My Boyfriends Best Friend

By Rory Mathers

Published on Mar 24, 2019


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Sorry again for the really long wait. I've just been really busy with school this semester and don't have as much free time to write. However, I got the chapter done, and I hope you all like it.

A big thank you to everyone who checked in, gave positive feedback, and asked about the next chapter. It's very encouraging to know that so many people like this story. I've already gotten started on the next chapter and will try my best to get that out soon. If you have any comments, they are all welcome at

Enjoy the story!


I get back to my house around 7:30, and Dan is in the living room when I step inside. He looks up expectantly, and I stand by the door, puzzled. There's a long period of silence before he actually says something.

"Where were you?" he asks as he stands up from the couch, "You usually come straight home from school."

"I was with Mason," I lie, "We just wanted to hang out for a bit."

"I thought you guys weren't talking."

"Well, we made up. Now we're talking again."

"If you're gonna go out with him, you have to tell me and say where you're going."

"Okay." I smile since it's unfamiliar for him to sound so authoritative. I start walking back to my room since I think that's all he has to say.

"Caleb!" His tone makes me stop in my tracks. "I'm serious. You have to tell what you're doing and where you're going, especially if it's with Mason."

"What do you mean 'especially'? What's wrong with Mason?"

"I saw Dean today. And I noticed he wasn't with Mason all day. Did Mason do that to him?" He's referring to Dean's bruise.

"I don't know," I reply, although he did. I just don't want to add anything to support Dan's argument.

"I just don't like the idea of Mason being alone with you."

"He's my fucking boyfriend, Dan. Obviously we're gonna need some time alone."

"Watch it," he warns, and I apologize for cursing.

"But what do want me to do? I'm not just gonna break up with him 'cause you don't like him."

"This has nothing do with me not liking him."

"At least you admit it," I mumble.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," I snap, "Whatever, I'm gonna go take a shower."

I storm off and drop my things in my room before going to bathroom. I love Dan, but I've had enough arguments with him about Mason to last me a lifetime. There's always been tension between the two of them, and I could never understand why.

I get into the shower just so I can wash myself off. There's still some dried cum from when Dean and I were fooling around earlier. Even though I finally gave in, I still feel a great amount of guilt. I've never lied to Mason like this before, and this is a huge secret to keep. I trust Dean more now, but I don't know if this is something I'll be able to keep up. However, if there's one thing I know, it's that I don't feel any regret.

I'm constantly reliving every intimate moment with Dean. And when I'm not, I'm imagining all the things he could do to me. It's lustful and mind-fucking all at the same time. That's why I don't have it in me to reject Dean anymore. I'm way too into him.

As the water travels down my body, I wish it was Dean moving his mouth across my skin. I can still remember the feeling of him fingering my virgin hole. Mason's never done that to me before. I barely saw his dick just a few days ago.

Dean has so much experience and it shows. He knows what can drive me crazy and what pace to move at. Everything feels so fast, but at the same time he doesn't pressure me. I can tell he wants to fuck me already. When I started stroking his cock faster, he fingered me a lot deeper and faster like he was actually inside me.

I was so tempted to just let him take my virginity right there. I wanted to so badly. But I can't. He doesn't actually love me, and I don't want my first time to just be random. However, now that I have Dean, I don't know how much longer I can wait for Mason.

I really do love him, but Dean makes me realize how much I need intimacy. He gives me that without any hesitation. I can't fight these urges anymore. I don't want to change what Dean and I did, and I don't want to give him up. If Mason was suddenly ready to make love to me, then I would. However, I don't think that will be the case anytime soon. The longer I'm in the shower, the more paranoid I get that I'll never be able to wash the trace of Dean off of me.

I finish up my shower and dry myself off. I only brought my briefs and head back my room to change into more clothes. Dan is passing by as I walk out of the restroom and stops in his tracks. He takes a close look at me, and I stand still, confused as to why he's staring.

"What the hell is that?" he asks firmly.

"What's what?"

"On your neck. Are those hickeys?"

I raise my hand and feel a rough patch of skin followed by a bit of pain. It takes me a second before I realize where I got it from.

"No," I lie before rushing off to my room.

"Caleb, did Mason do that to you?" Dan asks through the door after I close it.

I look at the camera on my phone and immediately notice two hickeys on my neck and one on my chest. I throw my phone on the bed and whisper, "fuck", while pulling my hair. How did that happen? Obviously I know how, but I didn't think Dean had bitten me hard enough to leave a mark. Three marks. Then again, I've never gotten a hickey, so I don't know how hard is too hard. What's going to happen if Mason sees them?

"Dan, it's nothing. I think they're just bug bites or something." I answer though the door.

"I'm not stupid Caleb. Those aren't bites. Why are you letting Mason do that to you?"

I open the door after putting on a t-shirt. "I don't see what the big deal is. It's nothing you have to worry about."

"Do you know why people give hickeys? To mark someone as theirs. I don't like the idea of Mason doing that to my little brother."

