My Closet Friend

By Floyd Fowler

Published on May 31, 2009


Okay here are the rules:

  1. If you are under the legal age to be viewing material (18yrs or 21yrs in some places) meant for an adult audience leave this page now. Do not ignore this... I mean it. Don't scroll down anyway... are you even reading this?

  2. This is a work of fictional erotica. That means that despite my sincerest efforts I have NOT been in this situation... yeah sucks to be me. Any relation to real life events and people are purely coincidental and if it's you you're lucky as hell cause this could've turned out REAL bad.

  3. This fictional work involves a sexual and romantic relationship between two males. If such material offends you then you shouldn't be on this site. Leave the site and call 1-800-ima-jack-ass and file your complaint to the dial tone.

Okay since the rules are over I would like to tell you guys why I'm writing this piece. I received an email from another brother of African American heritage who brought up an interesting point. He was asking me why I drop the "n-bomb" (my words not his) so much in my stories (laying pipe 1-4, Foxx Tales 1-whenever I feel like stopping) so he challenged me to write a more positive version of young educated black men getting it on. I agreed... obviously. One thing I won't do is stop using profanity... sorry if it offends you but I just don't give a fuck... so I guess you'd say I'm NOT sorry... oh well.

Another warning is that condoms are ESSENTIAL for everyone who is sexually active. My characters don't use them because in my fun little make believe world STD's don't exist.


I look down at her face with a smile as fake as the "sausage" they serve in the cafeteria. If I'm honest I'm more than a little annoyed at the way she's already threatening to call my parents, well... parent. I mean it was the first time! (that's a lie, more like first time she caught me) and I'm a senior. Here in hell high that means that they have "zero tolerance" for cell phones. What kind of teacher enforces that rule weeks before graduation just for testing? The Nazi kind that's who.

She just drones on and on about the importance of American Government. The phone vibrates on her desk and I get that restless itch to get the fuck out of there. I'm not stupid, mamma didn't raise no fool, so I bite the bullet, stand there and pretend to listen. Then she stops talking and it's time to turn on the charm. My dark eyes are locked onto hers as I express my "sincerest" apologies. She snatches the phone off her desk.

"Now the only reason I'm giving this back is because it's the first time." she says over her thick glasses, "You never follow the other students Todd so I'm shocked to find you behaving like this." Then she looks me up and down before saying, "Don't let me catch you with this again."

"Thanks Ms. Jones." I say and she blushes. Yuck. So I grab my backpack and walk out the class as quickly as possible without, you know, looking like I don`t "appreciate" her "kindness". As soon as I'm out the room somebody's fingers snags the dark green polo I'm wearing.

I can`t do anything about the big goofy grin spreading across my face. Behind me is my best friend, Terrance. He's dark but not African dark. Today's outfit matches mine (accident I swear). He's wearing baggy black jean shorts while my green shorts don't sag at all. His shirt is the green one I bought him a few days ago for his birthday.

"Sup Todd." puberty was kind to him in the voice department. It's deep and smooth as ice. Too bad it didn't help him out in the height department though. The top of his head reaches my neck.

"You got me in trouble." I snap, of course I'm not really mad.

"Oh please... It ain't my fault you can't text without lookin"

"Whatever man I had to kiss a whole lot of ass because you couldn't wait for what... Two minutes?"

"Sound like a personal problem to me." Todd says. He is an ass at times but he my boy.

"You heading to your mom's house today?"

"Naw, the people at the place said she can't have visitors so I'm stuck." He looks pitiful for a second before his face melts into it's usual mug. There he go, trying to look hard. I swear it don't take all the effort he puts into it. He always tries to hide everything and thinks no one notices. He sad as hell cause his mom, who is in a "drug rehabilitation facility", doesn't get to see him as much as he'd like.

"You need to talk?" I ask, forgetting I'm talking to Captain Tell-No-One

"I don`t know you like that." He snaps, trying to sound tough and doing a good job of it. So I reach into my pocket and pull out the keys to my mom's car.

"I guess you don't know me well enough to get in a car with me." That grin is threatening to wrap around my entire face.

"..." Silence is golden. He is too easy.

"Well... See you later Terrance."

