My Closet Friend

By Floyd Fowler

Published on Sep 6, 2009


Okay here are the rules:

  1. If you are under the legal age to be viewing material (18yrs or 21yrs in some places) meant for an adult audience leave this page now.

  2. This is a work of fictional erotica. That means that despite my sincerest efforts I have NOT been in this situation... yeah sucks to be me. Any relation to real life events and people are purely coincidental.

  3. This fictional work involves a sexual and romantic relationship between two males. If such material offends you then you shouldn't be on this site. Leave the site now.

My Closet Friend: Todd pt.3 -------------------------------------------

I wake up and the first thought that comes into my mind is [why am I naked?]. Well after a few seconds my useless ass brain puts the pieces together and I can practically feel Terrance's dark fingers sliding up and down my body. My dick gets hard, pushing Terrance`s thin sheet up into a Tepee like shape. I flick it, I don't know why I just do it. I get out of Terrance's bed and with my eight inch dick wagging in front of me I open the door to the hall.

I take in a deep pull and can't help but shake my head. A slight smoky smell is clinging to the air. As I walk into the kitchen I can't help but smile. There Terrance is, bare assed and cursing, in front of the stove. A carton of eggs is sitting next to him and the window behind the sink is open so most of the smoke is going outside. I just watch him for a second as he takes the pan and dumps it in the sink where he turns on the cold water. His dick is soft and his dark brown booty is too sexy with it`s small round cheeks. I'm trying not to laugh as he turns off the fire and leans against the counter.

Then he punches the wall, "Man I can't do shit right." He sounds bad. Does he like me that much? It's just breakfast but, then again, I already know that's not the only thing he's thinking about. He can't get along with his dad, his mom chose drugs over him, he couldn't hide that he was gay and now, he can't cook. It kind of brings you down but... I'm the kind of guy who when I see a problem I think around it. That's one of the many things that make me so good at school. So he's there, naked and depressed, and I'm here, thinking about him and how to cheer him up.

"Hey..." I whisper into his ear after sneaking up behind him. He jumps out his skin but I put my arms around him, "...What's that?"

"It was supposed to be your lunch." He says, putting on his ain't-nothing-wrong voice, "How long you been standing there?"

"You want me to show you how to make eggs?" He always jumps at the chance to watch me cook. I figure if I teach him a little he won't burn them next time and maybe next time he won't feel he has to hide his feelings from me.

"Y-yeah..." Is how he answers, trying to sound cool and shit. Okay, so maybe it'll take a while to get him to stop putting up a front... we've got plenty of time. I get the pan, put some soap in it and scrub off the burned egg remains. Then I rinse it off and place it back on the stove.

"You need butter, pepper and salt." I let him know. He goes and gets the stuff and hands them to me, ready to watch as always. I take his hand and pull him in front of me. I wrap my arms around him again, "Use a knife to cut some butter and put it in the pan." My hard dick is resting against his lower back. That's how much taller I am than he is. He puts the butter in and in starts to sizzle as soon as it touches the pan, "Turn the fire down..." He does and I take two eggs out the carton and break them against the counter before I let the yellow mess slide down into the pan, "Get the whisk and stir." He does, "Maaan faster than that." He speeds up and I sprinkle some pepper and a miniscule amount of salt into the yellow goop. I go to the fridge and get some shredded cheese from the taco stuff his dad had bought before leaving. I take a hand full of that white cheese and some cheddar and put them into the eggs, "Now turn the fire up a little and grab the spatula." He does, "Slide it across the pan as the eggs cook." He does and after a few seconds we have eggs.

"Wow..." He says as he dumps the eggs into a bowl. They smell real good but I don't let him touch them. I go get some sausage and some Pillsbury biscuits in a roll. It's real easy to see he's not as fascinated with cooking as much as he is with my body. His dick is real hard and he keeps it on my thigh as he stands at my back and watches me work. Whenever I look back he's either looking down at my almost-hard-but-mostly-soft dick or checking out my back and ass. Each time I catch him looking he just smiles and starts paying attention to what I'm doing. He slides his hand across my lower back a few times which causes my dick to respond and soon I'm as hard as he is which, I suspect, is exactly what he wanted to see.

