My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Nov 5, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 21

Thanksgiving appeared on the calendar way too quickly. Tramell Group was full force. They had all been surprised at the amount of business both companies were generating. Misty and Keith had predicted about a forty percent increase with the internet sales. They were on target to increase the prior years sales by one hundred forty percent. The group had expected Tramell Group to take a year to have noticeable sales other than their own purchases but their outside sales were up to thirty percent of what the original company purchases.

Tryas and Keith both worked the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Tryas had purchased tickets for his parents to fly down and spend Thanksgiving. They were flying in late Saturday afternoon. The four would stay at the condo and after a tour of the store and Tramell Group they would leave to spend the week in the mountains. The shower in the condo still concerned Keith. Tryas on the other hand loved it. It was total glass on two outside walls. Keith had looked from the outside and though it was on an upper floor and looked like a mirror on the outside you could see the Atlanta skyline clearly from the inside. Gail had even shown him the papers from the developer that guaranteed that you could not see in from the outside.

Keith stood in the shower after they returned from the store. They had about two hours before they had to be at Hartsfield Jackson Airport. Tryas walked in smiling and rubbing his hands together. "What are you grinning so much for ?" Keith asked. "Oh nothing. I just see something that I plan to play with. I worked hard today so I earned it." Tryas said as he stepped into the shower. "I worked hard today too." Keith laughed. "I know and I plan to reward you for it." Tryas laughed.

Tryas walked into the shower and kissed Keith. He turned Keith and pushed him against one of the outer windows. Tryas quickly got on his knees and pushed Keith's ass cheeks wide apart. "Time for the grunt to have a snack." Tryas said.

Keith had his arms sprawled on the window with his entire body crushed against the glass. Tryas would push Keith's body back against the glass everytime he would try to move away. "What if the glass falls out and we fall." Keith said. "I can hear it now. Breaking News. Two men fall from Buckhead condo shower with one being dick deep inside the other." Tryas laughed. Keith stopped complaining and just moaned. Tryas got from his knees. He stepped acroiss the shower and got a bottle of hair conditioner. Once he lubed Keith's ass and his cock well he moved up behind Keith. He placed his hard cock in between Keith's ass cheeks. He reached around and placed his palm around Keith's throat. He leaned forward and kissed Keith as he moved his cock up and down in between Keith's ass cheeks. Tryas bent his knees and moved so that his large mushroom head was right at Keith's rosebud, Tryas then moved his head back so that he could see Keith's face as he pushed his hips forward. His heart melted and dick flexed as he watched Keith's facial expressions as he pushed his cock slowly inside Keith's waiting ass and pushed at a steady pace until he was lifting Keith to his tip toes being balls deep.

Tryas whispered in Keith's ear as he slowly moved his cock in and out of Keith. "I wonder if the people in that car that just went by are as horny as this grunt." Tryas whispered. The thought of someone possibly seeing them made Keith even hornier. "What if your Mom's plane flies over and she sees what I am doing with her darling boy ?" Keith said.

"She would make the pilot circle around again to make sure I was doing my job right." Tryas whispered. Tryas leaned back so that he could see his cock move in and out of Keith's ass. It amazed him that the ass lips would pull back away from Keith as he pulled back but it was not painful. "Yeah my baby's pussy lips hang onto this grunt's dick for dear life." Tryas whispered. "Only yours baby." Keith moaned.

Tryas leaned forward again to kiss Keith. He pressed his body against Keith's back and smiled as Keith moaned even more as Tryas' chest hair massaged his back everytime Tryas moved his cock inside him. Tryas began to speed his assault on Keith's ass. Keith's body was rubbing the glass as Tryas pushed up into him balls deep bringing him to his tip toes. "Damn baby you have me so deep inside you. It feels so......UUUGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Tryas shouted as his hips jerked and his legs quivered as his cock grew and began to blow a fresh load of grunt jizz deep inside him. Keith grit his teeth and groaned deep as the vibration from Tryas body and the feel of the cock expanding and exploding sent him over the edge. Keith's cock began to force it's seed out between his cock and the glass that it was pressed against. "I think my Mom would be well pleased with your response." Tryas whispered in Keith's ear as he flexed his still hard cock deep inside Keith.

