My Brothers Frat Brother

By Xander Harris

Published on Jul 7, 2006


Here's chapter 4. I went back and forth with trying to decide whose perspective this chapter would be from, and finally decided that it would have to be from all three perspectives if it was going to work the way I wanted it to. I've identified whose point of view it is at the beginning of each section and each change in point of view is marked with a row of asterisks. Hopefully it's all clear.

Please let me know what you think at and thank you to those who've already written. Feedback is a great motivator!


I looked down at Wes, still feeling as if I had to be dreaming, that my life couldn't have taken this fantastic turn all in one afternoon. I mean, just yesterday I was blowing out candles on my birthday cake and wishing to get laid sometime before my next birthday. Now here I am, less than twenty four hours later, and I'm having sex for the third time in a row with one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen! This can't be real, can it?

And yet, it was real. His dick was still inside of me and suddenly I didn't ever want him to NOT be inside of me. Looking down at his flushed, intense face and his spikey black hair all damp with sweat and that incredible body straining and moving in perfect motion as he thrust himself up inside of me, I felt so totally in love with this guy.

"Turbo and I would take turns fucking you. You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Wes asked, sending a rush of excitement through my body at the very idea.

"Mmmm..." the moan escaped me as my mind provided images of Nick and Wes taking turns with me. I'd fantasized about my brother Nick many times, but I always felt so guilty about it, so ashamed. Somehow, though, Wes had known, and I'd been able to say things to Wes, things about Nick that I'd thought would never pass my lips. I felt so safe with him.

"Maybe you'd like to see me fuck him. See him beg for my cock?" Wes grunted and began to fuck me faster, his upward thrusts meeting my downward ones and sending me into a frenzy.

"Oh God.." Who knew getting fucked in the ass would feel this intense, this incredible? I felt like I might be going to pass out, it was so good.

"You'd eat his tight little hole, wouldn't you? Bury your face in your brother's ass and stick your tongue inside him?"

"Yes!" I couldn't hold back any longer. The combination of what Wes's dick was doing to me and hearing my most secret fantasies put into words by another guy was too much. I shot all over his stomach and chest and a few seconds later he started to cum, too. I watched his face, wanting to always remember just what he looked like right at that moment.

"You are one hot fuck," Wes said.

"You can say that again." I jumped a little and turned my head at the unexpected voice. I felt a shiver of terror run down my spine. Bailey, beautiful, blond Bailey who'd been in so many of my jerk off fantasies since the day I'd walked in on him getting out of the shower, was standing in the room, watching us.

Oh, God! He'd seen me getting fucked! He'd... oh, no! He heard what we were saying about Nick, he had to have heard. Oh, shit!

I suddenly felt sick.

"Guess you forgot to lock the door after you lied to Turbo. He came down bragging that you were banging some babe up here, but I knew you'd come up here with his brother. And I'm not as naive as he is, I guess. So, this is a very interesting situation, gentleman. I think we need to talk," Bailey said.

He was going to tell Nick. That smirk on his face said it all. Nick was going to freak out. Not only was his little brother a total queer, he was a freak who fantasized about having sex with him! Panic overwhelmed me and I looked down at Wes, wondering what the hell I was going to do.

Somehow, looking into his eyes calmed me down a little. At least I wasn't alone in this.

"What do you want?" Wes asked, looking over at Bailey.

"First thing I want is for you two fags to come over here and suck on this for awhile. We'll see where it goes from there."

I watched in shock as Bailey grabbed his dick through his shorts and sort of wagged it back and forth.

Conflicting feelings welled up inside of me. First of all, I'd never been called a fag before, outside of the usual joking locker room talk guys always used, and it was like a slap in the face. Following quickly on that feeling, though, was a feeling of total lust. I couldn't help it. Bailey had been the object of many fantasies, and suddenly here he was, shirtless and a bit sweaty from the basketball court, grabbing himself and ordering me to suck his dick!

But was he even serious? I mean, why would he want us to suck his dick, unless he was gay too?

I looked back down at Wes, waiting for him to say or do something. I was in completely over my head here.

Wes quickly but gently moved me off of his lap and stood up, pulling the condom off his dick and tossing it into a trash can across the room. He did all of this so calmly, I couldn't believe it. My heart was still racing and I was moving back and forth between fear and excitement every ten seconds, wondering what the hell was going on. But Wes was so cool, you'd think he faced this sort of situation every day.

