My Choice

By ray hkg

Published on Jun 2, 2005


This story is only a fiction and nothing mentioned has happened. All the characters and locations appeared in the story were frictional and not real. If the subject of homosexual, bondage, sm and domination offend you, or you are under the legal age, please do not read further and leave. Any comment and suggestion are welcomed.

Chapter 5

I didn't know when did I fall asleep but it was not too uncomfortable to sleep inside the cage. Jim awakened me in the morning.

"Slave, eat your breakfast." Jim said and he pushed a bowl of oats through the opening at the bottom of the gate. The opening was just the size of a dog bowl.

"Good morning Sir! Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!"

Eating oats from the bowl was not as easy as eating solid food. Finally, I have licked the bowl clean but I have oats on my face and my hair.

Jim has given me a bowl of water before leaving the dungeon. I immersed my face into the bowl of water to wash the oats and drank up the water.

After sometimes, I felt my full bladder and I needed to piss. But I was locked inside the cage and could go nowhere. I could not piss the cage and I didn't think the two bowls were large enough to fill my piss. Moreover, the bowls were for food and water and I didn't want to mess them up. I tried my best to hold my piss.

Jim returned to the dungeon and I begged him to unlock me from the cage to piss.

"Sorry slave! Only Master John has the keys and he will decide when to unlock you. As a slave, you can make no decision for yourself and master has the absolute right to take control over everything of a slave, even the time to piss. Slave, you have a choice. You can piss to the empty bowls but you have to drink it up. Anything placed in the slave bowl, the slave have to finish it. But you don't need to drink all your piss once but I know Master John will only unlock the cage when the bowls are empty. So if you can hold, you can wait till Master John open the cage. Otherwise, just piss into the bowls and drink it up and wait for release." Jim said when he was preparing for the enema.

"Sir! But I can't drink the piss."

"Slave, remember you are a slave now. Master John has given you a safe word and you can stop the game anytime you want. But if you want to experience the life of a slave, this is the chance. Trust me, the piss doesn't taste bad but the smell. And it's your own piss. Some slaves have been forced to drink their masters' or anyone's piss. And some even involve in scat too. But all my masters are not into scat, I have drank their piss from time to time and I like the taste."

"Thank you for the advice, Sir!"

"I have once locked into the cage by Master Tony for 2 days. I have provided with a bowl of water in the beginning and no more water but food. I pissed into the bowl and it's the only water I can drink. The smell increase after every piss."

What could I do now? I could use the safe word then I could get out of the cage and piss. I couldn't hold any longer. But I didn't want to stop now. I liked to be treated as a slave and I was now living as a real slave. The cage was not large enough for me to sit or to kneel and I have to kneel on all four. I placed a bowl just below my cock and took hold of my chastised cock and piss into the bowl. I have to stop pissing when the bowl was full. I replaced another bowl. When the second bowl has filled, my bladder has not emptied so I have to drink my piss in order to empty my bladder. Yes, it smell but the taste was not very bad. I drank a bowl of my own piss quickly and released the remained piss.

"Slave, trust me. Warm piss tasted better than cool one and it smell a lot when cooled down." Jim watched me pissing and drank my own piss when he was having enema by himself.

"Thank you Sir!"

I really thanks for Jim's advice. He's experienced and I could learn from him. I hoped Master John would unlock me soon.

Jim has finished his enema and left the dungeon. I didn't know what the time was. I asked myself why I have to drunk my own piss. It's disgusted and so humiliated. But this was my chose, and I like being humiliated.

I needed to piss again and it seems I could stand with the taste of my own piss. This time, I pissed two bowls and drank them up immediately.

Jim appeared again with a dish of rice.

"Slave, it's lunch time, give me your bowl!"

I handed the bowl out through the small opening. Jim poured the rice into the bowl without cleaned it, which used to contain my own piss before. I have drunk my own piss twice so it was not a matter to have my lunch carried the taste of my piss.

"Master John said that you like to drink your own piss, so you won't be provided any water now."

