My Dream Boy Marco

By J Strom

Published on May 8, 2012


Please realize that if you continue reading it means you're interested in gay shit. This story involves sex between males, and is intended to arouse you. If you are not aroused by the following, you should hit back on your browser as quickly as possible. If you are not old enough to read such material you should probably ask your parents if it's ok (we will not take responsibility for any spankings and/or punishments inflicted due to your reading of this story). This story is not intended to offend or negatively provoke anyone, so please only continue reading if you enjoy the idea of cocks in boyholes.

My Dream Boy Marco 2

It was the next day after Marco laid claim to my ass, and the Sunday before classes would begin. I got little sleep last night because I was too excited about what had happened between Marco and me. My mind was filled with Marco's sexy smirk/smile and his luscious lips, and the memory of his gorgeous cock owning me (mouth and ass). Needless to say, I was boned all night and couldn't wait to meet up with him again. I was about to text Marco about another meet up when my phone chimed with an inbound message. It was a picture of me going to town on Marco's cock. Then, a second later a video clip was messaged to my phone showing me moaning and leaking precum while Marco was fucking my ass, both messages from anonymous numbers. I was stunned speechless, and my mind was reeling with the thought of people not only finding out about me, but seeing just how much of a slut for cock I am.

An agonizing fifteen minutes later, after I had run every horrible possibility through my mind as to what this could mean, I got another text from an anonymous number demanding my presence at Chataqua Park at 9pm or else the pic and video would be sent to every student at the University. I had no choice but to obey, I knew that if that video and/or pic got out it would make its way back to my parents who were close with many people at the school. I did not want that to happen and honestly, the thought of what my tormentor might have in mind was making my dick throb. 'Cause if they weren't going to expose me immediately, it could only mean that they wanted to use their knowledge as leverage. The idea of what that leverage might lead to made my ass twitch, and my already hard cock start leaking precum. I bided my time, preening and doing my usual light work out routine of push ups and sit ups. I wanted to talk to Marco, but I felt like I had to take care of this issue first and I didn't want him to know what was happening. So I went to the gym and played a couple pick up games of basketball to try to take my mind off what was happening. That helped a little but not much, so I went back and just waited impatiently in my room until 8:30 rolled around and it was time for me to head out.

I arrived at Chataqua Park five minutes early, and I wasn't sure where I was supposed to go, as it was a big park. I immediately got a text demanding my presence at the swing set past disc golf hole #3. So I knew I was being watched and had no leeway in my complying with the command. I went quickly down to the swing set, but saw no one there. I waited a couple minutes and then sat down on the swing, I immediately got a text that I should remove all clothing except my underwear, shoes and sox, and fold my excess clothes and place them on the other swing. I was starting to get scared, and I hesitated before complying. The thought of being almost naked in a public park made me anxious, but this town was pretty dead after dark, so I wasn't too worred. I was also getting really aroused with the possiblilities of what this might imply. So I removed my clothes and placed them folded on the other swing, and with my cock straining rigidly against my black boxer briefs I got another text, directing me to follow the path to the next tee box. I walked over and lying on the teebox was a hood, a pair of hand cuffs, tit clamps, a butt plug, and a note.

I decided to read the note first of course, and it went as follows: "As I'm sure you have already realized, if you don't obey my every command I will expose you as the fag boy that you are, by sending all the pictures and videos I have of you sucking and taking cock to every student at the University. If you wish to avoid this, you must attach the nipple clamps, insert the butt plug, secure the handcuffs and then kneel down completely naked with your hands behind your head. You have 60 seconds from dropping this note to complete this request. If you fail to complete this task within the time allotted, your punishment will be severe!"

The reality of this unknown person commanding me was turning me on, and I was terrified of people seeing that video clip! I quickly shed my shirt and attahced the nip clips which really stung, but only made my cock leak more. Inserting the butt plug without lube would prove to be difficult. Knowing my time limit I quickly inserted two fingers into my mouth coating them liberally with saliva. I worked my saliva into my hole as I sucked on the butt plug, then isnerted it quickly into my hole with a grunt and a grimace as I handcuffed myself and kneeled down with my hands behind my head just barely inside the allotted time.

