My Introduction To Sex

By muff diver

Published on Nov 11, 2014



My Introduction To Sex

Part 1: "A Very Precocious Pair"

When I was young, we lived a couple of houses away from another family who had a daughter my age.

We had known each other since birth and rarely ever played with other children. We were like brother and sister except that we never fussed or had any disagreements that I can remember. I think that we were actually in love.

Our mothers were best friends and spent most of the day at one of our houses sewing, cooking, reading, talking, knitting and doing the things that moms do.

Cecilia and I always played in one of our fenced in back yards and were looked at occasionally by the moms. We usually played hard and were ready for our after lunch naps. We were put onto one of our beds and were soon asleep. They allocated two hours for our naps and we usually slept soundly.

One day we were told that her grandmother was sick and in the hospital and that Cecilia would be staying at our house for a couple of days while her parents were out of town. We had spent several nights together before and got along so well that everything was good.

The first night, she got up to use the potty and came back and waked me up. She said that my parents were asleep and that she wanted to show me something. I was OK with that, and she showed me that she was naked and told me to take off my sleeping shorts.

We had been naked together before, and had taken baths together daily due to our strenuous playing as we were both somewhat hyperactive.

I asked her why and she said that she had learned a game from a girl cousin called "Doctor". Now we had seen each other's bodies all our lives and never given it any thought...Until now, that is!

I was told to lie on my back and she began examining my head, shoulders, arms, chest, stomach area, navel and ??? my little tool and tool bag. She got so involved with them that she never got to my legs and feet.

It felt funny to have her touching, stretching and pulling it. She asked me what the "bag" was for and I told her that I didn't even know that it was there and that I couldn't see it.

She played with both and then told me to turn over and she examined my rear end. She put a finger just inside and then pulled it back out. Then she said that it was my turn to examine her.

I did not waste time with anything above her little boobies and she sighed when I caressed them. I noticed that they seemed to get almost imperceptibly puffy when I stroked them.

I was fascinated and she said that it felt good and that she would do mine, too. I then went to her navel, which was an "outy", and touched it for the first time.

Then I got to the little crease that I had never seen the inside of, and she brought her knees up and spread herself open for me. I was completely overwhelmed at the sight, realizing that was where she peed from. I touched her lips and spread them even more open.

I saw something that I have never seen on another female since and that was a very small tube protruding from her about a eighth of an inch long. It turned out that it was her "pee-hole", and, again, I have never seen another like it although I have made it my practice to look at every "girl-slit" that I have ever had any dealings with in hopes of finding another like it. Still haven't!

Well, when I had completely examined her, front and back, and yes, I did probe her back door, she then went back and examined my boobies. I was amazed at the feeling of someone handling them.

She then said that we must do it again and we put our sleeping shorts back on and went to sleep.

Playing Doctor became an obsession with us and we did it at every opportunity.

She was a thumb- sucker, and once when we were examining each other at the same time, she said that my little tool looked like her thumb and put it in her mouth and began some really strong suction and licking.

I think that I shrieked at the pleasure, but it startled her and she asked why I had cried out. I told her that it felt so good that I couldn't help it. She said that she liked it better than her thumb and went back to it. We were in the "69" position and for some reason I felt impelled to give mouth service to her slit and all that was within.

She jumped and then bit the Hell out of my little dick and begged me not to stop licking her and then went back to my dick.

We continued to do it to each other for some time and she suddenly stopped and lay very still for a few seconds. I asked her why she had stopped and she begged me to not stop doing her. I complied and shortly afterward, she went completely stiff and started whimpering, telling me to PLEASE not stop. I continued licking her slit until she rolled up into a ball and cried.

I asked her what I had done wrong and she couldn't answer me for several minutes. Then she told me that I had made her feel so good that she couldn't talk.

I did that to her on a regular basis for nearly 3 years. Finally, one day while we were "napping" and she was "thumb-sucking" my little dick and it was hard and feeling really good, I started getting a strange feeling in my legs that travelled up and into my little hard dick that she was so furiously working on. I thought it was on fire except that I realized that it was an excruciatingly good feeling and I wanted it to stop, but yet I didn't.

I had my first "dry" orgasm at age 5.

She was able to do it several more times and I continued to make her have intense ones almost every day. We were both completely addicted to sucking each other off.

One time when we were 6, she got the idea of sitting down on my quite hard 1 ? inch weapon of steel. I don't know if she had a hymen, but it didn't seem to hurt her. I still remember the exhilarating feeling that I felt when I realized what she had done. She just sat there, not moving, and looking at me with a lopsided grin. I could not breathe.

She said that we were now married and were going to have a child!

This scared the living crap out of me, and made me think of the trouble that we were about to be in.

(She got all her knowledge and ideas from a cousin who was 5 years older than us, and who had apparently been doing the same with her brother.)

She insisted on sitting on my hard little tool at every opportunity, and to tell the truth, it felt so good that I began to not care about being in trouble if I could only do this with her.

She would sit on me for a good while and then we would suck each other until, hopefully, both of us would orgasm.

