My Fathers Footsteps

Published on Dec 17, 2013



Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


"Now please." His eyes were smoldering with lust.

"Yes now." I stood up so fast the chair was flung away from the table startling all the others.

I grabbed his hand and almost ran from the dinning room. Into the elevator and up to our suite. Once in the bedroom we almost tore each others clothes off.

Almost at once we were head to toe, with each others cock buried in our throats. This wasn't love, but pure unadulterated lust. We hammered each others mouths and throats. Fucking each others face with unbridled lust.

The Doctor had been wrong about one thing; his load was as every bit as big as this morning and tasted just as sweet as he blew into my throat. That taste set me off and I came in his throat.

He switched around and lifted his legs.

"Please, I need you so badly inside me."

Even though I had just cum my cock was still rock hard. I lined up on his winking hole and hammered my cock into him. He screamed at my entry, but soon he was moaning in sheer pleasure. This boy loved to be fucked and his chute was hot and smooth like a silken glove. No love here, just the lust of his hot ass squeezing and massaging my cock with every stroke. The feelings on my cock and the overloading of my mind brought me to climax far faster than normal. He howled as my hot load filled his colon. I collapsed over him as I came down. He rained my face with kisses.

I lifted up and looked at his tear stained face. I slowly pulled out of him.

"Now Danny. Fuck me." I said.

His eyes slowly changed and then he abruptly sat up. I knew his strength was on par with mine, when he flipped me onto my knees. I had a momentary glimpse of his leaking cock before he hammered it into my hole. Like him I screamed at his forced entry.

He stopped when he bottomed out in my ass. Then grabbing my waist he started to hammer my ass. Each stroke brought waves of pleasure to my mind overloading it even more. I felt my cock fire as he hammered my chute. I think we were both in tune with each other and he blew a massive load, filling me totally. He too collapsed on me, pushing me flat. As he came down.

He sat up and pulled out. He sat back on the bed.

"Suck me Stanley." He said.

Without even thinking about where his cock had just been, I turned and buried it fully in my mouth and throat.

"Suck me Stanley. Suck me dry. Make me cumm again Stanley."

His words were orders. He was now in control and I loved to service his cock. Had our rolls now changed? Here now he was Master and I was his slave. Slave to his cock. That I would always be I knew.

He took longer to blow, but it mattered not to me, I loved to suck on his cock. His load was almost equal to his last when he finally blew. I licked and sucked his cock clean and sat back. If I thought he was finished I was very mistaken.

He lay back and pulled his legs back.

"You fucked me Stanley, now you clean me."

I looked at his open hole, my cumm oozing from it. I leaned forward and swiped my tongue across his open hole. That first taste was all it took and I was rimming him like a mad man. He suddenly sat up and pushed me flat. Then swung around and sat on my face.

"Eat me cock slave. Eat my hole." He yelled.

Without much choice I began to really rim his open hole. The fluids inside his ass gushed into my mouth. It totally blew me away that what was inside tasted so good. I hardly noticed when he sucked on my own cock. I did notice when I came, my tongue was forced from inside his hole when it clamped shut.

Danny pulled me up until we were facing each other. He kissed me an then licked my face clean.

"Now we are equal Stanley. I am a slave to your cock and you are a slave to mine. I love you Stanley."

"I love you too Danny and I will always love you. Make love to me Danny."

Danny smiled and pushed me flat. He lifted one of my legs and slowly entered me. Feeling his cock slowly move up inside me brought such peace to my mind I could only moan. Each slow stroke was like a lightning bolt to my brain. The feeling were almost beyond words. One of his hands gently gripped my cock. That just added to my overloaded mind. With no will left my cock fired, splashing my face and hair with yet another load from my sore balls. When I blew it clamped my hole on his cock and I felt his hot jissim filling me. He slowly pulled out and then licked my face clean. We kissed, the lust gone, this was a slow and very sensual kiss. Danny lay beside me and put his head on my chest. I ran my hand down and gripped his firm ass. His quiet moan made me relax. We both slipped into sleep.

