My Closet Friend

By Floyd Fowler

Published on Sep 17, 2009


Okay here are the rules:

  1. If you are under the legal age to be viewing material (18yrs or 21yrs in some places) meant for an adult audience leave this page now.

  2. This is a work of fictional erotica. That means that despite my sincerest efforts I have NOT been in this situation... yeah sucks to be me. Any relation to real life events and people are purely coincidental.

  3. This fictional work involves a sexual and romantic relationship between two males. If such material offends you then you shouldn't be on this site. Leave the site now.

My Closet Friend: Todd pt.4 -------------------------------------------

I stand behind Terrance. The shower spray breaks across the top of his head, slides down his back, drips off his fingers. I try to concentrate on washing again. In a few minutes the guys should be home and we'd like to smell like we haven't been fucking like rabbits all day.

It's too bad we can't keep our hands off each other.

I'm holding him from behind and kissing his neck as he pushes back against me, groaning. My stick isn't as hard as it usually is... but it's getting there. All this back to back action isn't something my dick is used to unless I'm home alone for a few hours and that's rare.

"Wait... wait..." He says, not really meaning it but I get the message and we try to wash up a fifth time. Six tries later I finally put my foot down and step out the shower.

"C'mon Todd." He says with his head tilted, "It's cool we can..."

"No we can't..." I say as I look down at the rock hard rod standing erect and casting a shadow on the wall next to me. He keeps asking me to get back in the shower and I keep telling him to finish so I can wash my ass. It's pointless for us to be trying to get clean together cause we'll just end up fucking again.

"Get in this fucking shower." He says in his I'm-not-bullshitting voice and I almost do it. My hand moves towards the handle to the glass door and everything but I catch myself. I fold my arms. I refuse to look at him as he falls against the tiled walls, laughing at how ready I am to follow orders. Fucking bastard. He ends up going ahead and washing up, making a show of washing his ass and balls in an attempt to get me to cum back into the shower with him.

As he gets out, I stand up and he looks me straight in the eye as pops my dick, making it wag up and down. I push him aside, then I have to push him off me and hop in the shower (which I have to shove him out of) to trace my body with soap from the same scrubby thing he uses. Now that I think about it we've shared a lot of things over the years that people don't normally share. We've shared underwear (only in emergencies), toothbrushes, hair brushes, combs and, of course, scrubby things. We eat off the same lunch tray sometimes.

Then the doorbell rings and I know who it is before Terrance even gets the door. I'm honestly a little mad at the whole situation between those two. It's not like Terrance is mine or anything, we haven`t really talked about all that. We've been too... uh... "busy". Seriously though, I just want him happy and healthy which, if you're honest, is all you can truly want for someone you really love.

Love... hmmm... anyway like I was saying I'm a little mad at this thing David and Terrance have going on. The scratch marks I have to look at every time Terrance turns away from me and the fact that this dude has the nerve to say he's not into "Fags" to the guy he keeps stuffing full of dick is ludicrous. If you fuck somebody you should care for them even if you don't care about them.

You take care of the person taking care of you even if the two of you aren't that serious. We as people should be considerate of each other. Shit like this is why wives cut off their husbands dick and throw that shit in the woods. Shit like this is why wives find out their husband is fucking their brother.

As I step out of the shower into the steam I notice Terrance has taken my shirt, leaving me some pants and underwear. Honestly I'm surprised he didn't just leave me one of those Adam and Eve leaves. If he thought to take the shirt he probably thought of making me walk out in a towel. I pull on the clothes and thank god he didn't make me stride out naked before leaving the bathroom.

As soon as the door swings away I know something's wrong. The room is too silent. I look up to see Terrance has his fight mug on while David is wearing a grin that, despite his evident humor, looks cruel at best. They're in fist range and starring each other down without breathing a word. In all honesty I'm not worried about Terrance. A lot of guys are a lot bigger than him but, as someone he used to wrestle a lot, he's tough enough to handle himself.

Why is this situation so fucked up?

I clear my throat and David's eyes snap towards me. His mouth drops open as he looks at me with no shirt for the first time. I frown like I don't understand what's going on but as soon as I do I know he's finally put two and two together because he says, "You fags deserve each other."

As soon as the sentence left his mouth Terrance's fist rocketed forward and turned David's face almost all the way around. David falls but in a second he recovers and hurls himself at Terrance.

Without thinking I jump in between them, like an idiot, and feel David's fist sink into my back no less than four times. Another four more blows land I realize he's not fighting Terrance anymore.

I hate violence and consider myself the peacemaker in our little group of friends. I don't like sports all that much either. I'm only in such good shape because I do a little working out and Terrance has me playing basketball all the time. I'm no weak little boy but I'm not a fighter. That being said I've never truly tested my strength. I've had to hit dudes (two total) but always in controlled bursts that got the message, get-the-fuck-back, across.

Something snaps, I spin around, I swing. It isn't one of those pretty movie swings where the guy's head turns, he falls and the protagonist is praised for defeating the antagonist. There's this horrifying crunch that vibrates through my whole body. I see blood fly. David stumbles back again and looks into my eyes. I see surprise and sickening fear. I think of Terrance and what this boy is putting him through. I hit him again.

In my entire eighteen years I've never been mad enough to hit someone like that. It's not in me or, at least, I didn't think it was. All I know is that there's fire flooding my veins and barbequing my heart.

David falls. There's no will to fight, no valiant struggle, no final insult. He just crashes into the floor and lies there, shattered like a beer bottle. I look down into a face as stunned as I feel. His eye is black from the first blow, his blood trickling down his lip from the second. The tears that Terrance cried the first night we were together come into my mind. My hand slams the front door close. The moment he realizes what I'm doing David tries to bolt. As he darts towards the back I catch his shirt and yank hard. He falls and curls up into a ball.

