My High School Years

By chris

Published on Feb 22, 1999


Well, here it is. This is my very first story to write. Please let me know what you think. You can he mail me at Thanks!

My High School Years

Chapter 1

Oh god! It's morning already? No! It can't be! I don't want it to be! But it is. Today is the day I start my first day of high school. God I'm so nervous. I won't know anyone! Will they like me? Will they be a bunch of snobs? Why all this pressure for a 15 year old boy?????

"JUSTIN!!!" "Yeah mom?" "Come on, lets get moving up there! Your dad is almost ready to leave for work and he wants to drop you off at school on his way." "Ok, I'll be down in a sec." Damn, this is all I need. First day of high school and my dad wants to take me and drop me off in the family sportster. Bad enough I have to start at a new school. But to be dropped off in the family mini van will be humiliating! Maybe he'll take mom's car today? Nah, she hardly ever lets him drive her Trans-am. Not since he wrecked her last car.

Hi! My name is Justin Thompson. Guess you have already figured out that today his my first day of high school. I have been looking forward to this day all my life. And the day is here, why do I wish this were the first day of seventh grade for me? You see, we live on the boarder of two different school districts. So, I have a choice of which high school I would like to attend. Well, my parents had the choice. I would much rather have stayed with my friends I grew up with. But since my dad got that big promotion at work it's "only the best for this family". They decided they want me to go to the high school in the other school district. It is an upper middle class area where everyone seems to be trying to catch bugs with their noses.

"COME ON JUSTY, LET'S GO!! I HAVE TO BE AT WORK IN 1 HOUR!" "Ok dad, on my way". So, can you tell I'm really trying to procrastinate here? Well, here goes nothing!

"Justin, would you like me to pack you a lunch? Or would you rather walk to Mc Donald's for lunch?" "MOM!! I'll do Mickey D's. There is no way I'm taking a bag lunch to school. I do have to try to make 'new' friends." "Ok, Ok. I see your point! Good luck honey, have a good first day at school." Oh my god, she just has to rub it in! And were off! Out to the garage. Are we taking the T/A? Yes!! No! Damn! Straight to the van. Well, I guess it can't be as bad as taking your lunch to school!

On our way to school, my dad is trying to explain to me about his first day of high school. Like I care! It was 23 years ago, and anything that happened before May 9th 1983 I could really careless about. But he persisted on telling me about how much fun it was. All his friends, meeting new friends. Key phrase here people. "His friends"! At least he got to move into high school with his friends! "Here we are!" he said as wecpulled into the school parking lot. Oh boy! Just where I wanted to be. "Ok, let's find a parking spot and we'll go sign you in." "WHAT! Omigod! NO, I mean, I thought I could sign myself in on the first day?" "Well, that's what the school had told us. But they called last week to make sure a parent was with you when you signed in on your first day." Oh man! This is all I need. Daddy walking me to school!

We hopped out of the car and made our way to the school. I tried to keep my head down so no one would see my face. I thought this would be a good idea at first. Then I thought, "they will notice my clothes". So I looked up. I started looking across the campus. God, what a big school! Look at everyone. Everyone is so, so good looking! The girls are all very gorgeous. And the guys! The guys are all cute too! Now I know I'll have trouble. I highly doubt that I will be the center of attention in the looks department like I was at my junior high school. It was great. The girls were always starring at me. Making little comments like, "cute butt" or "nice ass". They would even compliment me on my hair and teeth. I even caught a few of the guys checking out my ass! Hey, what the hell. Don't hurt them to look either. Just can't touch!

Well, that was painless. All signed up for my classes and have no fricking clue where my first period class is. Guess I shouldn't have grabbed my schedule and flew out the door like I did when that office lady was trying to tell me where to go. I'll hear about that from dad tonight. I'm sure he was not impressed. I stopped and looked at my schedule, hmmm, OH GOD! Not Algebra for first period! No! Is this day ever going to stop? What else could go wrong? Well, look on the bright side. It could have been history for first period! As I started walking down the hall, looking at which direction I needed to go for the room numbers, it suddenly felt like I was ran over by a car. I was thrown backward, straight to the floor, landing on my ass! As I got my bearings back I noticed someone kneeling over looking at me. When I looked up, I saw an angel! Kneeling in front of me was the most gorgeous blonde haired, blue eyed boy I had ever seen. Wait a second! What do I mean by that? I'm not gay? I mean, I've thought of guy's. But that's it! I am a normal teenage boy dammit! But when I looked at this guy again, I melted.

