My First Boyfriend Who Accepted my Femininity

By clintdear

Published on Oct 5, 2013



I had been divorced for a while and have been getting to like the idea of being able to do what I want when I want. We were married when we were both 18, and by the time we were in our early twenties, my wife decided that I was not the guy for her anymore. Toward the end of our marriage, my feminine streak seemed to show itself more and more when I let my guard down. I tried to only allow "her" out when I was on the road and alone, but over time it got harder and harder to hide my secret from my wife.

As time went on she developed a knack for taking advantage of my hornyness. She would lead me on in our little sex games couples play just enough to encourage the real me to sneak out little by little, admission by admission. A playful suggestion of "Honey, will you put on a pair of my panties for me? I want to see you in them." and "You have really sexy legs, will you shave them for me?" Or "Will you put on my nightgown when we go to bed, honey? ". Graduating finally to "I know what you want, honey. You want mommy to use a dildo on you, don't you?", and finally "When I'm done making love to your little boy pussy you want to get on your knees and suck mommies dildo clean, don't you?". Each time I would agree and get a raging hard on making it pretty obvious where my interests were.

I thought things were going great! Then one day she came home from work and said "We need to talk". I thought she was going to show me the dildo she bought us... It wasn't. She said we were through.

It was bad enough that she said it was time for us to part, but when I was pleading with her not to go she she really rocked my world by telling me we should have never gotten married and that we would both have been better off if I just found a nice man and married him instead! As much as that hurt, she was more right than wrong.

If the truth must be told, my most hidden desire was that I always wanted to find a nice manly boyfriend who was seeking a feminine boyfriend, and maybe if things went well, might ask me to become his "man wife" someday. I hated being in the role of husband in my marriage, and I equally disliked being the "man of the house". Over time, I came to feel cheated out of the woman's life she got to lead - a life I wanted for myself! I came to disliked having sex with her and I had to pretend she was a man when we were doing it or I'd lose my erection. I thought maybe she was willing to indulge me a little in our sex play, but instead she used it to dump me. On the bright side, I was living a lie and she finally let me free.

While the divorce hurt me, at least now I had the opportunity to follow my instincts. When on the road, I liked to crossdress and practice my femininity in my hotel room, being careful not to leave evidence when I got home. But since my home life is no longer an issue, I decided to experiment with my femininity in the relative safety of a gay nightclub.

A few weeks later, I was in Reno doing a company presentation on a Friday and decided to spend the weekend and enjoy life a little. I decided that since I'd never been in a gay bar, now was as good a time as any, so I grabbed the local "Reno News & Review" to see what was out there. I decided on a visit to a gay bar downtown that was having a monthly "Dress like you mean it" mixer which was taking place this evening.

The club flier said "fantasy wear encouraged", and seemed like a safe venue to show off my feminine side a little. To be on the safe side, I called and asked the manager if dressing a little girly was OK and wouldn't cause me to get my ass kicked. He told me all was cool, and it was safe to express myself. He suggested I check out their website. As I went though the photo gallery, the pictures from earlier mixers showed several men in feminine attire! After that revelation I was feeling that if I couldn't get up the courage to express my feminine side in such a safe place tonight, I never would.

I was staying at the Atlantis in the outside "apartments" where I could come and go with some privacy. I decided to stop back in to consider my evening plans and decide on something appropriate for a hot club on a hot summer night. Being single now, I took advantage of my new privacy and collected a pretty good assortment of women's things so I could make myself pretty.

I decided to have a couple of glasses of wine and a soak in the tub so I could decide on what outfit to assemble that would be fun and daring, yet still a little subtle. I did an enema so I wouldn't look fat and used a depilatory on my legs and feet, then showered and re shaved my underarms and balls and trimmed my bush into a neat triangle so it would look nice, just in case. I drew a bath and poured in an extra measure of my favorite vanilla honey bath fragrance to soak in so I would smell nice and sexy all evening should someone care to notice. I have very little body hair anyway, and absolutely none on my face, and I've found that shaving and then enjoying a nice luxurious soak in the tub with a glass of wine is a sensuous treat. A final rinse in the shower with an invigorating scrub with my loofah soaked with my bath fragrance left my naked skin feeling sexy and feminine, and smelling nice.

