer to him.

"We can go out tonight. Not during school."

"I have to do that project with Dean," I sigh. Once again, Dean has come between us.

"Damn, I forgot. Look I'm sorry, I really am. I know we haven't gone out in a while, but I promise I'll make it up to you, okay?"

I look up at him and simply nod. I'm not fully satisfied with his answer, but I don't want to fight again, and I can tell he doesn't either. I leave without saying anything and he doesn't come after me. I try to walk past the masses of students rushing to class while containing my emotions. I feel this mix of sadness and anger take over me and I don't know what to do anymore.

Homeroom is eventless and boring as always. I look around and see everyone talking to each other. They're either friends or couples and I'm sitting at the front of the class by myself. This is why I want Mason and me to be closer. I'm constantly by myself and have no one to talk to. The students in my grade don't talk to me unless we have to work together in class. It makes me appreciate every moment I have with Mason more, but part of me feels like he's getting ready to move on. He graduates this year and I know he wants to go out of the city for college. We haven't talked too much about it, but I know it's a possibility. I don't even know if he'll want to stay together after he leaves. Part of me feels he might not want that, but I'm not ready to lose him so soon.

During the morning, I focus harder during my classes and try to get over how upset I am. I know I'm being needy and feel like I'm pushing Mason too much, but I just want something that will show he wants me too. Mason's reaction to everything has become so careless and it hurts sometimes. I don't want him to be this way, but if I point it out to him, it seems like I'm complaining too much.

At least I don't have to see Mason every class period. I'm a junior and since he's senior along with Dean, we don't share any classes. I have Spanish with Dean, which is why we have to work on a project together.

My lunch overlaps with Mason's for twenty minutes so I get to see him for a while. We barely talk since there's still some tension and he Dean are goofing off most of the time.

Dean walks off after a few minutes, and it's just me and Mason. I want to say something, but I don't know what.

"I'm sorry," he says, breaking the silence.

"For what?" I look over to him.

"I just feel like I never do anything right."

That comment makes me feel guilty. I just thought he didn't care, but clearly that's not the case.

"Don't think that. I don't wanna make you feel that way."

"I know but it just looks like you're never happy or satisfied."

"Mason, stop. I am happy. I have you, okay? That's all I really want,"

"Is it?" he raises his eyebrows.

I laugh, "Yes. I just don't wanna lose you."

He comes over to the other side of bench and kisses me. I feel my worry disappear as I lean against Mason. Even though I can't have him the way I want, I'm sure we'll get there one day.

"Are you busy tonight?" I ask as I pull away.

"No, but I thought you were doing that project with Dean?"

"Yeah, but I was thinking you could stop by and stay over again. We can watch a movie or something after. I won't try anything, I promise."

He smiles and says, "Sure, if you don't mind. I just don't wanna distract you guys from your work."

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure we'll get it done," I reassure. Mason agrees, and I breathe a sigh of relief also because I don't want to be alone with Dean.

He starts kissing me again and I wrap my arms around him. Not too many people hang outside the cafeteria during lunch, so I'm not worried about anyone catching us. He bites on my lip and I moan into his mouth. I feel his arms traveling down my back and pulling me closer to him. Even though there aren't people around, I know we should be more cautious. However, I almost lay back until Dean interrupts us.

"Gross," he says, "Get a fucking room."

I expect Mason to pull away immediately, but he surprises me by saying, "Sorry. Couldn't resist," before pecking my neck.

Dean rolls his eyes and sits down across from us before pulling out his phone. I turn around to not face Mason anymore, but he still wraps his arms around me. I lean back against him and feel relieved at how quickly things improved.

"By the way I'm gonna be at Mason's with you guys later on."

"Why? So I can see your full on make out session?" Dean sneers.

"Just wanna support my guy, but who knows?" he jokes before planting more kisses on my neck.

I thought Dean would be happier to have his friend over, but I guess after our display, he might think he'll be on the outs. I guess now he knows what it feels like.