We didn't move all night and I woke with my usual hard cock. I could feel Danny's poking my side. I ran my hand up his back and he lifted his head.

"Morning love." I said.

He gave me a quick kiss and then the reality set in. We both sat up. I didn't have to call for Ginger or Jason; they were sucking our cocks instantly. Both got a load from our balls before draining our swollen bladders.

As we stood after they were done, both boys ran ahead of us into the bathroom. I noticed they were wearing the simple shift Danny had wore before. When we got to the bathroom both boys were nude and the shower was on and set to the correct temperature. Ginger helped me as Jason helped Danny. We both stepped out and wrapped the warmed towels around us. Ginger and Jason quickly washed each other before stepping out of the shower. They finished drying us and then went out to lay out our clothes for the day.

"Master, can I speak with you?" Ginger asked quietly.

"Of course Ginger. You are my house Master. You can speak with me anytime."

"Master, the boys you are taking away from here are very happy."

"Well I'm glad they are happy Ginger."

"Master, they are happy coz they won't get tortured by the house master here anymore."

"What do you mean tortured?" "The House Master takes boys down to a room in the basement and does things to make boys scream and cry in pain. The boys say he laughs while he is doing it. Some boys don't even come back from the basement."

"Are you sure?" Then I looked at Danny.

The look on his face told me Ginger was telling the truth.

"That is going to change today. Fatigue pants and boots boys."

I knew what Ginger was talking about and torture itself was not against the law in the Union. With almost a half a billion people living in the Union there we bound to be people who loved to be tortured or loved pain inflicted on their bodies. There were also people who loved to inflict that pain.

All aspects of Homo Sexual love was accepted every where in the Union, but special venues were set up to protect both the victim and the abuser. Under no circumstances could anyone be tortured who wasn't one of those who enjoyed it. The rules were very specific. No permanent damage, no life threatening things could be done. No marks could be left on the body of the one being abused.

That particular law had to be learned in school and you were even tested on it. I know, I failed my first test and had to redo the course. The whole concept was totally at odds with my thinking.

Now if the House Master here was torturing boys for his own enjoyment and not theirs and even killing some of those boys, I would make sure his punishment fit his crime.

I saw that Danny was also donning fatigue pants and shirt. Ginger had obviously made sure that Danny had all the correct clothes. After we were dressed, I knew that single star I had on my shoulder boards was pretty insignificant, but the insignia of the Inspector General, put the fear of God in people. I attached two simple insignia to Danny's collar points. They denoted him as Consort. No one would question his word ever.

When we walked out for breakfast, Steven was surprised at our dress.

"Change in plans Sir?"

"Yes. Have someone escort the boys to the slopes. I'll join them later if I get this business over quick enough."

Then I told Steven what Ginger had told me. Steven bristled.

"The cocksucker should be strapped to his own devices."

"You will do exactly that if he is guilty."

We sat down to a more quiet breakfast than usual.

"Danny, do you know where this room is?"

"Yes Stanley. It is in a sub-basement next to the main offices. It used to be an emergency shelter we were told."

"Good. After breakfast you can show me this room. Did you ever have to go down there Danny?"

"No, but I know some of the boys that did."

"Were girls taken down there as well?"

"Yes sir, but he had to be real careful with Girls. Boys here are nothing but fuck and suck boys. They don't have to undress. Guests just lift their shifts to fuck them. They don't much look at the rest of the boy. Girls are different. Guest like to look at all their body, coz most have big asses and nice tits."

"One last question Danny. Does the Manager know what the house Master is doing?"

"I don't think the new one does, but the old one appointed the House Master."

"Sir, in reality this should be turned over the National Police. It is really in their ballpark."

"Steven, the mandate my Father gave me was to clean up the corruption and crime in the Central North Enclave. I think this falls into one of those categories. James, how many of the boys we are taking from here had the same procedure done as Danny?"