"What are you talking about?" This conversation feels so pointless since Mason didn't even give me these bruises in the first place, but I can't let Dan know that. "Mason's not like that. He wouldn't treat me like his property."

"What, so you don't think it's weird that as soon as you guys make up, he makes sure to do that to you?"

"Dan, seriously. Stop. I'm not arguing about this. I keep telling you. Mason doesn't think like that. He just... got a bit excited."

"Caleb, I know you might think that, but you have to be more careful with him."

"Whatever. Fine, I will. But just let it go already, please. It happened in the moment."

I can tell that Dan doesn't want to keep bothering me, but he also doesn't want to drop this matter so easily.

"Just be careful."

He starts walking towards his room, and I rush to the bathroom. I immediately lock the door and take off my shirt. The camera really didn't capture how bad they look. Despite receiving them about an hour ago, they're bright red. I doubt they'll be looking any better in a few hours. I'm so fucked now. If Dan reacted this badly, what's Mason going to do?

I can't believe I didn't try to stop Dean when he was giving them to me. I was so controlled by lust that I didn't even notice how hard he bit me. Three times. I feel so stupid. All I can wonder is what I'm going to do if Mason sees them.

Later that afternoon, Mason asked if he could come over, but I ignored his message. I didn't want him to see the hickeys on my body. I know I can't keep on avoiding him until they go away, but after our encounter the other night, I know he's more open to being intimate. I can't give him the opportunity to see me shirtless.

The next day, I wear a collared shirt that covers up my bruises pretty well. A normal t-shirt would still do a decent job, but I don't want to risk anything. Dan doesn't seem as upset before, but he gives me a disapproving glance after seeing my shirt buttoned all the way up since he knows I'm trying to cover my bruises.

I feel bad for getting defensive and lying to him. He really is looking out for me, but he doesn't know the full story. He doesn't even know that Mason didn't do this to me. Then again, that's my own fault. I'm the one who keeps lying, and it keeps getting worse. Just when I think I've reached a decent solution, everything gets fucked up.

When I get to our spot, Mason isn't there yet but Dean is. I'm somewhat elated but also angry. He gave these to me in their first place. The same shit-eating grin that he always has appears on his face. He reaches his hand out to me, but I swat it away.

"What? We're back to this again?"

"First of all, we're outside in the open, so keep your hands to yourself. And you have no idea how much shit you got me into."

"There's no around. Mason's not even here yet. And what are you even talking about?"

I look around and undo the first three buttons of my shirt. They're enough to show all three hickeys on my body. His smile grows as he notices each one. He starts by touching the one on my chest.

"Holy shit! I did that?" I grimace as he feels my other hickeys.

"Yes. Now quit it already." I grab his hand to make him let go before I start buttoning up my shirt, "You're gonna make them worse."

"They look sexy on you. Is it bad that I want you to walk around showing them off?"

I scoff. "I'm not gonna do that. Did you plan this?"

"What? Did I plan on giving you hickeys? Of course not. I didn't even realize I gave them to you. I know I bit you. I just didn't know it was that bad."

"Really? Like you haven't given hickeys before. C'mon you should know how much is too much by now."

"Maybe I need some more practice."

I roll my eyes and he laughs, "Caleb, honestly, it was an accident."

"This isn't funny, Dean. What am I supposed to tell Mason?"

"I doubt he even knows what a hickey is."

"He's not stupid."

"Isn't he?"

I roll my eyes for the umpteenth time. I swear they're going to get stuck in the back of my head if I keep talking to Dean. How can he be friends with Mason after all the things he's done to and said about him?

"Wait. Why are you even here? I thought you and Mason were still mad at each other."

"We worked it out," he says nonchalantly as he sits down.

"He just forgave you?" I question.

"Yeah. I'm pretty irresistible." He looks up at me with bedroom eyes, "But I bet you already know that." I'm almost tempted to straddle him and start kissing his lips, but Mason shows up.

"Hey, you're both here," he says before giving me a quick peck on the lips. He seems cautious since as far as he knows the last time we talked was Friday after Dean told me all the things Mason's said about us.

"Yeah. The kid was just telling me how glad he is we're talking again," says Dean.

I almost glare at him.

"Really?" Mason wraps his arm behind my back. He seems surprised. I am too.

"Yeah. I mean... you're both good friends. No need to get mad over some stupid argument," I say lamely. I'm pretty much lying through my teeth. I can't stand Dean and his smugness.

"He's right. I think we'll all be better off from now on. Don't you think so, Caleb?" Dean raises his eyebrow at me.

Mason looks at me. Dean and I rarely talked to each other before this, and this is probably one of the longest conversations Mason has ever seen us have.

"Yeah. Definitely."

"That's good then," Mason interjects, "I just want you and Dean to be able to get along."

"Trust me. I don't think that'll be a problem." Dean stares at me. I feel myself turning red.

"I don't want you starting any shit though," Mason jokes before punching Dean in the arm.

