My Jc

By Really Bigdreamer

Published on Sep 29, 2001


Disclaimer: Don't read this if you are underage, find m/m material offensive, or this is illegal where you are. Also, this is complete fiction and not meant to imply anything about the members of NSync or anyone else mentioned.

Author's Note:

As you may have read in the author's notes posted in the past two chapters I'm ending "My JC" and taking a break from writing for an extended period of time. I don't know when I'll start writing again, or if when I do start writing again it'll be this story. I hope to come back to really soon. I know I said I may end it with Chapter 16, but this is it folks. This is the end of "My JC". I hope you've enjoyed the ride. I know I have. I'd love to hear what you've thought of the story thus far so make my day and e-mail me:

Chapter 15:

"Ok, Michael, you're up," the producer said as he headed towards me. You're probably wondering what he produces, well he's the producer of the MTV VMAs, which I'm scheduled to perform once the ceremony begins.

Well, I got up and did the number, flawlessly except for a burst of the pyrotechnics that was a little late, but that wasn't my fault. I sat down huffing after the quick number, the dancers headed back to their original seats as well. JC came over and sat down next to me.

"It's gonna be a great performance," he said with a smile.

"I know," I replied. I struggled not to give him a peck on the cheek after such a nice complement, but I was able to withhold myself.

After a few moment of chitchatting he called up to the stage to do his performance, then headed back down and sat next to me again.

"So, you guys are back on for the Michael Jackson thing?" I asked.

"Yeah, Chris and I worked through our problems," he answered.

"That's good to hear," I replied. I caught a glimpse of Justin and Britney snuggling out of the corner of my eye. "Rumor has it that they're engaged."

"Uh-huh," JC replied, not saying whether or not he knew if they were true. He became distant for a second, "I can't stand the fact that we can't do that here."

"Well everyone," the producer gathered us around him, interrupting us for the moment, "that's it for the dress rehearsal, see you all tonight for the real thing."

"Where do you wanna go now?" I asked.


"We could go get some lunch before getting ready for tonight," Britney said as she and Justin caught up to us.

"Alright, that's if you want to Mike," Josh replied.

"Fine by me, I know this fabulous Chinese place..." I started to say.

"I'm already on overload from Chinese, babe," Josh said without thinking.

"Babe?" Britney asked with a giggle.

"Uh, how's about we just meet at the Olive Garden for some Italian, alright?" Justin recommended as he pulled Britney away from us. Josh and I nodded in agreement.

"Sorry, it slipped," Josh said as he turned to me.

"It's ok, just one less person we'll have to lie to, right?" I joked halfheartedly.

"Right," he smiled back.

-Four hours later-

I walked down the red carpet, Jackie, my date for the night, in tow. Jackie has played the part of my date for most public affairs, she's been a friend of mine for years and is among the few that knows. I was ushered from one cameraman and reporter to another, then another. It never seemed to end. Finally I made it to the entrance, immediately parting ways with Jackie. She knew where I was headed.

"You're late," Nick said as I entered the dressing room.

"Too many goddamn people working the red carpet, sorry," I said as I began to tear off the tux I had on. He handed me a gray and black suit, especially designed for tonight's performance, and a brown robe that I slipped on over it. We were immediately rushed backstage as the stage manager called four minutes to live. Damn, we were late. I noticed Joey and Greg, my back-up singers, Greg had been my college roommate before I left college to pursue my career, a wise choice.

"Hey, Mikey," Greg said with smile. I looked around, counting heads to make sure everyone was here. Me, Greg, Joey, and the eleven dancers (including Nick) were all present and wearing the long brown robes.

"Hey," I smiled back as the stage manager told us that the lights were going down, meaning it was time to take our places, damn I'm always scared just before this. Finally we were all in place and I heard the stage manager counting down.

The lights began to swirl around, smoke surrounding us. The lights and smoke worked together, giving off an eerie look to the stage, only allowing people to see the brown monk-like robes that we were all wearing as we writhed on the stage, moving in tortured jerks. Greg, Joey, and I began to chant the opening words to `My Religion', the title track to my current CD, but we mumbled them always changing tempo and volume as the background music stayed constant. The stage now appeared haunted and I could hear people scream as our chants became more and clearer, finally they could understand us and the place erupted in applause.

"Oh my God, you're a disgrace, an outcast, now and forever, we can't change their stubborn ways..." we chanted the final words to first verse as the fans were turned on and the smoke quickly left the stage, the dancers gathered around me and lifted me into the air, the music stopping as I sang...

"Welcome to my religion..."

Immediately the music changed, the tempo increased dramatically and before we even finished the first chorus of My Religion' it gave way to my current hit, the second single from the CD, To the Max'. We began to pound out the rigid dance moves perfectly with the beats and I noticed one of the dancers screw up a minor move from the corner of my eye, I'd made a note of it and reminded myself to reprimand him afterwards.

Finally we tore off the brown robes, revealing the businessman-like suits underneath as we continued to dance the complex choreography. The crowd screamed and cheered as seven female dancers joined me, Greg, Joey, and the four male dancers on stage. As choreographed the men grabbed a woman and forced her to the ground, thrusting her head into our crotches. It wasn't rehearsed like this because MTV wouldn't let me do it, but I told the dancers we'd practice without but actually do it the night of the show.

The crowd erupted again at the pretend blowjobs before we yanked them to their feet and I began to belt out the song. The choreography was complex, rigid, almost militaristic, and we loved it. Finally the number ended simply when I threw my arms into the air as I shouted the final words and they went wild.

I headed backstage sweaty and headed back to my dressing room and changed before heading to my seat.

Finally it was NSync's turn to perform and I went wild. It ended with Michael Jackson taking the stage with them and I had to restrain myself from laughing at him, all those facelifts made him look like something, well, something not quite human. After that we hit a few of the after show parties, but more importantly I was proud of my JC, he took home quite a few awards.

Well, that's it, folks. The end for now. Remember to e-mail me: Thanx for reading, RBD ;)

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