"Twelve of the twenty four boys. All have been reversed."

"Is that procedure even legal?"

"Sir, I have checked. The procedure is in a gray area of Union Law. It is normally only done if a boy becomes a danger to himself or others. However from the conversations I have had with these young men, it was done to them as punishment. Using the procedure as punishment is not mandated under Union law. It really should be investigated by the NPF."

"Very well James. Send all your Data to the NPF Investigator attached to my team in Edmonton. Tell him I want an investigation started in that area. However that is not going to stop me from investigating this torture thing here."

"Gentlemen, I came here to enjoy some skiing and to give my boys a holiday. Well now it looks like there is as much crap going on here as in the Capital. It may be different but it is also illegal. I want it stopped."

"Steven I want an interrogation team brought in. You can bring an NPF Investigator too. Doctor bring what ever you need. I want every servant and attendant here checked." "I didn't ask my Father for this power, but by God I am going to use it and I don't give a God damned whose toes I step on."

"Steven, you might want to bring in a few more of your security guys. I don't have any idea how many of the inside security is in on some of the shit going on around here, but you might as well be prepared."

"Yes Sir. I have already ordered more here when we needed the extra bus."

"When you two have issued the appropriate orders you can both meet me in the lobby. Come on Danny."

Danny followed me out of our suite and down to the Elevator. Two security guys followed us.

Steven took my protection and welfare to heart. There were always at least two security officers close to me at all times.

"Are you going to fix all the boys here Stanley?" Danny asked.

"Yes love, everyone."

"You are going to make many boys real happy."

"I hope so love."

When we got to the lobby they was a shit load of boys waiting for the buses to arrive. When they saw Danny and I, I was instantly surrounded by laughing and happy boys. After they settled down I spoke to them all as a group.

"I want all of you to enjoy yourselves. We are going to be here longer than I expected, but all of you are on holiday from any duties, so just enjoy boys. If any of you have any problems with anyone, bring those problems to me or Danny. Danny is now your line to me. You have a problem, talk to Danny. If he can't solve that problem he can tell me and I will solve it. Remember you treat Danny as you would me."

The two busses arrived and the lobby emptied very quickly. I did notice that there were very few of the VIP's I had seen the day before in or around the lobby. Was my being here scare them away? That was something I would think about too. Did just the name Inspector General scare people away or was there something else they were afraid of?

I knew I was getting in deeper over my head, but didn't want to talk to my Father, at least not yet. The Union was a very large and unwieldy autocracy. There were seven major departments, not including the Military, Secret Service and the NPF. The largest of those departments was Interior. To top it off it was the Interior Department that I was so worried about. I knew it was that department that handled all VIP transport and had even ordered the aircraft that took the Director of the Central North Enclave to Switzerland. Did the Secretary of the Interior know that one of his directors was doing something highly illegal? To me it looked like it but proving it was going to be far harder.

On top of all that, what had been ordered done to the boys here had to come from that very same interior Department. The Interior Department was responsible for all government resorts and also in charge of staffing those resorts, so they had sent those boys here. They must have also ordered the procedure and that had to have come from very high up on the chain of command. What a can of fucking worms I had opened.

My thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Steven and James, along with two more of Steven's Security Officers.

"Well Danny, where is this shelter you talked about?"

"Its entrance is from the Security Center next to the Managers office."

"Very well, let's go."

We walked behind the front desk and marched into the managers office.

"Can I be of service to you Sir?" He asked.

"No." I walked to the Security Center door and walked in. One entire wall was covered by television screens showing every camera in the resort. Five officers jumped up when I walked in. I waved them down and walked to the two officers standing by another very heavy looking door.

"Open it."

"Sir, the House Manager said he was not to be disturbed."

"Open the door now!" I almost yelled.

When the door opened we all heard the most chilling and high pitched scream I had had ever heard. It made the hair on the back of my neck stand up and it rooted me to the spot. No so Danny.