So there I was, my taut 6'1" inch frame kneeling on this cement teebox. My smooth, cut chest exposed, and my rippled six pack abs drawn tight due to my hands clutched back behind my head. My 6.5 inch uncut cock protruded lewdly, with no possibility of going down, especially with the butt plug lodged deep in my firm ass. I had to admit being fully naked outside was really exciting, and the night air on my skin felt really good.

After what seemed like an eternity, but was probably only a few minutes I was about to get up when a hooded figure about 6 foot, whom I guaged to be near my age from his movements, emerged from the shadows and began to walk toward me. I started to rise up, frightened by his sudden appearance and not sure if it was him, when he commanded me to kneel my fag ass back down. I of course obeyed thinking this must be him. He walked over to me and grabbed hold of my handcuffed hands and held them behind my head as he began rubbing his hard cock straining through his athletic shorts across my lips. He told me to lick that shit, and I obliged, working my tongue all across the outline of his cock. I wanted to look up at his face to see who it was, but he held my head firmly in place on his cock.

Before his shorts got completely soaked from my tongue and mouth, he pulled my head off of him and told me to remove his shorts with my mouth. Being athletic shorts they were easy to pull down and as he wasn't wearing any underwear, I knew what to do once they were all the way down exposing his seven inch thick cut cock. I moved to take his cock in my mouth which stood and nice and staight with slight upward curve, but before I could suck him into my mouth he grabbed hold of the hair on the back of my head, holding me off him. He tilted my head back, and now I was staring straight up at his face, and fuck me if it wasn't Andrew from yesterday at the pool!

I was excited that at least this was someone I would not mind in the least servicing, but I was also still scared that he would expose me, and disappointed that he would do something like this, he didn't seem like such a dick yesterday. As I stared up at him with a look of anticipation for what would come next, he pulled out his camera phone and started recording. Andrew was smirking down at me as he said,

"You know what you wanna do, so be a good boy and ask for permission." I knew exactly what he meant, so gazing up at him I asked,

"Please, may I suck your cock?" He chuckled mischievously as he guided my head onto his dick, all while stile recording. He let me start at my own pace, allowing me to really work his cock with my tongue and get a good suction going as I was bobbing on his cock. I was really getting into it, and I had a rhythm going for several minutes when he pulled me off and told me to lick it. So I moved to obey with my tongue outstretched toward his cock, but he held my head back, his cock just barely out of reach.

"I said lick it!" Andrew commanded. So there I was straining with my mouth wide open and my tongue licking lasciviously toward his mushroom head, but unable to gain purchase on it, because he was holding my head back, all while being recorded on his phone! If the other videos he had weren't enough, this one will really make me look like a cock slut. The problem was that I knew he was recording me, but I couldn't make myself stop obeying him. My cock was throbbing from contact with his hot cock and the control he was exerting over me. After about a minute of me struggling to lick his cock and him only allowing brief and grazing contact, he relaxed his grip so I could really begin my task. I licked all around his mushroom head, flicking my tongue back and forth across the underside, and running it slowly up and down the entire shaft. I would alternate between using just the tip as well as wrapping as much of my toungue around his cock as I could while working my tongue all over it.

After a couple of minutes Andrew pushed my head down and forward so I could work his balls. I licked them and then sucked them gently into my mouth while swathing them with my tongue. I got a little too enthusiastic with the sucking and Andrew yelped, "Not so hard!" and then he flicked my nip clamps causing a twinge of pain to shoot through my body. He guided my head back onto his cock and started to ram it down my throat. I was gagging and unable to breath as my eyes started watering. I was trying to relax my throat muscles, but Andrew wasn't giving me any time to adjust. He just kept ramming my mouth up and down on his cock. I guess he had decided it was time to get his nut! I was just trying to breathe while doing my best to grip Andrew's cock with my lips as he assaulted my mouth and throat with his rod. He really picked up the pace all of a sudden and then gasped out as he rammed his cock all the way back down my throat letting a couple spurts fly. Then he pulled out and shot the rest of his load right onto my face and my mouth as it was still open. With his cock still rock hard, he began smearing his cum all around my face, even slapping his cock fairly hard back and forth across my cheeks. By this time I had caught my breath, but I couldn't open my eyes as his cum had really gotten all over. Of course all of this was caught on his phone!

