My Jockboy

By Asd Vasd

Published on Aug 2, 2023


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My new pet's trance was very deep. The intensity of his hands-free orgasm had made him quite relaxed, and of course he was an excellent candidate for hypnosis to start with. My mind raced with all of the possible triggers I could insert now. But first I reinforced his current commands. I carefully boosted his confidence, his charisma, and made him even more personable, all things that would help him at work and make him feel good about his life and about hypnosis. Then I went back and reinforced his unshakeable trust in me, and the command not to cum without my permission. I spent a long time constructing a burning desire to please.

Then I considered other commands to introduce. I could make him perpetually uncomfortable while wearing clothes? Increase his libedo tenfold? Give him an urge to get fucked? No. I decided to keep his mind uncluttered. His need to please me would serve perfectly. It would be much more confusing for him, and entertaining for me, if he did everything I wanted just to make me happy.

I woke my pet from his trance. "How do you feel, Jockboy?"

"Very good. Sorry, very good Master. Thank you."

"Your performance just now was quite hot. Look what you did to me." I slid my pants down, revealing my erection.

"Would you like me to help you with that Master?"

In response to his stupid question, I grabbed his ear and dragged him towards my cock. He took to his new task eagerly, if not skillfully. He remembered the basics, but not all of the instructions I had given him previously. He would need more training in that regard, but right now I was impatient. I shoved his face down on my crotch, making him gag. I could feel him start to panic as my cock filled his throat.

"Shhhh, trust me. Calm down and breathe through your nose." I felt him calm and relax. I started to slowly move his head up and down on my shaft, hitting the back of his mouth on each stroke.

"Good boy." I felt his own cock start to stiffen again and poke my leg. Michael started to reach down and play with himself. "No! This is my time. Hands behind your head." He obeyed quickly, and his obedience turned me on. I started thrusting into his mouth faster and faster, hearing him gag involuntarily on each stroke. Finally, I felt the orgasm rise inside of me and pour out deep inside Michael's throat. I didn't even need to tell him to swallow.

I took my wilting cock out of his mouth. It left with a pop as he tried to get the last drops from me. I rested his head on my leg. I could still feel his boner up against my leg.

"I bet you would like permission to cum now, wouldn't you Jockboy?"

"Very much so Master!"

"I'm sorry Jockboy, but the answer is no. You've already cum today. I don't think it would be good for you to cum too often. No more than once or twice a week from here on out."

Michael's looked confused. "But I usually cum every day at least!"

"Exactly, and look at how you felt? No, less is more Michael. You'll feel much better with fewer orgasms. Just look at the last few weeks. Plus, this way, the ones you do get are much more intense."

"I guess that's true."

"But most importantly, I think it is very hot to keep my pet horny."

Michael smiled. "Then I am happy you can control when I cum Master."

"And of course, you won't ever feel pussy again, or get a blowjob. You won't even masturbate any more. You will only cum by my hand, or hands-free like you did earlier." Michael's eyes bugged out as he considered what he was losing. "Having my pet under my control like that makes me so turned on. It makes them so cute. And that's what you want, right?"

Michael wrinkled his forehead, deep in thought. I could tell that giving up sex with women hadn't occurred to him yet. He was enjoying this new sensation, his new position in life. He truly enjoyed pleasing me and that had been the only thing on his mind lately. But now the thought of what he was losing was giving him pause. .

"You don't have to be my pet Michael. I can let you go if that's what you want. It's a tradeoff, but it is your decision."

The threat of losing me helped him think more quickly. "Yes Master, I want to be your pet Master."

"Good boy."

He tensed and grinded his cock against my leg again like a dog.

"Now, let's get you dressed. We both have some work to do. But I'll be seeing you soon, to be sure."

I brought Michael back over to my every night. We talked about his day, and how much better his life was now that he was benefiting from my `hypnotherapy'. Then I would put him under briefly, reinforce my commands, and maybe tweak some things to help him with his everyday life. Then the fun would begin.

I kept him fully clothed each night while he practiced sucking my cock. He was a slow learner, but very eager. It wasn't as if the blowjobs were bad, but they weren't at the level of a dedicated cocksucker. I decided a punishment and a reward were in order. One night, after a flawed, but particularly valiant effort on his part, I decided on a game.

"Come on, Jockboy, why don't we go work out together? Go get ready, I have something to get ready" I gathered up some supplies and made a few preparations before we got in the car together.

I worked out next to him for the better part of an hour. Anyone could tell he was nervous and distracted. I'm sure he thought I was going to make him suck me off in the locker room. Maybe someday, but not today. I had a different brand of fun for today.

Even with my jockboy's nerves though, I couldn't hope to keep up with his exercise regime. He threw himself into his routine wholeheartedly. This was what he was really good at, and the effects showed. His pecs were pronounced and well-formed. His abs divine, obliques inviting. He finished his routine glistening is sweat, his fur matted down. He headed to the showers.