After a few minutes, they head back to class and I follow once my lunch ends. I'm in better spirits the rest of the day now that Mason and I aren't arguing. My afternoon classes pass by pretty quickly and I'm out of school in a few hours. I leave immediately without Mason since he said he had a few errands to run after school and we're not supposed to meet at my house until later. Dan had to go out of town for some club he sponsors so I'm gonna be alone until Monday, which I'm fine with. He isn't too worried about me since he knows I can take care of myself and I won't do anything with Mason, but either way it's not like he would be mad if I did.

Around seven I hear my doorbell ring and I walk to the door to open it. When I do, I expect Mason but it's only Dean by himself.

"Hey," he says in a relaxed tone as he steps into the house even though I didn't invite him in, "Mason's gonna be a bit late, he had to get some things from his house."

"Okay," I say a bit annoyed since I'm clearly going to have to be alone with him for a while, "Do you wanna get started then?"

He nods, and I lead him into the kitchen where I tell him to wait since I have to get some things for our project from my room. Once I do, we get started and I look through our textbook while he uses his laptop to put our presentation together. It's kind of awkward since Dean is weird without Mason around. He's quiet and not being loud and obnoxious as usual. He tries to start a conversation every now and then by asking me a question or making a comment, but I give him straight answers and besides that I stay quiet so we don't have to talk any more than we have to.

I keep catching myself checking him out and I try to stop but it's hard. He's wearing a polo shirt and jeans that hug his body so nicely. His pecs seem tight against his shirt, and his sleeves wrap right around the muscles on his arms that bulge a bit every time he runs his hand through his brown hair that he combs back. Then there's his jeans that wrap tightly around his crotch and ass and there's something so manly about it that I can't stop looking. Every time he leans forward from his chair I start biting my lips. I can't tell if he catches me checking him out, but it seems like he enjoys being adored.

"So how are things with you and Mason?" he says after a few minutes of silence. Thankfully it wasn't at a time I was checking him out, but it still catches me off guard.

"Fine, I guess," I answer, confused as to why he even cares.

"You getting any from him?"

I roll my eyes and concentrate harder on my book.

"I'll take that as a no," he teases after seeing my expression.

"It's not really any of your business," I snap, "Besides, I'm sure he tells you everything."

"Mason never says shit about the things you do. Sometimes I even forget you're together."

That comment really upsets me since it makes me feel like Mason is ashamed of being gay or being with me. With the exception of today, he usually ignores me whenever Dean's around and he hasn't even told his dad. I shouldn't care what Dean says but I'm already feeling insecure about out our relationship and what he's saying isn't making me feel better.

"Can you just shut up and do the work?" I say, raising my voice a bit.

"I'm just saying, most people can't stop talking about the person they're dating, and Mason doesn't."

"Well I don't know why he doesn't, okay?"

He seems satisfied to have gotten me upset and it just pisses me off. I don't get why my relationship troubles please him. Maybe he's like me and just wants more time with Mason. They're best friends after all. Either way, I just want to finish this project as soon as I can to get him out of here.

"Sorry man. I guess I'm just a bit worried about Mason. You seem like a cool guy but the only time he ever talks about you is when you're having problems."


"Yeah, he told me about this morning when you walked away all mad 'cause he didn't wanna ditch with you, and how yesterday he had trouble getting uhh... 'intimate' and then you got all bitchy," he says with a smile, as if he made a funny joke.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I snap.

"Hey. His words not mine."

Now I'm really pissed. Mason can talk about our problems with Dean but not with me? Dean has no business knowing about our arguments, and he especially has no business knowing about our sex life. I can't believe Mason would tell him about these things.

"Just shut up Dean!" I say before pulling his laptop away to focus on the presentation. I want to think about anything but Mason right now.

"C'mon dude. Don't get mad," he places his hand on my shoulder.

"Just leave me alone. Why do you care so much about me and Mason?"

"I just don't get it. I mean, shit, you're pretty cute with a really nice body and he still won't fuck you."

My heart probably would have jumped if I wasn't so mad right now. Dean has never told me what he thinks of me. And now for him to say I'm attractive.

"It's still none of your business."

"Yeah but I guess I'm just curious."

"About what?"

"I just want Mason to tell me, you know, what it's like to be with a guy, but I guess you have to experience some things first hand to really know," he says as he stands.

