My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Jan 1, 2005



I'm back with another chapter of "My Everything."

Thanks for all of your support! Without it, I don't think I could have written this story for this long.

Now on with the story.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan "Playing Doctor with 98 Degrees" by Brian "This Gift" by Sprout

and finally:

"What I feel for you" by Thack.

"What I feel for you." is an awesome story and Thack, himself deserves applause for all of his hard work on it.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Previously on "My Everything".....

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Then it opened, slowly and Nick peeked his head in.

"Can I come in?" He asked. "I heard voices up here when I came back inside and wondered what was going on."

"Come on in, Nick." Justin said.

Nick walked into the room and closed the door behind him.

"Where's Jessica, man?" Jeff asked him. "I heard what happened earlier between the two of you."

Nick shrugged it off.

"She went to pick up our daughter from Tina and Joe's." Nick said. "So, what did I miss here?"

Justin then proceeded to fill him in.

"We were all just trying to figure out a solution for Kandi's and my living arrangements and so far we've come up with a temporary solution." Justin told him. "And that is to fly in to Orlando and spend Christmas with Sean and his friends."

Nick brightened when he heard that they had decided to do the same thing that he suggested earlier.

"So, you guys wouldn't mind, flying to Orlando with me to see Sean for the holidays?" He asked them.

"Not at all." Danny told him. "We all love Sean, you included, so I think that we should do it."

"Cool." Nick said. "So, it's settled then. We're leaving for Orlando ASAP."

"Yes, Nick." Kandi said to him. "And if we use the private jet you guys used when you were 98 Degrees, we should get there by Christmas morning."

Nick gave Kandi a thumbs up.

"Good thinking, Kandi." He said. "I'll take care of this right now."

Nick walked over and picked up the phone, that was sitting on the bedside table. He dialed a number and waited for a response.

"Robert, gas up the jet and get it ready for flight....Orlando, Florida.....Thanks man. You're the best. We'll be there in two hours." Ok, bye."

Nick hung up the phone and turned towards everyone.

"Everything is taken care of." Nick said to everyone in the room. "Let's get our shit packed and on that plane. As for sleep, we can sleep on the plane during flight. We should be there by Christmas morning."

Kandi and Justin continued their packing, while Nick, Jeff and Danny went to their rooms to pack also.

******************************************************* BACK IN ORLANDO, AT THE BEACH APARTMENT.......

Now in my bedroom, Jason put me down and turned me to face him. At the same time, he reached over and put his hands under my shirt and pulled it up over my head. Then he took off my pants, leaving me standing naked, in front of him. He looked me up and down, admiring my body.

"You're beautiful." I heard him whisper, obviously liking what he saw.

I then pulled his shirt up over his head and removed his jeans as well. When he was down to his underwear, I saw that he was wearing a string bikini and he looked good in it. I also got to see just how built he really was. And he was beautiful in every sense of the word.

"So are you." I whispered back to him. "I'm ready whenever you are."

"Well, in that case....." Jason said, and pulled me close to him again as he started kissing me again.

I ran my hands up and down his muscular arms, feeling every curve and every shape of his muscles and arms, as well as his soft, golden skin. It was also very obvious that he works on his tan too, for his skin was a lovely golden color.

I then jumped up on Jason and wrapped my legs around his waist, as I kissed him some more. he then carried me towards the bed and we both dropped down on it, with him on top of me.

"I'm glad I'm with you, Jase." I whispered to him. He smiled.

"Me too." he whispered back. "Merry Christmas, Sean."

"Merry Christmas, Jason." I said back.

Jason then leaned into me and started kissing me once again, as he prepared to give me a night I would never forget.

*********** CHAPTER 77 ***********


I awoke, to the sun shining on a beautiful day: Christmas morning. This Christmas was going to be different from any other Christmas that I've had. Especially since I was living in Florida, which is warm all year round and it didn't snow here.

I turned and looked at Jason's sleeping form, lying next to me, in bed. He was still naked after what happened between us last night.

Last night had been incredible. I hadn't had good sex like that in a while. With the exception of Drew, Ben and Matt of course. But it was different with Jason. And it wasn't just because he was a muscle stud. Drew, Matt, Ben, and even Nick, were all muscular. Then, it hit me.

The reason it was different with Jason was because there was nothing to hide. I realized that with Jason, I could be myself and not have to hide anything, as compared to the 'celebrity' lifestyle where I had to sneak around all the time and limit my public displays of affection to just time alone, in private.

I reached over and started running my hands along Jason's chest, feeling his toned pecs. He was beautiful in every way. But, no matter how beautiful he was, I still wasn't sure what was going to happen with us. Would we become more than friends and lovers? Would he be my next boyfriend in a relationship?