"Oh no! Sir please! Please give me a bowl of water. Please Sir!"

"Slave, this is Master John's order. I can't help!"

I have forgotten Master John has said he could monitor me through the cctv cameras. He treated me as a real slave! He's serious and not playing with me. I stared to eat my lunch. There were some scraps of meat in the rice but taste nothing. I knew this was Master John's decision to have the taste of my own piss kept in my mouth. I pissed and drank when I want some water during my lunch.

It must be afternoon when lunch was served, so I have been locked in the cage for at least seventeen hours. Nothing happened in the morning except for drinking my own piss. I knew no one would have his life filled with excitement all the times. So locked inside the cage for a few hours was not a matter at all. It gave me the true picture of the real life of a slave. I was totally out of control and waited for Master John's decision. Every time when I thought of my current situation, my cock tried to erect inside the cb.

Lastly, Master John came down to the dungeon with Jim.

"Time to clean, slave!"

"Yes Master John! Thank you Master John!"

Master John unlocked the cage and Jim helped me out of the cage. Master John ordered me to kneeled under the shower and put my hands on the back of my head. He got one of the chains hanged from the ceiling and locked it to the manacles locked my wrists above my head. Then he told me to stand up and turned around. Master John unlocked the waist belt and asked if I want to shit.

"Yes Master John!"

"Boy, help the slave."

"Yes Master John!" Jim replied and pulled the butt plug out carefully. Then he told me to go to the toilet bowl to shit. Jim cleaned my butt plug. It's a metallic one, the part went into my ass and the base were metal and the two parts held together by rubber.

I have never shit in front of others. It's very humiliated. My hands were locked above my head and I could not clean myself.

"Slave, have you finished?"

"Yes Sir boy!"

Jim cleaned my ass hole and told me to get up. He has prepared the enema bag for me and inserted the nozzle into my hole. I felt better this time and I liked the idea of enema to clean the inside.

Master John inserted his finger into my ass then required me to lick it. Jim has me cleaned and Master John's finger was clean too. Master John ordered Jim to shower me and locked the butt plug back afterwards.

I was kept locked after Jim has showered me. And Jim lubed the butt plug and put it back in my ass. I could feel this plug was different. It was larger in size.

"Relax slave! It's a bit bigger than the one you wore yesterday, you can take it."

"Yes Sir!"

I relaxed my anus and Jim pushed the plug slowly into my ass. It was fatter and longer but I felt it was the same design of the pervious one. Finally, it was in place and Jim locked the belt to held the plug in place.

Master John returned after a few minutes. He gave a key to Jim and told him to unlock my ankle manacles. Master John tool hold of a pair of cuffs connected by a spreader bar and locked my ankles with it. John took another instrument towards me. It's similar to the spreader bar locked at my ankles but looked different. It was made of steel and totally rigid. There's a large "circle" in the center of the instrument and 2 small one at both ends. Master John opened it and fixed the large circle around my neck. He then unlock the collar from the chain and my left wrist and put it into the new cuff. When fixed, Master John worked with my right wrist. So my wrists were locked at my neck level away from my body. Master John ordered Jim to walk me carefully to the middle of the room.

Master John locked the new collar to another chain from the ceiling and pulled it straight. Then he locked the o-ring in the middle of the spreader bar to the floor.

"I have to gag you, slave. And your safe word will be replaced by these 2 balls. You hold one in each of your hands. If you drop either one of them, it mean nothing and everything will go on. Boy will pick it up and give it back to you. But if you drop them at the same time. It means the same you use the safe word. Understand?'"

"Yes Master John."

Master John put a ball into each of my hands. Then he brought the gag in front of me. It was a penis in shape. I opened my mouth and he put the gag into my mouth. And fastened the belts behind my head tightly.

"Say something, slave!"

"Mummmmm…." I could only muffled behind the gag.