While Andrew was still rubbing his cock around my face he said, "Tell me you love sucking my cock and you'll do it whenever I want." This would have been true anyway, Andrew didn't need to blackmail me to make me his cock slut, but I guess he couldn't have known that! So with my eyes still closed, and my face covered in Andrew's spunk, I declared rather convincingly, "I loove sucking your cock!" I then moved my mouth forward and lightly wrapped my lips partially around his cock, "I'll do it whenever you want." Andrew finally stopped recording, and used the hood to wipe off my face so I could open my eyes. He was staring at me with this self satisfied grin on his face.

"Your ass now belongs to me. You will do whatever I want without question, or you will face the consequences, got it?" I was totally fine with that, but Andrew had Marco on video too, and I didn't want to agree to his terms unless he swore he wouldn't do anything to Marco. So I said,

"Only if you leave Marco completely out of it. You have to promise not to do anything to him, or expose him."Andrew got this shocked expression on his face. Then he snickered, and said,

"Look cockboy, you don't get to dictate terms here, you have nothing to negotiate with. Now say your ass is mine or not only will you be punished, but I'll still send out the video and pics!" I thought about it for a while, and realized Andrew was right, I'm totally screwed here, and if I don't want anyone to see the video and pics of Marco and me my best course of action would be to comply with his demands. So I said,

"My ass belongs to you and I'll obey you without question." I rather liked the idea of having to do whatever Andrew wanted, but I was super disappointed about how this turned out as I didn't want to hook up with Andrew under these circumstances. On the other hand, I only just had sex the first time yesterday, and the idea of servicing a hot guy like Andrew was just about a dream come true.

"Don't ever take that long to obey me again! Now stand up, and put your hands down." I obeyed and Andrew moved forward and put the hood over my head, and in doing so, I realized he had wiped his cum off me with the same section of cloth that was right in front of my mouth and nose. So I was breathing in the aroma of his spunk and it was lying wet against my mouth. By this time, all this arousal was making my cock and balls ache, and I was wondering when I would get some relief. Andrew attached a leash to the hood and began walking off, pulling me after him.

We had walked for a couple minutes with me stumbling after him, when the ground changed from the gravel path to sidewalk, and then street. Finally, we stopped and I started to get really worried when I heard a car door open, and Andrew pushed me inisde. It must be a van, because I fell to a metal floor without any seats. Andrew climbed up after me and shut the door. I was waiting anxiously for what was going to happen next, a bit terrified of what I had gotten myself into. I really didn't think Andrew was a cruel person, but I was seriously starting to rethink my initial impression of him. We just sat there silently for about a minute when I heard a voice.

"Nice boner cockboy, you ready for some more?" Wait a sec, I knew that voice! Marco?!?!

I felt the hood being removed, and there was Marco staring at me with that smirk/smile on his face. I was too shocked to respond, my mind was racing with what this could mean. I turned to Andrew and he just had this huge shit eating grin on his face. I wanted to punch these fuckers for scaring the shit out of me.

I turned back to Marco, still completely dumbfounded as to why they put me through that ordeal and he started to explain.

"What happened between us yesterday was super intense, and I don't want things to get too heavy or serious so quickly. I saw that you were checking Andrew out yesterday, so when he told me about the video he had of us, I thought we'd have a little fun with you, because I had a pretty good idea of what a slut for cock you are." Marco said winking at me. "Since you seem to respond so well to subjugation," Marco snickered while glancing down at my still hard cock, "I think we'll have some fun with that in the future as well. Now get over here and kiss me you dumb bastard."

"I'm gonna get you back for this!" I said looking at both Andrew and Marco, but I couldn't help but smile. (I found out later that Andrew had noticed that something was up with us and stuck around to spy on us when we thought everyone had left. So he heard Marco ask me if I wanted to suck his cock, and climbed up into the tree outside Marco's window to capture all the action with his phone.) "You know Marco, you could have just told me what you just said, you didn't have to turn me into Andrew's cock slave to make the point that we're young and you don't wanna be in a marriage-like relationship." He put on his cutest smirk/smile and gazing at me with his sexy green eyes said,

"Yeah, but that wouldn't have been nearly as much fun. Plus, just because we're not gonna enslave you, doesn't mean you're not still my cockboy, so get over here and kiss me!"