"NOOOOOooooooooooo!!!!!" He screamed and ran into the hall.

Steven was on his heels and the two security guards after them. I finally moved as well down the short hall.

"What the fuck?" I heard and then a strangled scream.

When I entered the room Steven had a man pinned to floor, his pistol right in his face. The other two security guards had two other guards held against a wall. Danny was next to a young man strapped to some kind of table. Wires were connected all over his body.

"Don't kill him yet Steven."

"Doctor, check the boy. Is he alive?"

James went to the boy and checked his pulse. Then started to disconnect him from the table. The young man cried in pain as some of the needles and clamps were removed from his body.

"He's pretty much out of it Sir, but he is alive."

"Get him out of here. Danny go with him. Take him to my suite."

"Are those two part of the Secret Service Steven?"

"No sir. They belong to the internal Security Division of the Interior Department."

"Good. Have them stripped, interrogated and thrown in cells until I decide their fate. They definitely won't enjoy their next assignment."

The two guards were dragged out of the small cell.

I turned to the House Master.

"What I would enjoy doing to you is to put you on that table and torture you, but suspect you like to receive pain as much as inflict it. Steven have him stripped and put in cells. Make sure he can't hurt himself. After your interrogators are done, I want the Doctor to perform the same procedure on him as was done to Danny and those other boys. He won't be getting hard again and won't be getting off ever. Make sure the Doctor makes it permanent."

"Yes Sir."

The house Master had not said one word. He may think that some one higher might save him, but he is going to be very much mistaken.

I stormed out of the cell and headed for my suite.

I was so mad I was shaking. When entered my suite, I walked directly to the bar and mixed myself a very stiff drink. It wasn't even past 0900. I sat down at my desk.

Without even thinking about it, I started to write a long message to my Father. I explained everything that had happened and all that I had ordered. I also told him who I suspected of ordering what had been done to those boys. I only hesitated a moment before hitting the send key.

I leaned back and cried.

Danny came out of my bedroom. He came over and wrapped his arms around.

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

"You're very welcome love. Is the young man going to be okay?"

"The Doctor says his physical wounds are very superficial, but he is worried about the boys mind. I think he will be okay, Timothy likes pain and the House Master took him down there often."

"Did the House Master just pick boys at random or did he pick only boys that liked pain?"

"Oh no Stanley. The Master picked boys who made mistakes. He said it was better than just castrating them and sending them to the mines."

"I don't think it was better and was also illegal, regardless if the boys liked pain or not.

"I would rather be castrated and sent to a mine than go down there." Danny said. "Never going to happen love. I like what you have down here in these sweet nuggets."

"I like what you have too Stanley and you fuck real good too." HE giggled.

I was about to answer when my key pad beeped for an incoming message.

When I looked, it was from my Father. Jesus he was fast. Made me wonder if he already knew what I was doing in Banff.

He wrote:

'Congratulations Stanley, you have done very well for your first assignment as my Inspector General. From the reports I have received from Edmonton Free City, your team has finished their investigations and all those responsible save on have been dealt with.

'As to the nine people found to be using illegal servants, they will be moved to New Washington for public trial and Execution. The three wives who knew will also be tried and executed. I leave in your very capable hands the disposition of any children.

'After you have finished in Banff, I would like you to go to the North West Enclave. The Director is an old friend and has requested some investigators. After you have completed any investigations in the North West Enclave, you will quietly remove the director. He is old and is no longer capable of handling the job. Some of the reports I have received from there lead me to believe he might be going slowly insane. You will of course need to remove his wife as well. Again I leave the disposition of his two sons in your hands.

'Christmas is in two weeks and I will be traveling to my retreat in the north West Enclave. It is in the State of Oregon. I would like you and your close staff to meet me there. Some of my most trusted Secretaries will be with me to discuss some of the developments you have found.

"Good luck Son and see you soon.

"The Chairman.