Even though I'm not overweight, men's shorts never really fit me properly because my shape is odd for a guy, as my ex was fond of saying. I have a narrow waist and fairly wide hips sporting a fleshy "bubble butt" bottom of a girl, as well as prominent nipples on a fleshy chest that is narrow like a woman's (Thanks Mom). More than once I have been mistaken for a girl from the back and I will admit that I was very flattered and always responded with a bright smile.

I decided to wear my new outfit that I bought in a gay boutique in San Francisco. I bought some pale yellow hiphugger shorts that I paid extra to have tailored, along with some tiny pink frilly panties and a light cream tinted silk camisole. I just love what my new shorts do for my bottom. They have a 2" inseam and highlight my girly bottom perfectly. They are cut a little higher in the rear in such a way that they ride up to allow my butt cheeks to peek out, accentuating my bubble butt, and the panties are thoughtfully designed with extra room for men, yet are still very feminine. The camisole tucks in and is fairly snug, and allows my nipples to plainly show should they decide to present themselves. It has fairly wide straps at the top but lacked lace trim so as to pass for a tank top at first glance, and yet still be very feminine.I can't wait to shop there again!

I took a second in front of the mirror to admire myself in my camisole and shorts. For shoes, I chose my pair of silver T strap sandals with a 1" heel to give my 5'6" frame a boost, and a matching silver belt. I topped it all off with a thin loose cream tinted shirt and a dash of women's perfume - "Passion" by Liz Taylor. A bit dated, but definitely "boy bait".

I decided to wear my hair in a messy pixie style and combed down some loose bangs, then tousled it up a little. Then I spent a few minutes cleaning up my eyebrows a little so they looked neat and cared for. I felt pretty. I was ready to go on the adventure of my life!

I took a cab and happily the cab driver was very understanding and took me right to the door so I clould make my grand entrance as if I had been doing it all my life. I was disappointed that the place wasn't very busy so I decided to play a little pool game I learned and have a glass of wine.

It wasn't long before I noticed a cute guy nursing a beer that seemed to be checking me out. I caught his eye and smiled at him, and after a little flirting, he finally walked over and asked me if he could join me for a game. He was quite a bit bigger than I was, probably all of 6'2". He was very handsome, quite masculine and very charming.

While my new friend seemed nice enough and genuinely interested in me, a casual glance revealed that he was getting an erection. Oddly, it made me feel a little awkward and a bit intimidated knowing I caused his arousal and he could overpower me in an instant if he cared to. I remember thinking to myself: He has potential, but he was bigger and stronger than me, and horny. I'd better be careful and make sure he's OK and not someone I'd regret being with.

As we chatted during the game, the butterflies in my stomach soon gave way to a feeling of serenity and comfort in the presence of my new companion. I found myself relaxing and becoming quite passive and docile around him, with easy laughter and congenial chitchat.

​ As we played and I fumbled about, he became quite "touchy - feely" with me, showing me how to hold my cue stick, adjusting my fingers and so on. I instinctively leaned in to welcome his touches, encouraging him to continue. Finally, when I was leaning over for the next shot, he reached back and rubbed my bottom slowly and sensuously, causing me to freeze in suspense, and remarked: "You have a very cute ass, boy friend!" His hand traveled down to gently stroke my bare inner thigh, letting his thumb sneak up my shorts leg to glide along the ticklish spot between my balls and my thigh. As if by instinct, I responded to his lustful touch by widening my stance and lifting my hips up and rearward to welcome him in a most submissive gesture, as I felt his hardness pressing into my hip. I replied with a breathless "Why, thank you", and smiled sweetly at being called "boyfriend", as I purred silently at the implications of his intimate caress.

