My God My Roommate

By Midw Stud

Published on Jul 15, 2015


This series of stories is fiction, although inspired by real people, places, events, etc. I have been working on them on and off for a long time, but decided to start posting them because I recently saw the inspiration for Tys for the first time in a long time. Please also look at my series of (almost completely) non-fiction stories of my own experiences, And, as always, please get in touch, love for readers to give me feedback and tell me about themselves.

Enjoy reading!

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Tys spent the rest of the afternoon in his room, and after supper sat outside with his folks finishing some wine before watching a House of Cards episode they had been waiting to see. Tys went up to his room and watched a few Netflix before falling asleep thinking about Everett. The next morning, Tys woke up painfully hard, realizing he'd been thinking about the events of the past two days. Resisting jerking his meat, Tys' cock eventually softened out, and he got dressed for the gym. Thinking there might be some guys around to play basketball, Tys put on a comfy old jockstrap, the only thing that could keep his giant meat from hurting while jumping. He put on some old Lax shorts and a tank, and headed out the door, taking a banana and hardboiled egg from his mom as he passed through the kitchen.

Tys hopped in his car and started for the college gym where he was doing his supervised workout program. The gym was pretty empty, not surprising since it was summer with most students gone, and Tys did his workouts hard. After a few hours, Tys had done legs, arms, and core, as well as an hour of cardio. But nobody showed up to play basketball, so, slinking sorely into the lockers, Tys sat on the bench. He stripped off his shorts and tank and sat facing his locker. Out of nowhere almost, someone approached, and Tys recognized him as Creighton, a guy he had long played lacrosse against. He went to the same Catholic school as Legare did, but Tys was still surprised when, in the middle of how-you- doing small talk, Creighton said he heard Tys had been at Leggy's recently. So now three dudes at least knew about him. Four if you counted Carter! Tys was pretty shocked that Leggy had told anybody about what had happened. But maybe had hadn't: Creighton hadn't said anything particular, he had just sort of smiled when he said it. Creighton didn't keep it secret for long that he definitely knew.

"Heard you guys had a good time..." Creighton said letting the end taper off.

"Yeah, was a fun party!" Tyson replied, a bit nervous about where this was heading.

"And the next morning too..." Creighton said in that gleeful tone one uses when knowing a secret.

After a seemingly long silence, Tyson said: "Yeah hangover and sunburn, the usual."

Creighton quickly sat on the bench next to Tys, closer than guys normally sit next to each other, especially when undressed. Their thighs touching, and the room silent, Tys jumped a bit when Creighton abruptly wrapped his hand around Tys' soaking jockpouch. As the locker room seemed to grow even more silent, Tys' mind was racing as Creighton's hand worked his trapped meet, his fingers feeling like they were trying to trace the long fleshtube through its confines. Tys was a bit panicked. How could Ev and he have gone along so nicely for two years, and then in the space of 48 hours, it seemed like everyone knew what he was up to. Tys, still out of breath from his mega-workout, felt shame and guilt as he helplessly processed the sensation of blood rushing from the rest of his body to inflate his massive sex organ.

"Oh yeah," Creighton hissed. A long 20 seconds later he continued: "you know Leggy has always been hot for you. I guess me too." Tys thought back to the day before. Maybe Ev had had a bigger role in setting that up than he thought. "I've always heard about that pecker of yours bro. I need to see and feel it." Tys learned a bit later that this too was a sort of setup. Creighton was running a lacrosse day camp for younger players based at the fieldhouse that was part of the rec center. It wasn't a secret that Tys worked out there almost every morning, he was constantly trying to get people to work out with him or at least play some basketball. Plus, it wasn't everyday that a local kid was going to play Div 1 basketball, and so there was a bit of a buzz among the staff and trainers. It was, however, only after Leggy told Creighton about all that happened that he decided to start staking out the gym in the mornings, even though his camp didn't start until after noon. And on the very first day, what luck! He had caught a hot and breathless Tys sitting in his jockstrap.

Despite his very mixed feelings, Tys' cock was enjoying its manipulation, and a good six inches of semi- hard meat was already sticking out the side of the wet sweaty pouch. Tys looked down his shoulder at Creighton. He had never thought of him in particular before, but now saw that he was a very beautiful guy. Wavy blond hair, worn a bit shaggy like Leggy and most lax players, blue eyes, sharp nose, big red lips, and very clear and smooth skin. Tys looked closer and could see no sign of shaving. Even hairless Tys had a few spots on his face he had needed to shave for several years. Tys thought that he had always liked Creighton. He had style, even among the kids in that city who all seemed to have some style. He was personable and friendly without being overbearing. Always seemed to be the center of the crowd when Tys bumped into him at parties or whatever. They might have been good friends if they'd known each other better. Creighton was maneuvering Tys' foreskin back and forth over his big spade-shaped cockhead, working behind the glans, and pushing a finger in his pee slit once in a while. Suddenly, Creighton said: "put on your shorts." Tys did, and grabbed his tank off the bench as Creighton stood up and obviously wanted Tys to follow him.

