My Fantasy

By Byran Johnson

Published on Jul 19, 2004


This story as you will find out is all wishful thinking. But wouldn't it be fun to have the ability.

When I was fifteen I experienced a life changing happening. I was on my paper route about 6:30 one morning when I came upon a single car wreck.

A gentleman had gone off the road and hit a tree. The car was pretty smashed up and he was pinned inside. It had just happened because one of the wheels was still turning. I could see the figure of an older guy lying across the steering wheel. He started to move his head so I thought I've got to get him out of there. I pulled and pulled and finally got the door open and he was able to help me help him out of the car. We had just gotten to safety when the car exploded and burned. We just sat there in amazement at how close we both had come to the end.

I asked the old guy if he was hurt and he said no he would be all right. And then he took my arm and asked me to set with him for a bit. I said OK and we talked about stuff, school, sports etc for a while and then he looked at me and said,

"Without hesitation you stepped in and helped me get out of my car. That was an unusual act of courage and bravery. I'm going to reward you with one wish. You can have anything you want but be careful of what you ask for because once you tell me it can't be changed and you will get exactly what you asked for."

I thought for a minute, not about what I wanted, but what kind of idiot this guy thought I was. I knew there was no such thing as a good fairy or guardian angel but here he was telling me I could have anything I wanted. But I though, what the hell, if he is and can give me what I want I might as well go for it.

"My best friend's sister is dying of a brain tumor. I want her cured without surgery," I stated. The gent looked at me and said, "You didn't hesitate in asking for help for your friend's sister. You could have had anything you wanted but that's what was most important to you. For that act of compassion, I'm going to grant you a second wish. I will take care of your first one today and be here tomorrow morning at this time to hear your second one." With that he just flat disappeared.

I finished my paper route in complete bewilderment which was compounded when I passed the scene of the accident on my way home and there was no scene of the accident. No skid marks, no marks on the tree, no indication of a fire, and no crashed automobile. This was really getting scary. And then later at school Donny came running up to me and told me that his sister had woken up, was talking and they took more tests and the tumor was gone. All the meds and chemo stuff have done their job, just in the nick of time. It was unbelievable. So now I had another problem on my hands. This guy apparently was for real so what I want for my second wish.

All day I had ideas pop into my head. Money, a car, change my looks, do this do that. Then at the end of PE class it hit me. I was in the shower kind of looking over the guys as I always did and wondering what it would be like to be a girl and fuck them, when it hit me. I want the ability to change my body from what I am to what I want to be and then change back again. I want to be able to become a beautiful girl and mess around and then change back to me.

The next morning my friend was there waiting for me just like he said he would be. I thanked him a hundred times for what he did for Sally and then got ready to tell him what I wanted for my second wish. That I wanted the ability to change into anything I wanted but always have the ability to change back to me. He asked me if I wanted to be able to do this in front of people or should I have to find a place to be alone. And do I want to be able to change from for instance a dog to a cat or just back to myself first. I thought this over and said I guess I better be able to change anytime and I want to change from one thing to another. That I want to keep my own mind etc., no matter what I change to. My friend was quiet for a minute, smiled at me and said, "OK, it's done. Why don't you try it for me?" I thought for a minute and then thought to myself, "I want to be a guy 20 years old. Instantly I was changed into what would probably be me in 5 years. Then I thought I want to be myself again and I was. The old man told me to enjoy my new power but not to abuse it and he was gone.

My enthusiasm for my new power was uncontrollable. I spent hours in my room, changing from me to everything I could think of. A book, a cat, a 50 year old guy and finally a girl. There I was, standing in front of my mirror a beautiful 16 year old girl. I felt my tits, my hips, my pussy and was awe struck. I even made my tits bigger, my hair a different color and all sorts of changes. But then I discovered one thing about my new power. I could change my body but I couldn't change other things nor could I manufacture things. My body was changed but my cloths were still those of a boy.

