My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Sep 27, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 10

Keith had found a blow up mattress in one of the closets. He plugged the mattress up and turned the pump on. Tryas finished cleaning the kitchen as Keith prepared the porch. There were gas torch lights on the railing of the porch. Keith turned those on and Tryas appeared with a beer in one hand and glass of wine in the other. "What do you have set up here ?" Tryas asked. I wanted to get comfortable to watch the sunset." Keith said. "I like that." Tryas said. "I figured you might think it cheesy or girlie." Keith said. "I love sunsets but if you like it then I like it." Tryas said and smiled.

Keith lay on his back and Tryas lay on his side. The orange sky was beautiful. "There is a storm coming. It will be here sometime tomorrow." Keith said. "Sounds like a lazy day to lounge around then." Tryas said. "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions ?" Keith said. "Go ahead. I doubt there is anything that I will not answer." Tryas said. "First, what is the deal with your brother? That is unless you don't want to talk about it." Keith said. "Not much to tell. He is three years younger than me. He joined the service too and got a dishonorable discharge for having contraband. Drugs. He went back home and fell in with this sleezy girl. She could always find them their fix. I was really messed up with PTSD. They prescribed Prozac but it made me feel sick. He would find my pills and sale them. He got my debit card also and would almost drain my account the third of the month. He would come to me on a bad day and complain that I should be getting more. I did not dare tell him that the retirement was going into savings. That would have been drained too." Tryas said.

"I am so sorry." Keith said. "Why, it was not your fault." Tryas said as he lightly ran his fingers up and down Keith's body. "Can we put him in rehab? I can afford it." Keith said. "You are so sweet but it will not work. He almost bankrupted my parents with rehab costs. He has been four or five times. I took a settlement I got and paid the last two off before he knew that I got any money so my parents would not still have to make payments. My Mom wants me to have him arrested for what he did to me but I know my parents. I would have him arrested and then they would mortgage the house to bail him out and hire an attorney. It's not important enough to me to put them all through that. Its gone and I am alive. That's all that matters. " Tryas said. "I have been out for almost a year. I was in for forteen years. Hell of a note to be retired and disabled at thirty two." Tryas said.

Tryas' cell phone rang "Hi Mom." Tryas said. "Calm down, calm down. You did what ?" Tryas said. "I took that number and your Dad and I went to the store. I can't take that refrigerator. That is way too much. You have to return it." she said. "This is for you." Tryas said and handed Keith the phone. "Hello. But....bu......I can't... It's paid for. Just enjoy it." Keith said. Tryas took the phone back. "Calm down Mom, I had to stop him. He was ordering a new washer and dryer and a new stove to go along with it. I stopped him though." Tryas said. "Love you too Mom. Enjoy your refrigerator and make sure your sister in law sees it." Tryas said. "You are so cruel." she laughed. "Now Mom I do not care how much my brother moans and groans you better not pawn that refrigerator to give him money." Tryas said. "That thing is mine. He can kiss my butt." she said. "Glad to hear it Mom and I love you and Dad." Tryas said as they ended the call. "You know that you have made my mother a very happy lady. You have also made her oldest son a very happy man." Tryas said and leaned over to kiss. Keith.

"There are a lot of things I would love to know but I really only have one more urgent question." Keith said. "And what would that be ?" Tryas said. "You were around all those muscle bound men in the Army. You are so fucking hot you could have any gay men and hell, half the straight men. Keith moved up and sat on his knees facing Tryas. "Look at this. I almost have women's boobs. I have extra around the midsection and my ass is huge. You could have the models you see on billboards. I need the truth and believe me I can take anything. My life has not been a dream either." Keith said. "So you want the full truth?" Tryas said. "Yes please. It is eating me alive." Keith said.