If she got one before I did, I would probably not get one that time. When she got one she was good for about another couple of minutes and then she would quit sucking me and go into recovery.

She did have some amazing orgasms, much bigger than mine. She started making fluids shortly after she started having orgasms, by the way, and I was addicted to that taste immediately.

I can still remember that taste, but I have only found two or three women who tasted as good as she. (I am a confirmed muff diver and will always be.) Unfortunately for us, her dad got a new job in West Texas and they moved away from Alabama the summer that we were 6, and I did not see her again for 8 years but we never resumed our Doctor game.

Part 2:

After Cecilia moved away I realized that I was a very lonely boy. We had been so close for so long that I thought that I would never again be happy.

During the summer after she moved away, I was at a weekend family get-together and began looking at my 2 girl cousins.

One was really attractive to me, pretty, smart and somewhat subdued by the presence of her twin brother, who was a somewhat nice looking dork.

I decided to explore my opportunities with Lynn. We had always gotten along the few times that we had been together.

I caught her off to the side and told her that I was glad she was there and that none of the other kids were interesting. She was glad to hear that and told me that she had always liked me.

We went out for a walk and soon wound up holding hands. That cemented our relationship nicely. I found that I really did like her, and wanted to show her the benefits of our possible and hopeful relationship.

She told me that she was sorry that Cecilia had moved away and that she knew how close we had been. Well, she THOUGHT that she knew how close.

I was startled to learn that the whole family had been aware of our closeness and had thought that it was "cute".

Lynn told me that she had been a bit jealous of my relationship with Cecilia, and I told her that I wished that I had known that before.

I was getting very hopeful of my opportunity at that time! We walked and talked for a long time and she told me that she had been to the doctor about a recurring stomach ache.

I asked what the outcome was and she said that it was nothing serious, just indigestion from her being nervous.

I had to ask how he was able to determine that and she said that he had felt her stomach and the surrounding area while asking questions of her and her mom.

I asked if it had hurt and she said that it had not, but felt strange and made her have a funny feeling.

After more discussion, she finally admitted that it was a funny feeling around her pee-hole.

I asked how that could be and she said that she didn't know, but that she had thought about it almost constantly ever since and that she had even felt it while talking about it with me.


I asked for more detail and she described it very thoroughly. I was immediately in a state of extreme hardness and was trying to decide how to proceed to the desired end. I asked if she had actually peed, and she said no, but it felt like she needed to when she thought about it.

We went inside her grandfather's garage/storage building and I asked if I could feel her tummy. I thought she was going to hurt herself moving things about to make a place to lie down!

She did lie down and I began to feel and touch her stomach. She gasped and said that she felt "it" then. I asked where she felt it and she moved my hand down between her legs.

She was squirming and breathing rapidly and I asked if she was OK. She said that it was stronger when I did it than it had been with the doctor.

I said that I would like to see if I could find what was happening and she said she would like that. I pulled her shorts and panties down and off.

She was panting now and I told her to bring her legs up and to spread them apart so that I could see better. She did and I told her that I couldn't see anything wrong and I kissed her spread open slit. She went berserk and instantly demanded that I take off my shorts.

I did and she stared at my little hard tool and asked if she could touch it. I said the she could, of course touch it.

She said that it was hard and that her brother's was not as hard as mine. I was incredulous realizing that she knew this.

She said that they had looked and felt each other several times. I asked if they had done anything else and she quietly told me that he had tried to put his into her and had actually done it once but that it wouldn't stay.

I told her that I knew how to do it so that it would stay. She was instantly ready. I told her to get up and I lay down and showed her how to sit on my hardness. She was instantly addicted and said that it felt so good that she didn't ever want to let me come out.

After a short time, I began to feel her nipples and she collapsed onto me, hugging and kissing me incessantly. I pushed her up and started sucking her nipples. She ground her mound into me and cried like a baby.

She told me that she loved me and wanted me for her brother. I agreed and then showed her what it feels like to be licked and tongued at her most sensitive place while sucking a boy's love stick.

When I licked her clit, she nearly orgasmed. She kept pushing me back to it and I finally learned what that little bump was for.

(For 3 years I had been giving Cecilia orgasms but never knew about her clit! Since we had usually done it "69" style, I had been hitting it with my lips and chin, I reason.)

Anyway, Lynn did not orgasm, but was near to it and making love as I had never experienced it. I almost had 2 or 3 "dry" ones while teaching her the fine art of 6 year old oral sex.

When we finally stopped, she asked about my unusual sounds and physical antics. I explained to her about the extremely pleasurable instances of orgasms (a word I had never heard, but understood the meaning of infinitely).

She asked if they were better than what she had experienced, and indicated that she wanted to have them, too. I assured her that she would.

About a week and a half later, I spent a couple nights at my grandmother's house and Lynn and I were able to spend almost whole days together.

Our family realized that she had filled the void left in my life after the departure of Cecilia. Lynn and I both overheard family gossip indicating that it was good that we were getting along so well and they pretty much left us alone.

Since my mother's family was Southern Baptist, and Lynn was a star Sunday School child and that I was a regular attendee at our Methodist church, it was apparently considered unnecessary for close supervision of us.

