My Italian Roots

By Lambodara

Published on Mar 15, 2023


My Italian Roots Chapter 3

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and are in no way meant to portray anyone in real life. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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Capitolo Tre

`Al Dente'

The medieval village of Pacentro is beautiful under any circumstances but touring it while under the influence of an infatuation makes it all the more so. Our tour seems to have no order, just zigzagging back and forth to different sights. First, we go to one of the oldest buildings in the town, originally called the Church of the Trinity -- now known as Chiesa di San Marcello. It was started around 1047. Next, we went to the peasant's house to see how people used to live in the olden times. There were only two rooms, one housed the eating and living area and kitchen with a huge fireplace, the other a simple bedroom. No bathroom, no running water, no electricity. They worked from before daybreak till after dark in the fields. Last of all, we went to the castello and climbed the tower to the top for views of the surrounding area. There weren't many people out and we were the only ones at the top of the tower. I stood by the wall and looked out over the land and Paolo stood behind me, in contact with me from the waist down. I could feel his lumpy parts against my butt, and it was causing a reaction in the front of my pants. I turned and was met with his lips on mine presenting me with a passionate kiss. Being surrounded by all the beauty of this place I let myself go for a few minutes and returned the kiss as well as he gave it. When we finally broke apart there was a wet spot on the front of his pants. I suggested we continue with our tour of the villages.

Second stop was the village of Anversa degli Abruzzi. It was getting close to lunch time, so we found a small bar and restaurant. Paolo ordered for us and we had arrosto misto with polenta and some wine. As the level of the wine went down, my desire for Paolo went up. I enjoyed walking the old town, but I began to think what we could be doing if we were back at home, especially if Tom and Mia were still gone. I think Paolo was thinking along the same lines. As we were walking, he suggested we go to L'Aquila, it was over an hour away. I mentioned that would put us coming back on mountain roads after dark.

"We could spend the night there" he said in his broken English, raising one eyebrow. I tried my best to say no, I promise, but he looked so cute and desperate I gave in.

"Si, Andiamo!" I tell him. Standing by the bike I call Tom and tell him that the tour is taking us to L'Aquila, and we've decided to be safe and stay the night there instead of chancing the curvy roads at night. He says that Paolo is an expert rider, and we shouldn't have a problem. I feel like he's just doing this to aggravate me, so I ignore him and just say "We'll see you tomorrow". After a long ride we ended up at the Hotel La Compagnie del Viaggiatore. Paolo went in to book the room and I waited outside with butterflies in my stomach. I followed him up to the second floor and he opened the door. The room had one king sized bed. I looked at the clock nervously and asked if we were going to see any of the town today. Paolo nodded no and pointed to the bed. I, of course, turned red; big surprise, right? He pulled the curtains closed and turned on the small lamp beside the bed, then began taking off his clothes. I wanted to be coy, but I also wanted to sample his salciccia. I sighed and started dropping pieces of my own clothes onto a nearby chair. I looked at him and said one of the first Italian words I'd memorized "pompino". He smiled and gave me a big thumbs up. I kicked off my shoes and pulled my jeans free from my feet and stood there in just my underpants. Paolo was the same except he was wearing my missing underwear; he gave me a look like he was daring me to point it out and then he climbed onto the bed. I guessed the plan was for us to undress each other the rest of the way. I got on the bed and tried to think of the words to tell him I was a virgin. Well, not entirely, but the most I'd ever done was rushed mutual handjobs in a bathroom at school, stuff like that. I think he got the point; he was very gentle and moved slow. He leaned over and sucked on the bottom of my earlobe. I know it sounds funny, but it was one of the most erotic sensations I've had, his stubble rubbing my face contrasted with the soft wet tongue; I found myself stricken with goosebumps and a tingling crotch. His fingertip just barely touched my nipple as it circled lighter than a feather. The poor thing was pointed and hard as a rock, just the way my cock was becoming. He moved down and took it into his mouth, his tongue replacing the finger. My entire body started shaking as the back of his fingers lightly brushed the trail of hair that runs from my chest downward into my straining underpants. His hand stopped there and turned over so that his palm was lying just above my waistband. I felt a small pulse and hot wetness of precum was running down my shaft into the waiting nest of hair below.