He had me there, looking back it was really exciting! So, I shrugged my agreement and he grabbed the back of my head and pulled me hard into a kiss. As we began making out Andrew removed my handcuffs, and began massaging my ass through my boxer briefs. I wasn't paying much attention to his actions as I was completely absorbed with dueling Marco's mouth and tongue. Then I heard a ripping sound as Andrew ripped open the whole back of my brief's and stripped them from my body. Marco pulled me on top of him, giving Andrew free access to my ass, which he grabbed hold of, spreading my strong cheeks apart and exposing my hole to the air. I could feel the air wafting across my hole and it made me quiver with anticipation. I was expecting Andrew to start licking me, but instead he took two wet finfers and started smacking my hole. I gasped in surprise as it kind of stung, but in a good way that made my cock throb. Then, gripping my cheeks firmly he buried his face in my ass, and started to bathe my hole with his tongue, eventually working it inside. It felt amazing, and was distracting me from my makeout session with Marco, who noticed and bit my lip lightly in response. We got back into sync and our tongues were swirling around and back and forth between each other's mouths. All while Andrew soaked my hole with saliva and really worked his tongue in deep. At this point my balls were really aching now, and when I finally would cum, I knew it would hurt.

Then Marco broke off our kissing, and pushed me up. He grabbed this foot high step stool, about ten inches wide with what looked like a makeshift padded top. He placed it in the middle of the van floor, and pushed me down over it, so that my cock was hanging down on one side with my ass was up in the air, and my face pressed down toward the floor. Marco stripped off all his clothes, exposing his creamy pale smooth and lithe body and his engorged eight inch cut cock. He looked over to Andrew and raised his eyebrows, then looked down at his cock and made the same gesture. Andrew was only too happy to oblige, so he crawled his already naked form over to Marco and sucked his cock into his mouth working as much saliva onto his cock as possible, coating it liberally. Once it was glistening wet, Andrew pulled off, and Marco knelt down in position behind my ass. I wanted him so bad, and said,

"Oh yeah Marco, fuck me!"

"You want this, huh?" Marco said while rubbing his cock up and down my crack. I was so horny by this time, I didn't just want his cock, I needed it inside me.

"Please Marco, I need it, I to feel you inside me!"

"Oh you're gonna get it, Marco said, "but first you need to be taught a lesson. You complied way too easily with Andrew's demands, and you need to learn that you can't just go around acting like such a little slut all the time. You will learn to control your need for cock, got it?" Marco said this in a fake angry voice, he didn't truly mean it, he was just fucking with me.

Then Marco started spanking my ass hard. Smack. Smack. Smack. On the first smack I yelped with surprise, but soon took it in stride even though it really stung! After several more smacks, my ass was stinging as I looked over to see Andrew kneeling there slowly jerking his cock while he watched. When Marco was finished he leaned down next to my ear and whispered, "I know you liked that, you're cock is leaking all over the place." Marco moved back behind me and massaged my ass gently, and then started working his cock into my still slick hole. Once the head popped in with a gasp from me, he let me adjust briefly before sliding the rest of the way home. I moaned as he bottomed out in my ass. With the whole situation, and with Andrew and Marco, I hadn't been able to focus much on anything but the physical stimulus. But once Marco's cock was fully in my ass I could relax enough to feel our energy flow again. I could feel Marco's energy as it flooded into and connected with mine and it felt so good to open myself up and allow his energy to penetrate me, just like his cock was penetrating my ass. I think Marco could feel it too, 'cause that's when he said, "There you go baby, that's how to take a dick!"

The feeling of Marco long dicking me, pulling out to the head and back in to the hilt felt so amazing along with my keen awareness of this intense interplay of energy. He wasn't going fast but steady and firm as he pumpd his hard cock into my tight hole. As he picked up the pace my prostate was really getting stimulated and I wanted to jerk my cock, but it felt so agonizingly good to just focus on the feeling of Marco's cock in my ass. My cock was dripping precum onto the floor, and I guess Andrew found the sight too inviting, as he lay down on his back underneath me, and propped his back up with a couple pillows, so that his face was pressed right up into my cock. He started to lick the precum off my cock, savoring the sweet nectar, before peeling my foreskin back fully and engulfing his mouth on my cock. I couldn't help but moan as the stimulation was driving me very close to the edge. With Andrew in that position, his cock was left staring me in the mouth and I couldn't keep my lips off of it.