Incest was never thought of (or even considered possible) because it is such a major religious crime. Oh, well, so much for good fortune!

Lynn had her first full-fledged orgasm the second time that we were able to get together. She was riding my little hard on and I was sucking her boobies and kissing her passionately. She suddenly sat up rigidly and told me that her legs were feeling strange.

I told her that she was about to get what she had wanted and told her to go back to churning and twisting on my lap while I held her tightly and told her what was happening.

She let out an extremely loud scream and tailored her position for maximum effect. When she came down, she asked me if I had done it. I told her that the only way I had ever done it was while being sucked.

She demanded that I show her how to do it and soon had me in the throes of my first one since Cecilia had left.

Lynn was as adamant about satisfying me as I was for her. We had sessions whenever possible and they were great!

Lynn and I did not have the benefit of living close to each other, but we got to see each other a couple of times a month most of the time.

About 2 months into our relationship, we were hard at it in her grandfather's garage one evening after dinner.

She was sucking me to get me hard for her customary sitting on me activities that we both enjoyed so much, when her brother, Glynn suddenly appeared and asked us just what we thought we were doing.

Lynn, being quick witted, told him that we were fucking and that he had better not tell anyone or she would tell on him for having put his in her before.

He was more interested in what she was doing to me and asked me what it felt like. I told him that it felt good enough except that she kept biting and scraping my dick with her teeth.

That turned him off. He asked what else we did and I told him that I licked her down there and he almost got sick at his stomach! I told him that it tasted like hell and that I was going to stop it.

He looked disgusted and then saw that my tool was bigger than his ('cause I was hard) and asked how mine had gotten so big. I told him that I didn't know, but he was not happy.

He told his sister that he wanted her to do his like she had done mine. She looked at me and I could see the mischief in her face!

She put his in her mouth and didn't bite, but did scrape his purple head with her teeth. He said that we were wasting our time and left. Lynn said that he would not tell because he knew that she would tell their parents that he had made her do it with him.

He never told.

Lynn and I had a great relationship. We were treated as siblings by the family and they never suspected our conduct.

She was my first "missionary position" experience when we were 8 and my tool was finally long enough for me to accomplish the task.

We enjoyed both types of coupling and would wear each other out doing it.

I never had an orgasm while she rode me, but had splendid ones while doing her from above, face to face and playing with her boobies and holding her up by her cute little rear end, which overjoyed her.

I would try to lick her into one and then get on top and go into that sweet little cave of hers.

She quickly learned that she could massage her clit against my pubic bone and have great orgasms, also. She would do 3 or 4 full orgasms each time that we had long sessions (which normally only lasted less than an hour, LOL) but we were completely exhausted and satiated afterwards.

One Sunday, after we had had our session, she got very serious and said that she had to tell me something.

She said that a 12 year old boy had asked her to be his girlfriend. I asked her what she thought about that and she said that she thought that she would like to try it. I told her that she should do whatever she wanted.

She thanked me and said that we could still be lovers and that she wasn't going to have sex with him, anyway.

That lasted about a month. She told me that she really liked him and wanted to have sex with him. I, again, told her that that was her prerogative. She said that she still loved me, etc.

Good things seemed to always end.

Part 3: "A Quite Unexpected Turn In Life"

I returned to a state of empty loneliness after Lynn took up with the 12 year old neighbor boy.

I must say that they got along well and were able to have a great relationship. We have always remained friends and she told me every detail of their activities.

I was amazed to learn that a thing of which I had only heard vague rumors of were, indeed true. Lynn told me that he put sticky stuff inside her when he got that "Good Feeling" while inside her.

She said that it was very messy and that she had to have Kleenex Tissues to clean up her whole lower body afterwards.

I and some of my guy friends had heard of this but paid no attention because some of us had experienced "Dry Orgasms" which were overwhelming and left us no desire to change or even consider improving upon.

(If any of you guys ever had those, then you know what I mean! I can still remember my first one at about 5 when Cecilia sucked me so well?.. Thanks for "thumb-sucking", LOL, It makes for champion boy-tool suckers!)

At any rate, I was curious but I never had a "Wet" one until I was about 12 when I almost passed out from the ecstasy of expelling about a half teaspoon of liquid fire.

But, I digress. When I was 8 and without a girlfriend, I had taken to escaping into the world of comic books.

There was a comic book exchange store that I frequented where one could trade "2 for 1". It was heavily patronized by the kids of the town, and I preferred to go during the week rather than on Saturdays when there were so many kids in there that it was hard to find anything without a lot of troubling effort.

One summer day I was in there and a very pretty classmate of mine came in. She was getting boy type comics and no girl types.

She spoke to me, which stirred my (sexual) interests and we made small talk about the comic books. I asked her why she liked the Wild West, gangster and super hero ones instead of Wonder Woman and the other girly ones.

She told me that she was getting them for her brother who was not allowed to go out of the house because he had Rheumatic Fever and stayed at home except to go to doctor appointments.

She said that she made a regular Saturday visit here, but was going to be visiting relatives the upcoming weekend so had come that day instead.

