My Dom Asian Twink

By AGuy

Published on Oct 25, 2023


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Quent's second orgasm was loud and he clearly felt like a load had been lifted (no pun intended). He let my face up and I turned to look at him. Quentin was grinning wide and said, "I should have busted your tight pussy years ago, John. I've been wasting my loads!". We both laughed as he pulled out and let me roll over. Then we shared an amazing kiss and he took hold of my cock. I don't know why, but this move surprised me now that Quentin had replaced me as the alpha in our relationship. I gasped and he used his other hand to twist my nipple hard as he stroked me. I erupted like a fountain, shooting on his stomach and on his cock, as well as my furry belly. When I finally came down, he pointed to his flat, smooth stomach. I cleaned-up every drop. Then we kicked back and turned on the TV....


Me (John): WM, 44, 6', 200, 6c, ginger, hairy, muscular/built Boss: Asian twink, 26, 5'6", 130, 7c, smooth/lean, alpha/dom Don: WM, 38, 5'9", 210, 7.5c, nerd at bathhouse Quentin: WM Twink, 25, 5'9, 155, 7c, smooth, blond Doug: Quentin's BF, Latino, 25, 6', 180, 8uc, musc, smooth, sub/bottom Colin: My co-worker, white, 30, 5'7", 125, 9c (extremely thick), skinny, smooth, fem, total alpha Al: (Colin's friend), 47,Jewish, 5'8, 150, smooth, 6c Jun: (Colin's roommate), Chinese, 28, 6'1", 160, 3.5uc

My Dom Asian Twink - Part 19

I'd missed Al and I texted him on Saturday and asked him to dinner. I wasn't sure how he would respond, especially since our time together hadn't exactly been romantic - he'd used me sexually. But Al agreed to dinner, then chose the time and the restaurant without asking me for input. "Meet me there in the parking lot 10 minutes early", he texted. So at 715p, Al climbed into the passenger seat of my SUV and unzipped his jeans. I happily went down on him and swallowed his load as diners passed nearby my car on their way into the restaurant. Al's hand was firmly on the back of my head and he repeatedly told me what a good cocksucker I was. I was proud of myself and happy I could please him.

The restaurant was lively and we had a few drinks and enjoyed ourselves. I really LIKED this guy and I found him to be very sexy. Al was a few years older than me and he'd become confident "handling" me over time since Chapter 1 at the bathhouse, even though our initial connection was through Colin and Boss. Although he wasn't a true alpha, Al was unquestionably a top with dominant tendencies. It felt very natural when he made decisions for me or told me to do something. And he was also turned-on by my submissive nature and my masculine persona.

After dinner, Al decided we should go out to one of the gay clubs for a bit. Like most guys our age, neither of us went out very often, especially not to the later-night clubs. But I was excited to go with Al and appreciated the fact that we were both over 40...daddies. We drove both cars to my place and took Uber to the club. When we entered, Al kept his hand on my ass, guiding me toward the bar. He was making sure that people understood our hierarchy I had no problem with it. It actually turned me on. But I could see a few of my former bottoms staring as Al, 50 pounds lighter and 4 inches shorter than me, exerted his control. There were snickers and whispers.

At the bar, Al bought both of us a double bourbon and guided me toward the wall. On the way, I was stopped by several people who knew me, either from the gym or from social circles. I introduced Al each time and he joined the conversations. But when he decided it was time to move-on, he excused both of us and propelled me with a hand on my ass. It was annoying in one sense, erotic in another. We settled on a spot near the wall and took-in the music and the scenery. After a bit, Al told me he wanted to hit the back room and see what was happening. I was surprised...Al seemed too conservative to be in a darker area of the club. I doubted he'd ever been in the back room, but I realized he was probably more comfortable having me with him. Regardless, I began moving toward the curtain to the back area, where it was dark and dimly lit. Al slipped a hand into the waistband of my jeans and kept it there, staying close to me as we entered.

