My Date with a Boy

By Stanley the Swinger

Published on Jan 10, 2001


This is the fourth installment of the story that began with "My Date With a Boy" I have really loved a lot of the responses I have gotten from you. I know some of you wish it had more sex (or any) in it, and I think eventually there will be, but for now this is a story of Cameron learning who he is. I know this entry will change the course of the story in some of your eyes and it may not be what you wanted, but I hope you stay along for the ride and follow down Cameron's path of discovery.

It was the next morning and I awoke with the strangest feeling I had ever felt. I still wasn't sure if last night had all been a dream. I mean, just this time last week I was this lonely college loser who couldn't get a girl's number to save my life. But last night my life changed. I had had a real date, the first one since I met Alena. Only, unlike the date with Alena, this one ended with a kiss. And even more unlike the date with Alena, this one had been with a boy.

That was part of the feeling that was so weird this morning. I mean, in most of the stories you read and the movies you watch with gay or bisexual characters, they spend years with internal conflict over it once they suspect they are different. I never even really considered the idea untill Devin asked me out, and less than a week later, I cannot deny to myself that I am attracted to guys.

I lay on my back and faced up in my bed. I stared at the ceiling. I was planning on getting up and taking a shower soon but currently I was just thinking about my new revelation to myself over and over again. It wasn't untill my roomate, Jared, got up from the bottom bunk that it broke me from my trance. I hadn't even heard him come in the night before. No matter how weird or wile my night may have been, somehow I doubted it could hold a candle to Jared's, or most nights of Jared's for that matter.

"Hey man... what's up?" he said to me when he realized I was awake. He was kind of a slob, especially after one of his late nights. He was wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. It felt weird, now that I realized this other side of me, I wasn't quite sure how to deal with seeing Jared in his boxers. I mean, there wasn't anything special about him I found attractive, but it was sort of like when I was in high school and I stole my mom's victoria secret catalogs, just to see a woman in her underwear. Here was a man in his.

I decided not to worry about it currently, afterall, Jared didn't know anything about my self discovery. I knew Jared could kick my ass if he wanted to and so I wasn't about to let him know his roomate was dating guys, in case he wasn't too open minded about alternative lifestyles. I didn't think I would get excited by Jared in his boxers, just in case though, I nonchalantly rolled over onto my stomach.

"Oh not much. How was your night?" I responded

"Would you beleive I don't remember?"


"heh... How was yours?"

"Nothing big. just watched some TV, hung out." I lied. But I figured if I told him I'd had a date, he'd start asking questions. And questions meant even more lies. I wanted to find out his thoughts on the subject before I told him I was bisexual. Now was not the time though.

I decided that I wasn't going to embarass myself with any excitement so I slumped out of bed and grabbed my robe, flip flops, and a towel and headed down to the shower. I hadn't thought before I went to the shower about how much harder it would be than before. Afterall, the curtains deviding stalls were pretty thin and I could see the silouettes of naked guys through them, not to mention the few guys who walked into plain sight butt naked. I guess I had always noticed them before, but I had never been so aware of them as I was now. I quickly washed myself, and headed back to my room, trying not to keep sneaking scared peaks at the other guys around.

I wanted to call Devin, but I was worried. I mean, I didn't know the protocol for calling people after a date when I was straight... now that I wasn't. I was even more confused. Instead, I called Alena.

"Should I call him?"

"Hello to you too."

"Hi. I want to call him, but I can't..."

"You know, I was just thinking about this myself... I mean, Guys never call the girl back right away, so if there's two guys, will there just never be a call?"

"Ha ha."

"Well.. I'm sure he'll call.. Well, wait a few hours, and if he doesn't you can call him. I mean, girls call guys all the time, and you're TWO guys, and so there's no real set rules of gay etiquette that I know of regarding phone calls"



"No, I mean, you said Gay. I was saying Bi.. as in, Bisexual"

"Label yourself however you want, but this is a guy you are calling, not a couple, so I said gay"

"Yeah. but Bi feels safer"

"Whatever. Cam, I have to split, going shopping with my sister."

"Ok. Talk to you later."

After I got off the phone with her, I paced around for what seemed like days. Jared had gone off somewhere to party, I probably wouldn't see him again till tommorrow morning. if then. I kept picking up the phone and dialing all but the last digit of Devin's number. After about three hours which felt like three weeks, I pressed the seventh digit. The phone rang and I was getting ready to hang up when I heard a voice. I didn't really know Devin's phone voice so I wasn't sure who it was that answered.



"No this is his roomate, Nate"

"Oh... is Devin there?"

"No, he left this morning to visit his girlfriend for the weekend. Can I take a...."

I dropped the phone.

Next: Chapter 5

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