They both start joking around, and it seems like things are back to normal. However, it feels like anything but.

Even though Dean and Mason were getting along again like before, Mason started behaving differently. He splits his attention evenly between Dean and me. He's more affectionate than usual, and I can tell that Dean has noticed. He seems annoyed by it, but obviously he can't say anything.

Only a few days have passed, and as much as I love Mason's newfound confidence and affection, it confuses me. I gave into Dean because Mason wasn't like this before. Now he's a lot more intimate, which I wasn't used to. It was easier to not feel as guilty cheating with Dean, but now it's different. I haven't even been alone with him all week. The possibility of losing my virginity to Mason seems a lot greater now. I wonder whether I should continue risking things with Dean.

"What's up with you today?" says Dan as we wait for our food. We're getting pizza and we decided to dine in. We invited Mason, and he's in the bathroom.

"Huh?" I say, not expecting the question.

"Well, what's been up with you all week?"

"What do you mean?" I say. I try to be calm since there's no way he could know about Dean, and either way I don't know what he's talking about.

"Ever since I came back from my trip you've been really quiet. Mostly when you're around Mason. Is something wrong?"

I sigh. This again. "No, I'm alright. It's nothing."

"C'mon, you can tell me. Does it have to do with Mason?"

I stay quiet since I don't know how I should answer. I want to be honest with him because he's my brother and would help me, but I don't want him to see me differently. He catches on to my reluctance, so I can't tell him it doesn't have to do with Mason since he'll know it's a lie.

At this point, Mason has also noticed my change in attitude, but I don't think he's connected it to Dean yet. I haven't invited him to sleep over at my house all week because I'm still too scared about the hickeys. This makes me even more scared that Dean will say something to Mason to rile him up.

However, Dean has kept his distance and hasn't bothered me since I confronted him. It's kind of bittersweet. I keep remembering our first night and that moment in the bathroom, and I can't forget about it. A part of me doesn't want to forget even though I know I should. I just can't help thinking about him and those intimate moments we've shared.

They felt great but I don't know if it's because it was my first sexual experience or if it has to do with Dean. I feel strange around Mason because of my guilt and keep thinking that I shouldn't even be laying in the same bed as him. That's why I haven't been responding to Dean's texts, asking when we're going to get together. I'm trying even harder to avoid being alone with him.

"What happened?" Dan asks with a serious tone, which pulls me out of my thoughts, "Did he do something to you?"

"No... it wasn't him. It's something I did. It wasn't his fault."

"Look it may seem like that, but if he did anything at all to you..." he says and I realize where he's thinking.

"No, Dan it wasn't like that. He doesn't even know what I did."

"Well, what did you do?"

"I..." I start to say.

I feel that maybe I can trust Dan and he might even be able to help me, but before I can tell him anything else, Mason comes back from the bathroom. I stop talking and pretend I'm using my phone.

Dan notices me go quiet and he watches me closely. I do my best to ignore his gaze even though I know I'll be hearing about this later. If Dan keeps staring at me, I'll cave in and I can't do that in front of Mason. We eat in silence mostly, but Mason tries to get us to engage in conversation. It makes things slightly less awkward

About an hour later we're back home and Dan seems to be very persistent as he keeps talking about how quiet I've been. It seems to be making Mason uncomfortable, but I assume it's only because he says that while looking at him. I love Dan, he's my brother, but he really needs to know when to back off. He tries to protect me, but he's only making things more complicated. Finally, Dan leaves us alone after he heads to his room.

"I'm sorry, I have no idea what is up with him today," I try to explain. I can tell Mason feels like he did something wrong.

"It's okay. Here I thought I didn't have to worry about your parents not liking me, and it turns out I have to worry about your brother," he jokes.

I know he didn't mean anything by it, but I'm not amused at all. And my face shows it too.

"Fuck. I'm sorry Caleb. That was a really dumb thing to say."

I shake my head, "No, it's okay. I know you didn't mean anything but it."

"I'm gonna go, okay?" he starts to stand up.

"Are you sure you wanna go?" I ask. I'm really hoping he'll stay, but I'm sure Dan already made him too uncomfortable and my reaction to his comment didn't help.

"Yeah, but I'll text you later. Okay?"


I walk him out and kiss him goodbye. When we kiss, I hold him close to me and try to remind myself how much I care for him. Our kiss turns into a makeout session and he pushes me against the door. I lose myself in the kiss and feel myself clouded with lust and desire. I want him so badly. He catches me off guard when he gropes my ass. I pull away and there's a smile on his face.

"Sorry couldn't help myself. Is that okay?"

I smile and start making out with him again. His hands go down to my ass and almost lift me off the ground as gropes me. I moan into his mouth causing his grip to tighten. He pulls away and gives me a final peck on the lips before beginning to walk way. However, he stops and turns after a few steps.

"Are you feeling okay about what happened the other day?" he asks.

"What other day?"

