My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Feb 13, 2003


Hey all, I'm back and ready to write again. It's been such a long time, I've had to re-read the story to try to remember what my next plot was going to be.

Now on with the story.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan

and finally: "This Gift" by Sprout

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Previously on "My Everything".....

"I'm sorry, Nick." Drew said. "I guess I just didn't feel much like swimming today."

I could hear the sadness in Drew's tone. I think Nick picked up on it too because he then asked Drew if he was alright.

"I'll be ok, Nick." Drew said. "I just have alot on my mind."

"Would It help to talk about it, Drew?" Jeff asked, from his place beside Danny at the table.

"No, not right now, Jeff." Drew replied. "I just need to sort out a few things, that's all. I'll let you all know if I need to talk, ok?"

"Alright, if you're sure, buddy." Danny said.

"I am." Drew insisted, nodding.

"Well, guys, I'm beat. How about we all go home now?" Kandi suggestes, combing back her wet hair and pulling it back in a ponytail.

"I'm down with that, idea." I agreed. I was ready to go home and finish what my sexy man had started in the water earlier today.

"Hey, now that I'm seeing you pull your hair back, Kandi, I just noticed how long Sean's hair is getting." Jeff said, checking me out.

Everyone looked at me and noticed that my hair was already long enough to pull back as well. They were surprised at how different I looked with longer hair.

"Would you guys be alright with it if I choose to grow it even longer?" I asked everyone.

They all looked at each other for a moment, then looked back at me and nodded.

"It's your hair, baby." Nick said. "I still think you look sexy with long or short hair. Hell, you'd look sexy even if you shaved your head bald.

"I don't know about that, Nick." I laughed. "I can't see myself doing that."

We all got engrossed in conversation as we packed up our belongings and headed to our cars.

Drew told Nick and I that he was going to ride back with the guys so Nick and I could spend some time alone together.

Nick and I got in his car and he started driving us towards home. Justin and the rest of the gang were in front of us in his van. Only this time Drew was driving, giving Jeff, Danny, Justin and Kandi some cuddly time with each other.

Nick and I got into the car and he drove the two of us home.

********** CHAPTER 45 **********

LATER THAT NIGHT.......................

Nick was fast asleep beside me, in bed, while I was still awake. I wasn't able to sleep. That was because I remembered about my decision earlier today about what I had to do.

I got up out of bed and walked over to the dresser and turned on the lamp, making sure the light was low enough not to wake up Nick.

I quietly opened the closet door and reached for one of my suitcases. I pulled it out of the closet and opened it.

Then, I reached back into the closet and grabbed all the clothes that I wanted and packed them into my suitcase. It didn't take long since I wasn't planning on taking too much with me.

I had decided that I wanted to leave town for a while. I couldn't deal with everything that was going on lately. Drew making moves on me, Nick about to become a new father to Jessica's baby, not to mention the fact that I no longer had a marriage. At least not in the legal sense of the word.

I also had to deal with a possible stalker who could either be after Nick or me, or maybe even both of us. But that's not what disturbed me the most. What disturbed me the most also scared me the most when I realized what it was...........

I was developing feelings for Drew. Feelings that I didn't think I would ever feel for another man. And with Drew, flirting, and coming on to me as much as he had been lately, It was getting harder and harder for me to resist him. He was just like Nick: He had the same level of attraction and irresistability that just seems to draw you to him. I had come so dangerously close to crossing the line with Drew once before, that I knew right then and there that I needed to get away from him.......from everyone. At least until I had a chance to clear my head and do some major soul searching.

I finished packing and zipped up my suitcase. I then walked towards the bedroom door. Before I exited, I looked over at Nick's sleeping form. He was so beautiful when he was asleep.

I took one long look at him, before I carried my luggage downstairs and sat it down by the door. With a heavy sigh, I walked back upstairs and into Nick's room to get into some clothes.