"No. That's my job, but to answer your question. Try and suck on my tit like I do yours." Tryas said. Keith leaned over and tried to mimic Tryas. They are too hard. "Exactly. Now try to nibble and suck on my love handles." Tryas said. "You don't have any." Keith said. "Exactly." Tryas turned over on his stomach. " Make my ass cheeks jiggle like jello." Tryas said. "They are too damn hard." Keith said. "Exactly. Yes I fucked quite a few Army grunts and others over the years. They were all muscle bound. Did I find a pair of boy titties to suck on like I had always wished I could find ? Not until you. Did I find some love handles that I could lick, suck and nibble on for days and not ever want to stop? No. Not until you. Did I ever dream in my wildest dreams that I would find all of those together with ginger hair and leaks like the river at the foot of the hill ? I have not been that good a boy and God would not grant that. Until you. You checked all the boxes I ever dreamed of and added a few. You really have no clue do you ?" Tryas said.

Keith just smiled and shook his head no. Tryas could see a tear forming in one of his eyes. He lay back down and pulled Keith's body over his. He pulled Keith down just a little so that he did not have to raise his head to reach the boy titties. He quickly licked two fingers and reached back and alternated pushing each one in Keith's ass. He took the closest tit in his mouth and began to suckle it. He opened his mouth wide so that he could get all the soft flesh in and sucked hard as he pulled his head down until just the nipple was in his mouth. Tryas sucked the tit in once more and added a second finger to Keith's ass.

He swapped tits as he began slowly moving and twisting the two fingers deep inside Keith. Tryas knew that Keith was wondering why he had not lifted his legs and fucked him already. Keith moaned and rocked until Tryas tried to push a third finger inside him. "OOOOHHHHH." Keith said and lunged. Tryas released the boy tittie and removed his fingers. He turned Keith so that he was between his legs and pulled his upper body down on his chest. Keith was on his elbows. Tryas leaned his head up and kissed. Keith. "Answer to question three is that the head of my didk is wider than that third finger I tried to put in. I would not hurt you for the world and if I did before we tried to prepare you it would be pain not pleasure. Don't worry I plan to fuck that sweet ass of yours many times a day for years but not until it is all pleasure." Tryas said. "You are really sincere aren't you ?" Keith said. "One thing you will learn is that I am an Army grunt. We don't lie and we don't embellish. We shoot it straight from the hip no matter how hard it is to hear." Tryas said. Keith reached between him and Tryas. Gripping the hard cock. "Yep it is straight, resting on the hip, and hard as this mountain." Keith said before leaning over for another kiss. "Have you realized something ?" Keith asked. "What is that ?" Tryas whispered. "You have not had a bad dream the last two nights." Keith said. "Its because I have a sexy redhead to hold onto and he chases all the monsters away." Tryas said before kissing Keith again.

The evening chill had made it's way into the house. Keith woke and wiggled to get even closer to Tryas. "Good morning my sexy redhead." Tryas said. Keith just moaned and tried to wiggle even closer. He reached down and took the hand Tryas had laying over his stomach and moved it up under his chin. "Not a morning person this morning ?" Tryas chuckled. "It turned cold in here last night. Well chilly." Keith said. "It's a sign that fall is ending." Tryas said. "I told you it would not be long until it snows." Keith said. "I can 't wait to get snowed in here with you." Tryas said and leaned over and kissed the back of Keith's neck.

Tryas ran his hand up and down Keith's naked body. "Better ?" Tryas whispered. "Mm hm." Keith said. "Wait right here." Tryas said. Keith moaned as Tryas pulled the covers back and jumped out of bed. Tryas went into the master bathroom. There were large heater lights in the ceiling. He turned those on to warm the bathroom and quickly emptied his bladder. Back in bed he turned Keith to face him and pulled him to his chest. "Better now ?" Tryas asked and kissed Keith on the top of his head. "No. I heard you peeing and now I have to pee." Keith said , and laughed. "I turned the heat lamps on so if you can hold it for a couple of minutes you can pee in warmth." Tryas said.

The two finally emerged from the bed. Keith headed from the bathroom to the thermostat. He set the temperature just enough to keep the chill off inside. "I turned the heat on. I refuse to let it get cold enough to break house rule number one." Keith said. "I will pay the power bill if I need to so that I can keep my sexy redhead naked." Tryas said. Breakfast was simple again. The kitchen was clean and Tryas stood at the french doors leading out to the backyard with his cup of coffee. "What are you thinking about ?" Keith said. "Just trying to figure out what I need to do first." Tryas said. Keith walked up and turned Tryas head towards his. He leaned forward and lightly kissed Tryas on the lips. "First thing taken care of now you can work on the rest of your list." Keith said. Keith went to walk away and Tryas took him by the arm and pulled him back in for a true good morning kiss. "Number two taken care of now." Tryas said.