My thoughts were interrupted by Jason, who had woken up and placed his hand on mine, which as still resting on his pecs.

"Good morning, handsome." He said, in a sexy morning voice. "And Merry Christmas."

I smiled down at him. He had one hell of a sexy morning voice when he spoke. But then again, almost all men sounded sexy when they first woke up. That is, unless you get the grouchy types who don't like to be awakened too early in the morning.

"Merry Christmas, Jason." I said back to him. "And thank you so much for last night."

Jason smiled and then pulled me in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I took a moment to enjoy it and returned his kiss. Then, he pulled back and looked at me.

"No problem." Jason said, in a low voice. "I wasn't expecting things to go as far as they did last night."

"Neither was I." I said, with truth to my words. "But still, it was incredible. Words can't describe what it felt like to be held in a man's arms again."

Jason laid a hand on my cheek and stroked it with his thumb, as he gazed at me, his blue eyes full of wonder.

"I'm glad you were willing to share that kind of closeness with me." Jason replied, then added. "Do you have any regrets?"

I frowned as I thought it over. "Did I have any regrets?" Yes.

I regretted that I hadn't met him sooner, or at least taken him up on his offer to get to know me better back when he'd offered. He seemed like a really sweet guy, and he was hot as hell too.

"But did I have any regrets about having sex with him last night?" Hell no. Not one.

"No, I don't." I told him. "I enjoyed last night. There's nothing wrong with enjoying kinky, hot, setting off car alarm, sex with a hot, sexy, muscle stud. Is there?"

After I finished saying all of that, Jason started laughing.

"No, I guess there isn't." He chuckled. "And thanks for the compliments. You're really good for my ego."

"Hey, I only speak the truth, Jason." I said to him, grinning from ear to ear. "You really are one of the sexiest men I ever met."

Jason stared into my eyes for a second. I stared right back at him, wondering what that was all about. then I saw him grin.

"What's going on in the sexy head of yours, Jason?" I asked him. "Or do I even have to ask?"

Jason shook his head. I knew what he was referring to. He was in the mood to go another round with me.

"Are you up to another round of sex?" Jason asked me, while grinning from ear to ear.

"Hell, yeah." I crowed. "Let's get cracking, boy!"

I slapped his fine, muscular, ass in response to my previous statement. Jason arched an eyebrow as he grinning.

"Hmm, into spanking, I see?" He said, with a grin. "This should be interesting."

I laughed as he pushed me back on the bed, and started kissing my neck, and getting me incredibly turned on, as he shifted his body so that he was on top of me. Then, he started grinding his hardness into mine.

Feeling his hardness against mine, was amazing and it felt so good. I ran my hand along his arms, feeling the definition in his triceps and biceps. I was getting more horny by the minute as he continued to kiss me and play with my body.

His hands moved down to my penis, and he gripped it into his hand and started to gently stoke it.

"Oh god, Jason." I groaned, my voice full of lust. "Don't stop."

Before things could go any further, I heard a knocking sound coming from in the living room.

"Jason, stop. I said, stopping our make out session. He lifted his head and looked at me.

"What is it?" he asked me. I looked up at him.

"Did you hear that knocking sound just now?" I asked him. Jason lifted his head and we both were silent for a moment, both of us listening to see if we both heard it.

A few seconds later, we heard it again. Then, I knew that it was someone knocking on the door.

"I have to get that." I said, getting up and grabbing for my underwear, that was on the floor beside the bed. "Put your clothes on so we don't traumatize whoever it is if they were to see you naked."

"You know, that's not a bad idea." Jason said, grinning. "Maybe if I walk out there, naked, maybe they'll go away."

"Ha." I said, with a sarcastic laugh. "Or maybe they'll throw themselves down at your feet and want to worship your...well you know what I mean."

Jason's expression took on a mixture of surprise and shock. He wasn't expecting me to go there.

"You have a really dirty mind, you know that?" He said, smiling widely. "I always thought you were so reserved."

"Yeah, right." I said, as I pulled on my pants. "Stay here, while I go and get the door."

"Ok." Jason said. "I'll be out in a minute."

I walked out of my room and headed for the living room. On the way, I heard the doorbell ring this time.

"I'm coming!" I called out. "Hold on!"

I got to the door and opened it to see who was on my doorstep at 10:00 in the morning. When I saw who it was, a smile crossed my lips.

Jake and Michelle were standing on my doorstep, each of them holding something containing food in it. They had obviously brought food over to celebrate Christmas day with me. Or so I hoped.