Up until this point, I had not touched him but that was about to change. I turned on my side, dislodging his hand and started to suck on his neck just at the base of his hair while my hand made its way to his navel where I swirled a finger in the copious hair there. He let out a little moan and I pulled back and covered his mouth with mine. Our tongues wrestled for a long time as our hands explored each other's bodies. Paolo was the first to take it farther. I felt his fingers pulling on my waistband and I kind of lifted up so he could take away the last piece of cloth in the way. He slid down and took me in his mouth, pushing my foreskin back with his lips. As his nose began to touch my pubes, I lost control and started cumming uncontrollably. He backed off and caught it in his mouth, savoring it like expensive champagne. Once my shaking stopped, I went down on him like a man on a mission. I used my imagination as to what would feel good and wormed my tongue under his foreskin and swirled it around his head. He stopped me long enough to pull the underpants off and fling them at a chair. I pulled off and sucked in one of his balls, then the other. I could feel him shaking. I grabbed his dick, which I quickly figured out was thicker than mine, and started to pump it. My face was only a few inches away, he still had the residual smell of yesterday's jack-0ff session clinging to him. I felt it when he started to stiffen, and I dove back onto his cock just as his juices started flying. I received a pretty good mouthful before he was done. I swallowed some of it and rose to lay beside him again. He rolled toward me to kiss, and I pushed some of his own cum back into his mouth. We kissed for a while and fell asleep holding each other.

We woke about 8 o'clock in the evening, both of us starving. We put our clothes back on and went to find something to eat. A lot of places were closed but we found a little place called Ju Boss, with good food and drinks and the prices weren't terrible. We enjoyed our meal, and an extra glass of wine afterwards; the atmosphere there was great. After leaving we walked around the town for a little bit enjoying the architecture until the chill in the air became a little much and we went back to the hotel. The food and wine had both of us sleepy again, so we stripped to our undies and went to bed; this time to sleep on purpose.

I guess you could call the way we looked `sheepish' when we walked into the family house in Introdacqua. Tom and Mia gave each other a knowing look and smiled.

"Shut up" I said.

"Nobody said anything" Tom said.

"I can hear your thoughts" I told him. Tom burst out laughing. Mia snorted. Yes, she actually snorted.

Paolo took my hand and pulled me up the kitchen steps to the second floor so we could get showered up and more presentable; this time we shared a shower. I turned to get the shampoo and felt his once again hard tube slide up the valley of my ass cheeks. I gave him the no-no finger motion and lathered up my hair. Yes, I know what he wants, and I think I want it too, but I just can't figure out how something that big can fit through an opening so small. The biggest thing that's ever gone there is my finger and my fingers are about a third the thickness of his dick, if not less. I tell him we'll talk about that later. He asks me to wash his hair and I giggle when I see the big purple bruise right at his hairline. No wonder they were giving us the look downstairs. After he rinses his hair, I rub the body wash into the hair on his back and let my hand `accidentally' go between his cheeks and one of my fingers `accidentally' brush across his hole. I expect him to jump, but instead he pushes back like he's trying to get the finger inside. I jerk away and he laughs and rinses off. We dry each other off and then I go into my room to get dressed in fresh clothes.

Mia likes to cook a big dinner on Sunday, and I've been bugging her to teach me some authentic recipes, so she and I end up in the kitchen while Paolo and Tom have some soccer game on TV that neither seem to have much interest in. I see Paolo buried in his phone and Tom is reading a magazine. The extent of my Italian cooking at home had been jar sauce and dried pasta. Mia started off with olive oil in the pan, real Italian olive oil. She crushed a clove of garlic and put it in the oil whole and let it infuse the oil with garlic flavor. Next was the real tomato puree, she showed me the ingredient list on the can -- it read `tomato puree' as the only ingredient. She poured that in and picked a few fresh basil leaves from a plant in the windowsill and put the lid on partially so it could cook. Then she made homemade pasta to go with it or rather, had me do it. I kneaded the flour mixture and then rolled it out and cut it per her instructions while she got a pot of water boiling on the stove. I made such a mess with the flour she ran me out of the kitchen while she finished up. I went in and sat by Paolo, and he let out a heavy sigh.

"What's the matter?" I ask.

"I have to work tomorrow" he says, looking at me with sad puppy eyes.

"At least you have work" I tell him, "I still need to find a job."

"You should come with me to Pescara. More jobs there" he says.

