My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Sep 3, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 3

Keith arrived at his home in the mountains. It was starting to get a little late in the evening. He had stopped at the grocery store to stock up for the week and also the liquor store. A few liquors, wine and some beer. There was no alcohol in the house and Keith rarely took a drink but after his meeting with the lawyers and his cousins he decided it was a week to stay naked and drunk. Keith also had body image issues. He was not fat but just a little chunky. To best describe it would be early stages of Dad bod. His chest was his biggest concern. His chest looked normal by most standards but unlike muscled chests his boobs were a little loose. To see him without a shirt would not really draw much attention but when he would lean over it was fairly apparent.

Due to Friday afternoon traffic with everyone trying to get out of Atlanta it had been a slow go even though he left before five, Keith had decided to get a chicken salad sub sandwich from the deli at the grocery store. He knew that it would be after dark when he finally got home and he did not want to start cooking anything that late and then clean up. All he wanted to do was get his clothes off. He had never been a nudist when he lived full time in his tiny apartment. He had stayed naked after a few showers and really enjoyed it but with this property there was no one close and once he locked the gate he had one hundred and twenty acres he could explore as naked as he cared to be.

Keith poured him a glass of white wine and took both the wine and sandwich onto the side porch facing the woods. After his second bite he caught a whiff of burning wood in the breeze. "Somebody has a campfire or a burn pit going. That sounds like fun." Keith thought. Keith only wore a pair of flipflops. He walked down the steps and walked around the corner of a small structure next to the house. "Tomorrow night.." he thought. Keith had asked his landscaper about firewood. Luckily the same man sold firewood and had filled Keith's wood shed for him. "Find a good drink I like, build a fire and celebrate finally being rid of those assholes. Tomorrow night." Keith thought before returning to the porch and his sandwich. "This is Georgia so this time of the year you can sunbathe during the day and have to build a fire at night. Keith sat back and sipped his wine and enjoyed the occasional, faint scent of burning wood.

The next morning Keith heard a noise outside. It sounded like water running. He got up and looked out his window. His Uncle had built a gazebo style seating area around a fire pit. Between that and the house was an outdoor shower. It was enclosed towards the woods but open towards the house unless you closed the door. Keith could see water running under the bottom of the shower but could not see anything else. The master bathroom had an oversized jacuzzi tub. From the tub to three quarters of the way up two walls were a beautiful stained glass. The very top was a clear glass that dipped down into the stained glass and back up. Keith went into the bathroom and stepped into the tub. Unable to find a clear piece of glass to look through he stood on the seating area in the corner.

"HOLY MOLY." his head screamed as he looked through the clear glass. In the shower was the most gorgeous man he had ever laid eyes on. The man seemed to be probably six foot one inch or taller. It looked as though he lived in the gym. With the wet hair on his chest and belly you could easily see a six pack or maybe eight. Keith stopped counting when he saw the cock and balls. Keith looked back up the gorgeous body and saw a military tattoo on his left arm near his shoulder. The man looked to be in his early to mid thirties, Keith ducked down when the man lifted his head. Peeking back through he could see the man's profile. A beautiful face with a close trimmed beard and mustache. He could not see the color of his eyes but the short cut hair on his head was either very dark brown or black and matched all the beautiful hair that went from just under his chin to his bush.

Speaking of bush. Keith caught himself as he was about to drool and sucked the saliva back in quickly. His cock was rock hard and dripping pre cum into the tub. The man's cock looked to be about six to six and half inches flaccid. It seemed a little strange because the large head looked disproportionate to the shaft. Keith's cock was just over four inches soft and extended when happy to close to six and half. Once hard the mushroom head was just a little larger than the shaft but not by much. This man had a huge head and his shaft, flaccid, looked to have about the same girth as Keith did hard, maybe a little less.

As the man showered Keith realized that he had reached down and started stroking his cock. He ducked down a couple of times when the man raised his head towards the house. The man had his shorts and shirt and soaped them up and scrubbed them under the running water. Keith bagen jacking faster as the man's cock and huge balls began to sway as he scrubbed his clothes. When he turned to rinse the clothes Keith moaned at the two firm ass cheeks that were covered with the same hair on his chest. The man turned back and though he was looking towards the ground Keith could see his pearly white smile as he looked over the cleaning job of his clothes. "FFFFuuuuuuuuuuu...." Keith growled loud as his dick shot it's first load across the tub. He ducked quickly and his body jerked as he continued to force more shots from his cock into the tub. "Fuck. He looked up quickly. Did he hear me ?" Keith thought.