She said that she usually got 20-30 comics each week for him. I told her that I seemed to like the same types that he did and that maybe I should take mine and trade with him as much as possible on a "1 for 1" basis.

She said that that was a great idea and that they had very little money to spend and that it would be so helpful. I already had a few kids that I traded with and offered to include her brother in the swaps.

She said that her parents would be so grateful to me for doing it. I found that they only lived about 2 blocks from my house and that I would go home and load a bicycle basket and be over at their house that afternoon.

I hoped that I would be able to get her interested in some other activities, as well!

About an hour or so later, I did go to their house and met their mother, who was a very sweet lady and told me how happy she was that I was going to help Billy.

She told me that he was not to be excited or physically active, due his condition. I told her that his sister, Shirley, had told me about all that and that I would be careful to comply.

She then took me to his room and introduced us. She left and told us that she would be back with Kool-Aid in a few minutes. Billy was 8 like me and told me that his sister was almost 9.

They had moved to Birmingham from West Virginia and that Shirley had been 'set back' in school because of the difference between the rural school that they had attended and the city school that they had moved to.

He was a year behind me and being handled as a sort of extension student with lessons being sent home with Shirley. We talked and got to know one another and immediately became fast friends.

I realized that it was going to be problematical forming a relationship with his sister since she was older than me and back then boys never had older girlfriends. Heck, most boys never had ANY girlfriends until High School, and it was difficult even then.

But she was so pretty and obviously happy that I was going to help her brother, that I decided that I was going to go for broke and try to establish something with her.

I knew that if I ever could get into her panties that it would solidify an unbreakable partnership! I knew how to capture a girl's fancy in short order, provided that I could ever make that first move.

I was determined to have that girl naked and show her what a little girl could enjoy at the hands of a little boy.

Billy's mom brought a pitcher of Kool-Aid in and was pleased that I had bonded with her son.

We continued to talk and drink for a good while when Billy said that he had to pee and would I not look while he used the potty next to his bed.

I turned away while he put a lot of second hand Kool-Aid in the potty. He put the cover back on and got back on the bed and pulled the sheet back over him.

I turned back around and saw that he had not been careful with the sheet. I could see that he was wearing pink panties. He saw me staring and jerked the sheet into place.

I saw his tears welling up and he told me that he was sorry that I had seen that and that it was alright for me to leave but would I still come back and trade comics sometimes.

I then had the first of many empathic episodes in my life.

He said that he wore Shirley's hand-me-downs and that included underwear. I told him that it was not a problem and he cried softly and said that he understood that I would not want anything to do with a boy who wore pink panties.

He let the floodgate open and poured tears and sobbed. I stood up and told him that it was OK.

I can still remember looking down from above and watching myself get up and go to him in slow motion and kiss him on the lips and tell him that he was my friend and that I didn't care what kind of underwear he wore.

He reached up and put his arms around my neck and held on like it was the end of the world. He finally let go and said that he wished that I was his brother. I told him that I did, too.

He asked me why I had kissed him and I had to tell him that I didn't know but that I just did it without thinking.

He turned away and didn't say anything for several minutes. Then he started talking small talk as we had been previously.

I stayed until his dad came home, and then told them that I had to go home for supper. His dad shook my hand and put his arm around my shoulder and told me that I was welcome in their home anytime.

His mom gave me a hug and kissed the top of my blond head and Shirley came over and gave me a frontal hug and kissed my lips!!!

Hot Damn! This was going to be a shoo-in! I was going to make her the happiest girl in our class and be back in the girlfriend business.

I went home and ate supper, then went back out in the summer evening feeling like I was on top of the world. I rode my bike around the neighborhood and went past their house so many times that it was a wonder that I wasn't noticed.

I had the hots for that chick and was sure that I was going to find my reward.

And I did find my reward. The next day I went back to Billy's house with every intention of getting Shirley into Billy's room and trying to encourage more showing of gratitude from her.

Man! She had kissed my lips! That just wasn't done except in rare cases and certainly not with witnesses present.

I went into Billy's room and he was sitting up in bed with no sheet over him. His pink panties were not to be seen. He told me that he had a few pair of boy's briefs for doctor visits and other incidental occasions.

I told him that I didn't care what he wore and that he could wear whatever he felt like, even none if he wanted. He laughed about that and then suddenly got very serious.

I asked him why so serious and he said that he couldn't get it out of his mind that I had kissed him when he was so upset.

I told him that I had done it because he was hurting and that it made me hurt to see him that way.

I told him about looking down from the ceiling and watching myself in slow motion going over to him and kissing him through his tears. I told him that I didn't know what made me do that, but that I just did it.

We talked some more and I thought that I would try to get him back into his old self, cracking jokes and laughing together.

I said a couple of things that got him started in that direction, then said that I kinda liked his pink panties and that I thought that he could probably pass for a girl while wearing them.

He sat bolt upright and asked me why I said that. I fumbled around; wondering just why in Hell I HAD said that. I apologized and said that I was only kidding.

He looked me straight in the eyes and told me that it was funny, but that he often thought that he was a girl! I was intrigued and told him to tell me all about it.