"Don't be a dick Todd." He says. I almost bust a gut laughing as we walk to momma's car. ---

Terrance stalls like crazy when it's time for him to get out of the car. It happens every time I have to bring him home. Since Terrance's dad (Who loves my dirty drawls) tends to agitate him I just let him sit and make small talk or complain. Today he lingers a lot longer than usual. He runs out of things to say and, instead of getting out, he just stares out the window.

"Something wrong?" I ask.

"When wuz tha last time we just hung out?" He asks.

"All day today." I'm sorry but it's the truth. We have four out of seven classes together and we text each other through the other three.

"Right..." Terrance says before adding, "You wanna keep it goin?" That's his way of saying he wants company.

"Is your dad going out of town?"

"Yeah." he says.

"How long?" I ask.

"Until Monday." Damn, it's Thursday.

"Man I'm tired of you." I grin to let him know I'm playing.

"So you goin home to get a change of clothes." wow. He wants me to spend the night too?

"I'll see what I can do." I let him know before kicking him out my mom's car. -------

After I explain how her "adoptive son" (her words not mine) will be alone all weekend mom is more than willing to let me stay over his house unsupervised. Can you blame her? I'm the perfect kid for her (or anybody else for that matter). I've done my own laundry since second grade, I'm Senior Valedictorian and I pretty much do what she says when she says it. If I ask for something she gives it to me. It also helps to be the only child.

So I'm sitting in Terrance's living room waiting for his dad to finish dressing and leave. Terrance, as usual, sits on the opposite end of the couch. Out the corner of my eye I see him pulling off his socks and putting them in his shoes. I roll my eyes before I can stop myself.

He slides his feet into my lap. Now normally I'd push his feet away, curse and he would make some smart ass comment like oh I didnt see you there.'. Apparently that isn't working and since I'm in such a good mood I leave them there as the first season of Boondocks plays on the screen. After Riley gets his ass beat by my boy Huey I place a hand on Terrance's bare ankle.

It's weird but I feel him shiver. I raise my other hand to my mouth and yawn. He just sits there and as I let my hand drop I let my nail scratch gently along his arch. His foot tenses as I trace up to the ball of his foot then down to the center of his heel then back up along the arch. I keep up the pattern.

For a few seconds nothing seems to happen. Then Terrance shivers. He tries to jerk his foot out my hand but I tighten my grip around his ankle. His free foot slams into my side but let's be reasonable, I'm a lot bigger than the guy. Terrance's laughs becomes loud and abrasive as I tickle the hell out of his foot.

"Stop!" He somehow manages to huff out. I double up on the tickling. I put my back towards him to shield against his kicking and pushing. I snap my whole arm around his leg and keep tickling. The entire time he's struggling behind me to pull his foot away.

"Fet off be." He yells. His toes wriggle around and his entire foot clenches and unclenches. After a few seconds I get bored and let his foot slide out my grip. As soon as I do he slides his feet onto the floor. He punches me in the back and lets me know I'm a dick. I laugh. My stomach rumbles and I hop up. As I pass him I slap his knees open and he flips me the bird.

As I pull the turkey out the refrigerator I can hear the Terrances dads dress shoes hitting the floor. I guess he was about to leave.

"What the fuck did I tell you?"


"Put some DAMN shoes on. Women walk around the house bare foot."

"Yes sir."

"Shit how many times do I have to tell you?" The conversation continues as usual. Terrance is patient for about two more seconds before he's yelling just as loud as Donte (his dad) I just continue making the sandwiches. I make two: one with cheese and Miracle Whip and another with the same minus the crust. Terrance doesn't like his sandwiches to have the crust on them.

I personally believe that Terrance's father is the reason Terrance is so hood. The man questions Terrance's manhood at every turn and Terrance isn't feminine in the slightest. It's stupid and it honestly pisses me off. Then, after Terrance's dad slams the door, I head back into the room. He didn't even know I was here or he would've left Terrance alone after he said, "Yes sir."

"Now why did you do that? You knew he was going to say something."

"I don't care about that dick-head." His voice cracks in the middle. That means he does care.

"Here." I hand him the crustless sandwich.

"Thanks man." he says with a mouth full of white bread and turkey. Then it hits me. I'm tired as hell. I usually am after school so it`s no surprise. It's normal for me to conk out on Terrance's or momma's couch. So I just lean my head back and look over at Terrance. He doesn't look back at me. His eyes are locked above the TV. Then I'm gone. ----

I wake up because of some noise. I look around and for a second I don't know where I am. The living rooms color scheme reminds me Im still at Terrance`s house but where is he? I know I'm useless when I just wake up. I sit up and wipe the drool from my lips. Then I hear it again. My mind is too tired to even try to make sense of any sound. I glance at the clock and it's been less than three minutes since I fell asleep.