So we have breakfast for lunch. It's weird but, except for us being naked and Terrance trying to cook for me, it's the same as always. He touches me a lot and we're sitting side by side. Conversation is light but we're both real hungry and focused on eating. I let his smile tell me how much he's enjoying this.

Then it takes a turn and he's complementing me on my body.

I got a basketball body thanks to Terrance and middle school (We were both on the school team). He just keeps touching me and I have to push him off a few times.

"So what made you wanna cook?" I ask, trying to distract him from eye raping me.

"I just..." it works, "I wanted to do something for you." Then he changes the subject to my ass. It's weird. I know he likes dick but the way he talks it sounds like he wants to fuck me. I don't think that's going to happen.

"Man get off me." I tell him as he reaches out and grabs at my lower back. He laughs at me and goes to eating his food. That's when the doorbell rings.

"Who's that?" he asks as I walk towards the door to look in the peep hole. I see some white guy with brown hair. He's drumming his fingers on a box in his hand and chewing gum. He looks pretty fit but to tell you the truth I'm not that into guys, except Terrance, "Man who is it?" Terrance repeats behind me in a whisper, letting his hard stick "accidentally" bump into my crack.

"I don't know, some dude with a package." Terrance finds this worth a laugh. He reaches around me, yawns big and answers the door. I barely have time to slide to the side so I won't be seen.

The light of the sun hits Terrance's body. It shows off his abs and small chest along with the little bit of pubic hair he`s got. He smiles big and raises his hand to shield his eyes. Damn this dude is off the chain. He's just standing there with his hard dick twitching every few seconds.

"Uh... uh... package for... um..."

"Donte Johnson?" Terrance supplies.

"Y-yeah... I-I need a..." He just hands Terrance the clipboard and Terrance, as always, signs for his dad's package.

"So how you been Greg?" Terrance says as he takes holds the clipboard behind him just under his dark ass cheeks.

"Uh... good I guess." This must be their regular UPS guy or something, "Why are you already naked?"

Already? What's he mean already? Everything that comes into my mind makes me cringe a little.

"Oh no reason." He says as he takes a glance at me. Greg peeks in the door and I, hard dick and all, smile at him. I mean what else can I do? This dude just caught me with my pants down, and in the other fucking room. His eyes go wide and I'm thinking this isn't a good idea.

"When you off?" Terrance says as he continues to hold the clipboard. I give him look that says dude-why-are-you-trippin and he gives me a look that says watch-this.

Greg's shoulders slump and he says, "I gotta get back to work."

"So? What's stopping you?" Terrance says.

"I need my clipboard." Terrance shrugs giving the poor guy his full attitude. Greg does this little hopeless head shake and says, "Man do you have to do this right now?"

"When you off?" Terrance says as Greg tries to grab the clipboard. He curses as Terrance hops back, "When the fuck are you off?" Terrance says in his I'm-not-playing voice. The kind of rough voice that rips out your chest and is designed to intimidate.

"In a few minutes." Greg says as he places his hands on his hips.


"I'll be back alright." He snatches the clipboard out of Terrance's hand, "Damn Terrance you could just fucking ask." With that he's gone. I can feel my mouth hanging open so, of course, I close it. From the way it sounds this Greg dude is Terrance's bitch.

"You okay?" Terrance asks me. My face must look as surprised as I feel.

"What just happened?"

"Greg's coming over when he's done working."


"He has a thing for black guys."

"Man you a fucking freak." He laughs and grabs me by the dick, pulling me into a quick kiss.

"I know." He says. Then he looks at the clock, "We should be done before school's out, it's only noon. You wanna hoop?"

So we put on some shorts and tank tops and go outside to play basketball, "I'm not sure about this." I tell him after a few seconds.

"Man you can't just fuck me you gotta get some variety." He chuckles after saying that and slapping me on the ass.