"Hey, you all right dude? I'm sorry! I didn't mean to run into you like that. Guess I shouldn't have ran around that corner like that." "Yeah, I'm ok. I should have been watching were I was going. I was looking at the room numbers." "Hey dude, I got to go. Going to be late for first period!" "Yeah, me too. But I got to find first period first!" "What class you in?" this blonde haired angel asked. "Algebra, room 114." "Then lets go! I'm on my way there too!" So off we went, running through the halls like a couple of lunatics. Who was this kid? Seems pretty cool. Definitely has a nice ass. WHAT!?! I can't believe this. I'm running behind this dude, starring at his ass the whole way, and I feel a tingle deep within myself that I feel when I look at or think about girls! I kept watching his ass while we were running. I noticed how it kind of jiggled slightly has we ran. And I couldn't take my eyes off of it. For some reason, I just wanted to reach out and grab it. Wanting those nice globes in my hands. But why? I'm not gay. Just then he came to a complete stop. I ran into the back of him and as I did my right hand went damn near in between the crack of his ass. "Oh dude! I'm sorry man. I didn't mean too.." "Hey, just think of it as pay back for me knocking you on your butt back there." What? I just damn near shoved my hand up his ass and he calls it pay back? Needless to say, I turned bright red. Don't know if it was from the embarrassment of touching his ass, or from the instant hard on I got when I touched it.

"Well, here we are dude. Room 114 Algebra fucking 1. " 'Yeah' I thought, 'and I have to go in there with this hard on I got in my boxers'. We walked in the room and as we did the bell rang. The teacher, a mid-evil looking old bitch, was standing in front of her desk with her hand out waiting for this dude to hand her his schedule. He held it out and she took it. "Adam David Crozier" she wails out. "Mr. Crozier, please make sure you are in this room and in your seat before the bell rings. Now, go have a seat over there behind Denise." I looked over at where she was pointing and noticed that Denise was a girl from the dance studio I attend. God she is totally hot, and very untouchable. I heard she's a lesbian! Then the teacher takes my schedule and transfer papers from me. "Justin Andrew Thompson.Class please welcome Justin to our school. He comes from our neighboring school district". And I think to myself "old bitch, you just had to add that in didn't you". That's when this dark haired kid in the back yells out " That would explain the clothes"! I immediately shot the dude the most evil look of death, I thought he would fall out of his chair. Whats wrong with my clothes? Other than being baggy as hell, there nice clothes. Then Adam yells, "SHUT UP DICKHEAD"! WOW! All this screaming and cursing and the teacher hasn't even batted an eye. Cool! The teacher tells me her name is Mrs. Teeter and instructs me to have a seat beside Adam. And as I walked through the isle for my seat, this girl grabbed my ass and said, "Nice butt". I blushed, sat down immediately, still trying to hide my earlier hard on with my book bag.

Well, I made it through math. No thanks to Adam either. He had me laughing the whole time. There was one point where Mrs. Teeter told him something and what came out of Adam's mouth I could not believe. He said "Yeah, whatever you fat bitch"! She looked back at him and said, "Excuse me, but I did not here your reply". Then came the line from Adam, " I said I have a bad itch"! That's when the whole room burst out in laughter. Obviously Adam has watched too many South Park episodes.

Adam formally introduced himself to me at lunch and I to him. We were sitting there looking over our schedules. "Dude, you're in all of my classes except one! What's this drama crap?" he asks. "My mom signed me up for that. She says if will help me spiritually. Yeah, sure. I think that pot she smoked back in the seventies screwed her up mentally!" We both started laughing hard when that girl Denise walks up to the table. With her was the girl that grabbed my ass. "Could we sit here with you guys?" Denise asked. Adam looked at her like he was going to scream at her for asking such a question so I said that they could. You would have figured one of the girls to sit over beside Adam. Especially when he could pass as Justin Timberlake' s, from NSYNC, identical twin brother. But Denise sat next to me and her friend, who introduced herself as Brandi, sat on the other side of Denise. Denise looked at me and says, " I know this might sound stupid, but I know you from somewhere don't I?" Not very willing to explain to my new friend of my dance lessons I said, " No, not to my knowledge." "You look like someone I should know, or that I have met before." So we all just started talking and eating our lunch. We all said our good-byes as we headed back to class. Adam acted too weird. Now this makes me more curious of him. He seems to be a strange individual. Maybe that's why I'm getting attached to him. As a friend that is! I did rather notice some of the students making those little under the breath comments when Adam would walk by. I couldn't make them out. But something told me that not too many people had much use for Adam.

