My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Jun 19, 2007


Hello, Everyone!

I'd just like to say, Happy New Year to all of you devoted readers out there! 2007 is going to be a better year for me! Hopefully for all of you, as well.

I'm continuing the story and I hope to finish it soon. and hopefully this story will have a happy ending.

"But we'll soon find out, won't we?"

Now on with the story.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Also, here is an updated list of a few more stories that 98 Degrees are in on Nifty.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan "Playing Doctor with 98 Degrees" by Brian "This Gift" by Sprout "Shut Up" by Anonymous "What I feel for you" by Thack and finally:

"All that Matters" By Jason Phillips."

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


********** CHAPTER 97 **********


"Jay Phillips?" Danny asked, in shock. "You think he is the one who attempted to kill Jessica, by dropping that chandelier on her?"

"Yes, I do." I replied. "After what happened to me, tonight, I have to find out why he's here in Orlando, Florida. The last time I saw him, was when he tried to kill me in that abandoned house, back when I was living in New York."

"That sounds a little far fetched, don't you think?" Justin asked me. "I really don't think Jay is smart enough to pull anything like that off."

I opened my mouth, in shock. I still couldn't believe that Justin was still doubting me. This time, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Alright, that does it." I said, anger filling my features. "Justin, I want you to leave. I can't deal with you anymore. Either you're on my side, or you're not."

"But, Sean," Justin started to protest, but I didn't leave him anything more to say.

"No buts, Justin." I said, loudly "Will you just get out of here?!"

Justin shook his head in defeat. Then, he turned to Kandi.

"I'll wait for you down in the waiting room." He said, kissing her on the cheek. "Meet me down there when you're done here."

"Alright, Sweetie." Kandi said, caressing his arm, momentarily.

Then Justin turned and headed for the door. Before he exited the room, he turned back to me.

"Sean, I'm sorry." Justin said to me. "I didn't mean to make you angry. That was never my intention."

I just gave him my empty, emotionless look and he definitely didn't like it. After that, He exited my room and headed down to the waiting room.

Once he was gone, I turned back to Kandi and the others.

"If any of you share Justin's doubts about me, you're free to go as well." I said to them. "I will fight this battle in court alone if I have to."

I looked Jeff, Danny, and Kandi, from one to the other to see what they would decide. Whether to support me or leave me to stand up for myself in court.

Looking over at Jeff, I saw a sad look on his face.

"You didn't even give Justin a chance to explain why he feels the way that he does." Jeff said, in a low voice. "Can't you understand that it isn't easy for him to get those doubts out of his mind? You have alot of damning evidence against you, right now. Come on, even Nick questions your innocence at this point."

When Jeff said that, I frowned in confusion. I thought Nick had gotten past any doubts that he'd had about whether or not, I'd tried to kill Jessica.

"Jeff, that can't be true." I said to him, defensively. "Nick told me that he no longer has any doubts about my innocence. He told me back at the prison."

"Yes, Jeff." Kandi said to him. "Nick said so himself right after Sean was arrested back at his apartment. You were there. You heard him."

"I know he said that." Jeff stated. "But, that doesn't prove anything. We'll find out what Nick really thinks when this case goes to trial.

"IF, it goes to trial." I pointed out. "I'm praying that it doesn't."

After saying that, I yawned again. I was really exhausted after what I'd gone through tonight.

"Alright, you guys." Jason said. "I think that's our cue to leave. Sean needs his rest now."

But, before anyone could leave the room, Nick and Drew appeared in the doorway. I was really glad to see both of them.

"Hey, you two." I greeted them as they came in. "I must be pretty popular tonight."

Nick walked over to where Jason was sitting and held out his hand to me. I took it and shook hands with him.

"Are you alright?" He asked me. "What happened to you, tonight?"

"It's nothing serious, Nick." I tried to reassure him. "I just got into a brutal fight with Jay Phillips down at the prison tonight?"

Nick and Drew were definitely floored by this news.

"What?!" Nick asked, in shock. "What was that sick bastard doing down there?! He was arrested and jailed back in New York."

"Yeah, I remember." I replied. "And I have no idea what Jay in doing in prison down here in Florida. That's probably the greatest mystery of all."

"So, tell me about this fight you had with him." Drew asked me. "You don't look that beat up. I assume that you're the one who won the fight."

"I looked over at Jason and grinned at him. Jason took that as his cue to tell Nick what he'd witnessed.

"You bet he won." Jason said to him. "If the Warden and I hadn't gotten down there to find him, he would have probably killed the bastard."

This raised a few eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" Drew asked Jason, then looked at me. "Sean, how badly did you hurt Jay?"

"Well, first of all, I probably wouldn't have won the fight if Jay hadn't punched me in the face and busted my lip open. When I saw the blood on my hands, I remembered the time he raped me and realized that this was the second time he'd managed to draw blood from me. After that, I really got pissed off. So I charged at him as fast as I could and kicked him in the chest."

"By now, I was practically running on adrenalin and I think that's how I managed to win the fight. But, let me tell you, it felt good to get revenge on him for a change. And from the looks of it, Jay is going to be bedridden for awhile. So, he won't be able to hurt me, in the meantime."

"Well, thank God." Nick said to me. "It's about time that lowlife got what he deserved!"

"I agree." Drew replied, looking at me. "I'm also glad you lived to tell about it."

I laughed at that. I couldn't help it.

"Come on, Drew." I laughed at him. "Don't be so melodramatic. Nothing keeps me down for long."

After saying that I yawned again.

