My Good Friend Frank

By maxpnumble6

Published on May 22, 2024



This story is pure fiction. It never happened, although I admit I would have liked it to happen. It's about two college friends who share a summer rental. One is definitely straight and the other determines he is gay after seeing his roommate's enormous endowment. Determined to get his hands on the huge penis, the gay guy takes advantage of his friend's intoxication one night.

Please don't read this if you are under eighteen or are offended by stories involving male-male sexual activity.

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My Good Friend Frank

I graduated from high school in the Midwest in the '90's, but I ended up going to college in New Orleans. I had applied for and won a full tuition scholarship at Tulane University, so I was living pretty far from home. I should also mention that my folks weren't able to help me much financially. Even though I had the scholarship, it wasn't enough to pay for my living expenses and books, so I took out student loans and had a part-time job to make ends meet.

In high school, I was the class "brain," so I wasn't friends with any of the athletes or more popular kids. I pretty much stuck to myself, although I did ask a few girls to movies and the annual prom. At graduation, I was still a virgin, never having gotten further than first base with any of the girls I had dated. Of course, it didn't help that I didn't have a car and had to borrow my dad's station wagon. In retrospect, high school was not a lot of fun, but I did very well academically.

On the other hand, I loved college! As a freshman, I had to live in an on-campus dormitory, but I made a few friends almost immediately. I enjoyed going to classes in subjects that interested me, and since I couldn't afford to join a fraternity, I had plenty of time to do homework. I had a part-time job as a waiter in one of the campus restaurants, but it didn't interfere with any of the courses I was taking. By the end of the academic year, I was on the dean's list and was actually helping a couple of classmates who weren't doing as well. I was loving my independence and beginning to believe I could actually make a living in my field of engineering. Of course, at the end of my freshman year, I was still a virgin.

One of the friends I had made almost immediately was a guy named Ferdinand. Can you believe it? Of course, he hated that name, so he went by his middle name, which was Frank. Frank was a lanky, very good-looking guy who stood over six feet tall. He was dating a girl who took a lot of the same courses we did, and he often talked about how wonderful she was. He was easy-going and had a lot of friends, and I was very pleased to be considered one of them. He also was not very gifted academically, so he struggled in several of his courses, especially the ones that involved mathematics. Because those courses were easy for me, I was happy to help Frank, and we spent many evenings together at the library, going over the day's lessons and completing the homework.

As the end of the year was approaching, I was wondering whether to go home and try to find a summer job in the small town where my parents lived or stay in New Orleans. I had been assigned a roommate when I entered Tulane, but we didn't have much in common. We even had different majors! Since I didn't plan to take summer classes, I knew I would have to vacate my dorm room, and that was just as well, because I knew I didn't want to go on living with the same guy. Discussing the situation with Frank one day, he told me his girlfriend was going to spend the summer in her hometown, so he had decided to stay in the city and was looking for a summer roommate. His plan was to rent a small shotgun cottage near the campus, but he needed someone to share the cost. Bingo! My summer plans crystallized almost immediately.

It was a good thing Frank had a car - an ancient Toyota, but capable of holding all our possessions. When classes ended, we helped each other move out of the dorms and into a really cute little furnished house on Magazine Street. Frank had told the owner we were going to need it for the summer but were interested in possibly continuing to live there during the next academic year. Because of that, we got a pretty good deal on the rent.

We took a few days to get settled into the new place. It had only one bedroom with a couple of single beds, but there was a nice living room adjacent to the kitchen, with enough space for a small table and four chairs. We even had an old television that sat in front of the non-functional fireplace. The bathroom had an old claw-footed tub with a jury-rigged shower head and shower curtain. The bedroom didn't have a closet, but the owner had provided what he called a chifforobe - a piece of furniture with drawers on one side and a door on the other side concealing space for hanging clothes. It was adequate for us, because neither of us had much in the way of clothing that needed hangers.