They sat down at the table to enjoy their coffee. "I need to pack that tent up. It should be good and dry by now. I also want to go up to the shop and see if I can get the mower and the tractor running. " Tryas said. Keith got up and picked up the two empty coffee cups. "Boys and their toys." Keith said and smiled. "Oh no sexy. This guy only has one toy and it's one he looks forward to playing with as much as I am allowed." Tryas said, pulling Keith to him and leaning over and kissing the love handles. "As long as this is the only toy you play with then you can pack that tent up. If you swap me in for a tractor, lawnmower or another man you will need to air that tent out again." Keith laughed. "I might as well throw it away then." Tryas said and kissed Keith's belly button.

Tryas pulled out a pair of old shorts and a t-shirt. "And what are you doing mister ?" Keith said. " I don't think it is wise to use tools and be close to moving parts naked." Tryas laughed. Keith walked over and ran his hand down the shorts. First he cupped the bare ass cheeks and then lightly squeezed Tryas' flaccid cock. "I can live with that then." Keith said and raised his head to kiss Tryas. Tryas stood beside Keith and lightly massaged a bare ass cheek as they looked through the key safe. Keith held the keys to both the tractor and mower in his hand. Tryas reached out to take the keys. "Not so quick stud. This will cost you." Keith said.

Tryas turned Keith around and cupped both ass cheeks as he leaned over and kissed Keith with all the passion he could muster. He even pulled the ass cheeks apart and slid a finger inside Keith's ass as they kissed. "This a good payment ?" Tryas said as he took the keys from Keith's hand. "You sure you don't need more keys ?" Keith said and blushed. "Nope. I need to go check them out so I can get done and come back to play with my toy." Tryas whispered. "Why are you still standing here then ?" Keith said. "That sweet pussy of yours has a death grip on my finger. I am not complaining though." Tryas said and smiled. "Oh that." Keith said and blushed.

Keith cleaned the house and washed towels and the few clothes. He washed the new clothes separately to keep them from fading on others. It was getting close to lunch and Tryas had not been back to the house.. Keith took out a couple of the hamburgers he had cooked and vacuum sealed a couple of months back and thawed them quickly. He prepared two hamburgers and took a bag of chips before heading to the barn. As he walked in the door he stopped and licked his lips. Tryas lay on his back on the concrete floor. He was under the back of the mower. He had drained the old diesel from the tractor and had just drained the diesel from the mower. He was struggling to get the fuel filter back on. Keith walked over and quietly placed the food in the bucket on the front of the tractor. The loose legged shorts had Tryas' cock and balls hanging out of one leg. Keith slowly got on the floor and crawled up beside Tryas. Tryas was mumbling, groaning and even cursing the filter on the mower.

Keith held his breath as he leaned over. Opening his mouth he took the mushroom head between his lips. He took his tongue and licked around the head that was in his mouth. He began to slowly move more of the growing dick in his mouth. "Hey careful there. I have told you. Keith is here too and if he catches us we may see how mean a red head can be." Tryas said. Keith lightly bit down on the cock with his teeth. "Alright, alright I was just kidding. Remember if you bite it off I can't use it." Tryas said. Keith released his teeth and began working more and more ot the large cock into his mouth and slowly stretched his throat to accommodate the entire monster. "Ohhh fffuucccckkk." Tryas moaned as Keith's lips and nose pressed deep in his bush. Keith began to move his mouth and throat up and down the large cock. Tryas tried to get out from under the mower motor but Keith put his hand on his stomach so he could not move.