"You wack as hell for that." He throws an arm around me and I push it off, "I'm sayin I don't think I'm attracted to guys like that Terrance." He gives me a yeah-right look and I say, "You're different. I can`t resist you... dumb ass. Not just any man can make me do what you convinced me to do." When I'm done speaking he has this facial wrestling match for a few seconds while I rub his back.

"Man just try it. You'll like it I promise." He says after a while.

"What if I can't get... you know." I make a fist and he laughs.

"Man you hard as a fucking rock right now!" He says as he flicks my dick through the basketball shorts I'm wearing, "I don't think keeping yo shit up is gonna be a problem."


"Todd," He places both hands on my shoulder and finally starts to take me seriously, "Trust me. You'll be fine... and you'll like it."

"Okay Terrance." I say as I look down into those eyes. He smiles his signature head tilted smile where his eyes light up like everything is right in the world. We play a few more shots before I say, "So how you hook up with Greg?"

"Found out he always comes to the neighborhood to get fucked by David." Terrance says before trying to get back to the game. I stop him with a look and he sighs, "Okay, I was going over David's house for some... attention. Greg was already there."

He looks kind of guilty. I almost say something about how he shouldn't feel bad because a lot of guys will do anything for a nut but I hear a car pulling into the driveway and I get a little nervous, "Alright just remember, he likes it rough." Terrance says as he takes a hold of my dick and pulls me by it... again.

"Like you?" I ask.

"No he's way more into it than I am." Great I'm sure that'll make me feel better when I find it hard to do the stuff he wants me to do, "Plus he likes to give up the control, Me? I like to take control." As he's saying this he's squeezing my dick making my knees buckle, "If you ask him to do something and he talks back just smack his ass or get loud with him. He loves it."

As we head into the house Terrance strips off the shorts and tank top he has on. As soon as he's naked I stand in front of him and grab his ass as some sort of revenge for being pulled by the dick whenever no one's watching. He laughs like he knows why I'm holding his eighteen year old boy buns so I take my middle finger and shove it up in him. His laugh catches in his throat as he hops up and dances on the tips of his toes for a second. I guess he didn't expect my long ass middle finger to penetrate his little chute. Greg rings the door bell and Terrance turns towards the door. I grab his arm as that fluttering feeling rises up in my stomach. I'm nervous as all hell. Terrance looks at me and, from the look on his face, reads my mind. He smiles and pulls me into another kiss, this time it's no quick peck.

He shoves his tongue into my mouth and, unlike the other times, I fumble. I guess this told him how nervous I am cause he gets real into it. He smashes his lips against mine, he climbs up into my arms, he wraps his legs around my waist and I can't help grabbing him, holding him, caressing his little back. After a few seconds the doorbell rings again and he climbs down to get the door. The butterflies in my stomach return.

It looks like Greg shaved, took a shower and did whatever you do when you're getting ready to have sex with a pair of high school seniors.

"Greg this is Todd." Terrance says. From the look Greg gives me I assume this isn't his first time hearing about me. He holds his hand out like it's an honor to meet me or something.

"Enough of that." Terrance says as he reaches up and pushes Greg's down to his knees in front of us. Terrance shuts the door and Greg looks at him like he's surprised.

"You don't want me to lick your...?" Before he finishes the sentence Terrance shoves his dick in Greg's mouth before telling me how good it feels. He puts on a good show with his self conscious ass. He hold Greg's face and shoves his dick in for a second before looking back at me.

The look on his face (Probably inspired by the look on my face) tells me he knows I know what Greg was about to say. When you put two and two together it fits. Terrance loves having a dick in his ass, he loves fingers and dildos and all that shit yet he wants to project this masculine image. He can't have someone thinking he's feminine, so he wants to hide the fact that he likes getting his ass licked like a pussy. I guess he thinks it'll make me think he's weird or something but... it's a little late for that. Still love him though.