"You know. The last time I came over?"

I raise my eyebrows. "Yeah of course. Why wouldn't I feel okay?"

"I don't know. I mean Dan's right. You do seem a bit quieter. I don't know if I did anything that you didn't like. I'm sorry if I did."

"No! Of course not. I loved every minute of it."

He smiles but continues walking. I know I have to remedy this, otherwise, he won't want to try anything again. I run over to him.

"Hey," I grab his arm and turn him towards me, "Come over later. Around 11. Dan's usually asleep by then."

He smirks, "You sure?"

"Yeah. It'll be great."

I kiss him again. He seems a lot more satisfied once he starts heading home. I head back inside, and Dan's coming out of his room.

"Are you happy now?" I say after closing the door, "You scared him away."

"Something is clearly bothering you, and I know it has to do with Mason because you act even more weird around him."

"I'm fixing it on my own, so I really don't need you interfering and making things worse."

"But I can tell that you're really upset. The only time you've ever been this strange was when..." he says but he stops himself.

I immediately realize what he was going to say. The last time I was this quiet was when our parents died. It was a really difficult time for me, and just like now I didn't know what to do. Dan looks down, clearly feeling bad for almost bringing them up. I don't want to argue with him about Mason anymore.

"I'm going to my room," I say before leaving and Dan doesn't respond.

I lock myself away for a couple of hours and work on some homework. Around 10 I decide to take a shower to clean myself up before Mason arrives. I've been taking a lot more showers lately. They just help me relax, and it's a great place to get some relief. My mind wanders much more than it used to, and I have all these fantasies stuck in my head.

I walk to the bathroom and after closing the door, I take off my shirt. The first thing I notice is the hickeys, which aren't as bad as when I first got them. They're a dark shade of purple but are starting to fade away. However, they're still noticeable. I put my hand on each one and rub a little. I feel slight pain, and I'm reminded of Dean's teeth on my skin and his lips traveling across my neck and shoulders.

I imagine him standing behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist as he kisses the back of my neck before spinning me around and kissing my fading bruises. I bury my nails into my skin to pull myself out of the fantasy.

As much as I hate to admit it, I love the thought of being with Dean. Something about him attracts me strongly, and I can't deny it. I've never had those kinds of feelings for Mason where I'm inexplicably drawn to him. I know why I care for and love Mason, but with Dean nothing makes any sense. Being with each other is dangerous and he knows that, so he uses it to his advantage by putting me in complicated positions with Mason. I want to be sure of what I'm supposed to do, but I don't think my judgement is sound. Dean's fucked with my head too much.

I step into the shower and take a good amount of time in there. My mind immediately wanders as the water heats up and the steam from the shower begins to fill the room. I imagine Dean in here with me, taking control of my body. He pushes me against the wall and holds my arms back. His hard, wet body presses against mine, and I breathe loudly. His face is inches from mine, and I can feel his warm breath on my face. I try to escape, but he's a lot stronger and holds me in place.

He smashes his lips against mine and we make out. My body squirms under the control of his, and he keeps me from moving by pushing himself on me. His entire weight makes it harder for me to breathe. The room begins to feel even hotter as steam fills it up. His tongue swirls around mine, and I moan into his mouth. Our lips seem to mesh so well together, and his tongue tastes so good.

He lets go of one of my arms and gives my ass a loud slap before grabbing onto it. I stumble forward into his embrace. His hands feel my round ass, and I moan louder, which keeps me from focusing on our kiss. His mouth moves to my neck and kisses my hickies. I bite my lips and close my eyes as he kisses my skin. I'm in anticipation as his grip on my ass tightens.

Without warning, Dean grabs me by the waist and flips me around. I'm facing the wall now, and he pushes me further against it. He pushes himself forward, and I feel his hard dick on my ass. I hear loud, wet thuds as he smacks his dick against my ass. He kisses the back of my neck and slides his tongue down my back, which makes me shiver. My eyes almost roll back into my head. He reaches my ass and places a kiss on it.

I gasp when I feel his tongue at my hole. He licks it softly and gently at first. Then he spreads my ass cheeks apart and spits inside. He rubs his thumb against it and slightly pushes it in, which makes me groan. He pulls out his thumb and spanks me one last time before he begins to furiously lap at my hole. He's pushing his tongue into my ass, and it feels like heaven.

Dean stands up and turns me around. He starts making out with me again. His kiss starts out as violent and aggressive as ever, and he barely gives me the chance to breathe. The only air I'm taking in is from his body. He squeezes my ass hard, and I feel his nails burying themselves into my skin.

However, that aggressiveness starts to die down, and his hands move up to my hips. His tight grip loosens, and he gives me a little room for movement. His kiss becomes gentler, and his lips feel softer. He slowly pulls away from the kiss. As soon as we stop making out, I open my eyes and realize it isn't Dean. It's Mason. He cups my face in his hand and leans forward to make out with me.