Not exactly what I had expected from him, but welcomed all the same. I honestly didn't know the interrogations and executions were over in Edmonton. I suspect I will receive that report shortly.

"Ever seen the ocean Danny?"

"No Stanley."

"Well you will in a week or so. Now let's go see this young man of yours."

"He's not mine Stanley. He belongs to the resort."

"Do you want him Danny?"

"Really? You mean he could come with us?"

"Danny, I said you could pick as many friends as you like. If you want Timothy, you can have him."

"I would like Timothy. Him and I are good friends."

"Okay love. He now is part of your household servants. I'll have his indenture transferred to you. If there are any others, just tell Steven and he will arrange their transfer to you love."

Danny kissed me on the cheek.

We were both wearing very snug underwear, but I reached down and gripped his cock. He moaned.

"I'll take care of this later too love."

"How did you know that was what I was thinking?"

"Because love, I was thinking and feeling the same thing. Just being close to you does it to me."

"Well I been hard almost all morning." He giggled.

Well I guess we'll have to wear each other down." I laughed.

"I hope it never happens Stanley."

"I hope so too baby. Now let's go see your new servant."

The young man laying on the bed didn't look very much worse for ware. Except for his swollen tits and a few marking's on his dick, he looked fine to me. The Doctor was putting things back in his bag.

"He should be just fine Sir. I gave him a sedative and he should sleep a couple of hours. I'm not sure how his mind will react though. He has been through a very traumatic episode."

"Danny has told me Timothy liked to be tortured. He likes pain. Would that make a difference?"

"Yes indeed. I know there are people like that, but he is the first I have ever met."

"Well thank you Doctor. Danny stay with him. I'll be back."

I left Danny with Timothy and went out with my Doctor. Not caring about the time, I mixed myself and the Doctor a drink. He raised his eyebrows but never said anything as he accepted the drink.

"James, I had originally decided to have the same procedure done on the house master as was done to the boys, but have changed my mind. Now I want the vein in his cock left intact, but want his prostrate and balls cut off so he can never get off ever."

"I want him to be able to get hard. However he will never again enjoy it."

"Sir, you must know that it will drive him insane eventually."

"Yes, well someone else can put him down then. That's what you do with mad dogs."

"Yes Sir." He finished his drink and left.

I sat down in one of the overstuffed chairs in the suite.

Why oh why had my Father put me in this position. To say I was over my head was an understatement. Even with everything I had learned about the Union and how it operates had never taught me what to really expect. So my Father thought I was doing a good job. I didn't. I knew there were people who loved to inflict pain, hell, The Secret Service used Torture to extract information even though the drugs were infallible. So in reality it was the way the Union operated that allowed people like that house master to be able to do as they wanted with young men and boys.

I think what I thought when I looked at Union was at odds with what was actually allowed. All the old taboos, which had been in existence for ages no longer existed in the Union. So things like BDSM, Water Sports, Incest, and all the other sexual taboos were gone.

"My own Father had raped me and I didn't hate him for it. What he did was open another door into my life. I had two brothers by blood, both still only fourteen, but I knew eventually they would join my staff and I would fuck both of them, weather they wanted it or not. That was the way it worked. The more [powerful a person was in the Union the more he could do without anyone questioning him about what he did and to who.

Like my Father, I could do anything I wanted to anyone and the only person that could countermand my Orders was my Father. I am very sure that was what my Father intended when he made me his Inspector General.

Even though the Union had been around for over a hundred years, people, especially the very rich people, didn't understand how the Union worked or even why it worked the way it did. They thought because they had more money than God, that they were somehow above the laws of the Union. That notion would come to an abrupt end when those nine CEO's of some of the largest corporations in the Union were publically executed in New Washington. Three of the wives of those same CEO's would join their husbands on the execution block. The rest of the families were left up to me to deal with.

I had yet to make a decision. Their records were sitting on my desk.

There in lay the problem for me.