"Salve, it's time to punish for touching the cock inside the cage last night. Even you're chastised, you are not allowed to touch the cock or the cb. I reminded you once more, your tits, cock, balls and ass hole are only for my pleasure. If I found you played with yourself anymore, you will be in big trouble."

I nodded my head.

Master John took a riding crop and he hit my tits alternatively. It was so painful and I kept muffling and I have cried fro the pain. I wanted master to stop but I held the balls tightly in my hands. I didn't want to drop any of them in accident.

Master John stopped after ten and moved to my back. He worked on my back for another twenty. My body was on fire. I have never felt so much pain in my life before. Then he handed it to boy."

"Boy, put it back and I will leave him for you for the following hour. You can torture him by any ways you like but away from his cock and hole."

"Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!"

Jim unlocked the chain from my "collar" and walked me towards the bondage table. He hasn't tied me down. Only the spreader bar and the collar to wrists rigid cuffs were not allowing me to go anywhere. I still held the 2 plastic balls tightly.

Jim lighted a candle and held it above my chest. He dripped the hot wax to my right tit. I muffled for the heat and the pain. Jim stopped only when my right tit totally covered by the wax, then he continued to work on my left tit. The sensation was great and I enjoyed a lot. The heat and the pain were so erotic.

After covered my left tit by wax, Jim moved the candle around my chest and belly.

"Slave, Master John did not allow me to play with your cock. Otherwise, I would drip the wax on it. It seems you enjoy the hot wax a lot. I promise you will like to feel the hot wax on your cock too."

I nodded and muffled behind the gag. Yes, I really wanted to feel the hot wax on my cock.

Jim carefully removed the wax from my body and helped me to stood. He ordered me to lay my stomach on the table. Jim lighted the candle again and he dripped the wax on my butts.

Afterwards, Jim took a paddle and sparked my waxed butt. He spanked my butts alternatively and I cried behind the gag. Two different feeling of pain drove me crazy. My butts were on fire. I wanted Jim to stop but he spanked harder and harder.

It was too pain and I didn't know how many times Jim has spanked my butts. Finally he stopped. He helped me to stand up and remove the penis gag from my mouth.

"Slave, you are great. I didn't know you could accept so much pain, as a new slave. But you did it." Jim said and he licked my tears, then he kissed me.

We kissed for a few minutes, then Jim said, "Ok, take a look at your butt."

Jim walked me towards to mirror and faced from it. I turned my head and found my butt was bright red and the pink color on my back. I didn't believe my eyes. I didn't believe I allowed other to do these to me. But the truth was, I was turned on by all the "treatments" made to me.

Master John returned and ordered Jim to release me from the bondage and locked me back into manacles.

"As a slave, you have to perform household duties. You have to vacuum-clean the house, change the bed-sheets and do the laundry. Boy will tell you where the things are and you have to do the jobs."

"Yes Sir!"

Jim told me the locations of the vacuum cleaner and the clean bed-sheets. He told me I have to vacuum clean everywhere in the house, including the dungeon in the basement. I have to change the bed-sheets for Master John, Sir Ryan, Sir Tony and the guest room where I stayed previously.

I took the vacuum cleaner to the second floor and started at Master John's bedroom first. I replaced the bed-sheet before cleaning the room. Afterwards, I went down to the first floor for the other rooms. Then I took the bed-sheets to the laundry room and started the washing machine.

I turned back to Master John's study room and cleaned it, then moved to the living room, dining room and kitchen. Lastly the dungeon in the basement. There's no sight of Master John and Jim inside the house.

When I finished my duty, I didn't know anything else I need to do. I keeled on the floor in the living room, next to Master John's chair.

I kneeled for half an hour and Master John returned.

"Have finished my order, slave?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Follow me, slave!"

"Yes Sir!"

Master John checked up everywhere and I followed him. He was satisfied with my work.

"Ok, go and help boy to prepare for dinner."

"Yes Sir!"

Jim was in the kitchen. He gave me orders and I did what he told.

"Sam, I don't mean to hurt you. But I was the only one to accept pain. I wanted to feel the power over a slave. I am sorry."