Through a few doors and twists and turns down in the basement level where the lockerrooms were, they arrived to an unmarked door, which Creighton promptly stuck a key in and opened. It was a storage room, full of all kinds of athletic gear, lacrosse stuff, bags of soccer and basketballs, wrestling mats, etc. Creighton used the key to lock the door from the inside, and pulled Tys back behind a large pile of mats, where in the narrow walkspace, was a folding chair which he sat down in, pulling Tys in front of him. He pulled down Tys' shorts, and pushed his face into the moist and fragrant fabric of the pouch. After inhaling Tys' funk, Creighton went a bit feverish. He was sucking the end of Tys' dick poking out of the pouch, also pulling the pouch out so he could snake his tongue in the side to lap at Tys' egg-sized nuts. After a few minutes of working around the strap, Creighton pulled the waistband out far, and pulled the jock down, making sure Tys' now hard and huge dick was clear. When the strap hit the floor and Tys' long veiny cock bobbed up, Creighton swallowed hard, opened his mouth, and began to truly suck the largest dick he'd ever seen.

A bit over eager, Creighton felt his lips stretch to the ripping point as he lowered his mouth onto the head. Doing all he could to keep his teeth out of the way, his jaw felt forced much further open than ever it had been at the dentist. In his haste, Creighton got a bit too far down, and felt the giant point of the head lodge in his throat. It felt like someone was forcing a whole peach down his gullet! Creighton pulled off a bit and worked just the head and the first couple inches vigorously. After a minute, he began to take more and more, until he felt that massive head bump into his throathole again. Tys, enjoying himself, without thinking thrust his hips and with a hand on the top of Creighton's head, gave a little push. He had always done this with Everett to get him over the hump of taking his fat, heart- shaped head the first little ways into his throat. Tys' cock felt totally squeezed, like he was trying to push it into a ketchup bottle. But whatever it was yielded, and Tys felt his dickhead lurch a couple inches into Creighton's tight throat, and felt the pressure of it all the way around his dick. Creighton began gagging and coughing violently, tears immediately filling his eyes. Counterintuitively, his spasming made him go deeper on Tys' prick. After five seconds of panic, Creighton pulled his head off the cock, the head coming out of his throat like a cork. As the cock cleared his lips, he coughed and almost vomited a huge pile of throat slime onto Tys' cock and pubes.

"Shit, sorry bro, I thought you were going for it," Tys said, feeling bad at what he had done to the mucus- and tear-covered face between his thighs. He put his hand on Creighton's shoulder as he coughed a bit more and tried to catch his breath.

Still a bit woozy, Creighton said: "No worries man. I just have never been able to take one deep. Especially not your monster cock!! How the fuck does Everett do that?"

Modesty gone, and the shock of more people knowing he liked guys subsiding, Tys replied "Practice!"

Tys was still feeling confused and a bit scared that all of a sudden all these guys knew about him and Ev, and now him and Leggy. Had Everett been telling people? He knew Ev and Leggy had gotten together a bunch before he and Ev were together. Everett had told him he'd been with a lot of guys Tys knew, but had never said who, and Tys never pried. He was certain Ev hadn't been with anyone since they had been together, but damn, he must have been a slut those first years of high school! It seemed Ev had been with guys at their school, and definitely at some others. Tys was beginning to think there was a huge dudesex scene he could never have imagined a few days earlier.

Creighton had caught his breath in a second and was on his feet. "Don't worry bro, I wouldn't blueball you!" he said with a laugh. Creighton had his jersey and shorts off in a flash, and stood there in just his sneakers and cup. Tys wondered for a second why he had a cup on, then remembered he was coaching the summer lacrosse camp, and it was a good idea to have one if 14 and 15 year old boys were going to hurl balls at you all day. Creighton reached over to the side of where he had been seated on the folding chair and Tys saw on a crate there were some paper towels, a tube of lube, and a condom. Tyson chuckled to himself, realizing that Creighton obviously had planned this. Creighton took the lube and squirted a generous amount onto two of his long slender fingers and reached around to push them in his hole. He squirted a bit more onto Tys' hard prick, bobbing out straight slightly below horizontal. Tys' cock was covered in saliva and throat slime, and Creighton just rubbed the lube around the large hot-to- the-touch head, slipping the foreskin back over the flared-out head.