Being pursued sexually by a man was new to me and I must admit, I was surprised but not turned off by his aggressiveness during our pool game. Afterward, he showed a more loving and protective interest in me and made a point to be more engaging and relaxed, and on his best manners. From my budding female perspective, it was a heady experience to enjoy this experience at the hands of a real male.

Back when I was dating women I hated being in the man's role of having to be charming and witty, and ever alert for signals that said "Keep going". I was definitely past that. I was wanted to give him the "I want you to take me to bed" signal if I knew what it was! And yet, here I was depending on him to make the moves!

Now that the pursuit had ended and we were now a "couple", he became more assertive and more possessive of me, and more inclined to keep me physically close to him. I acknowledged my new status by melting into him each time he put his arm around me to pull me close. I felt a little shy at first about him being so obvious with his intimate touches, but I soon found myself eager to snuggle in close to him.

I appreciated that it was a "guy thing" and I was flattered that he was showing off to everyone in the bar that I was now "his". Of course I was pleased to signal to the other patrons in the bar that I was proud to be his boyfriend, too! Now I had to make sure I didn't lose him.

When it was time to take a break from the game he suggested we go to the bar. I was comforted by the feel of his hand on my butt as he escorted me to booth in a quiet corner. His constant touching and sweet whispered compliments had me so hot it was all I could do to control my craving for his affection without embarrassing us in front of everyone.

As we chatted and nursed our drinks, I began to get a little apprehensive wondering if getting involved with such a dominant man was a good idea, or if maybe it was all one big tease. I never expected to meet a truly masculine man who would respond so positively to my femininity. And I certainly never expected to find myself being so brazen in displaying my eagerness to be his fertile little boyfriend. I found myself being flattered and delighted that my new suitor was going out of his way to be so adorable and lovingly provocative! I was getting very turned on and I felt a confusing sense of simultaneous empowerment and submission, yet my instincts told me it was my turn to make the next move before the night got away from us.

I began to understand how a woman might feel when the man she is interested in is slow to pick up on the fact that she has finally decided she would like to have sex with him. I didn't want to spell it out to him. It was getting to be a "face palm" moment. A woman also knows that as soon as she leaves the bar with him, she is putting all of her trust him since she may have little control over events should they turn sexual. I trusted him and It should be enough that I was putting it all on the line for him considering he's a pretty big guy compared to me. I was praying he'd make a move soon.

As we made small talk at the bar, I hinted that maybe I should get going soon, to give him an out in case he wasn't really interested. He looked into my eyes and lifted my hand to his lips for a gentle kiss and said, "Please don't go." As I squeezed his hand back, I smiled weakly and replied "OK". That simple act of acceptance was enough to convince him to follow his heart. ​​As we chatted at the bar he kept touching me and putting his hand on my upper leg as I encouraged him with my coquettish behavior. When he rested his hand momentarily on my hard cock, I blushed deeply as he smiled back at me. I felt like a craven little hussy as I smiled back at him and slid my hand over his hardness in return! I found myself at ease with him, willing to becoming his docile little boyfriend as he took advantage of my willingness to abandon my masculinity in his presence.

The place was starting to get busy and pretty noisy. As we were finishing our drinks he leaned over and nibbled at my earlobe and asked me if I would like to join him for a glass of wine at his apartment. He had me squirming in my seat with anticipation as I wondered if he would ever "pop the question"! I smiled and told him sweetly, "I'd love to.".

As we left the bar I held my head high, feeling proud and unafraid when he took my hand and walked me to the parking lot, knowing that for the first time in my life, I was giving myself to a man who would control my sexual destiny for the night..