"Ok, I'm ready to get some rest now." I said to them. "I have a big day to prepare for, tomorrow."

On that note, the guys, and Kandi, said their goodbyes to me. Danny and Jeff shook hands with me, and Kandi gave me a kiss on the forehead, telling me that she'd see me soon. Then, she, Jeff, and Danny left the room, telling Nick and Drew that they'd wait for them downstairs.

Nick and Drew stayed behind for a moment. I turned to Jason.

"Would you mind giving me a few minutes alone with Nick and Drew, Jason?" I asked him. "There's something I need to discuss with them before they leave."

"Sure." Jason said, with a warm smile. He leaned down and gave me a gentle peck on my lips. "I'm going to go down to the cafeteria and grab something to eat. Do you want me to bring you anything?"

I shook my head. I didn't want anything, since I was going to go to sleep in a moment.

"No, thank you, Babe." I said to him. "But thanks for asking."

Jason nodded and then got up from his seat. He turned towards Nick and Drew.

"Don't be too long, you two." Jason said to them. "Sean should get some sleep."

"Don't worry, we won't." Drew said to him. Jason nodded and then left my room.

Once he was gone, I looked up at Nick and Drew and saw them both looking at me, with concern in their eyes.

"What did you want to talk to us about, Sean?" Nick asked me.

There was quite a bit I wanted to talk to them about. I had some questions for them. I decided to start with Drew.

"First of all, I'd like to know why you're back here in Orlando so soon, Drew." I asked him. "And why isn't Casey here with you?"

Drew's eyes shifted to the floor. That was a sure sign that something was wrong. Like Nick, it was easy to read Drew's feelings.

"Well, things aren't exactly good at the moment." Drew said to me. "Casey's so worried about his father that he hardly notices that I'm around. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and I decided to leave and come back to Orlando. I felt that I was needed more here than I was there. Besides, Casey has his family he can turn to if he needs anything."

I gazed at Drew, sympathetically, seeing the sad look in his eyes. I saw Nick put a hand on his shoulder and massage it gently, giving his brother comfort. I smiled when I saw that.

"I'm really glad that you two are starting to become close again." I told them. "That's one thing that I always prayed would happen again, even after what you did, Drew, sabotaging my wedding. I hated seeing the two of you fighting all the time."

Drew turned and looked at Nick. Nick looked back at him and managed a small smile. They he looked back up at me.

"We're trying." Nick told me. "We're not back at the best friend part of our relationship yet, but we're working on it."

I nodded. I was glad that they were both trying to repair their relationship as brothers. It meant more to me than they both would ever know.

"And believe me, I couldn't be happier about that." I said to them. "Especially since the estrangement between the two of you is mostly my fault."

"What?" Nick and Drew both said, at about the same time.

"Sean, how could this be your fault?" Drew asked me. "I was the one who broke up your marriage to my brother."

"Yes, I know that." I said to him. "But, I led you on, back in New York, when Nick and I broke up the first time. You remember when I had to leave after I found out about Nick's infidelity with Matt Sheffield. If I hadn't kissed you before I left, then maybe you wouldn't have fallen in love with me."

"Sean, don't blame yourself for that." Drew told me. "I knew exactly what I was doing when I broke you and Nick up. Nothing about that is your fault. Love can make you do crazy things and that was the case with me."

I sat there and listened to him, as a few tears ran down my face. I wiped then away and listened to Drew as he continued, talking.

"I was so in love with you at the time, that I just lost sight of everything that should have been important to me. I took my relationship with my brother, forgranted, and in the process, I lost alot of his trust in me. And it taken a long time for us just to begin to put it all back together."

I nodded. Then I looked over at Nick and saw the sadness in his eyes. He still was hurt by what his brother had done, despite the fact that he was trying to become friends with his little brother again.

"And even though, I still have issues with Drew that have to be worked out, yet, one thing has never changed: How much I love my little brother."

Here, Nick turned Drew around and looked him in the face.

"And, I want you to know this, little brother." He said to Drew. "No matter how much you messed up or will mess up in the future, I will always love you, no matter what. You just remember that, ok?"

Drew nodded, his own tears getting the better of him. Finally, he threw his arms around Nick and pulled him close for a brief hug.

"Thanks, Nick." Drew said, softly. "I really needed to hear that right now."

I watched the two of them, embracing, and kept quiet for a moment. This was their moment and I was not going to interrupt it just yet.

After a few seconds, Nick and Drew pulled apart and I could see that they both had tears in their eyes. It was then, that I chose that moment to speak.

"I'm glad we got that settled." I said to them. "And now I have one last request to ask of you two."

"Sure." Nick said. "Anything?"

I knew what I wanted to ask them. It was concerning Joe Simpson. With me here in the hospital, recovering from my brutal confrontation with Jay, I was going to need Nick's help to ensure that Joe didn't decide to make trouble for me.

"Will you make sure to tell the guard at my door, not to let anyone else besides you guys into my room?" I asked them. "Normally, I can take care of myself, but in my weakened condition, Joe would be able to do just about anything to me."

"Done." Drew said to him. "We'll make sure that Joe doesn't come anywhere near you, tonight. We'll let the guard know."

"Thanks." I said to them. "Now that I know that you two will take care of that for me, I can rest easy now."

I laid back in my bed and pulled the covers up over me. Then I looked back up at them.

"Goodnight, guys." I said to them.

"Goodnight, Sean." Nick said to me. "Get some rest."

"We'll see you at the bail hearing tomorrow." Drew added.

Then, they both left the room and I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep. Before I drifted off, I could hear Nick talking to the security guard who was posted at my door.