He said that I was the only person that he had ever told about his deep feelings.

He even reached down and brought up a doll that he kept hidden next to his bed. It was a stuffed boy doll that he said he had slept with as long as he could remember. He told me that he snuggled with it, kissed it, talked to it and considered it as a live boy. He told me that he had always loved hat doll and couldn't sleep without him.

He told me that he felt that he was crazy for those feelings. I told him that I didn't think that he was crazy and, again, I watched myself ask Billy that if he was a girl, would I be his boyfriend.

He told me in a quiet, even voice that he had dreamed that we were boyfriend and girlfriend the night after we had met and then had thought about it all day.

I was speechless for several minutes. I looked at him and realized that he was as beautiful and pretty as his sister, Shirley. I told him that if he was a girl that I would want him to be mine, too. The tears came again.

I went over and kissed him again. He put his arms around my neck and held me to him again. My head was spinning.

We stayed like that for several minutes and then the bedroom door opened and his mother came in, stopped in her tracks, then came over and looked at Billy and asked what was wrong.

I softly told her that he wanted so badly to go outside and walk around with me and that he had felt so bad that he started crying and I had gone over to try to make him feel better.

She put her arms around me and said that I was a godsend for Billy and that she loved me like her own. She got all teared up and went out. We could hear her crying from the kitchen.

I told Billy that she wouldn't have felt that if she had known the true story. He promptly kissed me in a long and resolved manner and told me that he really was a girl and that he hoped that I had meant what I said.

I told him that he was as pretty as Shirley and that I was glad that he was a girl. I decided then and there that I would treat him like a girl from then on.

I instantly began thinking of him as her and it made perfect sense to me. I told her that my mother had a girl cousin named Billie, and that that would make it easy for me to still call her Billie.

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about what we would do if she could come outside with me and we talked about what it would be like to grow up and be married.

It was then that a big smile came on my face. She asked why and I told her that I had just thought of something. She demanded to know what and I told her that I would have to think about it for a while.

I was remembering what it had felt like the first time Cecilia had put my little tool in her mouth and sucked it so hard. It occurred to me that it would make her feel as good as it had to me?.. If I did it to her!

I determined that I would have to approach this concept carefully and slowly. I had already begun to accept that I wanted her as my girlfriend; I just was having problems with the logistics of the situation.

Even at 8, I had heard of "Queers" who liked to take the clothes off boys and play with their little tools. I even heard rumors of them cutting them off and keeping them.

Queers had a nasty reputation among young boys, and were to be avoided at all costs.

I was considering taking off Billie's pink panties and playing with her little tool. It haunted me to think that I might be a Queer! I considered that I had done sex with two other girls, and was lusting after Billie's sister just this day.

It terrified me that I was beginning to replace Shirley with Billie in my lusting fantasy. What the Hell was happening with me? (!!) Worse, even was that I was aware of all of this and still doing it!

I was alternating between running from my instinctive fears and of wanting very badly to have Billie as my girlfriend and have sex with her and show her how good it felt.

I actually believe that the thing that finally set my mind was that, somehow Billy was really "Billie" and that even though I didn't understand how that was possible, I felt it my duty to be her boyfriend and she my girlfriend because she was so definitely sure that she was, indeed, a girl, and I was the only other person who knew it.

She needed me because I understood and accepted her. I knew that we could and would have a complete understanding of our relationship as being both completely different from the norm, but perfectly right for us.

Pretty damned heavy for 8 year olds to process!

We did talk about it until we were comfortable, and then enjoyed each other's companionship to the fullest.

I told Billie that I wanted to show her something that I had discovered and that she was going to really like. I told her to ask her mom if she could invite me to spend the night at her house.

She got up and walked out to the kitchen and came back in seconds with a huge smile. Mom said yes!

That night I introduced her to the joys of being in bed with your boyfriend who wanted you to feel that which is only felt only by lovers.

Miss Billie was instantly hooked on sex!

It took several months of intense effort, but I finally gave her the same glorious feelings that I had grown so accustomed to. Her first "dry" orgasm lasted far longer than any I had experienced (she was a girl and orgasmed as a girl!)

She could do another soon after, like a girl. I was amazed. Having a boy tool, she understood exactly what to do to a boy. She was way better than either of my first two girlfriends in satisfying me. She also slept in my arms like a girl should. It was so perfectly natural to be with her.

I must relate that her doctor reported that her Rheumatic Fever symptoms had started to improve. Her mother told him about me and he said that he could only say that the companionship seemed to be working where Medicine wasn't.

He asked that I come in on her next visit. I agreed to, but was terrified of our feelings being discovered. Well, he talked with me and her mom and suggested that I take her out for short (15 minute) walks once a day for a week, then two daily, morning and afternoon, and come back in a month.

Billie was beside herself with happiness. We walked as soon as we got back to their house. She held my hand as we walked and people who knew her were impressed with her being out walking. She was quick to tell that she was so weak that she had to hold my hand for support.

We would sit out on their porch steps with me behind her and her on the next step down. She would lean back into me as I pointed out things to her with my arms around her.