Soon I feel his lips softly rubbing against mine, and I savor the taste. Everything about Mason's touch feels so familiar that I don't worry, and I let him take control of my body. I'm comfortable because I know he would never hurt me. His tongue slowly swirls around mine and he seems to be cherishing every moment of our intimacy. His hands reach my ass and he grabs it firmly but with a gentle touch.

"I love you," he whispers into my ear.

He moves behind me and kisses the back of my neck. His mouth makes its way down my back, and I shudder with every little kiss. I feel his lips touch every part of my back, and I don't want the feeling to end, but it only intensifies.

He softly pushes me against the wall, but makes my ass stick out. I feel his warm mouth on my hole, and I begin to moan as he pleases me. He begins to suck on it and slowly slide his fingers in. I bite my lips from how amazing his touch feels.

He stands up and leans forward so that he's right behind me, and our bodies are pressed together tightly. He slides his dick up and down my ass. All I want is for him to just slide his thick cock inside me and make love to me. He pushes his dick right against my hole, and I gasp.

"Are you ready, baby?" he asks in a sultry voice. I manage to nod, and he places a kiss on the back of my neck. He grabs my hips firmly and begins to push his dick inside. I instantly cum and my fantasy ends.

I'm alone in the shower again, but my cock is cumming more than it probably ever has. My body is spasming as my knees shake and knock into each other. My legs grow weak until I feel like I'm about to collapse, but I regain my balance. I try to catch my breath and step out of the shower after turning it off.

My cum was instantly washed away, so I dry myself. My mind is still stuck on that fantasy, but I can't tell which part I liked more. With Mason it was gentle and caressing, but with Dean it was lustful and spontaneous. I can't tell who I liked better. I don't get why I can't pick.

I once again wish that the thing between Dean and I had never happened, but I tell myself it shouldn't be a decision I have to make. I should be with Mason. It would be a lot easier, but I know that it isn't the best reason to use. I need something to assure me before I actually consider doing anything.

My phone starts ringing. I imagine it's Mason, but I've only been in the shower for about twenty minutes. I told him not to show up until 11. I pick up my phone and notice it's Dean facetiming me. I put on my briefs and run to my room quickly to answer. I try to go quietly. Even though Dan's probably asleep, I don't want to risk waking him up.

I lock the door behind me. However, I notice I'm not wearing a shirt, and I don't want him to think I intentionally took it off to answer his call. I grab one from the drawer and accept the call. The video loads just as I pull the shirt on.

"Hey sexy," he says. He's shirtless, but I'm sure he usually is all the time whenever he's home.

"Hey," I reply. I can see his well-defined muscles from his biceps to his pecs to his abs, and they look so sturdy.

"Did you just take a shower?"

I realize I didn't dry my hair very well, so that's probably how he noticed.

"Yeah. I just got out."

"Should've invited me."

I sit on my bed, "Yeah, I don't think that would have boded too well with my brother."

"My shower's always open."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"You've been ignoring me."

"What are you talking about? I see you every day."

"You know that's not what I mean."

I look away. I don't want to talk about my feelings with him. I doubt he'd really care.

"I wanna make up for lost time," he adds.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Take off your shirt." His tone slightly changes and he sounds a lot more authoritative. I don't even argue. I set my phone down to take it off.

"No. I wanna see you."

I look around to find a good place to set it up and decide to move to my desk. I sit down in the chair and question whether I should keep this going. A small part of my brain tells me this is wrong, but then I see Dean's expectant gaze. Suddenly, my hands reach the hem of my shirt, and I pull it off.

Dean bites his lip and sighs. "Fuck. So beautiful. What a tight little body."

He moves his phone outward, so I can see more of his body. Even through the phone's quality, I can see every defined muscle on his body. I feel myself blushing. Mason and I haven't even sexted before. This is, once again, a new experience.

"You make me so hard," he whispers.

I feel so aroused with his words, but I don't know what to say. I've never talked sexy with anyone. I don't know how to do it, and I'm kind of embarrassed. All I can do is stare into the camera and bite down on my finger.

"You wanna see?"

"Yeah," I answer in a strained voice.

He flips his camera, and I see the lower half of his body. He's wearing cotton-grey sweatpants that fit him pretty loosely. However, there's a huge tent forming from his hardening cock. He grabs it firmly and wags it around just to emphasize on how big it is. I want to see it so badly.

"You want me to pull it out?"

I only manage to nod. He slowly pulls his sweatpants down, and a bush of hair emerges. Then I see the thick base of cock, which seems to be pulsing with warmth and lust. It slowly snakes out as he continues to pull down his sweatpants. As soon as the band passes the head of his dick, his cock flicks upward and slaps him in the stomach. I can already feel drool pooling in my mouth.

"What do you want me to do with it?" his sultry voice hypnotizes me. I don't even think I can control what I say, but I can't respond.

He shakes his hardened dick around, "C'mon, tell me what you want me to do with this thick cock."

"I want it inside me," I breathe. It slipped out, but I don't want to take it back.