I feel my entire body freeze. What the fuck did he just say? Is he joking? I couldn't tell, and I felt my anger just dissipate and be replaced with confusion and hope. But what was I hoping for? I feel him right behind me and his breath on my neck sends shivers down my spine. I focus my attention on Mason to remind myself that it's him I like even though I'm still mad at him.

He lets another deep breath, and I start to stand up. He's too fast and places his hands on my shoulders, and he pushes me back down before slamming his laptop shut and pushing it aside.

"Hey, calm down," he whispers into my ear, "You just need to relax."

"I'm fine," I barely mutter.

"Don't worry about it. Let me help you," he whispers into my ear. Then I feel him softly bite it before tugging. A loud breath escapes my mouth as I feel a spark through my body. He licks my ear and hooks his arm under my shirt to wrap around my stomach.

"Mm your skin is so soft."

He kisses the spot behind my ear and my breath quickens. My stomach feels like it's about to cave in from his touch, and I scratch my fingers along the table in anticipation. His kisses move along the back of my neck to my other ear as he rubs his hand on me, which makes goosebumps spread across my body. I want to feel more, but I know I can't. I shouldn't.

I stand straight up and stumble away from my chair, "What the fuck Dean?"

"What's wrong? Where are you going?" he says with a huge smile as he walks towards me.

"What do you mean what's wrong? You're fucking kissing me."

"Not yet," he teases.

He's less than a foot away from me and I reach my hand out to push him away, but he quickly grabs it. We both lose balance and he slams me against a wall. He grabs my other hand before I can react and pushes his lips against mine. His tongue darts into my mouth as he holds my hands back against the wall. I have never felt anything this passionate. Even with Mason. It was so sudden, and my mind can't catch up with my body, leaving my emotions in fray. Everything with Mason is always so careful, but this is the exact opposite.

He bites my lips and tugs on them, which makes me let out a small moan. It encourages him, and he continues to make out with me. His hot breath spreads into me and I breathe him in. His powerful, musky scent and my body almost melts in his.

"What are you doing?" I say through gasps.

"What the fuck does it look like. I'm kissing you," he says as he grabs my waist and pulls me closer against his body. No shit, I think in my mind. I pull my face away from his.


"Because I want to," he begins to kiss my neck hungrily.

"No, stop it," I plead as I try to pull away, "Mason could be here any minute."

"Don't worry about him, I talked to him after school and told him to let us work alone. I said it would be a good bonding experience for his best friend and boyfriend," he chuckles.

"I don't want to," I lie, trying to resist my urges.

"Bullshit. Don't think I didn't notice you checking me out right now, and Mason told me all about your little crush on me," he points out and I almost die right there. I feel humiliated, confused, angry, but above all, horny.

"Dean please, don't."

"C'mon Caleb, I know you want to. Mason doesn't have to know."

He pushes his hand against my crotch and I gasp and flinch forward, grinding against Dean's body. I barely realize how hard I am, and I begin to feel Dean's hands on me. Mason's never touched me like this and the experience is so new and exhilarating that I can't think straight. I keep thinking about Dean's body, and I try to convince myself that Mason will never know and that I've wanted this for a long time. I take in a deep breath and I inhale Dean's scent which is musky and extremely intoxicating. There's a small trace of cologne and deodorant on his scent, but it's been overpowered. I let a small groan and breathe more of him in.

Dean picks me up and places me on the table. He pulls my zipper down and takes out my hard, 7-inch dick. I hear a zip and some shuffling before he grabs my hand and places it on something warm, I realize what it is immediately. I've never touched a dick besides my own and I start breathing loudly.

"C'mon baby, make me cum," grunts Dean as he starts stroking my cock.

I begin to do the same for him but it's a little awkward at first. I've never given anyone a handjob, not even Mason. My hand can barely wrap around the base and I don't even know how long it is. It's even harder to concentrate with him stroking my own cock. I feel so good that I just want to please him. I start using both hands which makes it easier and I eventually get the hang of it. My hands stroke his cock at a fast pace and he grunts.