I put on a pair of jeans and a polo-shirt and then grabbed my shoes and socks to put on. After doing that. I walked over to the dresser and pulled open a drawer. I grabbed an envelope, a pen, and some paper out. I sat down and started writing...........

My Dearest Nick,

I'm leaving. I'm not sure when I'll be back, but I'm sure I won't be gone long. I have alot of things that I need to tell you, but I couldn't face you or our friends. That's why I'm writing this letter.

The truth is, baby, I'm confused. Now that you're about to become a father, I don't know how to deal with that.

But there is something you need to know........

I've been keeping some things from you. Things that I haven't been able to bring myself to tell you. But I will tell you at least one thing that's bothering me.

I lied to you yesterday when I told you that the call on my cellphone was someone trying to sell something. It was actually a call from someone who knows my name and who seems to be obsessed with you. So in other words, you and I are being stalked. But it seems like you're the target than I am, but I'm sure that whoever it is that wants you will do anything to get me out of your life. If you need more info, talk to your brother about this. I had no choice but to tell him about it because he could tell something was wrong and he wouldn't let it go until I fessed up.

While I'm gone, I will think long and hard about us and about our future together.

IF we still have one

I will be thinking of you, always. I will try and hurry back to you as soon as I have my answers. Until then, take care of yourself and tell the guys I said goodbye.

I love you,


I finished writing and folded up the piece of paper and then placed it in the envelope. I sealed it and then turned it over and wrote Nick's name on the front of it.

I turned around and walked towards Nick's side of the bed, where he was sleeping, and set the note on the bedside table beside him, near the phone.

I could feel myself starting to choke up, knowing what my leaving was going to do to Nick when he woke up and found me gone.

I then leant over him and lightly kissed him on the cheek. He moved a little bit, but didn't awaken.

I turned and tiptoed to the door. I looked back at Nick one last time before I walked out of the bedroom and downstairs to the door, where I stopped to open the closet and get my jacket out.

Tears ran down my face as I put it on. I grabbed my suitcase and my keys off of the table and opened the door. I slipped outside and shut the door quietly behind me, locking it as well.

The tears were still falling as I made my way over to my SUV, which hadn't been driven in a while. I opened the rear door and set my suitcase inside. Then I shut it and walked back to the driver's side and opened the door.

I climbed into the driver's seat, closing the door behind me, and fastened my seat belt. I put the keys into the ignition and started the SUV.

I pulled out of Nick's driveway and started driving through the streets of Los Angeles, while trying to decide where I would stay while I figured everything out. All I knew is that I needed a place where I could relax and get my head together.

I then thought of the perfect place: "Cloud Nine Spa and Fitness Center"

That was the perfect place to go when you wanted to get pampered and feel like you're in heaven, all the while getting the time to yourself to do what needed to be done.

I decided that that's where I was going to go, so I continued driving until I saw the on ramp that headed onto the freeway.

I got on the freeway and drove for about 15 minutes before I noticed that I was starting to driving into mountain terrain. I knew then that I was almost there.

"Cloud Nine" was up in a quiet spot, up near the mountains. But it wasn't in the cold parts. The temperatures were a little cooler but were not the least bit freezing.

After about another 15 minutes, I pulled up to the Spa, which was still open.

I parked my SUV and got out. I walked to the back and open the trunk door and grabbed my suitcase out of it.

I shut the trunk and locked all the doors. I started walking towards the spa.

I entered and walked up to the check in counter where a black haired girl was sitting behind the counter.

"Hi, how may I help you, sir?" She asked.

"Hello." I said tiredly. "I'd like to check in to the spa for awhile.

"Certainly." She said, as she searched for any open rooms in the database. "For how long?"

I then realized that I wasn't sure how long I was going to stay. So I decided to sleep on it.

"Actually, I'm not sure." I said to her. "But for now, I'll stay for 1 week until I decide whether or not it will be longer or shorter by tommorrow. Right now, I just want to get some sleep."

"Alright then." She said.

I gave the clerk, whose name was Maggie, my name and everything else she needed to get me set up with a private room. When she was finished, she gave me a key card to my room.