Due to his uncles and clients flying in, Keith had become an expert at Hartsfield Jackson International Airport. Tryas had said it could not be that hard and he would figure it out but when Keith reminded him it was the busiest airport in the world he gladly let Keith lead the way. Keith leaned back into Tryas and closed his eyes as they stood at the reception gate. The smell of Tryas and his warmth had calmed Keith's nerves. Keith had becomne very anxios because he would be meeting Tryas' parents. It also helped that he could still feel the stretch that his ass ring had gotten less than an hour prior to arriving at the airport.

Keith was shocked from his comfort when he heard a lady shouting. "TRYAS, TRYAS. Over here." Tryas's Mom called out dragging Tryas' father behind her. Tryas stepped up to the barrier rope and waited for his Mom and Dad to come through. "OH my boy you look so good and so happy." she said, as she wrapped her arms around Tryas. She stepped back but kept one hand on Tryas' arm as his father gave him a hug too. Keith could feel his body temperature rise and felt like he had steam coming out the collar of his shirt. "Mom, Dad, this is..." Tryas started. "You must be our new son Keith." Tryas' Mom said as she pulled Keith in for a tight hug. "Uuppphhh." Keith let out a lung full of air as she squeezed him as tight as possible. To his shock, Tryas's father hugged him just as tight. "Let's go find your luggage and then we will have plenty of time to get to know each other." Keith said.

Tryas' Mom's mouth dropped open when Tryas opened the door to Keith's vehicle. "Where did you get this fancy thing. It has televisions in the headrest." she said. "Keith's cousin picked this out for him." Tryas said. "Well I got to pick the color." Keith laughed. "Your cousin ? I hope she is making the payments." Tryas' father said. "It's paid for Dad. They paid cash." Tryas said. "Damn." his father said. "Watch your mouth." his Mom said, as she punched her husband on the arm. Tryas' Mom began to fuss some at Tryas as Keith got into the driver's seat. That quickly changed when they got out of the parking deck and Keith began weaving in and out of the lanes, "How the hell do people deal with this every day ?" she said. "Language Mother." Tryas' father said and laughed. "You hush. You could not do this." she said. "Why do you think Keith is driving?" Tryas laughed.

The first stop was at the store. Tryas' father whistled quite a few times as he looked at the prices on items. "People pay this ?" he asked. "Everything here is hand made. The couches have very expensive cloth as the upholstery. They cost us a lot just to buy them to sale." Keith said. They toured the store, then warehouse. They locked the store up and walked down the hill to The Tramell Group. Keith smiled as he saw a tear in both parents eyes as they viewed the large sign on the building with Tramell being the prominent lettering. "What do you do with all of this son ?" Tryas' father asked. "We sale to interior decorators, other stores similar to Keith's, and major resorts." Tryas said. "What if I wanted to buy just one ?" he asked. "That would go through Keith's store but if you see one you want it's yours. We will ship it." Tryas said. "No way. I need a couch I can get comfortable on and not worry about spilling something on it." Tryas' father said and laughed.

Tryas was in the driver's seat when they left. Keith asked if they were too tired from their flight to do some quick shopping. They stopped at the Dekalb International Farmers Market. "They have spices and things here that I can not find anywhere else." Keith said. Tryas' parents were amazed at the items in the market that they had either never heard of , or had heard of but never seen. Tryas had the same reaction when they first went there. Tryas was quick to go to the bakery area. They make and sell a focaccia bread topped with tomato slices, onions and cheese. As he returned Keith just looked at him and smiled. "Go back and get another one." Keith said. "This one looks just fine." Tryas said. "Yes and you will eat the whole thing and we will not get a crumb." Keith said. "Good point." Tryas said and turned to head back. "I don't think we could have asked for a better son in law." Tryas' Mom said. "You have only known me for a couple of hours." Keith said. "A mother knows." she said and hugged Keith again. "Hey, what about me ?" Tryas said as he walked back up with another loaf. "Always the jealous one." Tryas' Dad laughed.

Tryas gave his parents a tour of the condo while Keith put away the items they would not be taking to the mountains. "You have lost your mind old man. I am not taking a shower in that bathroom. I don't want Atlanta seeing all my business." Tryas' Mom said as they came back into the living room. "I had the same problem Mrs. Tramell. I had to be reassured that no one could see in." Keith said. " We can do away with the Mrs. Tramell. I know that your parents have passed away but I would rather you call me Mom if that is alright with you." she said. To her surprise Keith came over and hugged her tight. When he released the hug she could see tears in his eyes. "Mom it is then." Keith said and walked back to the kitchen.