So I get up and keep in mind that I'm groggy as hell. I hear that sound again but it sounds muffled. If I didn't know better I'd swear it was a moan but who'd be moaning? It sounds like it's coming from Terrance's room. So that's where I head. I yawn as I open the door. When I open my eyes what I see wakes me up instantly and I shut the door.

Terrance is jacking off. But that's not what's making my stomach do flip flops. On leg is in the air. Something long and black is in his fist and he's ramming it in his ass over and over like there's no tomorrow. His other arm is going a mile a minute, probably yanking his dick out of socket. His legs were wide and his back was facing me so I got the whole show booty show.

I can't believe it. Terrance is... what? Into... into... I can't even bring myself to think it. Aw man does he like me? How long has he been like this? Oh god now my stomach hurts. I can hear the groaning getting louder and longer. I can practically see him shooting into his hand. How do I react to this? Should I keep it quiet?

I hear him breathing real hard and fling myself onto the couch. I close my eyes and pretend to sleep. Man I wish I hadn't even seen him doing that. A few minutes go by and I feel his weight flop down on the couch. It smells like Irish Spring. He must have washed up or something. He touches me and says my name. I force myself not to smack his hand away. He keeps shaking me and I finally open my eyes.

"Man Get yo ass up." He commands, as happy as can be.

"How long was I sleep?" Then I yawn. I stretch and angle my body away from him. Terrance doesn't seem to notice.

"Not too long. You wanna play some ball?" He asks. He grins and tilts his head. His eyes scream trouble but in a good way. He does this all the time yet never when other people are around. Why does he only do that with me? Or is it being around me that makes him do that?

"I don't really feel like basketball right now." Now he looks worried. He doesn't say anything and we go out the back.

As usual as soon as we go outside the guys from school in the neighboring houses climb the fence. Terrance plays with them while I sit with Sean, David and Lawrence's little brothers and sisters.

It's weird. I don't even know why I'm surprised. When you take a moment to think about it it makes perfect sense. I've known Terrance since we was babies but I've never seem him with a girl although he sure made a show of checking one out. Then there's the fact that Terrance is the best liar in the world. There have been times where, even though I was there, I almost believed one of his stories. He's all about his image too. He tries not to smile in public and even since we were little he refuses to play with me in public unless it's some kind of sport or "macho" type thing. Even in third grade he was all shy about asking if I wanted to "see who's bigger" (it was me).

Despite all that I have to admit he's real good at basketball. He isn't the tallest or the fastest but he's always on the winning team. He's aggressive as hell. He pushes the normal height guys around like they're the small ones. Then again no one here is on the school team. We're just having fun with Terrance's goal and ball.

I look away from Terrance and catch David's little brother looking at me. Is he like Terrance? He jerks his eyes away as I catch. Now that I think about it that's pretty common around the hood. We avoid eye contact with even our closest friends. Not me and Terrance.

I turn back towards the game and get an eye full of Terrance marching towards me.

"Whatchu doing?" he groans. I don't answer and then he says, "C'mon It's no fun without you." The other guys shoot him a dirty look and I just shake my head at him. I notice the moment of worry as it crosses his face and melts back into his usual mug. What kind of life does he have? Is fear of exposure present in his every moment? It has to be. He sees the way they mess with little boys who walk funny, he's said so. It made him mad but he didn't do anything about it. Now imagine what they'll do to masculine, short, cocky Terrance. They'd eat him alive. Can he trust his friends? Hell no cause he's lied to them and these boys around here don't play that. He'd be labeled for life as a fag.

Does he ever let his guard down? Well I guess he does, with me. Why me? How am I special? David is way better looking, and Lawrence worships the ground Terrance walks on so why doesn't he trust them? I have to lie to him. I won't tell him what I saw. If he hasn't made a move on me yet I figure he won't. He's got to be too scared. I've known for a half hour and I'm already scared for him.

"Man I don't feel good." I tell him. Another worried moment crosses his face. I guess worry is better than fear. As I walk to the car my stomach is clenching and my temples feel hot. What does all this say about me? I'm not homophobic and I don't hate him. It's just... weird.