I put a hand on his shoulder. "One minute Michael. Put these on." I handed him a pair of bluetooth, swimming headphones. He put them on suspiciously. I just smiled and sent him on his way to the showers.

I watched as he disrobed and stepped under the water. The second the water hit his fair skin, I hit play on my phone.

"Good boy. Good boy! Good boy." The loop playing in his ears and the effect was immediate. His cock sprang up in an instant. "Don't touch yourself, be a good boy. Keep showering. Good boy." To his credit, he did his best to keep showering as if nothing strange was happening. He grew quite crimson, but no one had noticed anything awry just yet. He lathered up quickly, and started to rinse, trying to get this over with. I switched to track two.

"You have permission to cum now, as long as the water is running. Good boy. Keep showering. Good boy. Be a good boy and cum for me now. Good boy! Good boy!"

Michael looked around. He started pretending to shampoo his hair. Parts of him couldn't stop twitching in pleasure though, making his muscular body jerk unpredictably under the water. Despite himself, he let out a few short grunts. His behavior was starting to draw some attention. He started having trouble controlling his hands. He rubbed them on his thighs, clearly wanting to wrap his hands around his thick meaty cock and squeeze out his juice. But he obeyed the recording and resisted the urge. Michael crossed his arms firmly, sticking his hands inside his armpits. His face and chest were flush, from arousal as much as embarrassment. He thrust his hips into the air involuntarily while the recording built to a crescendo. "Good boy! Good boy! Good boy! Good boy!" Michael strangled back a growl as his load dribbled out of his cock and was instantly washed away by the water.

I almost applauded. Looking around the room, I wasn't the only one to enjoy the show.

As soon as the the orgasm subsided, Michael rushed out of the shower threw on his clothes and left. Not the ideal reaction. I took my time showering myself. When I left, I found my pet waiting for me loyally outside the front door, leaning against a trash can. He leaned down to me and whispered in my ear, "Thank you for that Master." I smiled and gave him a kiss before taking his hand and pulling him towards the car. He wore a goofy grin the entire ride home.

It took another week of nightly lessons, but eventually he learned how to give a perfect blowjob, and he learned to stop asking about when he would get to cum. He was finally ready.

The next night, I didn't call to `invite' him over. I showed up at his place instead. His porch was spartan, free of almost all decoration since his girlfriend had left him. The only thing on the porch was a single rock. I don't choose a pet for their brilliant mind. I opened the fake rock and added the spare key to my keychain before letting myself in.

Michael was on the floor doing situps while watching TV. He jumped up, started by my entrance. .

"Don't worry Jockboy, it's just me. This is my key now, by the way. You may want to get a new spare."

"How did you find the key?" He asked, genuinely confused. I ignored the question and looked around his house. The interior was as barren as the porch. The furnishings were adequate, if utilitarian, but obviously his girlfriend had taken everything else. The walls were bare, tables empty except for a few pieces of stray clutter. Empty house, empty mind.

"I have a reward for you Jockboy. Get naked for me so I can give it to you. And if you're very good tonight, I think I'll let you have an orgasm."

That motivated him and his excitement easily wiped away his confusion. He quickly stripped out of his clothes, leaving them in a rumpled heap on the floor next to him.

"No Jockboy. You have to treat your things better. Fold those clothes and put them on the table here. As he bent over to comply, I admired his ass. The hours that he spent working on it were not wasted.

"Full display for me, boy. Hands behind head, legs apart." He complied instantly. I took my gift from my bag. A very fancy (and not inexpensive) collar with a silver dog tag inscribed with `Michael "Jockboy" Wallace', and my contact information, just in case he got lost. I closed it around his neck, and kissed him on the cheek. "Now you're really my pet."

"Thank you Master."

"From now on, whenever you're alone, or alone with me, you should always be naked and wearing this. That's how a pet lives."

"I will Master. Thank you."

"Good boy!" I said, playfully rubbing his furry abs. My hands followed his trail of fur down. I wrapped my hand around his cock and balls and gave a gentle tug. "This way my pet." I pulled him behind me as I guided us towards his bedroom, feeling the blood flow to his penis increase with every step. He kept his pose the entire way. I stood him by his bed and continued exploring his body with my hands.

I continued to let my hands explore his body. "Have you ever had anything up your ass before Jockboy?"

"No! I'm straight!" Even he saw the absurdity of that statement coming from the lips that had spent the last week becoming intimately familiar with my dick. "I mean, no Master."

"I'm going to fuck you tonight, my pet. I think I remember you saying you liked it rough?" Michael blushed, remembering how he used to fuck the shit out of his girlfriends, now imagining himself on the other side. "But don't worry Jockboy, I'll be gentle for you, just this once."

