My Dream Come True

By Dustin Bass

Published on Oct 23, 1999


@@@@@@@@@@ Hey Guys @@@@@@@@@@

Thanks for all the Loving Emails I got about my delay. I really appreciate them I also want to say hi to Yuli, Matt, Andrew, Chris, Tonny, and everyone else who emailed me. I forgot Starbolt too I don't know your real name but hey you know I am saying "hey" to yah all. Again I thank you, now read on guys.


Please remember that one year ago on October 7th My mother was killed. Rest In Peace Mom and Mom I dedicate all my work in life to you so "Mom this is for u"


Also Remember that in this story the date is sometime in May of 99 so I am still back in time but I will catch up ok Love yah guys and read on.....


My Dream Come True 15

When we arrived at the court house, there were press everywhere, it seemed that the word had got around that the wealthiest man in WV is having problems. As I stepped out of the limo, I was bombarded with questions and pictures so were Nsync and Britney. We all covered our faces and ran into the building not even looking at the press. I walked in the room and sat down with the guys and Britney behind me. Now for some of you who forgot the jury has listened to the taped testimonies and is now ready to hear more from the defendant and then decide on the case. I fiddled with the ring around my neck as I watched the judge came in and we all stood up, then re seated; I watched as the juries came in and took their seat. Then the head woman of the jury stood and began to speak "We have listened to the tapes and are now ready to hear from the defendants side," She said and sat down. Nick Thacker stood and began his big speech about how badly mistaken I was and about how much I was crazy and needed psychiatric help. I pretended to ignore his speech. But then he did something different, he called a witness: "Now, I would like to have Marty Kiblinger took the stand," Walked in, Marty, A low classes no money drunk, whose didn't care about anything but him and his alcoholic drinks. He took the stand and Nick began to ask him questions it was like pure stupidity on nicks part, Marty was half drunk and could barely speak finally Nick let him go knowing that he really hadn't accomplished a thing. "I have one more piece of evidence before the defense rest," Nick said, as he searched though piles of papers and finally found what he was looking for he pulled out what looked like hospital papers and birth certificates. Then he began: " Your honor I have a dilemma here. Dustin is asking for all these things but is he really entitled to them is he? No! Because here in my hand are birth certificate papers, clearly stating that Michael Dustin Bass is NOT the son of Michael David Bass but an adopted son who was originally Cammie's but was never kin by blood to Michael David Bass. Your honor the defense rests," Nick said and sat down, as a single tear falling from my eye. "To be...NOT!!!!!!!!!!! I would not quit at this short of a story no way!!! 'OBJECTION" Karen yelled to the top of her lungs. "This evidence was not given to us by any means and federal law says the once a child is adopted or lives in a house for more then 5 years he is official the legal son and or daughter of the parent. Your honor I move that this evidence be dismissed from all record and this jury be dismissed and a new one put up so the case can be represented to new unknowing people," Karen said as she was red in the face "I agree Karen but the jury will have to stay all evidence of this will be erased from record jury you will hae no reconciliation of this evidence," The judge said. "Then," Karen said,' The prosecution rests," "Jury you will go and make your final decision we will rejoin tomorrow at 7am sharp," The judge pounded the hammer and we were off back home. When I pulled up my dad wasn't home yet because the other limo was gone I went in the house with everyone following I guess right now i was sad I didn't want to be bothered with magic or anything else just myself I announced I was going to bed and I went into my mom's old room and cuddled up in her bed and fell asleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Next part This Part is again going to be of Joeys point of view KEEP THAT IN MIND WHEN READING!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am going to bed," Dustin announced wearily and left heading towards his moms old room. "damn," I said pissed off "He is such an asshole, isn't he Joey?" Chris said referring to my dad. "No shit," I said thinking about my baby "Well maybe we can help him just comfort him a little," Justin said "If it was me I would go kick his ass right now the Noxi ass bastard," Britney said pissed "Go bitch!" Meg said as she gave her a high five "Well Britney why don't I take you up on the offer," a voice said from above then a flash of light and there standing in front was dad. Megan, Britney, and Chris all flipped back and then landed in a fighting stance, the fighters pulled out daggers and were ready and also my eyes were red and ready for anything. "Hey Hey don't press your luck," My dad said laughing. A groups isn't nothing with out unity. "Wanna Bet," Joey said as he floated 6 inches off the ground and began to chant, "Water! Water! come to me! Water! Water! set me free! Water! Water! drown this man to whom I point my hand," His circling stopped and his hand pointed with that a gush of water charged with electric shot out of his hand and hit my dad knocking him to the floor. My dad got on his feet and looked pissed. "Well it seems you know a little bit about magic so far but maybe not enough," My dad said as he flicked his hand in a motion like a woman. A fan and 8 cards came out but these cards turned a dark red color and flew out of his hand and encircled all of us and began to make us spinning as if we were in a tornado; we couldn't stop. Until Britney flipped back and got out of it, breaking the circle. "I am getting real sick of your shit," she said as she flipped in the air and just as she reached him threw her legs out and kicked in his face. "You bitch!" he said as he stood up and almost hit her but Megan got there before that "Not on your life ass," she said then grabbed his hand in the air about an inch in front of Britney face, she flipped him over and then kicked his face. My dad got up and was pissed. "How come you're doing so well," He screamed surprisingly "You ain't seen nothing yet," Lance said. The 3 fighters raised their small daggers and through this towards him but instead of hitting him they encircled him and shot small needles at him. "AAAHHHH," he screamed in pain then he disappeared. I was so tired and I wanted to see my baby. So I walked the main stairway and turned the many halls and entered his room as I entered, I didn't see him so I pressed the small sliver button to call my servant. "Yes sir," she said as she stepped in "Umm bring me some orange juice and few cookies," I ordered She nodded, then returned in 5 minutes and leaving the food on the night table. "Our first fight," I thought "And Dustin wasn't there to see it but we did do pretty good," "I hope he is ok," I thought as I rested my head on the pillow and soon was asleep. To be continued Love You Guys ~~D~~ I know its short but i wanted to get something out

Next: Chapter 9

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