Their house was on the side of a small hill and the view was terrific. We sat and looked for hours. We were never suspected of being anything but the best of friends.

I was never anything but masculine, physically, and rode my bicycle; played baseball (never softball) and no one ever thought that I would have been in love with a boy. I was, though, very much in love with Billie, who was not a boy but did have boy body parts.

We led charmed lives together.

Billie and I played and loved together until we were 13. It was the happiest 5 years of my life! We took each other's cherry when we were 12. I started wet orgasms and Billie saw how much more intense they were and tried to make me do it all day long.

Every time we were away from people she had me in her mouth. About 3 or 4 months after I started having them, I finally had success making her do it.

She gave me about a teaspoon and nearly fainted!

It was the first time that I had ever tasted cum, but I loved it. I heard boys talking about guys doing it in other guys' rear end and immediately thought of Cecilia and Lynn. I heard that it felt like going into a girl and just had to find out.

I told Billie what I had heard and after she had thought about it decided that she wanted me to try it on her. I could hardly wait. OH, it was so good! It was so tight, so hot and so sexy that I orgasmed in about 5 minutes. It was totally unlike anything that I had ever felt. I did her in the "missionary" way and feeling inside her and watching her face as I did it made me know that I was so in love with her that my heart ached.

I asked her if she was ready to try it and she asked if it was OK with me. She said that she had always heard that girls should be done and not doing. I told her that if it felt one tenth as good to her as it had to me, that I knew that she would be willing to be, at least a Tom Boy.

She decided to try it after I teased her about being a Tom Boy and she loved it! One thing that I found out was that her little 3 ? inches stimulated me into orgasm (by massaging my prostate, I learned later).

I felt like a girl myself when she made me shoot without touching my tool!

I know that I hurt her the first time I went in her, but she never complained. At twelve I had 5 inches, but I was much larger around than the other boys that I saw in the locker room.

We knew nothing about lubrication other than that you were supposed to spit on it before putting it in. I did, but I had a little difficulty getting into her small orifice the first time.

As small as she was, it is a wonder that I didn't rip her open. I mentioned it to her later and she said that when she felt it hurt, she somehow relaxed completely and then I just popped in. She said that it was so amazing to feel that I had made her into a real girl that nothing else mattered.

I so loved that girl! She loved to have me in her but asked me to please make sure that she got some of my cum before or soon after. I really liked to taste hers, too, but not as much as she did mine.

I always loved to feel her squirt from her little tool. It was so small that I could have it all in my mouth including her balls and still have space available. She never shot hers; it just sort of dribbled out of her cute little tool. I reasoned that it was because of the slow ejaculation that she had such long girly orgasms.

I was in a conundrum in that I loved to fuck her as a girl should be, but then I missed having her cum in my mouth. I frequently caught hers in my hand and then licked it off and swallowed it.

Fortunately, being 12 year olds, there was never a shortage and we were both satiated with no problems.

Billie recovered from her Rheumatic Fever enough to only have to be in bed for sleep (unless I was there with her, LOL) but still not able to go to school. I took her with me a few times when we had parties, plays, holiday programs and the like.

All the teachers knew the story of our friendship and that I had guided her through her schoolwork since the first days of our knowing each other. I was regarded as a minor hero by most teachers as a result of Billie making really good grades.

They would be spinning in their graves if they knew the true story. They considered us as brothers and despite her beauty, never imagined our real story.

It was pretty well understood that she was not masculine because she was so frail. I think that was part of it, but I knew that she wasn't masculine because she wasn't a boy!

The summer that we were 13, Billie's dad got a better job in Pennsylvania, much closer to their West Virginia family than Alabama, I am afraid. I still think of her but we never renewed our association. So sad!

To finish my 8-14 chapter of life, I must say that I felt lost without my love, Billie. I had guys that I had grown up with as friends and began to renew those close friendships.

I had some guilt over having been so in love with Billie, since she came in a boy package (Aghhh, that pun was so terrible and yet so accurate. I am ashamed of my bad self for saying that. Billie, please forgive me, Sweet Girl).

The fact is, I had developed the habit of sucking her off, swallowing her product as well as being quite pleasurably penetrated by her adorable 3 ? inch clit, anally on a regular basis. I know that she is a girl, but no one else does. I thus felt guilty of being some type of Queer, the truth notwithstanding.

I was delighted to learn that all of my buds had discovered masturbation, dick sucking, mutual masturbation and anal intercourse.

It was made clear that regardless of the fact that most of those activities fell into the realm of homosexuality, they were excused because of being so exquisitely and addictively pleasurable to the sexual equipment of post pubescent boys with insatiable libidos and curiosities.

"We only do these things because we need to learn how to proceed with the fucking of girls," was the cover story.

As soon as I became aware of these well concealed and illicit proceedings, I expressed an inquiring interest in finding out just what I had been missing. I was shepherded into the den of iniquities and welcomed by all.

I was able to ask enough questions to determine the sum total of the knowledge at hand. I was offered the same reciprocal exchanges that were extant within the group. I thoroughly enjoyed being sucked to completion, having several anal resources available for usage, three short dicks with the ability to give me comfortable prostate massage ejaculations, two or three that were experts at giving hand jobs and a couple that had very tasty cum.