So I walk up behind him and kiss his neck as Greg sucks his dick. Then I take my hands and rub them down his chest to his abs. I go lower until my hands are on Greg's ears. I pull Greg off of him. Greg looks up at us with a line of spit connecting his bottom lip and Terrance's dick. Terrance shoves at me but I saw it coming so I take pull his hand and force him to turn around before shoving my tongue into his mouth. He groans. Terrance jerks away from me as Greg waits for no invitation and dives into his dark ass cheeks. He holds me, sliding down until his arms are wrapped around my abs, the side of his face resting on my chest as his face contorts from the pleasure he must feel having Greg's tongue sliding in and out of his asshole.

Terrance's toned back arches as his Greg eats his dark ass the way I imagine a man that just got out of jail eats pussy. He shoves his tongue in. He spits on Terrance's crack. He laps at it the way a dog does it's balls. He buries his face in it. This dude is into this shit.

I step back, letting Terrance's head slide further down until he's completely bent over. Greg takes both hands and spreads his cheeks. He groans against Terrance's exposed hole.

I pull Terrance's head up so I can see his expression. He's in heaven. His eyes are shut tight and his mouth is open bearing his teeth as his lips curl into a grimace-smile. First he falls to his knees where Greg continues to devour his ass. Then his hands slide up and grip my ass through the shorts I'm still wearing.

"Take it off." I say as Terrance claws at my shorts. He pulls them down and I think [it feels good to be in charge.] right before his tongue lashes at the underside of my dick. It's hard to stand up with Terrance's tongue licking my dick lollipop style. I pull him off for a second and lay on the floor so he can suck and lick and kiss my piece the way he usually does. I see Greg's eyes widening as he looks at my dick. Terrance turns and looks at him with what I imagine was a very intimidating look. Greg dives back into his ass. Terrance goes back to heaven before going back to my dick.

"C'mon Terrance." I say after a while of him just licking over and over. His heart isn't in it the way it usually is. He groans and I realize he can't concentrate on my dick, the tongue in his ass is doing too much.

"Aye Greg." I say. Greg looks up with a hopeful expression and Terrance looks up at me like I'm crazy for making him stop, "Get on yo back."


"Now." I say in my I'm-not-bull-shitting voice. He gets down on his back as pre starts leaking from his cum slit. Damn he does like it. So, for good measure, I smack the shit out of his ass making a loud clap that actually echoes in the small room. He yelps, "And next time I tell you to get on yo back get on yo fucking back." Okay I don't know where that came from but it feels good. Terrance gives me this sexy, surprised, what-you-gonna-do-next look.

I know I'm smiling like crazy as I pull Greg's bottom half towards me. Terrance sits there and I say, "I didn't know you liked it like that." as I push Greg's legs up, ignoring his voice telling me to be gentle. He doesn't want anything gentle.

Terrance just smiles at me as I pull at Greg's ass cheeks. This is my way of telling him I'm okay with that. I'm not saying I'm going to be the one with my face in his ass but I'm not going to make him feel bad for liking shit like that...

Terrance walks over to Greg's front on his knees and straddles Greg's face. I hear a muffled complaint come out of Greg's mouth. Terrance must have heard too cause he leans forward and smacks the shit out of Greg's ass before looking up at me, "Don't cum in him, save that for me."

I nod then feel like a complete bitch. Terrance's complete bitch. He tells me to shut up and I shut the hell up. He tells me to fuck him hard and I pound his little ass till I bust. He says save yo cum for me and I nod without hesitation.

I try to stop thinking as Terrance grinds his ass into Greg's tongue and lips. I just start sliding my dick in. I hear a muffled yell and Terrance lifts up.

"DAMN!" It's weird but even though he's in pain you can tell he like's it. He hooks his arms around his legs and pulls them as far open as they'll go. He practically sings as I push into him nice and slow.

"Don't be gentle Todd." Terrance says as he looks at me like I'm crazy, "Fuck that white boy."

"YES! YES! FUCK ME!" Greg yells before Terrance sits back on his face and he has to get back to work. So I shove, I don't shove all in at once cause even if he likes it I still don't want to hurt him. It's not like Terrance, I can't just do that because he likes it, or because I like him. I don't get off on that (except the ass smacking, that shit felt good.)