"Mm, fuck yeah. I want that tight, virgin hole wrapped around my cock."

He starts stroking his dick and I can see the precum leaking out. I want to be there next to him so badly, so I can lick it off. Then slowly move my mouth down further onto his cock. I don't know if he can see the desire in my eyes, but I'm almost sure it's unmistakable.

"Take off your briefs. I wanna get a good look at that ass."

I'm kind of nervous. Dean has always been the one taking my clothes off. Now I'm doing it for him. I stand up and face away before grabbing the hem of underwear. I start pulling them down slowly and bend over as they slide further down my legs. Finally, they're off and I step out of them. I feel so exposed right now. I don't even know what I expect Dean to say right now.

He lets out a loud breath and says, "Fuck what a perfect, round ass. Turn around, let me see you."

I slowly turn around so he can see the front of my body. It feels a bit weird getting naked without him actually being here. I cover my hard cock the best I can. When I turn, his cock is fully hard, and he's stroking his entire length. The pace and distance that he has to move his hand at makes it seem like a workout.

"Move your hands," he commands. I obey and hide them behind my back.

My cock stands straight up, and the head is brushing up against my stomach. I breathe loudly.

"Fuck. So nice." He bites his lips and quickens the pace of his stroking.

"Touch yourself baby," he tells me.

I grab my sensitive dick and start jacking off. I look at him stroking himself and imagine all the things he could do to me with that thing.

"What're you thinking of?" he asks.

At first I don't respond. I can't find the words. I feel like I'm in a daze right now. And Dean is the only who can snap me out of it. I'm completely under his spell.

"Are you thinking of your boyfriend?"

"No," it slips out so fast, "I'm thinking of you."

"What about me?"

"Your dick. How much I want it."

"Where do you want it? Show me."

I turn around to show him my ass. My dick is rock hard right now. It almost hurts.

"Spread that ass for me baby. I wanna see that virgin hole."

I bend over and spread my cheeks open. I arch my back as I stick my ass out further. I feel air brushing against my hole, causing it to twitch.

"Fuck. I wanna cum inside you so badly and watch my load drip out of you. Finger yourself for me."

I suck one of fingers to get it wet and start sliding it inside me. I moan as it starts going deeper in me. While I pull my cheek open with one hand, I finger myself with the other. I can hear Dean's breath, and I imagine him behind me. I imagine that he's just about to slide his cock inside me and take my virginity. I slide a second finger in me, which seems to please Dean.

"Yeah, stretch out that little hole. Go deeper."

When I finger myself, I usually don't go to deep. Then I think of when Dean fingered me the other night and slid his fingers far inside my ass. It's hard to repeat because of the angle I'm in, but I bend over further and pull my ass cheek open more. I groan as I feel a slight pain, but my fingers aren't big enough to cause me to stop.

Once my knuckles meet my sphincter, I stop and start sliding out. I repeat the prices quickly and moan quietly. Dan's room isn't that far away, but I can't help the sensation I'm feeling right now.

"Go faster," said Dean.

My fingers start pumping in and out my hole at a fast pace. I almost feel like I'm going to tip over, but I keep my balance. I grunt every time my fingers slide as far inside me as they can. Despite the small discomfort I'm feeling, I still love it. I keep imagining Dean behind me, fucking my ass. His muscular thighs slap my ass as he rams his long cock inside me. His nails dig into my hips, and I feel his entire weight on top. It's crushing me, but it lets him fuck me harder and deeper. I'm losing my breath.

"Fuck me Dean," I whisper loud enough for him to hear.

"Oh shit," he groans.

I'm about to turn around when I hear a knock. I pull my fingers out of me and shoot straight up. I go for my phone and knock it over when I try to pick it up. I end the call without saying goodbye and pull my briefs back on. Followed by some shorts and a t-shirt.

The knock came from the window, and I realize it's Caleb. I feel my heart beating quickly. What if he heard or saw me? What am I going to tell him? I contemplate for a few seconds before walking over. The curtains should have been able to obscure the view of my room enough, and it's dark outside. There's no way he could've seen what I was doing.

I pull the curtains aside, and I'm greeted by his smile. I feel a slight twinge of guilt, but I can't let it show.

I pull the window up to let him in. As soon as he climbs over and greets me, he pulls me in for a kiss. His lips rub gently against mine as his tongue swirls in my mouth. A great sense of relief washes over since this reaction suggests he didn't see anything.

I pull away while still being wrapped in his arms, "It's good to see you too."

He chuckles as he releases me from his grip, "Sorry. When I see you, I just can't help myself."

I blush. He's so sweet.

"It's okay. I was just a bit surprised. You're a bit early."

"I know, but I figured your brother would be asleep already," then he focuses his gaze on me, "Are you sweating?"

I touch my forehead. I am. It must've formed when I panicked a few seconds ago. I wipe it away.

"No, I actually just got out of the shower."

At least it's not a total lie.

