My Dom Asian Twink

By AGuy

Published on Oct 7, 2023


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I stood, stretching my stiff joints and began to walk away. The guys were snickering as my twink assailant followed me back to my room, his hand on my ass. He walked-in behind me and closed the door. As I wondered what was next, he demanded my phone. I gave it to him. He entered his contact information and sent himself a text. Then he walked out without saying a word. I picked up my phone and a smile crossed my lips. The contact card said "Boss", along with his mobile number....

My Dom Asian Twink - Part 2

I used my towel to wipe-up, dressed quickly and raced for the exit keeping my eyes down. As I returned my towel and waited for checkout, the guy at the counter took his time and gave me a condescending smile. Of course he knew....they ALL knew. He was going to make me squirm and wallow in my shame. As I waited, I realized I was getting hard again...WTF? I must have looked like a deer in the headlights because he noticed my discomfort immediately. He turned to his co-worker and said, "I'll be back in 5 minutes". Then he looked at me and said, "I need to check your room. Follow me." Check my room? It was bullshit and I knew it. But instead of walking out, I followed him like a lamb to slaughter. There was no doubt what was about to happen. And my will to resist had been fucked out of me earlier, in front of a live audience.

I followed him to the room where I had dressed a few minutes ago, the room I had rented upon entering the bathhouse. So much had changed in the past hour...I no longer felt like an Alpha. I was wearing my dress shirt, slacks, boxers and dress shoes. He opened the door and I followed him wordlessly. He closed the door and locked it. He was white, late 30's, 5'9", 210, nerdy looking. He'd never seen the inside of a gym. He was wearing athletic shorts and an oversize T-shirt. He had a cocky look on his face and he wasted no time. As I stood before him, he reached out to undo my belt. Then he unzipped my slacks and unbuttoned them. I was staring at the floor and I watched his cock begin to rise in the athletic shorts. It looked thick, least in the shorts. I never actually saw it. He turned me toward the bench, which was waist-high. I felt him pull-down my boxers. Cold lube made contact with my freshly-fucked hole. It was followed immediately by his cock, which began to work its way into me urgently. This was different than Boss, the Asian twink who had fucked me in front of a group earlier and taken my dignity. This nerd's cock was thick...very thick. I made no move to resist, raised no objection. I still don't know why. I felt myself pushing back as he forced his way inside me, doing what was expected of me, trying to get it over-with. It hurt, but I hissed quietly. "Hang on, I gotta make this quick, bitch", he said. Bitch? I was processing the thought when he began to pound me. He grabbed my shoulder with his right hand and started ramming into me hard and fast. I gritted my teeth and tried to relax. I was full of him, this out-of shape nerd's big cock. "Damn this cunt is tight. If I'd known you were such a bitch I would have been fucking you all along", he gasped as he sped toward his orgasm. I felt his hand slip around me and he wrapped his fingers around my hard 6-incher as he said, "Gonna breed your cunt, man". He kept one hand firmly on my cock as the fingers of the other dug into my shoulder. He began to vibrate, thrust and unload in me. I felt another flood of cum in my bowels as he chanted, "Fuck, fuck, fuck"....with each thrust. It felt like an out-of-body experience except for my dick, which was throbbing in his hand, very close to shooting another load. He stopped for a brief moment to linger in his bliss. Then he yanked his big dick from my sloppy hole, wiped it on my boxers and tucked it back into his athletic shorts. I felt empty and wet. As I stood-up he said, "Pull up your pants, bitch. We need to get going." I did, tucking my rock-hard dick back into my boxers and buckling my belt. Then I followed him like a puppy-dog to the front door where he smacked me on the ass and said, "I'm Don. Don't be a stranger". I fled to my car and drove home in silence, my humiliation total and complete.

Next: Chapter 3

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