As we got to his car, he opened the door for me and helped me in and leaned in to buckle my seat belt, giving me a little peck on the cheek as if I were a little girl. On the ride to his house he took my hand and caressed it gently, placing it on his upper leg where my fingers were touching his cock. In return, he placed his hand on the inside of my naked thigh so he could touch mine. I kept my hand on his thigh for the whole ride, in contact with his cock as if to signal I was eager to hold up my end of the bargain.

When we got to his place he poured me a glass of wine and then turned on some soft music and lit some candles. I was surprised how sexually I reacted to that. The atmospherics of a man doting on me and making me comfortable was a real turn on, and the soft music was like an aphrodisiac. The sexual rush I was feeling was exciting and so much different from the fleeting hookups I'd had in the past!

He took my hand and led me to an overstuffed couch where we sat down. I sat a respectful distance from him until he produced a blanket and patted the couch next to him inviting me to sit close to him and share his blanket as the apartment struggled to warm up. I smiled and scooted next to him almost as if I were a child invited to slide up next to her daddy. He put his arm around me and moved his other hand down and rested it on my incriminating hardness and began to stroke it slowly as my breath quickened. He leaned in and gave my neck ​some sweet butterfly kisses and nibbled on my earlobe as he began unbuttoning my shirt so he could rub my erect nipples through my camisole.

As he pulled me in for my first kiss from a man, it just happed as if it was the most natural thing in the world. It was a wonderful kiss, and he effortlessly coaxed me to yield and let his tongue dance with mine. I let out a lustful moan of shameless surrender as he continued to kiss me deeply while massaging my sensitive nipples through my thin camisole.

As we continued our kisses, he unbuckled my belt and undid the button so he could lower my zipper. As he slipped his hand into my panties to massage my hard cock, I followed his lead and began to undo his pants in return. When I finally got to feel his naked cock, I was taken by it's dimensions. It was larger than I thought it was, with a large head and an increasing girth toward the middle and then tapering a little toward the base, and very hard.

I was giddy with lust as I knew that all I wanted to do right now was follow my naked man's lead and have a heartfelt sexual experience with this wonderful lover. I suspected that as fascinated as he was with my butt, there was a good chance that I might be confronted with losing my virginity tonight. I was apprehensive that I might be in for a painful experience should we go that far.

It wasn't long and he was out of his clothes and I was in my panties. For some reason I wasn't ready to be naked. I felt a lot of comfort by leaving them on, as if I needed them in order to preserve some modesty and a symbolic measure of protection. My tiny pink panties were all that remained of the crumbling defense of my virgin boy pussy, and I willed myself to be brave if the time came for the last rampart to fall.

We wrapped ourselves in the thin blanket as we continued to embrace and kiss deeply. I became acutely aware of his cock constantly touching me somewhere on my body in every position we found ourselves in. I began to fixate on the feel of his hard cock as it sometimes poked, sometimes dragged against my skin, or sometimes just rested on me as if to let me feel it's weight. It became intensely sexual to feel his hard cock purposefully exploring my body, knowing it had come for me, as if it were beckoning me to make friends with it and not be fearful of it's single minded mission.

He said, "Lets go into my bedroom, honey." I had never been called "honey" by a man before! It made me feel very desirable and sexy. I smiled an eager smile as he took my hand in his and led us into his darkened bedroom! Walking behind him, hand in hand, I couldn't help but sashay my hips and put a little wiggle in my walk in joyful celebration of my man leading me to his bed.

As we lay on his bed and he pulled the covers over us, he drew me to him and kissed me delicately as he ran his soft hands over my naked body and into my panties to rub my cheeks as I kissed his sensuous lips. He expertly played with my sensitive nipples, as he tenderly caressed my face and lips and tickled me with light butterfly kisses.