****************************************************** DOWNSTAIRS, IN THE HOSPITAL WAITING ROOM.....

When Kandi, Jeff, and Danny got down to the waiting room where Justin was waiting, they saw him, sitting in a chair, reading a sports magazine.

"Ok, Hon, We're ready to head home." Kandi said to him. "We have to be up early tomorrow for Sean's bail hearing."

Justin got up and dropped the magazine back down on the table where he'd picked it up from.

"I'm ready to go home and head to bed." Justin said to him. "But don't expect me to go to Sean's bail hearing tomorrow."

"What?!" Kandi asked, in shock. "But you have to be there to support Sean. He's counting on you!"

"After what happened upstairs, I don't think that Sean would care if I was there or not!" Justin scoffed. "So, I'm not even going to show up. If you and the rest of the guys want to go, that's fine, but I'm staying back at the hotel."

"Justin." Jeff said. "Don't be so hasty in your decision not to go to the bail hearing. Sean's just very stressed out right now, and is very on edge. It's not exactly good to hear that one of his good friends has doubts about his innocence."

"But, you had doubts too, Jeff." Justin protested. "Don't even try to deny it!"

"I wasn't going to." Jeff told him. "But I really do not believe that Sean did this to Jessica! He believes that his rapist, Jay Phillips did this to her! And I have to wonder if he is right, considering the fact that Jay is here in the Florida State Penitentiary."

"Yeah, Justin." Danny chimed in, coming to Sean's defense. "Give Sean a little more credit. If we had doubts about him, still, he would have thrown us out too. And I can't say I blame him. I would want to know that my friends are on my side and not against me."

Justin was silent as he processed Danny's words. He hadn't really thought about it that way.

"I guess I can see your point, Danny." Justin replied, in a low voice. "But I can't help the way I feel. I think it would be best if I wasn't there. I wouldn't want to make things worse for Sean."

Kandi shrugged. She wasn't happy about Justin's decision, but she did understand how he felt.

"Fine, have it your way, Hon." Kandi said to him. "Just keep an open mind about it, Ok?"

"Sure." Justin told her, with a smile on his face. "Let's go back to the hotel and get some rest."

Justin, Kandi, Danny, and Jeff left through the hospital doors and headed for their cars in the parking lot.

****************************************************** BACK UPSTAIRS.........

So, Nick, do you think that having the guard watch out for Joe, will actually keep him away from Sean?" Drew asked Nick, as they were walking to the elevators.

"I certainly hope so." Nick said. "For Sean's sake."

Nick pushed the button and they both waited for the elevator doors to open.

"I hope so, too." Drew replied. "But you and I both know what Joe can be like when he feels that his family is being threatened. He's like a dog with a bone, sometimes."

The elevator doors opened and Nick and Drew stepped into the elevator. Nick pushed the button for the lobby and the elevator doors closed.

"I know what you mean." Nick said, as the elevator started it's descent. "I've had it up to here with Joe's harassment of Sean. If he continues this, I may even have to talk to Sean about filing a restraining order of his own against Joe."

That revelation from Nick definitely got Drew's attention.

"Are you serious, Bro?" Drew asked him. "Joe would have a fit."

when Drew saw Nick glance over at him and saw the seriousness in his brother's eyes, he got his answer right away: Nick meant business.

"I'm very serious, Drew." Nick replied. "If Joe thinks he's going to make life difficult for one of my best friends, he can think again! I will not stand for it!"

Just then, Nick remembered something.

"As a matter of fact," He continued. "I'm going to go right over to my hotel room and tell him exactly how I feel about his treatment of Sean. I have to see him anyway, since he called earlier."

Drew didn't think that was such a bad idea. He had a few choice words for Joe, himself.

"I'm going with you." He said to Nick. "I have some things that I need to say to Joe, myself,that are long overdue."

****************************************************** OUTSIDE, IN THE VAN......

"Justin, why don't you and Kandi drop Danny and I off at Sean's and then you and Kandi head back to the hotel to spend the night?" Jeff asked him.

"Alright." Justin replied. "If that's what you two want to do."

"Yeah, we do." Jeff said to him. But Danny didn't look like he agreed to that.

"Actually, Justin, it's just going to be me staying at Sean's tonight. Sean asked me to keep an eye on his place for him until he's out on bail."

"But, Danny." Jeff protested. "There's plenty of room there. I can sleep in the guest room if that's what you want. And you can stay in Sean's room. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

Danny thought it over for a moment. He was still having issues with Jeff, even though they recently slept together. It had solved nothing, but they both enjoyed it at the time.

Finally, Danny nodded.

"Fine." He said. "Justin can drop us off at Sean's so you and I can talk privately. If I still am not ok with having you there, then I'll bring you back to your hotel room in Sean's car."

"Fair enough." Jeff said.

In a few minutes, they came upon Sean's beach apartment complex. Justin parked the van and turned back to Danny and Jeff.

"You two behave yourselves." He said to them. "And get some rest. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow."

Danny looked at Justin and saw that he was still feeling angry over how Sean treated him.

"I really hope that you reconsider coming to Sean's bail hearing with us tomorrow. Sean could really use your support." Danny said to him.

"I'm sorry." Justin said. "But I am not going to sit in that courtroom to support Sean when I'm not one hundred percent sure that he didn't try to kill Jessica. So until I do, I'm staying away from him, plain and simple. And there isn't anything that any of you can say or do that will change my mind."

Jeff, Danny, and Kandi all looked at each other, sadly. Justin just wasn't ready to give Sean the benefit of the doubt.