I'd been in this area of the club many times in my younger days and I had a routine. I quickly moved to the side, away from the curtain and settled-back against the wall to let my eyes adjust. Al moved with me and I leaned over and whispered my plan. He relaxed and began to slide his hand further into my jeans while we stood there, palming my ass. I spread my legs as he slipped a finger into my crack, grinning at him, letting him know he was turning me on. Meanwhile, I scanned the room, as did he. In the far corner I did a double-take. Doug was there, on his knees, sucking a chubby Asian kid who couldn't be more than 21. Doug was enthusiastically giving him head and the kid had a blissful look on his face. The kid had the hottest jock in the club worshiping his dick....why wouldn't he look blissful, right? Boss was nowhere to be seen. Al noticed me and asked if I knew the guy. I explained my relationship with Quentin and Doug. Then I told Al about Boss's visit to my house and how he conquered Doug in front of Quentin and me, then took him for his own. Al was listening intently and he guided me closer to the action so we could watch. I also noticed the bulge in his jeans and licked my lips. The kid Doug was sucking suddenly yanked his dick from Doug's mouth and painted Doug's face and hair with his load, a big load by the looks of it. Doug was drenched in cum but smiling. He appeared to be high, but not inebriated. Doug was licking the cum from his lips when an Asian nerd standing behind the chubby kid moved forward. He was 5'9", 140, maybe 30. He ordered Doug to remove his shirt and Doug complied immediately, handing it to the nerd. The nerd used it to wipe Doug's face and hair, then he tossed the shirt aside. Doug looked like a sculpted latin God, smooth and beautiful on his knees in just his jeans. He glanced over and saw me watching him and he winked at me. But Doug was interrupted when the nerd leaned down and grabbed him by both nips. He reacted immediately, groaning and turning his attention to the nerd. The nerd let go of one of Doug's nips and unzipped his jeans, exposing his 4-inch uncut cock that was rock hard, the head poking out of his foreskin. Doug's eyes glazed over as he swallowed it to the root. The nerd took Doug by the back of the head and began to fuck his face hard and rough. The chubby Asian, who had moved back momentarily as he recovered from his orgasm, squatted beside Doug and unzipped Doug's jeans, unbuttoning them and fishing Doug's big cock out. Doug's dick was hard and throbbing - it was clear how much Doug was enjoying having these guys use him . The chubby kid stroked Doug a couple times and Doug began to panic, shaking his head from side to side while the nerd continued to face-fuck him relentlessly. The chubby kid grinned and released Doug's cock just in time. Doug drooled precum in a steady stream. The chubby kid moved to Doug's nips, flicking each of them several times while we watched Doug's cock leak like a faucet and bounce in front of him like a flagpole. It was at this moment that I noticed Al unzip his jeans. He leaned over and told me to drop my pants and get on my knees. I hesitated momentarily and Al grabbed me by the right nipple and repeated his demand. I moaned loudly and did as I was told, dropping my jeans and boxers. As I knelt, Al turned me and backed me against the wall a few feet from Doug. Then he pulled out his perfect 6-incher. I leaned forward immediately to take it in my mouth, but Al grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling me away from him and backhanding me in the face. It smarted and I was stunned, embarrassed. But I realized that Al intended to show folks in the room that I was his sub. My 6ft muscled frame must have looked comical kneeling before this 5'8", thin Jewish guy. Al continued to hold me by the hair as I locked my hands behind me in a submissive pose, letting him (and everyone else) know that I would obey him. I kept my eyes focused on Al's, but I could tell that Doug's Asian aggressors were watching us. And I could hear Doug's slurps as the nerd continued his assault on Doug's mouth nearby. Al rested the tip of his dick on my lips and I moaned, wanting so badly to taste him and horny as fuck by this turn of events. My own 6-incher was waving proudly in front of me as I waited for permission to service Al for the second time this evening. And I looked at Al with lust as he stared back at me, clearly pleased by my public submission and his own stature in the room as a dom. As Al made me wait, I heard the nerd reach his peak with Doug. I couldn't look, but he was calling Doug a cocksucker and a whore as he unloaded. Al took this opportunity to move forward. "Open up, bitch", he ordered. And I did, swallowing his dick hungrily. Al backed me against the wall and continued to hold my hair tightly as he fucked my face. "We're going to start spending more time together, John", Al told me. "Every load I shoot is going into one of your holes from now on, understand?", he asked. I couldn't speak with my mouth full of his cock, but I nodded yes vigorously as he fucked my face. "You'll spend the night at my place, I'll spend the night at yours. We'll get dinner and spend time it dating if you will. But you'll submit to me whether you like it or not, won't you?" Again, I nodded vigorously. I suddenly realized how much I needed this man in my life. I was crazy with lust and admiration for him. "I'm going to steady you, John. You've turned into a cock slut and lost control of your world. I am going to fix that. I don't mind sharing you with your alphas, but I will put some structure around it. Are we clear?", Al asked. He pulled out of my mouth and looked at me sternly. "Oh yes Sir. Please Sir.", I replied breathlessly, staring at his dripping dick. "Good boy", Al said.

