My Boyfriends Best Friend

By Rory Mathers

Published on Nov 27, 2018


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Enjoy the story!


I park outside of Mason's house, and before I call him, I contemplate what I'm going to say. If I don't tell him now what happened, I don't think I ever will. I can't keep dragging on this lie, but if I tell the truth, it closes the door for me and Dean. I don't know if I want that to happen.

I can't even tell for sure what Dean wants, but I don't want to leave Mason. I have to convince myself that Dean won't say anything and as long as he doesn't, I won't either. It's just hard because there are so many factors to consider. I could tell the truth and Mason might break up with me. Dean will either be glad he broke us apart or actually pursue something with me. I could lie but then Dean might tell the truth. Everything is so complicated, and all the possible scenarios are jumbled in my head.

I ultimately decide to not say anything for the time being. I pick up my phone and dial Mason's number. I'm really hoping he's home right now because even though he doesn't really have anywhere else to go, he hates being there. The phone only rings once before he answers it.

"Caleb," he says. I can hear the relief in his voice.

"Hi," I respond.

There's a small pause before either of us says something.

"I've been wanting to call you all day, but I thought it was better to wait for when you were ready."

"Yeah. I think we really should talk about what happened. Where are you right now?"

"At my house but I'll come to you," he suggests, and I hear him shuffling.

"I'm already outside."

A few seconds later, I see Mason peering through the curtain and a smile spreads across his face after he sees me. Suddenly, I feel a lot better. I realize in that moment that I made the right decision in coming to see him instead of going after Dean.

"Just give me a minute. Let me put on some shoes."

My heart pounds. This time I'm prepared to face him, but I'm still conflicted on what to do. I don't even have time to contemplate because not even thirty seconds pass before he's outside, and he eagerly gets into my car.

I can tell he wants to kiss me like he usually does whenever he greets me, but he doesn't lean in. He probably thinks I'm still mad and doesn't think it's okay to kiss right now. I want him to so badly though. It's like I've forgotten what his touch feels like. I need his lips on mine again.

We sit in an awkward silence for a few seconds because I have no idea what to say, and I'm sure he doesn't either.

"Do you wanna talk here?" he asks.

"We can go to that park that's nearby." I suggest.

He agrees. I really want to talk to him right away, but it's a better idea to wait until we get to the park to talk everything out. I know I already made my decision, but I realize I still have the chance to tell Mason about me and Dean. He deserves to know, but I don't want to risk our relationship.

Then again, there's always the chance that Dean might tell Mason the truth, and it'll be even worse if it's not coming from me. Every time I look at Mason and see him smile, I find it hard to believe that I could be without him, and I don't want to lose him.

We arrive at the park, and after getting out of the car, we decide to walk around a bit. No one's here since it's starting to get dark, so Mason and I basically have the place to ourselves. We're both quiet at first, but he breaks the silence about a minute into our walk.

"I guess I should start by saying sorry," he says. "This is my fault."

"I just don't understand why you had to go to Dean to talk about our problems when you should've been talking to me." I'm still trying to play it off as I did nothing wrong, which I know is a shitty thing to do.

"I know. It's just that Dean's my best friends, so it's a lot easier to be open with him."

"Easier than me?" That hurt.

"I'm sorry," he says after hearing my tone, "It's just that I've been friends with Dean since we were little, and we've always been there for each other. Sometimes I'm just afraid to talk to you about our problems because I don't wanna get you mad. I want us to be happy."

I don't know what to say, and that's mostly due to the fact that an overabundance of guilt took over me when he mentioned how long he's been friends with Dean. It would crush Mason if he found out what happened between his best friend and boyfriend.

Now that I'm looking at the situation more carefully, I begin to doubt that Mason would forgive me. There's no way I can tell him, but I need to make things right before he seeks advice from Dean. I also have to get to Dean before Mason and beg him not to say anything.

"It's okay," I say, trying to sound as sincere as possible.

"No it's not. I shouldn't be telling Dean about stuff that's so personal."