"Then, I guess there's nothing more to say." Jeff said, in a low tone. "Goodnight."

Jeff stepped out of the van first. Then Danny stepped out behind him. They both gave Kandi a goodbye kiss.

"Goodnight, you two." Kandi said to them. "I'll see you both at the hearing tomorrow."

After saying that, Justin pulled the van out of the parking space and he and Kandi drove away.

Jeff and Danny walked up to Sean's apartment door. As Danny was fumbling with Sean's keys, they both heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, guys."

Jeff and Danny turned and saw Sean's friend, Jake, coming out of his apartment.

"Hey, Jake." Jeff greeted him. "Are you going somewhere?"

Jake nodded.

"I'm actually heading to the supermarket to pick up some ice cream for Michelle. She having her midnight cravings again."

Jeff and Danny looked at each other and realized that they had to tell him about Sean's situation.

"Before you do that, can you spare a moment for us?" Danny asked. "We have something really important to tell you."

Jake frowned. He could sense that whatever it was that they were going to tell him, he wasn't going to like it. And he had a feeling that this had to do with Sean.

"This is about Sean, isn't it?" Jake asked them.

"Yes it is." Jeff told him. "And you're not going to like what we have to tell you."

"I figured as much." Jake said. "What happened?"

Jeff and Danny looked at each other and Jeff nodded at Danny, letting him be the one to tell Jake the news.

Danny turned to Jake and told him what he knew.

"Sean was attacked at the prison tonight, by an inmate." He said. "He's in the hospital."

Jake's eyes widened.

"No!" He gasped, in shock. "How is he?"

"Actually, he's alright." Danny replied. "Just a little shaken and weak from what he went through. He had a brutal fight with the inmate, who happened to be Jay Phillips, the man who raped him and tried to kill him, two years ago back in New York City, when he lived there."

Now, Jake was even more curious as to the outcome of this story.

"So, tell me more about this fight." He said to Danny. "How did it end?"

Jeff had a smirk on his face and Jake noticed it.

"Actually, Sean was the one who won the fight." Jeff said. "And he hurt Jay really bad. Gave him broken ribs I believe. He's going to be bedridden for quite a while."

"Good." Jake said. "It's about time he got a taste of his own medicine after what he's put Sean through."

"We agree." Danny chimed in. "Also we have some good news too for change."

"Well, I'm all ears," Jake said. "so lay it on me."

After a slight pause, Jeff blurted it out.

"Sean's bail hearing has been set for tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m." He told Jake.

"That is very good news!" Jake said, in a relieved tone. "Now, let's just hope that Sean gets out on bail."

"We're sure he will." Danny told him. "Although, I'm sure that Jessica's father, Joe Simpson will do everything he can to keep Sean in jail. But if he succeeds, he will have me to answer to!"

Jake nodded.

"Well, if you ever need my help to take him down, count me in." He replied. "I refuse to let that man destroy the life that my best friend had worked so hard to achieve!"

Jake then looked at his watch.

"It's getting late, so I really need to get going if Michelle wants that ice cream." Jake said. "But thanks for the update guys."

"No problem." Jeff told him. "Sean's bail hearing is going to be held at the "Orlando County Courthouse."

"Thanks for the info." Jake said. "Unfortunately, I won't be able to be there since I have to look after my pregnant fiance. But give Sean my best ok and tell him that We'll stop by to see him once he's out on bail."

We will." Danny replied. "Goodnight, Jake."

"Goodnight." Jake said. He then started walking off to his car.

Danny then turned and unlocked the door to Sean's apartment. Danny opened the door and he and Jeff walked into the living room. Jeff pushed the door shut behind them.

"Well, now that you and I are alone," Jeff said to Danny. "we need to talk."

"Yes, we do." Danny said, nodding his head. "Let's sit down.

****************************************************** MEANWHILE, OVER AT THE BEST WESTERN HOTEL..........

Nick and Drew were now outside of the door to Nick's hotel room. Before Nick could even knock on the door, Drew tapped him on the shoulder.

"Now, remember, just be cool." Drew whispered to Nick, when Nick turned around to face him. "No matter what Joe dishes out, don't let him get to you, ok?"

"I'll try." Nick whispered back. "But, with the way that Joe keeps harping on Sean, it's not so easy."

"I know." Drew said, slightly nodding. "I'm not exactly happy with Joe, either, right now. But dealing with him, right now, is alot better than dealing with my own problems that I'm having in my own life, right now."

When Drew said that, Nick became concerned. He could pick up on his brother's sadness.

"Drew, has Casey tried to call you since you got in?" Nick asked him. Drew shook his head.

No, he hasn't." Drew said to him. "But, it's only been a few hours since my plane landed here in Orlando, so he probably doesn't know that I'm gone yet."

Nick looked at his watch.

"Drew, it's just after midnight." He said to him. "Casey has to be home by now."

Drew was started to get a little uncomfortable talking about Casey right now. So, he decided to change the subject.

"Don't worry about it, anymore." Drew said to him. "We'll talk more about this later. Right now, we have to see what Joe wants to talk to you about, here."

"Yeah." Nick said. "The sooner we get this over with, the sooner I can get some rest."

Nick slid his key card into the slot reader and the light turned green. Nick opened the door and went into the room, with Drew right behind him.

When they both entered the room, they came face to face with their parents, Joe, and Tina.

"Drew, honey, you're back!" Cate said, walking over and giving Drew a hug and kiss. After that, she gave Nick a hug and kiss too.