So there I was, my boyhole gripped firmly around Marco's eight incher which he was still long dicking in and out, Andrew's mouth suctioning away on my dick, his tongue swirling around with each bobbing movement, and with my lips wrapped around the silky smooth hardness of Andrew's cut cock. I don't think I was capable of holding an actual thought in my mind, I was too enraptured in the ecstasy of boy sex. I was getting really close to cumming which I think Andrew noticed, so he backed off from the heavy sucking and starting edging me with his tongue and lips. With everything I was feeling, I couldn't do much accept swirl my tongue around Andrew's cockhead, but I don't think he minded ;).

Marco decided it was time for a change of pace, so he got up from kneeling and squatted low behind me to get more leverage, and after firmly plunging his cock back into me and eliciting a gasp of as a twang of pain shot through my ass, he began really ramming his cock home. This higher up angle of attack was putting more pressure on my prostate, and I could feel my orgasm building deep in my balls. Andrew was still just edging me, so the majority of the stimulation was coming from Marco's expert pummeling of my hole. So with his balls slapping loudly against my ass, the wall inside me broke agonizingly open and my first cumshot rocketed out of my cock and all over Andrew's face before he could take it fully into his mouth. He tried to lap up every last drop, but my orgasm had really been building all day because I'd been so horned, and my jizz leaked out down his cheek.

Once again the clamping of my ass muscles from my orgasm sent Marco over the edge and he started pounding desperately into me until he let loose with a boyish grunt and pumped a mansize load deep in my hole. I was in too much of a post orgasmic daze to finish Andrew off with my mouth, so when Marco finally pulled out, and sat back to rest, Andrew moved over and started fingering my ass. I knew he needed to nut, so I said, "Go for it." He didn't need anymore encouragement, and slid his throbbing seven inch cock easily into my hole now dripping with Marco's cum. He was already super close, so it was barely a couple minutes of ball slapping fun before he pulled out, turned me over and pulled my head onto his cock to take his hot load. I wasn't really ready for it, so the first couple of shots which fired out fast splashed off my tongue and back out the sides of my mouth before I could drink it all down. The remaining five shots I drank down no problem. I liked the taste of Andrew's cum, it was slightly sweet, and salty, similar to my own cum, but it wasn't as good as Marco's, his cum was just as sweet as his precum. I'm sure I would get another chance to taste his cum, and I was looking forward to it.

After Andrew pulled his drained cock from my mouth, he pulled me up into a deep kiss our tongues dancing as I shared his cum with him. He gripped my ass firmly as we finished our kiss, and winked at me, saying, "You've got a great ass!" I think I blushed as I said, "Thanks, but it's not yours," smiling back into Andrew's stunning blue eyes.

"Maybe not, but it is mine," said Marco with that same old smirk on his face. I snickered, saying,

"And you earned it, but don't think that means that your ass insn't mine!" I was hard again, and wanted to own his ass right then, but it was late, and we could save that for another time.

"Man, that was so hot," I said, "too bad you didn't get a video of that."

"Of course I got a video of that, see?" said Anderw as he pointed to two small dome fixtures on the top and side of the van which I had assumed were lights, but actually appeared more like the little security camera domes.

"You'll have to make me a copy."

"You betcha, cockboy. But don't worry, you won't need videos when you've got the real thing to play with," said Andrew as he wagged his cock at me. We all laughed, and then got dressed (Andrew had collected my clothes from the swing set earlier and they were already in the van), and Andrew drove me back to my dorm. I kissed Marco goodbye, and told Andrew I'd see him tomorrow at class. As I climbed out of the van, Marco slapped my ass, and when I looked back he winked and kissed at me, and then they drove off home.

I was tired and looking forward to my first day of school tomorrow, but my mind was still filled with thoughts of Marco's and Andrew's hot cocks pumping my hole and fantasizing about burying my cock in both their hot little asses. But mostly, I just couldn't get Marco out of my head. Images of his adorable little smirk/smile, and his warm green eyes, long blond hair, and his flawless creamy white skin kept running through my mind. That, along with the memory of his energy penetrating into mine and how we meshed together so well, I couldn't wait for what this year had in store for me!

That's all for this installment. I hope the story makes you as horny as it does for me writing it. If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to email me.

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