Keith carefully got down from the seating area. He growled to himself when he stepped into some of his own semen in the tub. Wiping his foot well on the bath mat he moved back into the master bedroom. He stood beside the window and watched as the gorgeous man walked naked back towards the woods. The hard, hairy ass cheeks moved as though they were trained to do so and there was no movement except muscle. Keith reached back and jiggled one of his large, soft ass cheeks. "Damn. One hundred squats a day and I still will never have an ass like that." he thought.

Retired Major Tryas Tramell (TrY- us Tram-eLL) stopped just inside the edge of the woods. The hair on the back of his neck was at full attention as was the few hairs on his shoulder blades. "I could swear there was someone watching me." he thought. After two tours in Iraq and four in Afghanistan he had honed a good sense of being watched. A trained sniper seemed to give him a sixth sense of being watched. Watching the house he did not see movement. From the backyard or side yard you could not see Keith's pick up truck in the garage so that was not a giveaway. "Damn PTSD ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Syndrome ) has me jumpy as hell. Tryas turned around and headed back into the woods in the same direction he came.

Tryas was feeling rough by the time he got back to his tent. "I could swear someone was watching me but I have been here about two months and have only seen the yard guy. He was just here a couple of days ago. Maybe some friend is using the house for the weekend. I guess I need to prepare to move on just in case." Tryas thought. Tryas stood at the edge of the lake that was on the property and warmed himself in the morning sun. He began to feel a little unsteady so he went back to his tent and lay down. "I need to up my exercise routine. I have been lazy lately apparently." he said as he lay on top of his sleeping bag. "I haven't had to put on any clothes in almost a month. Guess I will need to put some on to sleep since it is getting chilly." he thought as he faded off to sleep.

Keith was still thinking about the amazing naked man that had used his outdoor shower. "I wonder who he is and where he came from. As long as I get a show like that he can come back every day. Maybe he was a hunter." Keith thought. Keith started early trying out drinks that the liquor store owner suggested. He settled on Crown Royal sours with a splash of sprite. "Too early to start. I haven't been to the lake in a while. I can go there and get a little sun." Keith said. Keith went and got a beach towel and headed out the back door. Starting across the yard he still thought of the military man. "Down boy." he laughed as he looked down and his cock had begun to grow.

"Shit something is wrong." Tryas thought as he woke feeling a little worse than when he lay down. Blinking his eyes he could feel that he had a slight fever. "With these cooler nights I must be getting a cold," he thought. "I need to get up and get moving," he thought. Tryas crawled out of his tent and began to walk the small trail that wound through the woods. The tent was near the lake but not in plain view of it. As he rounded a corner he saw something strange at the lakes edge. Moving quietly through the woods making sure he did not even step on a twig he made it to a clump of thick bushes at the edge of the tree line. "Wow, now that is a perfect man ass." he thought. Moving as close as possible but still be hidden, he could get a better view. "Fuck. plump, round, full and begging for an Army grunts attention." Tryas thought and felt his cock begin to grow.

The man lay on a towel on his stomach. Tryas watched as he moved his hips to try and get comfortable on the ground. "Damn, look at them jiggle. Fuck, I could spend my life playing with them. The man lay there for a couple of minutes with Tryas in the edge of the bushes slowly jacking his cock that was now at full Army attention. Tryas moaned as the pleasure began to build. Tryas stopped for a second when the young man moved up to his hands and knees. The young man moved around on his knees so that Tryas was lookin at his full body from the side. "Fuck, Love me a red head.Get a red head in bed and you are in for the ride of your life." Tryas whispered. Tryas the gasp. "BOY TITTIES" screamed in his head. "Dude you must be hallucinating. Damn you are sicker than you thought. Perfect big ass, red hair, boy titties and handsome as fuck. All my dreams come true. Never found all my ticks in one man. I must be really sick." Tryas thought. The young man sat back on his heels and Tryas saw the small roll at the bottom of his stomach. " That is a fucking feast. I would not know where to begin." Tryas thought as his cock grew thicker. He caught himself growl as the first rope shot from his cock. The young man turned his head in the direction of the growl..Tryas almost drew blood from his bottom lip as his orgasm raged through his body and out his cock in ropes of white liquid. Tryas would sometimes get lost in his orgasms and forget that he was a loud and vocal lover. It had almost gotten him in trouble a few times while on tour.