"Mom, Dad we figured we would spend the night here tonight and head for the mountains in the morning." Tryas said. "Well just point me to the pantry and I will whip something up for supper." she said. "Not tonight. We are taking you out to eat." Keith said. "That costs too much. The groceries are already paid for and I can make almost anything edible." she said. "Not tonight Mom. We can easily afford to take you all out to eat." Tryas said. "Do I need to change ?" Tryas' father asked. "No Dad, you and Mom are just fine. We aren't changing." Tryas said. Tryas and Keith laughed at his parents during supper. They picked a trendy restaurant in Little Five Points with outdoor seating.

Mom sat beside Keith and more than once slid over closer to him as she watched the pople walking by. Tryas' father stopped chewing for a minute as a man walked by. The man looked to be in his thirties and over six foot tall. That was before he put on the six inch stiletto heels. His shorts were a little short but not daisy duke short. He had a full beard that hung down to his chest. He also wore a pink afro wig. "Tryas." he said. "Not for me Dad." Tryas said. " Here in little five points it is a melting pot of everything." Keith said. "It was not offensive, it was just a surprise. He can not say he was not noticed." Tryas' father said. "That is the cool part of this area. You can be you." Keith said. "He didn't scare me just surprised me. If he enjoys it then that's all that matters." Dad said. There were a few others that drew attention but Keith had to laugh to himself as the Hare Krishna group danced down the sidewalk in their white dhoti while clanging the symbols on their fingers and they danced and sang. Once they were explained Mom was no longer concerned.

The next morning they headed to the mountains. Keith sat in the back and chatted with Mom as Tryas and his father held their own conversation. Most of theirs had to do with the money spent and how it was spent on his brother. Tryas seemed pleased with the report. "Babe if you don't mind, can we stop at the apple orchard ?" Keith said. "As long as I can have an apple fritter." Tryas said and smiled. "You spoil him too much." Mom said. "Yeah but it's fun." Keith said. Before they left heading to the house they had purchased two buckets of apples. Keith also bought a dozen apple fritters and a seperate box of four for Rufus and Doris. "I am glad that he got four for you guys." Tryas said, "Dream on sweetheart. Those are for Rufus and Doris. You have to share." Keith said. "Share ? Apple fritters ? I have to think about that." Tryas said and laughed.

As they pulled in the drive and the house came into view the car was quiet. There were a couple of whispers in the backseat from Tryas' parents. "I figured you had a small cabin. This is a mansion. When did you build this Keith ?" Dad said. "He inherited it, Dad and that is how he inherited me." Tryas said. "Inherited you ?" Mom asked. "Long story. I will explain it shortly." Keith said. Tryas' parents' eyes were wide and a couple of gasps as they walked in the front door. "Mom, Dad we are putting you in the master bedroom so you don't have to fight the stairs." Tryas said. "Son, do I look like I need help up and down stairs ? We will stay upstairs." Dad said. "I just figured it would be easier." Tryas said. "If you want to stay upstairs and you don't feel like using the stairs there is an elevator." Keith said. "An elevator ?" Tryas said. "Sure it is down the hall towards the room we are making a media room. You have not explored ?" Keith said. "No but you could have told me." Tryas said. "Son, I don't think you need an elevator. Steps will do you good." Dad said.

Two of the upstairs bedrooms were cleared from Keith's clean out. Keith had saved some things for Tryas' parents to look at. If they wanted any of it they would ship it to them. Tryas gave them a tour of the house while Keith put away the items he had picked up at the market to carry there. He put the box of fritters in the microwave for safe keeping. Keith met them upstairs after turning the coffee pot on. "Mom and Dad, we have donated a lot of items to an Appalachian needy families charity. Pick anything you want from this stuff and we will ship it to you. Whatever is left we will also send it to them." Keith said. "Why are you giving all of this away ?" Mom asked. "Keith's uncles have five or six of everything. All the closets up here and the store room were packed. Keith hates clutter and it had to go. Don't worry we still have at least two of everything still." Tryas laughed.