I slide into the seat and he leans in the window. His face is real close but no closer than usual. I have to force myself not to lean away as I turn the key. The engine starts but when I press the gas, it shuts off. I punch the steering wheel and let my head fall onto it.

"Are you mad at me?" Terrance asks, trying hard to sound like he doesn't care. He fails.

"Naw... Why would I be mad at you?" I ask him. He doesn't seem to have an answer.

"Then what's wrong?" He says after a few seconds.

"Out of gas." I tell him. Out the corner of my eyes I see his shoulders slump. I know he wasn't talking about the car but what could I say? Oh I just saw you playing with your "toy" then jumped on the couch and pretended I was asleep. I want to make him feel alright. I want to let him know he still my boy but... I don't know how to do that anymore.

"Oh..." He says. Now I feel real bad. I mean, he's still the same guy. Who cares if he likes dick right? All that isn't worthy when put next to all the times he's cheered me up, all the times we've gotten each other out of trouble and not to mention all the lies we've told for each other over the years.

So I call up my mom and tell her I'm out of gas and stuck over Todd's. She doesn't get mad or anything, she never does. As the only child I'd have to say I'm a good one. I don't get in trouble and I'm Senior Class Valedictorian. So like I said she's not mad. She just tells me she loves me and that my grandpa is going to be driving her around because he's staying at the house. She asks grandpa if they can bring me some gas in his can. Then she asks about Terrance and I tell her about his dad being out of town again.

She tells me she loves me like four more times. So after that we just talk and Terrance joins in while the sounds of whistles and jeering comes from the backyard. She's her usual self: happy and ditsy with her head in the clouds.

I click the red button, put the phone in my pocket and hop out the car. Terrance follows me back to the back and we both go back to where we were. Every once in a little while I catch Terrance stealing a glance at me and I wonder if it was my dick he was thinking about as he rammed that thing into his ass. ---

Terrance says goodbye to the last few guys as they climb the fence. I walk back into the house and put grease in the pot. Terrance can't cook to save his life so I take out some hamburger helper stuff. I take the meat I defrosted earlier I put the stuff into the pot. Terrance comes in after a while, I wonder what he was doing outside. He sits down and just watches me. Our eyes meet a few times but I keep looking away. I sit his plate in front of him and take my spot across the table.

"You don't have to stay." Terrance says, his voice sounds defeated. Now I feel bad but after some quick thinking I say, "You don't want me to stay?" I try to sound hurt and surprised.

It works too, "No, I mean yes I want you to stay but I thought..." He doesn't finish. Now I feel bad. Another few minutes pass with me eating and him picking at his food.

"Man I don't know what's wrong with me." I lie, "Maybe I should go."

"Do you wanna stay?" He tries to sound like he doesn't care. Once again he fails.

"Well..." Rock and a hard place, "...Yeah."

"Then stay." He commands and I realize that he tells me what to do way too much. He starts eating with more energy and after a minute says, "How about some one on one?" That playful look returns full force.

"Do I have to?" I ask. Playful look drops.

"No." His shoulders slump for a second before he straitens up and frowns up at me. You know what. Fuck it. I give up trying to think about this gay shit and what it means.

"Alright, alright don't cry I'm coming." He smiles big and I follow him outside.

"You can't handle m." Terrance brags as I unbutton my pants and let them fall to the floor (I have shorts on under them) Terrance's eyes go up and down my body as I do. I try to ignore it and look away. It's probably not the first time he's checked out my junk. There's only one word to describe the way Terrance plays: aggressive.

He shoves, he handles like a dream and... he smiles. He smiles like the kid in the candy store. I'm not too into the game for real. I'm not being homophobic or anything, I'm just watching him. I can't stop noticing how happy I'm making him.

"Man my momma play better than you." He hollers after making a shot around me. I roll my eyes and try to get back in the game. I already know all his tricks so playing against Terrance is real simple when I'm actually doing it. Plus he's way too small to be a real threat. His aggression and intimidation tactics don't work on me. Then again I can't shoot to save my life most of the time so we're pretty even. Soon we're tied up and I'm feeling too good.