"Hi, you two." I said, giving them both a smile. "Merry Christmas."

They both were smiling at me, which was a good sign that maybe they had gotten over what I'd said to them the other night.

"Come on in." I said, stepping aside and allowing them to enter the room. I shut the door and turned around to face them.

"First off, guys, I want to apologize to you both for what I said the other day when Nick was here." I said to them. "I didn't mean to say that Nick had been there for me when the two of you weren't. That's not true. You both have been my rock through the tough times that I went through since I moved here."

"Don't worry about that, Sean." Jake said, as he glanced at Michelle. "We forgive you."

I breathed a sigh of relief. It was great to know that Jake and Michelle had both been able to forgive that easily.

"Thanks, Jake." I said, as I extended my hand to him and we shook on it. "I wanted to start this Christmas off right and it wouldn't have been if I didn't apologize first."

Jake nodded, in understanding. Then Michelle spoke.

"We know that you didn't mean to hurt us." Michelle said. "Come on, even best friends have fights. Jake and I have fought more times than I can count. But we've always worked through it and made up."

"I'm glad you both feel that way." I said. Then I looked at the containers of food that they both had in their hands.

"Why don't the two of you take those containers of food into the kitchen and put them on the table." I asked them, giving them a reason to get them out of their hands.

"While you both are doing that, I have to go back to my room and get a shirt put on, so I'll be right back."

I chose that moment to head back to my room, so I could let Jason know who was here and to make sure that he wasn't caught in an uncomfortable situation.

I entered the bedroom and saw that he was fully dressed again, and was sitting on the bed, waiting for me.

"It's Jake and Michelle, my friends." I told him. "Would you like to come and meet them?"

Sure." He said, standing up. "It'd be my pleasure."

"Ok, come on." I said, as I turned to head back into the kitchen. Jason was right behind me.

When Jason and I got to the living room, we both noticed that Jake and Michelle had made themselves comfortable on my sofa, and had turned on the television to watch together.

"There's someone here, I want the two of you to meet." I said to them.

They both turned to look at me and the both of them saw Jason standing next to me. They both got up and came over to stand in front of us. I then took the moment to introduce everyone.

"Jake, this is Jason Madison." I said to Jake, as I gestured towards Jason, with my hand. "Jason, this is my best friend, Jake Roberts."

Jason and Jake both shook hands.

"It's great to meet you, Jake." Jason said. "Merry Christmas to you."

"Merry Christmas to you too, Jason." Jake said. "It's great to meet you as well."

After shaking Jason's hand, Jake turned to introduce Michelle and Jason.

"Jason, this is my fiance, Michelle." Jake said, as he put his arm around Michelle. "Michelle, Jason."

Michelle looked like she couldn't stop staring at Jason. I didn't blame her. Jason was definitely easy on the eyes.

"It's nice to meet you, Jason." Michelle said, extending out her hand for Jason to shake.

Instead of shaking her hand, Jason took it and held it up to his lips.

"You too, Michelle." He said, kissing her hand. "And congratulations to both of you on your engagement."

"Thank you." Jake said. "We're both very happy."

Jason smiled at them.

"It shows." He said. "You both are very lucky to have found love.

After saying that, Jason, Jake, and Michelle were all silent for a moment. Then, I decided to get their attention.

"Hey guys, would you all mind giving me a hand with getting Christmas dinner started?" I asked everyone. "We have alot of work to do."

"No problem." Michelle said. "Cooking is what Jake does and I love to do it, so what can we help with?"

I then thought over everything that needed done and proceeded to tell Michelle everything.

"First, we need to make sure we have all the proper supplies that we need to make all of our favorites for dinner. And then, we'll need baking supplies for the Christmas cookies, and all of the sweets that we will be making. So, if you and Jake will do the honors and make sure I have everything I need in the pantry to prepare all this good food and stuff."

"Alright, Jake, you heard him." Michelle said to him. "Let's get things started in the kitchen."

"I'm right behind you, Babe." Jake said, as he followed Michelle into the kitchen. I turned around and faced Jason and noticed that he seemed like he was feeling a little left out.

"What can I do?" Jason asked me.

I then thought about that. Of course, we could just sit down on the couch and relax while Michelle and Jake did the cooking, but not this time. This time, everyone was going to pitch in this year. But then, I realized that there was something that I hadn't done.

"I think you and I should put up the Christmas tree." I said. "I never got around to doing it with all the shit that's been going on in my life lately."

Jason smiled at me.

"It would be my pleasure to help you put up the Christmas tree." He said. "Did you by any chance get your Christmas presents wrapped?"