Over the next few weeks I began dressing in my Mom's cloths, loving the feeling of her bra and panties when I changed my body to fill them. One Saturday both my parents had to work so I spent the whole day as a female, dressing in outfit after outfit out of my Mom's drawers and closet. I was even caught by my best buddy when he dropped by. He didn't have a clue that it was me or that if he had tried he could have got his first piece of ass. When we met at school the next Monday he asked me about the girl at my place. I told him she was my cousin who had dropped by and that my Mom didn't like her much because she was a real slut.

I found out later in the week that my folks had to work again on Saturday so I told Don to drop by. About 9 in the morning, I heard Don ring the bell. I was dressed up in Mom's bra and panties but an old t-shirt and jogging shorts of mine. I made sure my nipples were poking a tent in the t-shirt and answered the door. Don about dropped his jaw. He starred at my tits and gulped a Hi out and I told him that Ron had to go do something about his paper route but that Don should wait for him to get back. I ushered him into the living room, kind of wiggling my ass as I walked. We started talking about school and stuff and finally I asked Don if he had ever kissed a girl and felt her up. He turned red and stammered out a no and I kind of laughed at him. I said why not, girls like to play as much as guys do. He gulped and said something I didn't understand and turned redder if that is possible. I went over and plopped down beside him on the sofa and sort of rubbed my tits on his arm. He was still beet red and was really funny. I couldn't believe how scared he was. I reached up and pulled his face to mine and kissed him, pushing my tongue in his mouth. I guess that made him focus because immediately his hand was on my tit.

We continued the kiss and as his hand moved from tit to tit my hand began to massage the mound in his pants. Don has probably the biggest cock I've seen. A full 7 inches when hard. We had measured it one time when we were jacking off together. I had wanted to play with it but hadn't cause I didn't want Don to think I was gay or something. Finally I whispered in his ear that we should take our cloths off. He helped me out of my T-shirt but couldn't get my bra off. I kind of laughed as I unhooked it. His eyes got really big as he looked at my bare tits. I stood up and wiggled out of my shorts and panties and told him to hurry up and get naked. He did and I took my turn at staring, at his beautiful cock. He sat back down beside me and I gripped his hard meat and began playing with it. He told me if I continued that he was going to shot all over. I asked him how he'd like to shoot in my mouth and he kind of grinned and said that would be wonderful.

I had no idea how to go about sucking a cock. All I knew about a blow job was what the older guys had said. But it felt so good, that hard cock in my mouth. I sucked it and licked it and then started moving my mouth up and down on it. Kind of like fucking my mouth with it. Don started to squirm and moan and then I felt his hot cum filling my mouth. I really liked the feel and taste of it. His cock was instantly soft. I continued to suck it until every last drop of cum was in my mouth. I hadn't had enough of this sex fun so continued to lick and suck his soft cock, hoping to revive him. Soon I started having some success. Don was revived also, laying me over on my back and moving down between my legs. His tongue licked me all around my pussy hole and finally he pushed it in. I put my hands behind his head and pushed my pelvis against his face. I went crazy when he found my clit and sucked it like a little cock. Then he moved up and put the head of his cock at the opening of my cunt. I grabbed his hips and pushed against him taking him in to my love canal. A couple of strokes and he was all the way in me and at that moment I knew I was going to love to fuck.

Don lasted a lot longer this time and it was wonderful. We fucked fast and we fucked slow. We fucked with him on top and with me on top. Finally he was really hammering me and I felt the most wonderful feelings coming on and knew I was about to cum. And then it hit, every emotion and every feeling a girl can have, all at the same time. I could feel my love juice squirting all over and then just as mine was finishing, Don moaned and buried his cock in me and stopped and laid down on me. I wrapped my legs around him and hugged him. That was so good he whispered. I moaned in agreement.

If you liked my fantasy, please let me know. Also if you have any ideas for future chapters.

Next: Chapter 2

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