Creighton guided Tys into the chair, and stepping in front of him with his back turned, eased his legs over Tys' hips until his ass was hovering over Tys' erect and throbbing dick. Reaching back to take hold of the organ, Creighton could feel a strong heartbeat coming from the cock. He turned the cock upward as he hunched down, feeling it make warm contact just below his balls before he gently slid forward feeling the tip slime over his taint and come to rest on his nervous anus. Knowing it was the moment, Creighton pushed out his guts as hard as he could, like the biggest crap of his life, and sat down with some force. He and Tys both gasped as the giant penis lurched about 6 inches into his tight passage.

Creighton was no stranger to having large things in his ass. For a totally straight lacrosse jock from a conservative old family (as far as most people knew) he was pretty nasty. Creighton would sometimes pick large zucchinis and summer squash from his mom's garden, take one along with the can of Crisco his mom used to make biscuits when his grandparents visited, and violate himself with the vegetable before washing it and returning it to the vegetable drawer with the rest. He always got a painfully hard erection when they later ate the veggie in question. Still, he had never felt something like that in his ass. It wasn't a vegetable, or even the huge black dildo his sister got as a gag gift at her bachelorette party. The first time Creighton found it in the back of his sister's closet in her old room, he had just gotten home from lacrosse practice and was looking for some tape to fix his stick that his dad thought might be in the closet. That day practice had run late and his ride needed to leave, so he had come home without showering. Upon finding the massive plastic cock, he forgot about the tape and ran to his room where he lay sweaty and dirty on his bed and wrecked his own asshole with the toy, imagining a particularly big-dicked teammate he lusted over.

In the past years, he had repeated the self-assault many times, often thinking about Tys. He had always thought Tys was a hot guy, and a nice guy. Since he was so popular and everyone knew him, he came up pretty regularly in conversation, in all kinds of ways, whether a big basketball game, some award, or some new girl who had thrown herself at him. And Creighton, like many boys in their town involved in sports, had heard first or second hand reports on Tys' cock. People who didn't even know him knew about his penis.

A teammate of Creighton's had gone to middle school with Tys and played summer lacrosse with him in high school and would talk about what he figured was a foot long dick. This particular teammate and Creighton had traded BJs since the start of high school, and eventually this friend, Larkin, began to regularly bugger Creighton. For a highschooler, Larkin had an enormous cock, eight and a half inches at least, and very thick. For such a slim, short, and small-framed guy, the penis looked comical on him. Larkin's parents both worked, and they would often head there after school to shoot hoops, play video games, or whatever, but always for Larkin to stuff his big dick into Creighton. During lacrosse season it was harder...their meetings often happened during school in the back of Larkin's huge tinted SUV. Over time, Larkin had gotten more dominant and kind of teased Creighton during sex, even though they were still close friends. He had started calling Creighton's asshole his pussy. Often, when he had his big dick stuffed deep up Creighton's back passage, he'd make him tell him how good it felt to get his pussy stretched. He'd tease him about how much he needed his cock and seed, and sometimes taunt that he really wanted Tyson up him to truly wreck his cunt forever.

It was around this time that Creighton and Everett had stopped having sex, even though they still hung out. Creighton's cousin and Ev had been tight since they were little, and so they all hung out sometimes, and Creighton and Ev would meet up for other reasons...mostly sex. Ev usually let Creighton fuck him, which Larkin had stopped doing all together. Creighton was really just a cum receptacle for Larkin by that time, although he loved and craved it, whether in his ass or mouth. Creighton had never been positive that Tys was into guys until Leggy told him the day before he cornered Tys in the lockerroom. He just knew that once Ev and Tys started spending more and more time together, neither he nor any of the guys he knew who had regularly had sex with Ev were doing so anymore. It could have just been that Ev had moved out of that phase, but he had been such a cockslut with so many jocks in different schools, it was hard to believe he had gone cold turkey. Creighton had assumed, but never knew, that Ev was getting all he needed from Tys.

And now here he was, a dream come true for Creighton. He had given himself so much pain and pleasure with that huge dildo imagining this moment, and now that it was here, he could only focus on the huge dick he was impaled on that felt like it was busting his gut. After adjusting for a few moments, Creighton raised up on Tys' dick and lowered himself some more, sending a few more inches into his rectum. The thing felt like a baseball bat. Like all his innards were stretched around it. Creighton bobbed up and down on it till it got deeper and deeper. He could feel the end of the prick hitting some blockade deep up his digestive track. He could tell he hadn't gotten the whole thing up him because his small muscled butt cheeks hadn't made contact with Tys' hips. But man was that cock something else. Huge, warm, insistent. Creighton could again feel Tys' heart beating through his cock, but deep inside his stomach. The penis felt like it had displaced everything else in his body.