"Yes." I said, smiling. "I had everything "gift wrapped" and "tagged" while I was at the mall last night. I'm not very good at wrapping Christmas presents myself."

"Ah, so you got everything done the easy way, huh?" Jason laughed. "Having someone else do the hard work for you, huh?"

The way he was being a smart-ass about it, made me smile. I punched him in the arm, but not real hard.

"Listen, smart-ass, not everyone has talent for gift wrapping." I said, trying to mock hurt, but failed miserably. "I'm just not a gift wrap person."

"I'm just teasing." Jason said, pulling me into his arms for a hug. "I don't care that you can't wrap presents. That's not why I like you."

"Really?" I asked him, looking up into his eyes. "Why do you like me?"

Jason leaned in and kissed me, on the lips. I was surprised that he was willing to do that in public. Especially because he didn't know how Jake and Michelle would feel about that.

"I like you because you've got a great personality and you're great to be around." He then, then added. "And because you're so damn sexy."

I blushed when Jason said that. I loved it, but still I didn't see myself that way.

"Stop, you're embarrassing me." I whispered, laughing. "I'm not that hot."

"Yes, you are." Jason said. "You don't give yourself enough credit for how good looking you are."

I looked at Jason and I melted. He was just full of compliments today. Not that I should have been surprised. After all, it was Christmas.

"Thanks." I said. "Now, let's get started with things. You go and get the tree out of the other closet in the hallway and I will tell Michelle and Jake what to prepare for dinner."

"Ok, I can do that." Jason said. "Let's get this Christmas rolling."

So, Jason went to get the Christmas tree, while I walked to the kitchen to tell Michelle and Jake what I wanted for dinner.

"Hey, you two." I said. "I wanted to tell you both what I think we should have for dinner and that way you can see what all we have to prepare everything with."

"Sure." Michelle said. "Go ahead."

"I'd like us to have mashed potatoes and gravy with roast beef, green bean casserole, macaroni and cheese casserole, bread rolls, corn pudding, the works. Everything that we had last year." I told her."

"Ok." Michelle said. "Sounds good. Jake and I will check the pantry and refrigerater to see if we have everything we need. If not, you'll have to go to the grocery store and buy what we need."

"Ok." I said. "Just give me a holler if you need anything. I'm going to go and help Jason put up the Christmas tree. I didn't get to do it last night because I went out Christmas shopping last minute and I was tired."

"Alright." Michelle said. "Do what you have to do and I'll let you know if I need anything."

"That works for me." I said, and turned away to head back into the living room to see how Jason was getting along with the tree.

I found him, standing in the right corner of the living room where the tree was supposed to stand and he had just gotten done with setting up the tree stand. Now, we had to put the branches together.

Jason and I set to work on the tree, while Michelle and Jake moved around the kitchen, slicing vegetables, and cheese, pepperoni, and anything else that could be sat out on the table for appetizers to nibble on while waiting for the food to be cooked and ready.

About 15 minutes into Jason and I, working on the tree, I heard Michelle call out to me.

Sean, it looks like we have everything we need, so you don't have to run out for anything!"

"Ok, Michelle!" I called back to her. "Thanks for letting me know!"

Michelle started to get back to cooking, but then remembered something.

"Sean, I'm also going to make deviled eggs to put on the table for appetizers, will that be ok?" She asked me.

"Yes, Michelle." I said to her. "That's a good idea. Thanks."

"Ok." She said and went back to her cooking, while I helped Jason finish putting the tree together.

It took about another 10 minutes, but we got it done. Jason and I backed up and admired our work. Jason turned to me.

"Does it look alright to you?" He asked. "No branches crooked or out of place?"

I studied the tree, closely. There was nothing that seemed out of place for me. The tree looked good to go. Now all we needed to do was decorate it with lights, ornaments, and garland.

"It looks great." I said. "Now, all we need to do is start decorating it."

I then looked around the room.

"Where are the Christmas lights?" I asked Jason. "Did you get them out of the closet?"

"Yes." Jason said, pointing to them. "They're right over there, on the left end of the couch."

I went over and got the box of Christmas lights and brought them over to the tree. I set it down on the floor and started opening it up to get everything out of it.

"So, Jason, what time do you have to leave for Tampa to go and see your family?"

Jason looked at his watch to see what time it was. I knew he had to leave early today, but what time, I didn't know.

"It's 11:20a.m. right now." Jason said, with a sigh. "Let's get the tree finished. I have to leave by 12:00p.m."

"Jason, don't worry." I said to him. "Whatever we can't finish, I'll finish by myself. Or Jake and Michelle can give me a hand if I need it. If you have to go when the time comes, just go. I don't want you to be late for your own family's Christmas."