"Look, I get it," I say as I turn to face Mason and grab his hand, "Dean is someone you trust, and you're scared that confronting me about our problems can cause trouble for our relationship. I just want you to know that if you're worried or bothered by something, you can talk to me about it. I would prefer you talk to me about it."

"I will, I promise. I really am sorry Caleb."

"It's okay."

"So, does this mean I'm forgiven?" he says with a smirk as he puts his hands on my waist and slightly pulls me towards him.

"I guess," I tease before leaning forward to kiss him.

It's a small kiss at first. His lips softly touch and brush against mine until he slips his tongue into my mouth and begins to kiss me heavily. He pushes himself closer to me and we stumble onto a lamp post. I have flashbacks to making out with Dean and notice how much tamer Mason is. I want him to devour me and touch every part of my body with his mouth like Dean. However, Mason is more careful and sensual, and he takes in every moment of us kissing. It builds up the anticipation more. I focus on the intimacy of the kiss so that I don't go crazy with lust.

I'm really hoping there's no one around right now. Kissing Mason feels right, and I don't want to pull away from him. His gentle hands on my hips soothe me, and I wrap my arms around him. It's like he's washing away every bit of Dean, but since we're still in a public place, he pulls away after a few minutes of making out. We end our kiss with Mason softly biting my bottom lip and tugging on it, which is something he knows I love.

"You wanna stay at my place again?" I ask as I begin to pull away.

I know Dan said he couldn't stay over, but he won't even be back until tomorrow afternoon. I still have all night and morning, and I want to make sure I get Dean out of my mind. Only Mason can do that.

"Yeah," he agrees as we start walking back to my car.

He picks up a few things from his house before heading back to my house. He looks completely different now. He's like a little kid who just got out of a timeout. He can't wipe the smile off his face and keeps staring at me on the drive back. It helps me put Dean further and further out of my mind.

"I love you Caleb," he says as I'm nearing my house.

I look over at him, and I know he means it.

"I love you too Mason," and I do.

As exciting as Dean is, he doesn't make me feel what Mason does. Dean drives me crazy with lust and horniness, but with Mason I never forget how much he cares about me. I don't want to lose him just for some pleasure.

When we get to my place, we go to my room and lay down on the bed. I turn the TV on, so we can watch it before snuggling up to Mason.

"Did you and Dean at least finish your project?" he asks me while we're watching the screen.

I feel my insides twisting. Does he really have to bring up Dean now? "No. We still have a few parts left to finish."

"Sorry if he threw you off course."

He did a lot more than that.

"It's not your fault. He's just an asshole."

"Yeah tell me about it," he agrees, which surprises me.

Mason never likes to hear anything bad I say about Dean and constantly defends him. I guess Dean really did cross a line. Although Mason would be a lot angrier if he knew what else Dean did.

"Have you talked to him?" I try to ask subtly.

"Yeah," his face turns sour. However their talk went, it must not have gone well.

"And?" I need to know what Dean said.

"Let's not worry about him right now." He puts his arm over my shoulders and pulls me in.

I want to make sure Dean's story will corroborate with whatever I say just in case Mason asks. The only problem is I have no idea what Dean told Mason. I know I'm going to have to talk to Dean to make sure he'll keep our secret, but I'm dreading the idea of it. In my head, I tell myself I can reject him but once we come face to face, I know it'll be too hard.

Mason and I keep watching TV for a few more hours and shoot the shit. We do this almost every weekend whenever he's not with Dean. Normally I'd be annoyed because we haven't been out on a date in so long, but I just want to appreciate him and the moments I have with him right now.

I shouldn't complain when I'm the one who fucked up the most. So right now, I'm perfectly fine cuddling with him while we watch TV. It's already late though since we've been here for so long. He's dozing off and I can tell he's tired.

"Do you wanna go to sleep?" I ask.

"Yeah," he yawns.