The group made it down stairs. "Alright Mom and Dad. If you want something to drink or from the refrigerator let me show you where it is." Keith said. "It's just a refrigerator. Wait, where is it ?" Mom asked. Keith showed them where the refrigerator, the crisper drawers, the freezers and wine cooler were. "You said they looked just like the kitchen cabinets but I thought you were kidding." Mom said. "Do you see anywhere your refrigerator would fit ?" Tryas said. "No and once your Dad figured out how to turn the television on I decided you can't have it back." Mom said and hugged Keith. "What about my hug ?" Tryas said. "You will get more but you have had plenty over your lifetime." Mom said. About that time the doorbell rang.

Tryas opened the door to find Rufus and Doris standing there. "Well if my own Mom will not hug me I will get one from my other Mom." Tryas said and hugged Doris. Tryas brought them into the kitchen to introduce Rufus and Doris to his parents. Keith smiled because within five minutes the two couples seemed to have been best friends their entire lives. Keith served coffee and apple fritters. The two ladies took theirs out on the porch to look out over the mountains while Dad and Rufus stood at the kitchen Island and chatted. "They brought the front end loader back and the zero turn. They still have the bulldozer and the sidemower though." Rufus said. "Wait, bulldozer, front end loader. What is he talking about ?" Dad said. "Keith's uncles had a barn with all types of machinery in it." Tryas said. "I had no clue. Tryas found it." Keith said.

As they all moved towards the front porch Rufus whispered to Tryas that they planned to deliver and set up the cabin in about two weeks. "I was concerned. I knew that Keith would want to show them the waterfall." Tryas said. "It is just like you left it. They are putting in the septic tank the day after they deliver it. The reason it will be a couple of weeks is that the contractor is building it out except for a few trim pieces at their shop. The owner wants pictures to put on his website so his guys will help finish it." Rufus said. "Thank you so much. I could not do this without you." Tryas said.

The group talked on the porch. "Tryas I need you to take me to get an out of state fishing license and some tackle. Rufus and I are going to do some fishing." Dad said. "Where do you plan to fish ?" Mom asked. "The boys have a lake." Dad said. "A lake, where ?" Mom asked. "Mom, we have a total of one hundred and thirty acres. There is a lake and a waterfall. And Dad there is plenty of fishing gear in the shop and you don't need a fishing license." Keith said. "I don't want to get a fine." Dad said. "You will be fishing on private property. You don't need a license in Georgia for private property." Keith said. "Just do not go fishing without a gun. Winter is coming and you may see a bear at the lake." Rufus said. "A bear ?" Mom said. "The boys own just over a fourth of the entire mountain. We have all the wildlife here." Doris said. "Well you two can fish all you want. I was worried about my soaps while I was here but Doris and I are having coffee and soaps every day." Mom said. "Are you sure that you two have to go back ?" Rufus said and laughed.

It took some convincing but Rufus and Doris stayed for supper. Doris and Tryas' Mom got in the kitchen and found what they needed to cook a delicious meal. Tryas built a fire in the fireplace in the living room. The older adults gathered in the living room while Tryas and Keith cleaned the kitchen. Tryas walked up as Keith was wiping the stove. He slid one hand down the back of Keith's shorts. sliding his finger between the cheeks he rubbed his finger around Keith's ass ring. "I hope you know that you owe me." Tryas whispered. "And why would that be ?" Keith said and moaned. "You served all of my apple fritters." Tryas said and leaned over and kissed Keith's neck. "I had something I thought you wanted more than an apple fritter." Keith whispered. "Oh that is mine too. Let's not change the subject." Tryas said.

"My poor baby feels neglected." Keith said. " Apple fritters can cause a fight." Tryas laughed. "And you think that I would allow my sweetheart to be deprived of anything ?" Keith said as he opened the cabinet beside the stove to show an extra dozen apple fritters that no one saw him buy. "I hope you know you have to pay for these later tonight." Keith said. Tryas pulled his hand from the back of the shorts and moved behind Keith. He moved his head to listen to the conversation in the other room. They were all laughing so he knew they were safe. He slid the back of Keith's shorts down under the ample ass cheeks. He then lowered the front of his shorts. He placed his semi erect cock between the ass cheeks as he hugged Keith's body tight against his. "Will this work ?" Tryas asked. "Perfect payment. Just keep that thought until later and don't forget to lock the bedroom door." Keith said.

Next: Chapter 22

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