"I . . . Master, I don't know about this."

"Trust me Jockboy, you'll enjoy this very much. I suspect this will be your most intense orgasm ever." I pulled Michel down for a long hard kiss. We hadn't made out before like this. I used his stunned silence to push him back onto the sofa. I climbed on top of him and continued to kiss him, holding his hands above his head.

"Keep your hands right there, touching your collar at all times. Do you understand Jockboy?"

"Yes Master."

I leaned over to fetch the lube out of my bag. I applied a generous amount to his hole and started running my finger around the rim. I could see him wincing. "Stop pretending pet, nothing is even in there yet." He relaxed his face, and soon, his hole as well. I took the opportunity to slowly but firmly insert my finger. He let out a small yelp. It was adorable coming from such a large and muscular man. I moved a second finger in and started exploring his interior. It didn't take long to find the places he enjoyed. He hadn't cum in a week, so his prostate was hard to miss. The second I started massaging it, his cock started leaking, and Michael started a low grunting. His mouth still showed the grimace of pain, but his eyes were relaxed, revealing his true pleasure.

While tickling his prostate, I moved by other hand to his cock. I spat on it and played with the head gently rubbing my thumb around the rim of his head. Michael's grunting became a low moan and he rocked from side to side, torn between trying to escape or embrace the intensity.

That was enough foreplay. I put more lube on both of us, and parked my cock next to his hole, leaving it there. I leaned over and nibbled on my pet's ear before moving in for a kiss. As my tongue invaded his mouth, I started pushing my manhood up inside him. His eyes opened wide as I entered him. I could see him trying to think how this had happened to him, and wondering why he was enjoying it.

"You are so tight, so fucking hot. Good boy." I could feel him moan into my mouth. I kept moving at a glacial, but unrelenting speed until I my entire cock was inside him.

"That's all of it. You can relax now boy."

I started pumping in and out of him, still going at a gentle, introductory pace. Michael was being very good, keeping his hands clasped to his collar even though I could see his cock straining. I always think loyalty like that deserves a reward. I wrapped my hand around his fat cock. My fingers could barely close around it's impressive girth. My hand traveled up and down his shaft, mimicking the sensation I was feeling of his ass on my own dick..

"Thank you Master" Michael moaned gratefully.

"Doesn't this feel good Jockboy?"

"It's very intense Master. I haven't felt anything like this."

"Don't be coy. Tell me how much you like this. If you don't like it, I can stop and go home."

That seemed to bypass his pride. "Please don't stop. I love it Master."

"Don't stop what, Jockboy?"

"Don't stop fucking my ass Master!"

"Tell me your three favorite things about me fucking your ass Jockboy."

"It feels so good inside me. I didn't know my ass could feel good Master. I like feeling close to you Master. I like seeing your face and seeing how good this makes you feel Master."

"Good boy!" I could feel the effect of his trigger inside his ass. He closed his eyes, getting lost in the pleasure. His breathing synched with my thrusts, each exhale ending in a soft grunt.

I picked up speed and started pounding him hard. He was moving himself towards me, trying to match my thrusts. I could feel him start to tense up. I wasn't sure how much longer my hypnosis skills could hold him in check.

"I'm getting close Jockboy. You can cum with me. Look me in the eyes and when you see me start to cum, you can as well."

Michael couldn't even form words, he just looked at me with soft pleading eyes, desperately examining my face to find his permission. His grunts had turned into a soft, near constant moan of pleasure and longing. It wasn't long before I started to cum. Michael sensed it immediately. His unrestrained moans raised in volume and pitch as I felt his ass spasm rhythmically on my cock. My hand continued squeezing his dick as it throbbed, his load spilling out, forming a thick white pool on his furry chest as I shot my own load deep inside him,

As I softened inside him, I milked the last few drops of cum from his dick, enjoying him squirm as I played with his sensitive head. Then I climbed up on him and gave him a deep, long kiss.

"You did a good job my pet. Now you really belong to me."

"Thank you Master. Thank you so much. For everything. I didn't know I could feel this good. I love being with you and being your pet Master. I'm not sure what my life would be like without your help."

"Shhhh," I put my finger on his lips to quiet him. I think we're both pretty tuckered out now Jockboy. I'm going to sleep here tonight. Now that I have a key, I might sleep here quite often."

I curled up next to him, putting my head on his chest, a perfect pillow, and closed my eyes. My Jockboy still had his hands on his collar, even as he fell asleep himself. Loyalty like that deserves to be rewarded. But that could wait until morning.

To be continued. As always, tell me what you think. I enjoy your appreciation and feedback. I can be reached at I have also started cross-posting my work at if you want to take a look at my stories all in one place.

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