He stands up to take off his shirt and tosses it to the side. He pulls off his pants and stands, waiting for me to do the same. His body is amazing. He's not as cut as Dean since he's beefier. He isn't fat in any way, but his body is bulky and muscular. Every muscle on his body is thick and he's bigger than Dean but doesn't have his sharp features. Although I shouldn't be comparing them.

"Are you gonna change?" I ask. He brought a pair of cotton shorts and t-shirt, which he usually sleeps in.

"No. I think I'm good like this."

I'm a bit surprised. He doesn't like being too unclothed when we're sleeping or making too much bodily contact. I'm not complaining though. I smile before taking off my shirt and pants. Once I'm down to my boxers I get back into bed with him. I expect him to go straight to sleep but he grabs my waist. I scoot closer to him.

We stare at each other for a few seconds. It's dark right now but the small amount of moonlight coming in from the window helps me clearly see his blue eyes. I'm entranced by his gaze. He runs his hands along my sides and goosebumps form across my body. I shudder from the contact and raise my hand to his body. I rub my hands across his muscular torso and trace my fingers across the crevices of every muscle.

He grabs the bottom of my chin and directs my face towards his before he starts kissing me. It's a small kiss at first as he leaves small pecks on my lips. Each one grows stronger and stops moving his hand, which has reached my shoulder. His grip tightens as our kiss develops into a deep passionate make out. His fingers feel like they're puncturing my skin, which burns from his touch. My entire body's sensation is in overload, and I'm in a perfect state of lust and intimacy. He breathes heavily, and the sound of his grunts turn me on.

Usually coming on too strong upsets Mason, which is why I try to keep myself from getting too crazy with him, but this urge just takes over me. After the experience with Dean, I felt things that I really want to feel again, but I want Mason to be provoking those feelings. I want to feel wanted. I place my hands on his back and pull him in closer. His lips move to my neck, which he attacks with kisses. My toes curl and my head rolls back as he sucks on the skin from my neck. He pulls my head back softly to give him more access and I moan.

I scratch my fingers along my thigh to tame my movements. I don't want him to stop, but I need more. With my free hand I place my hand on his inner thigh, close to his junk and grasp it firmly. He hasn't pulled away yet, so I try something else. My leg moves up along his until my upper thigh is nestled in his warm crotch. He groans and starts grinding against me.

I go back to kissing him and feel his cock getting hard against my leg. His breathing gets heavy and it turns me on so much. I need him in a terrible way. I can't control my emotions, and as hot as I feel right now, I still want more. I want him to take control of me and mark my body with his mouth. I want to feel him everywhere.

However, I know it's a longshot. I don't want to push him because I know it's probably hard enough for him to be making this much progress in one night. I have to slow down. I stop making out with him, and he seems confused but relieved at the same time.

"You okay?" he says before kissing my forehead.

We both breathe heavily as we try to catch our breath. I pull my knee away from his crotch, but I immediately miss the warmth.

"I'm fine, just tired," I lie.

He nods and suggests we go to sleep. I reluctantly agree. I close my eyes and lay my head on his chest. He wraps his arm over me, and I feel the warmth of his body. This is what's right. I know I can be strong enough to reject Dean. The truth is I don't need him. I just need to focus on Mason and remember he can offer as much as Dean does.

I'm not sure what time it is when I wake up to my phone ringing for the third time in a row. I rejected the call the first two times because it's so late, but whoever it is won't stop calling. All I know is I'm tired and don't want to pick it up but clearly this person is going to keep calling.

"Hello," I say groggily as I try to move Mason's arm off of me, so I can get up.

"Hey," says Dean, "Come open the door."

I sigh before looking at the time. "Dean, please just leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you."

"Well I wanna talk to you."

"Too bad," I say, and I'm about to hang up the phone but he stops me.

"I'm right outside your house Caleb, and I can hear Mason snoring. If you don't open this damn door, I will pound on it until he wakes up, and you can explain to him what I'm doing here so late at night."

I curse in my mind, "Fine. I'm coming."