After a few minutes more, Tys wordlessly lifted Creighton by his ribs up and off his cock. Creighton took a hard deep breath as he felt the log drag out of his stretched twat. When the big spade shaped head popped out of his hole, he was surprised there was no sound, although a wave of pain swept up his cavity once the cock came out. "Lay on there," Tys said motioning to a low stack of wrestling mats. Creighton lay down on the mats, his sweaty back sticking to the plastic. His pert little ass was right on the edge, and Tys wasted no time in lifting up his legs and spreading them wide. Creighton shivered when a puff from the AC hit his exposed hole, and it felt like the air blew in a few inches, he thought his ass must be wide open! Putting one of Creighton's ankles on his shoulder, Tys used his free hand to line up his slimy cock with the bright red and open hole below. Finding his mark, Tys firmly but slowly pushed his prick into the grasping hole not stopping until he hit the same stopping point about 9 inches up inside his partner. As the wide meat filled and stretched his fucktube once again, Creighton let out a low guttural moan.

Tyson was into it now. Any apprehensions he had were lost in lust. He kinda wished he had been more open in high school. How many hot jocks did he know who were into all this? Ev was awesome, and he wouldn't trade that for anything. But maybe some of the guys on his teams, or at other schools he had always thought were hot were actually up for more. Creighton was about the last guy he'd ever think would love cock in his ass, but here he was, one of the hottest guys at his school and one of the best lax players in the state with Tys' cock jammed in his butt. Tys' lust found its outlet in his increasingly fast assault on Creighton's ass. Tys was feeling the sensations on every millimeter of his dick as the tight butt tunnel gripped the whole length on every stroke. But he kept hitting the end, and really wanted to get balls deep. Tys tried some slow strokes, pushing hard enough at the end that it hurt his dickhead a little. After a few times doing this, Tys was determined to get in, and as he pushed in slow, he grabbed and pulled Creighton's balls, hanging loose right above Tys' cock. He felt Creighton flinch hard, and pushed hard right as he reached bottom and tugged the balls. His cock dove in the last two inches fast, feeling like it pushed in through something hard. But Tys quickly decided it wasn't shit or anything, because he had felt it just open up for him, even though it felt like he had fucked through a brick of cheese. What neither knew was that Tys had just busted through Creighton's second sphincter, and as Tys made some shallow fast pushes to conquer the newly opened area, Creighton twitched on the mat like an epileptic and covered his six pack in a huge load shot from his cock sticking out above his cup.

Creighton felt delirious, like he was going to pass out. His ass felt electric. It seemed like Tys' cock was rubbing his spine all the way up his body to the back of his throat. The penis felt like it was absolutely everywhere inside of him. Whatever had just happened was unlike anything he had ever felt. When Tyson grabbed his nuts and power fucked him, it was like an explosion happened deep in his ass. He could even feel his opening now stretched around the super thick base of Tys' dick. He had never had an orgasm like that either. It felt like his whole body, from his toes to the back of his brain was all cumming. Tys wasn't going to last long. The deeper recesses of Creighton's butt tube were still spasming uncontrollably, and in his excitement, Tyson was making fast hard pounding strokes, taking all but an inch out and thrusting back in, re-entering the deepest reaches of the fuck cave over and over. Creighton's cock, still hard and poking out of his cup holder, was constantly leaking. As Tys started breathing hard, and really wrenched Creighton's legs apart and fucking faster and faster, Creighton felt like he was passing out. Tys dove deep and hard, pushing his cock to its deepest yet. Creighton felt the head expand, stretching his intestine. And then, felt the first of many jets shoot scalding cum even deeper up his hole. Creighton's eyes rolled up in his head, and his body shook as he orgasmed again, this time his cock just spewing a steady stream of cum onto his navel.

Tys, his cock still hard, made a few thrusts into Creighton's cummy, still-twitching pussy. Tys was amazed that each time he did, Creighton's dick would blob out a little more sperm, and his whole chute would clench down on his cock. Tys could feel his wide dickhead pushing his huge load around deep in Creighton's guts. He finally dragged his peen out of the used up twat. He was amazed how tight it had been throughout the fuck, especially once he got it out and examined Creighton's hole, which was hanging open about three inches and Tys thought he could see about six inches up in there. They chatted a bit as Creighton recovered, about lacrosse, and about a few people they knew, and finally with Creighton saying he had never been fucked like that before. He finally got up and unlocked the door to let Tys out, but not before making Tys promise he would "see him around." Later, during a scrimmage he was supervising, Creighton farted and then felt a huge glob of Tys' seed roll down his inner thigh to below his shorts. This gave him a powerful erection, painful in his cup. Later, he was showing a player a ball handling technique with his hands over his shoulders so he could also hold the stick. The player, sniffed loudly, and matter-of-factly said "you smell like jizz." When Creighton finally got home later, he immediately got out the big dildo, and roughly abused his ass thinking about Tys, despite the searing pain.

Next: Chapter 10

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