David's fear wakes me up before I do whatever it was I was about to do. Within that moment of hesitation Terrance jumps in front of me. I still have David by the shirt but now Terrance is between us. His eyes are big and his voice shakes as he whispers, "Todd don't..."

Something in me doesn't want to let go, doesn't want to let David leave without doing something to make up for treating my boy as a dick rag. It scares the hell out of me but at the same time I refuse to let him go. Terrance looks at me and I see fear. Pure fear, the kind that makes birds flee their nest full of eggs, "C'mon Todd..." He pleads, "Just let him go." Then, "I'm not worth it." falls out of his mouth.

Imagine being hit by a train. That's how hearing that makes me feel. I can NOT believe he just said that. Even as I look at him, I know he believe it's true. I don't see how or why but I know that this is Terrance's truth.

"Not worth it?" Slowly leaves my mouth as David sobbing reaches my ears, "Terrance..." I take three deep breaths, "You're not... not worth it?" I feel the tear fall down my face before I realize more are comming. David attempts to scuttle away after climbing out of his shirt. I catch him by the sagging jeans he's wearing and slam him into the ground. Terrance tries to stop me again. The look on my face must be fucking scary because as soon as he looks at me he stops in his tracks.

David punches me twice and they hurt but not as much as whatever this is inside me. It freezes and burns, it's a numb ache and a piercing cry in my ears. For a moment I just look down at him before looking at Terrance and trying to calm down. That's when I realize I have my hands around David's throat. I move both hands to pin his flailing arms to the ground, which is too easy for him to be my height and size. After a few useless seconds of going nowhere I force myself to calm the fuck down.

"Do you see what you're doing to him?" I have to force myself to speak calmly, "Not worth it? Terrance... My Terrance think's he's not worth it. He believes he deserves someone like you," I scoff, "someone who expects he can just come in here, get his nut and go... Someone who believes that fucking this `fag' doesn't make him gay? Someone who likes to believe he owns him like some sex slave?"

" And what about him? What about Terrance? Does he just get what you get? A nut?" David starts pleading with me, talking about sorry this, sorry that and begging me not to hit him again. I flinch at him and he dissolves into quiet sobs to let me finish. I cant' believe this is happening.

"...or does he start to see himself as less of a man because you drop yo nut and go but he wants you to stay and hold him? Since he can't cut off the way he feels when he feels you inside him he gets to suffer." I can't believe how angry and... sad I am right now. Terrance's silence tells me how much hearing this hurts him. A fresh wave of anger rolls through me like a wave slamming against the shore, "And you see what you're doing to him, you know and you don't care cause it's just some fag. Some short little dick sleeve whose only purpose in life is to please you."

"Then the moment." I'm starting to loose it, "the moment you see him with somebody else, somebody who makes him happy and who wants him to smile all the fucking time, you get jealous? You? The straight' boy?" I'm yelling now. David's chest starts to heave and his eyes are wet, "I'll tell you what..." The words come out through clenched teeth, " apologize and I wont tear your arm off and beat you with it." I have no idea where THAT came from but I'm more than willing to see it through right about now.

David finally stops moving. The look he gives me is shouting I-don't-believe-you. His eyes are all watery and I have to face the fact that that eye and that lip are my fault. It sickens me but I stand firm, I refuse to let him fuck with Terrance's head.

That's when he breaks down. He doesn't apologize, he just sort of goes limp and falls apart. He's crying hard. He claws at his face and keeps saying, "I'm not a fag... I'm not a fag... I'm not a fag." in these broken sobs. I feel Terrance at my elbow and turn to see he's trying not to cry.

Denial is a helluva thing. I can't believe that all this time he's been giving Terrance such a hard time because he likes him. In public they're always cool and buddy-buddy but behind closed doors, this is what comes out. Terrance loves dick and David loves boys but hates himself for it.

After a few moments David finally pulls himself together and tries to get up. He's not shaking anymore, he seems empty. It's like there's no soul behind his eyes anymore as he mechanically apologizes to me and Terrance. A tear streams down his face as he says, "I hope... you guys are happy... together." Then he turns to leave.

"Wait David." I say. He stops and turns to me. I don't know what to say so, like an idiot, I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.

"You gonna be okay?" He nods, still looking like the world is on his shoulders, and goes out the back door. That's when I deflate. All of that hype just rushes out of me and I'm dog tired. I flop onto the couch and Terrance flops down next to me.

"You're a lot of trouble... you know that?" I say, not being too serious.

"I can't believe you hit him." Terrance says as if in a daze. I let my head fall back and I feel him shifting around.

"What's wrong?" I ask, turning my head slightly to get a good look at him.

"Man I can't believe you hit him." He says, from the tone of his voice it sounds like a good thing but that's a front. His face tells me how much he didn't enjoy it, "I've never see you hit anybody like that, I didn't know you could look so..." He goes quiet.

"Listen Terrance," I say. Somehow I find the energy to get up and kneel in front of him. He looks down at me and it's obvious he's more than a little scared by what just happened

"I love you." I tell him. His eyes go wide. Then he hangs his head. I hope I didn't say the wrong thing. Then he looks up and I see the tears and even though he's crying I know he's happy.

"Man you sound all sprung and shit." He chuckles. Then his head tilts automatically

"Maaan don't be like that." I say with a laugh but a big ass yawn comes out of my mouth.

"Oh yeah it's about yo naptime isn't it?" He asks with a hand on my shoulder. I nod, then give him a quick slap on the knee for calling me a baby. He ignores it.

"Todd?" he says, sounding vulnerable as hell.

"Yeah?" I say, loosing consciousness.

"I love you too."

Next: Chapter 5

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