"No Sir! I am the slave and I was ordered by Master John to address you as Sir. So anyone in the house has the power over me. I am the lowest slave in the house. Sir, you don't need to feel sorry to slave, Sir!"

"Thank you, Sam."

"Thank you Sir!"

When the dinner was ready, Jim and I kneeled next to our masters' chair and waited for their food. This time, not only Master John feed me, but also Sir Ryan and Sir Tony too. Sir Tony has held a piece of meat on his hand and told Jim and I took it at the same time. It's funny to kiss Jim when eating.

After dinner, I did the cleanings and Jim prepared the bathtub for the masters in Master John's bathroom. Master John ordered me to go to his bathroom after finished the cleaning.

Master John, Sir Ryan, Sir Tony and Jim were inside the bathroom. Jim was serving Master John under the shower while Sir Ryan and Sir Tony washed each other under another shower.

"Slave, come here and such our cock." Sir Ryan said.

"Yes Sir!"

This was the first time I tasted Sir Ryan and Sir Tony's cock. They both have beautiful cocks. I wasted no time to lick Sir Ryan's balls. Then my tongue moved to his cock and finally has his 8" cut cock inside my mouth. I gagged and I tried again. I have Sir Ryan's cock in my mouth and I started working on it. I felt his cock got fatter and fatter. Then he cummed down my throat. I licked his cock clean and the tasted well.

It's Sir Tony's turn. He ordered me to suck his cock head first for a few minutes, and to suck his balls and message them with my tongue. I did so and he took hold of my ears and inserted his cock completely into my mouth. Sir Tony face-fucked me hardly and he drew his cock out a bit for me to breath. Afterwards, he told me to message his cock by my tongue till he cum. Sir Tony ordered me to hold his cum in my mouth and only to sallow then when told. Sir Tony's cum tasted much salty that the others I have tasted.

When they finished showering, Master John told me to clean the shower area. Jim was allowed to join them in the tub. I washed and dried the area. Then I kneeled beside the tub.

"Slave, go and get 4 beers." Sir Ryan ordered.

"Yes Sir!"

I returned with four iced-beers. Then I kneeled on all four and waited for my masters to put the cans on my back.

"Dad, you have trained him to serve in this way?" Sir Tony asked.

"Yes son! He's an obedience slave. He response to orders quick. He's a very good slave."

"Thank you Master John."

"Want to have a drink, slave?"

"Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!"

Master John allowed me to enter the tub and stayed on all four. He drank some beer and feed me from his mouth. Then he pushed his tongue inside my mouth and kissed me. Followed by Sir Tony, Sir Ryan and Jim.

I knew I was in love with them. I knew I really wanted to be their slave. I knew I didn't want to leave and stayed as their slave. But I didn't know if they like me. I didn't know if they want me to be their slave.

They played with me in the tube. Both Sir Ryan and Sir Tony played with my tits, Jim scratched my armpits and Master John pulled the chain to my ball weight by his toes. I liked to be played and I could said I enjoyed the very much.

"Ok, slave! Get the towel and dry me." Master John ordered.

"Yes Sir!"

Jim was ordered to dried Sir Ryan and Sir Tony. Then Jim and I were told to clean the bathroom.

When Jim and I got back to the room, Sir Ryan and Sir Tony were lying on Master John's bed, on either side of Master John.

"You two take the padlock and sleep in the cage together. Go to the cage and lock it NOW!"

"Yes Sir! But may take a piss first?" I asked.

"No! Boy knows how to deal with it."

"Yes Sir!"

We walked down quickly. After getting into the cage together, Jim locked it.

It was crowd for two of us locked inside a cage. But it felt so good because we could hold each other tightly. Jim was so smooth and I played with his tit rings. He liked it and moaned. Then I played his PA and he moaned much loudly.

After playing with Jim's PA, he stopped me and said, "slave, I need to piss."

"Sir, so do I. But what can we do? We were locked and we haven't got a bowl too."