"I guess I got here a bit too late."

"Why? Did you wanna join me?" I tease.

"Maybe I did." He sets his bag down and puts his hand on my waist.

I question if he's actually being honest. I guess ever since our last encounter, he's more comfortable with getting intimate.

"Mason, are you actually okay with this?"

His other hands lands on my side when he asks, "What do you mean?"

"I mean... we're doing things we haven't done before, and suddenly you're okay with doing all this."

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" a small trace of worry appears on his face.

"No. I just want to make sure you're not uncomfortable."

He smiles, "Don't worry. We'll take this one step at a time."

He starts kissing me. My body melts into his and loosens up. I feel the worry and anxiety from earlier slowly withering away as his hands snake up my back, pulling my shirt along with his movement. Soon Mason pulls my shirt off and throws it to the side. He cups my face in his hands and kisses me hard. We're breathing harshly through our nostrils, but I don't want our lips to pull apart. His tongue swirls softly against mine, and I let out a soft moan into his mouth. He grunts as he pulls away.

He takes off his own shirt, and I'm staring up at his broad, muscular body. My hands reach up to his thick pecs, and his hands fall back to my hips. He pulls me in closer so that there's no space between us. His forehead leans against mine, and I hear him breathing loudly. Our bodies are so close, I can practically feel his heart beating. Even though he's trying to be more intimate, he's nervous. I'm not surprised, but I don't want to rush him at the same time.

I raise my head to kiss him again, but our kiss is softer this time. I drape my arms over his back, and his nails dig deeper into my hips. I run my hands through his hair before his hands slip down to my ass and grope me. A gasp escapes my mouth, and my head snaps back from the excited pleasure. His lips continue to kiss me down my neck and across my shoulders. I can hear them smacking hungrily on my skin, and I stand on my tiptoes to feel his mouth pushed harder against me.

I feel him pulling my ass cheeks apart and squeezing them through the cloth. He picks me up, and I hold on to him as he walks me to my bed. Once there, he lays me down gently. He stands back and reaches towards his jeans, like he's about to take them off, before pausing.

"Hey," his hand touches me neck, "What are these?"

Fuck! I don't even have to ask what he's looking at. I can't believe I forgot about my hickeys. The bruising has gone down a bit, but they're still noticeable. I need a quick excuse. I'm hoping the one I tried on Dan will actually work this time.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I saw them the other day. I think I had a bug or something like that in my bed. I woke up and found them, but they're kind of going down. They don't really hurt. It's just some swelling. I put lotion on them, and they should be gone soon."

I keep rambling. I desperately want him to believe me. I sound stupid though. I'm just saying random stuff.

"Oh, okay. As long as they don't hurt."

He leans over and kisses my bruises. It's hot but almost uncomfortable. Dean gave these to me. If Mason knew that, this is the last thing he'd be doing.

"Let's hope they get better soon," he says before standing up again.

This time he takes off his jeans. He's wearing a loose pair of boxers that are tenting. I can see his thick cock through the outline. Despite not being as long as Dean's, he clearly has him beat in width. My mouth drools just at wondering how hard it would be to wrap my mouth around his dick.

Before getting in bed, he grabs onto my shorts and yanks them off. My body is almost pulled off the bed from the force of his tug. That's how strong he is. As he climbs onto the bed, I sit back against the frame, anxiously. Once he's next to me, I feel his fingers sliding up across my leg, which makes me shiver. I turn to face him, and he's focusing so intently on me.

"You're so beautiful," he leans in to kiss me, and I realize that I truly can't get enough of him.

I only pull away when his hand reaches my crotch and gently squeezes it. I gasp, but he keeps kissing the side of my face. His hand makes its way inside my boxers, and I squirm under his touch. He wraps his hand around my hard cock, and I moan in pleasure.

"Oh my god, Caleb," I whisper.

He strokes my cock, which makes me bite down hard on my lip. His breath on my face and his touch drive me crazy. As the pace of his stroking quickens, my hand wraps around his leg. My grip tightens.

I imagine that he's on top of me, sliding in and out of my ass. His face is softly touching mine, and warmth is radiating off his naked, sexy body. He's rubbing against me as he makes love to me. His lips kiss my neck, ears, face, and anywhere his mouth can reach from this position.

His huge cock stretches my hole out as fucks me. I love every second of it. My own dick can feel the pleasure as he drills my ass. His dick pummels in and out of me slowly but deeply. I can feel him thrusting far inside me.

However, I see and feel flashes of Dean. His touch, his smell, his taste. My fantasy revolves around Mason, but there are traces of Dean. I remember him fingering me and think of the feeling of his body pressed against me. It's the closest I've been to sex, so it's what my fantasy is going off of. I try my best to think of Mason.

His grunts turn me on so much, and I want him even more. His thrusts start getting harder, and I can hear his thighs slapping my ass. He pulls back while still inside me. I look up at him and see his muscles bulging and shining with sweat. I see Dean's sharp features but force myself to picture Mason.