"But I like it here" I say. He pulls up something that looks like an Italian version of Indeed on his phone and hands it to me. I type Introdacqua into the search bar and it comes back with only 3 local job listings. Since I'm not qualified to teach Spanish as a private tutor to Italian children, that left a bar job and a janitor. Out of the three, I decided to read more about the job in the bar. It appears to be something like a manager or operator position. From what I could understand, you would work directly for the manager and be in charge of making sure everything was running properly. I handed it to Tom and asked what he thought about it.

"Have you ever worked in food service?" he asked.

"No" I said.

"Looks like you're out then, he is wanting someone with at least 5 years managing restaurant operations" he said.

I took the phone and handed it back to Paolo.

"Maybe you should try to get one of those work from home customer service jobs" Tom said. "A lot of the US companies use people all over the world. All you need is a good internet connection." He pulled up a site on his phone and handed it to me. About halfway down the page I found a listing by an Italian company looking for remote Apple technical support, flexible hours, good pay rate. I decided to apply but stopped to ask Tom about the local internet service. He said it was gigabyte speed, so I proceeded to post my application. I asked mostly rhetorically, where could I make myself an office. That's when Tom told me what he and Mia were talking about at dinner the other night. They were halfway kidding but now, maybe not. He said the back side of the palazzo, the two upper floors are separate from the rest of the house. There is even a separate entrance opening onto stairs leading directly up to the apartment. At one time it would be used for visitors, and it would probably need to be updated, but he and Mia thought that maybe if things worked out with me and Paolo, we could move into it as our own home. I was excited and wanted to go look at it, but Tom put me off until after dinner. I asked Paolo about it, but he said he hasn't been in there in a long time, but he remembers it has a private roof terrace. That made it even more interesting. Mia walked in to tell us dinner was ready and overheard the last part of the conversation and added that it had a small cantina space that might hold a small car or at least a pair of motorbikes.

As much as I enjoy Mia's cooking, I found myself rushing to get done with dinner so I could explore this apartment. After we were done, Mia found us the keys and Paolo and I went to check it out while Tom and her did the dishes. To get to the entrance of the apartment we had to walk outside and around the house through the small road/alleyway beside it. The entrance door was on the opposite side of the palazzo on a different street. It was one of those old classic Italian double doors where you only usually use the right-hand side. We unlocked the door and went in but it there was no power. Paolo ran back around to ask about it and Mia said he would have to go into the cantina and turn the breakers on. She ended up having to show us where the box was located but once we turned it on, we proceeded with our tour.

Immediately inside the door we are faced with either a stairway or an entrance to the small cantina. The stairs are marble, kind of a cream color. We close the door and go up to the landing. There are two rooms on this level, one which functioned as a soggiorno/living room and the other was the kitchen. There was another space between them that was big enough we agreed it could be made into at least a powder room. Up a second flight of steps were two bedrooms. The one that backed up to the main house was a little smaller. It might make a good home office, and the master bedroom across the hall was a very good size. Both had beautifully decorated tile floors, the designs were kind of old, but I would keep them if it were up to me. Inside the master bedroom a door in one corner led to another set of stairs that we follow up to the rooftop terrace. It's seen a little wear but could easily be restored and it had a great view of the mountains.

We start back down the stairs when I feel my phone vibrate; the screen says I had a new mail message. It is an email asking me to complete an aptitude test for the job. We go down and return to the main house and I go to my room to use the iPad to complete the test. It's all straightforward to me at least, but then, I'm a nerd. It takes me about a half hour to complete, then I head back downstairs and into an ongoing conversation.

"Do you think there will be any problem with your parents? They were the main ones to use the guest house lately" Tom asks Mia.

"They can stay here with us when they visit. Paolo's room will be quite nice for them" she says, "besides, young lovers need their own space."

I'm beginning to hate the color red as I feel the blood travel to my face and neck again. I'm quickly distracted from that when my phone rings to let me know I'll be called for an interview tomorrow at 9:00 o'clock. I tell her thanks, hang up and then tell everybody the news. We all have our fingers crossed.

Paolo and I start upstairs, and I ask him "Io stiamo prendendo troppo in fretta?" (Are we taking it too fast?)

"I don't think we take it fast enough" he whispers, before kissing me at the door to my bedroom and then going into his.

Lambodara 3/9/23

La construzione di un amore, spezza la vene delie mani...

Next: Chapter 4

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