"But we are two inside the cage, it solved the problem."

"Sir, you mean I drink yours and you drink mine?"

"Yes! You're clever!"

I have drunk my own piss this morning and now I needed to drink Jim's. I was a slave now and all I have to done was to obey orders and acted as a slave. I have locked with manacles so Jim moved himself and carefully turned around. We're now at 6-9 position. I have Jim's cock inside my mouth and Jim has my locked cock inside his. I released my stream and Jim did at the same time. Jim's piss has the taste of beer. When Jim has finished, I started sucking his cock and played his PA with my tongue. He moaned and I kept sucking harder and harder. Lastly, Jim cummed and I swallowed his cum. I liked eating cum now. Then Jim turned around and kissed me.

"Sam, I have sucked your cock but you're locked."

"Sir. It doesn't matter. It's Master John's decision to allow me to cum or not. He locked my cock and I am under control. I love to be under control."

"So you want to be a slave?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Then what will you do after tomorrow? Your training ended tomorrow evening."

"I only know I want to be a slave. Maybe I will ask Master John to see if he will accept me as the slave of this house."


"Yes Sir!"

"I love you Sam."

"I love you and all the Sirs too."

We held each other in hands and fell asleep.

We awaked in the morning when the cage was unlocked. Master Jim unlocked my waist belt too. Jim prepared the enema bag and I followed his instruction to prepare for myself. After we have cleaned ourselves, we went to the kitchen and made the breakfast.

After breakfast, Master John continued my training in the other dungeon. Master John unlocked my wrists manacles and locked a pillory on me. It's not the one used to lock Jim up but a portable one. He unlocked my waist belt and removed the butt plug. Master John ordered me to stand against the wall. I felt something inserted into my ass. It's another butt plug.

"Ok, it's set. Slave, try to make a move."

"Yes Sir!"

I could only move a bit. I was trapped by the new butt plug.

"Slave, it's a wall-mounted dildo. Enjoy the time." Master John said and he put a glass of water on my pillory, "Slave, you know what will happen even a drop of water slip out from the glass."

"Yes Sir!"

The feeling was funny. I could turn my body a bit and move up a bit. This would make me to fuck myself by the dildo. I enjoyed the feeling but I have to stop it. The glass was full and some water has slipped out. I knew I would be in trouble.

Master John returned and found I have slipped out some water. He said nothing and took away the glass. Then he removed the dildo. After unlocked the portable pillory, Master John locked me to the fixed pillory. Master John has adjusted the height for me to stood and bended. Master John put the butt plug back and locked it in place.

"Slave, you have been warned."

"Yes Sir! Sorry Sir!"

"And you know what will happen."

"Yes Sir! Slave is waiting for the punishment, Sir!"

Master John took a paddle and I have to kiss it before the punishment.

"Count it, slave."

"Yes Sir!"

I felt the first swat.

"One Sir!"


"Thank you Sir!"

Another swat.

"Two Sir! Thank you Sir!"

Swat after swat. I have to keep counting and it hurt a lot. My butt was on fire. I hoped Master John would stop at twenty.

Another swat.

"Twenty One Sir! Thank you Sir!"

In my mind, I wanted Master John to stop. But I knew he would not stop before he finished the punishment, or I used the safe word. I didn't want to cease the training, and there's no use to beg for stop. I cried and kept counting.

"Thirty Sir! Thank you Sir!"

Master John stopped and required me to kiss the paddle again. My tears kept running down. Master John unlocked me from the pillory. I stood still and waited for Master John to lock the wrists manacles back. He locked the manacles back and put a pair of chained tit clamps on me and told me to help Jim to feed the horses.

"Yes Sir!"

I went to the pony-shed immediately. Jim told me what to do and how to did. It wasn't difficult to do the work.

After about an hour, Master John said he would like a ride and told Jim to prepare the horse for him. When the horse was ready, Master John ordered Jim to continue his work and ordered me to follow him.

(to be continued)

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Next: Chapter 6

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