I hang up the phone before he can add anything else and get up from the bed. I look over at Mason and it hurts me to see him sleep so peacefully. This shouldn't be happening. I'm not supposed to be ordered around by Dean in the middle of the night. I'm supposed to be in bed with my boyfriend.

He's snoring softly, so I know he's in deep sleep and won't be waking up. I carefully get off the bed and quietly close the door. I rush to the front to go see Dean before he can make any noise.

I open the front door and sure enough, there's Dean. He gives me a devilish smile, and I notice the bruise on his face. It's not that bad but I can tell it hurt when he received it. I can't even imagine what he did between now and last night to get that.

"What the fuck Dean?" I whisper angrily.

Instead of answering, he looks me up and down and licks his lips. I didn't put on clothes since I was in such a rush, so I'm still just wearing my boxers. He's not being discreet at all, but it's clearly on purpose.

"Goddamn. I didn't realize I was getting a free show," he says in his usual loud voice.

I cross my arms to cover myself as best as I can. "What are doing here so late?"

"What can I say? No rest for the wicked."

He pushes the door to the side and I'm caught off guard, so I can't stop him from coming in. He looks around, and it takes everything I have not to yell at him. I just have to make sure he doesn't wake up Mason.

"What do you want?" I say impatiently.

"You know what I want," he says, but he doesn't look at me, "Why didn't you come see me earlier? I waited for you."

"I'm going out with Mason. You know that, I can't be doing stuff like that with you."

"Then why'd you do it in the first place?"

"Because I... because... You caught me off guard."

He turns around and focuses his eyes on me. I feel like a deer in the headlights as he walks towards me. He places his hands on my stomach and pushes me back until I'm up against a wall. He stares at me, but I turn away. I can't look at him.

Feeling his hand on me is more than enough contact. My mind is split between the sensation of his roughness and my concern for Mason. Dean slammed me hard into the wall, and I'm hoping it wasn't loud enough to wake Mason.

"And were you caught off guard when YOU grabbed my hard cock and stroked it with those lovely hands?" he says.

He grabs my left hand and raises it to his mouth before kissing my palm. I want to punch him in the face and make out with him at the same time, which makes me freeze up since I'm too conflicted on what to do about him. He's a cocky motherfucker, but he's smooth.

"Don't you wanna go just a bit further?" he says, and I don't respond.

When I'm away from him, I can tell myself that I won't fall for his tricks, but now that I'm here I can't even say a word. He looks down and scans my body again, which makes me blush. He returns to my face and runs his hands through my hair and pushes it back.

"Those hands felt nice but I wanna see how that little mouth feels around my cock. I know the only reason you're not doing anything even though you want to, is because of Mason. You think being together all this time means something and that you owe him, but you know how he's been treating you lately. He won't confront his problems with you and he takes you for granted. He won't please you, he won't appreciate you, but of course he doesn't think he has to. He thinks he's so fucking special that no one would dare touch what he THINKS is his.

"It's not your fault you can't see past his bullshit, and I won't force you to tell him about what happened yesterday. I'll leave it up to you because if you tell him, he might break up with you. And if you don't, then you'll still keep wanting me, and you'll realize how easy it'll be for me to fuck you behind his back. Trust me. He's such an idiot, I could fuck you right now and he'd never know. Either way, I still win."

I can feel my body trembling. Either from rage or desire. Or both.

"I am not something for you to win."

"Then why does it feel like you're already mine?"

He leans in, and at first, I think he's going to kiss me. His lips are right in front of mine and I feel him breathe on my mouth. I close my eyes, but a second later I feel a soft kiss on my cheek and it takes me aback. I wasn't expecting that. He smiles and brushes his thumb across my lips.

"Next time you want a kiss, you're gonna have to ask for it," he says before walking out.

I stay where I am, and I'm not even sure what to think. I don't want to believe what he's saying is true, but a part of me can't help but feel that maybe he's right. It's the whole reason Mason and I argued in the first place since it's like he expects me to be with him no matter what.