Jason nodded.

"Alright." He said to me. "But I'm pretty sure that we will get done before it's time for me to leave, so let's get finished up here."

Jason and I both set to work, on detangling the Christmas lights, as well as plugging them in to make sure everything worked, and whatever ones didn't we put replacement bulbs in for. After that was done, Jason and I set about putting the lights on the tree.

About halfway through that, Michelle came into the living room, with two glasses of eggnog for us. She handed, each of us, a glass.

"Here you are, guys." She said. "Fresh eggnog for the two of you."

"Thanks, Michelle." Jason said. "That was very sweet of you."

"No problem." She said, as she looked at the tree. "The tree is starting to look beautiful."

"Yes, it is." Jason said. "Sean and I have to hurry and finish it up before I leave to head down to Tampa to celebrate Christmas with my family."

"Oh." Michelle said, looking disappointed. "You mean you can't stay?"

Jason gave her a sad look. He didn't like disappointing anyone, but he knew that me and my friends would understand.

"Unfortunately, no." Jason said. "My family and I celebrate Christmas together every year. It's a tradition of ours. I've never missed a Christmas with them, ever."

Then, Jason came up with a compromise.

"How about if I have time, I'll come back later today?" He asked. "Although, I can't make any promises, I will try. How's that?"

I smiled at him. I was glad that he was becoming my friend. I was really starting to like him alot.

"That's good enough for me." I said, turning to Michelle. "How about you, Michelle?"

"That's fine with me." she nodded. "But just in case you can't make it, "Merry Christmas."

She then walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek, lightly. Jason smiled, showing off his sexy dimples and pearly whites.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Michelle." He said. "Sean and I are going to finish the tree now."

"Alright." She said. "Jake's in the kitchen, helping me with the deviled eggs and I'd better get back into the kitchen to watch him, or he'll have them all eaten before they're even set out on the table."

"That's Jake, alright." I said, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "You can't trust him alone for 5 minutes when it comes to preparing food."

"I heard that!" Jake's voice called out from the kitchen. Michelle laughed.

"Well, I'm going to get back in there." She said. "Jason, I will talk to you later."

"Ok, Michelle." He said, watching her walk off into the kitchen.

"She's a really nice girl." Jason said, as we both turned around to finish with the tree. "Jake's lucky to have her."

"Yeah, Michelle's the best." I said, as I helped Jason wrap the second set of lights around the tree.

While we did that, I frowned slightly. The way Jason was talking about Michelle was starting to make me wonder if he was bisexual. And if that was the case and he liked Michelle, what did that mean? "Would he try and steal her away from Jake?"

As sexy as Jason was, it wouldn't be that hard, because Michelle really did like him. I had caught her staring at Jason a few times when she thought nobody was looking, and I could tell that she thought he was beautiful.

But, one thing I did know was that Jake would not make it easy for Jason, if that was the case. Jake was very territorial of Michelle and he usually didn't care if she talked with other guys, but if any of the guys did anything with her that he didn't approve of, he let them know it.

Jake was a fighter and doesn't give up easily. Jason wouldn't be the first guy he'd have to chase away from Michelle. He'd seen lots of guys, drool over her. She was a part time model after all. Michelle was never an issue for him. He trusted her. But it was other guys that he didn't trust.

I then took that moment to ask Jason what I wanted to ask him. I wanted to make sure that Jason wasn't that kind of a guy. Because if he was, not only would Jake have a problem with him, but so would I. I would always have doubts wondering if he'd be faithful or not.

"Jason, I want to ask you something?" I asked him, as we were now putting garland around the tree. I saw Jason turn and look at me.

"What, Sean?" He asked, curious.

I finished hanging my end of the garland and turned to him.

"Are you gay or bi?" I asked him. I saw Jason frown.

"Why is that important?" He asked me, sounding like he was bothered by the question.

"I'd just like to know." I said, lowly so Michelle and Jake didn't hear me. "I saw the way you were looking at Michelle earlier, and the way you were talking about her just now. It makes me wonder about you."

Now, Jason was starting to become a little offended, but he wasn't going to make a big scene about it.

"First of all, Sean, I don't consider myself gay or bi." He said. "I'm more "open minded" than anything. I just go with what feels right to me, at the time. Sometimes it's with girls, and sometimes it's with guys. And what is it that you wonder about me?"

"Well," I said. "I just met you and there's alot about you that I still don't know yet. I don't know what kind of guy you are yet. I have to wonder if you're one of those guys who go after other's people's partners for the thrill of the chase, or because it's a forbidden thing. I need to be reassured that you're not that kind of guy. I like you alot, but if you are that kind of guy, a relationship between you and me would never work. I'd be constantly questioning whether or not I could trust you and I don't want to do that in a relationship again. I want to know that I can trust my mate fully before I get into a relationship again. Does that make any sense?"