I got up my nerve and moved down and began to lick and suck his nipples one at a time and then gradually worked my way down to lick his shaved balls and hard cock as he pulled his spread legs up and ran his hands sensually though my hair. I rolled each, then both of his balls in my mouth and licked the sides and bottom of his cock taking my time before I dared satiate my hunger to please him. I licked and nibbled my way up to the head of his cock and slowly and gently took his cock into my mouth as I massages the head with my tongue. I loved the wonderful feel of it as I took him more deeply and worked up and down, circling the fat head with my tongue, occasionally taking most of his eight inches deep into my throat. I felt as if I were in a trance as he responded to my tongue's finesse! I felt his cock go from degrees of hardness, to twitches and throbs, accompanied by desperate little moans. I must have been doing a good job, because he said he was getting close and stopped me.

He guided me back up next to him and began to kiss me deeply, then began to kiss and tickle his way down by body. He kissed and licked my nipples and slowly traced a trail of gentle kisses as he went lower and slid my panties out of the way so he could to lick all over my cock. After several long slow passes with his tongue along the sides and the bottom of my cock, he enveloped my cock with his mouth. He began sucking up and down and tonguing the buttons under the head of my cock. He began to roll my excited nipples between his fingers until I couldn't stand it anymore causing me to plaintively moan for him to stop! He paused and looked up into my eyes and told me "It's OK, honey. I want you to.", and put his mouth back on my cock and slipped his hand into my panties and sensuously rubbed my boy pussy with his finger as he teased me slowly past the point of no return. I relaxed as my cum pulsed slowly into his loving mouth as my pussy lips danced rhythmically on his fingertip.

He held me in his mouth until I was spent and the twitching stopped, and then moved up on top of me and began to kiss me deeply again, letting my cum run slowly into my mouth. I returned his kisses with shameless passion as our tongues danced in my sperm as I gradually swallowed it all.

As we returned to making out he began to roll my panties down off my bottom. I felt a finger touch my boy pussy with something warm and slippery as he begin to gently massage my entrance. As the delightful sensations rippled through my body I began to breathe excitedly as he continued rubbing as we made out, causing me to squirm under his deep kisses, as he made me feel as if I was the most precious thing on Earth as my panties dropped to the floor.

As my apprehension melted away, I instinctively put my leg over his hip to allow him better access. He gently massaged the outside of my pussy, rubbing back and forth and then in circles as if to coax open the petals of my tight little flower. As I became more excited by his touch he let his finger go in just a little, then in a little more. I kept my lips in contact with his as he worked his finger around in an ever widening circular motion as he prepared my tight canal for him. As he gently dilated my boy pussy, a slutty little moan slipped past my lips making it clear that I was ripe as he continued to prepare me.

I was so ready I was panting with lust as I kissed him deeply and moaned with obvious surrender as my legs ​opened wider and my boy pussy welcomed his touches as he continued to tease my virginity with his gentle circular massage.

He broke our embrace to change our positions and gently laid me on my back and slid a pillow under my hips. He cradled my hips between his legs and leaned forward, spreading my protective cheeks and touching my virgin hole with his cock. As he moved up he lay between my spread legs and pushed them down to my sides and put his arms over them as he lay on top of me, exposing my defenseless boy pussy to the pressure of his cautious penetration as his body enveloped me. He kissed my lips and my neck and suckled my earlobes as his cock gently began probing my entry. I loved the feel of his weight on me as I relished the helpless, albeit delicious foreboding of knowing that my man had immobilized me for breeding. It was a very sensuous feeling to hear his comforting moans and purrs while being held so tightly. I held him tightly with my arms around him to signal my complete surrender, as my pussy lips gave his cock little kisses.

Gradually as if by instinct, the feeling of his cock gently probing my virgin pussy coaxed my cautious muscles to slowly yield in blissful surrender to my lovers assertive embrace. I calmed myself as his lips met mine and my pussy began to slowly open like a blossoming flower as he gently rocked slowly and rhythmically forward and back as he slipped in deeper, millimeter by wonderful millimeter. I cooed to him sweetly as my apprehension washed away each time my gentle giant stopped to allow my pussy to adjust to it's new role.