"Aye punk." I say after making a shot, "Next shot wins." I pass the ball to him. We get in position and he makes a mad dash for the goal. I slide in his path. He pivots, shielding the ball by turning away from me. I don't move. Then his ass slams into my pelvis and an electric tingle screams through my entire body. I start to fall and my hands fly to his hips. He tenses up. We fall. The ball bounces away.

For a moment we're just sitting there. My heart is pounding and my blood is rushing south. His back is against my chest and he's breathing hard. Then, after three long ass seconds pass, the thought to get my dick away from Terrance's ass finally pops into my empty ass head. I let go of his hips.

Terrance doesn't move for a second. Then he gets up, turns around and gazes into my eyes with suspicion, "Todd?" He says. I shudder at the sound of his voice. His eyes then lock onto my erection and I look down to see a huge dent, A DENT IN MY SHORTS. Without thinking I snap my legs closed. Why the fuck is there A DENT IN MY SHORTS. There's no way that's normal. I'm straight, I'm not into that. I practically snatch my body trying to hide it but I know he saw it already.

"Todd?" He says again. My back is to him and I let my head hit the pole for the goal. I glance over my shoulder without moving my head and I see a smaller dent in his shorts. When I look into his eyes they're wide as saucers and I know he caught me looking. He walks up to me.

"Terrance..." I say and he takes another step, "Don't..." another step, "I'm not... I'm." My fucking tongue won't work for nothing. He's at arm's distance when he finally stops. He just waits there. I try to think of stuff to make my dick go down but all I see in my head is Terrance with that thing slamming into his ass. It's no use trying to hide it so... I turn around.

"Wow." he whispers as he stares at the eight inch protrusion holding up my basketball shorts. He keeps his eyes on it as he steps up to me. He traces the edge of his nail down my arm and I shudder. He smiles up at me and I look away from his face.

"This is weird." I let him know. He does it again and my body reacts the same way, "So fucking weird."

He slides his hand up my abs and chest and my mind shuts down. His hands frame my face and he looks me in the eye. He looks hopeful and scared at the same time. His eyes are still wide and his dark face is half smiling. He stares at me before pulling my head down for a kiss. I resist a little, very little. He just stands on the tips of his toes and plants a soft, wet one on my lips.

My dick aches for some attention. I grab his waist and push him away as gently as I can.

"Terrance please. I can't... I won't... I'm not..." What the fuck is wrong with my brain and mouth? Maybe it's because all the blood used to run my brain is making my dick stand on end and leak. I'm leaking? Aww damnit. It's getting real sensitive and I can feel the liquid as it soaks into the shorts I'm wearing. Terrance looks down and suddenly a fist closes around my dick. I groan and as soon as my mouth opens Terrance jerks my dick, pulling me forward and making my mouth slams into his. His tongue pushes into me.

I melt into him. There's no other way to describe it I just became goo in his arms. Without me telling them to my hands grab his waist again. They pull, smashing his hand on my dick between us. The hand on my dick tightens and strokes slow. I moan against his lips and suck on his tongue. Our faces twist and I push my tongue into his mouth. He sucks on it too and... I push him away again.

I'm real dizzy and lightheaded right now. Terrance seems to have just realized we're standing outside where the world can see because suddenly he looks real scared. He hangs his head as he says, "You wanna cum in?"

I give him the what-are-you-doing-to-me look and he smiles, "Terrance... I'm not too sure about this." I tell him.

"I thought you were... You know, like me."

"I ain't never been with a guy before." He laughs. He laughs like it's nothing. He just looks around to make sure the other guys aren't looking and pulls me into another kiss and once again I'm putty in his arms. He's good at doing that to me. Then, with another look around, he grabs me by the dick. He pulls me into his house. My mind is screaming for me to tell him I'm not going to do what he thinks we're going to do. My body is telling me to keep my mouth shut and bang his brains out.

Once inside Terrance sits on the bed and says, "I'll walk you through it."

"No Terrance I'm not even sure if I want to do this."


"I saw you. Today with the... thing." He just looks at me, "I don't think of you like that Terrance. I'm straight. I'm..." My dick hurts like hell, "I'm..." He looks up in my eyes and down at my pants.

"You were spying on me?" He's trying to sound mad but I can hear the hurt in his voice. It's all watery the way it is when you're about to cry.

"..." I don't know what to say. Apparently nothing was the wrong choice.

"get out..." he whispers. He does one of those loud sniffs.

"Terrance I..."

