My Hero Series

By Mike .

Published on Oct 25, 2023


This is the third part of my story that describes a fantasy which came true. It is pure fiction and includes unprotected sex. Remember... in the real world always play safe and use a condom.

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My Hero - Part 3

My first training section was to be the following Wednesday evening so I had four days in which to speculate what this would involve, although from seeing some of the equipment in Chris's cupboard, I think I could guess.

I was told to arrive promptly at 7:30. Chris buzzed me in the main doors and was waiting for me at the door of his flat where he pulled me into a hug. He was dressed normally in t-shirt and jeans and said we should have a drink and chat before we began. He checked I was still happy to go ahead and hadn't had any second thoughts which, of course, I hadn't.

After we had finished our drinks, Chris told me to go to the playroom, strip, put on the clothes laid out on the bed, kneel on the floor and wait for him. I went to the room at the end of the corridor, the cupboard doors were open and folded back displaying all the equipment I had seen before. I ran my hand through the tails of one of the floggers and noticed the strong scent of leather. My cock began to react. On the bed was a pair of very brief leather shorts, nothing else, so this was to be my only clothing.

I stripped off and folded my clothes in a pile on the bed and, with a struggle, pulled on the leather shorts. Then I heard footsteps in the corridor and quickly assumed a kneeling position in the centre of the room as Chris had instructed.

Chris entered the room and walked in a circle around me. He was dressed in a pair high black leather boots, a pair of leather chaps over a leather jockstrap and on his top half he wore a leather body harness. He looked awesome, my cock strained in the tight confines of the shorts.

"Let's start with the rules boy," His voice was more authoritive than I had heard it before. "That is the sub's position which you will assume unless I tell you otherwise, understand?"

"Yes," I answered in barely more than a whisper.

"And it's Sir when you address me, but you do not speak unless I speak to you or ask you a direct question, understand? Chris continued.

"Yes... Sorry, yes Sir," I replied just in time.

Chris went over to the cupboard and retrieved what I thought was a short leather strap, but as he began to fasten it around my neck, I realised was a collar.

"This is your collar boy, you will wear it at all times when we are in role then there will be no confusion and it will remind you that you are the sub and I am the master, understood?" asked Chris.

"Yes Sir," I replied.

"From now on any breaking of these rules will result in punishment. Got that boy?"

"Yes Sir," I replied beginning to feel a little apprehensive.

"Right, we'll start with a few basics," continued Chris as he positioned himself in front of me, legs slightly apart. "Get down and lick my boots, left boot first."

I then made my first mistake. Being the opposite way to him I went down to the boot on my left which, of course, was his right.

"Are you stupid or something?" Chris shouted angrily, grabbing me by the hair and pushing my face onto his other boot. "Get that licked properly boy, make another mistake like that and you're in for it."

This was the first sign of aggression I had seen from Chris. He was obviously capable of carrying out his threats, so I was determined to follow any future orders to the letter. I began to lick the toe of the highly polished boot taking in the strong aroma of leather.

"All of the boot boy, get up the sides," Chris ordered.

I was determined to make a good impression by doing a thorough job. I licked around the sides, the back and the ridge where the top and soles meet. Having been all the way around the boot, I stopped and looked up at Chris for his approval.

"Did I tell you to stop boy?" Chris barked.

"No sir," I replied.

"Your second mistake then boy, get up." he ordered.

I got up off my knees and stood before him.

Chris walked around me menacingly. "I think it's time to show you I mean business boy, you need to learn to follow orders to the letter. Get those shorts off."

I knew what was coming; this could mean only one thing. I struggled to get the tight fitting shorts down, finally managing it and stepping out of them leaving me completely naked.

Chris continued walking around me closely looking at my body. "Normally boy you would be punished with one of the implements over there, but as it's your first time, I'm prepared to give you a less severe punishment as a warning."