With our possessions safely stowed away, we decided to go out for drinks that evening, since it was still legal in Louisiana for 18-year olds to drink alcohol. We both had to start work on Monday. I had secured a job as a busboy/waiter at a small place that was just a few blocks from the house, and Frank had taken a job as an auto mechanic at a garage that was a bit farther away. But we had all weekend to celebrate before we had to buckle down.

There were several neighborhood bars on Magazine Street, so we waited until it got dark before strolling down the banquette (New Orleans for sidewalk) to pass a good time (New Orleans for having fun) at one of the bars. We passed up a couple that looked pretty desolate before finding one with a juke box and a small crowd of locals. Neither of us had a lot of money, so we stuck to draft beer and found a table in the corner where we could watch the Yats (people with the distinctive New Orleans accent, from their characteristic greeting, "Hey, man, where y'at?")

We probably drank a bit too much, but since we weren't driving, we didn't worry much about it. We even danced with a couple of the older ladies who weren't getting much attention from the men in the bar. Neither of us had much experience with alcohol, since we were both eighteen and relatively poor. About eleven o'clock we decided it was time to head home, so we staggered a bit on our way out the door. We got home without incident, although we did have to fumble a bit with the key to the front door before we could get in.

As we were getting ready for bed, Frank went to the bathroom and came out a few minutes later, casually remarking, "Man, that water is cold. I had to grab my dick and haul it up to keep it out of the toilet water." The remark caught my attention, because he didn't sound like he was joking. I replied, "Right, you're bragging about how long it is!" He responded, "I'm not bragging - it's the truth."

Nothing more was said about his dick that evening, but I had to admit I was intrigued. I had never seen Frank naked, and he had never seen me naked. Up until then, our relationship had never involved the gym or any other venue that involved taking off clothing. I had never thought of myself as gay, but I did find Frank to be very attractive and was a little shocked to realize I really did want to see him naked. My thoughts didn't go any further than that at the time, but over the next few weeks I started to fantasize about seeing him naked.

We were both pretty modest, always changing in the bathroom or bedroom if the other party was home, so there never seemed to be a time for my fantasy to be realized. Then, one day I came home not expecting Frank to be there. I opened the door to the bedroom and saw Frank on his bed, masturbating. I had a direct view, because Frank's bed was diagonally across the room from the doorway, so even if the door was only partly open, I still would have seen what I saw. And what I saw was awesome! He was on his back and had both hands on his cock, pistoning up and down, and there were inches of cock below his hands and inches above his hands. It had to be almost a foot of cock. Of course, I stammered an apology and backed out of the doorway as quickly as I could, closing the door behind me, but that image was seared into my memory. I can still see it today if I close my eyes.

That was the beginning of an obsession. Frank remained my friend, but he also became a sexual creature who inhabited my mind. Even though I was still a virgin, and even though I didn't think of myself as gay, I couldn't look at Frank without thinking about his huge cock. I didn't have a clear image of what I wanted to do with it or to it, but I knew that somehow, I had to get my hands on it.

The summer was more than half gone, and I had never seen Frank naked again. For that matter, Frank had still never seen me naked. Somehow, I wanted him to see me - and maybe desire me? I was a reasonably attractive young man at that point. Even though I didn't go to a gym or do a lot of exercises, I was fairly fit, with a flat stomach and decent musculature. I had a respectable circumcised cock of just over seven inches and big balls. Even though I knew Frank was straight, I wondered if maybe he could find me attractive enough to play around a bit. I started going to bed naked, and I took every opportunity to wear only my tight briefs or be totally naked while we were both in the bedroom. Frank didn't seem to take much notice, but once he did say, "What are you doing, giving me a strip tease?"