Ever so gently he teased me a little thrust at a time, whispering sweetly into my ear as I signaled my heat by rocking my hips to welcome him home as I cooed softly. He stopped to let me adjust when the head was finally past my entrance before we resumed our mating dance of slow in and out movements. He took his time, kissing me deeply as some tentative thrusts were a little deeper than others, and special ones retreated almost fully out of my pussy and then reentered slowly as if to emphasize my submissive role in our relationship. Finally, as the largest part of him worked at my virgin passage, he held me tightly as he whispered to me to "Relax honey, and just let it happen" and kissed me deeply. As I yielded to the gentle pain of the final part of my journey, I embraced him as tightly as I could as his lips met mine as he began slowly rocking gently as the final inches slid home.

For the first time I got to experience the unique feeling of my man's heavy balls resting on my butt cheeks as a testament to my complete and unconditional surrender. He pushed into me as deeply as possible and held me tightly as I got used to the new feeling of my man's cock being fully inside of me as he rocked in and out in small, but purposeful thrusts, creating a unique feeling like no other.

He moved in and out slowly and gently, causing an electric tingle that began to rise inside of me as my cock began to twitch and ooze my juice as if I were approaching orgasm. With each thrust the tingling intensified to where I felt myself approaching a climax. I could not stop from rapidly clenching and unclenching my toes and squeezing my pussy as my insides seem to quiver with a feeling just short of a full on climax.

He gently bit my neck, and growled playfully as if to display his sexual dominance allowing me to fully demonstrate my submission to him. He would squeeze his cock bigger to make sure I felt it as he whispered to me that he was soon "going to make me his girl". I wanted nothing more than to receive my new lovers gift, as I purred in his ear, and lovingly squeezed my pussy in response as I lustfully thrust my hips back to him as if to invite him home. I held him tightly and pushed toward him as he began to slowly move in and out as he whispered sweet encouragement in my ear as he began thrusting more purposefully.

I squeezed my pussy muscles on each of his out strokes, and relaxed on the in strokes, much to his pleasure as he groaned passionately. Several times he thrust deeply and stopped to kiss me gently, as if to pin me to the bed with his cock while kissing my neck and ears, and ran his knowing hands along the ticklish sides of my naked body. My body seemed to be floating on a cloud as my cock began a slowly building, slow motion orgasm that lacked the familiar pulses. It seemed to last an eternity as I expressed a steady ooze of my juice as waves of electric pleasure rolled over me. As my lover pumped into me my body became covered with goose bumps that seemed to spread as if I was being tickled by a million electric feathers as my pussy began to dance with rhythmic contractions to match his thrusting.

Soon he began to hold me tighter and pump more deeply, each time holding himself in as deeply as possible, as I sensed the girth and hardness of his cock increasing. Before I understood what was happening, he started groaning and then thrust deeply again and held me tightly as I felt his cock start throbbing inside of me as he sent his seed pulsing into their new home as he sealed his lips against mine. As the throbbing began to weaken, he thrust deeply again and again as his balls bounced on me, pushing the last of his sperm inside of me.

He lay on top of me, gently purring and kissing me gently on my neck and face as he continued thrusting as he slowly began to soften. I felt myself missing him already as he softened as he gradually began to slip out of me, pausing to let me squeeze my pussy so I could milk his cock to get every last drop of him.

But in spite of my caution, a little trickle of his cum managed to sneak out of my newly sized pussy, creating a deep submissive euphoria within me. I will never forget that special tickling as a couple drops of my lovers cum dribbled out of me and slowly ran down my crack in a ticklish rivulet as if I were full and could hold no more.

I knew then and there, I wanted his cum in me forever, and I knew that I could never look at him or any other man the same way again. He was my stallion and I was his mare, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

As his new lover, I was especially flattered that he treated me to a nice candle lit "after sex" shower knowing my pussy was brimming with his cum. As we entered the oversized shower, I luxuriated in the gentle water as it ran over us in sensuous rivulets. I washed and kissed every inch of my new master, and licked and sucked his life giving balls, paying special homage to the cock that had just fertilized me.

