My Initiation

By B.G. Crawford

Published on Sep 15, 2002


My Initiation

Author B.G. Crawford

This story is fictional, and is based on my imagination (then again you never know) This story contains adult content and should not be read if you are under the age 18. If this story offends you in anyway then don't read it. All of My training and my initiation belongs to the author, and can not be copied in anyway, without written permission to the author.

Part 4

As Miss Jade and I got out of the car, I had butterflies in my stomach. I knew I was not scared, but I was nervous. Many things were running threw my mind as we walked up the door entrance. Was this a bar? How could this possible be our new home? Why would we want to live here? I knew I was with my Miss Jade, and that she had not let me down so far, so I would trust the decision she had made for us. As we walked in the first door, I could hear music behind the second door. The entrance was painted all back, with neon letters on the wall. "Welcome to the Lebo club." I heard the girl say. Miss Jade looked at the girl, and said "I am a member of this club, My name is Miss Jade and you will address me as Miss Jade." The girl wasn't impress. "Until you show me some ID, you are a simple newbie." Miss Jade sat her suitcases down, unbuttons her jeans, opens them up, and relieved her tattoo just above her pubic bone. The girl's eyes widen; "oh shit" was all that she said. Miss Jade walked over to the girl, and grabbed her by her face and pulled her close to her lips and said "now bitch button my pants back up and show us to our room." The girl was trembling; Miss Jade pushes her down to her crotch. The girl takes her hands and starts buttoning up Miss Jade's jeans. I could see tears running down her cheeks as she did this. She slowly stood up when she was done. Miss Jade said "is this how you address everyone who comes into this club?" The girl shook her head no. "Answer me!" Miss Jade said, becoming angry by the minute. "No, Miss Jade it is not." "Then why did you address me in that matter?" This girl was scared to death; she was shaken from head to toe, she is looking at me, as to help her. Miss Jade takes her by each nipple of her breasts and pulls her close to her, "don't look at my slave slut to help you, she knows her boundaries." Oh yes I did, there was no way I was going to get caught up in this one. Miss Jade and I were as one; there was no way in hell I was going to fuck it up. "Now answer my question girl." Miss Jade said pulling the girl closer to her. The girl closed her eyes, and said "I didn't think, you existed. You have been gone from here a long time, and I only knew of you, threw your tattoo on your body." Miss Jade released the girl's nipples, and smiled, "you can bet your sweet ass, I exist. And I have come home, to gain what rightfully belongs to me." "Now pick up my suitcases and take us to my room." I stood there in total amazement, that this girl actual knew who Miss Jade was. And that other people knew of her tattoo. Miss Jade looked at me "get your ass moving slave slut." "Yes, Miss Jade." I answered. I picked up my suitcase and followed Miss Jade and the girl upstairs and to our room.

When we were in our room, I noticed it wasn't a room, it was more like an apartment. Miss Jade turned to the girl and said, "I noticed you were looking at my slave slut, very nice isn't she? I bet you want her? Now you will take off all your clothes." The girl was looking at the ground, she would not look at Miss Jade nor would she look at me. "Take off your clothes girl!" Miss Jade ordered. The girl started crying she first took off her shoes, then took her pants and shirt off. Miss Jade was furious! She walked over to the girl, and yanked off her panties and bra. My suitcase fell to the floor I was shocked. The look on my face told it all. "What the hell!" Miss Jade walked over to me, and started kissing my face. "Oh now don't you worry slave slut, I told you Miss Jade would make all your dreams come true, and of course you want to please me don't you." With that she slapped me on my ass and walked over to the girl who was still looking at the floor. Not waiting for my answer. Miss Jade lifted her head up by her chin with her hand. "Now, you know the rules, girl. And I expect you to go by those rules, don't I?" The girl simple nodded her head yes. "Rule Number one girl, you will look at me, not the floor, you will answer me, when I ask you a question and you will finish it with Miss Jade. You will do as you are told. Do you understand." And pinched her nipples. "Yes, Miss Jade." The girl said looking at Miss Jade. I could tell Miss Jade was getting impatient with this girl, she took her hands off her nipples and was looking at me shaking her head. As went to her purse to get a cigarette. To me she wasn't all that bright, or she was just plain stupid. For the way she acted, when we first came into this club, how long had she been working here? She knew the rules. Hell I didn't know the damn rules, but I sure the hell would not have looked at the damn floor, when talking to Miss Jade. Hell Miss Jade was drop dead gorgeous everybody looks at her, whether you know her or not. All I know is there is no way in hell I was going to let this chick have her way with me. I don't give a shit what Miss Jade says. I was starting to piss at her, and I didn't even know her. She was cutting into my time with Miss Jade; we could be making love. And why the hell was this girl still in our room and totally naked? I don't remember when I crossed my arms, or what look I had on my face, but Miss Jade was laughing at me. "Slave slut, you need to calm down, this girl will be staying with us. Until I tell her to leave. She knows that she has screwed up, and now she must pay the price." I looked at Miss Jade and said "what, Miss Jade." "You heard me slave slut." Miss Jade said walking towards me. "Slave slut, I am one of the mistress's here, and girl has insulted me. That tattoo I have on my stomach identifies me as a mistress she knows this. Now she will show you to your room." I just stood there and looked at Miss Jade. "Slave slut, it is okay. Let her show you to your room. And remember, as my slave slut, you will be able to make her do anything you want done, until I tell her to leave. Do you understand?" "Yes, Miss Jade." I answered.

I was totally piss at this girl, who the hell does she think she is. What the hell was I going to do with her? As I followed her to my room, I was looking at her nicely shaped ass, her long legs, and her smooth back. "Yum", I thought. I could not believe I was having sexual thoughts about this girl. Hell I didn't even know her name. As she opened the door to my room, my mind was filled with nasty sexual thoughts of her. I had a slight grin on my face, when I walked past her into my room. I heard the door shut, I thought she had left the room to attend to Miss Jade. I stood there, in a total wet daydream of her. I was trembling and shuttering at the same time, when I heard a "excuse me." I whip around and there the girl was standing, naked in my room. I looked at her, and said, "what are you still doing in here?" The girl said "I thought, maybe you needed me for something?" "First, what is your name?" "Kayla" she answered. "Well Kayla, just what do you think I needed you for?" I stood there with a smile on my face. Thinking she would back down from me, and she would turn and run. Boy was I ever wrong. Kayla walked up to me, put her arms around my waist, and whispered in my ear. "I will be your one and only slut. I will do anything you want me to do, and more." She kissed me, our tongues danced with each other. She was pulling and sucking and biting down on my lips. My hands were moving all over her body, feeling every curve of it. I suddenly stop what I was doing and looked at her. Miss Jade had entered my room.

Miss Jade was standing there with a smile on her face. "Slave slut, it looks like you have found a new friend to play with." I ran to Miss Jade. "I don't know what came over me Miss Jade, please don't be angry with me." Miss Jade was laughing, "Oh slave slut, I am not angry with you, to be truthful with you, I had set you two up together. I am not always going to be around to satisfy your deepest craving. Girl here will help you with that." I looked at Kayla, she had sparked an inner sexual core with me, and I had wanted more from her. But Miss Jade and I were as one; I had given myself to her completely. Kayla just smiled at me, as if to say that she understood what I was thinking. Miss Jade saw our exchange between one another and stated "slave slut, I have trained you, to understand your deepest sex cravings. Now I will leave you and girl here, to see if you can teach girl how to full fill your needs, this will be your initiation. Remember I still love you, just as I know you love me." With that Miss Jade turned and walked out of the room.

Next: Chapter 5

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