After making it through the first day of school with not many problems, except for "dickhead", which I learned from Adam that his name is Jeremy, and I should stay far away from him. Adam said it with such deep conviction in his voice that I figured this Jeremy is going to be quite a problem. As I was walking across campus to head home Adam caught up to me. "Hey Justin, what you doing later?" "Probably nothing. I have some stuff I have to do. Why"? "I was just sort of wondering if it would be ok to come over to your house later?" "Yeah, I guess it would be ok. But you will have to wait until about 4:45pm. My mom will be home by then. They don't like me having people in the house that they don't know". "My mom and her boyfriend are the same way. But once they would get to know the person it would be cool" Adam said rather quickly. "Yeah, same here. My parents are pretty cool. They don't have that many hard rules for me. But they do enforce this one rule". "So where do you live"? "I live at 1598 Lisbon Drive. You know where that is"? "Hell yes! It's right around the corner from my house". "From Your House? You mean you live by me? I've lived in that house all my life. I would have met you before". "Nope! We just moved into this house 2 months ago. I have been at my grandmother's house in California for the summer. I just came home Friday. I haven't even got my room unpacked dude"!

With that we laughed and started our walk home. When we got to my street, Adam said see ya in a bit and took off running to his house. I did the same. I got to the house, unlocked the door, and ran straight for the bathroom. GOD I had to piss! After that I headed straight for the fridge for my afternoon fix, PEPSI! I live on it. Some day it's going to eat a hole through my stomach. I grabbed 2 Pepsi's and an apple and went up stairs to my room. I put some cd's in the player, turned the system on, and cranked it.

One thing I love most in life is my music. My parents even know not to FUCK with me when I've got it on. They used to yell at me, tell me to turn it down, but they lost the battle. They figured I wasn't out doing drugs or getting picked up by the police so they let me have my music. I was standing in front of my mirror changing my clothes when one of my favorite songs came on. I heard that familiar "Everybody - Rock your body" and that was it! Standing there in only a pair of Tommy boxer briefs I started dancing. I love to dance too. And for some reason when I hear this song I just want to dance my ass off. And I did. I was really getting into it too. I was getting rather nasty and was working my ass all over my room. I must have been dancing for 45 minutes when I turned around and Adam was standing in my door. "Dude!! How long have you been standing there?" "Well, lets see, I thought you were going to throw your hip out on Britney Spears song Baby One More Time. You almost shook your ass off on Monifahs Touch It. And you showed me that You are Pretty Fly For A White Guy!" I thought, 'Oh how fucking embarrassing! And here I stand in my frickin underwear too!' "How did you get in?" I said to Adam "Your mom let me in. She said you were up here doing your dance lessons. I guess she was right." Adam said looking rather amused. "I'm so fucking embarrassed!" "Why dude? You're good, better than good. I've never seen anyone dance like that before. Where did you learn how to do it?" he asked. "I've been taking dance lessons since I was 8 years old. So I guess you could say I have it down a little bit." " A little hell! Wish I could dance like that!" "I can teach you. I help teach at the dance studio. Close the door and lock it. That way my mom won't come in and be nosey. And you won't feel as stupid either!" I said laughing at the same time.

Adam giggled a way I hadn't heard him giggle yet. It was cute. Yes I said it. It was a cute giggle. So Adam closed the door and walked over to me as I was putting the Backstreet Boys song Everybody back on. "Now, watch and learn." And I started dancing slower than I had been. I told him to stand beside me and do what I did. And he sucked! He had no clue. "Dude you suck! This isn't working. Let me start from the beginning. I'm going to switch to a slower song." So I went to the CD player and turned on NSYNC's A Little More Time On You. I walked back over to Adam and said, "stand over here facing the mirror". "Why?" "Just do it!" So he stood in front of the mirror and I got behind him. "Now, I'm going to put my hand on your waist and move your hips to the music. When you get the feel of it just go with it. Don't try to move the rest of your body. Just let your hips and butt work the song." He giggled that giggle again. So I put my hands on his hips and when I did his whole body shook. "You ok?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm ok." So then I started moving his hips with the music. As I did this he started getting into the song. He was singing along with it as I was showing him how to move to it. I started getting into it too. He has a great voice. Hell he should have a singing coach, he's good. I felt Adam start to get comfortable with his dance lesson. He pushed himself back into me slowly. As he did, I could start to feel the crack of his ass through his sweat pants rubbing my cock, which was already getting hard. Oh God no! What if he feels it and thinks I' m a fag? And just then he pushed his ass against my cock hard, my cock going right into the crack of his ass. He started grinding his ass up and down on my cock. God it felt good. What do I do? Then he started bending over as he was grinding that nice butt into me, my cock hard as a rock now.