I looked into Jason's eyes and I saw that he was hurt, but I could also see that he understood why I had to ask him all these questions.

"Well, I can't say that I'm not hurt by the fact that you think that I could be one of those home wrecker types, but I can understand your concerns, anyway." He said, lowly. "And I do assure you that I would never try to come between Jake and Michelle. I don't take any pleasure in ruining other people's happiness. That's just not the kind of guy I am. As for my faithfulness, I don't cheat on anyone I see. When I'm in a relationship, I'm faithful to that person."

Jason looked at his watch again and he saw that it was now 11:50p.m. He had to get ready to leave.

"Well, it's time for me to leave." He said, still sounding a little hurt."

I started to feel really guilty that I'd upset him now. I should have just waited until after the holidays to voice my concerns to him, instead of just putting him on the spot, on today of all days.

"Jason, I'm sorry." I said. "Please, don't leave, feeling this way. I was just concerned, that's all."

"I know." Jason said, as he pulled his keys out of his pocket. "I do appreciate your honesty though. As hard as it was to hear it. But we'll talk about that another time."

Jason then started heading towards the door. But before he did, he walked over to the kitchen to say goodbye to Jake and Michelle.

"Goodbye, Jake." He said. "Goodbye, Michelle. Maybe I'll see you both later."

Jake and Michelle, both, looked up from what they were doing.

"Ok, man." Jake said to him. "We'll see you later."

"Alright, Jason." Michelle said. "Take care, ok?"

"I will." Jason said. "Merry Christmas."

Michelle and Jake both wished him a merry Christmas, and Jason turned away and headed towards the door. I followed him.

He opened the door and started to exit. When he was outside the door, he turned around to face me.

"Have a Merry Christmas, Sean, and I'll see you later. Maybe."

"Jason, please?" I begged him. "Will you forgive me? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings?"

"I know you didn't." Jason said. "But, we can't talk about it now. I have to go."

He pulled me close and gave me a brief hug. I hugged him, really hard, letting him know just how sorry I was.

"Will you come back later?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"I don't know." He said. "We'll see. Goodbye, Sean."

Then, he walked to his car and got in. He started it up and pulled out of the parking lot and drove away. As he left, he waved back to me.

I sighed heavily and shut the door behind me. I walked back into the living room and went back to finish the tree.

All that needed done was the ornaments now. I walked over to the right side of the couch to get the ornaments from off the couch. As I did, I saw Michelle standing there.

"What happened with Jason?" She asked me. "He seemed upset when he left. What did you say to him?"

Before I could answer her, the doorbell rang. Jason must have left something behind.

"I'll tell you, later." I said. "Right now, let me go and see what Jason wants. He must have forgotten something."

I walked to the door and opened it. When I did, my jaw dropped.

There were Jeff and Danny, Justin, and Kandi, standing in the doorway, each of them holding a gift in their hands, all of them smiling at me.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" They all said, in unison.

"I don't believe it!" I gasped out. "I must be dreaming!"

"No, you're not dreaming, Sean." Danny laughed. "We're really here."

Danny was the first to hug me.

"Merry Christmas, Sean." He said, and then he kissed me, on the cheek.

"Merry Christmas, Danny." I said, as I hugged him back.

I looked up at everyone else that was standing there and then decided I'd better let them in before people learned that 98* were here on my doorstep.

"Come on in, guys." I said, warmly. "Merry Christmas to all of you!"

Everyone entered the house. Well, almost everyone. I frowned, when I noticed that someone was missing.

"Hey, you guys, where's Nick?" I asked them.

I saw Danny, Jeff, Justin, and Kandi look amongst each other, all of them had confusion in their eyes.

"We don't know." Jeff said to me. "Nick was gone from the hotel when we left this morning to go Christmas shopping to get you your gifts."

He gestured to the gifts that he and the others had in their hands.

"Why don't you guys come over with me and put them under the tree?" I asked them. "Then, after you do that, you can come and meet Jake and Michelle."

Danny, Jeff, Justin, and Kandi all followed me over to the Christmas tree, which wasn't totally done and I started accepting their gifts from them to put under the tree.

"It looks like you're not quite done putting up the tree here." Jeff said, as I took his gift. "Would you like some help?"

I smiled at him.

"That would be great, Jeff." I said, as I gave him his hug and kiss. "You guys go ahead and dig in, while I go and get the presents from my room to put under the tree."

