My Date with a Boy

By Stanley the Swinger

Published on Nov 11, 2000


I hope you have enjoyed the previous chapters of "My Date with a Boy" I put a lot of love into this story. It is something I have yet to experience, so this is purely my fantasy. For those of you who have given me hateful messages based on this piece, I have this to say, If you are offended by the idea that two boys can go out on a date together, well I pity you. For those of you who are open minded or really understood the piece, well, I hope this chapter lives up to your expectations.

I opened the door to see him standing there in front of me. I was glad I had called Alena to check the outfit ideas, because he was wearing close to what I was, just jeans and a Billabong t-shirt. He looked very nervous, which for some reason made me feel a lot better. I guess it was because I realized this was a pretty new thing for both of us.

"Hi.." he said. "Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." I smiled as I responded. It was a pretty weak smile. I have never been this nervous in my life. I could barely look him in the face because I was so scared. Was I really going to go on a date with this guy? No, skip that, I already WAS on a date with this guy!

"Trust me, I know how you feel" he said as we started to walk.

"So where do you want to eat at?" I asked him, since it had been his invite afterall. I decided that since he asked me, then he should be the one to know where to go. Especially because I was so nervous, that I couldn't even think of the name of a restaraunt, let alone suggest going somewhere.

"I'm kind of in the mood for pizza, how about you?"

"Works for me" Good, I figured, Pizza would be fairly easy, and it wouldn't be in too romantic of a restaraunt. I definatley was not ready for a dimly lit french restaraunt with mood music. But Pizza on a college campus, worked for me.

We walked about two blocks untill we came to a place that I had eaten at a few times with Alena. It was a pizza place, but it didn't really have a name. Everyone called it Tony's, even though no one who owned or worked there was named Tony. We went in and sat down, Devin ordered a large pepperoni pizza, and two mountain dews. It was odd, because that's my favorite drink.

For the first five minutes, we sat in an awkward silence. I was really unsure of what I was supposed to do. Was I supposed to play footsie with him under the table? Was I supposed to hold his hand? I decided maybe I should try to play footsie. Only I'd never done it before, since I've only dated girls before, and they did it to me. I didn't think to take my shoes off first, which I think would have made a lot more sense, and since I was nervous, I ended up kicking him in the shin.

"ow!" he cried when I did it.

"oops, sorry, I thought that was the table leg." I tried to cover up for it, although I don't think I did a very good job. I can't beleive how different this date is from my previous ones. Was it because I am with another guy? or is it because, since I was asked out, I am the "chick" in this setting?

The good news was that my kick opened the communication gates. He told me about how he used to play soccer in his youth, and he used to hit the ball with his shins. My kick reminded him of that. We talked about sports for a little bit, but he soon realized that aside from a few attempts at little league, I was not into sports at all.

We soon started talking about movies and music. I was amazed, he liked so many movies that I love. We talked about everything from Kevin Smith to Orson Wells. He mentioned the Broken Hearts Club, which I had to snicker at, so I told him about my conversation with Alena that led to to accept the date.

Before I knew it, the pizza was crumbs, our glasses were empty, and it was time to go see the movie. When we got there, We walked up to the box office. I was getting ready to get my wallet out when I heard him say "Two for the 8:30 Bedazzled." That took me totally by suprise because I've always paid for my own ticket. I was very uncomfortable with that, so when we got into the theatre, I paid for the popcorn.

We didn't do any of the date-stuff during the movie. By that I mean, he didn't put his arm around me, and I didn't lean my head on his shoulder or anythign like that. We actually watched the movie, which was pretty good, though it was hard for me to concentrate. I kept thinking to myself, that I was on a date with a boy.

When the movie was over, we started walking back to my dorm. I was feeling much more comfortable than I had been. It didn't really feel like a date anymore, it just felt like I was hanging out with a friend of mine. We kept talking about movies and stuff untill we got to outside of my building. I rubbed my hands together, because it was kind of cold, and looked at him.

"So...." I said

"So....." He said too.

"This is it.:"

"yeah. Hey, I had a really great time tonight."

"Me too, we'll have to do it again sometime." I couldn't beleive I said that. I just told the guy I wanted to date him again! Oh my god!!

"Really? Cause I was afraid you weren't happy."

"Why would you think that?"

"I don't know....but I'm glad you had fun." I was getting ready to go inside for the night, when he put his hand on my arm, and before I knew it, he pulled me towards him, and he kissed me. Not on the lips or anything big like that, just a small peck on the cheek. Oh my god! I though to myself! I was just kissed by a guy.

If I thought that was crazy, nothing could have prepared me for what happened next. I pulled him back towards me, and I kissed HIM on the LIPS. we didn't open our mouths, or anything like that, but we did share a decent lengthed lip-smack. I pulled away and smiled. He stood there, totally frozen, as far as I know, he could still be out there, trying to figure out what just happened.

"Well... goodnight" I said as I went into the building. At the time I didn't even think about whether or not anyone had seen us. I still don't know. When I got back into my room, I called Alena, and told her all about the date. I told her that he and I kissed outside my building. She asked how it was, but I didn't tell her. I decided that since Devin had asked me out, I was the girl. And a lady doesn't kiss and tell.

Let me know what you think! I am curious about whether I should explore the future romance of Cameron and Devin

Next: Chapter 4

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