"Alright, you're all set." Maggie said. "Would you like anything else before you go up to bed?"

I smiled at how nice Maggie was. She had long black hair and blue eyes. She kind of reminded me of Danny. He also had black hair and blue eyes.

"Actually yes." I said. "Would you please set up an apppointment for me to get a massage tommorrow?

"Sure." Maggie said, with a smile. "What time?"

"Around 1:30p.m." I decided.

She typed that in the computer.

"Ok, 1:30p.m. it is." She said, finishing up, and giving me back my credit card, which I'd handed to her earlier. "You'll be in room 106. Please enjoy your stay."

"I will." I said, picking up my suitcase. "Thank you, Maggie."

"You're welcome." She said back. "Goodnight now."

"Goodnight." I replied back, as I walked towards the elevators. I pushed the up button and waited for the elevator doors to open.

When the did, I walked into the elevator and pushed the button for the first floor.

The elevator moved upward and stopped on the first floor, where the doors opened and I stepped out.

I walked down the hall until I came to the door of room 106. I slid my key card into the door and it turned green, signaling that it was open.

I walked into my room and set my suitcase down in the closet. I walked over to the bed and sat my keycard on the bedside table there.

I took off my clothes and shoes until I was in nothing but my boxerbriefs and socks. I climbed into my bed and crawled underneath the covers.

It was then that the loneliness that I was feeling now that I was in bed alone really hit me. I started crying, knowing that Nick was going to be upset with me for leaving. But I couldn't just go back. I had to figure things out. Even if it meant risking everything that I had with Nick.

I didn't think that it was fair for me to have to keep Nick in the dark about what I was going through.

I then asked myself: "Do I trust Nick? I mean REALLY trust him?"

After all, that was the most important part of any relationship. Trust. Without trust, it won't survive.

And with Drew still in love with me, my invalid marriage, and lying to Nick about it, I wasn't liking the answer I was coming up with.

I couldn't think anymore and I ended up crying myself to sleep.

******************************************************* NICK'S HOUSE, THE NEXT MORNING...............

Drew awoke to the sound of sobbing coming from Nick's room. Someone was crying.

Concerned, Drew got out of bed and walked over to Nick's room, where the door was open.

He glanced in and saw Nick sitting on his bed, crying his eyes out. Drew noticed that he was holding a piece of paper in his hands.


Nick looked up and saw Drew standing in his doorway, staring at him with concern in his eyes.

"Nick, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Drew asked. He then looked around the room and noticed that Sean wasn't there.

"And where is Sean?" Drew also asked.

Nick's lower lip trembled as he swallowed and tried to get out the words:

"He left me, Drew." Nick sobbed. "He left all of us."

Drew was shocked at this news. "Are you sure?" He asked, holding his hand to his chest.

Nick then held out the piece of paper, that he was holding, to Drew.

"Read it, Bro." Nick said, as Drew accepted the paper.

Drew noticed it was written in Sean's handwriting. He then started reading it.

When he had finished, he also had tears in his eyes. He then sat down beside Nick and pulled Nick into his arms.

"Nick, I'm so sorry, Bro." Drew said. "I can't believe it's come to this. And it might be my fault."

Nick let go of Drew with a confused scowl on his face.

"Why would it be your fault, Drew?" Nick asked him.

Drew took a deep breath.

"Nick, there's something I need to tell you..........


Well, that's all for this one.

Will Drew confess his feelings for Sean to Nick? if so, how will Nick react?

Will Drew's confession cause his relationship with Nick to fall apart? or grow stronger?

You won't want to miss a minute of what happens next!

******************************************************* "My Everything-Chapter 45 Sneak Preview:

Nick and Drew make a decision, in which the rest of the gang agree with as well. What will this decision be?

Sean makes a decision of his own. "What will his be? and will it change things between him and Nick? or him and Drew?

Stay tuned. Because what happens next, changes Everything!"

Next: Chapter 46

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