Adam turned around and looked me dead in the eyes. And as soon as I seen his baby blues I knew I could not stop this. I had to have this! Me, the so-called straight boy, was about to have his first sexual experience with a guy. Adam pushed me back on to my bed. He straddled over me and sat his ass right down on my cock, grinding on it hard. He kept looking deep into my eyes. So deep that at first I didn't notice him moving his lips to mine. He kissed me and my body went tense. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Justin, I'm in love with you. I will stop if you want, but I have to have you." What could I say? I was getting into this too. He looked back into my eyes for the answer. Without me saying a word, he locked his lips to mine and kissed me hard. I felt his tongue enter my mouth and I started kissing him with the same intensity that he was me. I started moving my hands up and down his back until I finally grabbed his ass cheeks and squeezed them tightly. Adam started working a hand down my chest, rubbing my nipples and working on my belly button. He stopped kissing me and moved down to my chest, licking my nips, then my belly button as he worked his tongue all over me. Then he grabbed the waist ban of my underwear and pulled them down to my ankles, letting my swollen and throbbing cock out. He grabbed a hold of my 6" cock and shoved it all the way into his mouth. I thought I was going to explode as soon as I felt the hot moisture of his mouth. He started working his tongue around the head of my cock as he started to apply a hard suction on me. He started moving his mouth up and down on my cock faster. As he did he worked off his sweat pants and swung up and straddled my face for a 69 position. Damn, his cock is huge! I bet 7" or more and thick, and he is only 15? I started licking at his nut sack. He moaned softly when he felt my tongue touch him, making him move his hard cock back so that I licked it all the way up to it's head. I opened my mouth and took as much of his cock in as I could, tasting his pre-cum as I did. Hey, this ain't so bad, not as bad as I thought. He started to slowly face fuck me as he sucked on my cock for all he was worth. He was moving faster up and down on my cock. He took my whole cock in his moth and held it there. I couldn't take it anymore and he knew it. Adam must have felt my whole body go tense cause he started working his mouth up and down my cock fiercely and I arch my ass up off the bed and explode into his mouth. I shot gusher after gusher of hot teen spunk in his mouth. And he got every drop of it too. That's when his body started to shake violently and he went to pull his cock out off my mouth. I figured if I was going to suck a dick, I was going to attempt to do this right. So I grabbed his ass and shoved his cock deeper in my mouth. When I did he went completely tense and emptied his nuts into my mouth. He came and came, and I tried to swallow it all but I couldn't. He shoved his cock in all the way and doing that made me cough and gag, letting his cum run down my cheek.

We nursed each others cocks until they went soft then Adam moved up and curled up next to me. We laid there next to each other for a long time. Rubbing each others body while we listened to the NSYNC CD. I had put the song on continuos play and Adam looked at me and said, "this will be our song!" And I agreed. I knew this song had a special meaning for me, and I had found the meaning. Adam! I threw my arm up over him and he pulled my hand up to his mouth and kissed it. "I love you Justin." "I love you too Adam. I have never felt like this for anyone. This was my first time with a guy. I can't put words to the way I feel right now!" And he rolled over and kissed me on the lips, "This was my second time with a guy. My first experience wasn't a good one. But this was absolutely awesome dude!"

We laid there for a while longer kissing each other. Adam told me he had to be getting home to get some of his chores done and asked if he could call later. I gave him the number and we got dressed. I walked him down the stairs to the front door. My mom came out of the living room and I introduced Adam to her. She told him he would have to come back when my dad was here to meet him as well. Adam said that would be great and mom headed for the kitchen. Adam snuck in a kiss, giggling that little giggle of his, and told me he would call later. He opened the door and we said our good-byes. I stood there and watched him walk down the drive, the sidewalk, and disappear around the corner. I stood there a few minutes longer thinking to myself, "This was a good day. No, this was a great day! I think this high school stuff is going to turn out fine with Adam in my life!!

Next: Chapter 2

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