For the wives and any older females it was an easy decision. If they were still within breeding age, they would be moved to the breeding center here in Edmonton Free City. If they were too old they would be sent to the Center for Health.

I got up and sat behind my desk. I made notations on all the records of the females and sent them off to Edmonton to be dealt with. That left me with five boys. Two I saw were still just out of minor school. I sent both ten year olds to the New Washington Training center.

Of the boys left, one was thirteen, one was sixteen and one was nineteen. The thirteen year old and sixteen year old I had indentured to me. I was sure they would hate. Having been born with a silver spoon in their mouths would make it even harder. Both were probably virgins too. I laughed to myself about that.

I would need to talk to the nineteen year old before I made a decision on him. I ordered the three older boys sent here to Banff.

That was another problem now out of my hands. I sat back and relaxed.

I looked at me empty glass and contemplated getting another drink. Then wondered if I was drinking too much. Then said fuck it, I wasn't going to the slopes today and started to rise from my chair.

"Can I be of service to you Master?"

I looked at where the voice had come from. A boy, I would have thought to be only 13 was standing by one of the other bedroom doors. He was about five foot tall and I doubt weighed more than a hundred pounds. At first I thought he was black, but his hair was straight not curly like Negro boys.

"Who are you boy and why are you not out skiing with the others?"

"Master, I have only been here a month. I never skied before. So Master left me here. I can service you Master."

"My name is Siam Master. I am from Thailand."

"Well do you know what scotch is Siam?"

"Yes Master." HE went to the bar and quickly and efficiently mixed a drink for me. He brought it to me and then bowed.

The young man intrigued me. I don't think I ever met anyone from Thailand before.

"Remove your shift Siam and come closer."

He slipped it over his head and came and stood about three feet from me. He may have been only five feet tall, but he was proportioned perfectly for his small size. His skin was shinny black. The two small tits were even blacker and stood like small arrow points on his chest. His abs were well built and he had a good 4 pack. His cock had been recently circumcised, the scars were still visible and it hung down a good three and half inches. He was small, but a larger cock would have looked out of place.

"Turn around Son."

You could see the muscles in his back. His round and firm but stood out. He definitely turned me on.

"Turn back around and come closer."

He turned and stepped right up to me. There was no expression on his face. I reached down and rolled the small orbs in his sack. That got a reaction. He moaned. I watched as his cock slowly hardened. Totally erect he had a good five inches and quite thick.

"You are a very good looking young man Siam."

Two things I definitely wanted to do. One I wanted to fuck that smooth ass of his, but right this minute I wanted to taste him. I grabbed him by the waist and lifted him onto my desk in front of me. He was shocked by what I had done considering he was now even with me.


"Relax Son. I'm just curious." I leaned forward and slipped that five inch cock into my mouth.

"Oh Master." Siam moaned.

The first thing I noticed was how smooth and silky it felt in my mouth. Just the right thickness to feel good inside my mouth. I started to bob on his cock and use my tongue as Ginger had taught me. He started to wreath on my desk and I had to hold him still. The movements he was making and way his body started to tense up told me he was getting close.

"Master, Master, I'm going to cumm." He yelled.

That just made me suck harder on that very suckable cock. His body tensed right up and I felt his cock throb inside my mouth. Three quick shots of salty/sweet cumm shot across my tongue. Siam just slumped back on his hands as he came down. I slowly sat up savoring his offering. Very nice, very nice indeed.

"You taste very good Siam."

"Will Master fuck me now?"

"Do you want me to Siam?"

"Oh yes Master." He reached down and pulled his legs back, exposing his very tight looking hole. I was surprised because it was pink, not black like the rest of him. It almost looked like as target.

I undid my fatigue pants and pushed them along with my underwear down. My cock slapped my stomach. I grabbed my cock and pushed it down. I leaned over and pushed it against that pink target. He looked so small I figured it would hurt when I entered him. I applied a little pressure and his hole seemed to open like an iris. My cock slid inside his very smooth hole. I think he had either been fucked recently or had lubed his insides, my cock slipped in and right to the root right off.