Terrance pulls my face down into his and we kiss over Greg's body for a second. Greg whimpers with Terrance's light body on his face and most of my heavy dick in his flexing ass. Terrance leans back and grinds his ass into that tongue. Greg's ass flutters on my dick, clenching and unclenching as if trying to milk me.

My hips start moving. Soon the sound of Greg whimpering becomes the sound of Greg groaning and whining against Terrance's asshole. Terrance seems to love it. Greg's legs are spread out in a V now and grab his ankles as I jam my pipe inside him as hard and as fast as I can. Terrance kisses me again before I push him away.

I fall forward and swallow as much of Terrance's dick as I can. Terrance is thrusting back and forth between my mouth and Greg's tongue. Terrance screams like he's in agony.

Terrance's hand grasps the side of my face and his dick starts to jump around in my mouth. I jerk away as something hot and sweet hits my tongue. It hits me in the face before the rest dribbles onto Greg's heaving chest. For a second we just look at each other, his semen on my face and Greg slurping away under him.

Terrance laughs suddenly. He stands up and bends over to lick my face clean. We kiss and I feel Greg flexing his hole, reminding me he's still there. So I start in on Greg again as Terrance does the trash talking for me.

I thrust forward and Greg groans loud. His legs lift and I push them forward, shifting my weight so I'm fucking down into Greg's sloppy ass. Greg grimaces and I hear, "Yeah take that dick." come from behind my shoulder

Greg bites his lip as I use my dick to make him scream.

"Say my name." I speak low.

"David." Greg says with a grin.

My hand rises and falls, creating a second echoing smack against his ass as, "Who's fucking you?" rips out my chest.

"T-" I shove my dick in balls deep and he looses it, "TOOOODDDDD." is all he can say as his ass closes around my dick while his dick pumps white goo into his chest.

I take my dick out and Terrance looks too happy as I stand up. He starts to turn around but I stop him. He may like the doggy style but I like to look at his face. So I pull his body into mine. He likes what I did to this white boy, even though he won't admit it. He wants me to start doing him like that. It's all written on his face with his little freaky self. The only difference is that I have to make sure Terrance keeps his masculinity. He'd die if he thought I thought something he did wasn't okay. He just don't realize how much MY boy he is. I think it's time I showed him.

So I pull him into my arms. His eyes are wide. I look down, letting him see my eyes go down his body. Greg helps me by reaching up and guiding my dick to Terrance's ass.

Terrance grimaces as I begin rocking my hips. His arms wrap around my neck and I shove my tongue into his mouth. He moans with my tongue in his mouth as I drill his ass midair. He leans back and grinds his ass against my dick. I slam forward and he yells, "FUH-HUH-UK!"

I look down at my dick sliding in and out of his spit slick ass. He holds on, I watch him engulf me again and again. Suddenly I remember Greg is here when he shoves his face into me.

Now I consider myself cool with a lot of shit but this white boy's tongue broke me down. I fall, Terrance's back hit's the floor and I'm in the exact same situation Terrance was a moment ago. I don't know what my body's doing. I'm trying to focus on making Terrance louder, but at the same time Greg's face is keeping time with my thrusts and his tongue is going wild inside my ass. The sounds coming out of my mouth are so fucking weird, and high pitched too.

Then I feel it. The pulse like pumping sensation coming from somewhere between my ass and balls. I cringe, I speed up and Terrance

I bust. Terrance's hole floods with the contents of my balls while I hump wildly into his spasming body. He groans and shivers and pulls me close as I fill him up. My dick is still working and Greg doesn't seem to be stopping.

After a few more thrusts my dick starts to soften. Greg keeps lapping at my ass as I lay on top of Terrance. Then I reach back and shove his head back. He stops.

Terrance heaves as I look down at him with a smile, "Well guys." Greg says as if we were just watching the game or something, "I gotta get home." He gets dressed, not even wiping off the sweat or

Next: Chapter 4

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