After kissing and hugging his mother, Nick looked over at Joe, his face all serious.

"Well, what did you want to see me about, Joe?" Nick asked him. "I'm very tired right now and am ready to get some rest. So, whatever this is about, it had better be good."

Joe stood up from where he was sitting and stood up in front of Nick. He crossed his arms over his chest.

"First of all, I want to know what the hell you were thinking when you told my daughter that you want a divorce?" Joe asked him.

Nick rolled his eyes.

"Isn't it obvious, Joe?" Nick asked him. "Jessica lied to me about being pregnant just like she'd lied to me about a lot of other things. That one was one lie I would not stand for!"

"My daughter did not lie to you." Joe said. "She really thought that she was pregnant. It just didn't turn out the way that she'd hoped."

"Yeah." Nick said, sarcastically. "Thank God."

Hearing Nick say that, really hurt Tina and angered Joe.

"Nick, how can you be so heartless as to say that?!" Tina exclaimed in shock.

Nick looked over at her.

"I didn't say that to hurt you, Tina." Nick told her. "I said that because the timing was not right to be having another child right now."

Joe frowned at Nick. Then, his expression changed to something else. And it suddenly looked like fatherly concern.

"Nick, are you really sure that this divorce is what you want?" Joe asked him. "I can understand that you're hurt because you were really starting to get used to the idea of becoming a father again and my daughter turned out not to be pregnant."

Nick nodded, with no hesitation.

"Joe, I'm very sure." Nick told him. "My marriage was already on the rocks and I didn't see it getting better anytime soon. Besides I'm not happy in this marriage anymore. It has to end. It's best for me and it's best for Jessica."

"But, it's not best for your daughter, Son." Nick's father said to him. "For her sake, could you please just put off filing for divorce for a while until you've really had time to think things through without any outside influences?"

The way his father said that, gave Nick an uneasy feeling about where this was going.

"By outside influences, you mean Sean, right?" Nick asked his father. John nodded.

"Yes." His father said to him. "I don't think that you would even be going through divorce proceedings if Sean hadn't suggested it."

"Come on, Dad." Drew suddenly piped up. "You can't blame this on Sean! He's not the one who destroyed Nick's marriage! Jessica did that on her own, because of her own insecurities!"

"Drew's right." Nick said. "Jessica just couldn't handle the fact that Sean was back in my life again and that we were best friends again."

"It's more than that, Nick, and you know it!" Joe said. "Sean wasn't just any other friend. If that were the case, my daughter could have handled it. But Sean is your ex-husband in case you've forgotten and the two of you are still close. closer than you should be. So, why wouldn't my daughter be insecure?!"

Nick frowned, crossing his arms over his chest as he tried to figure out what Joe meant by that.

"When you say that Sean and I are closer than we should be," Nick asked him. "What do you mean, exactly? Help me understand this so I can explain things to you, better."

"What I mean is this." Joe said to him. "For one thing, you are too affectionate towards Sean. The two of you hug too much. I've noticed it when you hugged him in front of Jessica, back in L.A when we told you that Drew was gone. It's almost as if you two had never broke up. But you did."

Nick was starting to see what Joe meant now. Joe went on.

"And if you and Sean are still "friends" as you put it," Joe said, quoting the word, with his fingers. "you shouldn't be hugging. you should just be shaking hands like normal friends do. So, what I'm saying is that you should tone it down or, better yet, stop the hugging altogether."

Nick did see what Joe meant about his affection towards Sean, that would make Jessica insecure, but he also became angry because Joe was telling him how to act around his friends. If he wanted to embrace Sean, he would embrace him whether Joe liked it or not.

"I can understand why that could make Jessica insecure." Nick replied. "But that doesn't give you the right to tell me who I can and cannot be affectionate with. If I want to hug Sean, I will do that if I want to!"

Seeing that Nick wasn't going to back down from this, Joe started to get frustrated.

"Alright, that's it!" Joe said, throwing up his hands. "I'm done trying to get through to you about Sean!"

"Good!" Nick replied back, angrily. "I've heard enough out of you about Sean and I don't want to hear anything more from now on!"

Joe scowled at Nick.

"Well, isn't that just too bad!" Joe snarled at Nick. "Because I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that Sean goes to prison for what he's done to my daughter!"

Nick couldn't hear anymore. He glared at Joe and pointed to the door.

"Get Out!" Nick sneered at him. "I'm through listening to you!"

Joe threw up his hands, in frustration, once more.

"Fine." He said, turning to Tina. "Come on, honey. We're going back to our hotel. We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow morning."

"Alright." Tina said to him. She turned towards John and Cate. "I'll be in touch."

John and Cate both nodded, but didn't say anything. Tina was the first to head for the door. Before Joe followed her, he looked back at Nick.

"If this is how you're going to treat my daughter," Joe snarled at Nick. "then you and Sean deserve each other!"

After saying that, Joe walked to the door where Tina was waiting for him. She opened the door and walked out. Joe walked out behind her and closed the door behind him.

Nick wiped his face with his hand, tiredly. Then he looked over at his parents.

"Mom, Dad, it's been a long day." He said. "I'm really tired right now and want to get some rest."

Cate and John nodded. They could both see that Nick was indeed exhausted. Anyone would be going rounds against Joe Simpson.

"Ok." Cate said. "Would you like your father and I to take Nicole for the night?"

Before Nick could answer, Drew answered for him.

"You don't have to do that, Mom." Drew said to him. "I'll be here for the night, as well, so I can watch her while Nick gets his rest."