Bailey seemed to notice it, too, because when I looked from Wes over to him, his smirk seemed to have slipped a bit. His eyes were following Wes around the room and he suddenly looked less sure of himself.

Wes was taking his time, grabbing some kleenex to wipe off his dick and the cum I'd shot all over his torso. When he was done with that, he tossed the box over to me without saying a word. Only then did he turn around and look at Bailey.

I felt myself holding my breath as Wes slowly walked towards Bailey. Their eyes were locked together and the tension was heavy between them.

Wes stopped, his face only about two inches away from Bailey's. Was he going to hit him? I wondered suddenly. I felt a sinking in my stomach. I didn't want them to fight. Things were getting completley out of hand. I'd gladly suck Bailey's dick all he wanted, if it prevented a fight and Nick never found out what Bailey had walked in on. Sucking Bailey's dick wouldn't exactly be a tedious chore, anyway.

I was just opening my mouth to say this, to beg Wes not to fight with Bailey, when Wes spoke.

"Get down on your knees and suck my dick, bitch." Wes's voice was calm and completely self assured.

************************************ (Wes)

The first time I met Bailey was at a party the brothers threw for potential pledges just before rush week. The general idea behind it was to show all of us dewey eyed freshman how incredibly good life in the frat would be if we decided to pledge.

The talk was all about brotherhood, camraderie, a devotion to community service and academic excellence, but no on in attendance was really fooled. They couldn't come right out and say it because it wouldn't have been politically correct, but they might as well have had neon signs up on the walls flashing: PARTIES! WOMEN! BEER! SEX!

I knew becoming a brother would mean keeping the fact I was gay relatively quiet, but looking around the room that night, I had no doubt that it would be worth it. The guys in attendance were all incredibly hot. Call me shallow, but I like to surround myself with beauty.

You don't forget the first time you see guys like Bailey. Physically, he was just about as close to perfection as it was possible to get, if you go for the sort of bronzed Greek God look, all taut muscles and golden hair, not to mention the sort of face you usually only see staring out from movie screens.

Of course, the minute I shook his hand and he opened his mouth, I had him pegged. The guy was cocky and in-your-face, competitive as hell from the word go. The sort of guy who was used to being the alpha male in any given situation.

But somehow, call it a queer guy's instinct, I knew from that first moment that deep down inside, underneath all that macho bravado and bullshit, what Bailey really wanted was to be conquered, to be made into another man's boy toy.

Maybe it was because he reminded me strongly of a friend of mine from high school, a guy who was always bullying those he felt were weaker or lesser than him. We partied together a lot, and then one drunken night in Junior year.... well, imagine my surprise when this fierce guy who delighted in being so big and tough ended up begging me to fuck him. Gone was all the bravado and in its place was total submissiveness, a need to be taken by another man.

I saw that same need in Bailey from the beginning, but I'd been careful not to fuck around with any of the guys in my frat. Besides, I didn't like dealing with closet cases. There are dudes like me, who just keep things quiet, and then there are guys like Bailey, who are in total denial no matter how much they want dick. Life is too short for that shit.

But, now it was different. Bailey had taken it upon himself to come into my room and watch Kyle and I fucking. On top of that, he'd scared the hell out of Kyle. I seen that clearly on Kyle's face, and it pissed me off.

And finally, no fucking closet case is going to call me a fag and tell me to suck his dick.

All of that went through my mind as I stared into Bailey's eyes and knew it was time to put him into his place.

"Did you hear me, Bailey? I told you to get down on your knees."

"Fuck you! You're in no position-" Bailey started to protest.

"You've got that wrong, Bailey. I know what you want. I know what you are. Now get on your knees and suck this," I ordered, taking my dick, which was just starting to get stiff again after my three rounds with Kyle, in one hand and placing the other hand on his shoulder and pushing him downwards.

Bailey's eyes darted to my cock and then back to my face as he tried to shrug my hand off his shoulder. "Look, fag, if you don't do as I say, I'm gonna to tell Turbo what I just walked in on!"

I laughed out loud at that. Bailey was clearly trying to sound threatening, but his voice was wavering. Gone already was the cocky bravado that he'd started this conversation with.

"You think so, bitch? 'Cause I think your mouth is going to be too full of cock to tell anyone anything. And that's how you want it, right? You're not fooling anyone, Bailey. You're a little cockslut, aren't you? Stop fighting it and get down on your knees."