I gave Kandi and Justin their hugs before I went to my room to get the presents I'd gotten them last night.

I went into my room and shut the door behind me. I saw the bags of Christmas presents, sitting on the other side of the bed, against the wall. Speaking of the bed, I'd also noticed that it had been made. Obviously by Jason.

"What a sweet, sweet man." I said, smiling as I leaned down and picked up the bags of presents. "He didn't have to do that."

With my bags in hand, I walked back out to the living room and saw that Justin, Danny, and Jeff were finishing decorating the Christmas tree, and talking with Jake, while Kandi was talking up a storm with Michelle and helping her in the kitchen.

"So, I see you guys wasted no time in getting acquainted with my friend, Jake, here." I said, as I threw an arm around Jake's shoulders. "It actually saves me the trouble of having to do introductions."

I then glanced at Jake, wondering what had happened that he wasn't in the kitchen anymore.

"So, Jake, how come you're not slaving away in my kitchen, huh?" I asked, with a laugh. "Did Michelle decide to trade you in for a new girlfriend?"

That statement caused Jeff, Justin, and Danny to burst out laughing and Jake to give me a shocked look.

"Fuck you!" He said, with a grin, as he punched me, in the arm. I could resist retaliating.

"I'd love for you to do that." I retaliated. "Are you offering?"

The look on Jake's face was priceless. Michelle and Kandi had come out at that moment and heard Jake say "Fuck you." and what I'd just said now. By now, all of them were laughing. Jake just held up his hands.

"Hell, no!" He said, moving past me. "These guys can deal with your crazy self. I'm going back into the kitchen."

"Yeah." I said, sarcastically. "To eat!"

"Damn right!" Jake said, grinning. "And those eggs are first on my list!"

My smile left my face at that moment. Jake may have been joking earlier, but not about the eggs. He liked deviled eggs just as much as I did. So, I took that seriously.

"Jake Roberts, you lay one finger on those eggs before we all sit down to dinner and I will break your fucking fingers!" I warned him.

Jake looked at me, shocked for a moment, then he grinned.

"Gotcha." He said. Everyone else just laughed when they realized that Jake had gotten me back.

"Ok, I guess you got me." I said, as he shook my hand, both of us calling a truce. "Are you ready to finish making dinner?"

Jake shrugged. But Michelle had other ideas.

"Actually, Baby, why don't you hang with the guys and watch television for awhile?" She said. "Kandi and I can take care of the food. Alright?"

"Cool." Jake said. "Thanks, Babe."

Michelle turned to Kandi.

"Come on, Kandi." She said. "Let's go and finish getting dinner ready, while the guys get acquainted."

"Sure, Honey." Kandi said, as she followed Michelle back into the kitchen.

I watched Jake walk over and sit down on the sofa, next to Justin. Danny and Jeff took the love seat across the room, by the Christmas tree, which had been completely finished.

"You guys, did a great job with the tree." I said. "it looks beautiful."

"Thanks, Sean." Jeff said, from beside Danny. "But we really didn't do all that much."

"He's right, Sean." Jake said. "You and Jason deserve most of the credit. The two of you put the tree up and put the lights on it, yourselves."

"Who is Jason?" Justin wanted to know.

I looked down at Jake and noticed that he had a glint in his eyes. He was up to something.

"Jake...." I warned him.

Jake just grinned and then told all to Justin, Jeff, and Danny.

"Sean's new boyfriend." Jake said, in the best girly voice that he could imitate.

"Jason is not my boyfriend." I said to the guys. "Don't listen to this smart-ass."

I ruffled Jake's hair and messed it all up, as my way of getting him back.

"Hey!" Jake said, ducking away from my hands. "Cut it out!"

I laughed as I heard the doorbell ring again, signaling that someone else had arrived.

"Excuse me." I said, as I walked to the door. I opened it up to see who my next visitor was.

Nick, was standing on the other side of the door. He smiled at me, showing off his beautiful teeth.

"Hi, Sean." he said. "Merry Christmas."

I didn't smile right away, as I remembered our last conversation before I'd left Los Angeles.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Nick." I said, not smiling. "I'm surprised that you actually came here. I didn't think you would have wanted to see me again after our last conversation."

"I know." Nick said, with a nod of his head. "And I do want to apologize for that."

He then looked down at something.

"Starting with this." He said, holding his arms out to me.

I looked down and noticed that Nick had a white box in his hands, which he was holding out to me.

"Is that for me?" I asked him, wondering what was in it. "Nick you really shouldn't have."

"I know." Nick said, with a smile. "But, I wanted to. I wanted to get you something meaningful for Christmas. So, here. Open it."