Nick turned and looked back at Drew, just as Drew glanced at him. Nick mouthed "Thank you" to him and Drew nodded.

"Alright, then, we're going to go too." John said to them. "If you need anything, you two call us, no matter what time it is."

"Thanks, Dad." Nick said, managing a weak smile. "You and Mom both get some rest."

"We sure will, Honey." Cate said, as she walked over to him. She gave him a hug, then said: "I love you, sweetheart."

"I love you too, Mom." Nick said, as he hugged her.

Then Cate let him go and went over to hug Drew, while Nick's father shook hands with him.

"Drew, honey, we just want you to know that it's great to have you back here where you belong." Cate said to him. "With your family."

Drew smiled. "Thank's Mom." He said, as he accepted his mother's hug.

"Ok." Cate said, softly. Then she turned to John. "Darling are you ready?"

"Yes." John said, as he came over to where Cate was standing. He shook hands with his youngest son. "It's good to have you back, Son."

Drew nodded.

"Thanks, Dad." He said. "I'm glad to be back."

John nodded. Then he and Cate headed for the door. As they were opening it, Nick called back to them.

"Goodnight!" He said to them. John and Cate, both said goodnight and closed the door behind them.

Now that Nick and Drew were alone, Nick turned to his little brother and looked at him.

"Thanks for offering to watch my daughter for me, little brother." Nick told him. "I really appreciate your help at a difficult time like this."

"Don't mention it." Drew said to him. "You know how much I love my little niece. I'm always happy to help out with her."

Nick nodded and then he yawned a big yawn.

"On that note, you'd better get ready for bed." Drew said to him. "I'll go into the living room area and check on Nicole."

As Drew headed towards the door, he realized that something was missing.

"Shit!" Drew cursed, out loud.

"What?" Nick asked, as he was pulling off his shirt. Drew turned to him, feeling like an idiot for what he had to tell him.

"I left all of my luggage over at Sean's." Drew said to him. "I assumed that we were going to head straight back there after we saw Sean at the hospital. I didn't know I was going to be staying here, until just now."

Nick of course, had the solution to that.

"No, sweat." He said to Drew. "I'll call Danny and see if he's at Sean's by now. If Jeff is with him, I'll ask Jeff if he can bring your stuff by here. He has to come back to his hotel room anyway."

"Alright." Drew replied. "Thanks, Nick."

Drew walked into the living room area to check on Nicole, while Nick grabbed his phone and dialed the number for Sean's apartment.

****************************************************** MEANWHILE, BACK AT SEAN'S APARTMENT......

Danny and Jeff were still sitting on the couch together, talking.

"Listen, Danny." Jeff said to him. "I know how much you're hurting right now, but couldn't you please put your feelings aside for tonight? Sean's going to need all the support we can give him right now. I'd really like to stay here with you, tonight."

Danny looked up at Jeff and shrugged, feeling uncomfortable at that particular moment.

"I don't know..." He trailed off.

"Please?" Jeff begged him. "Besides, I don't really like the thought of you being here, alone, tonight."

Danny looked back up at Jeff and saw how much Jeff wanted to stay there with him.

"Well, what do you say?" Jeff asked him. "Do I stay here? Or do I go back to my hotel room?"

Danny opened his mouth to give Jeff his answer, but just then, the phone rang. Danny looked at the clock.

"Man, who can that be at 12:30 in the morning?" He asked, as he grabbed the phone. He turned it on and put it to his ear.

"Hello?" Danny said, into the phone. "Hey, Nick, what's up?.......Yes, Jeff's here with me. Why?"

Jeff looked at Danny, intensely, wondering what Nick wanted. Then, he saw Danny look at something. He looked over in the direction that Danny was looking and saw a travel bag sitting by the twin recliner.

"Ok, Nick," Jeff heard Danny say to Nick, on the phone. "tell Drew that Jeff will be there in a few minutes with his stuff. Ok, goodnight."

Danny hung up the phone and looked back at Jeff.

"Drew left his things here, and he wants them, so I told Nick that you would run them over to his hotel room so that Drew will have them for tomorrow." Danny told him.

Jeff then realized that this would be the perfect opportunity to settle some unfinished business.

"Alright, I guess that's my answer." Jeff said to him. "I will let you have your space tonight. Besides, I need to talk to Drew so that we can figure things out and make some important decisions."

Danny nodded. Then, he stood up.

"Come on, I'll drive you back there." He offered. Jeff shook his head.

"No, it's ok." Jeff said. "I can walk."

Danny opened his mouth in shock.

"The hell you will." Danny protested. "After what Sean went through the night of Jessica's attack, there's no way in hell you're going to walk those dark streets alone."

"Danny, don't worry." Jeff tried to reassure him. "I can take care of myself. I promise you I'll be alright."

Danny wasn't taking no for an answer. He may not be on good terms with Jeff, right now, but still he didn't like the thought of Jeff roaming the streets alone. anything could happen at this time of night.

"I don't want anything to happen to you, Jeff." Danny said to him. "Please, let me drive you back to the hotel?"

Jeff could see the pleading look in Danny's eyes as he looked at him. Their eyes locked on each other for a moment. Then, Jeff smiled.

"Even after all that's happened between us, you still care what happens to me." Jeff stated, softly.

"I never denied that." Danny said to me. "Now, come on, let's get going before I become too tired to drive."

Danny grabbed Sean's keys and Jeff followed him to the door. Danny opened it and waited for Jeff to exit first. Then, he closed the door and locked it up.

****************************************************** BACK AT NICK'S HOTEL ROOM......

Nick was just putting on a pair of pajama bottoms when Drew came into the bedroom, from out of the living room area.