I quickly invented some orgy-type arrangements such as me being fucked by a boy with a desirably short tool while being sucked by a gentle kid and me sucking one of the ones with tasty cum. I liked that arrangement as a gap filler while I searched for another girl to enjoy.

I never was able to connect with another girl and when I was 14 we moved to another town.

I decided that I could "clear my record" and not have anything but "normal and straight" girls from then on because I had such difficulty evading the discovery of my homosexual encounters with Billie and then the bad boys. I was going to start a new life!!

Part 4: "My Teen Life And Beyond"

OK. When I was 14, we moved to a town about 50 miles from Birmingham, one which I had been through several times but never visited. I sort of liked the concept of a much smaller area of the community, yet being still available to the Big City.

As I indicated at the end of Part 3 of this series, I had decided to return to the realm of "Straight, Heterosexual, Physical Girl-oriented" sexual activities when we moved. I felt that even if I did find another cute and pretty boy, I was not going to subject myself to the possibility of being discovered as a "Boy Lover".

I never really had thought of myself as such, but having spent 5 years in love with a kid that had only boy physical parts I did understand that I was probably not your everyday quite masculine All American Boy!

I had never enjoyed a relationship for that length of time with kids with girl parts, those being about 3 years and 2 years, respectively.

I actually never thought about any one of the three being better than the others. It was just a three part love experience with three distinctly different partners in my mind.

I will say that I found my first true love feelings with Billy and will never, ever, forget that.

Well, the first day of school in the new city, I met a girl who had also transferred from Birmingham. She came over and introduced herself and we got acquainted.

It turned out that she was a year older than me, owing to a childhood illness that put her a year behind in school. I liked her, but wasn't turned on by her.

While we were talking, her brother came over and she introduced us. (OH, Hell.......she was beautiful!) She was so effeminate that I almost didn't shake hands.

Anyway, she was very nice and pleasant and I almost decided to not follow the path that I had chosen after all. Damn, she was cute and witty, smart, slim, curly haired........ Bahhhhhh! ........ Just what I needed!

I had a very strong urge to take her hand and find a hidden place and ravish her body! I couldn't understand why I was being subjected to this........ This was Jr. High School!!....... The absolutely WORST place for a masculine boy to find an irresistibly girly young boy.

I am ashamed to report that although we did become good friends, we never had a sexual episode. She was Gay and so effeminate that there was no doubt in anyone's mind that she was.

I really had to discipline myself in this regard. How I was able to do it, I'll never know. We are still friends and I have never told her about my sexual history.

I am ashamed of my decision, but in that era homosexuality was NOT cool and NOT acceptable. For some incomprehensible reason, no one ever made derogatory remarks about our friendship. In retrospect, I now wish that I had elected to have a torrid and ridiculously intense affair with her. OH, WELL!!

For the entire 5 years of Jr. and Sr. High School I had one date, the younger sister of an across-the-street neighbor who told me beforehand that she would not do anything but enjoy my company. Well, she had HER chance, only once.

The reason for my not dating was, simply, that I never found a girl that I wanted to date and who wanted to date me. I did have a few encounters with one girl in the Photography Darkroom. She, basically, seduced me and I was so horny that I acceded with no resistance.

She was great at what she did and was pretty nice looking. I told her that I really enjoyed her and that I hoped that we could have a relationship. She said that she enjoyed me, too, but that she was only looking for sexual gratification and if I didn't mind her being with other boys also, that we could certainly maintain a relationship.

She especially liked our second fling when I gave her oral attention. She had amazingly long orgasms which put her out of commission for about half an hour, but she insisted that I continue to mine before she conked out. One Saturday we spent about 4 hours of great sex, and having 3 orgasms each.

As much as she liked my oral work, she would not suck me to orgasm because she preferred me inside her when I got mine. That suited me well because I love to be sucked but I also prefer to have my orgasms inside a girl. ("Nympho"??)

I've never really been inclined to suck "boy-boys", but love to give oral attention to girls. I did, however, like to suck the little tool of Billy and taste her sweet juice. After Billy moved away there were 2 or 3 boys that I "experimented" with that I did suck off a few times, so If I ever did do any "Gay" activities, I suppose that "playing" with those boys might qualify. None of them were actually girls so I still consider it "Experimenting", but I don't mind if anyone else considers it "Gay", really. Frankly, if I were Gay or Bi, I wouldn't mind that either.

I finally realized one day that my cowardly outlook on and guilt about my sexuality was totally and completely wrong!

I am not Gay, nor have I ever been. I just prefer female sexual partners, and it doesn't matter to me what physical equipment she has, if I am attracted to her sexually, then I will adapt to the physicality.

I am also definitely within the minority of guys who always want the girl to orgasm either before or at the same time that I have mine. I have always delighted in participating in the cause of female pleasures.

I don't understand why some (maybe most) men don't enjoy satisfying their women as much as I do. I spend most of my time assuring my partner's utmost sexual satisfaction.