"GET OUT." tears are streaming down his face now. He gets up and pushes me like he wants to fight. It was forceful enough to push my tall ass into the wall, "STOP PRETENDING TO BE MY BOI AND GET THE FUCK OUT!" He snaps and pushes me again. I'm ready this time.

One push from me and his body is flung back down on the bed where he struggles to stop crying. I'm not even mad for real. I want to hold him, I want to kiss him. I don't want to want to kiss him. Man this situation is fucked up.

"Terrance?" I kneel in front of him. He's got his head in his hands and he refuses to look at me, "You are my boy. You are my best friend and my favorite person in the world. I love you man, just, not like that."

He makes this humph sound in the back of his throat. He sneers at me for a second and says, "Whatever punk." and looks away. Okay, now I'm mad. I grab that fool by the collar and pull him up. He balls up his fists. I ignore that and pull him into the living room to where my backpack is lying on the floor. I pull out the graduation present my mom and I made for him and push it into his chest hard enough to force him to sit.

"What's this?" he says in a small voice.

"YOUR FUCKING GRADUATION PRESENT." I say before flopping down on the couch. I don't like being called a punk. The present is a photo album. In it are pictures of him and me going in order form elementary school to now. Pictures of my mom teaching us to read, pictures of us playing tag, hide and seek, jump rope and all them other little kid games. There are pictures of birthday parties and field trips (I notice in some of them we're even holding hands). There are pictures of our fifth and eight grade graduations and pictures of us with our arms around each other. Pictures of us playing basketball and pictures of the extracurricular activities we went to together. Then, the last picture, is us asleep together in the same bed when we were around seven or eight. Terrance's arms are wrapped around my midsection and I'm sprawled out all wild like I always am. We're both only wearing shorts and a little cover. My mom made the album obviously because I wouldn't have included all the "cute" pictures. She threatened to cut me when I threatened to take them out too.

He's sitting there looking at the pictures. As I see them my heart beat slows and my body relaxes. He gets to that last picture and sniffs loudly. I try to catch his eye but he avoids mine. So I punch him in the shoulder and he raises one finger. He tries to rein in his emotions but I can tell he's loosing it. So I swing an arm around him and let him turn into my chest. He sobs as I rub his shoulder and back. He squeezes my body into his and soaks the shit out of my shirt. I let him cry and after a minute he pulls away from me and wipes his face on his own shirt.

He pulls off the shirt and throws it away from us. He looks at me with red eyes and says, "Thanks man. Sorry I... kissed you."

What am I supposed to say to that? Yeah you should be or it's okay cause I liked it? This kid is driving me crazy as hell. So I change the subject and blurt the first thing that pops into my mind.

"I didn't know you had an outtie." Well... I didn't. I've seen his dick on more than one occasion but not his stomach.

"Yeah you did." he says as he pokes the little bulb that is his naval.

"I haven't noticed."

"It's in the picture." He says. His dark lips pull into a grin.

"What picture?" I ask. He snatches up the album and flips to the last picture with him holding me. Sure enough his little bulb is barely visible as he presses his body into mine, "See?" he says. He's scooted close and I can smell the slight musk from basketball. I can't believe the smell is making me hard again cause he smells like a boy.

"So you're not..." He doesn't finish.

"I'm not what?" I ask and I pray he doesn't ask me if I want to tap that cause I do and I can't. He's a BOY for crying out loud. No matter what he wants from me I don't think I can do that with him.

"You not mad or anything?" I roll my eyes and he does the playful smile as I shake my head. Then he looks down at the snake slithering through my pants and says, "Todd, I want you to think about something for me."

"What?" I see what he's looking out and I already know what it's doing. My legs are so tight around it it hurts but he can see the materiel moving all the same.

"I want you to think about if you were... um... like me. Would you wanna hit this?"

"Man don't be sick."

"I'm being fuh real. Would you?" I lick my lips. I want to stand up and walk away and tell him he's being nasty but if I stand up he might kiss me again and I can't have that. He gets up and I see that his tent is back too. He kneels in front of me and pushes my legs open. I don't fight it and soon as my legs start to move my dick pushes the waistband up and shows Terrance what I was trying to hide.

"So? You're curious?" he asks. I guess I am.