"Well, Nicole is fast asleep, Bro." Drew said to Nick. "Did you get ahold of Danny?"

"Yeah." Nick told him. "He and Jeff should be here any minute."

"Cool." Drew said, as he stifled a yawn. "I hope they're quick, because I don't know how much longer I can stay awake."

Nick agreed. He knew the feeling. He was just as tired as Drew was.

"Before they get here, though, it'll give us a chance to talk a little more about your situation with Casey." Nick pointed out.

Drew looked up at Nick in surprise. He wasn't expecting that particular subject to be brought up again, tonight.

"What's there to talk about?" Drew asked him. "Casey shut me out, I left and came back to Orlando, end of story."

Drew was hoping that Nick would let it go after that, but no such luck.

"Drew." Nick said, in that tone that Drew knew all too well. It was that tone that meant that Drew had to talk about this. Otherwise, he would never have any answers.

"Nick, do we really have to talk about this, tonight?" Drew asked him.

"Yes, we do." Nick said. "I know how you get when you're hurting Drew. You hold in your emotions and that's not good. Just tell me what you're feeling. I want to help you get through this, anyway I can."

Drew sat down on the other bed, across from Nick's and tried to find the right words to begin.

"I'm feeling...."Drew said. "I don't know what I'm feeling. I guess I'm just numb. How are you supposed to feel when your boyfriend shuts you out and won't confide in you about what he's feeling?"

Nick knew exactly what the answer was to that. He'd been through it before.

"Exactly the way you're feeling right now." Nick said to him. "I've been there. I was in the same place when I found out about my marriage to Sean being legal and that he wasn't able to confide in me about what he was going through."

Drew looked up at Nick, surprised that he had gone back to that point in time.

"That was different, Nick." Drew said to him. "You and Sean broke up over that. Casey and I are still together."

"But, I still felt the same way then as you do now." Nick told him. "You remember, don't you?"

Drew nodded.

"Yes I do." He said. "I also remember how often you sat by the phone, waiting for Sean to call since the day he left. But, with you being so stubborn, you wouldn't actually call him, until I forced you to do it."

"I know." Nick said to him. "But by that time, I had waited too long and Sean's cellphone number was no longer in service."

"Yes." Drew replied. "And when we tried to contact him in New York City, we'd found out that he was no longer living there."

Nick's eyes shifted to the floor and Drew picked up on something that Nick was keeping to himself.

"What is it, Nick?" Drew asked him. "I sense that there's something you're not telling me?"

Nick looked back up at Drew.

"That's not all I found out." He said. "There's something I never told you or any of the others at the time."

Now, Drew was intrigued. "What?" He asked.

Nick looked over at Drew and Drew could see the pain in Nick's eyes.

"When I called and found out that he wasn't there, I'd also found out from his landlord that he'd specifically told him that he didn't want to hear from any of us, and most especially me, ever again. The landlord wouldn't even tell me where Sean had moved to."

Drew could see that Nick was still very emotional about that time.

"And that's when I knew...." Nick said, trailing off, momentarily. "that he was never coming back. And by the time, a year went by, I'd given up any hope I'd had of ever seeing him again and decided to move on with my life."

Nick wiped at a tear that had started to run down his cheek. Drew then wondered something.

"Have you told Sean any of this?" Drew asked him. Nick looked at him.

"No." He told him. "What's the point of telling him this now? Sean and I are over. We don't love each other anymore."

Drew nodded, sadly. He was the one other person besides Kandi who had hoped that his brother and Sean would be back together.

"I understand, Nick." Drew said to you. "But I'd be lying If I said that I didn't wish that the two of you could be together again."

Nick stared at Drew in surprise when he heard what he'd said about him and Sean reconciling. He almost couldn't believe it.

"Are you serious?" He asked Drew. Drew nodded.

"Very." Drew said to him. "The love that you and Sean shared was magical. You were truly happy when you were with him. Even though, you and Jessica, have more history, it was ultimately Sean's love that changed you. You became an even better person because of it."

Nick thought back to the times when he was with Sean. As he did, he smiled, as the memories came flooding back.

"Yeah." He murmured. "We did have some amazing times together. God, how I adored him, then."

As Drew gazed into his brother's face, he could see that Nick's thoughts were a million miles away.

"I can remember our wedding like it was just yesterday." Nick continued, with a far away look in his eyes. "That was one of the happiest moments of my life."


Nick and Sean's Wedding Day.......

"Nicholas, do you take Sean Perry to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The minster said. "To have and to hold? In joy and in sorrow? for richer or for poorer? in sickness and in health? for better or for worse? Do you promise to love and to cherish him? And keep yourself only unto him, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Nick said, lovingly. Then, he turned to Drew, who gave him his ring. He turned and held it up to Sean.

"And as a symbol of my promise, I give you this ring." Nick said, slipping it on Sean's index finger.

Then, the minister, turned to Sean.

"Sean, do you take Nicholas Lachey to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asked. "To have and to hold? in joy and in sorrow? for richer or for poorer? In sickness and in health? For better or for worse? Do you promise to love and to cherish him? And keep yourself only unto him, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Nick could hear Sean say. He remembered how happy Sean was at that moment. Sean turned to Danny, who gave him his ring. He turned back to Nick and held it up to him.

"And as a symbol of my promise," Sean murmured. "I give you this ring."

He slipped it on Nick's third index finger. Once that was done, the minister continued.

"As Nick and Sean have stood before us and pledged their love for one another, I now pronounce them, Husband and Husband. For those whom God has joined together, let no one put asunder.