He has thick, bulky muscles that aren't as defined as Dean's, but they make him larger. I grab onto his shoulder as he fucks me harder. He strokes my cock as his pace quickens, and I feel myself about to cum.

I moan and beg him to go faster. He complies and kisses me, which proves to be enough. I feel the cum shooting out of my dick onto my stomach, and my lower body thrusts forward. Mason stops stroking, but his grip tightens on my cock. I'm panting and sweating right now. My body shivers for a few seconds. The intense feeling slowly subsides, but I don't want it to go away. I look up at Mason.

"How was that?"

I kiss him in response. After that, I return the favor and give him a handjob. My hands cramp slightly since his cock is so thick, but I eventually get him to cum. He clearly enjoys it, but as soon as we clean ourselves, he's ready to go to sleep. I agree, but I'm also confused. I thought he would want to do more. I try to just go to sleep, but I can't help it.

"Can I ask you something?" I say as I lay against him.

The lights are off and we're already lying in bed. I'm happy with the progress we're making, but I secretly hoped we'd keep going further.

"What's up?" he mumbles. He's already falling asleep.

"I don't mean to keep pushing but... Why is it taking so long? We both love each other. Why can't we show how much?"

He adjusts his head to look at me and runs his hand down my face.

"I just want to make sure it's right. I want it to be special," he explains.

I don't respond, and he closes his eyes to fall asleep. What does he mean he wants to make sure it's right? Does he not feel the same way I feel about him? I always thought that he felt what we had was special, but now I wonder if he actually loves me.

Mason and I are sitting at our usual table with Dean. They're just shooting the shit while I interject a couple of times. It's weird. Usually I sit to the side and listen, but I've been more included in their conversations recently.

I'm a bit withdrawn from their discussion since I'm still thinking about what Mason said yesterday. Maybe I shouldn't overthink it. After all, I'm cheating on him with his best friend. I can't help but worry that Mason doesn't actually want to be with me. Maybe he's just waiting to graduate and get out of here, and I'm a distraction. That's why he won't lose his virginity to me. He wants to wait for someone who's worth it, and he doesn't think that's me.

Mason mentions something about an assignment him and Dean worked on the night before, which catches my attention.

"Wait, you guys hung out last night?"

"Yeah before I went to your house. Dean and I hung out and tried to work on some homework."

"Which we didn't even finish since loverboy couldn't wait to get his dick wet," Dean jokes.

"Dude, shut up," Mason elbows him.

He has a nervous smile, waiting to see my reaction. Especially since last time he mentioned our love life to Dean, things didn't go well. But I'm not upset. Not at him anyway. I'm starting to think that Dean's call wasn't just random bad timing now. He smiles mischievously at me, like he knows I've caught on.

"Hey, didn't Ms. Clark say you have to turn in your late essay before first period to get credit for it?" Dean asks Mason.

"Shit!" Mason exclaims, "I forgot about that."

He stands up and grabs his backpack, "I'll see you in class, Dean. Later babe."

He gives me a quick kiss and runs off. Not two seconds before Mason is out of sight, Dean sits next to me. I roll my eyes.

"I swear you plan this shit," I sigh.

"What can I say? I'm bored. I'm getting tired of just making out and jacking off," he whispers into my ear.

"Well what do you expect me to do about it?" I don't want to humor him right now. Mason could come back any second.

"Don't play hard to get. You don't get to tease me with that ass and act like you're not into me."

He grabs my ass and squeezes. I immediately slap his hand away.

"What the fuck? Not out here."

But he's right. I do want him. Badly. I'm just scared of how far I'm willing to take things with him.

He roughly grabs my face and turns it to look at him before lodging his thumb in between my teeth.

"At least let me know what that mouth feels like. Besides, I bet you're curious to taste my meat."

His thumb slips further into my mouth, and I start sucking on it. I don't even care if someone's watching. His thumb curls, and I feel more pressure on my tongue. It's a bittersweet taste that fuels my lust. His thumb's not even close to the size of his cock, but I imagine this is what it'd taste like. Only a few seconds pass before Dean pulls it out of my mouth, and he rubs his thumb across my lips.

"Come to my place Saturday night. My parents are gonna be out."

Does he mean all night? We've only had an entire night together once, and I was a bit more wary then. I contemplate before saying, "I don't know. Dan might not let me go out. And Mason usually stays over."

"I wasn't asking," even though he doesn't say it harshly, it comes across that way, "Make it work. I wanna feed that pretty little mouth."

Almost immediately, the bell rings. Before he leaves, Dean looks around and gives me a quick kiss on the lips. I wait until he's gone before I walk to class. As I walk to the building, I try to come up with a plan. I want to see Dean, but I'm beginning to realize how hard it'll be to keep up this lie.

I hope you enjoyed the story. I'll try my best to make sure this next wait isn't as long. Please send any feedback to I love hearing from you guys so don't hesitate


Next: Chapter 6

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