Chris grabbed my arm firmly, pulled me over towards the bed, sat down and guided me over his knees. He then landed his first smack across both my arse cheeks. I wouldn't have thought that a hand could be so severe, almost as hard as Adam's belting with his wide uniform belt. The smacks continued concentrating first on one cheek then the other followed by others across both cheeks.

The pain was building up but I was determined to take it. I then became aware that I was getting hard, very hard; my cock was trapped between my body and Chris's leather covered leg. I was confused by my emotions, my arse was getting very sore, but I also felt the pleasure of my hard cock rubbing on the leather of Chris's leg.

The smacks finally stopped. "Get up," ordered Chris.

With some effort I eased myself up, I felt stickiness, it was then I noticed that the top of Chris's leather chaps was wet with my precum. As soon as my body was out of the way Chris also noticed it.

"You filthy little faggot!" he shouted, grabbed me by the hair and forced my face onto the sticky mess. "Get it licked clean."

"I'm sorry Sir, I... I... didn't mean..." I stammered.

"Shut up boy and get it cleaned, I didn't give you permission to speak did I?" Chris asked.

"No Sir, Sorry Sir," I replied and continued licking my cum from the leather.

When Chris was satisfied with my efforts he pulled me upright by my hair, his angry face only inches from mine. "Right boy, you've had your little pleasure cumming on my leathers, now I'm going to have mine."

Still holding onto my hair he dragged me across to the cupboard. "Let's see, what do you fancy?

Yes, this," he said taking down a leather paddle from the rack. "This will do nicely."

So I was to get a leathering with the paddle on top of a severe spanking, I hoped I could take it and not let myself down. Chris dragged me over to the bed.

"Kneel on the bed, forehead on the mattress, arse in the air," he ordered.

He then unclipped the handcuffs from his belt, secured my wrists behind my knees and ran his hand across by red hot arse.

"Let's see if I can get this even hotter," he said picking up the paddle.

From my position on the bed I could just see Chris standing to my left raising the paddle high in the air. It whacked down across both cheeks, surprisingly not as painful as I was expecting. The earlier spanking had obviously numbed my feelings.

Chris eventually stopped and again ran his hand over my arse cheeks."Nice, very nice, just right for my pleasure."

I looked to my left again. Chris had put down the paddle and was pulling down his leather jockstrap leaving the open front of his chaps displaying a hard cock.

"Like it boy? I'm sure you will," he joked.

Chris picked up the leather paddle and gave me one lighter whack and then returned it to the rack in the cupboard. When he came back he was carrying something else. From my restricted view it looked like a large tube of something. This was confirmed when I felt something cold being rubbed into my crack and Chris's well lubricated finger being pushed into my hole. I knew exactly what was coming.

Moving to the bottom of the bed, Chris grabbed me under my thighs and drew me to the end of the bed. I expected him to be rough, but he was gentler than I expected as he slid his cock inside me. When he was fully in he speeded up and before long his leather chaps were slapping against my red hot arse cheeks reigniting the earlier punishment. This continued until we were both soaked in sweat and Chris came inside me. To my surprise, I also shot my load more or less at the same time. I was still cuffed behind my knees, I didn't think it was possible to come without touching my cock, but I did.

Chris stayed on top of me for a while, then I was aware of him standing up. He gave my arse a light slap. "Well done boy, we're done for today," he announced and removed the handcuffs followed by the collar.

"Get cleaned up, the bathroom's across the corridor. I've got my own en-suite, so I'll see you shortly, he instructed.

I showered, dressed and joined Chris in his lounge. He also had showered and was wearing only a pair of jeans, his top half was bare. Even without the leathers and harness his body looked magnificent. He pulled me towards him in a hug.

"Well done," he told me. "Adam will be proud of you."

After a drink, Chris called me a taxi. As I sat on the seat I was all too aware of Chris's training both outside and inside of my arse. I couldn't help wondering what my next training session would be like.

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