Now, I do realize that some women don't achieve an orgasm the first time with a new partner. I know that some have never and may never be brought to orgasm.

I have encountered a few of the latter and quite a few more of the former. I have always made it a project to correct that deficiency with a steady and determined effort on my part. I insist that I work as hard as I can to bring it about.

It's such a shame for a woman to not have an orgasm. I feel badly inadequate if I fail to accomplish my mission. I just love sex with women.

I have not had sex with a male bodied woman since I was 33. It has just not happened. To tell the honest truth, I sometimes miss little 3-4 inch boi-tools to play with and the last girl that I was with had a raging 3 incher that nearly choked me with the amount of juice that she produced.

She said that it had been nearly a year since she had had sex and guessed that she had stored it up, LOL! She was sweet and we only had a very short relationship, but it was HOT!

I have always felt attracted to girls, some because of their physical beauty, some because of their higher intelligence, some because of their apparent differences (I knew a 5 year old pretty and cute little girl who had inch-long brown hair on her arms and legs.)

We were in kindergarten together and I was smitten by her at first sight. To hide the copious amount of hair she wore blouse tops that were almost tight around her neck and had close fitted arms and long skirts that came down to her shoes.

Since she was always so dressed, and I so fascinated, I was always on the watch for views of her other than just her arms. It was thus that I discovered her legs. I immediately realized that she must be covered with long hair all over.

She lived in a one story house with bushes and trees close around, and being the determined boy that I was, I was impelled to sneak up, find her room and wait.

I was rewarded with a close up view of my first hirsute girl NAKED! I was instantly infatuated with her. That girl had more pubic hair at age 5 than most of the rest of the women that I have ever seen since. It was proportionately longer than the hair on her stomach.

Her vulva lips were not discernible through that thatch. I dreamed of lying naked with her and stroking her body, snuggling and holding her for many years.

I met her again when we were about 24 and she still had the arm hair, but now shaved her legs. She was married and sensed that I was disappointed. She told me that she had had a "crush" on me from kindergarten but had been too shy to show it.

She had always been very friendly with me. I admitted to her that, as a kid I had such a major crush on her that I couldn't even carry on a conversation with her because of my shyness (which was true, even though I was active with Cecilia. Go figure!)

I would have not been able to speak a lucid word to her. Then, as we talked, she caught me ogling her arms and asked me if that was the reason that I had never really talked with her.

I hesitated and then told her that I had become enthralled with her arms and legs, which along with her very pretty face made her extremely desirable to me.

She said that if I had seen the rest of her body that I would have been extremely turned OFF! I then told her that I had a "what-if" for her. She smiled at me and told me to ask. I said, "What if I had seen your legs?" She asked how I could have. I said that it could have been persistence.

She looked at me with a funny expression on her face and asked why I would have had such an interest and I told her that her arm hair fascinated me and that I had finally gotten a look at her legs one day during nap time. She was flattered to hear that I liked what I saw.

She hadn't dated much because of her condition and had met a guy when she was 20 who had more hair than she and she sort of let him know and he couldn't wait to see. She said that he was the first person other than family and doctors that had ever seen the rest of her body. She caught my smile and asked what was so funny.

I told her that I hoped that she would forgive me, but that I had seen her naked when we were 5 or 6. She looked at me with disbelief, then said that I could have never seen her naked. I said, "Well, what if I had and had liked very much what I saw?" She told me that that would also flatter her, but that I could not have possibly seen her naked, but thanked me for my effort to make her feel good.

I then confessed to her that I had, in fact, peeped through her window and watched her undress to complete nakedness and would have done it again but was too afraid of being discovered so did not. I told her that she was the most beautiful girl that I had ever seen and that I dreamed about her many times.

She said that she didn't believe me and I told her that I could still see her standing in front of her mirror brushing her hair and described the room. I apologized again for being such a terrible kid. (I also failed to tell her about the hurting of my little stiff penis as a result of seeing her naked!)

She put her arms around me and told me that she had dreamed of me holding her and kissing her many times and wished that she had discovered me that night.

I told her that I had preferred hairy girls ever since.

(Can you say "Bushhairs"?)

She told me that I had made her day. I told her that if she ever got single.. (She interrupted me and told me that she would hunt me down immediately if that happened). I am still waiting.

I know that some of you will think that I am a complete idiot with my perceptions and conclusions, and I do understand your viewpoint.

Remember, please, that I had major guilt from my association with and love of Billy and that it took a long time for me to rationalize my true inner feelings.

I have now been happily married to a younger woman for a long time and as long as it works I will still be with my girl with girl parts, but, God forbid, if I find myself single again, I will, again, be an Equal Opportunity Lover!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

How many other 'straight' guys are out there who will admit that they have or would have no problems with male physical bodies of their women? I mean using all of the same ways, orally, manually, speech and/or other aspects that you would administer to a female-bodied woman to a male-bodied woman. Do you see the woman inside and treat the body as one, too? I fear that there are not enough of us out here that do.

Transgendered people are who they are and can't change it any more than anyone else can.

Please be realistic about this even if you choose to not to have a relation with them.

Thank you so much for reading this!

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