I don't want to go back to bed so I lay down on the couch. I didn't realize until now how hard it is for me to control my emotions around Dean. I had already told myself that I wouldn't let anything else happen with him but having him in front of me made it hard to remember that.

If Mason hadn't been in the other room, I might have done something I'd regret. I've had a crush on Dean since middle school so it's kind of exciting that he's interested in me, but I prefer that he just ignore me. His approach makes me think he's just messing with me to see if I'll cheat on Mason, but a part of me also thinks that he might like me.

I can't stop thinking of Dean. He was just inches away from me, and I wanted him so badly. I reach into my boxers and stroke myself as I think of him. I remember his eyes scanning me up and down, taking me in. When he put his hand on my stomach, it was like I felt an electric shock course through my body and control my actions. The anticipation of seeing what he would do, once he had me against the wall, made the seconds turn into an eternity. I imagine that instead of kissing my cheek, he kissed my mouth.

He pins my arms back and smashes his lips on mine. His tongue explores my mouth, and I feel his breath forcefully entering my body. It makes it difficult for me to breathe but also makes me crave him more. I savor his taste and draw upon the memory of when we first made out. His breath is so hot and strong as he inhales the air from my body. I have to breathe strongly from my nose, which makes me take in his strong, manly scent.

He twists my body and now I'm face forward pressed against the wall. He kisses the back of my neck and shoulders, which makes me shiver. Every peck is like a small shock and he's making my body convulse. His hand rubs across my stomach and sides until it reaches up and grips my throat.

"You like that?" he whispers into my ear before biting it.

I can barely nod, but I let out a moan which indicates my pleasure. He flips me around again and pulls off his shirt. I grab onto his arms and he makes a muscle. The way his body expands as his muscles swell is so hot. I don't think there's one part of his body that he doesn't work out. His large body in comparison to mine makes me feel so submissive. He pulls me close to him, and I rub against his warm skin. I look up into his eyes and he watches me like prey.

His hand slides down my body and grabs my cock. I moan and lean into him. I kiss at his neck, which makes him stroke me. I wrap my arms around him and clench my fists. My nails dig hard into my palm to balance with the pleasure of his hand around my dick. His other hand reaches through the back of my boxers and slides in between my ass cheeks. The thought of his fingers slipping into my hole is enough to make me cum.

I thrust upwards on the couch as I cum into my boxers. I can't tell how much, but it felt like a huge load. I have to bite my lips, so I don't moan and wake up Mason. Even though Dean and I didn't do all that, I can clearly imagine him doing those things to me. I've had so many fantasies about him, but none of them have ever been this vivid.

Now that I've seen his body and tasted his lips, my fantasies have become a possible reality. I know I should've turned him away the second he came in, but it's too hard. I don't even know what I would've done if I hadn't jacked off. Dean drives me crazy with lust and the only way I can calm that horniness is by giving in to it.

I can't go back to bed with Mason now. My head is too preoccupied to even think about sleep, and I'm not tired anymore. I stay on the couch to gather my thoughts. I toss and turn, which proves to be frustrating, and at times I'm not even thinking about anything. All I want is to know what I should do. Telling Mason would be so much easier because he would do something about Dean and make him stay away, but there's also a chance that he might break up with me. Mason might take me for granted but I still love him, and I don't want to break up with him.

Hours pass and it's almost seven in the morning when Mason walks into the living room. His eyes are drowsy, and his hair is a mess, but he still looks really cute. He seems surprised to see me awake.

"Hey, when did you wake up?" he says.

He's still only wearing his boxers and I admire his body just to distract myself from Dean. His creamy, light skin almost glows in the early morning light.

He sits down next to me on the couch and pulls me towards him until I'm sitting on his lap and he wraps his arms around me.

"A few minutes ago," I say as I begin to play with my fingers. I'm not facing him, and I really don't want to at the moment.

"Are you still mad about what happened?" he says.

"No, I'm fine," I say and this time I face him.

