My Jc

By Really Bigdreamer

Published on Sep 12, 2001


Disclaimer: Don't read this if you find m/m stuff offensive, are underage, or this is illegal where you are. Also, I am in no way connected with NSync, this is fiction and not meant to imply anything.

Author's Note: I'm sorry that the story is a day late, but I was so taken aback by the horrific events of yesterday's (Tuesday's) attacks that I did nothing for most of the day other than watch the news. One of my friends was supposed to be taking a tour of the World Trade Center yesterday, but thankfully she didn't plan on going until the afternoon and was spared, though she did see the events unfold. My heart goes out to all who have lost family and friends in this tragedy, I've prayed for you and will continue to do so. I hope that those responsible will be brought to justice, and I (for the first time) fully support President Bush and whatever means that he takes find and punish these freaks. RBD

Please send all feedback:

Chapter 11:

As I began to pull myself out of a long peaceful sleep my eyes began to focus on the clock that sat next to my bed. I let out a small yawn as I finally realized that it read 10:02, which is a little late for me. I don't care though, my schedule for today is clear...I think...I hope so anyway, I'll be able to spend some time with Josh for a change.

Speaking of which, I could feel his hot breath blowing against the back of my neck with every breath he exhaled. I was lying on my left side, as was he, our bodies press together, and my back up tight against his chest and abdomen. His arms were wrapped my waist, I could only imagine that his left arm, which was pinned between me and the bed, must have been numb.

Then I noticed that he blowing playing on the back of my head, I could feel how his breath traced around in circles through my hair and I smiled. How cute, could this guy be any sweeter? He's probably been awake for a while just lying there blowing playing at my hair waiting for me to wake up...

"Josh?" I whispered.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, did I wake you up?" he said sincerely.

"No, did it all on my own," I joked as I rolled over and looked him in the eyes. Oh, those perfect blue eyes, how could anyone resist being absorbed into them? "How long you been awake?"

"About an hour," he smiled. God, there's something else that I couldn't resist: that perfect smile of his. It always had a hint of mischief in it and always kind and caring at same time.

"What is it with you?" I thought out loud, not that I meant to...

"What?" he asked confused.

"I...uh...I just can't seem to find anything wrong with you, everything you do wrong turns out to be me over-speculating...then..." I tried to explain what I was feeling, " just prove again and again that you're perfect."

At that he actually laughed out loud.

"Are you laughing at me?" I asked.



"I am far from perfect."

"What are your imperfections?"

"Well, I constantly worry that the rest of the guys are gonna find out and that they won't accept me for it. I worry that the press will find out. I worry that this might not work out...and...and I worry that I'm starting to fall in love with you and that...that if this doesn't work out, what am I gonna do with myself...and..."

He loves me? He loves me. He LOVES me. HE loves ME. HE LOVES ME! Oh my God...

He continued on and on about his worries, but I leaned in while he was going on and kissed him, tongues wrapping around one another. He couldn't talk now and hopefully he wouldn't worry with an answer like that.

"I...I...Josh...I think..." I stammered with the words as our kiss broke, I'd never said this to anyone before, "...I think I'm falling in love with you too..."

He leaned forward and we kissed again. My tongue massaged the inside of his mouth as he ran his fingers through my soft hair. The kiss broke after a moment then started again. As the second kiss broke we searched each other's eyes for a moment.

"I'm ready..." I said seductively, trying not to crack a smile.

"For what?" he asked rather excitedly.

"To get some breakfast, I'm starving," I smiled widely as I got out of bed and headed towards the kitchen. A few minutes later Josh walked into the kitchen, still wearing my boxers, the ones he had put on after we made love yesterday. I was wearing my usual night garb: boxers, which happened to belong to Josh, and a white-beater. Josh was simply wearing my boxers, showing off his incredible chest.

"What are gonna have?" Josh said as he took a seat on the counter.

"Well, I usually don't eat breakfast, but I'm really hungry this morning..." I said I rummaged through the refrigerator. "I have eggs and some sausage, there's some bread over there. We could have eggs, sausage, and toast or I have some of the single serving boxes of cereal or I could make some pancakes, I think I have pancake mix somewhere."

"I'm not exactly a great cook, Mike," Josh smiled slightly embarrassed, "so I guess the cereal will be fine, what kinds do you have?"

"All the crappy kinds," I answered, which was true. I'm not a big cereal eater so I buy the small single-serving boxes that come all together, but I eat all the good kinds and leave the other ones, usually taking them to the homeless people on the street. "Go watch TV, I'll make us something good." I gave him a wink as he hopped down from the counter and headed into the living room without an argument.

In a few minutes time I had bread in the toaster, eggs on the stove, sausage in another pan on the stove, and pancakes in yet another pan. I rummaged quickly through the fridge and found something to drink.

"All ready," I called in about twenty minutes and he came out to see the spread before us.

"Wow..." he sighed. Before him sat two eggs, two toast, four small sausages, and two pancakes with a small glass of orange juice and a small glass of milk. "It looks like a TV commercial for breakfast food..." he laughed as he sat and noticed what I was eating. "This is all for me?"

"Yeah, I didn't know what you wanted to drink so I gave you both," I smiled, "I don't like eggs and didn't want any of the other stuff, so I made that for you." I said as I sat down with a plate that had a cut up apple, a peeled and cut orange, some grapes, a few strawberries, a little granola, and a banana with a glass of spring water. "Plus, I'm a health freak and like to eat good."

"If you don't like eggs why exactly do you have them?" he asked as he began to eat.

"In case I bake something," I said as he began to laugh. "What?"

"You bake?"

"Listen, just because I'm a megastar with four multi-platinum records, one of which is kicking your band's ass on the charts might I add, and seven, yes seven, number one hits, compared to your one, and six hit movies along with co-founding a multimedia entertainment industry means that I can't have a domestic life and do simple chores?" I pretended to be offended.

"Braggart," he laughed and I joined in.

"Well, I try..."

"Are you worried about the Emmys?" he asked, which surprised me.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you starred in that one made for TV movie, which was a major hit and now you're nominated for an Emmy, aren't you nervous?"

"No..." I trailed off, though I was.

"You could be like the first person to win the four big awards!" he exclaimed. "How can you NOT be worried?"

"Four big awards?"

"A Grammy, an Oscar, an Emmy, and a Tony!" he said as he gulped down a swig of orange juice. "Everyone's talking about it I mean everyone! Don't tell me you don't think about it! You've won a couple Grammy Awards, you just won a Tony Award for that thing on Broadway you did not too long ago, and now you're nominated for an Emmy! All the critics say you're a good actor, and you've won Golden Globe a while back, so you'll probably win an Academy Award at some point in your career..."

"Oh my God..." I sighed, "I'm so sick of hearing about this. You sound like a reporter! And no I won't be the first to win the `four big awards', if I do win them all I'll be the fifth to do so."

"So, you could be one of five people to EVER do that!"

"Can we please stay away from our careers for the moment?"

"You brought it up, bragger," he laughed.

"Well, I just want to have a normal breakfast conversation, not about Oscars and Emmys, or Tonys or Susies or Robbies either..." I laughed as I ate a strawberry. "You know...strawberries are supposed to be an aphrodisiac." I said as I licked my lips...

Again, my heart goes out to those touched by this tragedy.

Chapter 12 will be sent in on Friday (posted Saturday) as usual. RBD

Next: Chapter 12

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