With that, I grabbed his shoulder again, and this time he went down, sinking to his knees. Still holding my dick in one hand, I slapped it against the side of his face and he gasped and started to pull away.

"Don't act like you don't like that, bitch. You know you do," I half growled as I pulled him forward again with one hand and cock slapped him again. "Open up."

Bailey looked up at me with a brief flare of defiance. "Fuck-" I cut his words short, taking advantage of the open mouth to shove my dick inside.

I felt, rather than heard, Bailey's groan of pleasure as it reverberated against my dick. "That's right. Start sucking."

Bailey closed his eyes and began to work his mouth back and forth on my dick.

"I said suck, bitch, not just bob up and down. C'mon. You've sucked dick before, don't tell me you haven't. Do it right. And open your eyes. I want you to see the dick you're sucking."

Bailey complied with both orders and I groaned a bit as he began sucking. Even I hadn't thought it would be quite this easy, I had to admit. I'd expected a bit more resistance at first.

"Good boy. Suck that dick," I smiled down at him. Looking over my shoulder, I saw that Kyle was sitting just where I'd left him, slowly stroking his own dick as he watched us, looking fairly shocked by this turn of events.

"Kyle, come here. I want this fag to suck both our dicks."


I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I would never have guessed that Bailey, who seemed like such a macho guy, would let anyone treat him like Wes was. But not only was he letting Wes dominate him, he was obviously turned on by it. The shorts he was wearing were sporting a large tent and ever since he'd let Wes push him onto his knees, a pre cum stain had been spreading right at the tip of the tent.

Not to mention the fact that he'd moaned rather loudly when Wes just called him a fag. I wasn't sure what to think of all of this, but I knew one thing- it was turning me on like crazy. Even though I'd just had sex three times with Wes, my dick was already rock hard again. I didn't think I could possibly have any cum left to shoot at this point, but that didn't stop my dick from aching to get in on the act.

I stood up and walked over to Wes. He smiled and slid an arm around my shoulder. "You're getting quite the first time experience today, Kyle. No one is ever going to believe any of this when you tell them about it someday!"

"Probably not," I laughed, feeling a bit self conscious still in Bailey's presence.

"Smack his face with your cock, Kyle. Show him who the real men around here are," Wes said. I slowly slapped the side of my cock against Bailey's cheek as his mouth continued to slide up and down on Wes's dick.

"I can't believe this is happening," I said quietly.

"You've wanted Bailey to suck your dick ever since you saw him in the shower that time, right? So go ahead. Make him suck it."

I looked over at Wes and then down at Bailey. He was staring straight ahead, at Wes's navel. He hadn't looked up once since I'd joined in and I suddenly wanted to see the look in his eyes, to know that what was happening wasn't really against his will.

I reached out and took his face in my hands, pulling him off of Wes's dick. Even when I turned his face towards me, he kept his eyes downcast. "Look at me."

Slowly, Bailey raised his eyes to mine, and I knew. He wanted this very badly. The excitement in his eyes made that even more certain than the rock hard tool in his shorts.

I held my cock just in front of his lips, waiting.

"Doesn't he look like Turbo, Bailey?" Wes asked softly beside me. "I bet you've wanted Turbo's cock for a long time, haven't you?"

His eyes still on my face, Bailey nodded.

"Say it." Wes ordered.


"Yes," I said, my voice barely a whisper. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. This was not the way it was fuckin supposed to go!

"Sorry, I couldn't hear you," Wes said. Fuckin' prick! I could kick his ass at any second if I wanted.

If I wanted. God damn it! I didn't want to. All I wanted, from the minute I walked into this room and saw the way Wes was screwing Kyle, was to be fucked just like that.

I am so fucking queer!

"Yes," I said, more loudly.

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, I've wanted Turbo's cock for a long time," I said. This was so fucking humiliating, especially in front of Turbo's little bro. But the kid did look a lot like Turbo, and he had a really nice dick, which was right in front of my face.

I watched as the pre cum gathering at the tip started to drip off. Without even thinking, I shot my tongue out and caught it, savoring the sweet taste of Turbo's brother.

"That's a good little fag," Wes sneered down at me. I flushed, wishing I hadn't done it.

"Suck my cock," Kyle said. The words sounded sort of out of place coming from his lips. If what Wes had said was true, he'd been a virgin before today.