He leans in to kiss me, but I back away. I don't know why, but I feel like he might taste the difference in my lips. Like he'll know that someone else touched them. A look of confusion appears on his face.

"Can we just lay down?" I ask.

He agrees, and we lay down on the couch. He wraps his arm over my waist and kisses my head. I stroke my hand across his arm and rub my legs against his. He presses into me. My mind is still on Dean, and I know I need to forget about him. I need Mason to remind me that I'm his and only his.

I turn over and we begin to make out. I cup his face in my hands and he holds onto my wrists. His tongue wraps around mine as his lips kiss me harder than before. I lower my hands to feel his chest and he puts his on my back. I want to go lower, but the space between us won't allow it. However, he lowers his hands, and I start grinding against his body. He doesn't pull away like usual and instead uses his hands on my back to pull me in closer.

I start letting out moans as he nears my bottom. I feel his hands on my waist and he reaches under my boxers, which makes me pull away slowly. I open my eyes and he does the same. He looks at me as he pulls on the waistband of my boxers and it feels like an eternity until he finally pulls them completely off. He puts his hands on my ass and I breathe in deeply.

"Is this okay?" he says, and I can only nod.

We go back to making out, and as we do so, his grip on my ass tightens. He pulls away from our kiss and I tug on his bottom lip. I moan loudly when he rubs his hand across my crack and he kisses my neck. One of his hands snakes its way in between our bodies and grabs my hand before directing it toward his crotch. When I lay my hand on it, I squeeze his dick. It's the first time I've ever touched it and it causes Mason to groan. I can't tell how long it is, but it feels thick and I almost drool. My lips long for the taste of his cock and I just want it in my mouth. Before I can take action, he sits up and I follow.

"Look Caleb. I'm still not ready to do it, but I want to feel you. Every part of you," he says, and I understand what he means.

He lays down on his back before I get on top of him and pull down his boxers. I want to tear them off, but to calm myself, I pull them down slowly. A bush of hair appears slowly, and his dick also starts to come into view. When I pull the material over his dick, it flings out and smacks his stomach with a loud thud. I don't know why, but I compare it to Dean's. It's not as long since it's probably at about eight inches, but it's much thicker. It's as thick if not thicker than my wrist and has a lot of precum leaking out of it.

I'm mostly shocked right now. I've rubbed against and noticed the outline of his cock before, but this is my first time seeing it fully hard. It almost scares me from the size of its girth, but it's also exciting. The thickness of his cock is insane, and I wonder what it would feel like inside me.

I pull off Mason's boxers completely and hover over his body before aligning my crack with his dick, so my ass is grinding against it. He moans and puts his hands on my butt, which makes me push myself even further down onto his body. The way he grips my ass makes me want to just slide his dick inside me and ride, but I need to control myself.

"Your ass feels so great babe," he says with a seductive voice, and I bite my lip from lust.

I lean forward and nibble on his neck while he rubs his hands over my legs. I move my lips over to his ears, and he starts kissing my neck passionately as I gently tug on his ear with my teeth.

"I love you Mason," I whisper into his ear.

"I love you too," he says pulls me down gently, so I can look him in the eye.

He kisses me and a few seconds later, his mouth slightly opens as he lets out small moan. I feel his dick pulsing in between my ass cheeks, and his moan turns into a grunt. He snaps upward and buries his face in my shoulder.

After realizing what happened, I look back and see thick ropes of cum across his leg. I'm not too surprised since this is the closest thing we've had to a sexual experience. I am a bit disappointed at how quickly the moment ended. However, I feel so much better knowing we've gone a bit farther.

The feeling seems to fade as he lays his head back and mine falls on his chest. I am overwhelmed with emotions and can't even begin to describe how I feel. He starts stroking my head and I take in every bit of this intimate moment.

The next day I feel nervous but also confident at the same time. I'm more confident about my relationship with Mason since I know he's interested, but I'm still worrying about Dean. I haven't heard from him since Saturday night, and I doubt he told Mason about what happened since he would've confronted me by now.