Then, the minister looked over at Nick and said:

"Nick, you may kiss your groom." He finished.

Nick leaned in and shared the most passionate kiss with Sean that he'd ever experienced in his life.


Nick wiped at his eyes and looked over at Drew, to see that Drew was also wiping at his eyes.

"That was one of the most beautiful weddings I'd ever been to." Drew said to him. "And I'm so sorry that I ruined that for you. One of the best moments of your life and I had to be selfish and hurt the two people that I always swore that I'd support and protect, no matter what."

Drew hung his head, in shame. Nick saw how much Drew still hurt over how he'd ruined his and Sean's perfect wedding. Sympathetically, Nick put a hand on his brother's shoulder.

"Drew, don't think about that, anymore." Nick said to him. "I know how sorry you are for what you did and I've forgiven you. Let's just put that behind us, OK?"

Drew nodded. But he still had something to say to Nick that he'd wanted to say for awhile.

"Alright." Drew said to him. "But Nick, if you and Sean ever could get back together again, I promise you I will make up for what I did. I will give you and Sean an even better wedding than you had before. I swear it."

Nick was touched that Drew would do something like that for him. He smiled at Drew and stood up.

"Come here." He said to Drew. Drew stood up and stepped over to Nick. Nick then pulled Drew into his arms and hugged him strongly.

"I'm touched that you would want to do something like this for me and Sean." Nick said to him. "Thank you for that. But, unfortunately, that's something that may never happen for Sean and I again."

Shocked, Drew pulled back from his embrace with Nick.

"What do you mean?" He asked Nick. "You're divorcing Jessica, so you're free to date Sean again if you want to."

"Drew..." Nick started to say, but Drew continued.

"I'm not saying that you two should get married right away and pick up right where you left off." Drew pointed out. "Even I know that's not realistic. You and Sean have both changed. You need to rediscover one another. And the best way to do that is to start hanging out with him, more often. Start seeing him again. See if the magic is still there."

Nick thought about what Drew said, but only for a moment. Then, it was back to the cold hard truth.

"Drew, I appreciate what you're trying to do." Nick said to him. "But Sean and I are just friends now. I don't have any interest in rekindling anything romantic with him."

"But," Drew started to say, but Nick held up his hand, cutting him off.

"Don't get me wrong, little brother," Nick told him. "I will always have a special place in my heart for him, but that's all. I'm more interested in moving on with my life and starting over fresh."

"I see." Drew said, in a disappointed tone. He was silent after that and didn't say anything else. Nick kept talking.

"Nicole has to be my main priority right now. I want to make sure that Jessica and I raise a happy and healthy little girl. I love my little girl more than I can ever put into words. So, no more talk about dating and rekindling any past romances, ok? My life is fine the way it is right now."

Drew nodded. Then, before he could say anything else, there was a knock at the door.

"That's probably, Danny and Jeff." Nick said, getting up.

He walked over to the door and opened it. Sure enough, Danny and Jeff were standing on the other side of the door, looking at him.

"Well, that was fast." Nick said to them. "Thanks for coming."

"No problem, Nick." Danny said, as he and Jeff entered the room. Nick shut the door and walked back to sit down on the bed.

Jeff sat down Drew's bags at the end of his bed.

"Here's your stuff, Drew, just as promised." Jeff said, with a smile on his face. Drew smiled back at him.

"Thank you for bringing them over." Drew said, looking at him, then over at Danny. "Both of you."

Danny nodded.

"Well, I need to get back to Sean's." He said. "I need to get some sleep so I'll be fresh for Sean's bail hearing in the morning."

Hearing him say that, Jeff turned to him.

"I thought that you might consider staying the night in my room for the night." Jeff said, in shock.

"I never said that I would for sure." Danny told him. "Besides, I really need my space tonight. You understand, don't you?"

Jeff didn't like it, but he did understand. Danny was obviously uncomfortable around him right now. Especially with Drew sitting right there. No doubt Drew could pick up on it. He knew that Jeff was in love with him and he knew that Danny knew it too.

"Yeah." Jeff said to him. "Well, if that's the way you feel, then have a safe drive back to Sean's. We'll all see you in the morning, before Sean's bail hearing."

"Alright." Danny said. Then he looked over to Nick and Drew. "Goodnight, Nick, Drew."

"Goodnight, Danny." Nick said to him.

"Take care, Danny." Drew said to him.

Danny left the room and closed the door behind him. After he was gone, Jeff turned back to Nick.

"Well, I should be heading back to my room too." Jeff said. "I have to get some rest as well."

"Sure." Nick said. "Sleep well, Jeff."

Jeff nodded. "I'll try." He said, softly. He then walked to the door and opened it. He exited and closed the door behind him.

Nick turned to Drew.

"Do you think you should go and talk to him?" He asked Drew. "I know how he feels about you."

"So do I." Drew replied back. "But I don't think that I should tonight. Tomorrow will be a better day. Right now, let's just get some sleep."

Nick and Drew both got out of their clothes and stripped down to their boxers. Nick got into bed and Drew went into the living room area to sleep on the couch so that he'd be there if Nicole woke up.

Nick turned out the light and got underneath the covers. As he lay there, he couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow had in store for him and the rest of his friends. Most especially, Sean.

Nick closed his eyes and given how tired he was, it wasn't long before he drifted off to sleep.

To Be Continued........?

Well, that's all for this one. I hope you all enjoyed it!

"What happens next?" Oh, if you only knew!"

Stay tuned.

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