After stepping aside and letting Nick in, I accepted the present and sat it down on a little table near the hallway.

"Ok, here goes." I said, as I took the top off of the box to see what was inside. I gasped when I saw what Nick had gotten me.

"I had to apologize." Nick said to me. "The right way."

Inside the box, was a bouquet of beautiful red roses. I picked them up and admired them.

"Nick, they're beautiful!" I gushed, in a low voice, as tears came to my eyes. "You really shouldn't have done this."

"I know." Nick said. "I know that roses usually mean "love" but nothing in the stores seemed right for me to get you that were good enough to apologize for what I said to you, in L.A. You deserved something more meaningful than a shirt, or any other material thing. You deserved these, so I got them for you."

I was speechless as I gazed up at Nick. I wanted so badly just to tell him how I felt about him. That I still loved him. What moment wouldn't have been more perfect?"

But, still, I couldn't do it. Because I knew that Nick only got me these roses as an apology to me for what happened in L.A. It didn't change anything for the two of us. We still couldn't go back to the way things were, years ago.

But, whatever his reason had been, I was so touched that he'd gotten me this beautiful bouquet of roses. I couldn't think of a more meaningful present that I could have gotten on a day like today.

"Thank you." I said, as I looked up at Nick. He flashed me his killer smile.

"Merry Christmas, Sean." He said, as he reached out and pulled me into his arms.

I wrapped my arms around him, careful not to damage the bouquet of roses, and hugged him back, tightly.

"Merry Christmas, Nick."

I released Nick and then kissed him on the cheek, as I wiped away my tears.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to get emotional." I said. "But it's just that it's been a long time since I've gotten anything more meaningful from you."

Nick smiled at me and then looked down at my hands again.

"With the exception of this, I'm sure." He said, as he took my right hand and raised it up so he could see it better.

He, of course, was referring to my wedding band that he had given me, years ago when we'd gotten engaged and then married, which was still on my finger.

Nick looked up at me.

"I'm surprised you're still wearing this." He said, studying it close. "I thought you would have gotten rid of it by now."

I couldn't, Nick." I said to him. "For one thing, because it cost you alot of money, and secondly because I couldn't bring myself to take it off. It represents so much."

I looked at Nick, in the eyes.

"It holds the greatest memory I've ever had of the love you and I once shared." I said to him. "And even though you and I don't share that love anymore, I'd still like to keep this ring on my finger, if it's alright with you."

Nick looked down at the ring, thinking it over for a moment. Then, he looked back up at me.

"If it means that much to you, then you can keep it." Nick said. "But I do have some concerns about it, though."

I frowned, wondering what he was concerned about.

"What concerns are those?" I asked him.

"What about if you were to become involved with someone else?" Nick asked me. "If the next guy you become involved with, see this, they might think that you're still married and not want to be with you."

I then thought about Jason at that moment. I'm sure he had seen my ring, but he hadn't said anything about it. But I'm sure he'd want to know why I was wearing it if my relationship with Nick was over.

"I'll cross that bridge if I should ever come to it, Nick." I said. "Until then, I want to continue to wear this ring. Besides, I like the way it looks on me."

"Ok." Nick said. "I guess that's alright."

I then looked around the room and saw that everyone had quieted down and were watching us.

"What?" I asked the occupants in the room.

"Aww!" I heard all of them gush, in unison. Nick and I both blushed.

"Come on guys." I said. "Nick just got me roses for a present. They were to apologize for what happened in L.A. It doesn't mean anything."

Everyone just looked at each other and shrugged it off. The rest of the guys went back to watching the television, and the girls resumed cooking in the kitchen. I turned back to Nick.

"Why don't you go and watch the television with the guys?" I said.

Nick shrugged.

"I guess I can." he said. "But first, I need to use your bathroom."

"Sure." I said, "Go ahead."

Nick then walked towards the bathroom, while I started to walk towards the kitchen, but was stopped by the doorbell, ringing again.

"Damn, I must be popular today." I said, as I walked to the door and opened it.

When I saw who it was, my breath caught in my throat. I stood there, in shock, staring at the person who was standing before me.

"Oh my god!" I said, my eyes wide.

Drew stood in the doorway, looking at me, a big smile on his face.

"Merry Christmas, Sean."

To Be Continued........?

Well, that's it for this one. I hope you all enjoyed it! I'm sorry it's a bit late. I worked really hard on this one.

I promise, I will get the next part of it out, after the new year, but as I say: Better late, then never!" ;-)

"What happens next?" Oh, if you only knew!"

Stay tuned.

Next: Chapter 79

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