I'm pretty sure that if Dean really wanted Mason to know, he would have told him right after it happened but right now, we're on our way to school and I'm sure we're going to run into Dean. I'm scared he won't be able to stay quiet once he comes face to face with Mason.

I don't even want to face Dean myself, but I have class with him where we have to turn in our project. Surprisingly after Mason left to avoid Dan, Dean sent me the completed work. I thought I was going to have to do it myself, but it was one less thing to worry about.

I drive us to school in my car, and when we get there, I follow Mason. He goes inside instead of going to our regular spot, which confuses me. I'm glad to be away from Dean but I don't know why Mason doesn't want to go.

"Hey where's Dean?" I ask casually, and I feel his grip on my hand tighten.

"I don't know," he says, but he sounds a bit angry.

Instead of going outside to our regular spot, Mason goes to the cafeteria and we wait there before school starts. The loud chatter makes it difficult to actually talk with one another, so we just use our phones to pass the time.

I look closely at Mason to try and figure out what's going through his mind. He seems kind of angry but conflicted at the same time. A part of me feels like Dean told him the truth and Mason just wants to keep me away from him. However, knowing Mason, he would've blown up over it.

"Are you okay?" I say after struggling to figure out what's going on with him. His face changes, and he instantly smiles.

"I'm fine," he says as he runs his hand across my arm, "But you know, it's Monday."

I smile and decide to let it go for now. I don't think it's me he's mad at, and I don't want to push it any further. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Dean, but I can't figure out what besides the thing that happened between us.

We haven't talked much about the previous morning, but we've been texting nonstop since he left my house. I couldn't have him come over again since I didn't want Dan to suspect I ignored his rules. As happy as the experience made me, I wondered whether it was something he really wanted to happen or if he just wanted to please me. Not knowing what happened between him and Dean and how he felt about yesterday just makes me worry.

When the bell rings, Mason takes me to class, which is something he hasn't done in a long time. It's nice but also builds up more anxiety in me because I know something is wrong between him and Dean. He kisses me goodbye before walking off to his class, and I go to my seat.

It's only homeroom, so I just have to do find something productive to do. I just sort through the papers in my backpack, but I'm also preoccupied with my concerns about Mason. I feel like we should be in a better place right now, but everything could collapse at any moment. We may have talked about being more open in our relationship, but it's easier talking about something than actually doing. In addition to that, I find myself trying to remember what classes Mason has with Dean in case they talk more. My mind is just so scattered right now from all the ways things could go wrong.

A few minutes later after I've sorted through some papers and thrown out what I don't need, I get a text. I check my phone and see it's from Dean. I'm surprised and eager to see what he says. He's telling me to meet him in the bathroom. Without thinking, I simply reply, 'No.' I can't be stuck in another situation with him. When we're alone, bad things happen.

As soon as I send it, I worry because it might make Dean angry and push him to tell Mason. I get another text from him which says, 'It wasn't a question.' I know I shouldn't even consider it, but he still has the power to tell Mason about us, and I need to talk to him to see what he said to Mason. I know all I have to do is reason with him and get Dean to let it go. If he does, we can all move on.

I ask him which bathroom, and after he responds, I ask for permission to leave to go meet him. As I walk there, my heart is pounding, and I feel like I'm about to throw up. Mason and I got the farthest we've ever been intimately yesterday, and I can't let that all be for nothing.

However, it's still hard for me to get Dean out of my mind. I wanted him for so long that he awoke the feelings I used to have for him, and I don't know if they're still there. How am I supposed to focus on my relationship with Mason when Dean is messing everything up?

I see him as soon as I walk into the bathroom leaning against the sink. His bruise has turned into a darker shade of purple, which makes him look edgier. He smiles at me, and I immediately want to run away. If I ignore him, then maybe I won't think about him but it's not going to be that easy. He walks over to me, but before saying or doing anything, he closes the door and locks it.

I hope you enjoyed the story. There's more to come so keep a lookout and send any feedback to


Next: Chapter 4

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