"What the hell was that ? Keith thought. Keith had to realize that he was a city boy and nothing had rushed out of the bushes after him so it was just a country noise. "I guess you can explore." he thought. "Oh hell no you don't. This is the mountains, they have bears." Keith thought. Keith stretched his arms out and Tryas moaned as he saw Keith's chest. He stayed hidden in the bushes but licked his lips as he saw the perfect man for him stand and walk away. He felt his cock twitch again as he watched the two big round ass cheeks wiggle and jiggle with every step.

Keith arrived back at the house. After putting his towel on the steps he walked around to the woodshed and picked out a few pieces of firewood to put near the firepit for after the sun went down. Keith pulled a pack of grilled chicken strips to thaw and decided to have a simple pasta dish for supper. It was still midday so he decided he wanted to wait a few more hours before mixing his cocktails. "I want to fully enjoy this celebration. I don't want to get drunk before I can build the fire." Keith thought. "Time to freshen up." Keith said and headed back out to the outdoor shower. As the warm water splashed o his body he took and ran his hand over areas that he was sure the water had splashed of the gorgeous military man.

Keith found a movie on the satellite and settled on the couch. The movie was over and another started when Keith woke. "Damn I did not want to fall asleep." Keith thought as he sat up on the edge of the couch and stretched. Looking out the window he could see that the sun was beginning to set. "Guess I slept through two movies." he whispered, and laughed. Keith stood and headed to the bathroom just off the living room area. Bladder empty he was ready to prepare his supper. The pasta dish was complete and he had mixed his first drink of the evening before he went out and started the fire in the pit.

The kitchen was clean and the fire was really starting to roar. Keith went in and put some light music on the built-in stereo system. There were outdoor speakers that looked like rocks or speaker hidden in rocks around the sitting area of the fire pit. Keith had not investigated to see which the case was with the speakers. As long as they worked and sounded good he did not really care. Keith sat and watched the fire and dreamed of the military man. Not being a drinker at all, by his second drink he was already buzzing. By the end of his third drink he was up and dancing naked, by himself around the fire.

"FUCK YOU TOBIOUS DAVENPORT, UP YOUR'S NORA JEAN AND ALANA PPPPFFFFF. I WON, you bastards." Keith shouted to the top of his lungs. the Pfff to Alana were two fingers shoved in the air as he said it. Keith had his arms spread wide and was dancing and spinning around the fire. He had forgone the mix and had the open bottle of Crown Royal in one hand and would take a swig and laugh. Keith hummed nad spun and danced with himself. "YEAH FUCKERS YOU THOUGHT THIS TRASH WOULD ROLL OVER AND GIVE IN. FUCK YOU i WAS NOT GOING TO LET YOU FUCK ME." Keith screamed.

"What the hell is all the screaming and shouting. Shit he may be in trouble." Tryas said and pulled on a pair of shorts and stepped into his tennis shoes. He grabbed a flashlight but the moon was bright enough and he knew that path by heart. Tryas ran part of the way but his energy level was so low he had to slow and just walk fast until he reached the edge of the woods. "What is he doing ?" Tryas thought as he reached the edge of the wood line. He could see the gorgeous redhead from earlier dancing around the fire naked with a liquor bottle. He moved a couple of times as though he was close enough to catch the beautiful man that would sway and stumble as he danced. The man stopped and vomited before falling to his knees. Tryas found the energy to run across the yard to the beautiful redhead's aid.

When Tryas reached Keith he was on his knees and elbows. Still sick as a dog he could only vomit every time he would breathe. Tryas saw how much liquor was gone from the bottle he had to chuckle. "Just like one of my men on the first night of liberty after three months," he thought. Tryas got on his knees and placed his hand on Keith's back. "Just get it all out buddy." Tryas said. Tryas lightly ran his hand from Keith's shoulder, down to his plump ass cheeks and slid his hand down between the cheeks. He moaned as Keith's rosebud twitched as his finger passed by, before moving his hand back up. He took his free hand and ran it under Keith's body and cupped his fist around the hanging boob and lightly squeezed and moved his hand as though he was milking a cow. "Fuck, the most perfect boy titties." Tryas whispered.