When it was my turn, he tenderly washed me with lilac scented gel and kissed me all over my body. He produced a razor and reshaped my triangle into a nice 1/2 inch "landing strip" above my cock. He even dried me and combed my longish hair straight back and kissed me all over my body, paying special attention to kissing my most intimate places! I never had anyone make me feel more desirable and so sexy in my life as he kissed my boy pussy as if to thank it for providing a comfortable home for his seed!

We moved out into the living room to enjoy another glass of wine. We were sitting and snuggling naked in our blanket listening to the music and kissing as the mood struck us. I was giddy with the knowledge that I was sitting here with my man while carrying his sperm, and they were alive and swimming inside of me! I felt thoroughly feminine and quite delighted with what I had just experienced.

I was startled by a clicking at the front door as his female roommate walked in. I was starting to freak out since I ​didn't know how to act and felt quite "busted". But sensing my discomfort, he put his arm around me and introduced me to her as his boyfriend. I smiled as sweet of a smile as I could muster and squeaked out a weak, albeit gay sounding "hello".

For the first time in my life I was "outed", but not at all ashamed about it. She said we looked very cute together, and she'd be leaving again soon to let us have our privacy back. She could tell we were naked as the blanket showed our shoulders and barely covered our laps. I moved my legs under me and leaned into him and put my hand on his leg. Our clothes were sitting on the floor in an incriminating pile right in front of us, with his underwear plainly visible on top of the pile. I could see my pink panties on the bed through the open bedroom door.

As they chatted I think he sensed that I really wanted her to go away. But instead, he took my hand and pulled me in for a sweet peck on the lips right in front of her. Like the good little girl he just made love to, I just puckered up and melted into him. I never felt so feminine in my life.

In plain view, I brazenly slipped my hand under the blanket and placed my hand on his cock which inadvertently peeked out of the top of the blanket for her to see before he moved the blanket back to cover up. It was almost as if I was jealous of her and wanted her to see that he belonged to me.

I felt a little strange knowing that she must have known that we had just made love, and I suspect she knew by the way I was acting so possessively why he was so important to me.

When she went into the bedroom to change, he put on his boxers and followed her. I could see them talking though the door. She was smiling and seemed agreeable to whatever they were talking about.

She gathered up her things and left with a "You guys have fun, OK. I'll be home late. He took off his underwear again and asked me if I'd like to spend the night and I quickly agreed. Then he asked me if I'd do him a favor by wearing a nightie to bed for him. I looked at him about to say no, but he asked me again - "Please? Just for me." It took me about one nanosecond to agree - anything he wanted was fine with me. Secretly, I was thrilled!

When I agreed to that, he had one other request. "Can I paint your toenails too, Honey? Please? I won't ask anything else. I think it will be really sexy." I just didn't have it in me to say no.

He went back in her room and got some nail polish and sat naked on the table in front of me and put each foot on his bare knee, one by one, and painted my piggies a hot pink, first one then the other, occasionally giving the soles of my feet a ticklish kiss, and the underside of my toes a sensuous lick. I kept peeking at them whenever I could. I was amazed how nice my pretty toes made my feet look!

When they were dry, he took my hand and led me back into his bedroom and excused himself again and went back into her bedroom. He returned with a frilly pink, really see though baby-doll type nightie that opened in the front and had matching sheer pink bikini panties, plus a shorty bathrobe - "In case you need it later." he said.

As he watched me appreciatively, I turned my back to to him to face the full length mirror and put on the nightie top first, then teasingly bent at the waist to give him a nice view of the cute ass he just made love to as I took my time putting on the skimpy panties. I smiled sweetly at him when he said I looked really sexy, and very hot!

She and I must have been the same size, because everything fit really nicely and felt wonderful. I was pleased to see in the mirror that my butt cheeks cutely peeked out the bottoms and my sexy new landing strip was plainly visible. The sheer top also revealed my large pink areolas and my excited nipples pushing the sheer fabric out into little tents.