One evening we were both in our underwear and sitting side by side in the living room, watching a pro wrestling match that happened to be on, and I reached over and grabbed him in a wrestling hold. Of course, he responded by quickly getting out of the hold and pinning me against the sofa. I knew he was bigger and probably stronger, and maybe I wanted to lose. I was able to reach toward his crotch and grab hold of the cloth-covered log between his legs, and we struggled for a few seconds. I managed to keep my hold on his junk until he finally grabbed my hand and pushed me down to the floor, with him on top. It could have been my imagination, but I thought I felt him getting harder against my crotch as he pushed against me and finally declared victory when I stopped struggling.

I had succeeded in feeling him up, but I wanted more. Nothing else happened that evening, but I was now determined to feel that cock without any clothing in the way. The following weekend I suggested we go out again to a bar with a younger crowd. I had done a little research and discovered there was a gay bar within walking distance. I told Frank I had heard about a dance bar that was pretty close, so we didn't need the car and could drink as much as we wanted. I had never been to a gay bar, so I was a little nervous about what it would be like, but I figured it might be my best chance to see if Frank might be just a little bit bent.

We walked to the bar, which was about six blocks away. We arrived about 9:00 pm on a Saturday, so things were just starting to warm up. Although the patrons were primarily young males, there were a few women, whom I assumed were mostly lesbians or fag hags - a term I had just learned. Because of the females and a few older guys, it wasn't immediately obvious that it was a gay bar. There were a few people on the dance floor, and a DJ kept the loud rock music going. Frank and I got a drink from the bar - a beer for me and a bourbon and water for Frank. We had our IDs, but no one asked to see them. Because the bar wasn't too crowded at that point, we were able to find a couple of stools along one wall, with a narrow ledge for our drinks. It was a good vantage point, and we stayed there for the next couple of hours. I sipped my beer, but I made sure Frank had plenty to drink. I bought a couple of refills for us, but I left my nearly full cans on the bar each time I got a new one.

Frank didn't seem to realize the patrons were mostly gay, even though the men far outnumbered the women and most of the dancers were male. At least he never mentioned it, even though he was heavily cruised by a couple of nice-looking guys.

A little after midnight, Frank was nodding a bit, so I suggested we call it a night. As we walked out of the bar, Frank was actually staggering, and I realized we probably wouldn't be able to walk all the way home. Fortunately, a taxi was dropping off a couple of hot-looking guys right in front of us, and I was able to grab the cab.

When we got to the house, I had to help Frank out of the back seat. I unlocked and opened the door, helped Frank up the three steps from the banquette, and managed to steer him into the bedroom, where he collapsed on his bed, lying face-up on the unmade bed with his feet hanging over. After just a minute or so, he started snoring softly.

This was my chance, and I intended to take advantage of it. I hurriedly stripped out of my clothes and went to the foot of the bed, looking down at my good friend Frank, who had apparently passed out. Reasoning that I could always claim to be helping him get ready for bed, I kneeled down on the carpet and started to take off his boots. It was a bit of a struggle, but I managed to get them both off, and then I pulled off his socks. I reached up to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his jeans when he moaned and started to roll over. I kept him from turning over and pushed him onto his back. With his belt and jeans open, I grabbed hold of his jeans by the ankles and slowly worked them off, rocking him back and forth to get the seat free from under his ass. Now he was still in his shirt and his boxers, which gaped open at the fly, revealing only a tuft of pubic hair.

I stopped to take a breath and plot my next move. I decided I wanted to see him totally naked, so I unbuttoned his shirt and struggled to roll him back and forth until I could get his arms out of the sleeves and pull the shirt off from beneath him. Now he was wearing just his boxers, which were already halfway down but still concealing his genitals. I lowered the elastic on each side until I was able to grab the bottom leg hems and slowly pull the boxers from under his ass and down to his knees. At this point, I had to stop to admire the view.