Keith began to speed his blow job motions. As the large mushroom head would start down his throat he would hum so that his throat vibrated on the growingly sensitive cock. Keith reached under Tryas' t-shirt and began lightly pulling on one of Tryas' hard nipples. "Uhh.. Let me.......ugh.... Let me out so .... ahh fuuuckk.. so I can ....uuuuhhhh.... play too." Tryas tried to say as he was fighting back his orgasm. Keith just began to hum more. "Ohhhhhhh ...... uuuuhhh..... ffffuuuuccckkkk...... ccuuummmmmmiiinnnnngggggg... shit." Tryas shouted as he arched his hips and began to shoot his first load of the day in Keith's mouth and down his throat. "FFFFFUUUUUCCCCKKKK." he shouted as Keith moaned and his body vibrated on Tryas' still erupting cock. When the deep baritone rumble came from deep inside Tryas, Keith was caught off guard when he shot his on load on the side of Tryas' leg. Keith felt like it was if you watched an alligator in water when he groaned and vibrated his entire body and all the water around him.

Keith sat back on a drop cloth that Tryas had placed on the concrete. Tryas took the chance to move out from under the mower's motor. He removed the gloves and moved over so that he was on his hands and knees above Keith. He felt his cock flex as he watched Keith stick his tongue out to collect some of the fresh seed from his goatee that he was not able to hold in. "So what brought that on ?" Tryas said. "Well I brought you lunch and forgot to bring me anything. I saw a chance to have a freshly prepared lunch and took it." Keith said. "Oh you did ?" Tryas laughed. Tryas licked his middle finger and smiled as he looked down and watch Keith moan and wiggle as he pushed the finger through the tight ring. Leaning over he sucked one of his "boy titties" harder than he had ever before.

Once he inserted the second finger Keith was thrashing on the drop cloth with his legs in the air and his cock leaking like a broken fire hydrant. Tryas twisted his finger until the ass ring stopped flexing and seemed to loosen. He then slowly inserted the third finger. Keith froze. "Breath baby. Relax this muscle. You are getting there. Just breathe, relax and enjoy." Tryas said before moving his head to the other nipple. Lightly biting the nipple he pulled it away from Keith's body. The sensation caused Keith to shutter and he was not focusing on his ass ring. It slowly opened up and Tryas pushed the third finger in palm deep. "That's it. Loosen up so this grunt can eventually play with his toy." Tryas whispered.

Keith and Tryas got up and headed to the front of the tractor. " I thought you said you did not bring you any lunch." Tryas said. "I didn't. I just had mine freshly churned from the tap." Keith said and licked his lips and rubbed his stomach. "There are two burgers here." Tryas said. "I know. I have to help keep your energy up so that you have the strength to play with your toy at the end of the day." Keith said. "Do I have to wait until the end of the day ?" Tryas said and smiled. "It's your toy, so anytime." Keith said and turned his back and bent over putting his hands on his knees. "You are getting there red. Getting really close." Tryas said and took a bite of his burger before lightly slapping one of the ass cheeks staring at him.

Keith was folding the last of the towels when he heard a motorized vehicle pull up in the backyard. Looking out he saw Tryas step out of a funny looking green vehicle. Opening the door he stepped out on the porch near the outdoor kitchen. "Don't tell me you found that too. What is it ?" Keith said. "It's an XUV." Tryas said. "It's green." Keith said with a frown. "It's a John Deere. It was in the little closed shed on the back of the shop." Tryas said. "It's green." Keith said. "Why are you looking at it so funny ?" Tryas said. "Honestly it looks like a golf cart, a four wheeler and a miniature pick up had a three way and this is what was born." Keith said. Tryas burst out laughing. "What do you do with it ?" Keith asked. "You wanted to explore your land and a one hundred thirty acre walk can be a long one. You ride it, haul stuff like tools or fishing gear." Tryas said. "As long as you like it." Keith said. "You will too once you drive it a few times." Tryas said. "We will see." Keith said.

Tryas had the tent and supplies in the bed of the XUV. "When I come back I need to see if you can take me to town. I need to get fresh diesel before I start up the machines and I need to see about getting a couple of parts for this thing." Tryas said. "You have been to town before haven't you ?" Keith said. "Yeah but I walked." Tryas said. "You have a perfectly fine pickup that you have the keys too. It is yours to drive anytime you want anywhere you want. Well if you go over twenty miles away you better have me with you." Keith said. "So no sneaking off to the strip club ?" Tryas said. "That is why I said no further than twenty miles. If you go further than that it is for fun and you aren't going without me." Keith said and smiled. "Why don't we make that ten miles." Tryas said and smiled.

Next: Chapter 11

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