Keith's head began to lower. Tryas moved around so that he was behind Keith. He reached under Keith and took a breast in each hand. Keith's nipples had gotten hard and Tryas twisted the hard nipple between his fingers and he held and squeezed the other tissue while he held Keith up to keep him from falling face first into his own vomit. Tryas moved up and pressed his hard cock through the material in between Keith's ass cheeks. "Oh fuck. They part like melting butter inviting attention." Tryas said as he closed his eyes and flexed his cock inside his shorts. Tryas moved one hand down and lightly ran it across Keith's semi hard cock. "Ah shit man. Don't do this to me. He leaks like a faucet." Tryas said and he pulled his fingers to his mouth and cleaned them with his tongue. "Mmmmm." Tryas moaned. Keith's body shivered. Tryas had no idea that Keith could feel the moan all the way through his body.

Keith had stopped convulsing and was almost passed out. "Let;s get you cleaned up, little buddy." Tryas said. Tryas moved Keith over away from the mess and laid him on the ground. He stood and went and turned the outdoor shower on. He quickly removed his shorts, finally freeing his trapped cock. Shorts and tennis shoes off , he headed back to get the cute redhead. It took a minute to get Keith to his feet and then into the shower. Tryas held him to his chest with one arm around him as he soaped and rinsed them both the best he could. Try as smiled as Keith put his arms over his shoulder and buried his face in the wet hairy man's chest. Tryas knew he had to make it quick before Keith passed out altogether so he focused on washing Keith ass and in between the cheeks as long as he thought he would be able. Keith moaned and pulled tighter to Tryas and wiggled his hips as Tryas took the chance and slipped a soapy finger inside Keith's ass ring. "Holy fuck you are tight little man. It would take a while to loosen you up to take me but I would enjoy every minute of it." Tryas whispered.

Tryas got them out of the shower and dried the best he could. Keith had lost his legs by this point so he picked the drunk red head up and carried him in the house.Tryas sat Keith in the chair long enough to pull the comforter and top sheet back. Litting Keith again he lay him naked on the bed. Keith just lay there like he was in a coma. Tryas leaned over and took one of Keith's breasts in his mouth. He moaned again causing Keith's body to tremble when he was able to suck a large portion of breast into his mouth. He sucked for only a few seconds before releasing the tit and kissing the nipple. "Damn, perfect boy titties." Tryas whispered.

Tryas froze when he felt a hand wrap around his hard cock. He turned to see that Keith had his eyes partially open. "There you are. My beautiful military man. I watched you take a shower outside." Keith said in a very slurred language. "Oh you did ?" Tryas said. Keith had lifted his legs as though he was inviting Tryas in due to the attention to his nipples. "Yeah you are so beautiful." Keith said. "You flatter me." Tryas said. Keith picked up his other hand and motioned for Tryas to come closer. He leaned over. "You know you have a big dick." Keith slurred a whisper. "It's not that big but thank you." Tryas said and smiled. "You are so fucking beautiful. If I were sober and you were real I would ride that dick for fucking week. Well I would try. You know I have never had the pleasure to ride a dick, much less one that big and beautiful." Keith slurred in another whisper. Tryas slipped a finger down between Keith's ass cheeks and lightly tapped his finger on Keith's ass ring. Keith rolled his eyes and moaned as he wiggled his hips. "OH it just gets better. My dream come true and he is a bottom." Tryas said. Tryas leaned over and sucked one of Keith's tits back in. Keith moaned and squirmed while tightening and closing his fist on Tryas' hard cock.

As Tryas released the tittie he whispered "Perfect boy titties." He looked down Keith's body. Keith had seemed to pass out finally but still had his hand around Tryas' cock. " Damn I thought it could not get better. He is drunk as a skunk but still leaks. Keith has his other hand lightly moving around the dense fur on Tryas' chest. Tryas leaned further down and took the semi hard cock in his mouth and cleaned the leaing pre cum. "Sweet as candy." Tryas said as he licked his lips. "Sleep my Prince. I hope you do dream of me. I know I will, of you." Trias said as he slowly moved away and pulled his cock from Keith's hand.

Tryas turned off the lights, at least the ones he could find, on his way out. He sat on the bench before slipping his shoes back on. Tryas almost felt delirious as he walked across the yard. "FUCK" he shouted in his head. "I forgot my shorts. I can't make it back. I will have to sneak back in the morning to get them. I have to lay down. Sleep well my secy Prince." Tryas said, as he took one last look at the house before disappearing in the tree line.

Next: Chapter 4

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