Even though it was flaccid, his giant cock had to be at least seven inches long - which was my length when hard. It was truly beautiful. Circumcised, and slightly fatter in the middle, it was a beautiful pale color with a couple of prominent blue veins running the length. The glans was the size and shape of a luscious plum, in a pinkish purple color. This gorgeous cock was laid over a couple of large balls that were nestled between his thighs in their purplish, slightly hairy sack. His pubic hair was blondish in color and fairly sparse, forming a nice backdrop for the spectacular package. My mouth was actually watering as I stared at the sight.

I decided to finish stripping him, since the boxers were still around his knees and were spoiling the overall aesthetics. Frank was still snoring slightly, so I went to get my camera to record the moment. I took several shots, including a closeup of his package and an overall view of his whole body sprawled on the bed. As I was putting the camera away, I looked back at his gorgeous cock and decided I not only wanted to touch it, I had to play with it and maybe even suck on it.

He was lying near the center of the bed, with just his feet hanging over the edge of the mattress. It would have been awkward to reach his package from the side of the bed, so I decided to get on it, sitting next to him. Reaching over his body, I took hold of his cock and started to manipulate it, pulling on it and rolling the head between my fingers. It was the first time I had ever touched a cock other than my own, and it was a thrilling experience. I felt guilty about the fact I was playing with his cock while he was unconscious, but I reasoned that because he was straight, it couldn't have happened any other way. Besides, I told myself, I'm not hurting him, am I?

As I continued to play with Frank's monster, it started hardening and getting bigger. It was very exciting to see and feel this happening. Pretty soon, his precum started to flow, and I was able to swirl it around that gorgeous glans, which looked more and more like the luscious plum I had first imagined. As he reached a full erection, I suddenly leaned over and took the plum into my mouth. Delicious! I had both hands on his cock, manipulating the skin up and down while I squeezed the shaft. There wasn't much room left in my mouth, but I was able to start licking all around the corona and sucking up the liquid that was flowing.

It took a while, but I suddenly realized Frank's snoring had stopped. I sat up quickly, while keeping both hands on the shaft, and looked at his face. His eyes were still closed, but I could have sworn his eyelids flickered. I slowly released my grip on his shaft and allowed it to lie down on his belly, where the head reached inches above his navel. Frank didn't stir, and his eyes remained closed. After a couple of minutes, I decided to continue my ministrations. His cock remained erect, so I was able to pull it up from his stomach and put the head back into my mouth. This time, I started playing with his balls with one hand while jacking his cock with the other. I got increasingly excited and started moving my hand faster on the shaft and saw that his balls were moving upward in their sack. The precum was really flowing now, and I swallowed the liquid greedily.

Suddenly, his cock swelled even more and he started shooting cum into my mouth. I had tasted my own cum, so it wasn't a huge surprise, but I really loved the taste of Frank's cum and swallowed it down as his cock flexed and jerked with several volleys. While this was going on, I could have sworn I heard him moan softly. When he finally stopped shooting, his cock started softening, and I reluctantly took the glans out of my mouth while licking up a bit of cum that was still oozing out. I checked Frank's face again and saw that his eyes were still closed. I let go of that beautiful prick and watched it slowly deflate on his stomach.

After another minute or two, I gradually made my way off his bed and reached to pull the covers up over his prone body. I turned off the lamp that was still burning next to his bed, went out to the bathroom, and quietly closed the door behind me. I had a lot to think about. For one thing, it was clear to me that I was definitely gay. Playing with Frank's cock and swallowing his cum had been an exciting and thrilling adventure. And I wanted to do it again.

The next day was Sunday, so Frank didn't need to work, but I had to get ready to serve brunch at the restaurant. I bustled around, fixing my breakfast of cereal and fruit and getting dressed. Frank was still in bed but starting to stir. At one point, he sat up and remarked, "Thanks for getting me undressed and ready for bed last night. I guess I was really out of it."

I replied, "No problem. I didn't want you to sleep in your clothes, and it seemed like the right thing to do."

He winked at me and said, "Maybe we can do it again sometime soon."

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