I hesitated. Sucking Wes was one thing. He'd forced me to, it wasn't my fault. But Kyle was hardly my equal. If I sucked his cock, it would mean I wanted it.

But I did. I wanted his dick. I'd wanted Wes's dick, too. Just like I'd wanted the dick of the guy from the party last night, like I'd wanted Turbo's dick last month.

I wrapped my lips around Kyle's hard on and began sucking, no longer caring, giving myself over to the sensations just as I had that night with Turbo, only this time I didn't have the excuse of being wasted.

I sucked Kyle's dick while he moaned, looking up to watch him and Wes as they began to kiss. I stuck my hand inside my shorts and began stroking my cock, the need for release growing. Seeing the two of them making out was somehow even hotter than watching them fuck had been.

Pulling off of Kyle's dick, I looked up at them and said goodbye to the last pretense of manhood I had.

"Please fuck me."

"What was that, bitch?" Wes grinned, pulling away from Kyle's tongue and looking like he'd just shot the winning basket on the court. Fucker.

"Fuck me, please." I felt myself blushing, but I didn't care. I needed it so badly. I fuckin needed a dick up my ass, needed to be fucked again like Turbo had fucked me.

"So you like to get fucked? What does that make you?" Wes asked.

"What?" I stalled for time, hoping that he wouldn't really make me say it.

"What does loving to get fucked up the ass by big dicks make you?" Wes asked, smiling.

"A fag," I whispered. "Okay? It makes me a fag, a bitch, a cockslut. God damn! Now, please fuck me."

"What do you think, Kyle? Want to fuck Bailey up the ass, make those fantasies come true?"

I watched as Kyle nodded eagerly, looking so much like Turbo. Even their dicks were similar. It would almost be like being fucked by Turbo again.

Wes pulled me up and yanked down my shorts. Grabbing my dick, he gave it a quick stroke and muttered "Nice," before pushing me over the arm of his futon and spreading my ass open.

I groaned as I felt his tongue go to work on my hole. Fuck! No bitch I'd ever been with had done that to me before, and Turbo had just spit on my hole and shoved his dick in. This felt fuckin incredible!

I almost cried out in disappointment when Wes's tongue pulled away from my hole, but it was quickly replaced by Kyle's as Wes moved around in front of me and shoved his dick into my mouth.

The sensations of sucking a dick while a tongue explored my asshole were beyond incredible. I began to wonder why I ever fought this.

"Time to fuck that hole, Kyle," Wes moaned. Kyle's mouth pulled away and Wes tossed him a condom. I focused on sucking the dick in my mouth and about a minute later I felt Kyle slowly pushing his dick inside of me.

"Oh, God!"

"Yeah, Kyle. Do him. He likes that, don't you bitch?"

"Fuck me!" There were no longer any coherent thoughts in my mind. I just needed to be fucked hard.

"Yeah. Fuck him, Kyle. How's it feel?" Wes asked, shoving his dick back in my mouth.

"So tight," Kyle moaned.

"Bet it's been fucked before, though. Hasn't it, Bailey?" Wes grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me off his dick. "Hasn't it?"

"Yes!" I groaned.

"I thought so. Who's been fucking your ass, Bailey?"

I shook my head and tried to get back down to his dick, but Wes was having none of that. He pulled my head back up.

"I asked you a question, Bailey. Who's been fucking that ass of yours?"

Kyle picked that moment to begin pounding my ass with increased intensity, hitting that magic spot just right.

"Turbo!" I yelled out


Holy shit! I'd been messing with Bailey, mostly because I knew that being treated this way was what was turning him on. I'd suspected, by the way he'd suddenly begged to be fucked, that he was no virgin to butt sex. But I figured it was probably some drunken encounter with a high school buddy. I never expected to hear him say it was with Turbo!

Neither, apparently, did Kyle. I'd been watching him fuck Bailey, his face a mask of concentration. I could tell he was doing his best to last longer than he had the first time, and I wasn't even a hundred percent sure that he'd been listening to what Bailey and I had been saying.

But as soon as Bailey shouted his brother's name, there was little doubt that he'd been paying attention. His eyes flew open in shock and met mine, and I could tell that he was shooting his load.

At the same moment, the door opened. "Someone call me?" Turbo asked as he stepped through and then froze at the sight of his kid brother and me, his straight player best friend Wes, taking Bailey from both ends.

Next: Chapter 5

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