The nerd appeared beside Al, pulling Doug along on his knees. The nerd leaned down and began to work Al's nip while he pulled Doug's mouth onto Al's cock. Al groaned in surprise and pleasure. And I was suddenly jealous....and crazed with lust. I knew firsthand that Doug's cocksucking skills were first-rate and he was working Al's member like a pro. I moved to Al's balls and began to lick tentatively, unsure of whether Al would approve. But his grip on my hair relaxed and I knew I was on the right track. Al was moaning appreciatively, apparently thrilled to have the young stud throating him. And the nerd continued to gently work Al's nips as he humped Al's hip with his 4-inch cock, the head sliding in and out of its sheath. Al maneuvered around and put me to work on the nerd's cock, which was a pleasure to suck. The nerd responded by leaning over and smacking Doug's ass hard several times as I sucked him. Doug huffed with each smack and doubled-down on his service for Al. Then the nerd surprised us again when he said to Doug, "Turn around and get your ass in the air for this man." Al looked a little bit shocked, but Doug's ass was beautiful and it didn't take him long to recover. Doug was panting like a dog and his cock looked impossibly big, bobbing underneath him as he waited for Al to fuck him. The Asian nerd, clearly impatient, took me by the hair and pulled me to the front of Doug where I knelt in front of him and looked to Al for permission. He nodded and I shoved my dick into Doug's waiting mouth as he hungrily began to work me. The nerd was enthralled with Al and moved behind him, one hand on Al's nip as the other began to guide Al's cock into Doug's waiting hole. When the tip touched Doug, he was electrified. I knew the signs and I knew Doug was going to cum when Al penetrated him. The nerd shoved Al forward into Doug, which shoved my cock into Doug's throat. Doug began to scream, muffled by my cock. The nerd reacted quickly and slapped Doug's balls hard to prevent his orgasm. Reflexively, Doug pulled off my cock and jumped away from Al, groaning in pain. The Asian nerd was furious and began to smack Doug in the head over and over. I felt sorry for Doug, who was on sensory overload. The nerd shoved him back onto my cock after several blows, then returned to Al again. Al had lost a bit of his hardness in the fray and the nerd dropped to his knees to fluff him. When Al was fully hard, he shoved the nerd aside and smacked Doug on the ass before impaling him. Al was ready to cum and my man was long-dicking Doug as he held him by the shoulders, slamming into Doug repeatedly and pushing Doug onto my cock. The nerd moved behind Al gain and gently stroked Al's balls. I lost it first, encased in Doug's throat and shooting rope after rope of cum directly down his gullet. The chubby Asian was suddenly under Doug with Doug's cock in his mouth. Al roared as he bred Doug and Doug screamed as he lost his load into the chubby kid's mouth. The nerd appeared before me and pulled me onto his cock, unloading his sweet cream into my own mouth as I recovered from the intensity of my orgasm. Al had pulled out of Doug and collapsed against the wall by the time the nerd finished cumming. Doug was still on his knees with the chubby kid under him, cleaning Doug's prick, when the nerd pulled me by my hair onto the floor to the chubby kid's cock, which was pretty thick and hard. The nerd shoved me onto it and I sucked the kid for all I was worth. He lasted a minute before he came in my mouth. I swallowed my third load of the night.

I got up immediately and moved to Al, cleaning the cum and Doug's ass from his wilting dick like a good sub. Al smiled and ruffled my hair. He'd definitely had a good time and he was enjoying my attention. I stood when I was finished and we introduced ourselves to the Asian guys as I gave Doug a hug. It turned out that the older Asian nerd was Boss's brother, Quan. He was older than Boss, but Boss clearly had him in the cock department! The chunky guy was the gay brother of a friend, not exactly getting laid too often. So Quan had brought him here for some fun with Doug, who was on loan from Boss while Boss worked tonight. Quan kissed Al passionately, then told Doug to get dressed. He patted me on the ass and led the shirtless Doug to the dance floor. The chunky kid drifted away and Al summoned an Uber. When we got back to my place, we brushed our teeth and hit the sack, Al spooning me from the backside. I loved the feel of him. And I hoped he would be in my bed more often in the coming weeks....

Next: Chapter 20

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