"So? You wanna?" I hang my head. He gets close and hovers for a second. His forehead is pressed into my neck for a second. All I can hear is us breathing hard like we just ran a mile. Then he lifts his head, turns towards me and sticks his tongue in my ear. I jerk away. He follows me. I fall back onto where he was sitting, trying to pull myself away. Then he starts to work his hard dick against mine. I'm under him and he's humping my dick while suckling at my ear. I can't stop moaning and groaning. He goes down to my neck and instantly I regret telling him how much I liked it when Patricia sucked my neck while tweaking my nipples because that's exactly where his hands go. I spread my legs and he keeps sucking my neck, humping my dick and playing with my nipple.

My hips buck into him and I feel him smile against my neck before biting down. I shouldn't have told him how good that feels. I told him everything me and Pat (I've been with two girls: Patricia aka Pat and Jalicia aka that bitch) did. He had asked questions that I thought were just because he was a virgin. Questions like if she sucked my dick (she wouldn't) and how long we fucked (not long) and what I liked the most (when I finally could fuck for more than a minute). Now he's using all that ammunition against me.

He rises up and pins me against the couch. My body is screaming at me to rip off his clothes and stick my dick further up his ass than that dildo could reach. I doubt that dildo was eight inches long.

"So?" he says. I try to slide from under him but he stops me with a look. My mind empties and all I can feel is the heat radiating from his body. Without warning I smash my lips into his. Our lips slide against each others and my tongue dances in his mouth. I grind my dick against his hard ass and we both groan at the same time. He tastes sweet. I break into five tiny closed mouth kisses before sinking my tongue back into his mouth. It's his turn to melt. I feel him falling into me. My hands slide across his bare back.

He begins working his ass on my dick and I shutter into his mouth. We break away and a long string of spit connects our shinning lips. He says something.

"Huh?" I say.

"Go get in the bed." he says as he stands and pulls me to my feet. My brain turns itself on. I hesitate. My body switches it right back off when Terrance grabs my dick again and says in that sexy ass voice, "Please."

I do as I'm told . Just so you know I feel like a complete idiot sitting here with my hard ass dick waiting for a guy to come take care of it. A few seconds pass and he comes in with a bottle of cocoa butter lotion. I'm sitting on his bed and remind him that I've never been with a guy before.

"I'll walk you through it." He reminds me. He crawls into the bed and sits next to me. We look at each other for a second. Suddenly we can`t stop laughing. I can't believe we're about to do this. I let my back hit the bed as my mouth releases more and more laughter. Then we calm down, slowly. He rubs my stomach, looking down at me with this big ass smile. Then he lifts my shirt. He pulls a nipple into his mouth and I bite the fuck out of my lip.

His tongue twirls around my nipple before he kisses his way down my abs. I can't believe I'm looking at his ass as he sits on his knees. He takes my hand and drops it on his back. I smile as he continues to kiss and suckle my abs. I rub my hands across his back. I can feel the power in his muscles and it turns me on like crazy. He buries his face in my package and a loud groan rips out of me. Then he practically rips off my shorts and wraps a fists around my bare shaft. He begins working my dick with tight, fast strokes. His hand feels way better than mine. I look down to see his lips inching towards me and my eyes start to bug. He flicks a tongue out and lashes my quivering head. My back and head fall to the bed and I feel his lips pulling me in. His mouth is warm and slippery as it slides up and down my dick. He does the corkscrew motion with his lips and it's driving me crazy. It's like fucking a twisting, spinning, sloppy, wet hole. He slides more than halfway down my entire shaft and leaves a shinning trail as he pulls off slowly.

He corkscrews down again and keeps going. The sounds coming out of my mouth are deep, loud and I'm not even trying to stop them. Then my hand hits his head and suddenly I'm pulling his mouth up and down my dick as I thrust up into it. The result is me hitting the back of his throat. The sound is a mixture between a gag and a slurp. He doesn't stop me. I fuck his face like it's free pussy. Then just as I'm about to bust in his mouth he stops me and I let out a frustrated groan. I was so close to flooding his lips. Why would he stop? So I look up ready to ask the question only to see him pouring the lotion onto my bare dick. As the cool liquid drops kiss my shaft it jerks and flick some onto the sheets.

"Damn you taste better than I thought you would." He says with a huge grin as he rubs the lotion in.

"G-good I'd hate tuh disappoint." I say as he gives me one sweet ass hand job.