I feel the veins on his dick and his pubic hair tickling my hands. His cock gets warmer and warmer and I feel his precum traveling down his dick and onto my hands. Every now and then I lick them so I can stroke his cock faster, but I also do it to taste his precum which is so warm and salty in my mouth. I hardly pay attention to his hand stroking my cock but the thought of him touching me makes me even hornier; if possible.

We both begin panting and I'm sure he's sweating like me. He starts making out with me again and I moan into his mouth. I take in every bit of what's happening. The taste of his precum and mouth, his musky scent, and his handsome face. It all becomes too much for me. I cum right there and I shoot my load onto his shirt but some of it ends up in his hand. It was already so hot and having him kiss me was all I needed to cum. My body spasms and I snap back hitting my head against the table. Dean's cock slips out of my hand and I try to get ahold of myself.

Dean lets me lay on my back for a few second as I try to catch my breath before pulling me back up. When he does, I see his face is almost red and his hair is messy. He lifts his hand, which has some of my cum on it, to his mouth and sucks some of it off his index finger. I hear a pop as he takes it out of his mouth. He rubs the rest on my lips and starts kissing me.

I've only tasted my cum once before, but with the mixture of Dean's mouth, now I can't get enough. This time I kiss him back by wrapping my arms around his back and exploring his mouth with my tongue. He pulls away and looks down. I follow his gaze to see his long, thick cock pressed against my leg. It's pulsing with veins across its length. It has large mushroom head at the top leaking precum. The base of it is at my knee and the entire thing has to be at least ten inches long.

"I'm not done yet kid," he calls me by his demeaning nickname for me, "Where's your room?" He picks me up and I have to wrap my arms over his shoulder and legs around his torso to not fall. That question and the fact that I already came snaps me out of my lustful haze.

"Dean put me down. I'm sorry I can't. I really can't."

He tries to kiss me, but I keep pulling away or twisting my head. It annoys him, and he moves away from the table and backs up until we crash into the wall, which makes me hit my head. It's not hard or violent, but it does leave me stunned.

"Where the fuck is your room? It's my turn to cum."

"Fuck Dean."

He starts walking towards the hallway and I struggle to hold onto him, but he holds me tightly with his hands on my ass. He kicks doors open until he finally finds my room. He throws me on the bed and pounces on top of me. My breath leaves my body before he starts making out with me again. I can't move much since his entire weight is on me and he's pinning me down by the waist. He's grunting like an animal as he rubs his hard dick against me and I can tell how eager he is to cum.

He gets up on his knees while still pinning me down and pulls off his shirt. My mouth hangs open at the amazing sight before me. Defined muscles all the way from his arms, to his chest, to his abs, and to his torso, and they bulge with every small movement. The sweat running down his body almost makes me drool. He grabs onto the collar of my shirt and tears it open. I can hear some of the buttons popping off and hitting the ground.

He sits me up and rubs our bodies against one another. My arms run up across his back and I kiss his neck. He scoots up and my face meets his chest. I run my mouth across it and kiss and lick every inch of skin I can. His dick throbs on my stomach and I grab onto it, making him gasp.

"Fuck... make me cum," he moans.

I don't have much room to move my arm up and down, so I stroke his cock in short but quick movements. I lick and suck on his nipple, which makes him grab the back of my head and push me harder into his body. I move onto the next one and notice the slight bitter taste from his sweat. I love it though and want more. My grip tightens on his cock despite how sore my hand is getting, and I look up at him. He looks me straight in the eye before his body shakes.

"Fuck," he moans before pushing me onto my back. He scoots up until his legs are pinning me down by the chest and I feel his dick slapping me across the face as he strokes it. He lets out a loud growl before his cum shoots onto my face. It hits my mouth, my eye, my forehead and it just keeps shooting strings of cum until it feels like my entire face is covered in the warm, thick liquid.

He gasps for breath before falling down next to me. I stay laying on my back from exhaustion and I turn over to look at Dean.

He gives me a beautiful smile and says, "You look so hot."

I let out a small laugh but I all I'm wondering is what the hell did I get myself into?

Hope you enjoyed the story! This is just the first chapter so if it goes well, I'll write more. Don't forget to send feedback to

Next: Chapter 2

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