When I was fully inside him, his insides clamped on my cock.

"Oh Master, that feels so good." He moaned.

I started to slowly fuck him. His insides seemed to clamp and unclamp on my cock as I moved in and out of him. His moans became louder and his body moved from side to side. This was a boy who loved to be fucked I was sure. I started to move faster but his insides seemed to keep pace always holding me firmly. His hole held me tight even as I started to pound that tight ass. With his hole holding me tight brought me off very fast. I finally just held it inside as I blew a huge load into his colon.

When I pulled out, there was an audible pop as my cock left his hole. I leaned down and slipped his cock into my mouth. Three quick shots covered my tongue and throat. He just slumped back over my desk. I stood up and sat down. That was the most wonderful fuck I had had in a while.

Siam slowly sat up and then slipped off my desk. He knelt down between my legs and cleaned my cock. Then he bowed down and kissed my boots.

"Thank you Master. You make Siam very happy."

"No Siam thank you." I pulled him up and onto my lap. I wrapped my arms around him.

"You made me feel so good Siam."

HE just melted into my arms.

"I love you Master. I wish you were my Master all the time."

"Well I guess I'll have to make you part of my family then Siam."

When I said that Siam started to cry and hug me tighter.

Steven walked in and mixed himself a drink and then sat down.

"Another for your Stable sir?"

"Yes. Does that other you Steven?"

"No Sir." He laughed.

"If you had not asked him, I would have. Siam asked me this morning if I thought you might accept him. I told Siam just to do what he does best and he would have you eating out of his hand instantly. Sir you could transfer everyone from this resort. They all know who you are and what you have done. They all wish they had a Master like you."

"I didn't realize I was so popular."

"Sir, your total household was two when we left New Washington. When we left on our short holiday it was forty three. Now it is close to eighty. I'm very sure that after Danny picks a few boys, we could be leaving here with close to a hundred. About twenty percent need to be sent for more training. All should be enrolled back in school. But that is something that can be done when you pick a permanent residence."

"That is something you need to decide on very quickly. You won't be able to live in your father home when we return to New Washington."

"I never even thought of that."

"Well considering your Father has over a hundred Servants and attendants, there just will not be room for you in the New White House."

"I suppose you already have a suggestion Steven."

"Yes Sir I do. There is a National Historical monument just outside New Washington. It was built in the mid twenty first century by an industrialist. He was executed during the civil war and house now belongs to the Union. You could commandeer it."

"If you think it would work for me do it Steven."

"Consider it now your new home Sir." He laughed.

"Now as you have brought it up, I need someplace where all these boys can be housed while I traipse around the Union. I don't want to drag a hundred plus boys everywhere I go."

"Actually, I knew that question would come up Sir and I have place in mind. It is a very old lodge just outside the Calgary disaster zone. It was spared the fire, either by chance or luck. It is now owned by the Union, but has only a small caretaker staff. We could have a look at it on our way to Calgary."

"Okay Steven."

Siam was still on my lap. I set him down and told him to put on his shift.

"Siam, you are now my personal servant and attendant. Ginger my House Master will have enough for him to do keeping a hundred boys in line. So you can take care of my daily needs. Danny my Consort, will have to find one of his own because I am going to appoint Jason as Gingers assistant."

Siam had tears in his eyes. Not only did he have his dream come true, but now he was going to be around his new Master all the time.

"I will be the best servant Master has ever had."

"I am very sure you will keep me very happy Siam. Now you better refill this and get Steven one too."

Siam quickly refilled our gasses and then sat beside me.

"Do you want me to order lunch?" Steven said.

"No. I'm fine. I already had a good snack and will probably have another soon." I said looking down at Siam.

He giggled. His cock was already hard and so was mine.

TBC Comments always welcome.

Next: Chapter 6

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