"You bet not be." he says as he sits on my abs. First I look down at his package. He's got a cool little set up. He's got little hair and a pretty good sized dick. It's poking strait out at me. Then I look up into his cocky ass face. Pure arrogance shines out of his smug face and I want nothing more than to wipe that smirk off of it. He leans down and kisses my lips again. I can taste something warm and sweet as candy on his lips. It takes me a second before I realize that it came from me. Damn I do taste good. He hops off my stomach and pulls me to my feet. He turns around and rubs his ass against my big, hard as a rock dick before climbing onto the edge of the bed.

I look down at his ass and I realize that I like hair. That's new. He's got this fringe of curly hair framing his hold and it's damn sexy if I'm honest about it. His anus pokes out like it can't wait for me to push my hard dick into it. I can't believe I'm about to put my dick in my best friend.

"Todd I want you to fuck me hard. Don`t worry bout hurtin me jus shove dat shit in."

This dude is super gay. Did he really just say that? Damn I must be super gay too cause it's turning me on like nothing else. So I grab my dick and jam it into his hole the way he told me to.

He moans real loud and his hole tightens around my shaft. My mouth opens but nothing comes out and suddenly my hips are working themselves. I pound into him so hard his head jerks up and his body slides further towards the middle of the bed. I have to follow him but it's easy when it's me moving him. My legs stretch out I pound down into his hole and hear every sound possible come from that boy's mouth. The headboard is slapping against the wall and he's throwing all his weight up into me as I thrust harder and harder. His ass is squeezing my dick hard too and I have to put my whole weight into penetrating his tight asshole.

"Oh shit wait, wait, wait.." he grunts between thrusts. I have to force myself to stop. He smiles up at me and says, "Next position." I watch him roll over. He's so small and yet he can take all this? Eight inches being forced into that little body. That's hot. He hooks his arms behind his knees and gives me that sexy ass head tilted smile. I take my dick and shove back in. I'm pounding the shape out of his ass again as soon as my dick sinks into him. He's screaming and groaning, letting me know I'm fucking him right. The bed springs sing as I move his whole body with my thrusts again. He lets go of his legs and begins clawing at my back. His ass is so tight on my dick I don't think I can hold on much longer. His legs are spread wide. I try to steady myself. My hand grabs at air as I put my weight on it. Suddenly we're tumbling. I hit the floor and he groans. He's on top now. He looks down and at me with that cocky expression. He squeezes my dick and I cringe and thrust each time. The he's bouncing hard. The weight of his body and the heat coming form it would be enough to make me happy but that suckering anal walls are making me delirious.

I watch as his hole engulfs my eight inch rod over and over. Looking down and watching him jerk his dick as he bounces on the balls of his feet with my dick lodged in his ass is making me go insane. His deep voice and mine are practically one as I thrust up into him. My hips buck. He slams down into them. I scream as my body thrusts up and holds. My dick empties into him with one final titanic scream. His hole squeezes hard and suddenly a glob of hot white shoots into my open mouth and nose. I swallow his load and continue to scream as both our orgasms rage on for a few seconds. The night stand dressers next to his bed get covered in Terrance's nut. So does my face and chin. His ass feels too wet now with all that creamy semen in it. He collapses on me and I have to pick both of us up. He clings to me. His shoulders are shinning with sweat and both of us are breathing hard. He takes a deep pull through his nose and I realize he's smelling me. I gotta smell bad too. After all of today's activity I can't believe he likes that smell. It's a smell I make sure to wash away.

Then I take in a pull. We do smell good. Covered in each other's cum and sweat we smell spicy, and sweet. I let his back fall onto his bed then I pull his nose out of my neck and kiss him hard. He goes limp and I keep kissing down to his neck. I bite down and he squirms in my arms, the way I did when Pat did this to me the first time. His legs lock around my back and I look up into his eyes and see all the adoration in the world.

I can't believe we just did that. I just pounded his ass as hard as I could with my dick. AND HE LIKED IT! God must be good because Terrance is happy, I'm happy (if not a little nut-high) the world doesn't get much better than this.

"Wow..." he whispers before kissing my lips again.

"Damn." I say after his fourth time kissing me.

"So... you think we're going to do this again?" he says. His eyebrows are way up in his forehead.

"Hells yeah." I let him know.

The End... or is it?

Next: Chapter 2

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