As I modeled them for him he really made my day by telling me I was truly beautiful and sexy and he made me blush when he said my face was very pretty and looked forward to me wearing make up for him some time when we go out.

I was hard as a rock when he patted the bed beside him, telling me with a sweet seductive smile, "How about coming to bed, honey". I smiled back and eagerly slipped into his waiting arms, sneaking another peek at my pretty toes.

We went to bed we made out some more and explored each others bodies. He seemed to know that I loved him rubbing and touching me all over, feeling the fabric on my body while slipping his hands into my panties to rub my butt. Gradually, he moved us into a 69 position and we sucked and licked and sucked some more until we both came at the same time! I felt indescribably wonderful and really special as I teased my lover to where he could not hold off any longer. He let out a cute little groan, and suddenly his seed began pumping into my mouth. I eagerly swallowed my lover's fresh cum for the first time, as he swallowed mine.

He fell asleep first, and then I carefully nestled my face as close to his underarm as possible so as to take in as much of his masculine essence as as possible. I thought I didn't like under arm odor but for some reason, I now had an insatiable urging to be closer to his scent, even though I was covered in it. I was absolutely loving the scent of my man! I can only conclude it was my body's natural reaction to carrying his sperm, and I was enjoying my new kink to the fullest! ​​

I woke up with him spooned behind me and sensuously rubbing my bottom as he worked my panties down and rubbed some lube on my formerly virgin hole. He began pushing against my boy pussy with his hard cock as we spooned. I squeezed my pussy lips giving his cock little pussy kisses as I pushed back, greatful to feel it slip in with little resistance. I was very relieved that I accommodated him so easily.

He pulled out and put me on my back. He took my panties off the rest of the way and bent my legs back and put a pillow under me like before. Whatever modesty I had hoped to retain had vanished as my boy pussy revealed itself to him in the bright daylight of the bedroom as he spread my legs wide open, and I naughtily presented him my gaping boy pussy to him for our pleasure. He mounted me and easily entered me as deeply as possible as if to remind me of my feminine role as his balls bounced off my butt cheeks as he drove his cock home as I moaned and squealed with delight, forgetting we weren't alone. He seemed to try to take his time but soon came, blessing me with another precious blast of his manly liquid as he kissed my lips and face as his breathing slowly returned to normal and be began to soften. I was in heaven!

He decided it was time to get up and he asked me not to change yet, so I put my panties back on and put on the shorty bathrobe his roommate loaned me, aware that it didn't cover the bottom of my nightie, leaving my panties and butt cheeks plainly visible. I felt like my pussy was very loose and a little damp and gooey, and I prayed I wasn't going to start leaking in front of his room mate! She was at the table in a bathrobe and slippers having coffee and we joined her with him choosing to wear his boxers and an undershirt. At first I felt a little nervous, but after a few seconds for some reason I felt quite OK with the way I must have looked in her lingerie, with my bottom peeking out of my panties and my pretty toes all bright red and shiny, but after all, she had to know what I was all about by now.

She could see the collar of the nightie and reached over and touched it and asked me how it fit. I blushed and said it was a perfect fit and thanked her for loaning it to me. She looked into my eyes and smiled a mischievous smile, and remarked "It fits you nicely. You look very pretty in it! ". I'd love to help you with make up if you want some time. I smiled sweetly back and thanked her, wondering if she knew I was carrying his sperm just as she had done for her lovers. I think we had a connection...

He put his hand on my leg under the bathrobe and replied with a smirk "Everything fit just fine.". I blushed bright crimson, and she giggled and put her hand on mine and told me I was a lucky guy to have such a sweet boyfriend. She told me she'd be happy to take me shopping any time I'd like if I'd like to build up a wardrobe, or if I'd like to call ahead and she'd buy me something really sexy!

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